My first ever running picture and what I’m going to do differently next time!

My brother that lives in Kentucky sent me the picture below the night before my marathon.  

Part of his text with the picture said,  “No matter how tomorrow goes, I am so proud of the person you are! I have held on to this picture of you for many years.  It makes me so happy to see my little running buddy….”  The brother that sent this to me was a pretty incredible cross country runner and I would ride my bike next to him (I was in elementary school when he was in high school) while he did some of his running workouts.  I remember wanting to be just like him.  

This picture was from a race that we held while on family vacation in upstate New York when I was 3 or 4.  My 4 older siblings are all hanging out in the back while I got my mandatory 2 minute head start (too bad races don’t let me still take a head start).  I don’t remember my pace from that day (I think my garmin was out of batteries;) but I am sure it was speedy and I know I had a big smile on my face the entire time.  

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One of my favorite things to do after a race is to analyze.  Analyze my splits, my training, my nutrition (more on that next week) and my mental game during the race.  With each race we learn more about what works and what doesn’t work and we take what we have learned right into the next training cycle!  A few things that I am really going to work on during my next marathon training cycle:

Get outside.  The treadmill makes you mentally tough and it is still a killer workout BUT I really don’t think it prepared me for those hills.  I definitely struggled getting up those Newton hills.  ***Outside running prepares you for outside racing:)  The treadmill will still be a big training tool for me this next time around but because Brooke will be in preschool, I will be able to be outside for three of my runs each week.  I think that will make a huge difference for me because I will get in a lot more hill training and hills make you stronger and faster.

Hit the trails.  To go along with the above one, I want to get in a trail run at least once a week.  Besides the fact that trail running puts me in an incredible mood, it will make me much stronger.

Recruit some speedy peeps for my speedwork.  A lot of my speedwork this last training cycle was on the treadmill or by myself at the track.  Running with fast people makes us a lot faster.  Having people to chase after motivates me and will most definitely help me to clock some faster times.

Practice the course.  I wasn’t exactly able to practice the course in Boston before the race but I will be able to in St. George (I guess I have to first make it into the lottery for this race:)  My aunt has a house down there so I am planning to go down on the weekends that Brooke is with her dad to get my long runs done on the marathon course!


Just a few more things to talk about because what would my blog be without some complete randomness!

-Just kicking back and getting some reading done while in the massage chair at Dr. B’s office.  My foot jammed up again after the race and he got it back working again.

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-The free meal that we got the night before the race.  It may not look that good but man, it hit the spot.  Carbs4lyfe.

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-A totally normal breakfast today of avocado toast and beef jerky.

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-Hair washed, make-up on, non-running clothes and out the door before 8 a.m.  I don’t think that has happened since college when I was trying to impress a boy that was in my morning calculus class.

-Celebrated Megan’s (met her through the internet… the best) birth today!

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-No workout today.  The accomplishment of my day thus far lies in the fact that I haven’t stained my white jeans yet.  (PS a reader just asked about the shoes and they are wedges ((that are extremely comfortable)) from HERE).

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What did you have for breakfast today?

How many older siblings do you have or are you the oldest?

Something you are going to do differently for your next training cycle?

I’d love to hear about your workout today and I’ll just live through you.

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For breakfast – oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon, and walnuts.

Siblings – 3 older and 1 younger


My next training cycle I’m adding in more hill running and pylometrics. Hills ate me alive in my last half and I don’t want that to happen in my marathon. And maybe some trails, although I’m worried about bears and other animals.
Breakfast this morning was my favorite: oatmeal with chia seeds and bananas.
I’m six and a half years older than my sister.
Today’s workout: 3 recovery miles followed by strides and drills.


Oatmeal with berries for bfast.
I am #3 of 4 and I have middle child syndrome to prove it.
I would like to NOT get injured during a training cycle. Sometimes I am still amazed I ever made it to the start of that marathon.
Insanity Max 30. Sean T like to talk in third person and it entertains me so.

Loved lunch today. I was so happy when Megan said you were going to join us and I have the squintiest eyes there ever were. That is what happens when you smile a lot, I suppose….or something like that.

I totally have a browser up with those Gap pants on them. I want them.


We got to get that lame hamstring of yours better ASAP!!! I don’t think I could last 60 seconds doing Insanity.


Breakfast today was bacon, eggs and mini scones. Not too shabby!

I have an older brother, older sister and younger sister. Age wise I am exactly in the middle.

