He told me I am crazy and two more runs to deposit…

Last week was just not my week… I hit a pole with my brand new car.  I had my jeep for 9 years and never once made even a scratch on that thing…  but of course I scrape up my new car within just a few weeks of owning it.  

When I dropped it off to the guy fixing it he asked me where my ride home was.  I told him I was going to run the 4.5 miles home and he told me I was crazy…. I didn’t dare tell him that I am planning on running 26.2 miles in just a few more days.  

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Today was 4.5 miles @ a 7:23 average pace.  My stomach did fine until the last mile but I still have plenty of time for things to feel better before the race.  There were 4 x 45 second strides at a 5:30 pace thrown in there too with 1 minute recoveries after each one.  Trying to keep the leg turnover a little bit alive leading up to Saturday.

Here is what the rest of the week looks like as far as workouts go.  TWO MORE RUNS LEFT to deposit into my running bank account before the big day!

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I am so grateful for all of your comments this morning and for sharing your experiences and the things that helped you with IBS.  I sure love this online running community that we have and I learn so much from you guys.

I loved this quote from Kathleen:

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Made it back to my parents’ house and Brooke was anxiously waiting for me.  

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We then took my mom to her doctors appointment (she isn’t driving yet).  She and Brooke have quite the bond.  

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Stopped at Wendy’s on the way home for some baked potatoes.  I am keeping things even more simple than yesterday with what I am eating.  The potatoes (without the skin) felt okay but then a bit later Brooke and I went and got some rice…

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and we were both pretty happy about this decisions.  I predict a lot of rice over the next few days.  I’ve really got to keep the calories up so I am happy that we found something that felt pretty good.  

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We also got to see my sister and her little man so that was most definitely a highlight of today!

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Lindsey sent this to me so I thought I would pass it along to anyone that might need it:)  

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I LOVED this article in case you want to check it out:  4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy, According to Neuroscience.

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Do people tell you that you are crazy because of your running?

Do you run the day before a 1/2 marathon or a marathon?

What are you grateful for today??

Have a good run today?  What was it that made it great?

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Ha! If I had a penny for every time someone told me I am crazy for my workouts or runs, I would be one rich woman!


I think all of us who’ve run marathons know about running with our hearts! Thank goodness their still beating and helping us when everything else pretty much shuts down. And yes, people tell me I’m crazy :)


YES, people think I’m crazy for being a runner. “Why do you run so much?” I hear that one quite often.

I do run the day before a race. I like to get in a good shake-out run so that my legs don’t feel stiff the next day.

Today I am extremely grateful for my sister. She is always there for me and always knows what to say right when I need to hear it. I honestly can’t imagine what life would be like without her. She’s the most beautiful person I know, both inside and out, and I am thankful for her beyond belief!


With the southern humidity, my hair resembles the llamas!
My family thinks my running is nuts!
I do a shakeout run the day before marathons.
Today I’m grateful for my sweet friend Corrie! She ran 6 of my morning miles with me and made them fly by! :)


I did have a crazy run today. I found a credit card and a visa gift card on the side of the road, so when I got home I called the police and an officer came to pick them up.

I’m pretty sure I’m now a suspect.

My husband and I are looking at a new car and one of the deciding factors in how much we want to spend is our respective opinions on how quickly I’ll ruin it. (Although I often blame it on my kids, we really can’t have nice things because of me. I’m a walking disaster. Well, I would be if I could manage to walk without running into myself or tripping.
I’m a tripping disaster.)


I think my family and friends are used to all my running. For people that don’t know me very well, yes – they think I’m nuts! :)
Cross training, core and strength for me today.
I go for a little jog to shake out my legs and stretch the day before the marathon
Today, I am grateful for a good solid knee to run on and my wonderful family!!
I am so sorry about your car! I have done that before too :(


One thing that has become somewhat annoying is when I tell people I’m running they say “on purpose?” Yes, I like to run and decided to go running.

My running has been off lately but hopefully it will get back to normal soon


Glad to hear you found something good to eat! 2 more runs- that is so exciting!


I’m grateful for my health. We don’t realize how much we appreciate it until it has been taken away!

Yes, people tell me I’m crazy for running so much all the time. It’s like anything else, if people don’t do it themselves, they don’t understand it. I have one more mid-distance run, then really short runs! I don’t usually run the day before the race. I like to rest as much as I can!


I have received my fair share of “you are nuts” comments but I think I have convinced most people that that would be the case running or not.

