The taper makes us all a bit crazy.

I decided to celebrate running again (it had been three whole days since my last run!!) with a blurry picture.  I am still not feeling super great (better at least:) but a run was just what the doctor ordered. I just feel so lucky that this little bug hit me last Friday and not this next weekend!  I lucked out because I am positive I will be fine by this weekend.

This run was the first time my head cleared up since Friday, maybe I was sick all weekend because I wasn’t running?  Or maybe the taper just drives us all a little bit crazy.  That sounds more likely.  Tell me the taper drives you a bit crazy too.

6 miles @ 8:12 average pace.  Lots of nerves thrown in there because the 6 miles felt pretty darn tough and supposedly I am going to be doing 26.2 miles in just a week.  This happens every time to me during the taper so I am just not going to give it anymore thought.  

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The best part about the run was my new artistic workout tank that I scored with a gift card.  You have to admit, there isn’t much better than new/comfortable running clothes.

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Brooke is convinced that I should just be ellipticising the week before the race like I did for my first marathon.  Rewind to my first marathon (the SLC marathon)—>  I thought to take the taper one step farther and just did the elliptical all week leading up to the race instead of running.   It definitely worked, I was really craving a good run on race day after doing the elliptical all week.

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My sister told me yesterday that I needed to go get wheat grass asap.  She always takes a 2 ounce shot when she is sick to help her get better fast.  I haven’t had wheat grass in a few years but it actually didn’t taste as bad as I remembered it to taste.  I must be losing my taste buds as I age.

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A pink smoothie for my main squeeze.

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Super cold foods are always the best.

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And my cute friend Lindsey just brought over a Vitamin C survival kit.  It is quite impressive how quickly I downed this package of mango.  Second to new workout clothes, ready to eat fruit/veggies without having to do any of the peeling etc is pretty much the best.


 You can check out what I make sure to pack for destination races HERE!

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Ever drank wheat grass before?  Thoughts?  What are some random things you have tried to help you get over a bug quickly?

What was your first race?  First 1/2 marathon?  First marathon?  

Do you ever use the elliptical? Have you in the past much?

What was your run today?  Did it feel tough or easy or somewhere in between?

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My first race was actually a full marathon – go big or go home! It was the indianapolis marathon and I loved it! I still do it almost every year because it holds a special place in my heart :)


Your first race was a full!?!? Dang girl… you went for it! That is awesome that you do it every year too!


Haha thanks! In hindsight, I probably should have done some shorter races leading up to it. I was soooo nervous!


Glad you are feeling better!!!

I’ve been on the elliptical waaaaay too much lately while I work on healing my IT band. I ran 10 minutes on the treadmill today on the very top floor of my motel in New Orleans! Traveling for work, and it was the best 1.25 mile run ever :) I wonder if I was able to run further if it would been harder since I was so many stories off the ground?! Lol


So does the elliptical not aggravate your IT Band? I swear it makes mine scream at me if it is already bugging me in the first place. Sounds like the best 10 minutes… enjoy the rest of your work trip!


It doesn’t bother it as long as I don’t push the resistance. Cycling doesn’t bother it either, which is weird. Just running, right at 25 minutes or so into a run and it’s done for. Hopefully because the other activities are pain free the running time off and exercises/foam rolling I’ve been doing will get it back to normal!!


Interesting! YES.. tomorrow I hope you are running pain free with a huge smile on your face!


I’m dealing with similar IT band troubles too (hurts if I push too hard for a run, but spin is mostly ok) I actually just finished 4 wks off and was seeing very little progress until…I iced! I didn’t realize how much difference it makes, but i am feeling so much better! Perhaps it could help you!


Yay for getting in a run! Nice job. I have not had wheatgrass juice but I would certainly give it a try. I really don’t like the elliptical. The only indoor equipment I will use (besides weights) are my rowing machine and my bike that is on a trainer. But even that is hard. I just want FRESH AIR. Maybe I should try an elipyigo! Have you seen those? I had a super nice 4.7 mile run today. Weather was great but now for wind and rain/snow this week. Typical Colorado spring!!


