-I am very thankful that Brooke is beyond obsessed with her princess nightgown and that she wears it every. single. day of her life.  It forces me to do laundry a lot more often.   

 IMG 2887

-I am reading this.  I’ve heard great things about it and so far so good.

IMG 2853

-I am loving this relationship status that my friend sent to me:

IMG 2908

-I am laughing over this picture that a reader sent me:

IMG 2859

-I am sharing this article with you because they have some great things for you to do to help you with your running!!! 

Screen Shot 2015 06 16 at 8 39 46 AM\

-I am amazed at Brooke’s photo taking skills.   

IMG 1918

-I am and always will be obsessed with Wild Zucchini salads.  Had this beauty last night:

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-I am a huge fan of the Parade of Homes (what I did last night).  Just the backyard of an 8 million dollar home.  

IMG 2903

Brooke would love this playroom…

IMG 2898

And I would love this home theater with massage chairs.  

IMG 2901

Also, this home gym would be pretty perfect.

IMG 2900

-I am agreeing with this:

IMG 2907

-I am nervous for this morning’s run because my legs are going to have to move really fast in order to complete the prescribed workout.  

IMG 2909

-I am reminding you to check out my I’m Hungry Because I Run shirts!!!!!


Fill in the blank:

I AM _____________

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also loving that playroom and I am ADULT!


We’ve always love princess nightgowns over here too! I am SO happy to have finally done some speed work this morning!


I like the I am..idea. cute :)
I am still tired.! Pooey. Long day ahead


… sooooooo happy to be healthy and running again after having the mother of all flues!

(Yikes – that house…!)


I am SORE!

Also I saw this relationship status today that’s ALMOST as good as peanut butter: https://shechive.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/daily-motivation-25-photos-2015.jpg?w=600&h=589


I am taking time to rest! I usually jump right back into training mode, but I’m taking a few weeks off to rest properly for a change!

That house is crazy! I’d take the workout room (or the movie theatre, or the backyard, or the playroom – I’m not picky!)


I am so excited that the sun is shining today for our company BBQ!


I am doing a tempo run today. . Later tomight: I am eating ice cream.


I am … blessed. I am also loving almond butter!


Those homes!!! A home theater with massage chairs would be bad for me. I bet I would always fall asleep!

I am tired today! Ran a 5K time trial in feels like 89 degrees last night and it took everything out of me!


I am on day 2 of summer vacation and every year, without fail,the first week I am always super motivated to be a “house wife” and then………,.
But for today I have an alphabetized spice rack.


Having a pool at my home is my DREAM!
I am happy my speedwork session for today is over. I was tired.


We need that water slide for our house! How cool would that be. And I want that playroom too!


I am hungry all the time so I NEED one of your shirts :)


I am getting ready for speed work.

Those homes are incredible!


I am not wanting to do anything adult like today!


I am…so excited to be going to Cape Cod tomorrow for the wedding of one of my best friends! I am also obsessed with that house…although I don’t know if I would ever get out of those massage chairs to go run or work out in that awesome gym.


tired because I only got 2 hours of sleep last night due to my great ability to stress over situations. I am accepting a new teaching job today and have to tell my current employer I am leaving. Eek!


I am: SICK (and tired of coughing all the time!). I am almost done planning my wedding in Belize! Good luck on your run :)


I am looking forward to this next adventure in life, even though I have no idea what’s ahead.


Enjoying my first day of summer (the lucky life of a teacher)…..6 weeks to get prepared for my first baby :)


I am tired and ready for the weekend already!


Love this I am…post!
I am super sore from my first trigger point massage yesterday…yikes!
Those homes rock!


I am thinking if it weren’t for the lack of Brooks and the blatant heel strike I would’ve thought the cover photo for that 12 essential moves article was you Janae!


Hi Janae! Just wondering where you got yesterday’s running outfit from? Looks great! Thanks!


I am nervous and excited for my first goal marathon pcae workout this morning!


I am… still traumatized that I ran into a spider web on my run this morning. Terrible!! Thank you for sharing the article and book – both of which I am going to look into ASAP. My daughter is only 1 so she isn’t at the stage yet of demanding to wear a certain outfit but at least you have given me insight into what’s around the corner!! :)


Wow that house is incredible! One day….right?
I am….tired! I haven’t been able to sleep for the last week or so. I’m ready to sleep like a rock again!


