What is going on with my stomach, puts things in perspective and St. George Marathon Training Week #15

But first a few of our normal random things…

-These two doggies are with us at all times these days. 

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-Chilled on the porch with my parents.   My mom is doing really well—> She is resting a lot and they are still testing her heart out to see if that caused the stroke in her eye.  

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-A friend brought Brooke a homemade oreo and just like a normal oreo—>  she just ate the center.

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-This post from Runners Connect is SOOOOOOO true (well, minus the beer part for me;)

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-A few people have asked me about my boots lately—>  another one of my fall staples (this post has all of the links to my favorite fall clothes/boots).  You can get these boots HERE!!!!

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The main staple of my diet the last two days (the wedding food on Friday night almost killed me off): 

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Let’s rewind to approximately 6.5 years ago:

I was sick all day, every day for a few weeks.  I was nauseated and bloated all of the time.  We went into the doctor and I did all of the tests and they told me I had IBS.  I took the medicine for awhile, life got less stressful (that is the biggest contributor for my IBS flares) and I got better.  I have had some minor flare ups over the years but nothing bad at all.  The last few weeks have felt IDENTICAL (I have felt nauseated pretty much all day long lately) to the last big flare up and so I went into the doctor.  They gave me the prescription again and I am hoping it kicks in ASAP.  It is tricky because I have to keep my food extremely simple (especially no dairy…), and most things make me feel really nauseated so I am pretty weak——>  all of this happening while I should be carb loading.    There has been a lot of stress in my life lately (my mom especially, a break-up and other life stuff) and I think that is what really flared it up. 

How I felt after a very short run last week:

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It’s interesting because I think normally I would be F.R.E.A.K.I.N.G. out about the current situation so close to my marathon.  I’ve worked hard, I’ve got some big goals, I have somehow managed to stay injury free but there is a chance my body will not be nice to me on race day.  This would usually cause me a lot of worry leading up to the race but honestly after last week when my mom had her stroke…. I am reminded again that running is just running.  I love it and always will but it really is just a thing I do.  My mom’s health scare helped me to reprioritize everything again.  I am hoping that I feel back to normal by Saturday and I am going to stay positive and push myself to the limits but if the stars don’t align… it’s okay.   It’s just running and I’m just really beyond grateful that my mom is doing better.  

I think our minds and bodies are extremely connected so I am going to continue to take my mom’s advice and smile every time that I think about the race—>  just did:)  

Training Week #15!!!

Monday:  7 miles @ 7:20 average with three tempo miles in there averaging around a 6:42.

Tuesday:  4.4 miles @ 7:56 average pace.

Wednesday:  8 miles @ 7:30 pace with 10 x 45 second strides @ 6:00 pace.

Thursday:  5 miles @ 8:06 average pace.

Friday:   3 miles on the treadmill @ 8:34 average pace.

Saturday:  10 miles @ 7:08 average pace.   This workout was supposed to be a lot faster but I could not get going because of the nausea.

Sunday:  Off!

37.4 miles total!!


How was your running last week?  Best run?  Hardest run?

Ever had any similar stomach/intestinal issues?  Is stress a contributor for you?  

What was the best part about your weekend?

Any foods/food groups that your body doesn’t love?


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I’ve had IBS my whole life and marathon training definitely stresses my body enough to aggravate it, along with life stress in general. Less sugar and ultimately a paleo diet has really helped. Also low FODMAP has helped. My system is very sensitive!


100% agree! have had IBS my whole life but ever since I started following low FODMAP diet and eliminating as much processed food as possible I noticed a huge improvement!


Yup, I’ve definitely dealt with it. That is actually why I am able to run on a treadmill now. I got really sick and couldn’t get far away from a bathroom, so if I wanted to run, it had to be inside! Sending some prayers your way that you’re feeling back to 100% on Saturday!

My older sister and her husband were in town this weekend, it was nice to see them!

Nothing specific that I can’t have, but I feel better when I eat less junk and less processed foods.


I’m a treadmill runner for the same reasons. The stress of the outdoor and official runs (w portapotties) add more ammunition to cause me to flare up.

I’ve accepted that I’m more suited for a “treadmill runner” status because of my IBS.
(Removing gluten has also helped)


Gluten hasn’t made a difference in mine. So far no luck pinpointing the issues! I’m lucky that it isn’t all the time so I can run outdoors, but I don’t mind the treadmill at all at this point, so I’m totally fine doing treadmill runs too!


My body definitely does not handle stress well. I end up looking like a teenage boy with breakouts and stomach issues on top of it.