I seriously want to try one of those elliptigo things so bad! Snow this week?!? NOOOOO it is April! PS thanks for reminding me about the rowing machine, I’ll be adding that again after the marathon. Rowing is a killer workout!


I’ve done wheat grass shots and ginger shots when I’m feeling sick. Who knows if they worked, but I’ll try anything when I feel bad.
My first race was the CMM 1/2 marathon and it was my first full. I actually did a 50k before I ever did a 5k.
I very rarely use the elliptical.
Today’s run was 7 miles and my legs felt heavy and slow. Not a great confidence boost before Boston.
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better!!! :)


OMG okay, so wheatgrass gives me INSTANT diarrhea. Instant. The first time I drank it, my stomach burbled and I broke out into a sweat. I thought, no… it couldn’t have been the wheatgrass! So I did it again another time, and same thing. And again, and same thing. So either I’m allergic to it or that stuff is POTENT and chased out every square inch of my intestines including whatever bug I had been fighting! Lol! Sorry, way too much info. But, meh. I can be a bit lifey sometimes.


LMAO. This seriously made me burst out laughing at work. Everyone around me thinks I’m crazy now (ok, they already did). Also find your comment ironic since your blog is Suzy Has the Runs. :)


Yep, that’s me. I went on a missions trip to Haiti in 1996 and picked up a bacterial infection and I’ve never been the same since. I get stress diarrhea, I get it when I’m happy. I get it when I look at someone stressed or someone happy. It’s my internal emotional compass of sorts. Sigh… And yes, I get verbal diarrhea just as much.


Did you get c.diff?


Shigella, actually. It’s like E Coli and Salmonella. I seriously have to go poo now just sitting here talking about it.


Yikes! I’ve had c. diff twice, so I don’t envy you at all!


Brutal. I can’t believe you had it TWICE. Stay healthy, woman!


You too!


This may sound strange…well…maybe not ;) Have you tried incorporating Korean kimchee into your diet? I grew up eating the stuff and actually like the taste. But that stuff will kill whatever yuck is growing in your gut. Yes – it’s that potent that bacteria gives up. I’ve read articles that it helps prevent colon cancer etc. Just a suggestion. But a warning, you’ll have potent breath for a couple of days.


Interesting! I’ll check it out. My dad had colon cancer, and then I recently had a colonoscopy done because of rectal bleeding (I leave nothing to the imagination anymore… it’s what happens when you have a zillion kids). They found a polyp but it wasn’t cancer. Yay. But nonetheless, I am still hyper-aware of my tendency toward anything colon disease-related.


BAHAHAH no more wheatgrass for you Suzy… that sounds awful hahaha! Thanks for sharing, never TMI on this blog!


Despite the fact that it pushed through my body like NASA, I still felt like it was incredibly healthy though, you know what I mean?
Like a cleanse <— understatement.


I’ve never had wheat grass before. It sounds…grassy. That was my deep thought for the day. :) I just sleep alot and take alot of vitamin c. I almost never get sick and I’ve never had the flu, so I guess I’m doing something right.

I did the Vail Half Marathon. Good race. Bad choice for my first. First full was the Nike Women’s Marathon in SanFran. It was awesome. Great choice for my first full.

I have an elliptical at home. I use it quite a bit, but not as often as I should given that I have it at home.

I have 8 today. I’m already not feeling it. I usually end up having a few really bad runs the week/weeks before a race, so I don’t think too much about them. Jamba Juice sounds good!


I don’t really like wheat grass. I’m sure it’s good for people and all that… I tend to do sleep and emergen-c and healthy foods….

My first race was a 5k! and it was soooo hard, i walked a lot of it, and i cried bc i was embarrassed to be walking hahaha.

I used to ALWAYS use the elliptical! On the highest setting so it was like big ol’ hill. love it.

