Just a small bump and holy cow my sister has recovered from surgery like a champ.

I got to go out with one (my mom and Brooke are the other two) of my all-time favorite dates last night:  

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We celebrated free chick-fil-a day like champs with salads, waffle fries and sodas.  We will continue to honor this holiday together well into our 90s.  

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The little girls had their own table so they felt pretty hip.  

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After talking my sister’s ear off for an hour straight at dinner while the kids played in the play-place she fit in an elliptical workout while I hung with the littles.  Remember how she just had back surgery 8 weeks ago (and before her surgery she could barely get out of bed) and now she is able to go on long walks and use the elliptical pain-free.  

That surgery saved her.  I want to give her doctor a big hug and a gift basket.  Maybe I will do that today.

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The main event of the evening——>  a private theater with the girls.  

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They were pretty stoked about it!

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The feature film.  Don’t be too jealous of our amazing movie choice;)  

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Brooke sat still for awhile and then she spent the rest of the time tackling me.  

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Zucchini cookies for dessert.  

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For my second dinner (we ate first dinner wayyyyy too early) I had rotisserie chicken, avocado, bbq sauce and pineapple salsa.   The only thing that was missing was a sweet potato.  

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These two get asked if they are sisters all of the time…. do you think they look a lot alike too?

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Loved this post from Becky—>  ‘I’m hungry because I run.  I run because I’m hungry.  4km of negative splits during my lunch hour today.  Absolutely love this tank!!’  You can get them HERE!!!  

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I’m taking today off from running.  My foot started feeling lame again last night.  Better to take a little time off now then later on when it gets really really bad.  I’ve got 2 months and 17 days until I kick trash at the St. George Marathon, this is just a small speed bump that will pass before I know it.  

Positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts.  Donuts.  Positive thoughts.  Positive thoughts.  


Ever had surgery?  When?  What?  How was the recovery?

What time do you typically eat dinner?

Last movie that you watched?  

Running today—>  yes or no!?!?  Cross-training? Resting?

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I’m so glad your sister is doing so well! And you guys look so cute in your cow outfits :) I’ve had surgery on my hand and my toes (moped accident, long story). Both took about 8 weeks to recover from. Surgeries are terrifying!!


I am hopefully running today. My husband talked me into playing softball tonight.

I’m so glad ypyoyour sister is doing so well!


They look so much alike, wow! Glad she’s feeling so much better now, huge relief! I did an “easy” run this morning although with the heat it didn’t feel easy at all.


Many surgeries but we wont go into them.

We eat dinner before 6 that way I don’t feel too bad about my dessert, a wendys frosty with reeses peanut butter cups!

I ran 4 miles this morning and it’s already 82 degrees!


I’ve had outpatient surgery but never a full-out surgery. So glad your sister is recovering so well!!

I usually eat dinner around 6 or 6:30. That time works really well for me.

The last movie I watched was The Replacements. It was on TV over the weekend. Definitely a winner.

Yes, I ran easy today to recover from yesterday’s speed work and get ready for tomorrow’s hills.

By the way, I NEED that salsa!!!!


I may try to run a mile today, if not I’ll walk a 5k.

I’ve had a lot of surgeries! My throat closed shut when I was 5 and I was put in an induced coma, I’ve had 4 reconstructive surgeries on my lip after a bike accident in high school, wisdom teeth removed & and D&C last year after a MMC. I’m a surgery pro now!


I’ve had surgery to recreate the valve between my esophagus and stomach and a septoplasty. Surgery on the nose is the worst thing ever. So glad your sister is doing so well!!

Dinner for us is generally around 8pm. Sometimes as late as 9:30.

Your foot will be fine! You’re doing all the right things to take care of it! Positive thoughts!! :)


Hope your foot stops being so lame. That sucks but it’ll all be fine!

Last movie I saw was Inside Out! Loved it! If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend.

Today is Hump Day Hills in my running club- hill repeats!


Running later today after waking up at 3am, flight #1, currently on layover, then flight #2!

I usually eat dinner at 5:30 then again at 7 ;)


No surgeries for me…knock on wood.
We eat dinner around 5-5:30ish. My husband says we’re senior citizens!


