Sentence Per Picture!!!

Paige and I are going to both be out of town for Jess’s baby shower in June so we decided to do our own surprise one for her.  

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And a fun touching her belly shot. 

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We went to get her biggest pregnancy craving (along with mashed potatoes), OTEO TACOS (2 avocado and 1 pork taco for me).  

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Brooke opted for the quesadilla and I took care of the guacamole for her (she’s in an ‘I hate avocado stage’ which I refuse to even try to understand).  

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I think our conversation was a little boring for her because she kept her napkin like this for quite some time.  

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Jess is having a boy so blue frosting was necessary for dessert.  

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Brooke had a mini cupcake in which she just ate the sprinkles (another thing I refuse to try to understand). 

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We made the baby shower extra classy and decorated her seat with streamers.  

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Brooke and I then read farm books in her Santa pajamas.  

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You know you are getting old when your 2 year old is all for staying up way later than you are, I’d be fine going to bed every night at 8:30 pm at this point in my life.  

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I CANNOT get enough of Rachel Platten’s music:

The Great Wall Marathon was just a few days ago… I seriously can’t even imagine doing this race, these people are amazing!

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Oh, and my workout yesterday was 5 miles @ an 8:20 pace.  I’m cutting my mileage back for a few weeks until training for the St. George Marathon starts!  I want to go into marathon training fresh physically and mentally.  


If you’ve been pregnant before (or are now)—>  what were some of your biggest pregnancy cravings?

-Donuts (this one stuck), steak, fresh fruit and lemonade.  I hated chocolate and broccoli with a passion at this time.  

What would be your dream time to get in bed each night?

What is your sentence for the day?!

I need a good book to read this weekend…  PLEASE GIVE ME ANY RECOMMENDATIONS!!  

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I could totally eat a donut for breakfast every day.


I had the strongest cravings during my second pregnancy – grilled cheese with bacon and tomato and bacon, egg, cheese on an everything bagel were consumed really often, at least one of them every day. I didn’t like sweet food during my pregnancies, and it actually made me nauseous!


Those pictures of Brooke made me laugh! I love the napkin on her head. You can send any extra avocados my way. I cannot get enough!

I WANT TO RUN THE GREAT WALL SO BAD. It’s number one on my bucket list.

A couple books I just finished that I loved: The Girl on the Train, Last Wake, and She’s Come Undone. I highly recommend all three of them!

My sentence today? Thank goodness we’re halfway through this week!


I could very happily be in bed at 8:30-9 every night. Usually its closer to 10-11, but I’m working on that!

I’ve never been pregnant but I have donut cravings pretty regular. Hope that isn’t an indication of what it’ll be like when I am pregnant…

Have you read My Life on the Run by Bart Yasso? If you haven’t, its a must read!


I wanted McDonald’s and donuts the first two months of my pregnancy. I would eat yogurt and fruit for breakfast every day, toss my cookies in morning sickness, and replenish the calories with horrible fried stuff and chocolate glazed donuts! Still not sure if it was a true craving or a “I’ll just eat what I want and call it a craving!” thing ;)

Dream bedtime is 9:30. Late enough that I don’t feel like I missed an entire evening, but early enough to grab a decently long sleep and feel well-rested! My husband is in training for a big race and is in bed each night by 8:30. That’s a little early for me!

My sentence for the day is “Be patient, be kind.” That should really be my sentence every day, but I’m trying to be extra patient with my 7 year old, who is tryyyyyying my patience like crazy these days.

I loved “The Royal We” by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. Very fun weekend reading.


I’d also LOVE to do the Great Wall of China Marathon!


-My dream time would be 8pm! This would get me 9 hours of sleep each night since I get up at 5…oh how wonderful that would be!
-My sentence today is: I can’t believe that there’s only 11 school days left.
-This might not sound fun to you at all but if you want a kind of documentary-like book, I would recommend In Defense of Food. It talks all about the American diet and the things we should change in order to live healthier like other nations. I know, it must sound boring but im a nerd when it comes to that stuff ;)

I used to hate guacamole just like Brooke! But trust me, I came around eventually! :)


Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma is one of my all time fav’s of his. Animal, vegetable, miracle by Barbara Kingslover is good one.