My best run was my 10 miler on Saturday!


I’m so sorry you felt so rough last week!!
Best run: long run
Worst run: My recovery run on Sunday (hello lead legs)
My stomach typically feels sick after hard workouts.
Weekend highlight: quality time at home with my husband. :)
I really want to love Indian food, but my stomach disagrees.


Ah, that Runners Connect graphic is SPOT ON!

I’m sorry you’ve had a IBS flare up at this time, but at least you have a week to try and get it under control and it didn’t flare up the night before the race. I am celiac and didn’t know it for a long time. The night before my first half marathon I ate pasta and well … that was really bad times! At least you know what you can do to make yourself feel better before race day!


In April I got a stomach bug on Thursday before my goal half on Sunday. After 24 hours of throwing up and not being able to eat much after that I considered skipping the race. But I went and somehow ended up beating my goal time by over a minute and running a 4 minute PR. Fingers crossed you feel amazing on Saturday morning!


Love your perspective! It’s just running–it’s a huge part of your life, but it’s not your whole life. I think you’re SO ready to ROCK St. George!

My body can’t handle spicy foods. And I’ve had similar stomach issues. Stress and my sleeping patterns are pretty big contributors.

Best part of my weekend was my Saturday run at the lake and then finding a new place to live in two months!! I also hung out with my parents a lot this weekend, which was nice.


I have a sensitive stomach as well, especially during the height of training. I don’t eat dairy except yogurt and occasionally low lactose cheese (the cultures make them easier to digest), skip beans near a race, avoid processes foods, and cut back on sugar. I hope you feel better by the race!


I’ve had stomach issues my whole life, ultimately leading to a celiac diagnosis 8 years ago. This past week I’ve had crazy pains and bloating, which have made runs tough! So sorry to hear you are going through it too. Everything “seems” to go wrong during taper, but sometimes that leads to an unexpected and welcome race. Hope today is better!


You got this! Sorry to hear, but that medicine will
Kick in and you’ll be unstoppable! And in the meantime… Bagels are pretty phenomenal.


I have Crohn’s disease so I can absolutely
Relate to your stomach issues. Stress is a huge contributor to my flare ups! I actually take Imodium before every race just in case.

I hope you start feeling better soon and your mom continues to recovery well’

My hardest run was my longest rim ever– 18 miles!!


I get really bad nausea during runs..particularly races. I’m guessing it has to do with race day nerves. It’s so frustrating because I know that I can run faster, but my body is telling me “NO!!”. I hope you can get your stomach under control!

Best part of my weekend was going on a hike with my fiance and dog! We visited a huge state park in PA that has lots of rapids and waterfalls. So gorgeous!


Your attitude is what is going to not only make you reach your marathon goal but crush it! Your positiveness (is that a world lol) is contagious and I appreciate it. We all can use these reminders. Have a great day!!


word not world


Stress is so amazing in the ways it can present itself. I think you have a great mindset and you will be able to reach your goals, no matter how you feel. I do hope that you feel better though ASAP! Feeling like that is the worst.


Oh man, Janae I am so sorry to hear about all your stomach issues, and everything else that happened to you and your family.
I had similar stomach problems last year, and the doctor prescribed me a diet based on bananas, potatoes and rice. I felt better within days!


I’m so sorry to hear about your stomach issues so close to your race! It sounds like you’re doing all you can do to stay positive, keep smiling! :)

My best friend has similar stomach issues (especially lactose intolerance), and just started her own lactose-free ice cream company this past year called Minus the Moo. Based out of Boston, she uses REAL dairy products (i.e. cream) and just removes the lactose from them so it doesn’t upset the stomach. It doesn’t use any alternate food sources like soy or coconut… it takes EXACTLY like real ice cream, and is DELICIOUS! Check out her website if you’re interested in keeping ice cream in your diet without feeling sick :)



Stress = migraines and acne. Then the migraines make me want all the carbs, like crackers and toast. Then I get even more tired and wonky from eating all the simple carbs. Ugh!

I hope the meds work quickly for you.


A big hug for all that’s going on in your life right now. Hope you feel better real soon. x


Ugh, yup, i’m on the IBS train. Did all the tests, but no real diagnosis and no real medication that has helped yet. It flares up and down, but unfortunately the more/farther I run the worse it usually gets. For me, anything too fibrous is a disaster: i LOVE salads and they are my absolute enemy. I also stay away from dairy and coffee when I can. Not that I don’t sneak in ice cream if I know I don’t have any big plans that night/next day :-)


Me too on the fiber! The dr always tells me to eat more fiber to help my IBS & I’m like nooooo!


