I am a wuss when it comes to running in the heat and the pros and cons.

Today I realized like I always do when I run in the heat—>  I am kind of a wuss.  I don’t think it is the temperatures that get to me (I’m used to running in a hot gym) as much as running with the sun beating down on me.  It just zaps me.  I need to make sure that I do get out and run in the heat every now and then to prepare my body for hot temps just in case my marathon is a hot one.  I think that the temperatures at the St. George Marathon are usually pretty good but there have been some years where it has been crazy hot.  Gotta be prepared for anything on race day.  

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7.2 miles @ 7:53 average during the late morning.

My coach had me do this run naked (no garmin/music) and as I was going along I came up with a pros and cons list in my head.   PS he had me wear my garmin but I just didn’t look at it during the run.

The PROS of running technology free:

-You have plenty of time to think about and work on your form.  You aren’t distracted my numbers or tunes so your brain is able to think all about your form!

-You can hear your breathing and your footsteps which is kind of fun.

-You run off of feel rather than the beat of your music changing your pace (faster or slower).

-You don’t have anything distracting you so you see more of your surroundings.

-It is a great stress reliever to just be outside without a lot of noise.

The CONS of running technology free:

-You can hear your breathing.  I guess this is a pro and con for me:)

-You start singing your favorite running songs out loud and you feel bad for the other people on the trail.  

-When you get tired or hot you don’t have music to distract you.

-If you are addicted to looking at your garmin (hmmmm me) then you are faced with the temptation to keep looking down to see where you are for the entire run.


Just a few Monday Matters to discuss with you this afternoon.

-Every time I do a speed workout:

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-This incredible candy and some Jimmy Fallon made for a perfect night.   

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-This email/picture made me so happy.  My friend Rene (she lives in Texas) sent me this picture of her and her running group.

“Today we did our regular 8 mile loop which takes us by three donut stops.  For 2.5 years we’ve run past them.  But today, to celebrate the start of our marathon training, our long talked about donut run became reality.  We stopped at every single one.  No watches, no stress.  Just a laughter filled and good for the soul run.”

Sounds like the best type of run ever.  I am so there for the next one.  

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-One of the homes at The Parade of Homes had a pebbled ice machine in the pantry.  I actually do need this.  I don’t know why I love pebbled ice so much but I just do.  

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-I was just tagged on Facebook in this picture and I am trying really hard to remember why I was so so beyond excited/shocked/scared/dramatic about what my friend was telling me.

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-Leftovers while watching Brooke swim some laps in the kiddie pool today.

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Looking for some inspirations?  Read about Keila’s story.  She is one amazing woman!

“Ms. Merino became one of just over 300 people to complete the Grand Slam of ultrarunning. She ran, walked, climbed, crawled and cried her way through a set of four of the most difficult 100-mile races in the United States — the Leadville 100 in Colorado, the Western States in California, the Wasatch Front in Utah and the Vermont 100 — staggering for hours through 90-degree heat along canyon roads, and wending her way through Rocky Mountain trails at altitudes above 12,000 feet.”

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-My cute friend got engaged last Friday and when she came down the stairs (she didn’t know what was going on yet) Brooke ran up to her, gave her a rose and a hug.  My heart melted.  

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-I share my tips for first time marathoners HERE!!!

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-Only three more days left to buy one of these beauties!!!!

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Have any Monday Matters to share with me!?!?

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Back in the pool today for lap swimming after a few months hiatus. I forgot how much I love swimming! I ran a few miles on the treadmill then got a few laps in. It was glorious!


I’m a huge complainer regarding running in the heat, or really just hear in general! Love winter running and especially cooler weather races!


Good to know I’m not alone:)


Odd as it seems when I need motivation to run, like this morning, I just look at my dogs faces when I ask them if they’re ready for a walk. They get so darned excited that they act like puppies even though they aren’t and it’s infectious. Makes me want to run ALL the miles. You should get a puppy….


I just ate so many sweet potato tortilla chips that the salt burned my mouth. This is when you know you have problems.