Rest day! Yesterday I ran 6 and it was HARD. Both because I had run 16 the day before, and also I was still emotional. Luckily work let me call out (mostly bc i couldnt even talk about my cat without sobbing) so I took an easy day and just ran 6 miles at the track.


I ran a marathon a few weeks ago and today my 5 miler felt like my legs were bricks. But its okay because your body just sort of kind of knows when to kick in and it WILL kick in on marathon day. You got this girl!


Congrats on your marathon a few weeks ago! It takes me forever to recover from marathons. I will never understand how people are able to jump back into running so quickly after a marathon so I understand the brick legs things!


Glad you’re feeling better!
My first race was a 5k and my allergies flared like crazy. My first half was the Valparaiso Half in Indiana and it spoiled me with how flat it was. My first full will be Portland in October and I’m so excited.
No run today, just resting up from the St. Louis half marathon.


I love the elliptical, even used it today. They’re getting more swanky, now they have them where you can adjust stride length, height, and some with adjustable length.

I’m also all about the ready-to-go fruit.


I love your little triangle necklace!

That vitamin c survival kit is such a great idea! :)


I just ran my first race ever on Saturday – it was a 10k and it went really well! I am also training to run a half marathon in may.

Glad you are feeling better!!


I forgot to say I love that tank! !


Angela, congrats on your first race, and have fun at your half, woohoo!


What a good friend to bring you a vitamin C kit! That is love :)

I’m hitting the treadmill to do one of my least favorites tonight- intervals. But I feel so fast afterwards!


I don’t know if you realize it but “T-Rex” is innuendo for something sexual… So that T-shirt might not me very appropriate for your nephew!


Ha… wow. Did not catch that until you mentioned it. Thank you for saving me from a lot of awkwardness.


You’re welcome ;)


Ever drank wheat grass before? Thoughts? What are some random things you have tried to help you get over a bug quickly?
Nope. I just wait it out and try to drink a lot of water and nuun and sleep a lot. I think you did a great job taking some time off and will be super ready come Monday!

What was your first race? First 1/2 marathon? First marathon?
First race was a hometown 5K on a 90 degree day in September. First half was Smuttynose Half Marathon in Hampton, NH. No marathon yet (maybe Boston someday)

Do you ever use the elliptical? Have you in the past much?
I don’t really like the elliptical. I find it terribly boring and would rather use the bike or the treadmill.

What was your run today? Did it feel tough or easy or somewhere in between?
5 miles. My body just wasn’t feeling it but my pace was fast (for me) and I kept trying to tell myself to SLOW DOWN but I didn’t. My half is in 6 days!


Good luck in 6 days Sherilyn! You are going to rock your half marathon!


Tapers are HARD and I’m always a bit on edge during them. In our house, we call them “Taper Tantrums”…. The struggle is real :)


Hahaha Taper Tantrums… exactly what I am experiencing as we speak:) Thanks for sharing that Katey!


I’m convinced the elliptical is giving me bad arm form! When I’m running, I never swing my arms around that much, but if I try to do the elliptical without arms, I fall off. In front of people. It’s very embarrassing.

I did a lot of 5k’s as a kid and growing up, so I dont remember an official first race, but my first “big girl” race was the Broad Street Run in Philly- it’s a very fast and flat one, and still one of my favorites! I just did the cherry blossom ten miler in DC this weekend- I think ten milers are my favorite distance, even for training runs! I feel like eighty-ninety minutes is a good amount of running, and then I usually want to go do something else :)


oh! but my first half was the philadelphia half, and my first full was chicago– a VERY flat course! i’m excited for my second full this fall in DC!


Hi Chica,

I don’t eat/drink anything crazy the week before a race. I haven’t tried wheat grass and probably wouldn’t try it because I have a sensitive stomach. I use essential oils to keep me healthy. Doterra’s Breathe on my chest and my own running blend of peppermint, lemongrass, and orange on my feet. Plus lemon in my water. My first race was a 10k and had a PR! I don’t use an elliptical because of my back. I’m very cautious not to hurt myself because I’m 44. I ran 4.5 miles on Sautrday and felt great then I ran 4.5 miles at 5:15 am on Sunday for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. I felt good during the run but was hurting a bit afterwards. Today is my rest day;) Hope you feel better and continue getting stronger for Boston!


