Sentence Per Picture

I celebrated National Running Day with 4 treadmill miles.

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Training for my next marathon officially starts in 12 days… AHHHHHHH!

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She’s an Oakley sunglasses fan through and through (a friend that works there gave these to her when she was a baby).

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Dr. Bennett (801-513-1078) worked on me to get me all ready to start marathon training… that silly right foot of mine always needs a little help.  

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PS the socks in the above picture I am loving… Training Day and Race Day… no blisters here.  

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She helps me with the broccoli roasting prep.  

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This meal of broccoli, sweet potato with turkey burger and bbq sauce never gets old to me.  

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Went to the coolest splash pad (Utah people—>  the one on center street in Springville).

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Tried out the cotton candy Oreos for the first time ever.  

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Turns out Brooke only liked the insides and left the rest…

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Made two stops on the way home:

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I showed Brooke the school that I used to teach at before she was born and she was pretty excited about it (she met her preschool teacher yesterday so I think she was kind of able to understand the ‘teacher’ concept;) 

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What is your sentence of the day?  

Are you an oreo fan?  Do you like any of the new flavored kinds or do you stick with the classics?

Any teachers reading?  What grades?

People with fall races this year… when does your training start?

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I love those training socks – I have the exact same pair (and about 20 more!)

I’m a seminary teacher – does that count as a teacher? (Not an S&I employee, just a calling)

I just like the regular kind of oreo’s, double stuff. However double stuff should just be regular stuff because no one likes regular right?


Sentence for today = grateful for all my blessings.
I do love Oreos! All kinds. I’m not picky at all.
So many fun splash pads for you guys. I don’t think we have that many in my area but maybe we do and I just don’t know about them.


I celebrated National Running day by walking 8 miles yesterday and lifting weights today (cross training at it’s finest). I wish I could breakup with almond butter, but I just love it so much. Gave blood today to check my estrogen & iron levels. Munching on a homemade protein bar with greens.


Cotton Candy Oreos…………..and that is all I can think of now…..


Sentence/mantra of the day: Healthy is better than short-term happiness!
I’m weird about oreos. I love anything oreo-flavored, but I”m not really into the actual oreo cookies


The red velvet oreos that were just out were pretty good! I think those are the only specialty flavor that I’ve tried though!

I’m still looking for a good fall race. I’ll take a few weeks off after my next marathon and then get back into training. The break will be good for me!

I’ve got five miles on tap for National Running Day! Can’t wait!


Sentence of the day: Running make me so happy!
I haven’t had an oreo since I was a kid – I can’t believe it!!
You’ve had such a nice break in between marathon cycles. So exciting about St. George and the sub 2 pursuit!


Always yes to Oreos. I like the Oops! ones.


I am a preschool special Ed teacher. I travel to see my students at preschools and daycares in my territory. In the summer the kids in preschool come to see me. If you lived near me I could give you the lowdown on most preschools!!


Sentence of the day: National Running Day gave me a LESS painful run at therapy!

I’m interested in trying the new S’mores Oreos.


Brooke is growing up so fast! She is looking so old and gorgeous these days.

Sentence for today: Organizing the house followed by grocery shopping followed by a run with Fleet Feet to celebrate National Running Day.

LOVE Oreos. I like the classic with peanut butter on top. Really want to try smores though.

My training started 1.5 weeks ago for my September marathon!


She looks SO grown up in the picture of her prepping broccoli!


(my sentence) I’m so excited to share National Running Day this year with my guy, who is a runner.


Sentence of the day: Running boosts my creativity.
I like regular/double-stuff oreos mixed into ice cream or froyo. There’s something about the cookies&cream taste and texture that’s always worth the indulgence.
I started training on Monday for the Portland (Oregon) Marathon!


LOVE Oreo’s… just never one for flavors… Red Velvet was okay… but kind of just tasted the same to me. I want to try the birthday cake, and I saw somewhere they have s’mores… I’m running NYCM so I will hopefully start training second week in July!


I ran 4 miles this morning too! Im not a teacher but I work in an elementary school as a mental health counselor with grades K-5. I couldn’t imagine teaching high school kids like you did! I still haven’t figured out what Im doing for races this fall..guess I should decide soon since its almost time to start training!


I love those socks! My favorite race gives them out in the participant bags (along with Brooks tshirts)

I haven’t tried too many different Oreo flavors but the watermelon ones were pretty good.

Training for Twin Cities Marathon starts in 12 days for me!


I love oreos, but I am a diehard regular fan. I’m not into all the other ones!


Double stuff Oreos for the win!!

I’m doing an October half so I’ll start really focusing on that in another month or so. For now, just trying to stay injury free and keep my base up!!


National Running Day sentence: Ran 8.1 miles on the trail with over 1,000′ of climbing (and descending!)