EXTRA fun fact – the Spotify “Afternoon Acoustic” playlist is really the best thing I’ve discovered since the PureFlows.


I adore you for sharing that playlist with me… thank you!!! PS I want those sweet potato tortilla chips bad.


So glad not to run in the heat. Anything above 60 and I can’t cope!


I’m a huge complainer about the heat also! We’re supposed to get a “heat wave” in Seattle and I am not looking forward to running during that.
Monday Matter: I love/hate 800s and wow, I forgot how hungry a good speed workout makes me!


2.5 weeks till I get rid of my crutches and I am able to ride the bike for 10 minutes at a time. Progress!!!
Your sunglasses remind me that a need a new pair, stat! :)


AHHHHH you are getting so close. I’m so happy that you are almost free of crutches. You’ve got this girl!


Thanks!! I am so excited!!


I cannot stand running in the heat either. I think today calls for a treadmill run.

Today is working my first four day week in 4 weeks. This is going to be rough.


I will proudly be wearing the flowy tank in Alaska, as soon as I get it.. they are super cute! :)


I think I have said it a million times to you, but I freaking hate running in the heat. And you’re right. All my training runs for my marathon were in similar temps to the actual race day, but the difference between having the sun behind the mountains and it beating down on you is HUGE. But you got it done. So what if you whined, you didn’t give up and that makes you tough.

Sara wells (from our best bites) has a pebble ice machine in her kitchen too. I am very jealous.

I always sing when I run. With music. Without music. Indoors. Outdoors. I feel like those who get to experience it, are very lucky…Ya know?


I hate ice because my teeth are super sensitive, but I love the pebbled ice. I don’t know why and it is probably not remotely logical but that’s how I work.

Our running group always talks about stopping for donuts too! We need to do that sometime!

I’m a giant wuss in the heat. I deal with the cold much, much better. I will likely complain about the wind regardless of whether its hot or cold outside though!


I know Keila!!! She’s seriously amazing.


Last time I checked the heat index was 107. I do not want to go outside.


Heading out on my run now…the heat index says it feels like 103 out, with sustained winds of 27mph. And after my run, I’m going to mow the lawn.


The hearing yourself breathe is a pro and a con for me too. And running with music is a great distraction from the heat. Also, sometimes I sing my songs even with the head phones on. Poor fellow runners probably think i’m insane. But sometimes you just gotta sing it.

A pebbled ice machine and a donut run. I want both now.


Define “heat.” :) It’s 94 here (NE Kansas) right now and I’m waiting until 7 pm to run when it’ll be closer to 90. Only 50% humidity, so that’s good.


Oh my goodness, I join you in the wuss camp when it comes to running in the heat/sun. Seriously, I wither/melt/whine in the heat. It’s kind of pathetic.

I do not run with anything but a watch-just to keep track of time so I am not late anywhere. No garmin, no headphones…zip, nada, zilch.

Ice. Yum. I miss having ice in my drinks when at a restaurant.


I’m not a hat wearer, but I started wearing one on morning runs when the sun was beating down, my sunglasses just don’t seem to be enough. It’s a love/hate relationship – the hat gets the sun out of my eyes, but my head feels hotter. I’m sure there’s a great running hat out there, I just haven’t found it yet.

Monday matters – I did intervals for the first time in too long and was actually surprised at my pace – it was faster than I thought it would be.


Ohh Mondays :)
It’s been a good one even though today was my rest day.
and can’t wait to read that First time Marathoner article of yours. I’ll be a first time marathoner SOON. (well not that soon) haha. so I’m trying to soak in all the advice right now.

I like running naked every once in a while. Mostly without music, it’s very soothing.!


I’ve ran naked a few times and it actually is very freeing if you’re in the right state of mind. I don’t know that I could manage a whole 13.1 without any technology though! That sounds insane even though my best friend just ran her first half marathon entirely without technology!


I don’t like running in the heat, either. I use the treadmill most of June-August (especially since I am not training and my daughter is on summer vacation), except for my week vacation at the beach. I am able to suck it up when I’m in the Outer Banks!