HATE.THE.TAPER! Phew…thanks…just had to get that out.

Brooke is simply adorable! I’ll bet you never hear that though.

I swear by Juice Press juices to keep myslef healthy. They are based in NYC, but ship everywhere. their juices are PHENOMENAL. I have never felt better since incorporating them into my diet. When I feel like I am coming down with something, I drink Ginger Fireball, Lucky Seven, Glo, or First Degree Burn.

My first race was a local 5k and I placed in my age group. My first marathon was the Nike Women’s in San Francisco, which I did through Team in Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. That was also my first half (two years later).

I did a 1:45 run outside this morning before yoga class. It was perfect.


I’m a weirdo because I actually like wheat grass but I like spirulina better. When I’m sick, (and I happen to be right now) I make a smoothie combining apple juice, bananas, strawberries, greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and lots of ice and I add a teaspoon of spirulina. I call it a green monster but it works wonders! I swear.


First full is Sat!! The garmin marathon. First race was a half that is just down the road in KC and was last year.

Wheatgrass? Maybe if I had to.


AHHHH so so excited for you Michelle! Please let me know how your marathon goes. You are going to rock it!


It made me feel so much better when you said your 6 miles felt hard. That’s how I felt this week. It’s official! The taper is making me crazy!! I’ll keep you posted on how it goes


I was having the BEST run today. It was beautiful out and I was feeling awesome. Then I hit a rock wrong and rolled my ankle pretty bad. I’m currently on the couch icing a very swollen, very black and blue ankle :/ sucks!

Glad to hear you’re feeling better! The taper crazies are always the hardest.


I’m probably too scared to try wheat grass…. That stuff looks nasty.

I ran 9 miles in the pouring rain this morning!! It felt like I was wearing ankle weights…. So it was hard.


-I’ve never had wheat grass. They sell wheat grass shots at my gym’s juice bar. I’ll have to try it out! I tried Kombucha once to try and help a cold, and I’ve been drinking it ever since!
– My first race was a middle school 5k (I ran it in about 30 minutes. I’ve come a long way lol!) First half: America’s Finest City in San Diego. First full: hopefully Rock n Roll San Diego next year!
-I used the elliptical when my ankle was giving me trouble. It was a great alternative to running since any impact hurt. I usually don’t use it as part of my workout routine though. I stick with cycling for cross training!
-My run was a 4 mile recovery from yesterday’s 12 miler. My legs were a little tight, but it was great other than that!


I haven’t run a marathon just yet, my first full is just 5 weeks away!! No running today… Battling a sinus infection and pink eye (disgusting combination). Love airborne… It always gives me a boost of energy when I’m sick! Feel better soon :)


I’ve never had wheatgrass! I hope it works!


So glad you are on your way to feeling better, sending healing thoughts your way!

I am not usually a mango fan, but my parents had sliced mango like in your picture from TJs and I couldn’t believe how amazing it was!

My first race was a 5k, and it is the only 5k I’ve ever done haha. Those things hurt!


Besides a handful of fun 5k’s, my first race was a hilly 10k in 2003 *I think* at Bluenose Marathon (did it last year and doing it again this May). I have a love hate relationship with it and then I chose to do the 1/2 course in 2006. Hoping to run my first full this fall at the PEI Marathon.


I have only been running for a little over 2 1/2 years. My first race was a 5K, then 10K, and then a half marathon. I haven’t mustard the guts to sign up for a full! Would like to before I am too old….. I am 43. Right now, my goal is to get a half marathon under 2 hours…. my PR stands at 2:08:14.


