Please share your running klutz moments with me so I don’t feel like the only uncoordinated human on the planet.

The perfect storm:

I was lost in my thoughts + I was listening to Justin Bieber (Where Are U Now) and signing along + I was still half asleep + I have been a klutz my entire life + an uneven sidewalk crack =  I tumbled.  Luckily, my hands took most of the fall but I banged up my knees a bit.   My pride was more hurt than anything else because there were at least 10 cars that saw me fall.  

I was able to finish up my run because it felt fine to run on but I watched those sidewalk cracks like a hawk for the rest of the run.  

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The best part of the entire run—>  there were all sorts of rainbows going down.  

I ran in a ‘new to me’ area which was exciting.  For my last few training cycles I did most of my runs with other people but I’ve pretty much been on my own this time around.  I adore running with people but I’ve kind of needed all of these solo runs to just think and be on my own.  It has also been good for me to learn how to push myself without having somebody to chase after:)

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9.3 miles @ an easy pace with 12 x 25 second pick-ups with 1 minute recoveries.  Average pace of 7:49.  Fun stuff.  You can see the 12 pace pick-ups in the garmin info (which I study after each run):

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I think Brooke may actually like almond butter more than I do which is say a lot.

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Lunch was a random mixture of things in my fridge.  I roasted a bunch of potatoes and green beans and topped them with ground turkey and avocado.  I had some almond butter toast and watermelon too.   I have found that I can get Brooke to try almost every vegetable if I roast them… I toss them in olive oil and garlic salt and bake at 400 degrees until they feel done:)

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Doing a bit better in the treats department over here.  Shooting for 2-3 treats a week (which is a huge improvement for me;) and last night was one of them.  My date and I grabbed some ice cream at the creamery and walked around BYU campus (we both went there back in the day).  

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I ordered a one scoop sundae and he ordered a two scoop—>  we were not expecting them to be this huge… if you are looking for a place that gives you out of control amounts of ice cream then hit up the BYU Creamery.  Neither of us could finish them but they were really good!

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PS anyone in Utah going to be there for when the Ironcowboy finishes his 50th ironman distance (in all 50 states in 50 days)!?!

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PPS Brooke’s favorite trick lately is hiding in cupboards.  

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Anyone want to share a running klutz moment?

Have you been running more in groups or on your own lately?

What was the best part about your run today?

Yay or nay to the nuts and cherries on an ice cream sundae?

-Nay… just replace those things with some form of chocolate candy and I am happy.

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THAT ICE CREAM… looks amazing :) I’m always a klutz when I run! I’m honestly surprised I haven’t been hit by a car. I trip and fall and forget to look both ways. I also run into stuff a lot. So don’t feel bad :)

Going on m run now! Hopefully no klutz moments!!


I am a klutz in real life but seem to be fine when I run. I do have to pay attention more when I’m outside because I do zone out on the treadmill. I don’t run in a straight line but that seems to be the worst of my running coordination.


I just want that ice cream! Dang it, I was eating strawberries and being all good and now all I can think about is ice cream.

The sidewalk has jumped up and bit me before too. It happens. One time I was riding my bike too fast and I ran into a house. Not even joking. Turned too fast and there it was!

No nuts on my sundae but I would take a cherry or two!


I wipe out all the time on the trails!
I’ve been running more with groups.
Best part of today’s run: the rain only lasted for the first mile.


I’m not much of a klutz when I run, but I have had a few total wipe outs. Once last year while running in the early am (dark) hours with my husband, I tried over a huge pipe and ripped up my leggings and my knee. He made me cut the run short but if I was on my own I probably would have ignored it and kept running with a bleeding knee.


Ouch! It doesn’t look too bad. My worst klutzy moments always happen in the NJ Palisades. The first time I tripped over a root and went sliding head first through a bunch of dirt. It didn’t hurt, I was just covered in dirt for run home. I even found dirt in my sports bra. The second time, I was on a trail with a group and I stepped on a loose rock going downhill and fell super hard on my butt. I landed on my phone, shattered the screen and actually bent the phone. Also I bruised my tailbone which then hurt for the next two weeks.

As for group running, it’s probably about 50/50 for me.


Oh yes! I’ve been in the zone and fallen a few times. One time in particular, I was passing a bunch of kids with signs for a car wash. I stumbled on a speed bump and skid. Bleeding knee and hands and yes the hands are the worst part. I think my ego was bruised more than my hands or knee though. I was so embarrassed to have witnesses!