My Monday matters- we are moving in 9 days (only .33 miles from our current house) and we haven’t sold our house, yet! I have to keep the house pristine from 10am-7pm in case someone wants to walk through! It is just a bit stressful. Luckily I have been able to run, but next week (moving week!) will be a challenge to get more than 3 runs in. Trying not to add more to my list of stressful things.


Bigger question regarding that Facebook pic – what is green on your arm? Hahaha.


that is an excellent question and I wish I had the answer hahahah!


that licorice is SO GOOD. amiright or amiright?

I wish there weren’t so many photos of me at weddings where I can’t explain my faces.


Monday matters: I’m getting to pick my friends garden while he’s out of town. We just grilled so many yummy veggies that I picked this morning. I know I’m a dork, but this makes me super happy!
Also, I’m obviously tapering this week and channeling my energy into food!


I have been starting to adjust to the heat, but since I run early in the morning its mostly the humidity that I’ve been dealing with.
When my garmin died at mile two the other day I still kept looking down at it even though I knew it wouldn’t tell me anything! And I’ve gotten used to hearing my breathing when I run- it definitely helps to me check in about how I am feeling.


The heat is killer, especially when the sun is beating down combined with humidity. Ugh. I try to get out there extra early to be as comfortable as possible these days.


I am struggling with heat too-Florida summer running is no joke! Hang in there!!


My sister, Sarah, and I decided to up our game today. So after our favorite step class (that nearly killed us off), we decided to do your “post run power exercises.” Needless to say we just did one round, lol! Wednesday’s goal: 2 rounds. Thanks for being such an inspiration and posting so many awesome workouts to kill us, I mean, make us stronger! :)


I love pebbled ice too! And I always love looking back at photos and wondering what the heck was going on in that moment in time! haha


Im the same way- heat isn’t too bad, bit MAN the sun is what gets ya!!


Ahhh Mondays… A donut run is the best idea EVER!


Running in the heat is no joke! I went out for 3 miles this evening, but turned around at the one mile mark. Between it being my second workout of the day and the temps in the mid-90s, I was done!


Running in the heat is tough!

Ps. I found your twin. Alex Morgan from the Women’s US soccer team. You two are TWINS and both stunning!!


I love that quote! That’s so funny!

I ran in 109 degree heat for a relay race that I did down near Zion one year! I definitely was not prepared for that. And literally felt sick. :( I’ve learned now. :)


I think that running in the heat is the worst! You’re a trooper!


The humidity and heat in Florida has been brutal!!!!! I have been dying down here trying to get my long runs done!
Monday Matters: I have a new song crush: “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran :)


Agree with you on the pros and cons!! I always run with my phone with me to track my miles but one time my phone was out of battery and I wanted to run so I still went. I think one thing to add on the pro is that you not only see the surroundings but you actually look at it more.. It felt good! I’m gonna start doing this more especially when running in trails. :)

And LeAnne, I love that song too!! I play it almost everyday. :)


I love the look of the shirts you’re selling! super cute.


I don’t mind running in the heat so much, but racing in it is AWFUL!

Monday Matter: I have a HUGE job interview tomorrow morning. I’m super nervous/excited!!!!


Knowing you and how excited you get about everything…anything could be causing that reaction…but it looks like she’s telling you something and you’re saying, “No WAY”. LOL…ah the stories we make up in our minds…

I don’t do heat. Running in the heat is terrible. I am a complete wuss. I accept this and embrace it. I do not run naked unless I have to and then I usually do fine but in my head build it up to be this awful experience that will be miserable. Then it isn’t.

Perhaps I worry too much…


Oh my gosh, I ran today at 920 thinking it would still
Be cool enough. The sun was brutal!! Painful every step!


Try this for fun…a 20-miler with NO music. You definitely start to make up some pretty crazy songs once the delirium sets in. ;)

And, I think donut runs need to become part of my daily routine…


Janae, very excited to see that you have Darrell Lea liquorice – its an Australian icon! Personally I can’t eat the liquorice but love the rocky road! Where on earth did you get it in Utah? Love from one of your Aussie readers


The sun is my enemy as well (at least while running). I can run in the dark when it’s 95 degrees (and I have) and be fine, but in the SUNSHINE even if it’s only in the 70’s I want to die. I suppose I would get used to it in time but I’m not sure I want to! :)

Great job on your marathon training so far!