Good books I’ve read lately: We are called to Rise, The Husband’s Secret, Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train, Orphan Train, Yes Please


Oooh! The Husband’s Secret was awesome! I love all of Liane Moriarty’s books!


My problem is I don’t sleep in any more. If I go to bed at 3am, I still wake up at 7am. I don’t have kids, and I’m not sure I can pin this one on the cat.

So in light of that, ideal bedtime is 10pm. How very dull.


Yes Please by Amy Poehler!! Read it in 2 days on vacation a couple weeks ago… I was laughing so hard on the airplane my husband told me to stop reading hahaha.


I didn’t know there was a Great Wall marathon! How incredible would that be!!!! And so difficult! Wow, wow, WOW!


My dream time is my reality time….we start the “bed” process around 8:30 and usually lights out by 9:30. (Yes, even my senior and freshmen abide by these rules during the school week unless, they have a crazy amount of homework)

I know its super early and my friends cannot understand this but I always have way more energy to get things done in the morning and I drop by nightfall. If I stay up until midnight it feels like 3 AM….Just.can’t.function!


I’m pregnant now and haven’t really had any cravings! I’m kind of disappointed. I have been eating more oranges and egg salad than normal but I wouldn’t say I get a “MUST HAVE THEM NOW” feeling for them.


I think 9:30 would be my ideal time since I’m awake early with my toddler or to workout.

I craved water melon and orange juice every day!!!!

I’m reading some easy chick lit right now (shopaholic series) which are fun and light!


I can’t imagine what my pregnancy cravings would be like because I get cravings now and I’m NOT pregnant! I am imagining they will be pretty intense!!

Sentence for the day: The RUNGER has struck because I did a track workout this morning and leaves me HUNGRY!!!


My dream bedtime is 9-10.
The pictures of Brooke are way too cute and funny! The napkin on her head cracks me up!
I really want to read Chris McDougall’s Natural Born Heroes.


I forgot to add: I know this is a little personal… But I keep meaning to ask if you went to therapy after your divorce and if, you think, it helped. I just started and I see it making a huge difference!!


Any excuse for frosting is a win in my book. I like donuts and cake but I don’t get pregnancy cravings since I’m not pregnant. LOL…but I still crave donuts and cake.

I’ve been reading some nonfiction lately, just a few history books, etc.


No kiddos but I still get cravings–LOL. My bedtime is about 8-8:30 pm each night. I simply can’t keep my eyes open longer than that (getting up at 4 am might have something to do w/ that). My sentence for today: it was snowing a bit on my run this morning! I am a dog lover and recently read “You Had Me At Woof” and I really enjoyed it. Super light, easy read.


My sentence for the day is : Planning for my birthday trip!

I just read girl on a train and it’s fantastic, and I just started the husband’s secret! It’s starting to get pretty good!


Sentence of the day is: only two more days until the weekend! And I suggest the Goldfinch, it was the last, truly GREAT book I read.

I too am working on cutting back my milage. It is so easy to just want to get back to running 50+ mile weeks, but it’s definitely not the smartest for my body at least! I will be running NYC in November so I’m hoping to hover around 35-45 miles a week until mid July.

Hope you have a great day!


Dream time = 9:48PM.
So if the Bachelorette could move its airing up a few hours, I think all us 9:xx PMers would be really appreciative :).

Seeing my childhood best friend of 22 years today, yeeee!!


When I was pregnant I craved the most random junk food that I hadn’t eaten since high school! Flamin hot cheetos, Taco Bell, corn dogs. Ugh, so gross. But I also craved LOTS of fresh fruit to make up for it :)

Dream time in bed: 10PM is a good time for me and I am usually in bed by then!

Sentence for today: Hoping to explore NYC some more today and take my son to a fun park!

Good book to read: Running book – Run to Overcome by Meb (I just read this and it’s so good! Maybe you’ve already read it though) Non-running book – The Storyteller by Jodi Piccoult. You will never guess the ending. So crazy. I couldn’t put this book down!


Dream bed time: 9 or 9:30pm but it rarely happens…

Sentence of the day “11 more days of school until summer break… I GOT THIS!” (I teach 2nd grade)

Book you MUST read: Big Little Lies By: Liane Moriarty

it is a page turner and a must read!!!