I’ve fallen so many times while running so I completely understand your pain. I face planted into mud when it was pouring rain once and had to run all the way back to my college campus. I was so mortified.


I once wiped on on the sidewalk and had blood dripping down my leg. I had only gone a mile. I decided to finish the last 5, because, why not?

The best part of my day is that Thursdays are my Fridays for the summer! Yay weekend!

Can I please stop by and we can go for that ice cream? Yum!


I have a running klutz story! When I first got engaged, I was running and admiring my ring. For a part of my run I was running on really terrible sidewalks in an old neighborhood and I was looking at my ring and tripped and I literally did a somersault. I was slightly dizzy and my knee was gushing blood. The house across the street had landscapers working in their yard and one of the guys came running over and asked if I was ok. I just kept saying I’m fine I have 5 miles more to run ( I was running 15 miles). My ego was crushed! Then almost every person I passed said you know you have a lot of blood running down your leg! Oh gosh, what an embarrassing day, but I got my 15 miles in!


Oh hilary! First… I love that you were admiring your ring. Second… OUCH! Third… you are hardcore woman!


Seems like we had the same kind of running day… a tree root got me on my 10K trail run and ended up doing a nice face plant (saved only by my elbows hitting the ground first!) Only good thing is, in the forest there was no one around to see it except the deer!


OH Shauna! I am so so sorry! I hope you are doing okay… no more falling for both of us mmkkay!?!?!


I’ve had some close calls. That people have seen… like somehow magically I kept myself upright but it was very obvious I just tripped on the sidewalk kind of thing. And last week there were big branches down after a storm, I knew they were there, still tripped myself up on one anyway.


I am a running klutz.

At mile two of a rigorous 13.1 marathon (half trail half road) I fell. Popped up and saved some pride. By mile three I couldn’t figure out why my side ache was not going away. Finished the darn race, got home into the shower and raised my arms to wash my hair. OUCH!!! I knew then and there I had cracked my rib. A quick trip to the urgent care and a chest x-ray confirmed my hunch. A nice corset rib type support thingy for some time and I am back to new. Ironically the name of the race was Happy Girls… I wasn’t so happy. :(


Brooke is so cute–even in a cabinet! That would kind of scare me though if I couldn’t find her.

I only fall on bikes.. so I avoid them permanently.

I like a cherry, but I never like the chopped nuts that they usually put on sundaes. Ideally my sundae would have chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, sprinkles, candy (if it’s an option.. chopped Reese’s!), more sprinkles, and whipped cream plus a cherry. I am a lot like Brooke when it comes to sprinkles.. I used to have a cup of sprinkles for dessert in college.. or Rice Krispies cereal with marshmallows topped with sprinkles warmed up in the microwave of the dorm-cafeteria. Yep, I got some odd looks.


I often discover after my run that my shirt is inside out. Total half asleep move.


My nickname for high school soccer was “The Stumbler”(seriously, the seniors put it on my shirt). I fall all the time, usually I don’t even trip over anything- I just like the ground.

I’ve got a great group of friends who always want to run, so I haven’t had a solo run in a while. 4 of us and a dog did 5 easy miles this morning!

Yay to nuts nay to cherries. I’m a total weirdo and don’t like fruit except for apples, watermelon, and chocolate covered strawberries.**

(**I will eat any fruit if it’s baked in a pie, cobbler, or in a smoothie)


bahahaha ‘i just like the ground.’ You are hilarious! Good call on your fruit favorites too! Ha.. your comment made my afternoon!


That ice cream sundae does look pretty huge! Cherries are probably my favorite part of ice cream sundaes.


I was knocked down by a dog once and had to go to an urgent care center for stitches. Wort part: I was literally around the corner from my house and had JUST STARTED my run!! Aaaargh!


Oh goodness! That is AWFUL Caroline!


I’m going to the Iron Cowboy’s run. I was going to try the marathon with my husband but he hurt himself. So for the moment we are looking just at the 5k. But the marathon would be fun.

No nuts, no cherries, whipped cream and sprinkles or fruit (other than cherries) are great though.

I think the last time I fell running was doing stairs with the cross country team in high school. Embarrassing because I was running with the guys.


I’ve definitely fallen on a treadmill and had my share of spill on the sidewalk, too. I feel ya there. Being a klutz is kind of my specialty.