Same with me on the fiber! My doctor also told me to eat more to help with the IBS and it just makes it that much worse. I LOVE salads but they don’t love me :(


I hope you get your tummy sorted! I’m so happy to hear your mom is doing better! The best part of my weekend was hiking with my family! So much fun! Good luck with your training this week!


Diagnosed with IBS when I was 20. Horrible, horrible disease! Thankfully manage it now by avoiding eating lots of gluten+dairy at the same time (i.e. pasta makes my stomach explode.)

Best part of my weekend was having my brother in town to meet my baby!


What a strong and great attitude to have! You’ve got this!!


My body does not handle stress well at all. I have been so fortunate to be able to remove many stressors from my life. I cannot handle dairy, bananas, most of the cabbage family. I still eat them but have to take medicine before hand. I hope you get to feeling better. Sometimes it takes something terrible happening for us to realize how great our lives are. Have a great day


I 100% agree and love your new found perspective I think it is important to set goals and to train hard if your goal is a certain time, but it is so important to keep running in perspective (and can be hard to do). It is challenging, exciting, fun, hard, adrenaline pumping…but at the end of the day, it is just one of the many things that I do….it is just running and there are SO many things that are more important. It has given me so many opportunities and allowed me to meet so many friends, but if I don’t get a certain race time it is not the end of the world and I think it is unhealthy to obsess about it. I am praying for your mom :).
Longest run this week= 22 miles..this was also my hardest. I also threw a 5k in the night before. It was fun, but it made my 22 miler that much harder!


My body has an interesting relationship with dairy. I love cheese and other dairy stuff (except for milk-almond ot soy all the way) but sometimes if I’ve had too much lately or I’m sensitive that day, then I really feel bloated or miserable. Lighter cheeses like goat or feta are usually gone, thank goodness!


I had a pretty good half marathon on Saturday which was my toughest and longest run of the week! I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease last summer which has definitely been difficult to manage. The stress I put on my body with running (even though it makes me happy!) can sometimes send my weak immune system over the edge. Stress is definitely a major contributor for me. Hope you start feeling better soon.


Sending lots of love and a big hug! Hope all gets better quickly!


I also have IBS! Thank you for talking about it on the blog :)


Sending you positive thoughts that your stomach feels better really soon!


My body hates cheese and lots of chocolate. My mouth loves both. But I’ve learned to either allow myself to eat a little at a time, take something with it if I eat lots, or not eat it at all.


Yes, yes, yes, I have had similar stomach issues. At one point in my life it was that way for one solid year. I literally lost the enjoyment of eating, because I did not know how that felt anymore.
Stress biggest contributor, but yes I agree with you dairy is rough during this period, and also anything too rich and junk foodie.


So sorry to hear you’re not feeling well! I hope you feel better soon and I love your perspective!
My stomach also reacts when I am under a lot of stress. Anxiety also tends to do it too.
I had a great 5 mile progression run last week! My worst run had to of been my speed workout on the treadmill. My legs were dead.
Best part of my weekend was a run with my Oiselle teammates along the lake!


It’s amazing the impact stress can have on the body. I hope your belly starts feeling better ASAP and I’m glad to hear your mom is doing well now. I’m still sending all the positive thoughts I can muster up toward you and your family. You’ve worked so so hard, so please, no matter what on Marathon Day, enjoy every single step you take. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you xoxo


Hey there! I got the flu 10 days before my first marathon, and the week leading up to the marathon I was A MESS!! Antibiotics combined with my GERD (similar issues to IBS) really had me not able to fuel properly. Luckily things turned around by Wednesday and really, just a few days of good food gave my body what it needed. It’s amazing how quickly the body can recover. I’m hoping your meds kick in quickly…what do they have you on?

You can read about the recovery I went through the week before the marathon here: http://www.jessrunsatl.com/flu-recovery-before-marathon/

Rest up…you’ve got this!!!!


I’m sorry to hear about all of the Stomach issues Janae! I can only imagine how frustrating that is. Hopefully you are able to get through it and I know you’ll do well at the marathon!


