15 of the best things that can happen to you during a run.

Like I said on Instagram yesterday—> Brooke and I are pretty much Lorelai and Rory Gilmore 2.0.  

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We started out our Thursday night date night with a trip to the Museum of Natural Curiosity and Brooke gave a beagle brain surgery.  

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She then preformed a pretty epic puppet show.  

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She rounded things out with a drum solo.  

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We worked up quite the appetite and hit up Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  Peanuts, salad, rolls, steak and potato.  Yep.  The best.  

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A lot can go very wrong during our runs (I’m looking at you injuries, tummy issues, wind and ice) BUT there are a lot of things that can go oh so very right during our runs.  

I put together a list of 15 of my favorite things that sometimes happen when I am out for a run:

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1.  You’re running up a tough hill but a tailwind is making the hill climb about 35% easier.  Love it when that happens.

2.  You are out running right as the sun is rising or setting and you are at the perfect angle to see it all happening.  

3.  You look down at your garmin to check out your pace and see that you are actually running way faster than what it feels like effort wise—>  Hello, getting stronger and more fit!

4.  The second you start to feel thirsty a drinking fountain magically appears.  And that drinking fountain has the most perfectly chilled water.  

5.  You experience that, ‘Man, I feel like I could run forever and ever’ feeling.  Rare for me but when it does happen I soak it all in and add a bonus mile or two.  

6.  You set a new training pr—>  this could be a new distance record, you hit your fastest interval times or your tempo run was completed at a pace that you never thought was possible previously.  

7.  If you are a treadmill runner—>  your favorite treadmill at the gym is empty when you arrive, your favorite tv show comes on right when you push the start button and there are a lot of people there to keep you entertained people watching.  

8.   Your garmin finds the satellites within a matter of milliseconds, all of your electronics are fully charged and your favorite running songs are your running partner for the miles.

9.   You leave for your run grumpy or upset about a problem but by the end you work the whole situation out and walk back in your door in a much better place compared to when you left for your run.  

10.  The weather is the exact degree that you prefer.  There is a little bit of cloud cover and a slight breeze.  AKA October runs. 

11.  You’re in a brand new running outfit that makes you feel pretty confident and hardcore.   The same goes for a new pair of shoes that make your feet feel like you are running on pillows.

12.   Those first dozen pain-free runs after coming back from an injury.  You’ve been out of the game for weeks/months and stressed about if you were going to hurt again once you did start running again AND then you don’t:)  GRATITUDE.COM

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13.  You are out on your run on the roads and you don’t ever have to stop for any stoplights or cars.

14.  You are out on your run on the roads and you are forced to stop for cars at the exact time that you need a break to catch your breath or stretch.

15.  You are trail running.  This is always the best thing that can happen to me during a run;)  

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What are some of the best things that happen to you while out on a run?

Gilmore Girls fan?  

-Oh yes.  This reminds me—> I think I am going to start the series over again for the 15th time.

What are you most looking forward to about the weekend?

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Running! Oh, and sometimes, when I’m out running I find money, bonus!


I relate to so many of these. The tailwind up a hill is SO rare but a gem if it happens! In general having a run that just feels effortless, but is actually faster than usual is one of the best feelings ever!


Your #12 made me cry – I cannot WAIT for that feeling soon!


Gilmore Girls is the best! I need to start it again too!

Love that museum, how fun for kids (and adults!)

I had the perfect temp for a run yesterday morning. It was 37 when I started with 5 mph winds. Incredible (especially in May!)

I’m looking forward to a three day weekend, sleeping in and a good long run before I start my taper!!


My favorite part if definitely number 3. Getting stronger and more used to a harder pace really demonstrates all my hard work.

I am looking forward to getting new running shoes this weekend!


#8! YES! LOL!
I just experienced Texas Roadhouse with my boyfriend and his daughters. We felt so weird to drop our peanut shells on the floor. Like we were littering.
I’m looking forward to going sailing on Sunday with my BF and his kids and his dad and future step mom. I haven’t been on a sailboat in YEARS!


-#2, 10, and 13 are so true!!! I also love it when you run into someone you know…then you have a running buddy for a few miles :)
-I am SO looking forward to going to San Diego this weekend!! Yay beautiful weather!!


I’m all about number 3! I always failed at running because I would set off too fast. flag within 1/2 mile and then decide I hated it. I actually stuck at it when I started out reeeeeally slowly. I worried I would never get faster, but then suddenly I did. Then a few months plateau….then faster again. I got from 11 minute miles to 8 minute miles – and still loved running! Always great to see improvement.

Looking forward to a three-day weekend here in the UK – wooo!!