Your lunch seriously looks so good. I need to try almond butter…


Ouch I’m glad you’re okay!! I love that Justin Bieber song too!


My worst running klutz moment = a beautiful Nebraska fall day shortly before Thanksgiving. I was thinking about how great life was and BOOM! my foot landed half in a hole in the trail/half on the trail. My ankle swelled a ton and I had to walk back home (I was 30min running away from home so hobbling home took some time). I ended up having orthoscopic surgery to repair all my pulled ligaments. AND I got a staph infection in my knee (I tore it up upon landing). Lesson learned: watch for holes!


Oh my goodness Kate!!! A STAPH INFECTION in your knee… oh girl! Thanks for the reminder to watch for holes!!


^^ Klutz right here. You are 100% not alone when it comes to falling while running. I have tripped too many times to count, but one fall in particular left me with a scar on my knee that I think will be there forever (it’s been 11 years now – wow, where does the time go?!). I went for a run during my freshman year of college and completely bit it – scrapes on my palms, arms, and shins, and a rather bad gash on my knee (I picked gravel out). Limped the mile or so back to my dorm to flush that thing out with peroxide and eventually went to the student care clinic to get it checked out and bandaged up.


I tend to have multiple small klutzy running moments like stumbling on sidewalks rather than one big “fall on your face” moment. I am not sure which one is worse?
I run on my own. I have yet to embrace the group run (unless running with your boyfriend counts). I have not gone on my run yet today, I have to wait for the sun to set a little otherwise it is too hot. I would say yay to the nuts, nay to the cherries!


I love it when I catch my shoe in a crack and do the “running in the air to catch myself” move. It’s so classy.


No nuts or cherries but I like chocolate candy or really any candy.

You always go on the cutest dates. Ice cream and a walk sounds perfect!

The best part of my run today was getting it done before my little guy woke up for the day. I don’t have family, nearby, so I have to run while he sleeps. NYCM is in 100 days!! :)


Oh Janae, you are not the only running klutz out there by far. I trip on cracks as well as nothing. I randomly twist my ankle on all sorts of things and have fallen in front too many people to count. :)


Well, it was back in the day when my ex and I were having huge problems, seeing a counselor and contemplating divorce. It was awful. I had already run that day so I was having a glass of wine at night but then I just had so much stress in my body that I was like, you know what? I need to run this out. But with the wine and the stress, I guess it was a bit too much and I tripped on something and wiped out HUGE. Like Superman, flying through the air, landing full out on my face/stomach/knees. Busy road, tonnes of people, it was awful. I cried. And laughed, and cried again.


Yay for nuts and cherries. Whipped cream too!
I’ve been running solo a lot lately. It’s been good.
Today I got 5 solid miles in. I didn’t feel so heavy legged like I did yesterday.
Hoping to get 9 in on Sunday.


Copious amounts of ice cream, you say? So much you can’t finish it, I read.

I’m on my way.

I learned lesson. Always listen to janae.


I am a total klutz! I was running with my daughter (she was 8) and I stepped into a hole and fell onto my knee, twisted my ankle and hit the ground! Scared my daughter and then had to be brave and run the last mile home, with her holding my hand saying, “It’s ok, Mommy, I’ve got you!” Which she now says every time I trip. Went to the Ortho the next day with a badly sprained ankle. Way to set an example!

My run was a fast, but uneventful 7 miles at a sub 7:30 pace.

I like cherries, but prefer just plain ice cream, maybe a little hot fudge….

I hope you had a great date last night!


I was running with a new group of women and totally tripped and fell on a crack in the sidewalk. As I was falling, I kept trying to stop myself and my arms were flapping all over the place. It was so embarrassing!!!
Nay on the nuts and cherries and yay for all the chocolate!


I feel like every time I go out running right now, I have a klutzy moment. I am pregnant, so maybe that explains everything. I once tripped (but caught myself) while passing a cute group of guys. That spiked my heart rate!

Lately I have been doing most of my runs by myself. I am 32 weeks pregnant, so I move at the pace of a snail. I don’t want to expose any of my fast running friends to that! :)

No nuts and cherries on the ice cream sundae. I always tell my husband that fruit/nuts/etc. is NOT how I define dessert. I am all about the chocolate and sugar!!! Plus, I like a smooth texture when it comes to ice cream.


