How I (try) to deal with injury scares and MONDAY MATTERS!!!

Today I tested out the foot and it felt pretty darn good.  Still a bit off but fine to run on.  My coach warned me that I was going to want to go longer than the 5 miles that he told me to do and like usual, he was right.  BUT I did listen to him and I stopped at five miles and stretched for a while.  

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Last Thursday night I started to freak out when my foot was swollen.  It had already been an especially lame week because of other things going on and I was worrying big time that whatever was happening with my foot was going to have me out from running for a bit.  I really want that sub 3 in October and so taking a few weeks off would really put a damper on hitting that goal. 

After worrying for a solid 1.4 hours I had to stop myself.  I reminded myself that setbacks are normal.  Things happen even when you are doing everything that you can (not saying that I was doing everything possible to avoid injuries… I was sure trying though) to stay injury free.  I am pretty sure everybody has a setback in their training every now and then whether it be physically or mentally or both.  I don’t think being an optimist means that you are happy and smiling all day long.  I think it means that you can take a situation that isn’t so great, realize that it is normal to have hard times/setbacks and do what you can to bounce back.  I decided I was going to stop worrying (because that doesn’t get you anywhere), remember that every runner has setbacks and do something about it—>  get a sports massage, rest, elevate, ice, go to Dr. B (today) and hope for the best.  

Don’t get too discouraged when things pop up during your training (or life;) that take you back a few steps.  Those setbacks help you to learn, grow and come back stronger if you choose to bounce back.  Powering through the setbacks that we have along the way make achieving those goals of ours taste even sweeter:)  


Let’s discuss a couple very unimportant matters that I feel are important.  

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I gave Brooke an amazing sugar cookie and this is what she gave back to me.  I mean, the frosting is the best part but still…

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This pink blanket has magical powers over Brooke and the more of it that is touching her the happier she is. 

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I find this VERY FITTING: 

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Mary, Lindsey, Grace and Megan are rocking the shirts too:

PicMonkey Collage 

When we slept at my aunt’s house in California over this last weekend it brought back some sweet memories.  The day after I had Brooke we didn’t have an apartment yet (I pretty much had just gotten off the airplane when I went into labor) and so we stayed at my aunt’s house.  This last weekend we stayed in the same room that we did those first few nights of her life and it just made me so happy to remember little infant Brooke (aka Spikey).

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I watched the Office 5k episode last night.  Every time I watch Michael down fettuccine alfredo before running his 5k I cringe… that just sounds so painful.  I can barely handle a gu before a 5k let alone alfredo sauce ha.

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I always come prepared with a blanket and sweatshirt in my car just in case a restaurant is freezing.  I look really cool whenever I use it. Brooke wasn’t cold because she was running around in the play place but she did take some breaks to cuddle.  

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But seriously: 

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Just one more SLC picture.  

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What are some of your running goals right now?

Had any set-backs in your training over the last few months?

Worst thing you have ever eaten right before a race?

Where were you born?

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You have the right attitude when it comes to your foot – you will be better in no time! I lol’d at the sugar cookie pic. I like your style Brooke :)

My running goal right now is to train hard for my very first marathon in November!!


I have had a couple of races in a row that weren’t great. No leg turnover and then mentally just done before I should be. I just want a good race. I want to feel good and feel mentally strong. Good call on the foot situation. Give yourself a bit to be down about it, then see the positive in it all. A few days off won’t hurt your training at all!

I’ve eaten alot of really random things before training runs, never before a race. I stick to bagel and PB for those!


No injuries or set backs currently but I haven’t decided on which races I’m running this fall and winter yet so I’m holding my breathe, :)

I also carry a sweater anytime I go to a restaurant or the grocery store because it’s usually freezing. (Secretly I always think I am the smartest patron in the place as everyone else is shivering!)


Max does the same thing – eats the icing. We shared a piece of cake at Whole Foods this weekend and he totally ate all the icing :-/

I was born in the suburbs of Toronto!


Great news your foot is OK! My goal is always the same: stay injury free + have fun. I had a few calf issues back in February that kept me out of the running game for 2 weeks. I was born in St. Paul, MN.


