Sentence Per Picture #23413

Bootcamp/strength training is part of the equation to get that marathon time that I am dreaming of…

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Mountain climbers with the bosu ball, 3 x 1 minute… burned so good.  

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We are on the hunt to try out every Acai bowl in our area.  

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We hit up Bom Acai (a FOOD TRUCK) for the Samba Bowl (brooke had the Bacana Bowl).

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It was beyond amazing and I need them to deliver to our house daily… is that too much to ask?  

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I’m grateful we both love the same foods.  

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Check out Brooke’s killer running form…  I’ve got a few things to learn from her.  

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Utah summer nights are meant to be spent outside as much as possible.

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Next up was watching Bolt together and eating leftover pizza (#classy).

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Hilarious and now I want an oreo.  

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What is your sentence for the day?

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Brooke’s running form IS amazing! That is such a great pic.
My sentence is: Must foam roll my calves today!!!



That is my sentence for today! I’m 28.5 weeks and so, so tired! I was doing great up until this week and now no matter how tired I am at night I can’t sleep, and get up at 4 a.m., so I spend all day just – tired!


Stunning running form!

Those bowls look sooooo yummy!!


My sentence for the day is more of a prayer: Please keep the humidity down!


Brooke’s har is so long and beautiful! My sentence: long day at work and no time for a run = longer run tomorrow or Saturday as something to look forward to!


LOVE the picture of Brooke running! My sentence for today is “give it all you’ve got.”


I have been my usual cranky when it comes to new trends self about acai bowls – until – I got back from the Amazon a few weeks ago where acai is from and now I am on a mission to find somewhere in Raleigh that serves acai bowls!
I might need to just make one my typical late-adopter self haha!


My dog woke me up at 3:30. Worst start to a day. I’m hoping spin class will make it up to me!


Craving that acai bowl! Might just have to get one for lunch! And today’s mantra… “It’s almost Friday”.


Why did I agree to run today when I’m so tired!!

I love the movie Bolt!


My sentence: Gotta get those marks done

It is the end of the year for me at school and I have no exam duties but a whole pile of marks to process today. YAY!!!

I have never tried an Acai bowl before, but since I’m going to California in a month, I should put that on my list of things to do while I’m there!


My sentence: I can’t wait for girls night tonight!


I am loving the new season of Orange is the New Black!


Those acai bowls look delicious!! I wish I could find something like that around me, I’d be hooked.


Today is back to work after a week off! Oh well, at least my week is short!


I could eat an acai bowl every day!
We just ran and our group is having a breakfast baby shower for a run friend!!!


Love those fruit bowls and yes it’s great when our kids like the same stuff we do!


Thank you for reminding me that there’s a place here I wanted to try for their acai bowls!


I have a small complaint.. That Mott’s add at the top of the page that expands every time I try to read the first sentence of your post… Super annoying. I can see the add just fine without it jumping out and when I click the X it goes away only to come back the next time I scroll. AHHHH


yes! the ads lately have made it so hard to read…they keep expanding and following me all over the page :/


GIRLS. I am truly so so sorry. I don’t know why that is starting to happen for you because I haven’t changed a thing but I will get it fixed! Is it when you are on your phone reading or on your computer?


Desktop computer for me. :)


I love those bumper stickers!! Dan would love them :) I’m having a bad week (I got sick and I think it’s bronchitis) and now I have to miss a trip I was planning on going my sentence is just a frownie face :( Time to rest up this weekend!


Coffee really does make an early morning a better morning! :) I wish we had a food truck with acai bowls! And when did Brooke grow up?!? She looks so much older to me compared to yesterday haha


My sentence for the day is: “Time needs to slow down a little bit!” I have a bachelorette party in Chicago this weekend, and we are leaving for Spain on Tuesday…I don’t feel ready and I wish I had a little bit more time!


AHHH so many fun adventures coming up for you. That is so exciting!


Brooks running form is amazing! The weather there looks beautiful….around here its either been humid or raining. All those bootcamp workouts are going to make you so strong for your marathon!!


It is randomly 70 degrees and no burning sun out today so today = long run day. And now I want Oreos as my fuel.

Have a wonderful morning!!!


I’ve been getting up early to get my runs in before the day starts and although I hate running so early (sluggish and slow) I do like that it frees up a whole bunch of space for other things. I may just have to get used to this!


Summer nights in Utah are my favorite! Or maybe just summer in Utah. Just summer? I don’t know. But something great happens in summer and lots of fun always comes with it.

I don’t know what acai is, I know it’s supposed to be healthy for you, but your picture makes it look super yummy!