I’m not a big Oreo fan, I might eat about 5 and my husband eats the rest of the package.

Training for Revel Canyon City Marathon starts on July 19th.


Love the pics!

Sentence of the day: Anything matches if you wear it with confidence.

I’m a teacher! I teach high school broadcast and journalism. Can’t wait for the last day of school Friday. :)


Janae, you are SUCH a good mama to Brooke. I’m always amazed at all of the great experiences you give her (splash pads, trips to farms, time with your family, and so much more). She is one lucky lady, and I hope that I can do half as well as you’re doing!! (I’m 30 weeks pregnant with my first!)


I am a classic oreo kind of girl. I actually mostly like the outside. Sometimes I will tolerate the inner filling but other times I will scrape it out. Maybe I should send the insides to Brooke?


My daughter looks like such a creeper in that picture at the splash pad. It’s kind of awesome.

Glad you cropped my crotchital area out of that picture.

If we are talking oreos and oreo LIKE cookies, then it is a toss up between the fudge covered candy can joe joes and homemade oreos. If we are talking only Nabisco oreos, then regular oreos (with pb smeared on top) will always be my favorite. But I do like the lemon ones a lot and the s’more ones. Those cotton candy ones are pretty good too. Most of the seasonal ones are okay, but nothing AMAZING! If you haven’t had the s’more ones by Monday night, I will be buying a package to bring to Bachelor.

My training would have started Monday. Boo.

Brooke totally did that with the red velvet oreos at my house too. I don’t blame the girl. Frosting is where it is at!


I am running my next marathon Thanksgiving weekend (to distract me from the fact that I am moving away from ALL my family and will not be with them this year…running = endorphins = I will power through).

Plain Jane, regular Oreos for life.


Brooke has the cutest expressions on her face in these photos!! She’s getting so big and pretty as ever!

Not sure I could do cotton candy Oreos… I think I’m more of a classic fan. ;)


I’m loving the new s’mores oreos! They’re the best!

Marathon training for Chicago #2 starts on June 22! Ahhh!


She’s not already going to preschool is she.!? that’s crazy. I can definitely WAIT till I have to take my daughter to preschool. lol

I am definitely an Oreo fan.!! but the most I venture out from the classics is the Peanut butter kind.! soo good. they should make an almond butter kind for all you almond butter fans


NYC marathon training starts July 13. I am trying to get myself geared up mentally. It has been a while (4 years) since I marathon trained. Eek!!

Brooke’s face in the Oreo picture is awesome!


I’m a teacher :) I teach high school band! I can’t believe your kiddo is off to preschool already! Mine just turned 6 months and it feels like she was just born yesterday!


Seriously those first 6 months zoom by the absolute fastest. It is crazy!! YAY for teachers:) I hope you are loving your summer break!


Yep, 11th and 12th grade teacher!


I’m a teacher! I have a grade 3&4 split class.
My sentence: “Today was sports day; now bring on the couch and Netflix!”


I have 5 days left until summer vacation with my little girl.
We secretly wish we were doing last year’s vacation just to see you and the brokers again.


We have your room ready:) Let us know when to pick you guys up at the airport.


I am so in love with the peanut butter oreos!
Did a 5k in the warm AZ morning this morning! I will start training for a Nov Half here in a few weeks!
Not a teacher, but a teacher’s aide in Kindergarten! Fun times! :)


Sorry this is such a dumb comment… and not funny like my other ones (is it rude to assume I’M funny? Lol…)… Anyway. Are your ray ban sunglasses just the tortoise shelled one’s? I had been looking at them myself, but yours looks a bit different and to be honest, I like yours better than the one’s I’m looking at buying!


Sentence for the day…3 miles on the treadmill made me ridiculously happy b/c I’m finally running again after taking a break to recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea. The miles were slooooooow but I did them!
Oreos?! Yes pleeeeeeeeez! I love double stuffed but for “specialty” Oreos I’m all about birthday cake.
Former teacher…3rd and 1st grade. I miss summers off!


Happy National Running Day! I’ve been running for just over a year now and am totally addicted! I look forward to reading your blog every day.

Oreos are so yummy – double stuffed and the white chocolate covered ones at Christmas are my faves!

I’m a teacher. I teach Kindergarten and love it!


That is so awesome that you teach Kindergarten… what a blast! YAY for running for over a year now. Keep up the awesome work. And now you have me craving the white chocolate covered oreos. heaven.


HRG, have you ever worn injinji socks? Best ever!!


I haven’t yet! I’m going to have to try them out! Thank you!


My sentence: Today was one of the prettiest beach days of my life!
I like the traditional Oreos.
Fall training starts end of June!