Focus on nutrition more – I don’t have a bad diet at all, but it could be cleaned up some! I’m bad about running on the treadmill because it is the easy option. And I don’t mind it, so it is my go-to. Plus I don’t have any good hills around here, or even outdoor trails. And I don’t like playing Frogger with the cars!

No workout for me today, its my 14 hour work day. :( We will both have to live through others!


Im a twin, I have a twin brother and he loves to rub it in that he is 45 minutes older :)

What Im going to do differently this next training cycles, not increase my mileage by 100% for fun! Still recovering from a injured IT band….thank you SO MUCH for your posts on this, I dug around and found lots of good info here from you :) Graston is a good thing!

Happy Thursday HRG!


I am so glad that those old posts could help. Man, Graston kills on the IT band but it is so effective. Keep on recovering. I WANT A TWIN!! Happy Thursday to you too Summer!


Breakfast was Greek yogurt with pineapple.

My workout was on the elliptical with an episode of Charmed for entertainment. Makes the time fly by.


I have three other siblings and we were always competing growing up too:)

Today is my rest day but I’m doing hill repeats tomorrow! I’m currently training for my first half marathon. I gave up candy until the race :( this is the first time trying that before a race and I hope the sacrifice is worth it!


I think it definitely helped me to cut back on the candy before my marathon (I only did it for a week or so though… I’m not very strong). Good luck on your hill repeats tomorrow, you are going to rock them!


Thank you! They are my least favorite part of training. Good thing I love running and racing so much, it helps me get through it!


i’d recognize that green field anywhere…spent many summers in the shadow of hill cumorah :)

i had a green juice for breakfast and an almond granola bar with almond butter on the bottom (new from nature valley, so good!!)! last night i did treadmill speedwork and tonight i have an easy 3 miles along the river in philadelphia.


You nailed it Tara:) Way to go with the treadmill spadework! Enjoy your run tonight!


is that picture by chance at hill Cumorah?? It looks like the where the pageant it every summer…grew up close by to there! My workout lately has been on a megaformer at a SLT studio. Have you ever tried it?? Congratulations on your race!


SURE IS HEATHER!!! You are real good:) Megaformer? I don’t even know what that is… it sounds hard!

It is honestly the hardest class I have ever done. I get that feeling I get after running or doing a triathlon. I needed something different after I did my 1st full Ironman in September and was feeling the “now what???” Feeling. Hope you are well. I haven’t written a comment in about 5 years…circa you were a health teacher! :)


Okay, that looks INCREDIBLE!! I need to come with you. HUGE CONGRATS on your ironman. Wow. I can’t even imagine, you are amazing! So good to hear from you again!


You definitely should make a trip to sunny Jupiter Florida and hit up core with me and visit our amazing beaches and then I will pop to Provo and sample the many many many amazing food establishments I have read about for years!!!


I want to add in some trail running and try to get my runs in earlier in the day. I’d been running right around 10 am during this last training cycle (I am weak and it’s cold before the sun comes up), but I’d like to get my runs done before the sun gives me a permanent sports bra tan line this summer. :) I did 30 minutes of eliptical action + abs this morning. Recovering from races is hard stuff!


I’m the 4th out of 5 kids.

Today I did a hill run with a couple of friends. It was tough.

For my next marathon I plan to incorporate more speed/tempo runs, and also more hills. My last marathon was flat so I didn’t worry about hills too much, and I think that was a mistake cause now I feel like I’m starting over again!


I’m pretty boring in the breakfast department….I have the same thing every morning – two toasted frozen waffles made into an almond butter + jam sandwich

I’m the youngest. I have seven older brothers and one sister.

Going to work on more elevation gain. My goal race in August has a total gain of 11,000’…..I have a lot of trail races with ascending gain BUT I need to make sure that I’m hitting the steep trails on training runs too.

Going to take our dogs for a short walk after work and do some easy pedaling on the spin bike while watching the new episode of 100 miles to nowhere…..still keepin’ it easy


Close up on those shoes? What brand?


The shoes are also from JCREW!! I’ll throw in the link to the post right now!


Your brother is so sweet! I’m the oldest and I have a brother who is a few years younger.

I had an awesome banana and peach smoothie for breakfast. I used orange juice for the base and it was so good!

Today’s workout was a 30 min fast walk on an incline on the treadmill and a killer leg workout by Kayla Itsines. I can barely walk!


Seriously thought that running picture was Brooke! You looked so similar to her when you were younger!