Glad you are finally feeling good better. My first marathon was the SD Rock and Roll marathon when that was the only race option! Man that was a long time ago. Maybe it’s time I did another one :)


I get a ton of sleep and try to eat lots of fruits and veggies when I start to feel sick. The first three miles of my run today were great: perfect weather, easy pace, everything is blooming and beautiful–but then I decided to try to find my max heart rate (going to try to start training with HR zones) by running up hills, which was exhausting!


I sometimes put wheatgrass in my smoothies! I’ve recently started adding matcha too. I don’t like green tea but it tastes awesome in them!

I’ve never used an elliptical. I thought I did one time but it was the wrong machine, lol!

Run today was easy 3 miles with a few strides – first track meet tomorrow!!! Hoping to break 12 for the two mile!


-I’m a fan of Wheat Grass and Ginger Shots when I am sick. Heck I like Ginger shots every day! They keep me feeling great. I make them at home and have some in the fridge now!
-First Half Miami, First Full Savannah GA
-I like the elliptical when I need a break from running but still want some cardio but I do get bored on there!
-Today was my cross train day so I went to the gym for HIIT class! 5 miles in the AM!
You got this race! Go get it girl!


First race was…. a 5k! It was fun and a great introduction to distance running. It was the dat after my 15th birthday. Glad you are feeling better!


That’s such a cute tank! I cannot do the elliptical to save my life. It feels really unnatural and I’ll usually go so fast that I fall off! Haha. I stick to the treadmill. ;) I’ve tried wheatgrass in my smoothies and I like it that way! I haven’t had it plain yet, that scares me a little!


Hi Janae!
I’m running Boston on Monday too! Wave 2 corral 3, right behind you! Random question, are you running with your phone? I really don’t want to carry mine (even i a pocket) during the race, too much clutter (no extra weight please!) but it’s a looooong time between checking a gear bag (with my phone) in BC to Hopkinton and all that waiting to be without a phone! Wondering what you were doing, if you thought carrying your phone would impede the speediness :) Thanks! And hopefully see you out there!


Good luck to YOU Sarah! This is so so exciting. I will be bringing mine and putting it in my spibelt. I love my spibelt because I don’t even feel it! See you sooooooooooonnnnnnn!!!!!


I’m so glad you are starting to feel better! I get sick quite a bit during the taper. Call me crazy, but I’ve wondered if my body is so used to high mileage that when I cut back drastically, I get sick. Probably not, but it’s a theory.

First race:5k. Second race: full marathon.

My run today was rough! Yesterday was 20, and I was pushing the stroller into the wind (and uphill both ways ;) )

Getting so excited for you!


I’ve never tried wheat grass before. A friend even offered me their wheat grass growing kit (???)…am I missing out? Cold-eeze lozenges and Throat Coat tea help me the most. Good old Alka-Seltzer works great if I need meds.

My first race was a 5K in Jamaica during a cruise (it was HOT!). My first 1/2 was the Disney Princess Half Marathon in FL. So much fun. No plans for a marathon yet.

I use the elliptical mostly for cross-training now. Before I got into running, I used to go 45 mins to an hour a few times a week on the elliptical. I could not believe how hard it was for me to transition over to running (the pounding killed me at first), even though I was used to cardio workouts on the elliptical.

Skipped the run’s rest day!


My first race was a 5k in cross country in high school. My first half was the Oregon Wine Country Half, and my first full will be this fall at the Steamtown Marathon! :)

I haven’t used the elliptical in years, but I used to use it a few times a week back when I belonged to a gym.

I ran a little over 3 miles today. It was supposed to be an easy run, but it did not feel easy.


I have never had wheat grass but I bet I would like it. I enjoy kale in my juices. To get over a bug I will do a crazy workout for an hour, chug water, and pray I sweat it out of my body. My first race was the PF Chang’s Rock n Roll Half Marathon 2014. Everyone told me I needed to do a 5k or 10k before completing a half but I wanted to do things my own way. I did great and felt amazing after, so everybody could shove it. I have done 5ks, 10ks, 8ks, 15ks, and a few more half marathons but am still a little too afraid of a full marathon. I used to like the elliptical quite a bit but sometimes I felt like I was cheating myself. I would think I was burning all these calories when really I wasn’t.