I always take the day before a race completely off, but I think I might change it up. I’ve read a couple different training plans that recommend a shakeout run the day before and it might help.


Yes everyone reminds me I’m crazy for running- especially my parents.
Not usually.
Grateful for my kids!
Decided to switch things around and cross train today.


People were telling me I was crazy before I ever started running, because I take so many group fitness classes (but I am safe about it!). I’ve done a light work out before my half marathons, and plan to do the same before my marathon too. Today I am grateful that my knees seem back to normal after a few days of weird aches at the beginning of the month. I can’t figure out what was different but my knees weren’t happy about it! I did 12 miles yesterday, and that is my good run so far – i was able to run with confidence, which is an odd feeling for me but I will take it for sure.

Glad to see your mom up and about, prayers that she continues to heal.


Only people who don’t run think I’m crazy for running.

I don’t usually run the day before a half, though my marathon training plan has 2 easy miles the day before the race. I haven’t decided if I’m going to run them yet or not.

I’m grateful for my boyfriend and everything he does to make our house and business run smoothly. Today is his birthday and he’s outside replacing the pipes that go to our septic field.

Today was a rest day for me, but I took our pooch for a good walk to get him away from the construction for a little while.


People tell me all the time about my running and how crazy I am, I am a bartender so I talk to people all the time and of course I always talk about my running. I do get a few that tell me I’m a beast for running marathons which makes my day! Glad to hear your tummy is doing better. Prayers to you and your Mom! I am sure you will be fine on marathon day! I am 5 weeks away from my 3rd marathon, today was a 5 mile run followed by weights and an hour of cross training. Been having an issue with my quad so my coach is trying to build my strength! Have a great day!


I lived on potatoes last month until my stomach was right! That and oatmeal with banana, perfect when my stomach isn’t good. I normally run a few easily miles the day before a half but this week for Saturday’s race, I am choosing Friday as my rest day because it works better in my schedule. Hope you are feeling better


Brooke and your nephew look like brother and sister! I ran a 5K yesterday and my family said I was crazy…if only they knew! I am grateful for the break in heat and the rain. It might sound crazy but rainy days are my favorite this time of year!


Did your doctor mention the BRAT diet? When my IBS flares my doctor told me to eat: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. This will keep your calories up and your tummy happy. (Note: I do add a bit of jelly to the toast; I can’t eat plain toast! :) )


I’m sorry to hear about your car!! But omg that llama! I pet alpacas this past weekend and it was the cutest, fluffiest experience ever!


IBS?! Been there done that. As I have gotten older, I’ve had to elimate foods from my diet (dairy and gluten). I try to eat as natural & organic as possible without being a maniac about it. My Facebook family is very supportive of my running, unfortunately hubby not so much. My last run was Saturday and it was hot so I only ran 3.6 at 9.28/mile. I always taper down for a race (10k’s) and definitely relax the day before a race. Although I have my first race of the season this Thursday, I will do yoga on Wenesday. Namaste!


People say I am crazy to run all the time! Or when we get used to doing runs that are 13 miles or more, then when someone asks me how far I went and I say “Just 5 miles” they say…………”JUST 5?!” and I have to remind myself that 5 miles is darn good. It’s something to be proud of, not to dismiss as not much.

I had a good 6 miler today at lunch, although it is humid here.

I do take the day before a half or full off from running, but I don’t lay around, I just do my normal stuff.

I am grateful that we are signing a lease on a new apartment tomorrow! Our current one is in a historic building (over 100 years old) but the new owners have made so many changes and are just not worth the stress and the rent we pay. We got into a new place and can’t wait to get settled in!


That llama is just too much!


i hope you feel better!! love the run w/your heart thing


Yes, non-runners always tell me I”m crazy. I do run 2 or 3 miles the day before a marathon or 1/2 marathon just to shake out my legs.

I only ran 3 miles today because I am having a few little issues with migraines and some other things. That being said, today I’m grateful that I am able to run and that I’m relatively healthy.

I’m glad to see your mom is feeling better. :)


I go for a 2-3 mile shake out run the day before a half or full marathon.
Today I’m grateful for my husband – he does so much to make sure even the little things are good, like helping me mentally prepare for my first marathon this Sunday!


Haha! I am constantly being told I’m crazy for all the running I do. And here, I’m thinking they’re crazy for not running.

Today is an off-day from running for me. And this will be the first training cycle where I will run the day prior to a race. It’ll just be 2 miles, but it will be interesting.