In college I was running on a treadmill and my iPod fell off the machine. Without thinking about it, I bent down to pick it up, forgetting I was you know, on a moving belt. I slipped and was carried to the end of the belt and plopped down on the ground. The other other person in the room was a football player lifting weights. Although he was kind and rushed over to help me, I was mortified! See – we all have klutzy moments! :)


There’s an uneven sidewalk on one of my routes that I’ve fallen on more than twice, not my best moments and you think I’d learn!


Two bad ones that resulted in rolled/twisted ankles- both embarrassing.

first- was texting and running. missed the curb. whoops!

second- was running FAST down a crazy technical trail with my friends, grappling over rocks, just having a blast. got down to the flat area, started walking, i hit the ONE ROCK on the wide open dirt trail and just went down. ugh.


oh, I went airborne about 6 weeks ago, ripped my knee apart and skinned + bruised my hands. (The knee actually still scabbing in one spot – I do good work). There was a sign removed from the sidewalk but they never fixed the cement. I was looking ahead, not down and I could not regain my balance. I actually cried and limped back home. I was 3 blocks into my run and had an event to go to that night. Good times, not!

I like nuts on my ice cream but I don’t like fake cherries. I’d be pretty stoked if real were available though.

My long runs are usually in a group and weekday runs have been mostly solo. I’d like company once in a while.

Haven’t run yet today, going out soon. (weird hours may be why I run alone during the week).


Fell into a ditch that was covered in leaves and busted my leg open on the drain pipe running through it last year, and fell into a pothole trying to run around a huge crack in a sidewalk earlier this year. Those were the bigger ones, but I trip and stumble ALL the time.

Been running a lot on my own so far this summer….it has been incredibly humid, so I try to go early am, or late (like already dark) pm. Today was nice, because the temperature is much cooler where I am right now compared to home (on a professional trip).

And I am all about nuts and the cherry on my sundae, PLUS the extra chocolate stuff!


That ice cream looks amazing! I’m all about some cherries on top of my sundaes! When I was little, we always topped our ice cream with chocolate syrup and cherries. :)


I’m a little late to the healthy treat idea discussion, but I just saw a great one I want to share! Get popsicle molds, fill them about half way with coconut water and fill the rest with berries and cut up fruit. You can see all the fruit through the coconut water. So pretty and no extra sugar: the perfect hot day treat :)


Oh my gosh, I’m a huge klutz!! I’m not that bad in everyday life, but when it comes to running, I take a lot of dives! I recently started doing races (found your blog a few months ago and LOVE it btw :) I have fallen 3x’s in the past 5 months! A few knee and hand gashes, nothing too bad. I even googled “how to be less clumsy when running” after my 3rd fall lol! I just don’t get why I fall so much running. I try and focus on picking up my feet more. Hope your injuries heal soon :)


When marathon training on early summer mornings I fell over several times because I was admiring the moon or a beautiful sunrise. Every time I get caught up in a anything in the sky I fall. You’re not alone! :). Date night….!!! I’m excited :) Love seeing Brooks adventures & cute ways, expecting in October and it makes me happy. Ps she is adorable. I’m a podiatrist and often wonder if orthotics would be good for you. Spring ligaments need support to control the movement. The muscle treatment & shoes you wear do definitely helps correct the problem. Simply having something custom make for your foot would address the cause and support your foot. Footwear is number one yet if the problems continue to resurface due to training load, just get a custom pair that you can transfer between your shoes. You can buy cute everyday ‘birks alike’ shoes that will accomodate the insole. Just a thought. Hope you break the 3hour barrier, honestly believe you are addressing all the barriers that have stopped you. Ie: love your doing most of solo runs now, it was only when I started this that I hit the time I wanted. Hard when friends want to run with you, but if you want it bad enough do your hills, intervals and long runs alone (your prescribed program) . This sounds like I’m preaching sorry! Have a great day, xx


Thank you SO much Kat for taking the time to comment! So would you recommend still looking into orthotics if I am no longer having any pain whatsoever?

YES YES YES about doing the hard solo runs… it is so much harder on your own.


