Our day so far in VIDEO!!!

Happy Thursday everyone!  

Today I have a little video of our day so far!  Highlights include—>  A sprint and hill climb after teaching a spin class, dance party in the car (to Brooke’s favorite song that she makes us listen to on repeat), my favorite lunch, a carousel, deep conversations with Brooke and a tour of my huge home office.  

PS I apologize my voice is a few octaves too high (and I repeat myself about what’s in my lunch but yeah…) 

I also wanted to share with you some tips and tricks for Spring Cleaning your running gear that Brooks sent over (these are from the experts):

Sports Bras (Rebecca duRivage-Jacobs, Associate Product Line Manager Moving Comfort):

  • How should you wash/clean your sports bras?
    • Hand washing is ideal, but not always possible. If you plan to machine wash your sports bras, it’s best to use the gentle or delicate cycle and be sure to fasten any hooks or straps to avoid snags. Even better, place your sports bras into a lingerie wash bag. After washing, reshape the cups and hang to air dry. Dryer heat can really take a toll on the fabric. If you must, tumble dry, we recommend doing so on a low temperature. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets can clog up the fabric and shorten the life of your bra by limiting its ability to wick sweat and resist odors. For best results, use a gentle, lingerie-friendly detergent.
  • How often should you wash your sports bras?
    • It’s really a personal preference, but 2-3 wears is OK in between washes.
  • Approximately how long should each bra last before you need to throw it out?
    • On average, we recommend replacing your sports bra every 6-12 months.
  • How can you tell when it’s time to replace the item?
    • Pay attention to key signals such as stretched bottom band and straps, faded tags, possible chafing spots, and a less-than-fresh scent are all signs it’s time to replace your sports bra. Appreciate what it has done for you, say your goodbyes, and get fitted for a new style to keep you moving without skipping a beat. At a minimum, we recommend woman have three sports bras in her wardrobe at a time. Not only will this give her options for different outfits and workouts, but rotating them can extend the life of each sports bra.


Footwear (Jena Winger, Associate Product Line Manager, Footwear)

  • How should clean your running shoes?
    • We recommend not washing your shoes in a washing machine as it breaks down important components in the shoe (such as DNA, which is the cushioning technology) that help you run safely and comfortably. If you’re looking to remove mud or dirt we suggest doing so with a toothbrush and some soap. If smell is your enemy, we have a few tips on our blog for reducing the stench. 
  • Approximately how long should each item last before you need to throw it out?
    • We recommend replacing your running shoes every 300-400 miles.
  • How can do tell when it’s time to replace the item?
    • Unusual aches and pains which can’t be attributed to a change in your training are a sign that you may need to replace your shoes. The key aches and pains to look out for are knee pain as well as shin splints.


Apparel (Lauren Hallworth, Apparel Product Line Manager):

  • How should you wash/clean sweat-wicking apparel? How often?
    • It’s best to machine wash cold, tumble dry low, unless otherwise marked on the garment. Using a sport or tech wash will also help prolong the lifespan of the garment. In fact garments with a DWR coating can be rejuvenated by a round in the dryer on tumble dry low and if that doesn’t work, then washing using a tech wash and dry. It’s best to stay away from fabric softeners and dryer sheets which can clog up the fabric and shorten the life of your apparel by limiting its ability to wick sweat and resist odors. 
  • Also, approximately how long should each item last before you need to throw it out?
    • A well cared for garment should still be running strong after 50 home launderings. 
  • In general, if the tag says hand wash, do you really need to do that? Why or why not?
    • If a tag states hand wash, it is because of the delicate nature of the fabric or the type of treatment that has been applied to the fabric. It’s always best to follow marked care instructions.
  • How can you tell when it’s time to replace the item?
    • Similar to bras, it’s important to pay attention to the signals—stretched bands and straps, faded tags, possible chafing spots, a less-than-fresh scent, etc. are all signs it might be time to upgrade your running apparel


Do you like video blog posts or should I just stick to the normal picture ones?

Any big time spin class fans reading?  What are your favorite things to do in a spin class?

