20 little things you can do to improve your running.

Just a few things from yesterday:

Had a little walk with the Brookers.  

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Did the bootcamp thing and like usual, Megan killed me a little bit.  

The two hardest moves from our evening of sweating:

A wall squat with some lovely shoulder presses for 45 seconds x 3.  It burned.  


These towel pushups.  Do a pushup and when you reach the top slide your knees into your chest and then back out and go down for another pushup.  We also did these for 45 seconds x 3.  My core was/still is burning.  

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I had my normal sweet potato/chicken/bbq sauce/avocado medley fir dinner followed by yogurt with a bunch of fruit and almond butter.  

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This show.  My new favorite.  It is so ridiculously random.  Just my style.  

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If you are looking to get faster or if you are wanting to build up your endurance… Here are some little things that you can do to help you to improve your running.  I am more than ready to start training for my next marathon and to do what it takes to get to my goals so I’m going to be doing these along with you:) PS this is just my opinion and a few are repeptive from previous posts but I wanted to put them all in one place.  

1.  Learn from your mistakes (i.e. overtraining, not stretching enough, poor nutrition etc).  I make a lot of mistakes in my training (why I especially need a coach) but I am trying to learn from the mistakes and turn them into strengths.  Taking the time to really analyze the mistakes we make and come up with a game plan on how to avoid these mistakes again will really help you to improve your running.   

2.  Do more than just run——>  GET IN SOME PLYOMETRICS!  HERE and HERE are some great examples of plyometrics for runners!

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3.  Get rid of the comparing…  Sometimes I compare my current running abilities to my past times/races and then I end up feeling discouraged.  I have to remind myself to focus on the present and to move forward.  You are where you are now.  No good comes from dwelling on the past.  Embrace where you are now in terms of your fitness and take baby steps to get where you want to be.  Celebrate your successes along the way!  Be patient with yourself.

4.  Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone.  Strength isn’t built when we quit our run early.  We aren’t going to get any faster if we run easy every single day.  There is no way that I am going to achieve my goal marathon time by feeling comfortable all of the time.  If you want to get faster and really improve your running then just be prepared for sweat in your eyeballs, feeling like your legs might fall off and playing a lot of mental games to get yourself through the hard workouts.  Dig deep.


5.  Fuel your runs properly.  I used to not eat anything during my long runs and I think that is just silly (at least for me) now.  How am I supposed to build my endurance and speed when I am running on fumes?  Fueling myself properly during the long run makes it so that I can finish the prescribed workout strong.

6.  Take your easy runs slow.  It is pretty impossible to build up your endurance and speed if you are pushing it to the max every run.  Running hard every day makes it so that your body doesn’t have time to recover properly.  You will most likely end up mentally burned out, physically burned out or injured.   Varying your intensities throughout the week will really help you to build your fitness.  

7.  Get new shoes when you need to get new shoes.  Do your feet and joints a favor and get new running shoes when you need them.  My whole body just feels better and faster when I make sure to avoid putting too many miles on a pair of shoes.

8.  Squat.  Work your glutes.  The more I squat and strengthen my legs and glutes the less injured I am.  Less injuries means that I can actually run and do those hard workouts and races = faster and stronger.  

9.  Do your planks/core work/8 minute abs/just work that core of yours.  A strong core will help you to maintain proper form, it will help you to propel forward fast, stay injury free and climb those hills.  

10.  Choose the hilly route.  When you have these two options:  The nice, easy, flat, paved, shaded trail or the the loop going the other way full of rollers —>  Choose the hills.  They make those flat miles feel like a piece of cake.  You will notice your endurance increase big time when you are running hills often.  

11.  Trail run if you can.  I notice huge improvements in my strength when I am getting in trail running each week.  You will climb hills, build those stabalizer muscles and help to lower your risk of getting injured (gotta love running on dirt and softer surfaces).  