Both of my kids are in bed 8-8:30 & I usually go to bed at that time too. Sometimes I’ll lay in bed watching tv till 9:30-10 but when you get up at 4:30am I’m exhausted!

I LOVE The Husbands Secrets & all of her other books!!

My sentence is One more week of school!


I walked the Great Wall of China 3 years ago. It’s very steep and the stairs are uneven. I cannot imagine how a marathon was done there. Seems like a huge liability. Then again China has different laws than we do.


The Flavia De Luce series by Allan Bradley was really good! That’s if you like fiction. :) I’ve also start “Across the universe” by Beth Revis which is pretty good. I’m on the 2nd book now. :)


The Great Wall Marathon is now on my bucket list. Unbelievable.

Also, whyBrookewhy with the avocados, but yes for you, because you get extra.


I recommend Beautiful Ruins if you haven’t read it yet! I love that book!

And yay for surprise baby showers! You’re a sweet friend!


So gross, but when I was pregnant with twins, I could not get enough cheeseburgers which is something that I don’t normally eat. I’m more of a veggie burger kind of gal.

Dream time for bed would be 9pm.

Some books that we are considering for book club are The Glass House, The Orphan Train, Still Alice, and what Alice Forgot.


It’s OK Brooke, I still don’t like avocados! (Am I allowed to even say that out loud here?? ha)
Other than a bit of swollen ankles in the end, my pregnancies were pretty much a non-event. No morning sickness, no cravings, and no special issues. I consider myself lucky! Of course I did eat ice cream every night, but that was just because my Dr. said I needed more calories and you can’t go wrong with dairy, right? ;)


Cloudy days are meant for coffee and baking! <- Sentence for the day.

I couldn't imagine doing a marathon on the Great Wall. I hope it's an all day event with breakfast, lunch, and dinner included!


I had no idea the Great Wall Marathon even existed, that sounds incredible! I’d love to spectate, but I’m not sure if I could handle the run!

Thanks for the music suggestion, I’m always looking to spice up my spotify playlists for work!


love how you guys decorated her seat in the car– haha so cute!!


The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer was a life-changer for me!


When I was preggo, all I wanted was greasy burgers, soft serve chocolate vanilla twist cones, and chipotle burrito bowls. Either none of those cravings ever left, or I was using my pregnancy as an excuse to eat a ton of junk.


What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
by Haruki Murakami

You may have read it already. If not, it’s a really good one.


As a certified obsessive reader I’ve naturally written my fair share of book reviews.
I actually review 4 books for everyone who needs a little help in life…aka all of us here.

I also highly recommend anything by Rainbow Rowell.
The book Heartburn by Nora Ephron is every woman’s dream book because it is so.stinking.real. Let me know what you think! Have a great day :)


9pm. I’d love that!
Sentence: demanding and harsh don’t usually garner positive response. Be nice. It works better. :)


I just finished “girl on the train” and it was okay. It kept me interested, but the ending was disappointing. “The Paris wife” is amazing! I started re-reading “once a runner” again because I’m in between books as well!


Ugh I LOVE Rachel Platten and “Lone Ranger” is so good!


I have to be at work pretty early (5 am), so my alarm goes off at 3:45. Needless to say I’m in bed by 8 or 8:30 most nights.


My biggest pregnancy craving was a hot dog. Haha being a vegetarian, that sucked.! And I never did eat one.
Love the cute little blue cake you guys got her.!
My 2 year old is the same way. I go to sleep before her. I’m always so tired by 9. Augh. Running and working a ton gets me tired.


That marathon looks crazy hard! I’ve been reading all of Brene Brown’s books lately and a bunch of other ones on writing which may not be so interesting. I have taken a break on the fiction so that I can read some of these books that inspire me to be a better person and also spark my creativity.


My sentence of the day is: SEARCHING FOR MOTIVATION!

Haha. I wrote all about it in a post on my blog today. I am in a rut. I feel like I’m at the bottom and I’m ready to start climbing out! :)


I go to bed during the week usually between 9 and 9:30! Ha. I wish I could stay up until 10, but with a 5:30 AM wake up call, I really try to get to bed earlier. I am tired when I wake up no matter when I go to sleep, though! On the weekends I don’t want to be up later than 11:) I am such an old person at the ripe age of 28:)

I am starting Giuliana Rancic’s book this weekend! I hear it is funny.