Last month I dealt with a stomach bug that totally affected what I ate for almost 3 weeks! I was eating very bland and mostly plain carbs until I felt better but the process and discomfort was grueling. I don’t have IBS and am certainly not a doctor but I did start taking a probiotic to help me get back to normal and wow, what a difference. I am still taking a probiotic daily and never plan on stopping, such a difference in my digestion and how I feel overall. Maybe that would help? Ask the doctor :)


I had the worst long run on Saturday due to stuff going on in my life. I find that when I am mentally having a rough time, while running feels great, some days it all just weighs me down and I have bad runs. Hope your new medicine kicks in soon!


Hope you’re feeling back to normal soon. I’m very sorry about what your mom and family are going through but I hope everything is on the up and up soon enough!

Great perspective on running and racing. Hoping you hit your goal, but there will always be another race and you’ve got lots of fans/friends that will support you every step of the way. Good luck this week!


I get lots of stomach/GI issues – has always been the case for me, even before running. There are certain foods I just do not eat. Otherwise, I’m in trouble. Last year, I was cramping up during every run – not like “omg, emergency stop!!”, but more just feeling cruddy. Realized that I was chewing gum – most gum has sorbitol in it. So – I cut out anything containing sorbitol and boom, running got so much easier. I still can’t eat certain foods before a big run/need to take care of business before. NYC marathon was a disaster in the GI dept. I did not eat a bagel before taking GU gels and was on my period – that meant spending (no joke) 40 minutes in the portapotties during the marathon. Awful!


Have you been tested for SIBO? It took my docs 7 years to finally test me for it, and after a long road of antibiotics and a strict diet, I feel worlds better. Short term, the diet, etc., is nreally hard, but long term its been worth it.
Stress is definitely a contributor…its worth looking into :)


I also suffer from IBS and like you the symptoms flare in regards to stress, lack of sleep, hormones, etc. A couple things that have helped me was to eliminate caffeine, that seemed to trigger the stress hormones in my body and make it worse. The other thing is taking glutamine, I don’t know what it is in there that helps but it does! and SLEEP!


Oh, I’m sorry about your stomach issues. I don’t get intestinal/stomach issues, but when I get stressed, I lose my appetite completely– to the point where I can’t even force myself to eat when I feel like I’m starving. I’ve gotten down to unhealthy weights a few times over the years because of it. I hope you start feeling better soon with the medication!


My birthday is this week and I’m TOTALLY getting those boots for myself. Huge bummer about IBS. I’ve been experiencing those same symptoms for awhile now, too, and I haven’t received that feedback from my doctors. Thinking I’m going to bring it up in my next appointment. Thanks for talking about all that–I think it really helps people who are going through similar things and can’t figure out why. Hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon.


Ahh sorry your dealing with an angry stomach. I have so been there. I used to not be able to make it through a long run/marathon without having to stop for the bathroom or be in killer pain the whole time. The game changer for me, which I would HIGHLY recommend, is ditching the wheat, dairy, and refined sugar this week. I know wheat is in everything and especially when you should be loading up on all things carbs. But there are plenty of other carb options that will give you the energy you need! Feel free to contact me if you would like any food alternatives to wheat! Good luck!! Really hope your race is everything you have been dreaming it to be!! St. George is my all time favorite race!


IBS is the WORST, and I’m so sorry you’re having a tough time. Stress makes mine worse, for sure. I’ve also found that I can’t take vitamins because they upset my system so much. I went to a more plant-based diet a few years ago, and that has helped A TON. Within days of changing, I felt so much better, which really surprised me. But, I got tired of doctors trying to treat the symptoms without ever being able to tell me the cause of them, you know? I had one doctor who even told me that once I got married, I’d “feel better.” UGH! Anyway, I’m still not married, but I feel a ton better :)


Stress absolutely 100% contributes to my stomach issues. My therapist once asked me where I carry my stress, to point to the part of my body where I feel it and I pointed to my stomach straight away. I don’t get headaches or tight shoulders–it’s all in my stomach. I take Immodium on race day morning. It’s an anti-diarrhea medicine. I have it down to a routine and those meds save my life every race.


I had no idea you had ibs! I have it too. Stress is a huge factor and it will give me horrible horrible cramping. So will insoluble fiber and artificial sweeteners. But these days I’ve got it figured out pretty well. I take Mirilax each morning which has helped a ton also


I had some serious stomach issues the week leading up to my half marathon. Horrible stomach cramps, nothing would stick with me, and I spent 3 nights straight sleeping on the bathroom floor. Some how though I got to that start line and had a huge PR. So I hope that the same will happen for you!