12.  Race.  The more I practice racing the better I actually do at my key races.  I love using a shorter distance race as my speed work session for the week.  What better way to get in a tempo run or some fast miles than doing them at a race and having all of the course support and crowds cheering you on along the way?   Races will help you to practice your race day routine, fuel, hydration and it will teach you how to manage the race day nerves.  Races always give me a bunch of motivation to keep working hard.  


13.  Recruit some speedy peeps to chase after for some of your tough workouts.  I love the extra push that I get from trying to keep up with my fast friends and that makes me faster in the long run.

14.  Recover properly from your workouts (think eating protein/carbs within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, getting enough sleep and taking rest days when needed) so that you can nail your next workout.  If we don’t recover then there is no way we will be able to push ourselves hard again.  

15.  Consistency is key.  These big goals of ours take time and dedication.  Skipping a workout every now and then is normal and not going to effect your running much but skipping a lot of your workouts will.  It takes time to build a good base and/or speed and staying consistent with your running will help you to get faster and stronger.   We won’t always be in our peak running condition but keeping some sort of base will get your stronger and stronger each year.  

16.  Have a coach/expert analyze your form and give you pointers to work on.

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17.  Every now and then complete a hard workout or long run on a treadmill—>  talk about building some mental strength.

18.  Stop saying ‘can’t.’  And stop listening to the people that tell you that you can’t.  That mind of yours most definitely affects how fast your legs will move and how long you can endure.  When you use the word can’t about your running and abilities your legs will make sure to prove that you can’t.   That mind/body connection is ridiculously powerful.  

19.  Add in some spin classes.  My fastest marathon time was when I was spinning three times a week.  I swear spin helps me to build a lot of strength and it helps to speed up my leg turnover all while being easy on my joints.

20.  Learn to bounce back.  Bad workouts happen.  Races where you don’t reach your goals are actually pretty common.  Feeling defeated makes an appearance in my training, that is for sure.  It happens to all of us BUT how you react to these situations will make or break your running.  Learn from the experiences and use the setback to reignite your flame to keep trying and working your hardest towards your goals.    


What did you have for dinner last night?  

Any shows you are loving right now?

What are some little things that you do to improve your running speed or endurance?

What are some running mistakes that you have made and learned from in the past?

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Dinner last night was not a good example so I wont say what it was.

I like to run long and slow and it definitely improves my endurance.


Those are wonderful tips! My biggest mistake I’ve made it not trusting my training. I get horrible race anxiety and nerves. I need to remind myself that the work is done.

Those wall sits look killer! I’m doing those tonight.

My favorite show right now is Extreme Weight Loss!


I’ve learned many of those running lessons too over the years. My biggest lessons were that “overtraining” can happen even if you’re not running more, wear the right shoes, fuel more than you think you need to, and my biggest has been not to stress too much about any of it, because it’s not worth it.

Those pushups look really intense by the way!


I love how you say “it’s not worth it”-> SO TRUE. I love running, but it isn’t my whole life, and sometimes in the middle of training you can get in that mindset. It is for fun and health and shouldn’t ever be stressful.


Totally agree with both of you. It’s important to keep running fun, else why do it?!


SO true and yet easy to lose perspective!


LOVING Parks and Rec! We’re on season 3 via Netflix and watch approx 3.44 shows/night.

Running mistake: pushing through an injury! Don’t do it!! My hip has been bothering after I run so I’m forcing my self to cross train and focus on core work and yoga. I love those things too, so I know taking it easy in the running dept is necessary. Ps I saw a shirt at Dicks sporting goods the other day that simply read “Not Running Sucks” haha, thought about buying it!


I’ve learned to take rest days and a missed run doesn’t need to be made up. My body doesn’t want to run 6-7 days a week. I like to cross train and have days where I can lay on the couch and read or watch TV. I used to think if I missed a run that I had to make it up and I’ve gotten past that now. If I miss a run, no big deal, I just let it go!

Last night was stuffed peppers. We have stuffed peppers whenever I need to throw all our veggies into something so they don’t go bad. Yummy and full of healthy veggies!