I really love your outlook on injury and exactly what you said about optimism. I’m an optimistic person, but it doesn’t mean everything is always sunshine and rainbows. Like you said, it means taking things in stride and bouncing back. Glad you got in five miles today and hope your foot continues to feel better!
My running goal right now is a 3:30 marathon and a BQ. It’s my first marathon, so I’m just going for it and seeing what happens!


To run another marathon and not hate it this time! (And hopefully run a new PR)

No real set-backs except for the Texas summer- but it’s been much cooler this year and I’ve acclimatized a lot better than usual.

I’ve started a marathon without eating enough and I’ve also take a shot of cinnamon whiskey during a 10 mile night race. Worst. Decision. Ever.

Lafayette, Louisiana!


I can really relate to that feeling of worry – it’s tough to have perspective with a setback when we work so hard every day to do the right thing to meet our goals! Those reminders are essential. Crossing my fingers for you and hoping it will all be okay!


Phew! Glad the foot is okay. I had a lame week too due to a huge nasty blister right on the ball of my foot. It was bloody and disgusting and I had to take an extra day off and shorten my long run to only 12 miles. :-/ I just keep telling myself we have a lot of time til St George and there’s no reason to stress. :)


I worry all the time but it’s mostly while I’m in the situation. After I always realize why it happened and am able to see clearly. I think the real challenge for most of us is being optimistic when we’re going through a hard time.


I’m dealing with an injury myself right now and I love your attitude! It’s just a small setback that will make the victory that much sweeter… Like just eating the icing sweet :) (I’m digging Brooke’s style, too!)

Good luck on the sub-3!


“Set back” has been my middle name over the past few months… IT band + hip + lower back nerve issues = not a happy runner. But I agree with you –> every runner has problems; it’s part of the game! A victory wouldn’t be as rewarding if you didn’t have to struggle. Just like runs themselves, our fitness lives are filled with ups and downs, and if it’s your turn in the valley, just know that the getting back to the top is difficult… pump your arms, and you can do hard things ;)


You’re right MK! Every runner has issues & hurdles to overcome and that’s what makes each race and medal so gratifying! Keep on running;)


Injuries are so frustrating. I’ve had my fair share of them over the years and am really trying to make marathon training injury-free this time around.

So cute that you stayed in the same room where Brooke spent the first days of life <3


I am training for my first marathon which will also be in October :D Had to set EVERYTHING back during the past month because of Ramadhan (the fasting month for Moslems :) ) Brooke really is the cutest! ♡


Running goals – finishing the Portland Marathon in October, and doing a 5K in under 30 mins. Also taking my marathon training as seriously as my schedule will allow.

No set backs, actually a lot of good things happening! But I’m headed towards three weeks of vacation, two of which are in an environment of oppressive humidity with no treadmill, so I’m really worried my endurance will suffer if I don’t get long runs in.

I ate a full on egg breakfast right before a super short group run. I didn’t barf…but I sure felt like it.

Born in Portland, OR!


Well, my running goal used to be a sub 3hour (my PB is 3:10) but I can’t even get in under 1:30 in a half anymore, so I might just retire that goal, and I’m okay with it. I was born in Calgary Alberta, Canada and then we moved to LA! Then we moved to BC, which is where we have been for a very long time. I ate a Filet O Fish right before doing track work which is pretty much a recipe for vom, but it actually turned out okay. Crazy!


You have such a great and inspirational attitude! I’m sure with some more rest and care you will bounce back and hit that sub 3 goal. I will be rooting for you!


I love the abs are great but have you tried donuts tee! Too funny!! haha


Hola Chica! I have a half marathon training plan but it’s difficult to achieve in hot Phoenix. My goal is always to stay healthy & not get hurt so if the half is not meant to be then I’m still proud of all the 10k’s and 5k’s. That being said, I still have setbacks like on Sunday I ran 5 miles and my semi-new racing shoes agitated my sciatica. I’ve been icing since yesterday and tonight I’m going to PT. I had to race with cough drops in April because my chest was congested; it would upset my stomach so I would spit it out then I couldn’t breathe so I would pop another drop in my mouth. I was born in El Paso, Texas, graduated from Texas A&M University, and now live in Gilbert, Arizona!


Worst thing i’ve had before a race was a subway sandwich. Bad, bad idea. I was in high school so a lot of ideas were bad ideas. But that was a painful, bad idea.