Lol, love your 15 points! YES!


If you watch GG again, you should also listen to the Gilmore Guys Podcast. They are watching the whole series, one is a big time Gilly and one who is watching it for the first time. My twelve year old and I just finished the series together, something I’ve wanted to do with her for years. So fun! #teammarty


Ok. I am totally inspired to watch Gilmore Girls again. LOVE.
#12, #12, #12!!! YES!! Gratitude.com X 1.2 million – counting the days!
+ New running shoes make me incredibly happy.
Party with friends this weekend, sleep and lots of family time!


I love the feeling when I’m running and don’t even realize I’m running. :)

I am a HUGE fan of Gilmore Girls. My sister and I can pretty much quote the entire series. I watched the final two episodes on ABC Family the other day and almost got teary-eyed.

I’m looking forward to a three-day weekend and a froyo date with my sister tomorrow! Hope you enjoy your weekend!!


I love this list! Its such an awesome feeling to realize you are getting faster or setting new training PRs. And I love catching those perfect morning sunrises!


Right when you are needing a drink of water, you run past a water fountain and it is like Christmas, your birthday, and thanksgiving all rolled into one :).

Have a super wonderful, beautiful day!


I just rewatched the GG’s last year. I’m a HUGE fan of the show until the last two seasons. Then … meh. I feel they did a lot of things with Rory’s character that ‘she’ wouldn’t have actually done.


I love a run where you randomly bump into a running friend! Those are such fun and encouraging moments!

Gilmore Girls – YES. Life changing!


#3, 5, & 9 are my favorites!
It’s been years since I’ve watched it, but Gilmore Girls is such a great show.
This weekend’s plans include running, a bike ride with my husband, and hopefully going to see some mountains at the Olympic peninsula!
Have a fantastic Friday!


I have found money on a run before!!!!! Nothing like getting paid to run :)
I do like Gilmore Girls and actually now that I am thinking about it your dad resembles Mr. Gilmore :)


The best is when you’re running into a headwind the whole way OUT and then have the wind at your back for the whole second half of your run. (I, however, had the opposite happen to me yesterday and it was not my favorite).

I LOVE Gilmore Girls. Luke 4ever.

I’m running a half marathon on Sunday which I’m excited about! I’m also really excited to get a bunch of errands out of the way! Happy Friday!


I love this list! I would add- when you are running and there is the perfect crossbreeze… or your hair doesn’t fall out of your pony tail.


Great list!!!

I’m looking forward to 3 full days with my little man and tons of friends and family time this weekend!


I second the recommendation to listen to the Gilmore Guys Podcast. It’s my new favorite and I listen to it in thr car and on my walks allll the time lately. However I will warn you that their language is sometimes questionable. So unnecessary.
Best thing is when you do get that “I could run forever” feeling and you find yourself smiling like a fool and you just want to throw your head back, your arms out wide and take it all in. Or maybe do a Breakfast Club fist pump.


Haha! I see a future doctor (or vet) for sure!!!
Favorite thing to happen in my runs are definitely sunrise/sunset runs or when someone conveniently has their sprinkler on that you can run through in the middle of a hot hot run.


I don’t get that I could run forever feeling very often but every time I do its so amazing and I start seriously thinking about running 100 mile races :)


LOVE gilmore girls! I hope you and brooke don’t have a big fight over a boy like they did..worst part of the show :(

I also LOVE trail running! Definitely the best part of a run for me! I love it when it’s super hot out, and you get to run in a shady trail and it feels nice and cool!


I love the Gilmor Girls! Such a great show :) And yes to running and noticing your pace is much faster than you thought!


I love it when I finish a run and don’t even remember doing it. The kind where nothing hurts and completely zone out with your own thoughts. Those are the best kind and the sun rise is a bonus!


I just recently watched every episode of Gilmore Girls again on Netflix… gosh I love me some Lorelai! A girlfriend and I even tried to get tickets to their reunion in Austin next weekend but it sold out in under 1 minute… almost 30 and no shame in my game!


#13 is definitely one of my favorites! Exactly why I love early morning runs when no one else is out on the roads!


YES! I’m a Gilmore Girls fan for life!!!!!!!!!


I’m looking forward to beach time with my friends, seeing my family, and spending a relaxing weekend on Nantucket! I live in a city so #13 is SO true. Nothing makes me happier then when I don’t have to stop my run! I hope you have a great long weekend!!


Thank you as always for the daily Run-Spiration!!!! Have a great weekend! xoxox N (NYC)


OH best running moment everrrr: When the song “started from the bottom” randomly starts playing right when you reach the top of the toughest hill in central park!