What brand of sports bras are your favorite?  Do you wash them after every use?

What are some of the highlights from your day so far?

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What a cute video! Brooke is just the cutest! You definitely are living the dream.

I like Nike sports bras and I definitely wash them after every use. I get too sweaty not to!

My favorite things in spin class are hill climbs. Once of my favorite instructors did a whole class with hill pyramid intervals. Spring in the saddle for 1 minute, hill climb one minute, sprint in the saddle 2 minutes, hill climb for 2 minutes, etc.


Okay, that sounds KILLER Meghan. I am going to totally have to try that hilly pyramid interval idea in my next class. THANK YOU!


It was! But it was definitely one of the best workouts ever!


I truly think Brooke is the cutest child on this planet. Please don’t tell my nieces. But seriously, can I just clone her!? I want a Brooke!!!


I think I have to agree with you on your statement Kate:) Next time we are in San Diego we will have to go on a run and get brunch afterwards and you can meet the Brookers:)


Those mountains in the background of your video are so beautiful! And Brooke is just too cute – what a sweet age!
My favorite sports bras are the Player bra from Victoria’s Secret and I usually wear them 1-3 times (depending on how hard the run was) before washing. My drying rack is always full of running clothes!
Highlight of my day: my new running trail. The trees and rivers are so beautiful that it just makes my miles fly by.


Okay my good friend keeps on telling me to try those bras… now that you say it too I am going to have to go for it. YAY for a new running trail… that is the best. Enjoy the rest of your day!


I love the video posts, but since I read at work, sometime I have to wait to check them out. Fortunately it is a quiet day in the office and I can watch today!

I don’t have a favorite brand of sports bra…still trying to find one! I usually wash after two uses, but it just depends. If I ran 20 miles in it, its getting washed right away!

Highlight of my day…awesome run this morning with one of my favorite running buddies!


Best way to start the day—> a run with your favorite running partners. Yay for a quiet day at the office. Have an awesome Thursday night!


I also read your blog at work. I can watch the videos but I can’t turn on the sound so I’m sure I miss a lot of cuteness.


So while this won’t work every day (and is a little dangerous), during Mardi Gras, our spin instructor called out our names one at a time, made us do an individual sprint, and threw beads at us!


Videos are nice every now and then.

I wear all kinds of sports bras but if I don’t wash them after every workout, world watch out! ;)


Champions bras are the best! I love them.


Okay – that video was too cute! Love mixing it up with a video every now and then!

I really should be gentler on my workout clothes :/ I do my best to try not to dry them and let them all air or line dry, butttt sometimes I get impatient.


I wear my sports bras only once between washing unless I run 3 easy miles on a 50 degree day. Lol. I sweat a ton. I also worry about bacteria causing skin infections. :)
Same goes for all my running gear.
I love moving comfort Maia bras.


I loooooooove the video…….please do more of these!!! So cute!!!!


I have been a fan of Champion sports bras for about 10 years now. I wash them after every use, unless I feel like I didn’t sweat, then I don’t wash until the next time I wear them.

I like your videos a lot! Especially when they have fun sing-alongs. :)


Love the video! It’s fun to mix it up!

Wow! I wash my sports bras EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I work out – no matter what! I never knew there were people who wore them multiple times before washing them! This is just crazy to me, lol.

Highlight of the day was finding out I officially earned my master’s degree :)


I love car dance parties! Happy Thursday!


OMG! Your car song jam was hilarious!!! I loved loved loved the video. It looks like Brooke’s a little camera shy though. More videos definitely!


I like both types of posts, stills and videos. Seeing the video is cool because it makes you two seem more “real”…Like that’s your “real life”..hahah. No favorite sports bras. I have several different types. What I wear just depends on what activity I’ll be doing. I’m at work , so there haven’t been any highlights…Looking forward to dinner out with the hubs tonight.


I am a HUGE spin fan, and a spin instructor haha. I love doing pyramid drills, either sprints or hills (15-30-45-60) and I also like layering drills.

Champion sports bras or lulu- I use it two times max before washing it!

Highlight of my day… hearing that my brother went to the gym in the morning and not the night. I am slowly converting him to a morning person!!


