Sentence Per Picture!!!!

Met the parents for dinner and had a container of rice because at this point rice and white skinless potatoes are the only things I have found that my stomach handles (I had a piece of toast later on last night and my stomach hated me for it).  

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Brooke was really into the fortune cookies.

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I coveted my mom’s sweet and sour chicken the whole time… the best Chinese dish there ever was.

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Sure love this woman and ps she said her brain is adjusting to the permanent vision loss (in her left eye she has areas of that eye that died) and she no longer notices it as much as when it first happened.

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Brooke was teaching me how I should run on Saturday.

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Drinking water like it is my job.

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Cuddling up on the couch with Brooke while we watch a show before bed (I was in bed by nine…).

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Maybe if we get enough dog stuffed animals she will forgive me for living in an apartment where no dogs are allowed;)

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The packing has begun—>  Going with a bright orange shirt in hopes that it channels my inner speediness.  

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Let’s hope that I am inside by the time it reaches EIGHTY EIGHT DEGREES on Saturday…

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What is your sentence for the day?!?!

Hottest race that you have ever done?

What color do you wear most often when you run?

Who else is a left hander?

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I’m left handed and so is my husband. I think the hottest race at least felt like Boston 2014 although I’ve run in hotter weather. That one was rough!


I agree – Boston 2014 WAS a hot one… I ran Boston in 2012 too – wowser. Definitely 2012 was the hottest race I’ve run!


I like to wear purple when I run!

I’m glad your mom is feeling better! Is the vision loss permanent?


Oops sorry. I saw that you already said it’s permanent!


Hottest race I have done was Boston 2012. It was in the 80s while we were out on the course then. It was not fun! Hopefully the morning is cool and you are done before you ever have to worry about it!

I guess I’ve never noticed what color I wear the most. Black capris almost always. Probably bright yellow top?

Sentence for the day – only four days until Twin Cities Marathon! :)


Dang! It will be hotter there than in Florida on Saturday. That is crazy hot and way hotter than I like to run but I have run a 5K in the 90’s, not fun. Not fun at all.


Sentence for the day:
I’m tired.

Hottest race – since I live in Florida it’s almost every race!


I can write with both hands! I primarily use my right because it’s just easier in this world but I eat with my left hand and do most other things with it too.


So sorry to hear about your mom, but I’m not surprised she’s taking it so well. She’s such an inspiration and always seems so positive!

My first marathon was also my hottest ever. It got up to 90 and humid during the race which was horrible. I’m a lot slower than you so I was out there for quite a while and got a bad sunburn!


Sentence for today: I just really need froyo right now.

The hottest race I’ve ever done was more than 100 degrees. Thank you, Texas summers.

I feel like I wear pink a lot when I race. I’m not sad about that!


My son (1.5) also LOVE stuffed toy dogs – we have about a bazillion of them! <3




Holy cow, 88 degrees! I am sure you will be done and basking in the glow of a sub-3 PR by the time it reaches that though! :)

The hottest race I’ve ever done was the Portland Marathon last year where it hit 82 degrees (with very little shade). My skin was baking by the time I crossed the finish line. Luckily I train in the heat so it didn’t kill me off, but I think if I had trained in a colder area it would have been really tough to finish!


Hottest race was a half marathon in Venice beach where we races on asphalt the whole time… It was awful! You rock your race and be faster than the sun on Saturday!


The hottest race I ever ran was a 5K two years ago. It was in the 90’s and the ambulances were lined up for the half marathon runners.

I tend to wear greens and blues on top and black with orangy accents below. No explanation…it just happens :-)

So glad your Mom is feeling better!


Are your shoes red? Or pink?


They are pink:) I think my camera flash made them look a little red! Hope you have a great day Amanda!


When I ran the Raleigh marathon it got into the 80s…hopefully it will be cooler than that while you are actually running! I have an orange shirt that I love- definitely the brighter the better! Glad your mom is feeling good:)


I just finished 10 miles in the dark rain and it was actually fun thanks to my friends!!!!
Hottest race: Franklin Classic
Color: neon!!


Aw man. My computer is acting up and lost my previous post. Grrrr.
Short version: hottest race was 90 degrees with what felt like 100% humidity at 8am. Luckily it was only a 5k.
And…I’m a left hander!!!


