Looking for a good sweat & gift ideas for Mother’s Day:)

Mother’s day is just over a week away so I thought it would be fun to share some ideas for Mother’s Day gifts!  I’d love to hear your ideas too because moms are pretty much the best.  Mom’s reading—> feel free to send this list to your husband or kiddos!  

Brooke and I are going to go shopping this weekend for her mother’s day gift for me:)  

My siblings and I most definitely lucked out to get our mom.  

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Here are some ideas that I came up with:)

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-The most amazing smelling candle on the planet.  

-Chocolate, you can never go wrong with chocolate.  

-A crazy soft blanket for her to snuggle up with (I gave my mom a sherpa throw blanket a few years ago and she still loves it)!  HERE, HERE and HERE are some soft looking ones!

-A gift certificate for a manicure or a pedicure or a massage or all three:)

-A gift card to her favorite restaurant and some movie tickets too!  

-My favorite type of non-workout/pretty socks—>  Stance socks.  I give these as gifts a lot because who doesn’t love a pretty pair of socks?

-My mom loves to get framed pictures of her kids and grandkids… Costco does an awesome job printing out canvas ones!

-A robe because they just feel luxurious.  I have THIS ONE and I am obsessed with it (we got these as bridesmaid’s gifts).  Slippers are always a great thing too!

-Her favorite perfume and/or lotions.

-I love Thought Blossom’s Jewelry (they don’t sponsor me or anything like that, I just talk about them a lot because I truly love their jewelry).  I love that you can personalize the jewelry… mom’s love personalized things:)

Gap is doing 40% off your entire purchase today!  They have a ton of cute things right now!  If your mom is into workout clothes… these capris are my favorite from gap.

 -JCREW is doing 40% off of their Spring Sale items (there are a million cute tops, skirts and bracelets) and my favorite shirt (in the picture below.. it has cap sleeves) is included with that sale and a killer deal!  

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Today’s workout was teaching a spin class and this 10 Minute Inner-Thigh Workout!  I’m trying to get in at least a tiny bit of strength/core each day!

The only problem with today’s spin class was the microphone.  I walked in and it was covered in tape… yeah, it was completely busted and they didn’t have any extras so I did a lot of yelling.  I may not have a voice for the next few days. 

Tape doesn’t really fix electronics:)

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If you are a spinner, I like to do this stretch at the end of class using the bike seat to really get that leg up there to stretch my hip flexor/quad.  We climbed a lot of hills, did some sprints and jumps, a bunch of isolations (out of the saddle, all movement from the hips up is taken out—> this makes the legs really burn) and some dancing today.  If you are looking for a good sweat, try out spin.   

Gotta love self-timer pictures in a dark room after class. 

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Lunch was a winner.  I am a huge fan of using uncooked flour and corn tortillas.  They just taste so much more fresh when you cook them yourself.

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I prefer tacos that have so many fillings that you have to use a fork to eat a bunch of them before you can actually close the taco.

Chicken, sweet potato cubes, avocado and TJ’s corn salsa. 

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Add another rousing game of tag to the books.  

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And because because every now and then you need a little caffeine to save you.  I hope you noticed that I really put in a lot of effort into making this an artistic shot:

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Also, Brooke told me today that she needed to blog.  She grabbed a picture of herself and her laptop and got busy on the carpet.  I guess we know who will be taking over HRG in a few years.   

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Do you ever do any online workout videos?  Which ones are your favorites?

What are you thinking of getting your mom this year?

Three things that you have done today?

Favorite taco fillings?

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I so wish I could get my mom a gift but she passed away 9 years ago. I miss her every day but really miss her on mother’s day. Give your mom extra love!

Today I had an awesome run, TRX workout and now nephew time (baseball practice).
Oh, and I made myself a chocolate shake after lunch just because I felt I deserved it!

Happy Thursday, Janae!


I am so sorry Susan. That breaks my heart. I will.

Sounds like you had a great day:)


Thank you, Janae!