Bahahaha that’s hilarious and perfect and wonderful.


Best things on a run –> a brand new playlist that keeps me energetic and excited & feeling great when I’ve finished my goal for the day and can sneak a couple extra miles in because I’m feeling up for it.

I am excited to head home to visit my family because I haven’t seen them in 2 months which feels like forever!!


Totally loved Gilmore Girls- I’ve seen every episode at least once! I hope I have a daughter one day, and we have a relationship just like Lorelai/Rory.

Mostly looking forward to the BEACH this weekend to celebrate Memorial Day weekend. For me, this is the first unofficial weekend of summer, and I look forward to it all winter!


One of my favorite things about a run is when something about it puts you in a good mood. Whether you started off in a bad mood or it boosted your confidence. Those are my favorite types of runs!


I love when a deer or other nice, cute animal crosses my path. On the opposite side, no snakes, spiders in my face, or getting a bug splattered in my eye.


The best runs are those in which the weather is cool/crisp, my iPod has the perfect lineup of music, and I push myself just a little harder than I normally would on an easy/recovery day. I also enjoy a good spontaneous run, completely unplanned. These don’t happened very often, as I am a planner, but when they do I always have a good time.

This weekend I am looking forward to getting settled into our new home, getting outside, and shopping for the nursery!!!


I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS! And I loved your comment about Lorelei and Rory 2.0, so cute! I actually watch GG on Nexflix every night before bed and just go all the way through the series and then repeat – can’t even count how many times I’ve seen them all, but I STILL find myself laughing out loud sometimes! :)


I love when a really awesome song plays at the very end of the run–it does give me that extra push for the final few minutes! I don’t love when I am not planning on a rainy run and then it does start to rain so I have issues w/ my glasses and I am wearing the wrong gear. That happened today and back in the day I would take my glasses off and put them in my pocket but now that I am 43, if I do that I can’t read my Garmin! LOL. Oh well, overall I do love a rainy day run so even though I could have used windshield wipers on my glasses, I am happy!


a tail wind reallyyyyy is the best.


This was such a great reminder! It has been a really rough patch for me and running and I need to reminded that this is a hobby that I enjoy. I can’t control everything and things do go wrong, but I need to focus on the positive and what I liked about each run! I might change my log and put 3 positives about each run. I think that will really help my training (once I’m not injured of course)


I heard that they might be doing a GGirls reunion… I am not sure though.

I nearly passed out back in March while out on a run. It was very hot and humid on a day that wasn’t supposed to be. I ended up taking my shirt off and soaking it and then wearing it around my neck. Also I made myself sit for ~30 minutes at the 1 water station on the trail, to just keep drinking for a bit. I haven’t worked-out outside since then, I think it freaked me out.

This weekend I just want to sleep and eat better. It is the end of the school year so everyone keeps bringing in treats to the office, and it is just zapping my energy to eat those things.


My husband and I just watched all of the Gilmore Girls seasons at the end of last year–I had never seen them before and I loved the show!


#12, all the way. When I’m injured it really felt like I would never ever get better. I’m still not 100% but at least I can RUN!


My favorite part of running is when I’ve run faster than I thought. It’s the best feeling!!

Love Gilmore Girls! I’ve watched it so many times from start to finish. My 5 yr old sings along and when she saw Lauren Graham on another show, she said “it’s Loralei!” I re-watched the last episode last night before I went to bed. Luke + Lorelai ❤️

We are visiting family and friends from “home” all this weekend so the whole weekend is pretty good!!


Definitely a Gilmore Girls fan! You should definitely check out the site below for Gilmore Girls swag/clothing. I bought my college roommate the sweatshirt for Christmas. :)


My older daughter and I are totally Rory and Lorelai, I miss that show so much! I wanted to put the theme song on my Boston Playlist! One of my favorite things, since there are not many trails in Rhode Island, is when I am on the road and getting tired, and a friend or neighbor passes me and waves or beeps or stops, it gets you over being tired and the next thing you know you are back on track! Have a great long weekend!


Best things that could happen during a run (that you didn’t already mention):
1. You see some form of wildlife (Deer, fox, bear)
2. You find money! (Hey, don’t act like you wouldn’t be excited)
3. You get to witness a new-to-running friend accomplish a goal!
I ran a 5k with my friend that is in the middle of her weight loss journey. She has lost over 80 pounds and did not walk a single step. I think I was more excited than she was!!!


Gilmore girls!!!! Is Brooke a wannabe Harvard girl already? So ambitious.