Sentence for the day: PLEASE OH PLEASE LET ME GET INTO BOSTON 2016. I find out today if my time is good enough and I’m basically a nervous wreck. Everyone cross all their fingers and toes for me today!

I’m glad your mom is adjusting and I hope your stomach starts feeling better ASAP. I’m sure the nerves around race day aren’t helping anything (I always get a super upset stomach right before a big race).






Congrats!!! ME TOO!!!!


Congrats! Me THREE!


Congrats! Me too! I couldn’t stop smiling when I found out (in Sam’s club of all places…)




Hottest race I’ve done was just last July in Chicago, the Rock n Roll Half…81 degrees at the start which was at 6:30. Totally miserable.

I love that Nike tank! I just bough some of that same material in a short sleeve and long sleeve version, they had them on clearance on!


My goodness that forecast for race day looks hot and humid! I’ve worn that same bright orange tank (nike, right?) with the light blue distance shorts on an Easter race and I do think wearing overwhelmingly bright colors makes you faster!


I’m so glad your mom is feeling better!
My favorite color for running clothes is pink. So girly and predictable but I like it!
All the race I’ve done have been under 55 degrees. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about the heat- you’ll already have your sub-3 by then!


I don’t have a color I wear most when I run, but on race day, I want a light blue bra and black socks. Don’t ask me why, since you can’t see either one!
Hate to be the one to bring this up, but – have you considered that you may have giardia again? It’s possible that the infection was never totally eradicated, but that your immune system kept it in check. Stress and high-volume training can compromise your immune system, allowing the infection to make itself apparent again.
Either way, I think you’ll do well at your race because you’re tough, but I do hope you’re feeling better soon.


Can I email you? I have some symptoms that are probably TMI for blogworld:)


Of course! I’m not an expert…but I actually work with some of the best tropical medicine doctors and researchers in the country, so I at least have access to experts!


God bless your mom, you and your family!

Hoping your tummy troubles are just from the stress of all that’s going on. Anxiety and stress takes such a toll on our bodies. What a trying time but, way to stay positive through it! God bless!


hey- at least your stomach is handling carbs well, hah! hope you feel better :)

I’m all about the brightly colored running outfits. and shoes.

most of the races in Florida are hot unless its january or february-those are ideal.


I am a lefty!!!! I don’t have a go-to color when I run but I usually end up in pink, running or not running.


My sentence today is “We are already halfway through the week!”

For one of my races this year it was about 76 out, but by the time the race was over and I was home it was roughly 85 or 90. Good thing most races are early in the morning. (That is the only reason I am glad races are in the morning)

I usually have either bright blue or hot pink on during my runs/races.


Hope your stomach holds out for you – and the weather too! I ran Cleveland marathon and it was near 90. We all ran a bit off the road where the trees were shading the side of the road. Not my best race!!
I wear pink mostly.


Rain rain go away!

Hottest was a half in NYC – 90s… But so was the Disney marathon the year I did it.

Hope your stomach feels better soon!


Sentence for the day, prompted by a groin strain: Running withdrawal is REAL.

I’ve never actually done a formal race, but I regularly run 10+ miles here in central Florida, where 80 degrees and 80% humidity is considered cool and dry.

I have many different running shirts, but I think the most unique one is purple. I’m sure I turn a lot more heads around my neighborhood on the days I wear that one… nothing to see, just an 18-year-old dude running 12 miles in a purple shirt.

Right-hander here. I’m boring.


Whoa that is HOT! It’s an early start though, right? I wear a lot of pink. Not necessarily because I like it but because it just sorta happened. I think a lot of clothes are made in white, black or pink so I usually just pick the colour!


My husband’s a lefty. One time he told me left handed people make better lovers haha.

My race is in park city on the 10th. And I really hate the cold. So while you’re hoping to be inside before it hits 88, I’ll be hoping to be inside intil it hits 55. We’ll see.


Good Luck! My first half is this Sunday and the weather is the exact opposite! 50 degrees and lots of rain.


I run a half marathon the last weekend in June every year, and while the temps aren’t record breaking, it is usually 90% humidity which makes it a complete struggle. I always wear black when I race – I’m so boring. Haha.