My daughter got engaged on Saturday!!! I’m beyond excited for her. He’s a great guy and I couldn’t be happier. But now… I have a wedding to plan in less than 3 months!! I live in AZ and she’s in Provo at BYU so this could be interesting. I also have major stomach issues, especially when stressed. When I went through my divorce I threw up every day and had the big D for months. Don’t forget to BREATHE. I find yoga helps a ton with stress.
Have a fabulous week!


Prayers that you feel better and get some good rest. Great job keeping things in perspective!!!


You’re absolutely right. Running is just running, and there will always be another marathon. It’s very important to people like us, so I’m not trying to devalue it, but still… sometimes life gets in the way.
I have had IBS for years now. I’ve never tried a prescription drug — is it some kind of anti-spasmodic? I do fiber pills and probiotics, and (sadly) stay away from salads and uncooked veggies.
I have full confidence that your stomach will heal in time for the marathon. Take the taper to really rest, body and mind, and you’ll do just fine.


+1000 to your first paragraph Stacey, thank you! There will always be another race ..but your health and your family comes first.


My best friend reminds me of this all the time…it’s only a race…no matter the outcome you’re still the same wonderful person, mom & friend…always makes me feel good to remember that. We put a lot of stress on ourselves.


… also, thinking of your mom!!


I know you’re getting a ton of IBS advice… But here’s mine. I was put on antibiotics several times too but I left the country for grad school (grad school-stress-Ibs flare) and Canada didnt have the same medication. They gave me Bio-K probiotics. Hospital strength, used to treat C-Dif out breaks. I drank half a bottle twice a day and did great. It’s unlike any other probiotic Ive taken & you can find it in the States. (Also doesnt give nasty side efffects of antibiotics). Oh- & I still eat gluten & dairy…. Its lots of sugar & stress than knock my system outta whack. Good luck.


I did a trail half marathon that was so hilly it nearly killed me. But i did it and felt pretty badass afterward. :)
Glad your mom is feeling better and I can totally relate to the whole health perspective thing. Enjoy your day Saturday no matter the outcome. :)


LOVE your perspective and so, so glad to hear Mom is feeling better! Prayers your way!! :)


Oh girl, I understand the IBS. I’ve had it for years too. Stress is a huge contributing factor. I’m sorry to hear of your recent stress, but those challenges will only make us stronger and when we are stronger we deal much better with stress over time.


Stomach issues are the absolute worst. I hope the meds kick in ASAP! I dealt with terrible stomach ulcers for a few years. Definitely a combination of poor eating habits and high stress. I was on Nexium for a few months and it helped a ton.

I use artificial sweetener (Truvia or Splenda) in my tea/coffee (use 2-4 packets a day depending on how much I’m drinking). I’m pretty sure it’s the worst thing for you so I’m really trying to switch over to regular sugar or honey. A lot harder to break the habit than I thought it’d be!


Hello there!

As a long time reader of my blog, I just wanted to say hi! I am a Psychologist and a big part of my emphasis is working on people who have IBS! You are SO right in regards to the mind-body connection and tying our flareups back to the body’s stress response. Aside from monitoring your diet, our biggest strategy we can use to help manage IBS is stress management and stress reduction. If you ever want more information, I am more than happy to chat. I have personally and now professionally experienced the wrath of IBS. Cheers. Kim


* That should have read “as a long time reader of YOUR blog.” Oopsie!


I have suffered from IBS since I was 13 (I’m 36 now). Stress definitely is a factor. I have also been told that for some reason peppermint, caffeine and nicotine are bad for those people with IBS.

My father had a stroke in May, so I know what you’re going through. Hang in there. Prayers for your mom and your family.


Oh no, IBS is the worst. I agree with the above posters on the FODMAP diet and also adding probiotics (kombucha might be a good idea too). I actually dropped all my Friday night runs this training cycle because the stress of the week all seemed to culminate into horrible runs anyway. Just a thought, but a friend of mine also suffers from stomach migraines (weird but true). If the medication isn’t working maybe look into that? She eats more along the lines of paleo, but for runners that can be hard. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Love that others are having success on low FODMAPs! Made all the difference in my IBS and resultant iron blood levels, and therefore my running! I do miss pizza. . .and donuts. . .and bagels. . .and. . .