It’s so smart to be proactive about your foot now. That way you don’t have to worry about it a few days or weeks before your race. I hope it feels better soon Janae.

I normally eat dinner around 5-6 pm. I get too hungry to wait any longer LOL.


YAY for your sister’s great recovery! So happy to hear it :)

Bit of a rest day today but I do have my beach volleyball game tonight woop! I consider it cardio :)

We started watching Bandits last night and plan to finish it tonight…its pretty good!


I had an emergency appendectomy when I was in college. I had about 10 weeks of recovery and 3 months before I could run pain free again. Surgery is no joke. I usually eat dinner around 630/7 if I don’t work out after work. And no running for me today. I was going to run this morning but was absolutely exhausted… taking it as a sign that my body needs rest : )


I had arthroscopic hip surgery last year. I spent a month on crutches and a hip brace and six months in physical therapy. A year later, I’m better but not 100%!!


The private movie theater is so cool! We have a dine-in AMC theater here that I LOVE. It’s not as nice as that private theater but the seats are big, comfortable recliners and I love that you can order real food and drinks! Going is one of my favorite ways to recover after a long run on the weekend, haha

Hope that foot of yours is feeling better soon! Sending lots of positive vibes!


I usually eat dinner around 6pm

The last movie I saw in theatres was Avengers – I watched the first Ironman on Netflix the other day. I almost never watch movies. By the time Max goes to bed, I want to go to bed ;-)

Today is a cross-training day + strength training. Tomorrow is my long run day


Last movie I watched, The Longest Ride, ahh so cheesy and romantic. I loved it.!!

Having positive thoughts for you girl.! Hope your foot gets better real soon


-No surgeries here. So glad your sister is doing better!!! So amazing!
-Dinner is 6:00 pm here.
-McFarland, USA :)
-Strength training and an easy 2 mile (gotta tight hamstring happening) :)


I’m so glad your sister is feeling better and doing well!
The only surgery I’ve had was getting my wisdom teeth removed before they impacted.
We usually eat around 6:30-8.
Running today – goal pace workout!
Have a great Wednesday!


Thankfully I have not had to have surgery yet. I’m grateful your sister is doing well!

We usually eat dinner at 5 5:30. Or else I turn into a monster!

The last movie I watched was Wild I loved its its about a woman hiking the PCT and now I want to add that to my bucket list!

I hope to run today its currently raining here in Philadelphia so I may be heading to the Y to use their treadmills if I dont feel like getting soaked on my lunch hour.


Wow, so much fun you girls have. BTW I am always amazed by the number of awesome women/girls in your life.
I have had several surgeries, they are always terrifying but I recover pretty quickly.
Last movie I saw was Inside Out. I am a big fan of Kevin James and enjoyed the Mall Cop movies LOL.


I’m glad your sister is doing well! I’ve only had two eye surgeries, one when I was 3, so I don’t remember it! Your Chick fil a looks soooo good! This weekend we were on a mini vacation with family and didn’t get to eat dinner until 9:30 pm and I was a hangry monster!! LOL! It’s normally 6-6:30 for me, depending on if I went to workout after work or not.

Cross training for me today. My left ankle and shin are both feeling a little funky, so I’m taking a couple days off too! Sending positive thoughts your way!


That home theater is awesome! I eat dinner around 630-8! ha a huge window but it depends how late I work! Last movie I watched was Into the Woods {for like the 100th time!} Running today!


You’re being so good to listen to your foot and take a break. I hate injuries.

I’ve never had surgery but my mom hurt her back,really bad, years ago. She used to love to run but now she can’t make it more than a mile before her back flares up. She’s terrified to get surgery because she doesn’t know if she would be able to recover enough to work out at all afterwords. (Did they tell your sister that and she’s doing great despite them saying that?)


That theater room is awesome!

I’m going to be doing a Barre class and then going swimming. I’m doing my first triathlon next month so I gotta step up my game! :)


So glad your sister is doing better!

I’ve never had surgery but my oldest daughter had a plate and screws put on her tibia when she broke it and the fibula two years ago. You can feel the plate in certain areas, it’s weird. I think she’ll eventually get it removed.

Last movie I saw was yesterday, took the kids to see the Minion movie, it was funny.