Running in royal blue and white.

You’re gonna rock your pink/red shoes though.

I ran in 79 degree race with high humidity July 18th. 88 degrees is just scary. Good luck. I already started checking extended forecasts. My race is in 18 days. Silly, I know.

You lost me on the sweet and sour chicken though. Ick. I would prefer Moo Goo Gai Pan, but nothing with that sickly sweet sauce. (My food motto, ‘Meat doesn’t belong with sweet’).


Don’t worry about the temperature – you’ve got an early start. I’m really sorry about the IBS flaring up now but I really feel like you’ve got it this time in terms of mental prep. I’ll be happy to see you finish no matter what the time because it’s great following your journey :)


I have a feeling that my son is going to be a lefty. He uses his right sometimes, but it seems like he’s favoring his left. Love all of Brooke’s animals – I love that she has one lone cat ahha


Getting ready for a 20 miler. That is my sentence for today.

I have run a half marathon in June in Tennessee for the past 3 years…………..not sure which time was the hottest, but they were all pretty intense. The first year may have been the warmest……………at least 75 at the start and around 85 when I finished!

I wear a lot of purple…………..not sure if it is on purpose but I have at least 3 tanks in purple. And I have a lot of purple shorts and bras. It’s a good color!

I’m a righty.


Brooke is definitely going to be a runner!

I have ran in 90+ degree temps since August because I am coaching my xc team and we run in the afternoons. It took a bit to acclimate and it still sucks, but it sure does make those nice cool early runs feel amazing!

I love wearing bright stuff when I run :)

I am a lefty :)


where did you get that amazing grey/white chevron bag?!


Hey!! I got it from being my friend’s brides maid. I will ask her:) Hope you are having a great day Sage!


Hottest race was the Spartan Sprint this past Sunday in Temecula, CA. It was 97F and sunny when we ran. Definitely needed my Camelback for the 4.5 mile race. For those that don’t know; a Spartan sprint is 3-5 miles of steep hill running, interlaced with 20 obstacles that you have to get through. If you can’t do the obstacles, you have to do 30 burpees. It’s intense!


LOVE those colorful socks! Most often worn color on race day? Anything that is annoyingly bright/vomitting color. I love brights and patterns!

Ugh I hear you on the rice/potatoes. In my house it is a constant controversy for boyfriend (who is big on proteins/veg, low carb) that I often eat only white, simple carbs for weeks at a time when I’m not feeling well. Sorry, but plain mashed potatoes and cookies are the only things that feel good, boyfriend!


The best part of Brooke’s running is her smile!! I will have to incorporate it into my running.

I live in Florida but running in the heat melts me and slows me down. I did a race in August and they delayed the start 15 minutes for everyone to get there :( By the time I came in, it was mid 80’s and 100% humidity. :( I don’t have a regular color that I wear but I am doing a Breast Cancer run this weekend and I will wear pink!! :)

You should try gluten free bread or gluten free waffles (but not before your race) to test it out to see if you can keep it down. Many of the GF products are made with rice flour among others flours (since you can keep rice down). Did you eat any of the raspberries when you went out to pick them? You may have received a bug from one of them?? I saw someone’s post on Giardia (I had to google it) and it made me think about the raspberries.


And trader joes has a gluten free pancake mix! My friends gf and I’m learning how mostly rice flour! I second to try gf after marathon!


I wear teal and purple most often. Sometimes bright orange.

Ottawa Race Weekend is known for being humid. I have run races in the 80s, but with humidity. I can deal with the heat, but the humidity just sucks.


I like bright tops and black shorts. The hottest race was the Hope 5k this past August. It was miserable.. I am a right hander
Brooke is so cute!! I hope your stomach starts to feel better
Your mom is so strong with such a great heart.


You already know mine! :) 95 degree 6 hour endurance race on 9/6/15! My advice is ice rubbed on arms and legs, visor not cap, cold water poured on your head and the most effective for me was ice down the sports bra, so apply plenty of body glide to avoid chafing!! I also did shot bloks with extra sodium, and I still had some cramping in the days after! Those are my tips! Good luck!!


Oh and I’m a lefty too! ??????