So many things to comment on today!
1) People defo don’t understand why I run long distance
2) Brooke’s boots are super cute
3) What app are you using to have a training calendar like that?
4) I hope your stomach will settle
5) I don’t run the day before a race.


Hi Janae,

I think I’ve only commented on your blog once before, but I have been enjoying reading your posts for the past few months. I really admire your positive attitude!

I was a determined and disciplined runner for 13 years. I moved to the SF Bay Area two years and decided to join a Master’s Swim group, so now I am a determined and disciplined swimmer. Swimming outside year round is pretty amazing! I had terrible GI issues at least once a week, usually more frequently, when I was a runner. I had make eight port-a-potty trips and one off-the-course bathroom stop during my first marathon (I’ve only run two) because my intestines were acting up so badly. Despite major problems, I still ran a 3:49. :) I tell you this only to say that I empathize with what you are going through physically as well as emotionally right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers! (Your mom is, too!)


I just stumbled upon your blog, and was excited to see your a fellow Utah’n blogger:)
That is funny the guy looked at you weird when you said you were going to run home.
I have done that, in fact just earlier this year:) But my mechanic, both the owners are also marathon runners, so they would just expect it from me:)
I’m jealous your going to be running St. George, that is one of my favorite marathons ever, and coming off a work injury it’s not in my cards this year. Good luck in your race, and I look forward to following your posts!


I don’t run the day before a race, but do a short and slow recovery run the day after.

People ALWAYS tell me that I am crazy for running. Imagine how crazy I would be without running!!!

My run today was meh. Is that a word? I am recovering from IT Band and ran 7 miles at a good pace, but my legs felt like lead the entire time. Not fun!

I am grateful that my family is healthy and happy and that my sister and I are bffs!


I get told all the time that I am crazy for running so much. If they only knew I’m just an average runner. Haha!


I’m sorry about your car! I did the same thing with my brand new car last fall–never had hit anything until I decided to buy a new car. :(


My husband and I are both on the crazy train! He rode the Honolulu Century yesterday in a downpour! Hawaiians don’t let a little rain (or a lot of rain) stop ’em!

I sometimes do a short run the day before, but it’s more for nerves than my legs.

Grateful for a tip I got from the local running store about a 25k I’m doing on Sunday. Hills at mile 8!

No run today – intervals tomorrow that I am expecting to go great!


That’s a bummer you hit a pole in your new car. Hopefully they are able to make it look brand new.

I definitely have a few friends that just can’t understand why I run. Some people just don’t get it. ☺ I just smile and tell them they are missing out!

The day before a marathon I will typically run one or two miles just for muscle memory and to get the blood flowing. Plus, I’m usually so antsy that it helps me calm down.

I didn’t run today, but had a nice walk around the neighborhood with my husband and little boy. I am 3 weeks postpartum, so no running for me until I get clearance from my doctor!


Murphy’s law! A few months ago I bought my first ever brand new car. Less than 24 hours after driving it off the lot a huge rock chips the windshield. I almost cried. Almost.


I love me some baked potatoes from Wendy’s. I feel like they are a little known secret on the menu there. What is the program you have for your running posted here? And I typically do a 2 – 3 mile shakeout run the day before my marathon. It always just feels right.


Mmm, I love eating rice – good decision! People ALWAYS tell me I’m crazy for running long distances, especially because a lot of my friends aren’t runners…I’ve gotten used to it. ;)

I usually don’t run the day before a marathon and that seems to work best.

I’m grateful for my family, my health, and my wonderful community of friends!


People often tell me i’m crazy for running. or how much i run. oh well :) I usually run 1-3 miles the day before a half or full…


Feel better soon! I am sure you’re under a ton of stress, but you have the fitness to run sub-3. Don’t let that be part of the stress – you are prepared for this marathon!


That shaved llama is hilarious! Glad you found something that agreed with your stomach! Really admiring your positive attitude right now too. Hopefully you feel as good as your writing sounds :-)


I get told I’m crazy on a daily basis from people that I work with that I’m crazy for running.

I am grateful that I can walk down the stairs without any pain after the marathon on Saturday. I am also grateful that I was able to complete a marathon when so many people are not able to.

I’m not running today – but I went to the chiropractor and he did his stuff with my ankles (they are super sore after running the marathon on Saturday), and they feel a lot better.


I cannot believe we are already at the final week! This training cycle seems like it has flown by. But then again, that might just be my view because I’m not the one doing the running. ;) Hope you feel better soon!