I try to eat dinner by 6:00-6:30 otherwise I’ll be starving!!

I just ran 5 miles and had to get back home quickly but I need to do a few more for my 50k training so I’ll prob hop on the treadmill for maybe 3-4 more a little later.

Hope your foot feels better soon!


We eat dinner on the early side which has always worked much better for me over eating late. I always have a snack afterwards and sometimes, another small meal before bed. I think I just like to eat every few hours, rather than think about typical meal times. Why I can’t I think of the last movie I watched?! I am drawing a blank lol.


No surgery here.
We eat dinner super late….like 7-7:30.
Last movie I watched was A Smile as Big as the Moon :)…A Hallmark movie with my girls :)
Running a recovery 5 miles today


I think that Brooke & her cousin look related but in a cousin way, not as sisters. I’m glad to hear how much of a champ your sister is!

I usually try to eat dinner between 6-7 so I have time to digest before going to sleep!

YES! I ran 7 miles this morning at an easy pace!

Feel better!


Yay for free Chick Fil A! I’m glad to hear your sister is doing well!!


The last movie I watched… I THINK was Mean Girls on TV. Always. Ha!
I had 8 knee surgeries and I’m still recovering! So happy your sister’s surgery is changing her life!!!
Stay positive! This soon shall pass. (In the mean time, get a birthday cake donut from Krispy Kreme)


I had my wisdom teeth out and surgery on both eyes (not lasik) & a lumpectomy. I think I will be OK w/ no more surgeries. We eat around 5:30 pm which is early but I am a grandma and am sleeping by 8 pm so that works. Last movie we saw was Max. Today was my swim day!


Re: dinner time…which one? :P

Taking (another) week off running so this week I am cycle commuting so my workouts are 75 KM bike rides. Eating ALL the things. :)


Wow! So glad to hear your sister is doing well! I haven’t had surgery, but the manfriend had surgery on his stomach about a year after we met and he had a long, tough recovery. It was about 3 months before he felt normal and could eat a normal diet again! I’m hoping to do about 6 miles today after work! Dinner happens after–usually around 7!


ran 3 miles this am and then did planks and a lil kettlebells (wish i had more time before work/aka i need to get up earlier!). those two look SO much alike! and you and your sis are gorgeous.


zuccini cookies sound amazing! and i agree it’s wise to take a little time off now rather than be forced to take a lot of time off later.


Those two girls really do look a lot alike but you and your sister look a lot alike too! I’ve never eaten at Chick Filet in my life. Is that a crime?


They do look a lot alike.

I had foot surgery and it took about 2 months before it felt good enough to run on. (I believe the procedure has changed since I had it and recovery time is faster).

I’m getting a run in later.

We eat too late, I’m trying to get dinner together by 7:15/7:30 the latest. It’s been around 8 or after!


So glad your sister is feeling better! She’s a trooper!
No surgeries for me at this point, thankfully.
Got in a speed interval run this morning at the gym.
We usually eat dinner at 6PM.


I have had hip surgery and neck surgery. Lucky me! The recoveries for each went really well though. The hip kept me out of running for several months but am back at it 100% now.

Speaking of injuries, have you seen a doctor other than a chiro to get your foot examined/x-ray’d/MRI? Seems you have been having foot pain on and off for awhile and it sounds like it could be a stress fracture.


I feel your pain – literally! I ran a hilly 1/2 marathon about 3+ weeks ago and when I finished I had pain on the outside of my right foot, bruising, and swelling. I ran two days after and it was sore. I went to a doctor and she doubts a stress fracture (x-rays were clean) but I’m to take time off until it feels better. I haven’t seen improvement so I’m thinking about going to a chiropractor as I suspect tendinitis. I haven’t been able to run in my Hungry Runner Girl tank yet :(. I’m hoping I’m back to normal soon for an October 1/2! Positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking!


I’m pretty lucky, as I’ve never had surgery.

I usually eat dinner between 6 and 7.


I had surgery in December to put a screw in my broken big toe. It isn’t healing properly so they are doing another surgery on Aug 6 to remove the screw. I’ll be quite glad when it’s over and healed.