Eggs and guacamole and fruit.
2 older sisters and 14.5 miles of speed work on the bike. Love the white jeans!


Cross body arm swing since birth =). But woah, what a stride ;)

I have 2 sisters and we have an 18 year age gap! … same parents!!!!


Breakfast was sprouted wheat toast with almond butter and banana.

I am the oldest of two. My dad was quite a runner when I was a kiddo and he would stop by home on the last two miles of his run so I could run with him. Awesome memories, and certainly what turned me into a runner for life!

I am 30 weeks pregnant, my next training cycle probably won’t include much of a plan. My goal is to ease into running once I get the OK to do so from the doc, but not to over-do it, as I have a true tendency to do that. I have 40 minute run (more of a jog right now) planned for this afternoon.


I had a bagel with a ton of cream cheese for breakfast. So good. So bad :)

I’m the middle child. I have an older brother and younger sister.


I think your Boston effort was awesome and your interview was the cutest!! Hey, why didn’t you train in your Boston Marathon treadmill for the Boston Marathon??


Thank you so much Jade! It is in storage until I move into a house. It is a huge treadmill and there isn’t any room in my apartment… plus I don’t think the people below me would appreciate all of the noise anytime I ran on it! I can’t wait to use it again once I have a house:)


I have you say you sound so happy and healthy after this race! I’ve noticed a few times you’ve sounded a bit down on yourself after a not-perfect race, but I love this new outlook on your racing and training :)

I can’t wait to see what you’re able to do come the fall!


So true what you said about the trails making you stronger and feel amazing! Breakfast today was oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries and two egg whites. I love making my oatmeal with egg white inside it.


I’m a BIG fan of avocado toast. I take half an avocado, mash it with lemon and salt, and heap it on toast or use it to dip my baked sweet potatoes in! Perfect dinner.


Good call with the lemon and salt… and the baked sweet potato. Now you have me drooling:)


I definitely agree with you that training outside and being about to run or practice on the course significantly helps! Plus, you can get an idea of what to expect and strategize for race day. I am going to be in St. George next weekend and can’t wait to go on a couple runs.

I had yogurt, granola, blueberries, and strawberries, for breakfast and made it out for a 7 mile run with a friend.

Only child here. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling.


I had pancakes for breakfast
I have one sibling. An older brother.
I didn’t workout today. Tomorrow will be an easy two or three miles and my marathon is sunday!
Speaking of foot mine randomly started hurting today. Trying to stay calm.
I always promise myself I will steength train and cross train more. And since my next big race is the nyc marathon I will most definitely train in the course. Hometown advantage :)


Woke up EARLY today so I could eat a good breakfast! A piece of my oatmeal freekeh bake with pb and greek yogurt and a green smoothie. Wow do you look like Brooke in that pic!

Workout today was a track meet! I took 3 firsts and a second! :)


LEIGHA!!! YOU ARE SERIOUSLY INCREDIBLE GIRL!!! Huge congrats on your track meet today.


I went to wear my white jeans the other day and there was a HUGE stain on them! I don’t even know where it came from and I am devastated. I think I’m going to try to bleach them. They’re ruined anyway!


Breakfast was a Luna bar. Peppermint. ‘Cause I’m all about the ease.

I’m the middle in a pack of 3 girls — we’re all about 2 years apart. Yeah, I agree. Kinda scary.

I’m actually following a training plan for my next marathon! Several of my past marathons, I was only following a plan for my long runs and kind of winging the rest (hey, maybe I should run some hills this week or go to the track…) It feels a little rigid and overwhelming, but I’m hoping it produces good results. :)


Breakfast: a big bowl of fruit and a raspberry cupcake. We were celebrating a girlfriends birthday!
I’m the oldest with one younger brother.
Changes in training: more long tempo runs
Today’s workout: still sore from Boston, so walked 3 miles, PiYo, and light weights.


1st breakfast: waffle with sausage
2nd breakfast: everything bagel with cream cheese

I have one older sister. Today’s workout was 4 race pace miles. I have my 3rd half marathon next weekend.


Random question: Has Bangs Friend had her baby??


Breakfast was 3 eggs! (1 whole, 2 whites), coffee! and a protein shake! I take breakfast seriously.

My next training cycle, I want to be less serious. I feel I was too competitive (with myself) last go around and I really want to have fun next race, whatever/whenever it is. I’m not out there to win, and I want to focus on my attitude during the training and race. Right now I’m doing mainly strength training– morning workout was glutes and hammies!