Interesting I’ve heard getting body temp up can kill a virus if caught early on hmm


My first half was last year and my next one is in about a month. I guess maybe I should start running?

I have had wheat grass a few times and when we were visiting my inlaws in CA we got a bunch at the farmer’s market. They had never had it and when they drank it they were horrified and gave all the rest of it to my husband and I. More health for us!


Never had wheat grass, but I will take you at your word that it doesn’t taste as horrible as it sounds ;)
My first race was the Miami Children’s 5K in 2013
My first half marathon was the Zooma half in Chicago last year! It was my hardest race but the most emotionally significant one.
My first full marathon will be in Chicago this year (God willing) and I can’t wait!


I am always glad to hear that I am not the only one who despises the taper. It is when I question all of my training and start to get so nervous for race day! I took your advice and read over my training log and reminded myself of all the hard work I have put in. The bummer is my post tibialis is acting up so I also took a few days off. Last year when I got hurt, I lost all my cardio in the last 2 weeks before the marathon. Was hoping the rest would make me feel ready to go, but I just couldn’t sustain the pace I had trained for. Was such a disappointment. So this time, I am determined to listen to my body but also do all I can to get back to running so I don’t lose the cardio. I had a great run this morning so I am on my way! #bqorbust Hoping you Boston runners leave good luck on the course for me so I can get my BQ 12 days later!!
Have never tried wheatgrass and I get nervous to try anything new.
First race after having babies was a 5k that I needed to use to estimate my finish time for Hood to Coast. (What a race to choose as my first big race!!) I was happily surprised that my 5k time as a new mom was faster than my PR from high school. (Tells you how slow I was in high school. I only did cross country one year. Found my love of running as a mom!) After Hood to Coast (which I did as a nursing mom- definitely do not recommend this!), I needed a new goal and went straight to the marathon. I did a half marathon just during the training and it was crazy because it was called March Mudness and was on trails and I had never run trails before and it took way longer than I thought. I guess that is what running is for. You learn something every time you run a race. My first marathon was in 2005 and I started way too fast for how I was training. It was kind of miserable, but I knew I could do better than a 5:11. So, 10 years later I am still trying to figure out the marathon. My PR is a 3:48 so I am getting closer to that BQ of 3:40. And THAT is my history. Clearly that is a novel. :-) Thanks for helping me get out my thoughts during my taper! Good luck to you. I will be tracking you! Can’t wait to see how you do!


Hope you are feeling better soon! I will make sure to say extra prayers for you this week leading up to the race. I am a longtime reader but rarely comment because I usually read your blog on my phone. I appreciate your positive attitude and how much you adore your daughter – I have a 18 month old son so I can relate. You are an inspiration to us moms out there and I love to hear about your adventures with Brooke. Can’t wait to hear your recap of the Boston Marathon!


LINDSEY!! I cannot thank you enough for your sweet comment. It means the world to me. Give that little 18 month old of yours a big hug from me and Brooke:) I hope you are having a wonderful night!


Just stopped by Jamba for some wheatgrass (I figure I’ll need all the help I can get, come Monday!), and I totally agree about the flavor! It almost tasted watered down! I worked there in college for a year, and I remember having to really work myself up to throwing back a shot because of its strong flavor. So weird!


Do you think they add water to it now?! I swear it wasn’t nearly as strong as a few years ago. Weird… good to know I’m not alone:) Have a great night Emily!


Oh! I started taking a scoop of Amazing Grass superfood wheat grass. I started giving my kids the “milk chocolate” version of their fruits and veggie blend. I add my scoop in my vanilla protein shake so it doesn’t taste bad. I feel I do have more energy but it did clean me out prob the first week or so I took it every day. Now I’m very regular. I also drink coffee in the morning which that is a completely different energy buzz coffee I crash. Wheatgrass is more constant.
I had a cold on vacation BUT I forgot my wheatgrass! Came home drank some and boom cold gone in a flash! lol who knows if it was end of cold…curious if it helps others too


Elliptical has always been something I’ve used when my legs need a break. The no impact helps. I’ve also used it recovering from injuries. It like running with training wheels. Glad to hear you’re feeling better!