What kind of Gu do you like? I’ve never tried them but I’m planning on getting some soon.


-I’ve recently modified my goals of running my first ultra. I’ve started back over and I’m focusing on a half (maybe) and just becoming a better/stronger runner. Maybe an ultra next fall.
-Too funny your foot is bothering you, because right after I read that I went outside to drain my daughters kiddie pool and after flipping it, my foot (that has had 2 stress fx in it) started hurting, I think I just tweaked it because it was fine a few hours later.
-So far so good on pre race eating…but give me time to screw that up, haha!


My goal is to just start running slowly again! I’ve been out for almost 6 months due to ongoing health problems and I’m finally starting to feel well enough to go on short runs! Have to start slowly after being off for so long, boy have I missed it!! I was born in London:)


I totally needed to read this today as I have been facing a huge setback (at least in my eyes). I am training for my first full Ironman and it had been going great! I am doing about 90% of my workouts by myself and that is a huge feat in its own.
But about three weeks ago, after a great 51 miles on the bike with my husband, I take off for my run portion of the workout and almost instantly pain in my right foot! My husband is an athletic trainer and said its the beginning of a stress fracture. I am so frustrated. I thought I was doing what I needed aka rest and . I am now in a walking boot. Still have one more week of no running before I am allowed to test it out. I am trying to stay positive and just swim & bike like nobody’s business.

Oh, I was born in Akron, Ohio!


My running goal right now is to successfully stick to my training plan and have a fun first full marathon this October!

Does the heat and humidity of summer count as a setback? I’ve also been readjusting to running on roads most of the time instead of trails. We moved and I’m still figuring out the best running routes.

I’ve always played it pretty safe with pre-race foods, so I don’t really have a worst thing.

I was born in the Bay Area in California!


Love your perspective on setbacks. I think its important to remember that sometimes things happen that are out of our control. We should reflect on what went wrong (too much/too soon type stuff) but when we really try to do everything right it can be hard not to blame ourselves. And the most important thing is to learn from any mistakes we did make, to prevent it from happening again.
So the worst thing I have eaten before a race may have been a hammergel that I ate before my 5k on Sunday. It was kind of old (not sure she those things expire…) but it made my stomach a mess going into the race!
And I was born in New York!


Have you ever thought of getting a periscope account??? You should do it, I am addicted to watching. My running is definitely taking a back seat to strength training right now, no goals. Running when it feels good. :) I am in PT right now for a broken tailbone/ SI joint issue. Set back-ish. I can still do a lot though. Broken tailbones are the gift that keeps on giving… 8 years later. I don’t ever recommend it.


Born in Oak Park, Illinois – moved to New Orleans when I was 3 months old.


I love that Office episode!!


Run goals: help train a group for Chicago and stay healthy so I can run NYC.
I once ate hummus before a run and regretted it the entire time.
I was born in FL!


Setback: Anemia and oxygen-deprived burning leg muscles when I run.
Goals: To get my iron levels back up and run like I used to–that is, faster and without frequent stopping breaks.
Worst thing I’ve eaten before a run? Anything that I didn’t digest properly. My stomach is always a real crank. Surprisingly, pizza is good pre-run fuel.
I was born right where I live now, Canadian and proud


I sprained my ankle in April and it sidelined me for six weeks. Talk about frustrating. I’m slowly getting my mileage back though!

Good luck with your foot! I’m sure it’ll work out just fine and you’ll nab that sub-3!


Born in Brooklyn!
I have literally been dealing with injuries since May of last year. Currently I am running but even 7 miles causes all my issues to flare. I just started NYC marathon training and have already decided to take all goals off the table. I will do as best I can. I also decided 2016 I will not run any full marathons. It’s time to really let my body heal and put the extra time into strength and cross training.


And that is why I will never have abs…and I am okay with it. Well donuts. And ice cream. And fro yo. And popcorn. And cookies. And brownies.

I am glad your foot was okay for your run today. I hope dr b whips it into tip top shape.

Brooke just needs the frosting shots at sweet tooth fairy from now on.


Yay! Thanks for posting my picture :) I LOVE that shirt! I kind of wish I bought a bunch more… it’s so soft!