I LOVE all the new oreo flavors, and I hope a few of them make it into being a regular. I have a similar meal today in that my dinner includes sweet potato, chicken, and broccoli.


I tried the cotton candy Oreos….. They seriously taste like cotton candy! I tried the marshmallow Oreos and those were heavenly too… Too bad they were a limited edition…

Fall training has already started, but it got put on hold due to a knee injury. After a week and a half its SO much better! Just no running still. :( swimmings okay to do, so I have been doing that while I wait. :)


Oh wow! How exciting she’ll be starting preschool!


MCM Marathon training starts in July-for now, just working on staying injury free until then!

Still looking for Oreos to start selling the creme somewhere in a jar swirled with PB and crushed up Oreo pieces-how fantastic would that be?! Like Trader Joes cookie butter in oreo edition


I have been a grump today despite all kinds of good things going on. Moooody for no reason.

My boyfriend and I have fun trying all the new oreos. The S’mores ones are really good. Though I really think they missed an opportunity by not calling them “S’moreos”

I used to be a toddler teacher, and now I’m teaching preschool gymnastics.

Training for my first ever full starts in a little over two weeks – eek!


I’m jealous you can eat roasted broccoli. My stomach just can’t handle it unfortunately. All that green goodness you’d think my stomach would agree!


That picture of Brookers and the broccoli…I’m sorry…when did she turn 16????


I liked the bday cake Oreos from a few years ago. I love cotton candy, those look yummy!

I teach K-5 English Language Decelopment. This school year went so fast! I’m going to try to work more broccoli into my summer lunches!


I am building a base to begin marathon training at the end of June for the NYC Marathon Nov 1st

So my sentence for the day: If 92 year old Harriet can do it, so can you! She is such an inspiration.

And I absolutely LOVE double stuff Oreos! I’ve tried other flavors but always come back to the basics.


I thought you might appreciate this!


Sentence: DON’T THINK–just do.

I am a junior and senior high school English teacher… still reading from the time when you were also a teacher. You’re missing out on how much teens are changing due to cell-phones and social media. (I am so glad we didn’t have Twitter and Instagram when we were in high school.)


I LOVE those cotton candy oreos! So delicious :) I love brooke’s wave in the picture of her helping with dinner! She is hilarious.


Training started last week! I still haven’t decided which fall marathon I’m going to run … Thinking either Detroit or Grand Rapids. Good news is that they’re both on the same day and they don’t usually sell out so I can procrastinate on making a decision :)

I really want to try the peanut butter Oreos! I wasn’t that crazy about the red velvet kind but I love putting pb on regular Oreos (taken straight from The Parent Trap)!


I’m a public school librarian reading does that count?

Doing my second trail run in September…super excited. Especially since a giant sink hole opened up in the middle of the course and it made the national news.

Trying to get over shin splints….stinks, if it’s not one injury it’s another….I will get healthy….I will get healthy!!


I am a teacher, but only for 27.5 more hours. Yes, I counted it up just now! I have the most incredible 2 year old son, Max and I will be having another boy in August. I will be home with my boys in the fall and forever more! Being a mom is the best thing in the world and I can not wait to be there with my boys every single day. Teaching these last two years and dropping off my buddy has been very difficult. But, God gave him the best babysitter on the planet. He loves her and she loves him. He has cried on the way home many times because he wanted her to come with us. I thank God every day for her, literally, and never mind paying her every cent she earns for taking such incredible care of him.


I don’t have a race lined up yet, but I’m hoping to be back in shape enough to do something in the fall. I’m in Arizona, so pretty much all outdoor activity is suspended until its under 100 degrees again.
I love double stuff oreos! I always take off one half (just the cookie) and throw it out, then eat the other half face down so all I can taste is the cream lol. I try to stay away from sweets, but my husband bought me a huge pack of double stuffs when I went into labor in February, and that first night I was up nearly every hour with the baby so I demolished the entire pack to help me stay awake while feeding him. :)


I’m not sure about cotton candy Oreos but the S’mires ones are amazing!

19 days til I start training for the Marine Corps Marathon! Eek l, this will be my 2nd MCM and I really love this race


My sentence is “I can’t wait for my half marathon Saturday!”

I like oreos……….we try the weird ones, as a group my friends and I will try them, but usually they aren’t that good. I do like the smores ones this year, and the watermelon ones a few years back. The regular double stuff are my favorite though, especially the holiday ones (red at Christmas, orange at Halloween, blue in the summer, and yellow for spring).

I start training for my fall race the second week of July!


Do those running socks help keep your feet cool? I need to find some that are super thin and help keep my feet from overheating in any temperature.


The new s’mores Oreos are so good!


I LOVE Oreos but usually just stick to the originals or the chocolate ones. I do almost always try the flavored ones though just to say I did!

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