Long time reader – I almost never comment =) But I just wanted to say:
1. I’m so excited your feet are feeling better! And that your injury prevention/treatment is working – you’re clearly working so hard at that =)

2. I am Savage Beast of a Massive Klutzy Runner – we should totally have t-shirts and newsletters. Worst incident was a couple years ago – I’m a high school teacher, and I got recruited by my students to race in the teachers v. students Super Hero Rally relay. We had a brand new track, and my feet got stuck in it somehow – fell flat on my face in front of the whole school. Dressed like Batman. #KeepingTheMassesEntertained #StillFinished =)


I was running on a trail by myself about 4 years ago, when I tripped over a tree stump and landed on my left hand. It hurt so bad at the time but I really thought it was nothing. Finally after about 4 days, I decided I should go get an X-Ray because I couldn’t move my fingers right and I had a big bruise on my palm. Turns out I had a hand fracture that required surgery! I had to be off work and working out in a cast for 9 weeks! And the funniest thing about it is I am a nurse and I was working on an orthopedic unit at the time! I just didn’t want to accept that anything could be seriously wrong.


Agh sorry about the fall! Those can be so nasty, but I hope it doesn’t hurt too badly. Your sundaes look delicious, and I have come to the conclusion I should probably not read your blog before dinnertime. I usually exit the tab craving sweets. ;)


You are absolutely not the only running klutz. I wish I could post the picture if my torn up knee and hand for you where I missed seeing the curb and tripped the other day. I was also super sleepy from a 5:45 start. Of course when my trip occurred it was completely light outside and in front of the only 2 people I saw the entire run. :) So embarrassing!


Oh my word brooke= adorable! Klutz moment: I’ve only fallen once. It was with my training partner in a trail and I no sooner told him that is never fallen when I fell in a gopher hole. Fell all the way down!
I have been running primarily solo these days as well with a few long runs with a dear friend.


-I trip all the time! Then I yell out which I’m sure is just a joy for other people around me. I also try not to focus too hard on one thing when I’m on the TM out of fear I will fall off!
-Just me!
-Best part of my run was just doing it. It was my third early day in a row and I really just wanted to crawl back into bed, but I didn’t! Totally worth it!!


I’ve tripped on uneven sidewalk before also – both times my mom has been with me (who has taken some nasty falls herself) and felt my pain (haha) because she’s been there – one time in particular I rolled down the grass since it was slanted. Both times I have recently fallen (recently = over a year ago – knock on wood) I’ve fallen sideways and onto the grass so really I have been VERY lucky. I run looking down in order to avoid those cracks!

I run by myself – sometimes I think a group would be fun but I am used to running alone.

No run today, barre class – 7 miles tomorrow! I skip the cherries and depends on the nuts – usually I get cookie dough bits, cheesecake bits, oreos and fruit. :)


I tripped over a curb while I was running and literally fell face-first INTO traffic. My sister was there to be hands-on-knees dying laughing while I lost all things resembling self-esteem, haha. There were bruises and scrapes for well over 2 weeks.

I truly believe nuts and fruit is a waste of valuable real estate on top of my sundae that could be filled with other, more important items, like candy…or whipped cream…or candy…

Today is recovery day, but running has been back and forth between groups and solo for a few months!


I was supposed to go run this morning, but got into bed WAY later than expected. So no run today.

I have been really wanting a group to run with. But most of the time I run by myself, which is okay. It definitely takes mental skill to keep yourself motivated. :)


Tripping over the finish line of my first half marathon… I have the video gif to prove it. :). The EMTs swarmed me, I waved them off and told them I’m just clumsy. Go me.


Two klutz moments: 1) running on the sidewalk next to a busy street and I tripped over a big raised crack in the sidewalk. Luckily, I shoulder rolled and stood straight up, but had a scrape on my knee and a hole in new running tights, plus all the passing cars saw me fall. 2) ran into a pole while running a 1/2 marathon. Hubs yelled “pole” and then I hit it. The rest of the race he made sure to point out every pole on the course.


I am the definition of klutz when I run! I was running with my lab a couple of months ago, and she stopped right in front of me and I tripped on her, flew over her, and skinned both knees and my hands. It was awful but I definitely had to laugh!


I’ve been so blessed not to fall while running but I’ve wiped out so many other times! One of my last falls was at my work’s parking lot and it was before I was a runner. I was wearing 5″ wedges and stepped on a pebble and came crashing down on all four limbs. I couldn’t get up and called a co-worker to help me. My knees & hands were torn up, my low back hurt, and I suffered from a whiplash. I was in PT for several weeks recovering. So I feel your pain…feel better soon!


I’m worried about saying this out loud, but it’s been over a year since my last tumble. Before that, I’d been hitting the ground on a fairly regular basis. Even needing stitches after one particularly bad trail run fall.