My boyfriend and I eat super late. We both don’t get home from work until earliest 6, then by the time we get a run in and get back/shower/actually cook, it’s close to 8:30! I don’t mind though as it prevents late night munching:)

Last movie- Randomly the bf and I watched the Sixth Sense last weekend. Still freaks me out!

Running today –> YES. I have been so off/on lately with running. Last I ran was 7 miles on Friday last week. Ooops..


Bummer about your foot, but yes, give a rest so it doesn’t get worse.
I did have oral surgery recently. Even though it was just in my mouth, it pretty much messed up my life for 3 weeks. Now it’s wonderful (so soon we forget the pain! haha). Other than that, I had both my kids via c-section. Also painful, but worth it :)


Wow your sister is amazing! I feel like we’re foot twins right now, mine is being a stinker too…no fun! By the way, i started reading your blog about 3 months ago and I’m so glad i found it, i really enjoy reading it.


I can definitely tell that Brooke and curly are related. But I think Brooke oops more like curly’s sister.

I’m so happy for your sister! I hope she continues to heal and does t have that awful back pain again!


I am resting too :( Right in the middle of my marathon training and I am confident I have a stress fracture. So bummed! Seems like everyone gets to run pain free but me! lol. I am relieved to know I am not the only one. I hope your foot feels better! <3


So glad to hear about your sister! Her doctor definitely deserves hugs and presents. I’ve only had minor surgery so no major recovery, but have a chronic illness, Crohn’s disease and the past several months have been hell. But I have an arsenal of amazing doctors who listen and deserve lots of hugs and praise for their desire to help me.

Dinner if I have my way is by 7pm. Just depends on work and if I work out morning or night.

5 miles for me this morning!

I haven’t watched many movies lately because I have been binge watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix. slightly ashamed that I am obsessed but, can’t help it!


Oh and how is your house hunting going?


I had surgery on my hand when I broke it in several places to help straighten out my fingers. I was running again within a couple of weeks, which was super fun since I had a cast to my shoulder.

During the school year we eat super early, around 5. But during the summer we eat between 6-7.

The last movie I watched was Serena. I only watched it because I read the book and I was curious how it compared. It was such a strange book/movie. I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it either.

I am going to run a short mile at our hottest time of the day today to help myself acclimate to the hot weather since I’ll be running in the afternoon with my xc team here shortly. I haven’t run since Saturday because I rolled my ankle while running a rocky trail.


Ran for the first time today since last Thursday. I start marathon training next week so I’ve been enjoying my mountain bike, but I just HAD to run today! I felt great – 5 miles with negative splits.


Better NOW when you can push for the next 2 months and 17 days than right before. YOU GOT THIS GIRL.

I’m in Seattle apartment hunting and will go to Top Pot Doughnuts for you, because I think it’ll make your foot better. It’s science.

PS. I ran in my ‘I’m Hungry Because I run’ shirt around Green Lake and almost EVERY person did the awkward: read you shirt while you run by….. :)


wow your sister is totally a champ and i’m so glad her recovery is going so well!

the last movie i watched was about 7 different movies on the flight to australia (including ‘wild’ ‘the imitation game’ ‘still alice’ ‘the theory of everything’ and more. solid movie choices happening).

no running for me either today and lots of positive thoughts for you healing quickly!


I am getting so much zucchini in my CSA right now – is there a recipe for the zucchini cookies that you could share??


I love reading about how well your sister is doing! I feel like she JUST had her surgery so to see her moving around is fantastic. I like Brooke and Curly could totally be sisters!

Last movie I watched: Minions- and I was not impressed. :/


Oh SNAP! I’m sorry to hear about your footsie. ARGH. I ran this morning and I saw a bear. It was about 20 feet away from me but it was down low in the bushes and I was up high on the dyke. Then I gorged on a bunch of blackberries only to come around the corner and see a sign in the ground saying that they had just sprayed herbicide all over that green area. AWESOME.


Ugh. I’m glad you’re taking some time off. It will pay off in the end. But oh so frustrating right now, I know!! Fingers and toes crossed for a speedy recovery!


That is so awesome that your sister is doing so well!! I’ve never had big surgery so I can’t even imagine how scary that was for her (and you + her family!!). We typically eat dinner at 6-7ish… any earlier and I would definiltely need second dinner! Hmmm the last movie I watched… I think it was unfinished business!!