It’s been rainy here all week, so I’m looking forward to some less soggy runs and lots of long weekend hiking in the mountains.


I love this list! Especially #s 3, 5, 8, and 9! I think your list speaks perfectly to the point that running is not always (or every really) perfect but there are sure little things along the way that bring so much excitement and joy! Its important to focus on these things to keep us going :-)

I am really looking forward to some cookouts planned with family and friends!


LOVE gilmore girls. I’ve probably seen the series around 20 times. I hate it when Loralei & Rory were not speaking for a bit….it just makes me so sad. Thank you for posting this list! The perfect temperature has to be the number one thing for me. It rarely happens but when it does…oh man I love that!


16 – You are out for a run and see a friend! Or a cute dog! Or a nice person that says something nice that makes you smile!


I’m looking forward to going to Word Camp this weekend to learn about all things wordpress related.


Looks like a fun day at the museum!


I just spent 4 hours trail running with one of my best girlfriends. I am beyond thankful to have a friend to train with!!!


I know, it’s crazy, but I have never watched Gilmore girls. Pretty sure I’m going to have to start asap since I hear nothing but good things from it.

All the things you listed, are the best things. One of my favorites is coming back feeling like all the problems are solved. Sometimes that means I have to man up and admit I’m wrong or apologize, but it feels better. Or when you’re running and passing all the people. Even if it’s not a race, that feels good. Or when you see a hill and you’re like “oh, I got this.” And you go up the hill beast mode.


Ohhh how I love Gilmore Girls! You and Brooke are totally Gilmore Girls 2.0 – no doubt!

You’re making me crave Texas Roadhouse in a bad way. It’s been awhile since I’ve had their amazing rolls. Need to get on that!


My favorite thing: when hills do not feel as tough as they once were.
Also, I love #3. And it is even better when I can keep it up longer than my silly brain thinks I can.
Gilmore girls used to be my fave show. I may (or may not) have cried when it ended…


I love getting that perfect treadmill!


YES to almost all of those things! Especially #9. I love those days were every song that comes on your playlist is perfect (I have those days where I skip almost every song). Or those days where the weather is PERFECT especially after it’s been raining for a month straight like it has been here in Dallas.

I randomly watched an episode of Gilmore Girls recently and it made me want to watch all of it on Netflix…

This weekend I am most looking forward to having Monday OFF from work because Memorial Day :)


-#3,#10,#15 :) love.
-I love the Gilmore Girls! My mom and I would watch it when I was growing up. My mom was a single mom so at my wedding I danced with her to the theme song :)
-This weekend…Family Time and the hubs b-day!


I love this list! I am definitely looking forward to some alone time on my run this weekend!!!


I love this list!! I can totally relate to the injured one right now as I have worked back up to 30 minutes straight of running since a metatarsal stress fracture which took 6 weeks to heal. I was SO STRESSED that once I started running I would be in pain again but it was magical when I wasn’t.


This post is beyond perfect! I love when I go out for a run and my walk interval feels longer than normal, it’s a nice feeling because that means I’m getting stronger. :)

I love Gilmore Girls! Maybe I’ll start that up after I finish Friends for the millionth time.

I am most looking forward to a BIG surprise this weekend, but I can’t tell anyone yet.


You two are adorable. I flew through all the seasons of Gilmore Girls a few months ago and regretted not watching it when it was on TV. Love it!


24th wedding anniversary this weekend! No big plans, but we’re really starting to think about next year… gonna do it up big!


I am looking forward to sleeping in and making delicious brunch with my bf!! Love weekends :)


-I miss running so much – I can’t wait to run again after this pregnancy!! I think your #9 was always one of my favorite benefits.
-I’ve actually never seen Gilmore Girls, but I’m pretty sure I need to asap. Everyone says they love it!


I LOVE the Museum of Natural Curiosity! You’ve made me miss it. My son loved the drums the most.

Best thing to happen to me on a run: My son is happy the whole time he’s in the stroller! Today we got in 10 miles and he was happy as a clam.

Excited for the 3 day weekend – we are going to Boston for the first time ever! Gonna go check out that finish line that i’ll hopefully be crossing in April :)


I love the ‘Man, I feel like I could run forever’ feeling. I love it when I’m out on the country roads, doing a long run and 3 miles or so have gone by and I don’t even notice. Also the smell in the early morning and seeing the deer out everywhere in the evening.


Let’s not discuss how many times I’ve watched the entire run of Gilmore Girls – I watched it when it was originally on the air too…..


YES! to all the above. Trail running though is probably my favorite. I always feel so grateful that I live where I do and have such amazing places to run.

