Fast FINISH and I have no idea….

Well, look who I ran into while I was out for my Saturday long run.  

My dad was walking at the same time I was running Saturday morning.  We are both all about beating the heat as much as possible so we hit the roads early.  My running friends weren’t around yesterday so I was on my own for my long run.  I zoned out to my running tunes and stopped at my favorite water fountain for a gallon of water. 

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12 miles @ 7:36 average pace.   I felt pretty strong until the end when the sun started to beat down on me but other than that it went really well. 

At the end of my run I just hung out in the grass for a while and stretched.  Gotta love the post long run high.  

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My plan for the day called for 8 miles @ 8:05 pace and the last 4 miles @ a 6:55 pace.  One thing that I especially love about my coach’s training plans is that he really trains me to finish fast.  He prepares me for negative splits on race day by teaching me to avoid going out way too fast and making sure I finish the run fast even if my legs are tired.  

Here’s what I did:

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I LOVE this article about this topic—> Fast Finish Long Runs.

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The best eats from yesterday included:

-Sushi from Costco.  They were offering it as a sample while we were there and I had to buy it after I tried it.

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-Brooke chose an ice cream sandwich from Grandma’s freezer for her treat.

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And I chose Sub Zero Ice Cream with my sister-in-law and brother that are in town visiting.  

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This +

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liquid nitrogen.  

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=  fudge chocolate ice cream with snickers bits.  

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Also, I have no idea where Brooke gets the idea to make sure that her purse is always fully loaded with snacks:)

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Do you keep snacks with you in your purse at all times?  What types of snacks are in your purse usually?

Did you sleep in today or get up early?

How’d your weekend run(s) go?

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I always get up at 5:45 am, have since forever. My weekend runs were good. Short but somewhat fast and I have swedish fish in my purse ALWAYS!


So cute running into your dad! I completely agree about the post long run high, might be the best feeling, ever :) I’m weening myself back to east coast time after my trip to Seattle so I slept an hour later than usual. Always have snacks in my purse! Mostly lara bars but sometimes bananas and even an avocado on occasion.


I’m visiting the east coast, from the west coast, so my sleep schedule is all askew! (Also I didn’t get a weekend run in, but about a gazillion miles walking around Washington dc and New York)

I’ve never had sub zero ice cream, I’m determined to try it one day!


The ice cream looks amazing! Sounds like you had a great long run! They are hard this time of year because the heat always gets to me. I definitely prefer running in the fall and winter! Long run will be today, 10-12 miles depending on how I’m feeling. Have a great Sunday!


I love fast finish runs! I always feel like it’s great practice for race day and they help me to run a negative split.
I don’t necessarily keep snacks in my purse but I do keep a picky bar in my car for those low blood sugar moments.
I slept in just a little to recover from yesterday’s race. It was SO much fun and I woke up feeling great this morning!


I always need to keep snacks with me, or I can get hangry! I am home from New Hampshire this weekend for my cousins bridal shower, and my birthday today! I have been running a little bit less since Ive been here, because I am hitting up the gym as I don’t have a gym at home. Hello spin classes, I miss you! :)


I’m such a morning person, so I get up and chase the sunrise each morning! By the way, your eats from yesterday look fabulous.


I had a wedding last night so I was up much later than usual and slept in until around 6:30. I always carry larabars in my purse! I did 8 miles yesterday as my long run of the week and made it into a tempo run. It was raining and I did a hilly route but overall it went well!


I definitely slept a bit later today which was a wonderful feeling! Always a snack in my purse, and a packet of peanut butter too :)


Great job on your run! I like fast finish runs a lot, especially when I’m not doing formal speedwork.
Today I slept in, I was exhausted after my long run and then a five hour hike.
That ice cream looks incredible! Hope you have a fun and relaxing Sunday!


I’m up early.! Like always. Getting ready to head out for another wonderful morning run.
Ha Brooke is too cute. She sure learns a thing or two from you.
I’m so not girly enough to carry a purse. Lol


I do try to have some nuts or something with me ! We are on a racecation in Bend, Or- I ran the pacific crest half marathon yesterday. I have not slept all weekend because my toddler really has a hard time sleeping on vacation… So I got about 3 hrs from night, and about 5 hrs last night, up at 5 am. I’m going to need some coffee!