What crazy timing! I’m sure I have IBS too, but have managed it pretty well over the years by learning how my body responds to certain foods, etc. Stress definately plays a part, but sometimes, despite all attempts you just have a flareup. YESTERDAY for example… On Saturday I had an awesome 5k where I actually placed. Yesterday, I did my long run and felt great afterwards (13.1) then like 1.5 hours later my stomach freaked out on me and I spent the remainder of the day with spiratic cramps and several random trips to the restroom. Crazy. So… it could have been the back to back hard runs (which felt great at the time) or how that perfectly aligned with my period which started yesterday as well. In any event, it got me wondering about my half marathon two weeks from now which will be followed by another race and then you have that fear that it will happen again.
BUT, we gotta trust that we’re dealing with it now so that our bodies won’t have to deal with it when it really counts.
Trust your training and stick to what’s worked in the past and just try not to stress. I’m sure on race day everything will be fine. We just gotta respond as best we can with what we’re dealt and try to stay calm and as in control as possible.
I’ll be thinking of you on race day. Enjoy your taper and be easy on yourself:)


Big hugs to you, Janae. The IBS sounds awful; I’ve had bad acid reflux over the years and stress is definitely the biggest contributor. I feel like it’s good to control the things you can – like diet, sleep, meditation/prayer/breathing, whatever – and then realize that some things (like your Mom’s stroke) are out of your control and we just have to do our best to roll with it. You sound like you have an awesome perspective. Enjoy every minute of St. George!!


Well, I am glad you went to the doctor and got some medication. Hopefully, you will feel better by marathon time. I cut out dairy and wheat/gluten and it has helped my overall health (I don’t have IBS). But, I have a sensitive stomach and spicy foods bother me now.

I am sorry about your breakup :( A lot happens in the body with your neurotransmitters after a breakup. I lost my dog recently and my body was having none of it. I just wanted to grieve and not run. And, then your sweet mothers eye stroke :( Sometimes life can seem too much, too much pain, too much worry, too much stress etc. In those times you just have to take care of yourself, love yourself, and love those around you.

I was on the treadmill (because it is still too hot and humid outside for me) yesterday. I had an excellent run, one I had not had since my dog passed away. I began thinking about muscle memory from all of the work I had done before hand. Your body has done the work, it has the muscle memory, and I know it is ready. I know you can do it (provided your stomach cooperates). But, if you don’t meet your time goal, none of us will be disappointed in you. You might be disappointed but there is always next time :) We are proud of all of the work you have put in and grateful you have shared your journey with us.


Unsolicited advice: After 9/11 I gave myself an ulcer. I don’t need to go into all the details, let’s just say that the entire event caused a crisis of faith on what I was supposed to be doing in life.

After the testing including an upper GI I learned I had the ulcer. Just knowing the problem was enough for me. I got better almost immediately… Which is kind of silly. Didn’t even take drugs very long. Just knowing is sometimes enough.

So use the idea that you know what the problem is and you know how to solve it and you will be well on your way to success.

Your gonna rock your race. You did the work. Smile and just do it.


Aww I love your positive attitude- and your mom’s advice is pretty perfect, too! :)



Hey- I just wanted to say that I love how much you love your kid. I hope I have that kind of relationship with my daughter if I have one. ?


Sending prayers to your mom!!


I am the queen of MAJOR stomach issues. If you feel nauseated all the time it’s probably more than stress, but whatever they physical ailment is may have been caused by stress. Does that make any sense? -When I am in immediate need of relief from nausea I take charcoal pills (yes, it sounds insane, but they work miracles immediately and have zero side effects). The charcoal wouldn’t work if you had a stomach bug, but if the nausea is caused by fermented or rotten food it will absolutely help (gross thought I know, sorry). Then I also work with a kinesiologist (which I realize also may sound insane, but she is truly a miracle worker). I’m attaching a link to her site so you can have an idea of what it is, but I realize you probably can’t travel to VT before the big race :)
My kinesiolgist has helped me figure out that my stomach will always act up with stress, But that stress is sort of just a trigger for the physical problems that eventually cause the nausea. For me, I tend to have problems with hiatal hernias (very common for runners) and my ileocecal valve and those issues may go undetected until I feel nauseous and bloated 24/7. Anyway, if you could find a reputable kinesiologist I know they could help you out, nausea is a horrible feeling and you should not have to deal with it.


IBS seems like such a common issue these days – especially in runners! I had symptoms during college, but I changed my diet (really had to cut back on caffeine), which seemed to help. I also get flare-ups from stress, so then I’ll cut back on caffeine, sugar, red meat, and dairy. These things, along with alcohol, are hard to digest/cause dehydration, which is a huge factor.

You’ll be fine by the race! Just need to take it easy on your stomach like you’re already doing and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!! :)


Totally thought I was alone with this! I thought it was just anxiety. I would be nauseaus and not able to eat anything. And nothing I do makes the nauseaus go away. Im good now, but it comes in episodes. I should look into IBS.