I also love when you’re running with a friend and the run goes by so much faster and easier than it would’ve ever been by yourself.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend. We were going to go camping but a series of unfortunate events conspired against us and now we’re going to try to find fun things to do nearby. Also, I have a 20-miler scheduled.


Love all of those running bests!! AMEN! And yesss Gilmore Girls is always and forever my favorite tv show. I watched it all with my mom as it was airing, then she bought all of the seasons and we watched them again and now I’m watching them with my hubby!! Cannot get enough. Ever. <3



UMMMM thank you so much for posting this list! My only thought, is why, out of all of the millions of running articles that get published, o more like this not exist?

For a short time when I lived in Winston-Salem, NC (no where near the coast!) My run back to my apartment always finished at the top of an incredibly steep hill. At certain times of year, it was the perfect angle to see the most stunning sunrise in the middle of the foothills!


great list! The things I’m looking forward to most are: training run tomorrow, and painting our entryway! I’m not a fan of painting but the finished results will be great!


Love love love Gilmore girls my sister and I have watched it about 15900 times and I could spend all day every day watching it. Best thing that happens on a run is that moment you realise you can finish !!


I’m old enough to be the mom here and I used to watch it with my daughter all the time.
Who doesn’t love Gilmore Girls? And yes…Luke is way better. Duh.

I do love a great run. Sometimes great things and lousy things happen on a run but it’s still a good run because we get to run.


Um Gilmore Girls OBSESSED. My boyfriend thinks I have a problem ;)


I loove Gilmore Girls! I watched the entire series back when it was new. I started to watch it on Netflix with the kiddo but she just wasn’t ready.
It has officially been too long since I’ve eaten at Texas Roadhouse! I’m gonna have to correct that asap.
I’ve got a hike planned with one of my girlfriends for Sunday and I’ve been needing nature and friend time so badly.


I’m currently rewatching GG for about the 1 millionth time… it never gets old!!!


I love Gilmore Girls too! I wish Rory would have ended up with someone but I totally love the fact that she was career orientated.


Two questions: how long does it take for you to get into a groove during a run, and how long does it take for you to get out the door and prep for a run?


That museum looks awesome! I wish they had a version for adults!!


I love that list!
My favorite is getting back to running after an injury layover, and feeling fantastic and so grateful to run.
I love it when I can’t tell how many women are in front of me in a race, and then I finish and place in the top three.
I wish I could have that feeling of “I could run forever” more frequently, but when it comes, it’s amazing.


My current situation is #12….. currently given doctors orders not to run for 2 more weeks! I have already been out for 2 weeks already! Bummer!!!! But, I know I will be cautious the first time out……. :-/

The Museum looks so interesting and fun!!!!! Very cool!!!!

No BIG plans for the weekend….. rest and relaxation mostly! Spin class in the morning!


I had my first good training run since my last race (April 12th) and 2 weeks of rest (Have been back in training for 2 weeks… and yep yesterday was my first good run where I thought… I’m back!) I think what made it such a great run for me is that even though it was a speed session when I finished that run I felt like I still had a few kms left in me. Every run before that had been a struggle to log the kms I needed and I was ending the run with nothing left in the tank! looking forward to many more “good runs” to come.


That sounds like a really fun museum! The next time you are in SoCal they have a fantastic Science museum I feel Brooke would adore.

#9 on your list is why I first fell in love with running. I never believed people when they said that running was therapeutic, but when I had my first run that ended in tears from having clarity, I knew I found my place in exercise.


Lol, I love Gilmore Girls! Started watching when I was on maternity leave and rewatch reruns all summe long!!! I wish I was as witty and articulate as those girls!


I just recently had a daughter and named her Rory :) Gilmore Girls is the greatest.


One of the best things – seeing cute dogs on a trail run and finding money. Boom, triple whammy. It’s never happened to me, but wishful thinking, right? :)

I am looking forward to watching a friend’s flag football game tomorrow and hopefully kicking this cold to the curb! Lots of couch and bed time.


That museum looks awesome.

You know, when Gilmore Girls was originally airing, I said I always wanted to be a single mom to a girl and have a relationship like Rory and Lorelei. Well, ten years later here I am a single mom. I have a boy, but I hope that we can still be as awesome as the Gilmore Girls.


My husband and I went to a museum here in Chicago and went to a presentation on poop which was technically geared towards kids. They asked for volunteers and he ended up being the colon and showing everyone how the digestive system works. It was so great and absurd at the same time.


I really needed a bathroom yesterday, and ran into one on the trail yesterday! It made me happy! :)

Love Gilmore Girls! I’ve seen every episode.

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