My main running goal right now is to be consistent. I don’t need to run far, I just need to run as many days as possible. Well, in a healthy way. I just have a bad habit of only running long runs, and none of the shorter runs during the week!

Plenty of set backs. Laziness, heat, exhaustion…. all the good stuff. Mostly, it’s been mental, which I’m grateful for. I don’t like have physical setbacks, those usually take longer to come back from and I’d prefer to just tell myself to suck it up and do my running!

I don’t really eat much before a race. Maybe half a bagel with some peanut butter? or just butter? I’m usually nervous before a race so Im not hungry, and it’s so early that I’m nauseated. I can’t eat anything before 4am ugh I feel awful.

I was born in Boston, MA! I miss it dearly, living in SoCal now. But I do NOT miss winter!


That is definitely a great attitude to have, and it’s something I strive to keep in mind when I face my own setbacks, whether in running or in life.

And I’m with Brooke – I used to eat all the icing flowers off of cakes!


Not a race but one time we were 10 miles into a 16 miler and a guy in the training group said he had eaten two cinnamon twists and drank a monster drink before we set off. Ew.


Setbacks, yes! I am having major breathing problems lately. It came out of nowhere; my throat swells around mile 3 and I am done. The drs think it is not asthma but something called vocal cord dysfunction.

Born in Iowa and miss it so much!


“Abs are great but have you tried donuts”…basically my life motto ;)

Running injuries…plantar fasciitis (not completely disabling but super annoying) and really bad tendinitis (had to wear a walking boot for 6 weeks…boo!). Hope your foot problem is short lived and doesn’t keep you down long!

Totally random but I was reading some of your older posts and…cottage cheese + grapes = best.snack.ever! I constantly have to defend that snack b/c no one believes me about how good it is!


So happy that your foot is feeling better.

You flew on a plane right before you went into labor?! I’m new to your blog so I don’t know the whole story, but that’s pretty badass. :)

I had my appendix out a few weeks ago and it’s really thrown a wrench into my running. I ran a couple times in the last few days but then woke up with some stabbing pains this morning and don’t foresee myself running (or even exercising) for awhile. I think I may have strained something bathing our two dogs yesterday! I guess the upside is it’s ridiculously hot here right now and I don’t own a treadmill, so it’s not like I’m missing out on great running weather.


I LOVE this. Thanks for the encouragement about setbacks. I’ve definitely had my fair share, the most recent being a horrid case of plantar fasciitis. And I love the definition you gave of an optimist. We can’t be Pollyanna all of the time!

That is such a great episode of The Office. :) I can’t eat peanut butter before a race. It ruins my stomach.

I was born in Plano, which is a suburb outside of Dallas. I’ll be in Texas forever :)


Glad your foot is so much better. Scary! But we all have set-backs.
I was born in CA, too…on the living room floor. My parents aren’t very good planners. Just kind of neglected to make it to the hospital.


Thanks for the positive words. I am on week 7 of ZERO running and week 6 of ZERO crossfit due to a bulging disc in between L4 & L5. This has been really hard. I so badly want to do the right thing (taking the time off) but negative thoughts tend to creep into my head… ugh, I know my glass is 1/2 full but sometimes I need to be reminded, so THANK YOU.


I think the biggest setback for me has been the heat during my training. It’s my first time training for a full marathon and I’m not good at running in the heat, as I’m sure most of us aren’t. I try not to let it set me back, but sometimes it does.
And that donut shirt….I LOVE.


Here’s hoping there is no long term damage to your foot! Praying for a full, speedy recovery. You are also motivating me to watch the Office. I have never given it a shot, though I am a die-hard Steve Carrell fan. I need to get on that. Also, I am the same with restaurants and sweaters. Temperature is fickle and I am a wimp. Keeping a jacket on hands all the time really helps me stay happy.

I was born in Sacramento, California. :)


I’ve never eaten donuts before a race, but that actually sounds kind of good. I <3 that shirt. Thankfully the last setback I had was a foot injury last November. I took about 6 weeks off and got back into running in January, and I haven't had any major problems since. I always try not to go about worrying about it, as I figure that wouldn't be very helpful, but I also try to be wise and listen to the signals that my body is giving me. I'm glad your foot is feeling better.