I am so excited to start watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! Just my kind of show! I started watching Resident Advisors and I thought it was funny. A bit crass maybe, but still good!


I’m always learning from mistakes. Lately I am in full on foam roll and stretch mode. Must add strength next.
I had a soft pretzel and potato chips for dinner. Oops. Guess that’s not so good. Lol.


Omg, I LOVE yogurt with a bunch of fruit and berries! Yum! And great tips!!

-Dinner last night was crock pot balsamic chicken with a baked yam and salad.
-I’m always in love with Modern Family
-I’ve been consistently doing plyometric routines after my runs..they really help me stay injury free!
-I made the mistake of not taking enough rest. I learned from that, though, and make sure to include plenty of rest in my schedule :)


Thanks to you, I’ve become addicted to the sweet potato/chicken/BBQ sauce/avocado combo, so that was my dinner last night. So delish.

I try to do two fast workouts a week to improve my speed. That can be a track workout, tempo, pickups or hills. They help so much!

I’ve made the mistake of doing other people’s workouts and plans, and that doesn’t work for me. I can’t do as much mileage as all of my running friends, and I shouldn’t force myself to. I also used to try to run fast all of the time, even on my “easy” runs. Now I take my easy runs EASY so that my body is able to recover properly. I’ve learned so much over the years, thankfully!


I love these tips. I am back in the building endurance stage before my next training cycle starts and I love switching it up and adding in some fun, difficult cross training.
Also, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is DARLING! I binge watched it all in a couple days :)


I love these!!! Thanks for the reminders. I always keep in mind that bad runs/races make the good ones that much sweeter!!


Dinner was grilled pizza and a salad w/ pineapple on it.

Modern Family and Blackish.

I am starting to do the Jillian DVD’s. Haven’t done them in a while and love them.

I ate a hot dog once before a race and I will never do that again.


I went out with two of my best girlfriends and their boyfriends last night in NYC so I splurged and had a greek salad with a hard boiled egg and it was amazing! I totally agree with building mental endurance by running on a treadmill, but I also think it’s important to run outside when the conditions aren’t ideal (i.e. in the rain – would’ve prepared me better for Boston!) I have definitely been a victim of over training so I am working on alternating fast runs with slower/easier runs. Hope you have a great Thursday!


These are all such great suggestions. I have been working with a chiropractor on upper body stability and its been making such a difference! And I just moved to an area with more hills- there is no avoiding them but I know they will only make me stronger!
You are going to be so strong from all this strength work you are doing!


Sometimes even my easy runs feel hard. I know speedwork is supposed to be hard so I never seriously think about quitting but during easy runs that feel hard I always think about quitting …. and have to remind myself that it’s these easy/hard miles that are simulating the end of the marathon! That gives me the motivation to finish!


I also love Unbreakable! I just started watching The Good Wife and I’m obsessed so far. It’s like Scandal but even better.

I’ve added cross training to my training this year and it’s helped a lot! Doing barbell strength, yoga and spinning has made me stronger. Also being consistent and “just doing it” has made a huge difference.


Loving Extreme Weight Loss! I moved my treadmill (harder than climbing mt. Everest) in front of the TV and I felt so victorious.

My favorite piece of running advice to myself is, “Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running.” – always just the BEST perspective right when ya need it.

Have a wonderful morning!!


We’re going to have some speedy people on here ;) great tips girl.!!
I really need to take your advice though, and do more things besides just running


Love this, I’m adding in a lot of barre classes to my training plan this summer to improve my core and glute strength. Sadly although I love spin, my knee doesn’t :(


I had no idea how much a coach could help my running form until I got one! It was so great! Don’t be afraid of using a coach people! It’s so fun! Do a group lesson with your friends if you want.


A wall squat with shoulder presses!? I would die!

And I love Unbreakable! Such a good show! The theme song will get stuck in your head!