I had my typical post run smoothie for breakfast – soy milk, protein powder, frozen strawberries and blueberries.

I am the youngest of four – 2 boys, 2 girls. My parents both came from families with four kids – 2 boys, 2 girls. That trend did not continue with any of my siblings.

I just signed up for the Revel Canyon City marathon – over 5,000 feet elevation LOSS. I’m gonna need to do lots of downhill running! The course is less than an hour from my house, so I’m already scheming even though it’s not til November.

We are currently in Hawaii – I ran the Diamond Head circle counterclockwise, which I think is much harder than clockwise. It was warm and still and my legs wanted to fall off.


My running journey started a lot like yours.. my older sister was a runner. A super good runner also.! and I wanted to be like her. She’s 5 almost 6 years older so I really looked up to her..
that picture could easily be mistaken for Brooke :)
I had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast. I had planned on doing 4 tempo miles today.. but I went out way too fast and the next 3 were just a horrible decline. the last one being the slowest. haha. oops. can’t win them all I guess..


Love the reflections! I definitely think getting off the treadmill will help your training. I can’t believe Brook will be in preschool already! Where has the time gone?


I can’t wait to run again…I am dying and it’s only been a few days!!!!!!


That picture of you running adorable! I still have memories of doing a fun run when I was about 4 years old…I want to sign my kids up for those types of things to hopefully get them interested in exercise early :).


is adorable*


I’m the oldest and I love it! I really treasure the pictures I have of my siblings and me when we were younger!


Congrats on all of your accomplishments at Boston! I really enjoyed reading your post and definitely agree that training outside is so important! In the past, whether I was training for a mini triathlon or a marathon, I strived to complete my workouts outdoors whenever possible. I really feel as though running/biking/swimming in the environment your race will take place prepares you for the race in ways that are sometimes difficult to do with machines! :)


For breakfast, I had Quaker Maple and Brown sugar oatmeal and a banana. I only have one sibling and my sister is 18 months older than I am. It was great having someone so close to my age! One thing that I would like to do next training cycle is having a better mental attitude about training. This cycle I have found myself procrastinating on my long run; i.e. pushing them back to Sunday. Also, I have been doubting my ability to run 26.2. For my 20 miler in the fall, I would love to approach it with a more positive mental attitude. My workout for today was doing hill repeats, on one of the most brutal hills that never seems to end!


For breakfast I had a bagel, vanilla yogurt, and strawberries.


Breakfast: Lemon Poppyseed muffin, and Vanilla Latte.


Breakfast today was oatmeal with peanut butter and bananas. I left work today at lunch time to go to barre. Ran through a warm up, planks, pushups, abs, arms, seat, and thighs. It was killer, my arms feel like noodles. It’s just me and my sister. I’m the oldest. We used to tie jump ropes to the back of our bikes, put rollerblades on and pull each other around :-) haha!


Love. Love. Love hearing all about your running/training/racing. I ran competitively all through high school and some college, but then it just became a hobby that I quit being serious about. You make me realize how much I miss those structured runs. I think it’s time to get this older body racing again. Thanks!!!


Getting out the door fully dressed, with hair washed AND make up, before 8 is almost impossible for me on a non-working day. I’m super impressed!


How is Brooke old enough for PRESCHOOL already???


I broke down and ordered egg whites and hash browns at work, about 3o minutes later I had a Bear Naked layered granola bar (by far my favorite) I need to eat them about every 2 to 3 minutes. ;)


That picture is the sweetest thing!


Your first running pic is AWESOME!!

Brooke is going to be in preschool next year?! How is that possible? She’s just a baby!

I skipped breakfast today. I woke up late. I also didn’t get lunch until 2:00. Not smart on my part!

And, I’m the oldest. I have a younger brother and sister.


I’m planning on lots of hill work before St G this year. That Veyo hill kills me every time.

Your salad yesterday looked so good that I grilled chicken and veggies for dinner to copy it. Oh my goodness – what a genius combination of yumminess!


Breakfast – sausages and eggs
Do core and strength……………..I hate it
10 km (6.25miles, I think) on the treatmill, first 3km very easy, 6km hard 1km easy
I was reading the comments from the previous post and I realised that there are very sad and jealous people in the world. I’m sure you realise that some opinions are based on jealousy. I think you get a lot of healthy nutrients in your dieet, I don’t eat half the fruit and veg that you do ( I wish I did). Stay as healthy as you are at the moment and working out every day is a wonderful thing. Praise God that you can do it!!!