My first race was a half marathon — SF. I did several halfs and a few overnight relays before I decided I might actually be able to finish a marathon. First marathon was Napa Valley.

Ellipticals always make my legs feel weird. I don’t know how else to describe it. My feet fall asleep, I get strange pains in my knees and sometimes my hips. I’m thinking it must align my legs in a way that they don’t usually go.

So glad you’re feeling better! Your six mile not-so-great run is your body being SO ready for Boston, it’s shunning anything that falls short. :)


I used to use the elliptical all the time, but once I started running more it just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I will now use it once a week or if the weather is bad as a cross train day…or if I really want to read a magazine:)


Adding to your check list to pack…. hand warmers for before the start! :)


i’ve had wheatgrass shots added to juices, and i don’t think they bother me that much. i’m weird and generally like those earthy/grassy things. my first half marathon was a gorgeous one in upstate, NY, on basically the most beautiful day to run in October ever, and i will continue to go back every year and run the half or full (full this fall for the second time, as long as no injuries prevent that from happening).


Well, first of all – I love that tank! So cute.

I have had wheat grass before, but just a shot like you. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad either. Just tasted earthy!
The last time I was sick, my mom had me drinking apple cider vinegar and water. It taste AWFUL, but it helps clear out everything. It helped tremendously!

My first race was a 5k! It went really well – I ran with one of my very good college friends. My first half was later that year and it was in September. It was annoyingly hot – but that’s what happens when you race in the summer in Texas! And my first marathon was February 2014. Best day of my life! I’m about to run my second here in less than two weeks :)

I love the elliptical when I’m not feeling great and just want to get a workout in. But I don’t think I can do it all the time – it gets boring!

I haven’t run yet, but I’m going later this afternoon with my friend. We’re going to do 3 miles. It’ll probably be pretty humid and hot by then, so it may feel pretty tough :( but I’m looking forward to some miles with my buddy! Because my taper IS driving me crazy!!


Oh my gosh – the taper. I have so many thoughts on this as I am sure all of us do, but I will second your comment about runs seeming SO much harder during taper – like easy runs. Like distances and paces that would have driven me batty during peak training, I struggled to get through during my marathon taper. And it wasn’t so much me hating the run or even my performance, it was the mental F* you that those runs gave me. Anyways, You knocked out a solid 6 miles and just kick the Taper in its teeth – you’re going to ROCK Boston!


I love your blog and have been gobbling up these marathon updates like candy. So good, and so helpful!! I’m running my second full in about 10 days and have a question… How much do you elliptical as a sub for running miles? Sometimes I do the elliptical when weather is bad (no treadmill here), kind of guesstimating 10 minutes on the machine per mile I would’ve run?
Anyway thanks for all the info and inspirations. VERY BEST wishes for Boston. You have a fan in Oklahoma.
PS, Brooke is an absolute doll. xoxoxo


I’ve never had wheatgrass but I hear good things! I basically just chug airborne if I start feeling sick and that usually works! I used to just do orange juice but I would get sick of that after awhile… airborne is really delicious :)


I’ve never tried wheat grass before, but have heard really great things about it! I just up my Nuun and Airborne intake, buy myself some new workout gear and pray to get better soon :)

First race was a 1/2 marathon in Boston in September of 2013, 1st marathon was this past October!

I use the elliptical every so often on cross-training days.

Ran 12 miles this morning before work and I was feeling a little worried. It was tough, but I’m tapering, so I know it happens.

You’re going to own Boston!! Did you read Kara Goucher’s ‘Guide to Boston’? It was really great and had great advice!


I think I’ve only been on an elliptical once or twice. It’s just not my thing.


I’m glad you are feeling somewhat better! I have never had wheatgrass but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like it haha

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