This is going to be a cheesy one……

I am…. so thankful that I came across your blog a couple years ago. You have given me more inspiration than you could ever know!!


I am having a bad hair day. Here’s to hoping for a less than busy day in the office, so I can slip out early, put some running clothes on and throw this mop of hair up and get a run it.


What is this parade of homes?? I want to go!


I am…Thankful. :)


I am hoping I can get a shower by noon. Here’s to hoping!


Those houses, holy moly. I know Haddonfield and Moorestown, NJ do something similar where you can check out multimillion dollar homes. I think it’s even like a wine tour or something…gosh I would need it looking at those homes LOL.

I am happy because my legs are finally recovering from my race last week LOL.


I am…happy that we’re almost halfway through the week AND that I will see my family in 4 days!


PREGNANT! Just kidding. But wouldn’t that be cute? And traumatic, since we already have six kids.


Love this post!
I am looking forward to the weekend! Sister’s bridal shower and Father’s Day fun.
Those homes are incredible!
Hope the house hunt is going well for you! Its a process but once you find ‘the one’ you will know!


I am happy I found your blog!

Can you imagine being able to live in a house like that. It would be amazing!

Your shirt is super cute in that first picture. You have really cute clothes all the time.

I’m going to have to check out that book. And the running article. Thanks for both of those.


I am excited to have reached 10,000 steps before 9am!


I am watching Kelly and Michael while snuggling with my puppy. <3 And I am drinking coffee because… duh. Haha! Does Brooke have a pair of jellies?! I never took those off when I was little. And you're lucky she picks clothes, I went through a naked phase for way too long.


I am very excited as I found out today that I will become an auntie for the fourth time :)


I love Parade of Homes! It’s so fun to see all the pretty mansions in town. Although it’s funny because the huge houses in Omaha cost around $600,000, not millions.


What little girl would not love that playroom. WOW is all I can say.

I AM ready for the weekend.


I am so happy I finally feel awake and alive today. The last two days I’ve been dead tired. Hey what every happened to you buying a house?


…running a spontaneous 7k race tonight! That should be fun!

That house!


I am ready for the weekend. We’re heading to Oregon for a week to celebrate my 30th!


I am looking forward to a weekend with friends and outdoor activities. My husband is going on a fishing trip… the house is ALL mine for 4 days (happy dance).


sick of the rain in Houston…haven’t been able to go outside for a run in awhile and I’m not excited about that at all


My husband and I loved doing The Parade of Homes too! Some of those homes and yards were just incredible. Even the more modest ones were beautiful and fun to get some decorating ideas from.

Love that happiness/ice cream quote! I am pretty sure I pinned that at some point… I live by it! ;)


I am having a hard returning to work after maternity leave…ugh…


I am currently resting after hurting my back on Monday and binge watching Friend episodes all day long!! That pool is seriously amazing, that would be my dream back yard!!


I am thinking I should take off my nail polish. ****Deep thoughts****


Those houses are stunning, but I think the best part is the view of the mountains!

I am TIRED OF RAIN. So, so tired of rain.


The Tampa Parade of Homes is always a ton of fun. Looks like you got to view some great properties!

And… I am…happy to be home, but already miss my sister.


I AM… Loving your blog! I just recently found it and I love reading it! I also have a 2.5 year old daughter and I love seeing how you incorporate her into your workouts, etc. :) Your running + your amazing times are an inspiration to a new racer like myself. I’ll definitely be a regular reader from now on. Look forward to seeing how your marathon training goes!!


I am not a huge fan of donuts. I know total sin, but all these pictures of the apple fritter is making me want to try one! I am… unstoppable! Well that’s what I tell myself to get me through a hard run.


I am smiling at the picture of your reader with the apple fritter. I am wanting to eat one now. :) I am thinking that that play room (even though I’m 21) looks like tons of fun! ;-)


I am…in DESPERATE need of a run! I actually woke up on time today to squeeze in four miles, but then my dog was spooning my leg and he was so cute I didn’t want to disrupt him.