Bummer about your car :(

I am grateful for lots of things, today it’s a job I love and the ability to run.

Today’s run was great. 6.4 miles of hills. It was great because my runners worked their butts off! The challenge makes the reward!


I have friends and family members who definitely think I am crazy for my running. I have to remember they just don’t understand because if they did, they wouldn’t think that ;-)
I am grateful for my relationships with my parents! I am sure you agree!
I usually take the day off before. I find I am itching to run so I’ve got that extra boost on race day!


just working out in general, yes, i hear it from people at least once a week, usually more…oh well! i’ll embrace the crazy. it’s fun to me–running, classes, etc. i need that outlet/me time.

grateful for my mom. always.
sending good thoughts to you and your mom!


Have you seen this?! <3 Sarah

New Nike Ad Celebrates Marathon Runners Who Come In Last


Oh my gosh, I loved that! Thanks for sharing.


I get told I’m crazy a lot and asked what am I running from? A bear? A moose? I would have done the same thing if I had to drop my car off.


Ready for a novel? Well first, I’m supposed to be running at George this sat too. Except today I had surgery to fix a painful hernia. So no st George for me (this year) and this week has already been a hard week, relationships are hard!!! Ugh.

But with a repaired hernia I can run pain free in the future and not have to worry about my guts sticking out! I can do hard things so we’ve decided to get some help and rather than be totally embarrassed or ashamed I actually feel hope.

Last thing, I had stomach issues for years. Like 15. And I’m not *that* old (31) but long story short i found out I have celiac disease. My drs told me for years it was IBS. And when i couldn’t get better I became my own advocate, and one endoscopy later I had a positive diagnosis of that dreaded auto immune disease. But now know and I feel better than I have in half my life! So dont be afraid to look further into your stomach issues (though it doesn’t sound like celiac and I hope for the love of your donut self it’s not!!) but IBS is often a blanket diagnosis…

And I’m on pain meds from the surgery so I’m just going to go ahead and blame this confessional on that…


I love whatever program is used for your running program!! It’s laid out so awesome and easily!!! Way to go on running home :)


Yes I think crazy must be part of my name now! :) I’m grateful for any day I can run, been plagued with injuries but keep at it. Didn’t run today, strength day! Run planned for tomorrow. I’m so excited about your race!!! You will do great things that day! Sorry about your IBS issues and glad your mom is doing better!


I am grateful for my health, my family, and the abundance in my life. I am truly blessed and try to never forget the fact that I am so very blessed. I struggle sometimes to feel that I am deserving of my life but then I realize that is the wrong type of thinking and pull my thoughts back to gratitude.


I was doing some research as to why my hair is shedding all over the place (I have low thyroid getting fixed) but saw low stomach acid can contribute to mineral absorbtion. Then I read about IBS and low stomach acid. And taking hcl with Pepcid can help…anyway maybe someone already mentioned just wanted to let ya know.


My coworkers tell me every day that I’m crazy! Even my boss who runs 3 miles every morning thinks I’m crazy. He doesn’t race though.

I was diagnosed with IBS in college. We tried all kinds of things…medications, elimination diets, more testing to see if it wasn’t really IBS. It wasn’t until after the birth of my second son and some INTENSE food journalling that we discovered that I probably don’t actually have IBS, but instead severe lactose intolerance. I eat little to no milk products and have not had an attack in a LONG time. It’s frustrating reading every single food label and checking restaurant nutrition info, but it’s worth it in the long run. I can tolerate one serving of lactose per day (the more solid a milk product is the less lactose). You might try keeping a food log and tracking how much milk you confuse. It’s in so many things…sauces, baking mixes, seasonings.


Hi, I was wondering what calendar program you use to keep your training organized? I’m starting half training in a few weeks and I’m looking for a way to keep it all organized.

Good luck this weekend!


My family and my Dr’s think I am crazy for running. Why? Because I was just diagnosed with Crohn’s. I only went to the Dr because I was unable to run due to lack of stamina…I am only able to run for a 40-60 secs before I have to take a walk break…VERY FRUSTRATING. My Dr wants to know why I just don’t quit running. Saturday I ran a relay leg in my first marathon. While I had to walk alot of the time, when I do run I have a good pace so I ended up with the same time as my team. And that is why I won’t quit.

I am grateful that my son is home from deployment. No run today. Its a rest day.


The picture of Brooke with your mom is adorable :) I hope your mom is feeling better and recovering.


That llama, haha!

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