I found that a low FODMAP diet was extremely helpful during flare ups and staying lactose free. I think your post was head on about true priorities in life and am really glad your mom is doing better , I was planning on doing my first half marathon this sunday but have a terrible flu/alergic reaction that has prevented me from training for a week and as of today I am still not given the ok to run on sunday, but thats ok there will always be a next race.

I hope you know you have the support from a big running community who look forward to your daily posts full of motivation or daily life snippets.

Sending lots of love and support your way, you have been training hard and I am sure it will all pay off and you will be brilliant during your race!


Such a great reminder about perspective and coming back to the basics of why we run. Thank you for sharing. Best of luck to your Mom for a speedy recovery and to you for a speedy race!


Oh Janae! I am so sorry about your IBS. That is The Suck. I have a few family members that have that problem and it doesn’t sound pleasant and they aren’t trying to run a marathon while experiencing it!! I hope the medication helps and things are back to normal for your race. But I love your attitude and you are exactly right! Life goes on. This marathon doesn’t define you. Love your guts. Glad to know your mom is recovering well too. If it doesn’t add more stress to your week, I think we need a good luck/have fun get together/GNO/or lunch before you are on your way to St Geezy.


hi janae! love your blog but don’t comment much. heard this quote while working out this morning and thought of you…

” if your legs are tired, run with your arms. if your arms are tired, run with your heart. ”

you’re going to rock it!


IBS is the worst! I had it for a time of 3-4 years and it was so bad, always at home and in bed and sick..and finally after cutting out all wheat ( not gluten, but wheat and breads ) and white sugar, it healed on its own with no medicine and now when things get stressful, my stomach doesn’t express the stress, neither does my
skin ( acne ) but instead my body expresses stress in a normal way like being tired and needing more sleep to power thru tough stuff. Stress is so hard on the body..take it easy and so glad to hear your mom is doing better..xo h


Oh dear! I’m so sorry to hear about your tummy! I get occasional bowl problems during/after my run. I still haven’t been able to figure out what causes it. I know fatty foods and gluten will play into that so I try to avoid them.

I’m glad your mom is feeling better!

The best part about my weekend was PRing on my first marathon! Haha I know sounds crazy, but now I have an official goal to beat! Woo woo! ?


Great attitude my dear! It’s true, there is no separating the mind and the body! They are together on the journey of life!


ugh IBS that doesnt sound like any fun at all! I hope your medicine works and fast, carb loading is the best part of training for any race :)


Oh man, I haven’t been able to read the blog in a bit due to a health scare with my own mother. She was rushed to the ER with some pretty serious issues but is doing much better now. I am SO happy to hear your mother is doing better as well! It is beyond scary and I am just so thankful that they are both fine.
I’m sorry you’ve been under such stress recently and are dealing with some health problems of your own as well! I will definitely be praying for you to feel 100% and rock that race! Sub-3 or not you are such an inspiring runner to us all!


So glad your mom is doing better! Your totally right about gaining perspective on what truly matters!!
I’m here to tell you that if you started drinking vegan Shakeology every day it would cure your stomach issues! It has been life changing for me!!
Good luck.. I’ve followed all of your training and know how hard you have worked!! I’ll be rooting for you! :)


Lactose is enemy number one for my stomach.
Since going lactose free ( not dairy free) I have no more IBS type issues.


I ALWAYS have to remind myself, during race week, that I run for fun. Nothing else. Just fun. The only pressure I feel is self inflicted. Anyway, I am praying that you feel all better before Saturday and that the doctor’s can give your mom some answers as to what caused the stroke in her eye. Such a relief that she is feeling better!


Well said, running is just running.
For me good health = richness.
But, I think, we have to have goals, make our best to accomplish them, complaining/laughing/sharing/etc. is all part of the game; to learn about life, to mold the character.
And if the game didn’t go as planned, well…there will be another one.
Just enjoy the meantime: the company of good friends, a father who takes care of you in the early morning dark hours, tasty peaches in your mom’s fridge waiting for you:)


I hope you feel better… and continued prayers for your mom and the rest of your family. Stay blessed!


I’m so glad I came across this blog :) I turn 34 this Weds (the 30th) and my goal before my 35th birthday is to complete a 1/2 marathon! I’ve never done one. I can’t even run a mile right now but I’m just starting couch to 5k :) I definitely love reading running blogs because it gives me motivation!! Any advice for a newbie runner?