I love vlogs! I haven made any but I love everyone else’s.
Brooke is adorable!!
I’m not well endowed so the basic Nike sports bras work for me and yes, I wash them after every use. I sweat!


I love how you always throw in random videos. And, today’s was extra cute!

When I really started running, I had the hardest finding good sports bras. Champion ones are my favorite- especially the Marathon bra. And, I wssh mine after each use (for the most part). I live in Florida and I can be a stinky girl when I get sweaty. ;)

My highlights today are spending time with family and honoring my late puppy’s birthday with his favorite treat.


Adidas sells my fave sports bra. Have to admit tho, the best part of my running routine is getting the bra off ASAP as I can’t stand the feeling of them, no matter the brand. I wash them after every use. Sweaty bras = YUCK YUCK YUCK.

Best part of the day: one day closer to my first vacation of the year. So pumped. Running, maybe some yoga, get my veggie garden in and spending lots and lots of times with my man and dogs. Summer in Maine is finally here….grin!


Annabelle just asked to watch the part of the video with Brooke singing in the car multiple times. That girl is so stinkin cute.


I love when you do video posts once in a while!


I keep my sports bras too long aaaaaaaannnd….. I think I have 9 of them :).
My running clothes (bras included) make up 90% of my wardrobe :)


I always dig the video posts :)

I wash my sports bra after every sweaty use! My boob sweat be cray. And I don’t hand wash a thing. Like nothing. No time for that. ;)


Oh my goodness, you and Brooke are the absolute cutest!


I like Champion sports bras. I don’t need tons of support and they are good quality but inexpensive so they work well. And I wash all my workout gear after every workout. It never even occurred to me not to….


I love these kinda of random videos! I kind of want to do one now too! I had a YouTube channel at one point, but I feel like I get the nervous shakes when on camera hahahahahahahaha.


The videos are super cute!

All my sports bras are years and years old bc I can’t find ones like them that I like. They still seem to be lasting pretty well though so Im going to roll with it…


Love the video!


My three-year-old and I love the video! Keep ’em comin!

I try to wash my sports bras after every three to five wears. However, there have been times when I’ve put my sports bra on, taken a whiff, and realized it’s been muuuuuch longer than appropriate. Hopefully I’m not the only one that’s happened to.

The people at Brooks forgot about the need to replace sports bras once they no longer hold the girls in place. Feeling like one part of your body is going one way, while the other part the other, is not comfortable when exercising. But maybe that’s just a sign that I waited way too long to replace? Obviously my issues with sports bras are self-inflicted.

Highlights of today: My kids coming home from school, eating homemade granola, spending time with a bunch of friends at lunch, and reading your blog. :)


-I’ve never done a spin class, I should try it out. :)
-I wash my sports bars after each and every use!

Happy thursday!


I just sent you an email, but I figured I might as well comment while I am here as well. :) Brooke just seems like the happiest girl. You must be doing something right. <3

I like the videos! I love seeing you and Brooke in action!


That was the cutest video! I love Brooke’s sweet little voice.
Hmmm-I’m not so sure I’ve ever known anyone to combine popcorn and chocolate milk?? Doesn’t seem to go together, though I have no problem dumping a bag of M&M’s in a bowl of popcorn :)
Thanks for all the spring cleaning tips!


I never replace my sports bras…oops!


You guys are just sitting in the car, in like a parking lot, right?


haha yeah. the girls wanted to dance before getting out of the car so we had a dance party:)


Ok that video was awesome!!! And the last line made my day…”living the dream” I say that phrase all the time too :)


I love vlogs!

I don’t have a favorite sports bra brand – anyone that is tight and keeps things in place is good for me. I think Adidas made my current favorite one, which is odd since I’m not really an Adidas fan, but hey, it works! :)


I love the way you write your blogs. So laid back and fun. That video was fun and your little girl is a doll! My daughters favorite song is also Geronimo. Turns out, it’s also a great running song.


That video was SO fun! And your lunch resembled my dinner. I bought that BBQ sauce you rave about–life-changing. Seriously. THANK YOU.