I’ve had the same injury 2x now – bilateral patella femoral pain (runner’s knee) from building mileage too quickly. My second time was when I went from a 10 mile to a 36 mile week including my longest run ever. Not smart ;)
I’m training for XC this summer and I’m definitely going to follow these tips!


Great tips! I found that simply running more really helped my running, both in terms of physical endurance and mental strength.
I’m rewatching Scrubs for probably the tenth time. That show never gets old.
Dinner last night was spaghetti squash, chicken, and veggies.


Dinner: Caesar salad with a quinoa patty on top
Weight training has really helped me and track workouts for speed
Mistakes: running too many races in a row. I can’t make “a” race efforts without proper recovery after.


I think I had a stir fry last night (it’s sad I can’t remember lol)….Such great tips! I definitely feel a difference in my running from incorporating Pure Barre into my workout routine. And yes to running your easy runs/recovery runs easy. No way can you run hard every day.


i have such a hard time thinking of eating before or during my runs – makes me feel sick – but prob could use the energy for long runs so i should consider that. good tips! i love planks. like love/hate planks but mostly love (i think). hmm for dinner last night i had wine. and hummus. whoops.


I’ve found adding hills during my easy workouts improves my fitness a lot. It keeps things slightly different and keeps me getting some sort of hills in. Also proper recovery with nutrition and rest is key. I have a post about recovering that I need to finish actually.


Great tips! I really need to work on keeping my easy runs easy. I also need to make more time to cross train.

For dinner last night I had a grilled cheese on homemade whole wheat bread with havarti! I too had yogurt as my snack with berries and homemade granola!

Right now Im hooked on Blue Bloods I rent the dvds from netflix

Right now Im working on covering more miles and trying to not focus on speed.

I have been guilty of not replacing my shoes soon enough! In fact I need to go buy new shoes this weekend both street and trail ugh!


Not sure a running mistake or a mental mistake. I used to not stop thinking about my workout until I did it. (why I used to run so much in the morning) What a waste of mental energy and living in the present. If I cannot run till afternoon, I have learned how to so much better be present in my life in the morning not distracted by the upcoming run.


I learned from training for my first marathon that my body cannot handle super-high mileage like a lot of people can and that’s ok (I was comparing myself to a lot of bloggers, like you!). I need to listen to myself more and worry less about what my training schedule says I should be doing. I burnt out pretty early in my cycle…less junk miles + more speed work= a happier me:)! I feel really good at 35 miles a week, so I think that is my happy place for less aches and pains during training.


I think it’s an awesome idea to use races as tempo workouts but only if you know you won’t RACE. That was one of my recent mistakes… I tried to add races to my training for my key marathon, but my competitive side got the best of me. I ended up overtraining!


I love the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!! I watched the whole season in like, a day or two. Love it! I can’t wait until for the next season!


Page bookmarked- thank you for this. Each point highlighted a little something more I can be doing to better my running in a very holistic way.
I tore my meniscus and was off running for 5 months last year.. getting back into it is incredibly hard (physically/mentally) but I working on it. Live and learn- take rest days and don’t tell yourself that anything less than 10km isn’t worth it.. Learned my lesson!

Thanks again!


Dinner last night was a strawberry chicken salad with blue cheese and balsamic vinaigrette. Delicious!
Great list! I have incorporated speed work into my weekly routine and at least twice per week strength training. I can notice a big difference in my strength and endurance.
I have learned the importance of fueling properly and recovery! Allowing my body to recover is so important and has helped me stay injury free.


i’ve got to watch unbreakable kimmy schmidt!


What a cute photo of you and little Brooke!

I gotta incorporate those wall squats + shoulder raises and push ups in my Total Body Conditioning class! My members would love me for it. ;)


I am a little obsessed with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I blogged about it today, too. Great minds…


*Dinner last night–salad with grilled chicken/avocado/tomato/strawberries/cucumber and blueberry muffins :)

*Shows I’m loving……..just waiting for the new season of Orange is the New Black to come back in June!!! I watch a lot of HGTV :)

*Improvements—finally started to PUSH myself in my workouts and have noticed huge gains

*Mistakes—trying to find a balance of pushing and not pushing too hard. Also, with my last half marathon (a hilly!!!!! one), I think I ran TOO many hills to prep. It paid off by going sub 2:00 for the first time, but my hamstrings paid a bit. Babying them now/avoiding too many hills for sure.