That ice cream looks delightful!

Always gotta have a snack on hand … I usually have a granola bar … The Clif Kid ZBars are my favorite … Honey Graham in particular :)

Saturday long run was awesome! 14 miles in the AM with my running club + An evening 5k Chardonnay Race! Gotta love wine at the finish.

Happy Sunday!


I always have snacks in my purse! I thought I was the only one. Usually a single serving size of almonds and a granola bar but I have been known to have carrots and an apple in there too! Happy rest day Janae!


Yes! I don’t have a set work schedule, so I always try and make sure I have something to eat with me – just in case something happens and it goes longer than expected, etc. It definitely helps!

Eh, both. I haven’t really been able to “sleep in” in a long time! Sleeping in is like 7-8 am now..which would have made my college self go “huh?” We always stayed up too late and slept in until noon in college. What a waste haha!

I decided to go for a long bike ride instead of a run this week! And boy, can I feel it this morning! Glad I went though.


I used to be fully stocked with snacks, but somehow that tapered off. I can usually find trail mix or wheat thins in there.


Brooke is a smart girl. I always have snacks in my purse, and it’s always Wheat Thins and Nature Valley granola bars.

I woke up early-ish this morning to get my run in before the scorching temps set in. It felt great, even after my longer run yesterday!

Do you like the Garmin you have? I have the 405, and the strap ALWAYS breaks. It’s currently being held together by super glue and duct tape, so I’m looking to invest in a new Garmin and don’t know what the best option is. Is the strap on that one durable?


I’m up at 6am today (Pacific NW time) to run because I ran 20 miles yesterday at noon in 90 degree heat! I really need to start doing the fast finish runs. I’m brutal at that. In fact my first 12 miles were done at a 7:26 pace and then my last 8 miles were slow and filled with walk breaks. Oops!


I saw Sub Zero on Shark Tank (I think!). I wish they had one around here! Too cool!

It’s so funny how much little ones pick up on our habits! Hahahah. Next thing you know, she’ll be storing Swedish fish in her shorts pockets for fuel ;)


Love how Brooke mimics you- so sweet!
I woke up at 7AM (slept in a bit) for a church event we are attending. We have a very busy day yesterday so my body was wanting more sleep! Beautiful 7 miles but I saw a fellow runner getting attacked by two birds! They were swooping down by her head! It was terrible. I tried to distract them with no avail. She must have been by their nest. I made sure to stay clear of the area.
Happy Sunday!


I consider myself a morning person, but not a morning exerciser. My mind wakes up quickly but my body does not. I’m actually going out for my long run at 9. Any earlier and I will just feel awful. I love negative split runs. Most of mine are like that naturally.

Popcorn in the purse sounds like a great idea!


I always have snacks on my purse. Mostly to keep my kids happy while running errands. Smarties, dumdums, animal crackers…


What a great run!
I always keep snacks in my purse…. for myself. Granola bars or nuts.
I FINALLY got to sleep in today until 8!


I usually have a granola bar of some kind in my purse, except when I’ve eaten it and forget to restock! Snacks are essential.

We slept in until 8 this morning!

I had a nice 5 miler yesterday and I have 11 coming up in a bit today. I just finished mapping it out – we just moved, so I am still getting to know the area!


That ice cream place looks amazing.

I keep snacks in my purse and car at all times. I’ve gone from protein bars and Gus (from when I was training) to granola bars and a piece of fruit (now that I’m pregnant).

I can never sleep in during the summer because the 5:30am sunshine wakes me up naturally. I am a morning person and love starting my day early!


I got up earlier but went to bed for a few more minutes (more like 2 hours)… I had the best long run high yesterday and it was great! It was definitely my best run in a while and it made me so happy.