I’m not super picky about my sports bras, as long as they are comfortable. I like Nike, Lululemon and Champion. I like the Champion prices best…

The highlight of my day was CareShare time with my students. Love that time!


I’ve tried to wash my sports bras after 2-3 wears, but by the second time they stink so bad as soon as I start to sweat. Unfortunately this makes by bras fade a lot faster. My favorite one right now is made by Brooks.


More video’s please, that was just too cute!

I wear Champion sport bras and wash them after every run.


I love my C9 sports bras from Target, but they just changed to adding padding or being really thin so I think I’m going to need to find a new brand. I don’t think I could go more than one use without washing them. I just love clean, fresh laundry


I lo’ve the videos! You are both adorable.


I love the video!! Brooke is so cute.
Any sport bra as long as I don’t feel and look like a jersey cow. I’ve got a lady doing my cleaning and washing so she washes it after every run. Ps I’m from South Africa and it’s normal to have somebody working in your house.
Pps there’s NOTHING wrong with your voice!!


That video is adorable!! I love it!


I wear two Nike compression sports bras when I run, and one if I’m spinning, rowing, lifting, cross-training, etc. I wash anything that gets sweaty in warm or hot water in the washing machine … Hand washing or washing in cold doesn’t seem very sanitary to me.

I spent FOREVER looking for the perfect running sports bra, and it turned out that (for me) the best solution was to just double-up. Same goes for pony-tail holders.


i had no idea that you were supposed to replace sports bras that frequently!


I usually just buy bras from Target…..nothing too fancy, granted I am barely a B, so I don’t have to worry about much moving! ha!


Love the video post! I had no idea people wore their sports bras multiple times between washes… I wash mine after every workout haha.


I love your video posts! Brooke is SO CUTE!! I love hearing her voice :) Also I cannot even believe that you have MOUNTAINS like that where you live!! I’ve never seen anything like that! (#eastcoastprobs)


I’m gravitationally challenged when it comes to my chest so I buy the ultra supportive bras from Moving Comfort. They’re spendy, but it’s worth it to keep the girls in place. I mostly run outdoors in cool temps (20’s – low 40’s) so I can go a little while between washings. If i workout indoors I’m a sweat monster and have to wash immediately.


I used to work at a lingerie store and we were taught that you should wash your bras – sports bras included, as often as possible. This is because the oil in your skin breaks down the elastic causing them to not last as long. I disagree with washing sports bras after three wears – if I did that i would smell pretty awful and my bras wouldn’t last as long!


Oh my goodness this video!! The dancing and singing in the car and then Brooke telling you about being a baby and living in your tummy…. I die!!! <3


Very cute, don’t apologize for your voice. You have a normal sounding tone, btw.

Cute video.

I like Moving Comfort and Champion bras. I’m a D and I want to be locked in place but comfortable. They make it possible.

I had iced Snicker flavored coffee today (not a syrup – spices are added when the beans are roasted. I’m not a fan of sweet coffee). That and getting paid were pretty much my highlights.


The videos are such a cute addition to your blog posts! I have been reading since the beginning and it is so cool to see how your blog / business has grown and evolved. Very inspiring. Congrats Janae!


I love your video posts – makes me feel like I really know you that much more. I know you’ve had your ups and downs but your life just seems so fun. I’d like to live it for a day or two. :D


Love the video posts – Brooke is adorable!

LOVE to spin – unfortunately there are ZERO spin studios where I live – if you have ever heard of FlyWheel pretty much their entire class is my favorite thing to do in a class – they combine arms with weight bars which is GREAT. I also like to be out of the chair – a couple of hard climbs are good but I like to do jumps and combinations which get me in an out and my heart rate up!

I use champion – specifically C9 sold at target – I live in Florida and sweat a lot during my run – have to wash them after every use . . . only way I was after 2 uses is if I wear it to a weight class or out and do not get it sweaty.

I ran a half this morning in Wisconsin so that was fun – except for the hills – again I am from Florida (ouch).


LOVE THE VIDEO!!! Looks like yall have so much fun!!! :)

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