It doesn’t take uneven pavement for me to fall. I can trip over my own feet. It’s a skill.


Oh my! You and I have a lot in common ;) The first time I fell running was during a half marathon! In front of a lot of spectators! I’ve fallen while on my road bike, and running. Last year during one of my last easy runs for Grandma’s Marathon, I tripped on my own foot and face planted it on the street. A busy street nonetheless! I even broke the screen on my iPod. This year I wiped out on my road bike right out of the transition from swim to bike in a small town triathlon! I have scars on both knees and my left elbow. I have just embraced the fact that I fall at least once per year…and I just get back up and keep going (after I make sure I’m not injured)!! Glad you’re not injured!!!


I have fallen a few time while running and it’s the worst :( I’m so sorry! BYU Creamery has the best ice cream! Excellent choice ;)


When I worked in Yellowstone national park I had a really bad fall right as old faithful geyser went off. Hundreds of people witnessed my phone, iPod, and me fly across the pavement. One family even Laughed from their van! I still have the scar and it always makes me laugh to think about.

Been running alone mostly, but a few friend runs too.

My Garmin stopped working today so I didn’t know my pace until I mapped it once it got home. It was a surprisingly fast pace of 7:04!

I’m a sprinkles-on-ice-cream kind of gal :)


Yep – -klutz here too! If it makes you feel better, I’ve tripped and fallen on the exact same spot on the sidewalk twice in the last 6 months. First time was a rib injury, this time my wrist. BOO!


On a run last week a car parked next to the pavement, I was looking at my feet and hadn’t realised that someone inside the car had opened the passenger door and I ran straight into it. The other people in the car were half screaming and half laughing. That was pretty embarrassing… I hope your knee is a-ok!

Also, let’s start an almond butter appreciation society x


I was running with my sister’s golden retriever once and I went one way around a mailbox and she went the other way, then whipped around, in front of me, tripping me while wrapping us both up, 101 Dalmations-style. Worse, though, is when I roller blade. Once I was blading with a friend and my skate hit a crack. I flew forward, onto my hands which had wrist guards on them, so it hit, and propelled me forward onto my head (wear your helmet, kids…I didn’t!). I blacked out three times getting back to his house. Luckily his mom was a nurse, so I didn’t have to go to the hospital. Another time, I was blading with my little brother and thought there was a big patch in the road, but it was actually a 6-inch cut-out (like where they were GOING to patch it). I was a ridiculously bloody mess. I yelled at my brother for not telling me it was there (seriously, lol) and he said he thought I was going to jump it.

No, no, no, no to nuts OR cherries on ice cream. Just put it in the garbage.


Klutzy moments always happen when I’m running on the beach, and it’s why I despise beach runs. The sand is alwaayyyyyys too moist when I do it, so my foot will sink and my mouth will be full of sand and salt water. Ew.
And, by the way, hiding in kitchen cupboards is the best strategy for hide and seek…if you’re small enough. xD


I am sorry about your fall!

I had a fairly fantastic fall last year. I still have scars from it – pretty bad. I was close to my house and there was a tented sidewalk (tree roots) and a low hanging branch. I tried to duck AND get over the sidewalk but it didn’t come together. I really tried to stop it, but I did that slow fall into the ground and then finally smashed my chin on the curb!

I knocked my bite out of alignment (still unresolved) and needed a CT scan on my face! My docs were shocked I didn’t fracture my jaw. I was pretty shaken up for a while. Tegaderm made my life better while I was dealing with road rash…kind of everywhere, including my shoulder. LOL! You’re in good company. I feel like if you run, you will eventually fall. It’s just life!


I totally did the same thing in mid June, but got both my knees! They are still noticeably scarred, but I’ve been putting bio oil on them to hopefully heal them so people stop asking me what happened!


In college I was running on a treadmill in the campus gym. I was trying to zone out and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. Apparently that causes me to not run straight so my foot hit the stationary part. It made the most awkward sound and I almost fell off of the treadmill. I was more embarrassed because the entire workout room was packed!

Yay for nuts on a sundae if there is hot fudge.


Roasted vegetables- LIMA BEANS! I swear, try it. Buy frozen lima beans. Toss with salt and a little olive oil. Put on a pan in a single layer at 400 degrees until they get a little crispy. Will blow your mind. (then, if you wanna get real crazy, cook them with some chopped onion and then squeeze lemon on it all when it comes out of the oven.)