Janae, I have a question for you. I’m debating training for my first marathon–Philly in November–I love cross training and want to keep it in my schedule for sure. How many days do you think I need to run/how many days can I still cross train? I’m thinking 4 days running/2 cross training/1 rest per week???

Oh, and I just got Oakley Commit sunglasses for Mother’s Day, at your recommendation. I’m loving them. I think they make me cooler AND faster :) hee hee


Pasta with meat sauce! It’s the best.

Love your tips! I have learned a ton from past training cycles. I think the biggest thing that I started to incorporate that helped me most was hills and making sure to get in strength training. I’d rather run a little less and have better quality runs and make sure I’m also working on strength, than run crappy miles and deteriorate. I had one marathon where I was running 6 days a week and no strength work and I bombed hard by mile 18. Cross training is so important!


These are all really good things to keep in mind. It’s hard when you don’t always see the progress you want, especially on the off-days that you have a frustrating run. Thanks for the good tips/reminders!!


I thunk the hardest workouts for me is the tempo and speed ones. I just feel SO TIRED and it’s such a mebtal game with my body. I dread them to be honest!


This post could not have come at a more perfect time! LOVEEEE the tips and motivation!


My PT and chiro have tried to get me to run correctly. I’ve got everything down except the leaning because that’s just not natural for me and when I zone out during runs, I’m not thinking about it and revert back to what I’ve done for years.


I’m loving Community at the moment – it’s so funny!

I saw a running coach to correct my form, and it was money well spent. My form definitely isn’t perfect, but I know how it should be improved and it’s good enough that many of my painful niggles have gone away.


Great tips!! Love this post! I needed to read #3 today!
I had sweet potato and chick pea “burgers” for dinner. Oddly delicious!
I’m loving reality cooking shows like Chopped right now. Don’t judge! Ha!


Dinner last nice pasta with every vegetable possible with grilled chicken.

I don’t have a lot of time for TV with the new baby, but my husband did get into Orange is the new black when I was pregnant. Maybe one day we can finish season 2? Haha

Thanks for the tips! I keep thinking about how I ran before a baby and how I am now. You’re right I got to let that go and focus on now!


My biggest lesson has been sleep. Sometimes we sacrifice sleep for so many other things in life but when it comes to training sleep has to come before training. If you’re tired, you have to rest.


Great tips, I can learn from all of them! For me I have to remind myself to stop comparing my running to others. I’m 47, so I’ll never be as speedy as some 20 year olds, but that’s OK – I’m doing my own thing for me!


I binge watched the Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt in one weekend. Just SO dang good.

One of the biggest mistakes I made in training had to do with rest. I wasn’t sleeping enough and was running too much. I have taken a much more relaxed approach to my training and it has made an exceptional difference!


I really need to learn to go out of my comfort zone more often too. I too often take easy flat runs, for my marathon training this summer I will do more hills and tempo runs and hopefully get a PR! Love all your tips!


-We had homemade stirfry for dinner last night…super easy and really good.
-Just started watching Scrubs on Netflix…it’s okay but I think I’m having a hard time getting into it because I used to love ER so much and any other hospital show feels disappointing.
-strength training workouts (full body) plus some yoga each week were key for making me a strong/faster runner
-one training cycle I really let my strength training slide and that resulted in a terrible-feeling race. I learned my lesson!


LOVE that show!! I loved her on The Office so I was glad she didn’t disappoint! Last night was healthy enchiladas! Lately I’ve been trying to run the hilly routes. Bleh- I hate them in the moment but I’m sure I’ll love them later ;)


Great tips and reminders for training. I know all those things but the hardest part is putting them into practice. I totally agree about plyometrics and spin classes helping to make one a better runner. I was taking spin classes and doing the Insanity videos last winter and I got much faster during my runs. Just need to add both of those back to my schedule!