I just try to spend extra time with my mom for Mothers Day. Time is the best gift!

Three things I have done: sit in the car (8 hours down, 5 to go!) stopped to walk around the sculpture park in Des Moines and read a few magazines. I’m Going stir crazy!


You are so so right about time….

5 more hours of car time, you’ve got this:)


My Mom lives far away, but she spends part of the winter (4 months) with me and we treat each other then celebrating the yearly holidays together. I still wished she lived closer so we could do a fancy brunch.

I made tacos last weekend. Shrimp tacos with fried plantains, grilled pineapple & a ton of spicy salsa are my blend.


Gina over at Fitnessista is the bomb dot com with her workout videos!


This year for mother’s day I’m spending a weekend with my mom before my husband and I move to Seattle. Time with parents is the best!
Those tacos look so good! My favorite tacos are pulled pork or veggies tacos.
Three things today: run, pack moving boxes, and see a movie tonight


Brooke, the future blogger. I love it. My husband and I are having both our moms over for a BBQ. I used to do online yoga classes. I really should get back to that. Spin is my favorite class! I can’t wait to do more when I have summer break!


I love pretty much every single Fitnessblender video on youtube! They’ve been my main resource as I’ve gotten more into strength training since form is explained so well. Haha and yeah, you’ll have a back-up writer for those days when you don’t want to write posts! :)


*I’ve done yoga on-line (youtube)
*My sister and I are going in on a gift, some sort of personalized picture for my families cabin. It was my sisters turn to figure out this years gift :)
* 3 things I’ve done today: work, drive, eat :)
* I like pulled chicken tacos :)



stella and Dot jewelry!! They have awesome engravables that you can put important dates on it, her initials, kids initials, etc. and basically any jewelry because you can never have enough.

And to make things better, if you order the visionary bracelet by the end of today, 100% of the net proceeds are donated to the HollyRod Foundation for autism. And one more extra bonus, I’m a “stylist,” but only so that I can donate anything I make to the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation in honor of the little girl I work with. It’s a horrible disease that sadly most people have never heard of including doctors. So by shopping at that link you are also giving back and helping find a cure for my best friend, Lila (www.facebook.com/life4lila)

So wordy!! Sorry! Had to share!


Is the HungryRunnerToddler domain name available? Get on it, Brookers! :)


I made a chicken taco for lunch on a whole wheat tortilla with refried beans, cheese, and guacamole (okay, also known as a fajita ;).) It was delicious!


Three things I have done today – go to my favorite doctor for an appointment, work, and read your blog!!!

I like plain ordinary Taco Bell tacos (the original ones). They are the only thing I could keep down when I was first pregnant. Yes, I am weird.

I’ll visit with memories of my mom. She passed a few years ago.


3 things I’ve done today – ran, worked and ate a donut!!!


Those suggestions are great! That candle is my all time FAVE.

Also, I was wondering where you got your water bottle with the time reminders? I love it so much!


She got it from someone at the tv station when she did the interview after Boston. So she blogged about it..hmm…maybe Tuesday or Wednesday after Boston? she shows a giant picture of it when she talks about it so you should be able to scroll to find it. I know, I’m so helpful. I’m sorry.


I couldn’t stand it.

You can order them here…http://hydr-8.com/
(can’t link…sorry)
or on Amazon I guess. Just do a search for Hydr-8? That would be my guess.


I made shrimp tacos the other night with a mixture of jumbo shrimp and frozen “fiesta blend” veggies (aka normal veggies + pinto beans) and it was muy delicioso.

Something garden-ey for my mom, always. And chocolate.

Three things I’ve done today: slept in, ate a Whole Bowl lunch (rice+beans+cheese+avocado+olives+delicious secret sauce), and GOING to pick up my race packet for my Saturday half marathon and play softball tonight. Ok, so that’s four things. And two of them I haven’t done yet. I maybe cheated a little bit.