Also I now want all the apple fritters.


I am starving. But seriously. I’ve been upping my mileage and it makes me hungry all the time. I just ate my lunch about 30 minutes ago (way earlier than usual) and I’m ready for some more. I think I’m going to start bringing two lunches to work from now on. =]


I am. . .in love with that white tank. It looks weightless, cool and lovely. Whose is it?


I am… not sure whether I am relieved that I got much needed sleep or angry that I missed my interval session this morning when I slept through my alarm!


I am happy that I was able to get a pain free run in last night. It’s been a long time so it felt really good!

Also, your book recommendation couldn’t have come at a better time! I just finished my most recent read an hour ago. I’m picking this one up next!


I am… rethinking my decision to cancel my gym membership – dreading a tempo run in the heat today! Love that relationship status too.


I am……so jealous of all the running you do as I’m slowly trying to recover from injury :(


I am…simultaneously loving and hating my foam roller….


that home gym would be **perfect**!!!

i am a little sore in the calves from a steep hike yesterday – it was tons of fun!


I am jealous you got to go to a parade of homes!! I love those things – I’ll have to check out where they are near me this summer.


I am laughing at my apple fritter Snapchat. Seriously such a good impulse buy! I am also excited for my first run in TEN DAYS TODAY! Yay for rest and recovery!


I am…now wanting an apple fritter and peanut butter. Wait. I always want peanut butter. It IS my relationship. I had it in my yogurt this morning. Mmmmm.

What are those delightful looking things on top of your salad and why have I never had them before?

I need to read that book.

I always to go the parade of homes when I am in st george. Those homes are bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.


I am… celebrating my two-year Runniversary! :)

Also, I am looking forward to receiving my HRG tank that I just ordered, in honor of my special day!


I am…. REALLY wishing that water slide/pool was in my backyard. There is nothing better than a cold pool after a run!


Those houses look amazing!


I am…. so excited for my workout today!! And also… I am wondering… What’s your snapchat name?! :)



I AM thankful for the best girlfriends & family everrr!


I am completely drooling over those amazing homes!!!


I am…thankful that I decided to begin running 8 weeks ago…and have been training for 7 weeks! I am 49 years old and set a goal 8 weeks ago to run a 5k on my 50th birthday, which is July 31. In my efforts to find wisdom and motivation, I ‘ran’ into your blog and became instantly addicted. Even though you and the majority of your audience are MUCH younger than me and are long distance runners, you are a beautiful and joyful inspiration to someone who is getting ready to celebrate 50 and dreaming of 3.1!!!

I am…so proud of myself for reaching my goal sooner than I expected or planned!!! Last night I RAN my first 5K with Iron Cowboy in Oklahoma City! Through this blog I learned of this amazing guy and his 50 state mission. What a complete joy to run my first 5K along side him, and show my support. Thank you for sharing his video with us.

This blog is priceless. You are encouraging and motivating women to be better, stronger, healthier. Blessings….


It’s okay Denise…

I’m in the older crowd too but I still hang here. It’s happy and I find there’s not a LOT of blogs in our group. so what can ya do?


I am thankful for my family who support me with my fitness journey. I am so proud of how far I have come and all that I have achieved.


happy to have the day off with no plans!


I am drinking a Mint Matcha smoothie and enjoying a brief intermission to my day!


Love the book recommendation! “The Happiness Project” was a great read. I get serious house envy of any and all home gyms. One day!


Where did you get your sheer shirt from? I love it (it would go great with my Orange Lulu Sports bra!!)


I avoid the Parade of Homes because then I just want them and get depressed.

I do want your salad though and it’s far more likely I can manage that so there you go.

I like that everyone thinks you’re a good influence yet everyone seems to be eating Apple Fritters…uh-huh. Brainwashing at it’s best. ;)


That playroom is AMAZING!!!!!


Just Ordered a shirt! I am excited!


OH YAY!!! Thank you so much Suzanne! I hope you love it!


I am…killing myself laughing over the snap that reader sent you!!!


I am… loving that book recommendation (10% happier)… just added it to my “to read” list! :)

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