This book is a few years old but totally entertaining – … It’s basically about a woman who moves to Chicago after getting married and goes on a bunch of friend dates in search of finding a BFF. Super easy and fun read.

Sentence for the day: I don’t want to work today!!


My kids bedtime is dictated on my own tiredness, not theirs. (It is a consistent time every night.) Also, my kids loved those little people books when they were younger. So fun.

I think I’m over running marathons, they just aren’t my distance, but maybe running a marathon with a purpose other than time that is interesting like that would be fun. I really struggle to not make every run a competition, or the complete opposite and I don’t want to run at all. I have no balance.


I love love love Liza Palmer. Her language can be strong but much, much better than most books out there right now. My favorite of all time is “Conversations with the Fat Girl.” Don’t let the title put you off though. I read it at least once a year. It’s all about owning/recognizing your worth. Love it!

My second go-to weekend read is always “Austenland” by Shannon Hale.


MMMM. I dream of an 8:30 bedtime!


I just wanted meat and cheese when I was pregnant. Meat and cheese, meat and cheese! I’m typically a lover of those things so it wasn’t too much of a surprise. But I really did not have any odd cravings or have to send my husband out for anything in the middle of the night.


I’m pregnant right now, haha so the biggest cravings I’ve had so far are bagels, pancakes and baked potatoes. I can’t stand the thought of veggies, but have been trying to force down salads once in a while, I actually find my aversions funnier then the cravings. I cant stand chocolate but I am loving up on fruity candy like starbursts and skittles :)


Ahhh if I could get to bed by 930 every night is be so happy but it seems like I always end up going so much later- and I’m an early riser no matter what which only makes it worse!

Read “a hundred summers” by Beatriz Williams she is fantastic and it’s a super great summer read!!


I would be so happy going to bed by 8 every night. It would be beautiful.

My sentence for the day is: I AM stronger than I think.

You should read Let’s All Be Brave by Annie Downs. Such a great one!

And that song is so good! Thank you for introducing me to her music. Fight Song has become quite my anthem lately. :)


I just finished reading The Husband’s Secret and it was a good read. I would recommend.


When I was pregnant I craved mustard and salt. Together. I would seriously put a big dollop of mustard on a plate, sprinkle salt on top and eat it with my fingers. If I had an empty pretzel bag, with pretzel crumbs and salt at the bottom, I would sprinkle that on mustard, too. It was so, so gross and so, so good!


My son totally stays up later than me! I am an early to bed early to rise person and he is just the opposite right now…When I was pregnant, I craved savory over swee which is weird for me. I didn’t even want peanut butter for most of my pregnancy.


That little blue cake is so cute!
Ideal bedtime: 10pm
My sentence: today my husband and I celebrating our 7th anniversary!!!
Book recommendation: I just finished the girl on the train and loved it!!


Book-All The Light We Cannot See


This is super creepy of me, but I went back and read some of your old blog entries (procrastination!) and I was struck by how much you’ve changed… for the better. Obviously I don’t know you personally, but I’ve been reading your blog for years, so hopefully that counts for something. Sometimes we get so caught up in the present and achieving our goals, that we forget how far we’ve come. Your mindset toward exercising seems so much healthier, and you seem happier overall. You should be truly proud of yourself.


I’d love to be able to go to bed about 10pm every day. Instead its usually about 1 am. If I was able to go to bed earlier, I could get up and get stuff done earlier!


-I had the biggest cravings for pears ( which I didn’t like before..texture wise) and anything cinnamon. These too have stuck!
-I would love a 9 pm bed time!!!
-Eat & Run by Scott Jurek


I had always thought being pregnant would mean nine months of mac and cheese, but when the time came, I found I only wanted salads. Nine months of salads. Couldn’t stomach bread at all. Go figure!


9pm is my dream bedtime.

Great books I’ve read lately: Americanah, The Orchardist and any of Tana French’s Dublin Murder Squad series if you like mysteries with a side of sarcasm.


Right now, I’d give anything to be in bed at 9:00 tonight. I teach at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesdays, so I’m DRAGGING.