Dinner last night = Crab stuffed flounder with roasted cauliflower.

Right now I am watching Game of Thrones, The Bachelorette, and Deadliest Catch. My TV viewing is pretty diverse. I’m excited for Orange is the New Black to begin.

The things I have learned over the years to improve my running was to incorporate speed work, make easy days EASY, fuel properly, and mentally learning how to suffer. I went from a 4:16 marathon to a 3:26 marathon and hope to someday run a 3:15. ☺


OMG I love Kimmy Schmidt! My boss and I will randomly play the theme song during afternoon lulls and it peps us right back up.

I definitely need to do more to improve my running, but i feel like I’m doing alright. Getting there. I’ve been trying to work in strength training and that sort of stuff, as well as trying different sports (currently, I play soccer in two different leagues, so 2-3 games a week) and that has been helping a LOT.

I really haven’t been watching tv. Our apartment was robbed back in April, and they took my computer, my boyfriends tv and playstation, and basically all the ways we watch tv shows. Sooo… I don’t watch anything currently.


This was dinner last night. It is one of my favorites:


Kimmy Scmidt is the best. But how could it not be? Tina Fey created it and I have a non sexual crush on her. They alive, dammit!


How have you been not sharing this with us Meg. I’m offended.


Those are some great tips for improving your running – in my last training cycle for a race I really learned the value of taking your easy runs…literally easy. Active recovery is KEY.

Over the years the benefit of being able to train regularly with people slightly faster than me has been pivotal – not only do they “force” me to push myself, but they make me realize that I can! :)

Dinner last night was homemade burgers on the BBQ with grilled asparagus!


One of the biggest mistakes I have made is trying to increase mileage too fast. Results in an injury every time.


dinner last night was some pizza, chips & salsa, watermelon, cherries, popcorn. I have a half marathon on Saturday so I’m using that as my justification that my “dinner” is just me grazing for the evening so I get my carbs in :)

one thing that has improved my running by a ton is doing lunges with a knee drive to build up balance and strength.


We had lean turkey burgers last night- I seasoned the meet with a little garlic powder and oregano, they were delicious!!!
I love Kimmy Schmidt also! I’m a big fan of Ellie kemper.


Thank you for posting this! I have started training for St George (very very slowly increasing my miles) and was looking for some core, plyometric & cross tranining exercises. Can’t wait to get fit and strong!


I love the show Kimmy Schmidt! Sadly I watched every episode in the first month it came out…LOL.
I need to work on hydrating more. I am terrible about drinking water, I just can’t do it.


I am IN LOVE with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt!!! She is the bomb.com! I hope they make a 2nd season!


I had leftover chinese and ice cream! I had my last long run before my half marathon next week and I was in a weird food mood afterwards! It was a hard run……….I was planning on going 13, but was done at 12…….actually my body was done at ten, but it was an out and back course so I had to get home! I forgot my GU and the humidity and heat was UNBEARABLE……….85 degrees and 90% humidity. eek!

I don’t have any shows on TV right now, except for Wayward Pines, which is creepy! But I always love watching NCIS, Full House, or Psych on dvd.

I find that consistancy is best for me with my training. If I don’t get in a groove with my running, then it never gets easier.


I spy you hiking at Del Valle in Livermore, CA my hometown. That and Sycamore Grove are my go to spots to run and hike : )


Great post, Janae! I especially love the tip about not comparing yourself to where you were before. One of the mottos that I try to keep in mind is ‘my new normal’. It reminds me that I am where I am right now…

The towel push ups are the worst! We would do them with a paper plate under each foot…so whenever we would walk into class and were told to grab paper plates…you could hear the moaning and groaning in anticipation! Such great core work, though!


I love all of the tips, thank you for sharing!


I am enjoying all the college track and field meets!