Hottest race: I have run the LA Marathon 4 times and one year it was soooo hot.
Outfit colors: greens, blues, greys
Sentence: More sleep every night will be awesome for me!!


I generally wear orange or purple when I race. (team shirts).

I hope you feel better and prayers for your mom’s continued healing.

I did a 5k last July and thought, oh right – this is why I don’t race in the summer. 85 with crazy humidity.

My husband is lefty, he says left handed scissors were the best invention for lefties.


OMG! My 2 year old daughter is OBSESSED with dogs, doggies, puppies. We have a dog of our own but it doesnt heed her obsession. All we watch are Disney movies with dogs in them (we tricked her one day when she asked to watch 101 Dalmations for the 3rd time and put in Bambi which she loved). When we see a dog outside she literally screams “DOGGIE” and will stop everything she is doing and runs towards it (we are trying to remind her to not touch a dog that she doesnt know because some dogs may be sad and bite). We currently have 8 stuffed little dogs in our house so I know how you feel…GOOD LUCK AT YOUR MARATHON!!


I love that bag you’re packing, where is it from?

Glad to hear your mom is adjusting! Its amazing how the brain can adjust to challenges


my hottest race was a 10k in June and when i was done it was over 95 outside with 90% humidity. needless to say there was no PR that day. Poor brooke no puppy for her :( Although speaking as a girl who didnt get a dog until way later as a teen, the stuffed animals do help :)


People have probably already suggested this, but I haven’t read through all of the comments – any way you could have gluten intolerance or celiacs? The plain toast making you sick popped it into mind. I hope you get it all figured out and feel better soon. You’re still going to rock the marathon – trust your training. And have FUN!!


I know you’re probably avoiding fiber at this point, but one thing I can always tolerate when I have these episodes of GI issues is applesauce. Rice and white potatoes always work for me too….but I would always carry little packs of mango applesauce and that would help a lot! Hope you feel better soon!


So glad to hear your mom is doing better! Also, continuing to send you good thoughts for a happier stomach :)


I hope your stomach starts feeling better! I’ve struggled with IBS since I was little and it can be so frustrating!

My fave colors to wear when I run are NEON!! It makes working out so much more fun!


I’m glad your mom is doing better!
I like to race in different bright colors- Easier for friends and family to pick you out that way too!
My husband and I are both left handers. Maybe we will have a left handed child too?
Thinking of you this week and hope your stomach feels better!


I’m so excited for you! You’re going to do great. I’ve been reading your posts and you seem to be confident in your training. Also the AFC in San Diego was the hottest races I’ve ever done. I dumped water on myself any chance I could. It was like 90 degrees. This next year they moved the time to earlier in the morning to be the heat! Good luck this weekend :)


Purple :) It’s my favorite color so I wear it whether or not I’m running ;)


Just make it to the weekend! :) Ha.


And I love to wear pink or black!


Hi… im a leftie and 3 of my 4 children are too.
Im doing my first marathon on sunday and your blog has been a godsend. Best one i have read. Thank you for guiding me through my training.
You will be amazing on saturday.
Love your posts.


Woohoo Run strong!


Sentence for the day…Good Luck on Saturday; I know I speak for everyone who reads this blog…WE BELIEVE IN YOU! Go get that sub3 and remember what your Momma said..SMILE!
Favorite color to run in is BLUE!
I only know training and racing in Florida. If its not hot and humid it kinda freaks me out!!! Weird, I know! :P


Sentence: It’s officially boots season! (cold weather is here…)
Hottest race: 4th of July Triathlon. Water felt good….run not so much.
Color: Lime green
Lefty: My brother. And my son for many sports & activities. Writes right though.

I have an ulcer as well as mild IBS. When my stomach gets really bad I eat Zantac 150’s like candy….seems to settle things temporarily to get through events, meetings, traveling, etc. I can tolerate Yoplait Whips to get that “good bacteria” back into my guts. Saltines, bananas, rice, toast. Water only…..(Definitely stay away from Gatorade!) Sucking on peppermint lifesavers helps me too. I know lots of tricks to keep things from moving quickly out or up. lol


I agree that your mom’s sweet and sour chicken looks SO GOOD. That is one of my favorite Chinese dishes, mmmmm. Hot races are no fun, but good job staying hydrated all week! That will definitely help you out on race day as the temps climb. So sorry about your tummy issues, but good job sticking to bland foods even though I know it must be hard for you!