All my yoga is from free online videos. They’re amazing and I love being able to do it whenever I have the time! Gift cards for mother’s day are always welcome :)


I don’t do online workout videos because my dogs freak out and think I’m trying to play with them when I work out inside. Very counterproductive :) I have absolutely no idea what I’m getting my mom this year for v-day. I got her a restaurant GC for Christmas and have done the massage/mani/pedi GC several times as well. Maybe I will just send her some nice flowers.


Brooke blogging. ahh too cute. My daughter has that same little computer toy
and the tortillas are good..but imagine homemade tortillas. soo good.!! my mom makes them for me. Authentic Mexican food. yumm
I’m gonna get my mom something simple.. not sure what yet. lol. but I love your ideas.!! I’ll probably steal the candle idea.
3 things. Ran, missed my daughter all day, and lunch date with my hubby


I always get my Mom a weekend getaway. I book the whole thing with travel plans, hotel, activities, even meals and I pre-pay for it all. That way she gets to go relax and she doesn’t have to take care of one darn thing.

She says she looks forward to it all year long!

I’ve been at the vet today with both of my dogs. They’re okay, just high maintenance…apparently they take after their human mommy ;)


-I like to do the HasFit abs videos on YouTube. They are good workouts for all fitness levels!
-I’m thinking of chipping in with my sister on buying my mom a coupon for a massage day. She deserves to have a nice relaxing day!
– Three things I’ve done: Went for a nice run, learned some stuff at school, and drank a LOT of water! I’m trying to get better about that!
– Must have taco fillings are fish of some sort, lettuce, avocado, salsa, and onions!!

I love spin! It never gets any easier, I always work up a nice sweat :)


Jewelry for my Mom
Three things today: PT (it worked me!), playing with my sweet baby girl and a nap!!
Taco fillings: guac, lettuce, rice, beans, fish or chicken, cilantro and sometimes sour cream!
The spin workout looks killer!


I got mom a succulent terrarium. It’s awesome. She’s awesome.
Made homemade flour tortillas today and had a taco bar for dinner. Choice of pulled chicken or beef with black beans. yum
I ran this morning, took a sweet afternoon nap, and made above mentioned dinner so far today. And I’m working on a peppermint patty right now :)
I do some yoga videos on you tube when I’m in the mood and try and do 8 minute abs (thanks for introducing me to it) as often as I can. Its sooo cheesy and I love it. “see you tomorrow gang”


Brooke’s blogging might be my favorite thing you have EVER posted.


I am really starting to like the Blogilates workout videos on youtube! She has TONS of videos that focus on different areas (abs, arms, obliques, legs, etc) and are pretty short so that you can mix and match!

I think I am going to get my mom the manicure gift certificate. I took her for her first EVER manicure for her bday a few months ago and she is hooked!


I’ve never done an online workout video, but I’ve wanted to try a yoga or pilates one.

I haven’t decided what to get my mom, but I love the Costco canvas idea! Thanks for taking so much time and thought to offer suggestions :)

Three things I’ve done today:
-sit outside with my students to share highs and lows of the week
-go on an afternoon run
-eat almost an entire box of Wheat Thins

I think all tacos need cheese and avocados for sure and definitely some type of meat. I like to add ketchup in there, and now I need to try sweet potatoes! I’ve added nuts, Wheat Thins or Cheetos for some extra crunch at times, too.


Avocado avocado avocado- that’s 3 right? ;)

For Mother’s Day, my sister and I got my mom a Tiffany necklace that says “mom” on it. My mom is proud of being a mom so we thought it was fitting :) Also, since I moved out of the house last year and don’t see my mom every day now, my sister and I will be doing a pre-Mother’s Day girls’ night. We told our mom to be free the Saturday before Mother’s Day, and we are going to cook her dinner and watch chick flicks while overdosing on her favorite candy.


Thanks for the stretch pointer! I will be doing that one after my next spin class. I get tight quads and hip flexors so sound perfect for me :)

What I’m getting mum? I got her a pair of Perter Alexander “Super Woman” Pj’s because my mum is truly worthy of Super Woman Status .