Falling- last month I fell while running SO HARD and I wasn’t even running fast! It was 6am and a kind woman walking her dog rushed over to help (she thought I had a concussion, I hit my head on the pavement and there was quite a bit of blood). The most surprising thing was that I got whip lash? Who knew. I am fine now but it was quite scary and I was afraid to run for weeks!


This story is 1 part klutz and 3 parts ditz, but I’ve only told it to my 2 closest friends. One February morning in Maine, it was especially cold (below zero not factoring windchill), and the sun had not quite risen yet. I went out to do 7ish miles before work, and didn’t notice I’d grabbed the wrong pair of leggings (a size too large). That morning, I got honked at by passing cars more than usual, and assumed everyone was just having a crummy, cold morning (was wearing bright clothing and was on a sidewalk).
At the turnaround point and yet another rowdy car, I happened to look down. And was horrified. My spandex, being a size too large, had fallen down to my mid-thigh, leaving mid-thigh to waist completely exposed. It was so cold out, my legs were numb anyway and I didn’t feel a thing. All that honking? People weren’t annoyed- they were just looking at my bare, cold, red bum.

Not so much a klutzy moment, but during an ice storm that same winter I wiped out 5 feet into a run and was covered in blood and gravel. For the sake of people nearby, I popped up and pretended to act like nothing had happened. That was a long winter…


Nay on the cherries. Most of my runs are by myself because the majority of them are very early in the morning. Knock on wood I don’t have any running klutz moments but when I was training for my first half I was walking on my patio & just fell. My ankle was swollen for days & I couldn’t run for a couple of weeks.


Don’t feel bad…2 years ago I was running along one morning when I tripped (over nothing), went head over heels and my hands broke my fall…and after realizing I could barely move my hand without excruciating pain, xrays showed that I had broken my hand!! The day before Thanksgiving weekend…I had to have family members cutting up my turkey as one hand was in a cast! So yeah, don’t feel bad!! lol


It’s funny that, living in Iowa, I’ve never fallen on ice while running – my worst wipeouts have been mud (on a downhill – didn’t even see it coming – one minute I was singing Britney Spears and the next I was on my butt – was coated in mud the rest of the way home) and sand on vacation (while playing with my iPod and not watching the sand shoulder). It happens!


I am definitely a klutz as well! One time during a run, I tripped (on what is still a mystery) so bad I went flying forward, landed on my knees/side, and then rolled. I ripped my pants, scratched up my knee and hands, and seriously damaged my iPod. This also happened on a busy road with a bunch of cars at a stoplight. I’m sure I made their day!


I am not usually a klutz but during an early morning long run I must have tripped over my own feet due to my tired legs. It was winter time so it was my hands that got the pain of the fall, but I got up and kept on going for another couple miles to finish what I started. :)


I have done that exact same run-and-tumble – only I was wearing a knee brace with an opening for the patella and scraped up my knee pretty well.

I now have a perfectly round scar on top of my knee as a reminder to watch where I’m going. :-)


Running along the 101 (coast hwy), feeling confident, when all of a sudden a sandbag leftover from a storm crawled out from the rocks and into my path! Ok, so maybe it was there all along and I was too busy looking at the ocean to see it ? Anyway, I went down. HARD. I caught the asphalt with my hands, but still went all the way down and managed to gash up my knee as well. Cars were whizzing by the entire time – embarrassing! I proceeded to walk down to the ocean and rinse my hand wounds before thinking about the fact that it was salt water. So, I ended up with gravel AND sand stuck in the wounds. And yes, I did attempt to finish my run. I got about a mile in, before deciding that I’d better go home and clean out my cuts. It took me a long, painful hour to get them clean. Now, I always look down when I run!


My dog tripped me when we were directly across the street from my house, finishing up the run. Most of the neighbors were out and saw it happen. #awkward Falling as a grown up hurts!

I mostly run on my own- here and there I run with one person, but I’m thinking of branching out soon to find a group!

I’m for the nuts! I wouldn’t order them, but I wouldn’t be upset if they were on there! But I agree with you- change nuts and cherries out for chocolate and candy any ole day!