The almighty Grand Slam. You’ve got to want it more than life itself. I’m up in Canada but know of it as ALL ultra marathoners do. Thanks so much for posting Keila’s story!


Darrell Lea is the best! I am Australian although am living in Europe and I miss it so much – the regular licorice and the flavoured ones (which as you say are more like candy than licorice). I’m so glad you got to experience the deliciousness for yourself!


I’m a wuss when it comes to the heat too! I ran a race in the heat last weekend and it was my worst race yet! The sun really does just completely drain you. I’m starting my next training round in a few weeks and trying to get back on the wake up early & run train but I’ve been struggling!

I just might have to do a ‘naked run’ tonight!

Oh, and I need one of those ice makers too!


Omg I LOVE pebbled ice!! I love it because cafe rio always has it!!


I am a wuss about running in the heat too! I’ve been waiting until it’s almost completely dark to run in the evenings. Even then it’s still in the upper 80s here in Atlanta! I didn’t train for any races this spring, so I just ran a couple of times a week along with some HIIT boot camp workouts here nad there. Based on that and the fact that my runs have been so terrible lately…my endurance may have fallen off a bit over the winter. I’ve also become addicted to looking at my GPS watch. I think a technology free run is just what the doctor ordered!!

What do you do when you want to quit during a run? Does that ever happen to you? Do you ever stop to catch your breath for a minute? What about at the top of a huge hill? (when I get going up a hill, it’s like my body completely tenses up until I get to the top and it’s REALLY HARD to keep going- do you know this feeling?) I have this terrible habit of quitting too early and then beating myself up for it later. Help???


I never run with music on. Thankfully I don’t really mind running in the heat too much because summers here are hot and humid. The only thing that really stinks about it is there are no showers in my office so when I run at lunch I just have to use a baby wipe to try and clean myself up and then get dressed back into my work clothes. That story of your daughter was too cute running up to your friend with the rose. She sounds like a real sweetie.


Sad news: I tried an apple fritter for the first time this weekend (on your recommendation, of course) but I didn’t like it! I loved the doughnut part, but wasn’t into the apple filling. I was so bummed!


Running without a watch, music, AND people? That’s tough. I’m impressed.

Monday matters – I was trying to watch The Bachelorette and every 5 seconds the news team would cut in with an update on the crazy tornado watch in Illinois. While I appreciate the updates, I now have no idea how any of Kaitlyn’s dates went.


My run tomorrow afternoon will be in 97 degree heat and 75% humidity. Brutal. Welcome to running in the Alabama summers!


DARRELL LEA LIQUORICE IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST IN THE WORLD! I am lucky enough to have a best friend with a father who works with the company, so she hooks me up with several bags at a time -I’d like to say they last for awhile, but I’d be lying. Strawberry is delish, but the apple and mango flavors are also amazing.

Pebble ice is the bomb.com -I need me one of those machines. Love your blog, even if it does increase my candy cravings :) have a happy day!


I am NOT good with the heat – never was even before I started running! I’ve run three halfs in colder-than-usual temps (15 degrees for the NYC Half in 2014 as my first one, and roughly 40 degrees this year there and in Florida at the WDW Half which was actually great for me) – but I’m running the Disneyland Half for my coast to coast over Labor Day so I’m pushing myself to train long runs in the heat and humidity which is just not my jam!


I think you need to figure out a way to have a pebble ice machine on hand while you run in the heat- haha!


I dislike running in the heat.
-Funny thing, not funny haha but funny ironic. Yesterday you asked about running in the wind/ if it was windy where we lived. And I responded how where I live in MI it isn’t usually windy do to us being in a valley. Yeah 2 tornado’s last night a couple counties over!! I will never say it’s not windy here again.


I was just pricing the pebbled ice machines! It’s not like it’s a purchase that would make ANY sense but I love love love the ice!

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