Oh how it’s all connected, so yes, I’m sure your stress is playing a big part into your symptoms right now. Hope you get better soon! And so glad to hear your Mom is doing alright!


Last year I kept going to the ER for severe abdominal pain. Also sometimes my stomach looks distended (like I am pregnant). I did every possible test and because they couldn’t figure it out, they just said stress+IBS. ….IBS is a catch-all when they can’t figure it out. Moreover, I had been loosely following a gluten-free lifestyle for the past year, so they did say that could have led to a false negative for Celiac… so then last December 30th I went gluten-free (strict) plus taking the blue pills for IBS (basically Bentyl)–it hasn’t been perfect, but I haven’t been in the ER since I went Gluten-Free and never missed a day of work (high school teacher) following the switch. My doctor said clearly following it (and I used the elimination diet to see if anything else was bothering me). Recently I also started taking Essential Enzymes (bought the vegetarian kind from Amazon) and those REALLY REALLY help. If you can dish out the money, I recommend those and also Glutenease (you can’t go eat a loaf of gluten-filled bread, but if you’re strict gf and someone glutens you (usually my relatives do because they mean well, but they use the same dishes/utensils for whatever they tried to make for me–I appreciate the thought but end up sick anyway) then you can take Glutenease to try to help with after-effects).


Omg get off the gluten! Those things in the pic would kill my stomach. I’m not a celiac but serious ibs issues. Getting off gluten helped so much!


I had stomach issues for years and it was all attributed to fake sugars — sucralose (splenda), saccharin, etc. ESPECIALLY SPLENDA. I have been fine every since and that was YEARS ago.

You know your body best – listen to when it gets upset. I gave up gluten for a little while and it did absolutely nothing… I actually feel better with glutenous carbs. Not everyone has a gluten intolerance. Good luck – I wouldn’t be surprised if this fades soon… marathon training, break-ups, and mom being sick would be enough to make my stomach go completely haywire. You’ll do great!

PS: I used to eat an english muffin with pb before a race and yesterday I ate an english muffin with JAM to change it up based on what you’ve shared and I PR’D!!!!


I just wanted to say I love, love, love reading your blog! It’s the first thing I do each morning while I drink my coffee and eat breakfast. I hope you get to the bottom of the stomach issues and feel better soon. It is so frustrating to feel crummy, but you’re such an inspiration and always have a smile on your face!

P.S. I hope everything with your personal life (family, guys, etc) is ok too!



Hoping that things settle down for you and that your mum continues to get better. I can’t imagine the stress you are under at the moment but your comments about perspective were a good reminder for me not to get so caught up in my own activities and goals that I neglect giving some of my time and thoughts to those closest to me.

Smiling will get you over that finish line in a time you will be proud of! xx


Stress definitely plays into my performance. But, I try to remember that running is just something I do for fun- for me- and that seems to help.

I’m sorry your running has been where you would like it to be , but I think you have a great perspective on it and I know you are going to do well with your race! I believe in you!


My perspectives about running have also completely changed since starting medicine. I stress much less about it as I can remind myself that it’s a hobby and there are more important things in life.
Stress is definitely a big IBS trigger, I hope things will go back to normal soon.


I have a friend who has suffered with IBS for years. A few years ago she went gluten free and it has changed her life. She no longer has flair ups and feels 100 times better then she has ever felt years ago.


You have a great attitude about your current situation…that in itself is a victory!
My mom suffered a stroke as well and I recently lost my dad to cancer…I agree that while running is something you love to do….your family and their wellbeing matters most! You will do great no matter what with your outlook on life❤️


So good to here your Mum is doing well. You are right that is the main thing! I hope your stomach chills out and you figure out what sets it off.


You could try the following low fodmap diet from Monash University in Australia.


There is a booklet and an app. My sister has bad IBS (problems with Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and Sugar polyols) and she says she has no symptoms if she sticks to the correct amounts of allowed foods.

I get severe stomach pain from Sugar polyols and use the app and booklet to work out which fruits and vegetables to avoid or eat smaller quantities of.

My sports physician also has IBS and follows a low fodmap diet. Treating IBS with this diet seems to be fairly common in Australia. I think the dieticians give out the booklet from the University.


I am so sorry you have been dealing with this! Sending you good vibes this week that the medicine does it’s job and you are feeling 100% awesome by Saturday.
Milk bothers my stomach – almond or soy milk is a much better option for me.
I am so happy that your Mom is doing much better!!! It does put it all in perspective what the important things in life are.


So sorry you had to deal with all this!

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