Sentence Per Picture

Brooke is boycotting the whole nap thing lately and so we are having an interesting afternoon.  All I’ve got for you right now are some pictures and some sentences.  I’ll be back in the morning with something with at least an ounce of substance:)  Thanks for understanding…  back to the mom and aunt hat.

 Why not start the morning off with some airplane rides around the kitchen?

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Took Brooke and my niece to the gym and I did 3 miles at a 7:39 pace—>  started slow and ended fast.

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PS one of my goals for the next training cycle is to get off the treadmill and outside at least a little bit more because the race is on the roads not the treadmill:)

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Already nervous for boot-camp tonight because I have a feeling there are going to be lots of push-ups and I’m still sore from our Monday garage workout.

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Quick lunch refuel and a very happy 2 year old;)

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And now I am snacking on these and it is kind of ridiculous how much I love them. 

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Loved this email from my coach and yes, thankfully I am in a much better place than where I was in 2013 (aka divorce year).   

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I was sent both of these quotes and I absolutely adore them:


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What’s YOUR sentence for the day!?!?

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I had a very hot and humid 5 mile run today = ice cream tonight. :)


My two year old is boycotting naps too! (that’s my sentence ha!!!) It makes our evenings “interesting” with an over-tired kiddo…


I started the day with a humid, hot trail run and I’m ending the day with a dinner with girlfriends!


It’s too hot for May! I want Spring back! (Oops 2 sentences)


It’s tough to transition to no naps, but once you get used to it, it’s so great to have more freedom of schedule!

My sentence for the day (unless the above counted already, you know, because there are judges to this thing): Running in the sunshine fills my soul with joy!


I want to be a freak of nature too!! haha


I saw so many cute little bunnies on my run and it made me so happy!


I have two words for today: SPIN CLASS!!!!


Sentence for the day = thankful for my health.


My sentence – no running for me makes me a sad panda :-(


I agree with your coach on the genetically gifted part!


I love that last quote! I had to share it on Facebook because I completely agree!

This is now my third time mentioning how excited I am that we’re running the same marathon in October but honestly, following your training is what will keep me excited and keep my head in the game. You’re so inspiring!


Got three new cases – the next couple of weeks are going to be very busy.


Those teddy Grahams!!! I just ate some! Hands down the best flavor ever!


Now I want Teddy Grahams so bad!!! Yum :)


Unfortunately, my sentence (question) for today is “what’s the point?”


Hey V. I’m really sorry today sounds like a hard day. I’m always here if you need to email vent/chat. Hope things start to get better.


PR-goal race is this weekend meaning I’m a little bit excited for my sports massage tonight!


WAY TO GO ON YOUR PR KAELLA! Enjoy every second of your massage!


When kids don’t take naps, it calls for an unproductive afternoon in my house so at least you got something up.

When you take kids to the gym, how do the entertain themselves while you run?


There is a huge playroom connected to the gym. There is also a tv and I bring enough snacks to feed an army:)


We just got a tv in our clubhouse so that I hadn’t even thought of. Thanks for that tip.


Oh good!!! I hope you are able to get some great runs in with your kiddos around now:)


love those quotes too :)
and that salad is huuuge.

Sentence for today : Getting back on the running grind :) I’ve finally stopped moping around after my post race blues. haha


The fighting the nap phase is not fun! Ugh. I hope she decides to still take one soon. It’s best for everyone when the kids take a nap, even if only for 20-30 minutes lol.


My sentence: we really should be packing…

We’re moving to a new house sometime in the next 3 weeks or so – we just don’t know when yet.


I still force my nearly 4 year olds to nap. And by force I mean they have quiet time in their rooms…whether they fall asleep or not is up to them :) Luckily their lil sis still naps so I have at least a few minutes every afternoon to think my own thoughts and eat a snack without sharing. Then when everyone is up we’re all refreshed and ready to play!!!


Laura, thank you SOOO much for your advice. I will now be doing quiet time with Brooke. You just saved my sanity so thanks for that:)


For quiet time, I put my (almost) 3 year old in bed with his favorite stuffed animals and 3-4 books and tell him he can come out when he finishes “reading” the books to his animal friends. I’ve noticed that he is happier afterwards; otherwise, I think he gets overstimulated not having a break the whole day. Which come to think about I do too.


I do quiet time for my 3 and 5 year old. In separate rooms with just books and animals. They have to be in there for 1 hour- sometimes one falls asleep, sometimes both and sometimes neither! I put the old baby gate up for the little one so she can’t wander around!


Four hilly, hot miles this morning and I ate a whole box of those birthday teddy bears!


I love how they’ve made a birthday cake flavor for pretty much every cookie/candy/ice cream brand!

Have a great night Janae! Enjoy bootcamp!


ummmm, how about 6 month old twins boycotted naps 3 weeks ago! They only sleep at night. Thank God for that. But how is this possible?!


Colleen. I can’t even imagine. I will pray that they will be napping again asap. GET SOME SLEEP!!!


Life can be tough, but I know I can be tougher.

That sentence is getting me through today!!


Oh if only Brooke knew how wonderful naps are! Her face tells the story that she is tired, ha!

I did pushups this morning at Body Pump…not my fav

Good luck tonight!


Oh my gosh Brookes face in that one picture I can’t even. My son is a year and fighting naps due to teething so I feel your pain!!


Boot camp is awesome, enjoy.


LOVE those quotes!! Thanks for sharing.

Your dedication to strength training inspires me, keep at it girl!!

Hope Brooke gets a good night’s sleep :)


Oh girl-I do not miss those days! Brooke’s face says it all. Remember-“This too shall pass” Hang in there! :)


Selling a house + Building a house= one tired and stressed running mommy!


Oh Leanne! That is a ton of stuff!!! Good luck and get some rest!


there is a certain freedom when they give up naps (and their body adjusts). One, you don’t have to stop your day, Two, EARLY bedtime. My kids went to bed at 630pm and woke up at 730am when they dropped naps!!


Oh the days when napping stopped. It’s hard at first but then it gets better because you have more freedom during the day, without having to worry about waking the kiddo. Hugs!


My daughter gave up afternoon naps before age 2 and I distinctly remember her facial expressions were exactly the same as Brookes for many months. She also had some pretty epic tantrums during that year!


Sentence of the day: “ACHOOOOO”.

(I have a cold).


I am so excited for you. You have handled everything regarding your divorce with so much grace. Proud of you.


My sentence is: I can only control the things that I do; don’t waste time thinking about what others do or don’t do.


Humidity STINKS. My runs this week have not been fun. I miss winter:(


those are really good quotes. love the idea of reframing things and moving away from feeling restricted.


The weekend is so close ;)


Brooke looks so cute when she’s grumpy!

Birthday cake teddy grahams?!!? THANK YOU


Umm I need those Teddy Grahams! I hope they have them at Target!


Taking my NASM exam tomorrow!


I buy that same almond butter. . . the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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