Can I have the rest of Brooke’s cupcake? Want.



What a fun celebration for your friend! That cake looks so cute!


First pregnancy was all about croissants and turkey sandwiches! This time around I can’t think of any specific cravings, but there is still time for them to show up. :)

Have you read The Circle by David Eggers? AMAZING.

That baby shower looks like it was a blast! Streamers make everything more fun.


How can Brooke hate guac? Crazy kid. Still adorable though. I love that you threw your friend a mini shower. All of the small details really made it seem special. :)

Dream time going to bed each night: 9pm on the dot, that way I would get a full 8 hours and still be able to wake up at 5 AM. I love my mornings.

I am here for you when it comes to book recommendations! I recently read the book “Art of Racing in the Rain” and it was amazing! A dog narrates the entire book, so I know that may sound strange. But it is beautifully written and it s an easy read for one weekend. Let me know if you end up reading this one!


Still Alice was the best book I read last yr.


I don’t know if I’d call it a craving, but I indulged in apple cider doughnuts while I was pregnant and, like you… it stuck around. Can’t. Get. Enough. Lemonade was a biggie for me, too.

10 PM is my perfect bedtime, if not a smidge earlier…

Check out “It Was Me All Along” by Andie Mitchell if you want a good read. I love her blog and her voice rings true in this memoir. I really enjoyed it.


I just had my baby girl 3 weeks ago and my biggest pregnancy cravings were cereal, pb/ab and jelly sandwiches, and lemonade. I would literally eat cereal a few times everyday and looked forward to my pre-workout pb&j every morning (I think that was my main motivation to workout some mornings). I thought I would be sick of all three of those things after giving birth, but I’m still craving them.


Wow! I cannot believe people run a marathon on the Great Wall. When I went there, it was challenging to walk in many sections… Amazing!!!


mmmm…donuts! I am obsessed with the running & donuts picture you posted yesterday. I am certainly going to take advantage of that next time I run a race!

my ideal bed time is 9:15. my brain stops functioning past then!


Love to be in bed 9-9.30.
Read Stronger by Jeff Bauman about his journey after Boston marathon or another great one since you love dogs, Thr art of racing in the rain. It’s a really great and easy read and you will always look at dogs and wonder what they are thinking.
Sentence- Surgery is over and I’m home to rest and really want a donut


I had the most pregnancy cravings with my oldest. I NEEDED a gravenstein apple every morning. No other variety of apple or fruit was going to do. Also I was obviously at a low iron stage when I ate a steak and spinach for dinner every night for over a week.

I used to love sun-dried tomatoes, but when I got pregnant with my first, the HUGE Costco jar of sun-dried tomatoes I’d purchased got pushed deep into the refrigerator. I still don’t have the same feeling about them I once did.

I have a dream that I’ll be in bed asleep by 10pm. Pretty much happens never.

Check out the book “Boys in the Boat” — it’s a true story about the UW rowing team and how they went to the Olympics during WWII.

I would love to run the Great Wall marathon. “Run” being in quotes because it would probably take me about a day and a half to finish it. But what an adventure!


I love the look of your pants in the second picture! Where are they from?!


I thought I liked Brooke until today. There are a few things in here that make me sad. :( Avo? Frosting? Oh my.


Haven’t been pregnant yet, but after my 100 mile ultra (kinda like being pregnant, right?…) I NEEDED a deli turkey sandwich loaded with mayo (I hate mayo).
When I don’t work, I’m in bed by ten.
One of my favorite books is “She’s Come Undone” by Wally Lamb. It’s brilliantly written, and a life changer.


Brandon Yonke wrote a good detail review about the Great Wall marathon.


I am impressed you don’t give Brooke your phone to play on while you and your friends visit, pretty soon you need to have Uno on you at all times whenever we were in a line or waiting for something (other than to pay) we played Uno. About 3 or so they can figure it out.


Such a cute mini baby shower idea! Love that you streamered her car seat! And that cake looks all kinds of amazing (as does the cupcake!). Farm books + Santa pajamas = awesomeness. I can totally get behind an 8:30pm bedtime every night!


Oogy is a good book……………… is a sweet story about a rescue pup and his family. Written by the father in the family.

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