I wore white jeans yesterday and was scared all day! I actually put my leggings on to eat my tomato soup dinner! Where did you get your necklace from?


I am definitely going to incorporate more hills and trail running. I feel like it makes me so much stronger!


Oatmeal, quest bar and coffee.
1 younger sister
Ran 4 and leg day :)

PS: You still need to add Boston to the left side of your page :)


*half of a GF bagel and fruit. (plus coffee) Not a ton because I am not working out until this evening when I can run after my hubs gets home.
*1 older sibling she is 3 years older than me :)
* I’ve really increased my strength training, and core!!
* I’d like to get in a 3-4 mile run this evening. I’m just getting back into the swing of things from a 13 month struggle with ITBS. :( boo… But I’m doing great and impressed with my progress!!


– Breakfast was eggs, toast, a banana, and almond butter- all the usual things!!
-I’m the oldest of two!
-Next time around I would like to include some more cross training. I already do spin once a week, but I may even try some swimming! I heard its a great workout!
-My workout was an 8 mile run in the AM and BodyPump in the PM!

I love to hear about the changes you’ll be making next time around! I think you’ll really enjoy running outside more often. Nothing beats the the calmness of nature! :)


I had a blueberry bagel and Wheat Thins for breakfast. Wheat Thins with everything. Always.

I’m the middle child, and I have an older brother and younger sister. My sis is my absolute best friend. We were all three pretty close growing up.

While training now and ALWAYS, I am going to roll more and take better care of my muscles. I can’t handle another stint with plantar fasciitis, as awful as it got. I never realized how many parts of our body connect and affect other areas. Body maintenance is so important!!

Today’s workout was a tempo, and it felt so good to get some fast miles in. Great way to start this Friday!! :)


Breakfast was steel cut oats made in the rice cooker with maple syrup, homemade almond butter, and some granola leftovers on top. Delicious!

I am the oldest and have a younger brother and sister. I don’t think I will be doing a workout today only because I went to a kickboxing class the other night and I can still barely lift my legs!


I love your first running photo, so cute!

I saw your avocado toast and I thought you’d might like this one I just saw!


Wow, you can’t even see close up in that picture of you and you can still tell that you and Brooke are totally clones. Amazing!


Breakfast: Greek yogurt, chopped strawberries, and some Ancient Grains Cheerios

Something I’m going to do differently this training cycle is BE CONSISTENT. And change up my running routes. I’m awful about running the same path every single time. I think I’m starting to wear a path in the sidewalk…


Breakfast was egg and cheese sandwich on an English muffin – I’m going through a food phase and had had this for breakfast every day for the past three weeks.

Today is a rest day because my half marathon is tomorrow!!!

Next training cycle, I will be incorporating strength training. It’s a very important part of running that I usually ignore. I’m excited to see how it impacts my running and gets me ready for my next marathon coming up in November.


that picture of you is ADORABLE! also now i want to eat a bunch of pasta and it’s only 9:30am….i blame you :)


So cuite:)

Breakfast- apple, sunflower seed butter, greek yogurt & coffee!

I am the youngest and only girl with two older brothers!

Next training cycle I am going to make SHORTER! My body was exhausted by the end and I was mentally OVER IT.


Breakfast: a slice of homemade chocolate chip banana bread. (gluten and dairy free and so deliciously moist). And steel cut oats with raw cacao, cinnamon & pistachios.

I am the oldest.

I’m going to do more hip work next training cycle. My workout today was courtesy of my PT and he really kicked my butt. I’ll do abs or arms later today as well.


I always think back and think I need to strength train more so this summer I am actually going to do it! I love trail running but have bear issues up here.


I’ll keep my fingers crossed you to get into St. George! You are so ready for it, Janae.

I was the middle of 3 for my first 16 years, then my Dad remarried and I instantly had 5 new siblings. All 8 kids are within 6 years of each other so it was crazy at the beginning with 8 teenagers… my parents went grey early. Now we’re all really close and there are a million nieces and nephews running around, family parties are the best!

Happy Birthday, Megan!


Oatmeal, as always…I am an only child!!


Your story about riding beside your brother brought back some great memories for me. When I was in elementary school, I use to get up at the crack of dawn so that I could ride my bike next to my dad while he ran 5 miles before work. I loved getting to spend that time with him.


Mmm I love carbs!


I love avocado on toast!


I love to eat avocado toast for breakfast or a snack too!!!

I love your white pants and those wedges are adorable!

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