Taco Filling? … fish, clinatro, lime, salsa & iceberg YUMMMM!!!!


I like to do online yoga video’s Erinmotz.com is my favorite she is so much fun!


So thinking I am going to ask for a foam roller for Mother’s day!!! I here they are great! My husband think I am crazy…. but I prefer functional over flowers that die in a week! LOL!!! :)

As for my mom and mother-in-law, I am not sure…. but I better get with it and think about it!

Took my first spinning class 2 weeks ago and LOVE it!!!!! Thinking I will incorporate into my work out routine!!!!! It was really tough though and I felt it days after!!! LOL


Thanks for the great gift ideas!

I swear by the Yoga With Adriene youtube channel, she’s amazing and successfully got me back into a regular yoga practice!


Thank you for the gift ideas. Do those GapFit gFast shirred 16″ cropped capris run true to size. I’d like to try them and wear a 6 in Lululemon run inspire. Not sure if I should order small or medium?


I actually don’t love making tacos because I want too many toppings, so I usually go with taco salad! My favorites are onions and avocado!


I’ve actually been cycling through workout videos on youtube. It’s fun to do a different one each time to keep my muscles guessing.

Mother’s Day!!! We’re hopefully going to do a bake sale to raise money before Mother’s day for a charity. :)

Favorite taco fillings would have to be guac, cheese, and tomatoes… :) Maybe greek yogurt too.


Brooke is the cutest!

I used to work out to the original Buns of Steel, but I could never get through it without cracking up! ” Squeeze those cheeseburgers out of those thighs! And those French fries!”

When I work out at home, I put my bike on the trainer and use a virtual ride on YouTube. Intervals are a pretty good workout!


I get those tortillas too! They are great in a pinch when I don’t have time to make my own tortillas.

I have never been to a spin class. I want to go to one so bad! I did go on my first outside bike ride of the year and it was lovely. Then I tried to take a picture and my phone died.

I don’t do many workout videos except 8 minute abs! Thanks to you for showing me that one!


OMG Brooke blogging would be so awesome


We Always go and buy flowers for her flower beds on Mother’s Day. I buy. We come home and have lunch and plant.


Every time I go over to my parents’ house, I get to stare at the 15 year old pictures of me and my brother framed proudly upon their wall. For all visitors to see. #unibrowsandbraces is all I’m saying. So my brother and I got together (we live in different states now!) and had a friend take pictures that will now replace those old ones! I can’t wait to surprise my mama next weekend. My dad could care less and probably doesn’t know what a unibrow is.


This will be my first official mother’s day and I’m really excited about it! my husband could definitely use the help as for what to get.. ;)


i recently discovered Barre3 online classes and I love them- their Runners workouts make me feel great!

I love Spin… Actually did instructor certification but haven’t ever taught a class sadly.


Great mothers day gift ideas!


I always get my mom 3 tomato plants, (a tradition) and a pretty flower hanging basket. Simple, but she loves them! I’ll probably also find a nice summery-shirt for her. She really could use some spoiling, maybe a pedi, too!

3 things: I took my dogs on a walk, I rescued a friend who was running late for her bus to the airport, and I taught an evening family literacy class.

Tacos: I love tomatoes, olives, and chicken!


Ooh! Great gift list! I actually bought my mom a purse at the Coach outlet recently. We were out shopping together; I knew she really loved it but wasn’t going to get it for herself, so I got her an early Mother’s Day gift. :)

Moms are the best!


Colorado’s Wild Animal Sanctuary is currently working on rescuing 25 lions from Peru (cast off circus lions) and 9 lions from Columbia breaking a world record for rescue. And a bear named Cholita! They are working with DIA to put together this incredible airlift operation, unheard of really (I haven’t heard but they may have already completed it, I am trying to find out).
For Mother’s Day I adopted Rapunzel, one of the lions, to care for as the cost of this is enormous on the sanctuary. My mom is a HUGE animal lover and this could not be a more perfect gift. I actually jumped for joy when I saw this opportunity and realized how happy I could make her. It’s like $34 a month or something? Pff. That’s nothing when I think about all the stupid stuff I buy.