Leftie here!! and my older kiddo is as well :)

Hottest run? San Antonio Rock-n-Roll 2013? it reached 95 and we had several people get heatstroke. They moved it to December in 2014, and it was a glorious 65-68?


Switch to sweet potatos over white. Also start taking probiotics for your gut and drink coconut water. Bananas are also easy on your digestive system. Pineapple too. Rice cakes. Gluten free noodles (millet/ brown rice blends from king Soba brand). Aloe water. Ginger tea and ginger candy help soothe stomach too. I’ve had stress-induced IBS and know what you’re going through. Remember that some things are out of your control but they will pass and you’ll come out stronger. ;) Do some yoga daily.


The hottest race I ran was two years ago when I ran a 10k in the middle of the summer in the middle of the day in Arizona, it was 105. It was the slowest I have ever ran.
I wear random colors all the time. I like variety.
I am left handed!!!


I’m a lefty!

I live in So Cal so I’ve participted in lots of hot races. Probably the worst was Ragnar So Cal a few years back- temperature wise it wasn’t the hottest I ran in but the conditions were brutal through our afternoon runs and I ended up nearly having heat stroke. Scariest thing because I didn’t understand what was happening at the time. Luckily I convinced them not to give me an IV (which would have meant I was pulled from the race.)


is it weird to be jealous of your daughter’s long and luscious hair because i totally am!

fingers crossed for a smooth, perfect temperature and speedy race for you!


I live in Texas so its hot 9 months out of the year. I did a half marathon in late June once where it was 80 degrees at start and 97 at finish which was only 9am- 2 hours later. It was my worst time and my last summer race. It gets very hot here so now I don’t race after May. It’s almost October as you know and we are still in the mid 90’s.

Because of the heat I mentioned above, I run in light colored, loose clothing a lot of the time but for big races I tend to chose something pink :)


102 degrees, July 24, deseret marathon. My feet looked hideous.


My grandfather, who had a stroke around the same time as your mom, is still hoping that his vision returns…hard to adapt to that at age 95 :( Your mom is so strong and awesome!!!

I flew to Atlanta this past August to race its Hotlanta Half (racing in Georgia in August…whaaaaat??) and the first 10k was killer…but then the last half of the race was thunder, lightening, torrential rain and flash flooding! I was literally running through water above my ankles at times!! Sure cooled us down! lol

I tend to wear black a lot…but I just bought myself a pair of wonder woman tights and love them so much that I might have bought a few more superhero tights…that aren’t black!! lol


Good luck on Saturday, Janae! I was just informed that I missed the cutoff from Boston Marathon by 32 seconds. This is after qualifying for the 2016 race with 1 minute and 54 seconds to spare. I am from Boston and am heartbroken, but am turning to you and the running community for some motivation because right now I have none! BAA should change their standards so that runners can adhere to realistic cutoff times! Anyway, thank you for your support and GO GET ‘EM on Saturday!!


Oh Jane. This breaks my heart. I am seriously so so sorry that you didn’t get in. Please email me and we can chat some more about this. xoxoxo


Sweet and Sour chicken is so good! I haven’t had it in ages!!


Hi Janae! I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and I don’t usually comment. But I had to say a few things
1) we have those same stuffed dogs and my daughter HAS to have each of them in bed with her at night. Haha
2) I am totally rooting for you to get your sub 3! As cheesy as this sounds, I’ll pray your stomach feels great so you can achieve what you have worked for. I just ran my first marathon Saturday and got sick the day before. After many prayers and a priesthood blessing, I amazingly felt good for race day. I hope the same thing happens for you! You have an army of supporters behind you cheering you on and ready to celebrate when you cross that finish line. Go get Em!!


I feel like black is my most worn color – PERIOD. Especially during runs! Which is not the safest during winter so I have to be really mindful.

And oh man – sweet and sour chicken. So, SO good!