Great long run!! I woke up early to get in a long run, the run did not turn out well but oh well always next week! :) I am always keeping snacks on hand! Apples, bars, nuts.. the list goes on and on.. ;)


I try to keep protein bars in my purse but I wind up eating them all too soon:-(
I slept in super late- it was necessary after this week!
Today’s run was supposed to be on trails but it’s raining and not just a little drizzle.


I want that ice cream!!!!!


I slept in this morning and it felt amazing! I’ve been on the go over the last week so I needed a little extra time in bed.


Well, now I want sushi and ice cream! Never tried the sushi from Costco…but I buy their trays of edamame. It’s sublime.
I always have food with me and usually a green juice from Juice Press. Lately I’ve been carrying around roasted chickpeas (the Good Bean). Perfect protein packed snack. Seriously addicting!


great job on your long run!! I am super far behind on reading.


Thx for the progression /negative split article. I picked up an awesome coach this time around and she is BIG on negative splits and fast finish. I’ve always had an issue with going out too fast. This training technique helps with that for sure!


Oh how fun – it would be fun to make my own ice cream! I’d probably go for something tangy and refreshing, like lemon. I don’t bring snacks with me unless I’m planning to be gone for several hours at a time – then I will bring a power bar and either water or coconut water. My long run went well yesterday, kinda – I tried to go for a fast finish but had to slow down in the last mile due to a scary pain in my left foot. I slowed my pace and the pain went away. It doesn’t hurt to walk or run at easy pace so I’m not sure what that was about, but I hope a rest day will make everything better!


No snacks in my handbag, and it’s never dawned on me to do that. I do keep an energy bar in my gym bag for emergencies, though. I like the way Brooke has her popcorn handy and ready for reaching in and grabbing. Who’s got time to open a plastic bag when you need popcorn stat?!


I love that you ran into your dad! This happened to me once, too, years ago at a park near our house.

Snacks in purse – YES. Lollipops, my son (5 yo) likes butterscotch dum-dums. There’s usually a baggy of “emergency” goldfish as well.

Got up early. Sunday School & worship. :)

Been sick, so have only been walking. Going running today once hubs gets back from gym. We shall see…

Have a great Sunday!


I slept in after a long week at work.
Haha I love that brooke keeps snacks in her purse…I totally do that all the time. I always keep a protein bar with me!


This weekend I had an 8 scheduled, but we did a killer 5-6 mile hike yesterday that took over 4 hours. So… I am giving myself today off except for a 2 mile walk; I am in my first week of training for a half and also I am working on being flexible about the plan. That makes sense, right?


That ice cream!! And those ice cream sandwiches! Yum!


That ice cream looks so neat!
I have a cheese stick and granola bar in my work bag… and tons of candy (Reese’s Pieces, Bullseye caramels, Smarties, etc…).
My weekend runs have been short and easy, but I actually did a fast finish with hills 8 miler on Friday that pretty much rocked.
It’s 4pm and I just woke up… but I worked a 12 hour night shift and am about to do another at 7. I’m not sure if that counts as sleeping in or waking up early to get a run in before work ;)


Those are some great split times… My mileage was pretty low this weekend, but I got a new 5K personal record. I’m going to take your advice and try to finish fast on a few runs this week. Hope you’re having a happy weekend :)


Not in my purse but I packed some pretzels in my backpack today when we went hiking. I didn’t run because my back was hurting but at least I got to hike a bit. It was raining but lovely anyhow.


Love the splits on your long run!!! Way to finish fast and strong!!
With 3 always hungry kiddos I have to have snacks in my purse at all times. Let’s see… a banana, apple slices in a tiny tupperware case, a bottle of water and a small bag of dried apricots!
Your Dad is so cool, love that you ran into him!
2 of my kids came into our bed at 5:45 am this morning…


Snacks in my purse – definitely yes! I actually have a couple right now. A Kind bar and some fresh cherries! Is there such a thing as fear of getting hungry? Cuz I think I have that. haha

And btw, I’m jealous of your pace… I wish I have as much endurance as you!


That is definitely the oolest concept for an ice cream place!!!!! I want to go!!!