I love your outfit with those white pants…awesome!!!


I just started a modified version of P90X on Monday of this week to tone up for my wedding/honeymoon. I’m not using the videos, just taking a few of the workouts to the gym. I do use a lot of stretching videos though. I figured out that I never hold my poses long enough or stretch enough overall. If I use the video, I get a much better stretch and feel a million times better.

I’m reading this at 9am my time…3 things I’ve done today: ate breakfast, ordered invitations, cleaned the kitchen.


AHH! Love that shirt and that color – thanks for sharing the sale. I have NO idea what J crew size I am, is yours a 4 or 6? I’m thinking I’ll go 6. And I got a few other things;-) Hope you are recovering well from Boston!


I really miss my mom. Just doesn’t matter how old you are when mom is gone it is VERY sad.
I take spin class at least once usually twice a week, it is an awesome workout.
It makes me so happy to see you and your sister showing your mom so much love, never stop!
I am not getting your feeds anymore on my face book page for about the last week???
Still finding you but I have to search you out. :(


I love all those mother’s day ideas!! I bought my mom this — https://www.etsy.com/transaction/1019996235 — and since I’ll br away on mother’s day running Ragnar Cape Cod, I’m taking her out to nice dinner on Wedensday! I hate missing her special day thought :(

(Thursday) Wrote a blog post, went to a fun event called A Taste of Albany, had my first run post marathon.

Fav taco filling, AVOCADO…CHEESE


Love the Mom’s Day gift ideas! I usually like to make my mom brunch (since going out anywhere in the city is usually nuts). Banana walnut pancakes and mimosas always say “I love you” !

This year, I’m thinking about taking her to afternoon tea. Get dressed up cute … Go to a fancy hotel downtown … Eat scones and mini sandwiches … Drink tea from those little mini tea cups. Could be fun!

Have a great weekend!


I used to do the Fitness Blender kettlebell workouts from YouTube. Really good ones on there and easy to follow. Need to get into some yoga ones, though!

Got my mom concert tickets to go see Josh Groban (I’m her date)- she loves this man a lot. She will die of happiness (hopefully not… you know what I mean). I’m super excited to give her the tickets!

Three things- ate breakfast part 1 and part 2 (almond butter toast, Greek yogurt) and spazzing out over everything going wrong at work (why I’m on here- needed a momentary break).

Tacos are awesome in any way shape or form.


We usually try to come up with an event to do with our moms. This year, we’re taking them to watch Peter Pan at the Mountain Play (a gorgeous setting up on Mt Tam — they’ve been doing an annual play for over 100 years!)


I just recently got into the beachbody workouts. I’ve done Insanity Max 30 which I loved when my mileage was lower. Now I’m doing 21 Day Fix Extreme because I’m at the height of marathon training and just wanted some strength training to balance me out.


Etsy is always a good resource for unique and thoughtful mother’s day gifts. My mom is getting ready to train for her first marathon (how awesome is that?!) so I will be gifting her with all the running essential :-)


Mother’s day is always so bittersweet to me after losing my mom 3 years ago. My husband’s mother passed away just a month ago so I’m sure this year is going to be even more bittersweet than usual. I’m trying to convince my husband that even though Noah isn’t due to arrive until August we should celebrate anyway :) I think it might cheer us both up. I’ll be sure to link him to your gift ideas ;)


I got my mom a couple of baby turkeys!

I do hope they’re still alive, as I left them in the bathtub when I left for work. I have a heater on in the bathroom, and my biggest concern is that I may not have shut the bathroom door, and the dogs may have gotten out of their crate…


All great ideas! I’m obsessed with the Capri Blue candle too! Have you seen their bar soaps and reed diffusers at Anthropologie now?

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