I’m left handed! The hottest race was just this past August. It’s called the Hell of a Half marathon. Boy does the name live after the race. It was 80 degrees when it started and by the time I finished it was close to 90. The central valley is super hot during the summer. Oh and did I mention it is all hills?!?


Chicago 2007. It was like 80+ at the start with near 100% humidity. They actually canceled the race mid-run but I was already past mile 20 so they gave us the option to finish. I had headphones in so didn’t know until I got the finish line and wondered why people were running across the finish line in the opposite direction. It was a race to remember.

In someone else’s comment from above, maybe it’s giardia coming back? stress will bring back things like that. My husband’s Epstein Barr comes back when he’s stress from work and overtraining.

Black shorts and a bright top are my go-to.


I’m running my second ever half on Saturday and I like your forecast much better than mine. 33 degrees and rain/snow. Maybe it will change by Saturday?

I hope your tummy settles down before race day!


Sentence for the day: Rain, rain, go away!!

I’ve done a couple of races where it went into the 80s, but I’m sure you’ll be way done before that!! :)

I’m almost always wearing pink, purple, or bright green on my runs.


Your race outfit definitely looks super speedy! Yahoo!

Still thinking of your sweet Mom and sending her healing thoughts. Glad you are getting to spend lots of time with her.


In my 52 years of life, I have learned that all left handed people are EXTREMELY intelligent, and very humble about it.

Why do all Chinese restaurants have wall paper like that? You keep eating your white rice and potatoes with lots of salt!

Hottest race years ago, was an evening marathon in August, how dumb is that?…and even dumber that I ran it! 104 degrees.


We had sweet and sour chicken last night! Brooke’s hair in that first picture of her is gorgeous! It’s getting so long and I love the braid!

I’ve been really fortunate that I haven’t done any really hot races. Running on Sunday in Hawaii but we’re looking at 80% chance of rain on the windward side.

Hope your mom continues to improve. Hate that you’re all going through this.

Lefty here! I’m the only one of four kids, but my mom and her mom were both left handed.


Sentence for the day → Time to clean out the closet and prepare for cooler weather!

The hottest race I have done was a 70.3 distance triathlon… by the time I got to the half marathon it was 98 degrees! I was stuffing ice anywhere I could at every aid station.

My husband is left-handed and really hopes that our son is left handed. At what age can you tell whether a baby is going to be a lefty or righty?


I have IBS too and have had it for 12 years. My flare-ups are directly related to stress as well. I can go months without a problem and then suddenly have cramps and bloating. I can’t seem to get a handle on the direct cause either; too much fibre or too little. I try to stick to the BRAT diet when it happens: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (try low fibre, gluten free). I’m sure you are aware of this but just wanted to let you know what works for me. Watered down electrolyte drinks help some also (NUUN or e-load) Stay positive you will be awesome on Saturday!


Agreed, you should run like Brooke and run HAPPY


Janae…I have a new favorite running song and wanted to share it with you. Ben Rector, Brand New – hope you like it! Have a great race, I know you will do amazing!!!


Sweet and Sour Chicken is always a winner…. Now very tempted to go down to the takeaway and get one myself..


ugh i’m sorry about your stomach, i know how it feels and it really sucks :P still got several days for things to get better though! and you look gorgeous holding that container of rice lol :)


Brooke is adorable as always. Just eating rice and other bland foods stink. But it will be so worth it when you kick butt at your marathon. Then you can celebrate with all you can eat sweet and sour chicken.


I NEED to know where you got that gray chevron bag!


I’m a lefty! And, I love running in orange and purple- but not usually at the same time.

I think my hottest race was a color run I did in like May or June, just a couple days after getting dehydrated. Yeah, not my smartest move. ;)


Hottest race SB intl marathon 80 something…left handed here.


So sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep her in my prayers. I am thinking about you and know that this race is yours to own!!!


Sentence for the day: I really hope my inner ear infection clears up soon!
I’m a righty like most people but my BF is a lefty!


I’m left handed too! :) I hope your prep for the race goes really well.


I’m a lefty! And I wear an orange sports bra when I want to feel super fast…must be something about that color :)


I’m praying so hard for you Janae!! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve an amazing race. Even if it’s not this Saturday (and I’m praying it is) you will have your sub 3 really, really soon!



Love the race outfit!

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