We were watching Jurassic Park (the first one) last night after a soccer game, and the movie didn’t finish until 2am! So yes I did sleep in (or at least try to).

No long run this weekend – I ended up having to work Saturday morning, and didn’t want to run in the hot hot heat.


quest bars in my purse, smart pop in my desk at work, always.
I am an early am exerciser at any time of year, but summer it is essential.
I love all the posts with your awesome family and friends what an awesome full and supportive life you have. you are so blessed.


I always have snacks in my purse!! It terrifies me to be anywhere without food :) I slept in this morning and then headed out for an easy run on a new route a friend told me about yesterday! Even though it’s a small town, there’s something fun and refreshing about a new route! Ran a 5K yesterday as part of a team in a triathlon. I have so much admiration for the people that can do it all themselves!!!


I have a 1-year old and a toddler. There are ALWAYS snacks in my purse. And sippy cups. And 3 different types of wipes. And probably crumbs from said snacks. Wait, what were we talking about? :)

Run this weekend went well, too. Nowhere near your rockstar pace, but working harder every single day to get better!


Who watches your little girl when you go run??


Hey Mary! When I run outside then I sleep at my parents’ house. That way I can go early and get back to their house before Brooke wakes up:)


Today was an early day- I got to meet a blend for coffee :) I try to carry snacks in my purse so I don’t get too hangry :)


I like your pink tshirt. Where did you get it?


-I always have snacks in my purse for myself and 5 y.o. Usually kids Clif bar/ Annie’s granola bar for her and fruit, apples because they travel well.
-I had a long run Sunday, 10 miles!!
-I didn’t sleep in Sunday, got up at 5:15 to run. But Monday is a rest day I stayed in bed til 7:00!!!!


I always have snacks in my purse too! I am like a snickers commercial and get hangry, so I need something to hold me over.


Long run yesterday was 13.1 sooooo hot and humid miles. We started at 6am and it was 80 degrees and 98% humidity. The last 5 miles were pretty tough to get through! I like Brooke’s snack packing style!


I went to bed early and wound up waking up around 6 am but I decided to just roll around in bed for awhile because who wants to get up on a Monday??


Subzero is still around? That makes me SOOOOOOOOO happy. Remember going there for the Ice Cream Club in High School? The. Best.


-I typically will always have some kind of granola bar in my purse.
-I am an early riser!
-It was thunder storming hard here on Saturday so I hit the gym and did 6 miles on the treadmill and did some strength training. Sunday I ran 3.5 easy miles with my dog.

That ice cream looks amazing!


I ALWAYS have snacks with me – life of a dietitian! We were up early today since my father-in-law and step mother-in-law were here so we had to push our long run later which was a little rough this weekend! First week of marathon training down though. :)


Snacks that are always floating around in my purse: empty nuun tube filled with Jelly Bellies for taming my kids (or me), at least one granola bar, and at least one Kind mini bar. Also, usually a lollipop or two for true emergencies.

Did my long run on Friday due to scheduling over the weekend… it went great, best one in awhile!

I’m an early riser. Like, ridiculously so. It’s the only way I get my runs in.


I ALWAYS try to make sure I have a protein bar, sliced apples (if possible) and a bottle of water whenever I leave the house. It doesn’t always happen but I make sure to pack stuff when I know it’s going to be a long trip away from home!


ALWAYS have snacks in my purse. Usually 4 or 5 Picky Bars: 1 or 2 Cookie Doughness, 1 or 2 Lauren’s Mega Nuts, and a Smooth Caffeinator

I did my long run on Friday. But it was short! A step back week (8 miles). This week I did it today (Wed), 12 miles. I am doing my long runs up a mountain halfway, then down the mountain the 2nd half. It ensures fast finishes!

Slept till 0600 Sunday. Even if I wasn’t an early riser my 2.5 year old ensures it!


Ohhhhhh man, that ice cream looks so good!!


This is a game cart which consists of more than one game.

The gameplay in League of Legends is extremely refined
and well developed. Will not make an effort to conduct a total exercise routine in the initial very hot
working day of spring.

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