I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only klutz!! I tripped over the boards that rise just before the railroad tracks. When you are walking, you wouldn’t even know there was a slight rise. But when you are running, the smallest crack becomes humongous!! LOL The first time I ran over these tracks I caught my toe and started to fall. I ended up catching most of my fall with my hands (without much injury to them or my arms, thank goodness!!!). I ended up scraping my one knee but I was luck that no one saw me!! ;) That was the most important part, not being seen!!!!!! Even though I knew this small incline was there, I tripped over it again but was able to catch myself enough to not actually fall!! So no, you, my running friend, are not the only klutz out there! Happy trails!!


I very recently fell running – I am pretty sure it was a crack in the sidewalk for me as well. I got my knee, shoulder, and broke a tooth! I was very fortunate to find an emergency dentist who could help me out – after I finished 5 more miles, of course :D


It happens. I’m a klutz too. Two years ago, at a half marathon race in Grenaa Denmark, my foot caught the root of a tree. I fell. The right side of my body hit the ground. I could not breathe. I was bleeding from my knee and elbow. I got up and started running towards the finish line. After all I had only about 2 miles left of the race. The last mile was really painful but I did complete the race.

It turned out that I had broken two ribs and bent the rest. It is still in the back of my mind, when I hit the trails. Take care.


oh girl,
I DEFINTELY have had those moments before!! A couple of years ago on a long run, I tripped on some uneven pavement and tore up my knee (also my running pants :-( ). It was right before I was about to cross an intersection. A dude sitting in his truck waiting for the light saw me fall and ALL HE DID WAS STARE LIKE A DUFUS. So I just dusted myself off and mouthed the words to him “I’m OK!” and kept running. It made me feel like a total BA that I was running with a bloody knee and bloody hands.


Ooh an ice cream date looks and sounds awesome!


Well on my first 5K I was making good time and was passing some people and tripped on a road crack. I hit the ground hard and severely sprained my ankle. But I finished the race! But couldn’t run for several months. Now I keep an eye out for those darn road cracks. :)


I have had my share of tumbling to the ground, klutzy moments, twisted ankles and tore up knees. lol I think the most embarrassing one for me that hurt my pride and my dignity was when I severely sprained my ankle around 3 months ago.

I had gotten my 17 yo son to start running with me a month earlier. We went out during the evening and on our way back home it had started getting a bit dark out. We were just two houses down when I had looked down at my watch, fiddled with the mp3 player in my shorts pocket and BAM…. my right foot stepped off the sidewalk on accident with my foot landing between the curb and a large rock. My ankle rolled and popped and I slammed knees first onto the ground…. I cried. Hard. I’ve had a few sprains before and am usually a tough person but the pain was just too intense! My son seen me fall a ways behind me immediately asking “You okay!?” I just stared at him and in pain and I mumbled out in between breaths “I broke my ankle! I felt a pop… help.. please.. hurry!” hugged my foot and knee and just started crying. He ran over tore my shoes and socks off, painfully poked and prodded my ankle moving it it weird ways and came tried to assure me it was just badly sprained. We didn’t have our phones on us so 911 was out of the question, he just got me up and slowly carried me to the house bridal style to get me on ice immediately… it was terribly embarrassing.


Running is the only time that I am actually semi-coordinated. I’m normally a klutz and run into everything, trip over nothing, and manage to hit my head on the car door frame on the regular.. but when I run I tend to sing to my music to keep my mind off of my labored breathing and sometimes I get so caught up in it I don’t hear another runner approaching and they scare the crap out of me when they pass by. So that’s always fun. And I’m sure the drivers passing by love the free entertainment.


Wow, I am definately a huge hlutz, but it has only come out a few times in the 10 years I have run. The worst was during the half-marathon in Fargo a couple of years ago. 2″ ridge between two sections of concrete and I caught a toe and tumbled. Laying there in embarassment and checking to make sure ok. This little old lady comes off the sidewalk with her cellphone and wants to call 911 for an ambulance. So not only am I MAJOR embarassed, but I have to calm her down also. Got up, had the scrapes washed out, then finished and bandaged at the finish aid station. Still a bit embarassed two years later just telling the story; oh well! ;)


i sprained my ankle texting and walking. i was getting off a train and everyone on the train saw me. pretty bad plus then i had a sprained ankle!


I’m apparently way behind in my feed. But this Thursday my dog ran in front of me instead of behind me when switching sides. He caught both legs, I scraped both palms, the outside of my knee, and my shoulder (I rolled instead of face flopping). Luckily just scrapes, no bruises and I’ve been good to keep running.

It’s my first fall I almost one and a half years of running and that includes Ontario winter.

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