Thanks for all your tips on running! Were you on the BYU XCty or track team?


This is awesome! Thanks for all the great information. :)


Brilliant post, thank you for all the tips. I’m starting to train for the Great North Run Half marathon this week (14 weeks to go), so I’ll definitely be using this advice… :)


Last night I had some really delicious mexican food. I hate guacamole, but I made some that was so good I might just eat it all the time now.

My favorite show right now is Fixer Upper. I watch a lot of HGTV, dreaming of the day that we have a house of our own. And Fixer Upper is my favorite because the couple is so fun to watch, and her style is amazing.

I love this post because a lot of these things were the mistakes I made when I had just started running. And I was always wondering why I was getting injured so often. But, now I see why and wish I would have figured all of this stuff out before hand.


I loooove plyometrics! Totally trying those towel push-ups, too- those look like no joke!! I had takeout Chinese for dinner last night, and I regret nothing. ;) I’ve heard so many good things about The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- must watch!!



Racing helps me so much. It’s addictive, though! I think the best thing I do for my running is eating — enough calories, and a huge variety. Last night, I had a lentil burger with sweet potato salad, and a brownie sundae. All from this local vegan restaurant, and all delicious!!
My recurring mistake is going out too fast. I try to learn from it, and sometimes do, but I just get so caught up in the moment that I take off!


OMG I’m so happy you watch Kimmy Schmidt. I talk about her on my most recent post along with other Netflix shows I’m shamelessly binging on.

Also yogurt and PB is bomb.com


I love your 20 things! body pump twice a week totally changed my running. Now I need to work on foam rolling and stretching. My goal is to work on changing one thing about my running at a time and do that really well.


Thanks for the video, it’s one of my favorites. It is a good ab set, and the outfits are to die for!

And I like that your gym has a boat in it. My office has a new lawnmower in it. Random. Spice of life.


This is a fantastic list!! I just missed my BQ goal on May 2nd, so I decided to keep training and try again July 4th. I have a friend/coach who is helping me get stronger in more areas. She swears by spin as well so I am doing a spin class once a week as well as a boot camp style class and my chiorpractor suggested plyometrics! I am also working on getting comfortable with pushing out of the comfort zone more! You are inspiring! Thanks for the reminder that it is normal to have a race not go how you like.

What I ate last night? cereal with the kids- one of those nights!
Shows I watch- Kids love America’s got Talent and America Ninja Warrior


These tips are such great reminders!
Running speed and endurance: Mile repeats on the road and track workouts. Incorporating hills into many of my runs
Mistakes: I think taking it easier on the easy days and leave the watch at home.
Dinner last night: Delicious homemade soup


I wanted to give up early on my run today but then I remembered this post and I kept going! Thank you for reminding me that sometimes i just need to keep going. For the record, I was way happier at the end than if I had quit two miles earlier like I wanted to.


Last night I had mushroom burgers with potatoes and watercress. I’m not that fancy, but Blue Apron is. Kimmy Schmidt is great; you’ll love it!


thanks for these tips! I’m coming off of my first marathon (the Ogden) and have RAGNAR and the AF half in June. Today I did a 10 mile run trying to stay in shape for the next few races and felt soooooooo dead. It’s so easy to feel defeated. I was frustrated thinking “I just ran 26.2 miles 2 weeks ago!! Why am I dragging at mile 8?!” Maybe I’m still recovering? Anyway, I liked your tip to try and stay positive and that sometimes you just have bad runs! Thanks for being so inspiring!


GREAT tips! I love spinning and hope to get to the studio more. I also think strength training and plyo definitely help. I race a lot because it really is the best way for me to push myself and try different courses and conditions!


I’m so glad you made this post! Some friends have been asking me to join them on our long runs but their pace is about a minute faster than mine so I’ve been wanting to get faster so I can join them. Thank you!!
Dinner last night was grilled shrimp, grilled asparagus, and grilled corn on the cob.


Great tips! Too bad I don’t want to do any of them. Lol

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