I’m all about those ancillary things that will make marathon training easier. Running hills + strength training today!


My sentence for the day: I will try to recognize my many hlessings and put things in perspective. It is my goal to be kind to people I encounter today.


I LOVE your sentence for the day. I am making your goal my goal today too:) Thanks!


Those stickers are great! And Brooke is on point with her form! Too cute.
My sentence for today- I have never had an acai bowl and this needs to change!


can you believe I’ve never had an acai bowl? I’m basically not living apparently…

Brooke’s form is amazing…can I take a form clinic from her?


The glue on my Wawa coffee cup holder gave out and I had a lap of hot coffee this morning… Onwards.

Brooke’s running form looks like a cover for runner’s world. You might want to submit it ;)


Brooke is a little runner like her mom! So cute.

I am excited for my 27 week doctor appointment today and to hear my little boy’s heartbeat. A trip to Costco is in the works as well.


My sentence of the day is “Geez, I need to get my head out of vacation mode and really get some of this work piling up on my desk done.” =/


Roll on Friday!

Haha this week is going so slowly, it’s so hard being in an office when the weather outside is nice!


There are ZERO acai bowl places in Omaha. :( It makes me so sad!!


Now I want an acai Bowl!


i can eat 27.


I think you have a little runner on your hands there! Must be a running gene in your family. Surprisingly my side of Phoenix has zero available places. I have to drive 20 minutes to get to one. Sad!!!


The nearest place to me that has acai bowls is in Boston….that’s about a 45 minute drive! I might have to do it JUST to experience the deliciousness!!


I have never had an acai bowl! I hear so much about them through American bloggers but I don’t think much of Canada (or at least Edmonton) has caught on yet! We’re still trying to wrap our heads around the supposed magical powers of green juice.


Loving my new puppy to death, but not loving all the work he is creating! (And I could eat an acai bowl every single day, so I’m making them at home now!)


Strength training kept me injury-free during my last marathon training cycle! Get it! I love mountain climbers with the bosu. Another great exercise to do with the bosu are plank jacks.


I seriously can’t even take how cute Brook is. She’s getting started early with AMAZING running form!
I can’t seem to find a place near me with acai bowls!!!! Any tips for finding somewhere!?


Sentence today: I had my first set of pain free intervals in a month. SO HAPPY.


Those bowls look delicious! That’s so cool that you have a food truck close by that makes them. YUM!


psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. That’s my sentence for today. I’m a worrier and a planner and there’s a lot of stuff up in the air right now. So hard for me to let go!


My sentence for the day: You can’t change your past, and you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, so live in the NOW.


I want Brooke’s romper!

[Bonus sentence: Box jumps yesterday mean feeling broken-in-a-good-way today.]


those acai bowls look so good! i could totally go for one right now.


I am grateful for my tired muscles…they remind me of how hard I worked this morning while others were still asleep!


Whoa! Look at Brooke go! She is just too cute!

My sentence of the day: I should probably go to the gym…


Those açaí bowls look so good!!


sentence for the day: locking myself in the library to be as productive as possible! :)


Those fruit bowls look so yummy! My brother builds food trucks so I love supporting them whenever I can! My sentence is…Long run is tomorrow so bring on the carbs!


I’ve never had an acai bowl – crazy, I know ;)


Great pic of Brooke’s excellent running form!


You need to try the happy bowls bus. They are a food truck and they have really good acia. You can find their location on Facebook or instagram


Ha! My little and I had the EXACT same night… Park, Bolt, and pizza. Not even kidding.
Also, I am way jealous of Brooke’s hair.

Sentence for the day: Rain, rain go away!


Sentence for the day: I’m not ready for my half marathon this weekend!


So annoyed at this Chicago weather.



Haha I’ve seen that Netflix/Oreo picture lately too and love it!


I make my own Acai bowls, I don’t see them around my town.

I need Brooke to teach me the lean.

My sentence: If something frightens you irrationally, do it often.


My sentence: I just entered the San Fran Nike Women’s half lottery and hope I get in!!


Nowhere around here really offers acai bowls! They have them at the beach though—-I’m definitely trying them this year! You’ve sold me on them!!!!

My sentence for the day—“Trail running ROCKS!” went for my first trail run today and LOVED it!


I think the Oreos I can eat in one sitting would be closer to an Ultra race number… :)


Yeah, for sure… you wanna see what good running form looks like? Just watch kids run and play…unfiltered and unaltered, just perfect!


My sentence: I need to go to sleep early so I can wake up and crush a pre-dawn run!

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