Just wanted to say THANKS for opening up orders for the Hungry Runner girl shirts again!! I missed it the first time around due to vacation travels…but just ordered my tank and it should arrive just in time to kick off half-marathon training!


No running today – spinning & barre, but I did a 5k last night. I am on my way to the sports clinic right now to see if they can help me with my sesamoid and Achilles problems. :( Or point me in the right direction at least…


Had achilles surgery Oct. 2013 after 37 years of running, and after two years of chasing a nonsurgical cure. The achilles has kept me from showing up at the Boston starting line twice. May 2015 I ran another marathon on a brutally hot & humid day (with my repaired and back to full-strength achilles) – requalified for Boston and plan to BE THERE at the starting line April 18, 2016! Patience and determination usually pay off in running.


Yay so glad your sister is doing well! I’m so mad I missed Cow Appreciation Day!!!


I’m glad your sister is doing better!


So I’m also taking the day off from running because of a stupid hamstring/glute issue. I’m super stressed about it because I’ve got 2 fall marathons and a half ironman all within 7 weeks. I ran 16 in Saturday and the last 5 were super painful. I have knack for running through pain but with such a heavy fall schedule and Boston in April, I really don’t want to be totally injured. So biking tonight will have to do and maybe mostly biking until I can get this figured out. Any other tips?


Fabulous movie choice! Kevin is an old friend of mine (and was my 9th grade prom date ; ) so I feel the need to sit through all of his movies. If you haven’t already, definitely watch Here Comes the Boom!


Brooke and Curly (that’s her name right?) ALWAYS have looked like siblings to me way more than Curly looks like siblings to her own. Totally look like sisters. I love it.


I usually eat dinner around 7:30pm – last movie I saw in a theater was Magic Mike XXL ;) and the last one I watched period was on Netflix and it was so bad I don’t even remember it or the name of it – some girl who wants to be a fashion designer and goes work for her dad instead but his wife and two daughters try to kick her out of the family business – kinda a modern Cinderella story. No running for me today – did barre class instead :)


I had an injection in my spine a few years ago. I was off work for 6 months, and it took me about the same length of time to be able to walk 3 or 4 miles. I should really count my blessings that I can run without too much bother from it. I hope your foot gets better soon. Hopefully you’ll be out running again before too long :)


I definitely think that Curly and Brooke could be sisters! They are both so cute!!!


Aw! Thanks for including my picture today! Love the tanks <3


First things first. I AM SUPER PISSED AT CHICK FIL A. I looked up what meals were free and since there were no salads, I figured I would get the wrap. Then I got there and they said they were only doing the original sandwich, the nuggets or the strips. No wrap, no salad, not even a grilled chicken sandwich. Now, I realize they are giving me free food here so who am I to complain? But I hate looking online before so I know what to expect, deciding and then having that option taken away from me. I don’t deal well with change, especially with food. There were no healthy options and I was mad. Cause apparently I behave like a toddler.

Speaking of, do you need me to throw a tantrum about your foot? Cause I will.

That is so awesome about your sister. Makes me so happy for her because endorphins keep ya in check. I guess I need more of them since I have attitude.


Hi Janae,
I love your shirt with the floral sleeves! Would you mind telling me where it is from? Thank you!


I had an emergency C-Section where I was completely knocked out (no epidural line in place so they put me under). Recovery was fine – I did have my gorgeous baby to distract me! I’m so glad your sister is doing better.

Last movie in theaters was Pitch Perfect 2 – we have an awesome theater here with reclining seats (with foot rests) and you can even get a cocktail to take in with you if you want. It’s awesome and I could live there.

I’ve never pool run but do swim sometimes. I get kind of lazy about it unless I’m training for a triathlon but I do love it and should do it more (and more yoga too)! Hope your foot feels better soon:)


I had my share of surgeries this year including reattaching my entir hamstring to the pubic bone. Excrucuating recevery but he did a great just
Job I was biking in 4 weeks and running in 6. HowEver I face another battle in my foot awful bunion causing overload on 2nd met and the ball of my foot feels like a sfx but i am told capsulitis

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