I love the office!! I was born in Portland, OR, and though I don’t live there anymore I love it dearly. I’m training pretty well but working on strengthening a tender left knee.


That episode of the office is one of my favorites. Rabies awareness is so important! I’m battling a little hamstring injury and I have high goals for St. George this year too-so my fingers are crossed for us both. I was born in Alabama y’all but now I live in St. George, Utah.


I’m trying to train for a 10k right now :) The past few months I’ve been dealing with bursitis in my hip :( I was born in MA.


I’m so glad that your foot is feeling better! I first started reading your blog when you had Brooke, and I remember that! So crazy! As for that shirt, I NEED it! ;)


Oh boy, I hear you on the setbacks! I have a stress fracture in my pubic bone and it has had me out of running for 6 months! But it’s allowed me to do other exciting things in the meantime…and that’s how you have to look at it. what else can I do now that I have the time and couldn’t before!?


This is my first year coaching xc full time so I really want to be able to keep up with a good portion of the kids. And I’m running Nike in October. I don’t plan on PRing, I would love to enjoy the race injury free!

I tore my plantar fascia in January and recently rolled the same foot. Oy!

I was born in the city that I currently live in.


Did anyone else notice that in the last picture it looks like Brooke has a giant leg? haha


Oh and to answer your questions, I’m training for my first half marathon currently :) Although have a current setback of a bruised heel from a surfing injury.
Born in Nevada!


My goal is to stay injury free while increasing my miles after having a baby. Step 1 right? I love your attitude about your foot! Good luck! Oh, and Emily Scott loves frosting, donut glaze…you name it.


I love your perspective on setbacks! It’s so refreshing to hear. My fingers are crossed that this little setback of yours doesn’t last much longer.

My goal is to run Route 66 in under 5 hours. I’m a slower runner. But you know what, it’s MY goal and that’s all that matters.

I’m pretty careful with what I eat pre-race, so I don’t have any horror stories to share there. But, I always wonder about those downing beers at their pre-race day dinners… ;)


I love that episode of The Office. I always make jokes before a race that i need my alfredo, and no water!


Alright… Serious parenting question here. Do you eat the cookie after Brooke gives it back to you like that or throw it away? I couldn’t help but laugh out loud so loudly that I snorted when I saw that poor cookie! And as a non-parent (yet) I feel like I need to know what do to when faced with these kind of dilemmas!


I’m just into week 2 of my training, and last Friday a sickness hit me like a truck. I’m still recovering, but I missed a lot of running since Friday. I’m still taking this week off, so I can pick it up next week. But in the end I’m missing 2 weeks and I hate it! But I know if I run with this, I’ll be out a lot longer. So it happens to everyone!


I’ve never eaten anything bad before a race but I did make the mistake of a big ol’ plate of sausage, peppers, and onions shortly before a heavy lifting session.
Holy Heartburn Batman!! I thought I was gonna be sick so many times.

I was born in Massachusetts.


I am training for my second marathon in November! It is on a civil war battlefield….very pretty and mostly flat!

The only setback right now is the heat and humidity, it is making the quality of my longer runs suffer a bit. I know it will improve though and September and October will rock…..those are my favorite months to run!

I was born in Monroe, Louisiana……..lived in Louisiana a lot of my life, but I have lived in Tennessee longer now.


Oh, and the worse thing I ate was a pink grapefruit vitamin C drop………….I had a cough and thought it would help. To this day I cannot eat anything grapefruit flavored.


Omg the Office 5k episode cracks me up every time!!


I love the shirt! It’s soft and comfortable! Thanks for the share.

I’ve actually had some of my best runs after eating a donut but I wouldn’t recommend it. Worst decision was pizza the night before a race.

As for goals, I would really love to break a 2:00 half this year.


I need that t-shirt in my life!


Thank you so much for this post! I am currently working through an injury to my shoulder and I have had a lot of pep talks with myself about how important rest is right now. It’s so hard, but I have to honor my body or suffer the consequences. Stay strong and take care!


Loved this post!

I’ve had several set backs this training cycle. I was sick for a few weeks and then I injured my knee playing soccer which set me back a whole month! But I did everything else I could during that time to make sure I didn’t lose any of my fitness! I’m feeling pretty good now!

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