Easy runs (NOT JUNK MILES) and 5 important/random things.

 I forgot to mention this morning that my new Lobster shoes also came with a Lobster foam thing and Brooke thinks it is hilarious.  

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We started our morning off like normal.  A spoonfull of almond butter before getting breakfast ready (we both wake up too hungry to wait) and then I got my run on. 

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I loved the Launch 2s.   I think they would actually make a great shoe for marathon racing.  They are lightweight (7.9 oz) but still have the comfort from the BioMoGo DNA.  They were flexible and the adaptive cushioning is great…  one size doesn’t fit all runners and that is why I love it.  

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I did 9 miles at a 8:20 pace and I was overall just tired.com after yesterday’s 12 x 800 workout.  I wanted to just bag the run because it was just an ‘easy’ run but kept reminding myself about the BENEFITS OF EASY RUNS to keep me from calling it quits.  There is a reason easy runs are built into our training plans, they aren’t just junk miles.  They do all sorts of things to help out our running:  


(Hansons Marathon Method)

Jaqueline told me this morning that my new Lobster shoes reminded her of when Brooke was a rocking lobster for Halloween.  Yep.  


I finally restocked our sweet potato stash.  It had been a good 5 days since my last sweet potato and that is 5 days too long.  

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Five random things for today:

1.  Bangs Friend got me good.  We are actually in a fight now because of this April Fools joke that she played on me.  I was seriously so beyond excited that she was having her baby.  

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2.  I had to stop at the store today because I forgot to pick up the #1 ranked Easter candy yesterday.

PS I know that it is #1 ranked because I stood in the Easter candy aisle at Target for about 10 minutes and took note of what people were putting into their shopping carts.  Six out of eight people grabbed the Starburst Jellybeans.

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3.  It’s that time of year where my eyeballs want to die from all of the pollen in the air.  Anyone else get allergies pretty bad?  What do you take to help?  

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4.  I registered for the St. George Marathon this morning.  Please cross your fingers that I get picked in the lottery.  I have a feeling that at mile 23 of the Boston Marathon (when my legs are feeling like they are going to fall off) I will be wondering why I signed up for another marathon.   I am hooked.  

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5.  A few people have asked about where I got my jean jacket from… I bought it HERE (and you get 30% off by using the code SPRINGSTYLE).  I bought it when I was in California and sad about having to do the whole ‘Brooke exchange with her Dad’ thing… I cope by shopping and by being creepy to my friends.   

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Anyone having a baby soon?  Boy or girl?  When is your due date?

Allergies?  What helps you?

Are you hungry when you first wake up or does it take a bit of time for you to feel hungry in the morning?

-If I wake up before 7 it usually takes me a little while to feel hungry but anytime after and I run to the kitchen first thing.

Do you agree with the #1 ranked Easter candy or is there something you like more?

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The neti pot really helps with my allergies.
I ALWAYS wake up hungry!
Best Easter candy: Reese’s eggs!


Cadbury mini eggs are my favorite! I haven’t bought any yet this year! But the starburst jelly beans are pretty awesome (and I don’t usually like jelly beans!)

Usually takes awhile before I get hungry. And allergies are no fun. Best thing for me – sleep through it. Unfortunately, I can’t sleep all day. I haven’t found anything that is a total winner yet either.


I actually never new that re: long runs! thank you for posting it


haha. oh Janae you would get pranked on april fools. that’s a pretty funny joke.
and aweee. cutest lobster everr. :)

It takes a while for me to get hungry after I wake up, I’m used to running before I run. I agree with the number one easter candy.! or chocolate bunnies ;)

what about the white pants.??I loved all of the white pants you guys were wearing


** running before I eat. haha.


Hey Jessica! Those were also from J Crew… I am addicted. Hope you are having an amazing day!


Random thought: I tried Swedish Fish and totally thought of you! I love them now! Thanks for pointing a sister in the right direction!


I am so glad that I could bring something so amazing into your life:) Have a wonderful day Leah!


Oh my goodness- I forgot my breakfast at home today (normally eat it at the office) and have been snacking and hungry ALL day! I don’t normally wake up hungry… but if I don’t eat it soon enough then danger hits!


I’m eating that exact same almond butter from Trader Joe’s right now! With a banana :) And hahaha, Bangs Friend is a brilliant prankster.


Having a baby soon? We have been trying for a year for a second baby. We have one who will be age 3 on July 30. We badly want another and my heart breaks just a little when I find out other people are pregnant! ugh. Infertility sucks.

I have allergies. I think I have spring allergies of some kind because I always get an uncontrollable cough, and my dr seems to think it could be seasonal asthma, from allergies. I dont know..

I love anything sugary.. or chocolatey.. I can never decide. Yeah I love jelly beans but also love dark chocolate or any kind of m&m. I am an m&m addict.


We had to use injectibles with my first, then we lost a few trying for our second. After so long dealing with our fertility dr and the stress of lost pregnancies we declared that we were done and blessed with one. Adoption was on my mind in a few years. The thing is, I was pregnant at the time and did not know it. I was 8 weeks. It does not always work that way. Infertility absolutely stinks. If you knew it would end up ok in the end it would make it easier. I just don’t think anyone can understand unless they have gone through it. It is not easier if you already have a child, I think it makes it harder, you know what you are missing. Hang in there, your heart will tell you when you are done. I physically and emotionally hit bottom. And believe me, I look at my girls and know we are the lucky ones.


Hang in there, Nicole. I know how you feel… I got pregnant with my first within a month of being off the pill, but we went through two and a half years of trying for our second. Two m/c, two rounds of Clomid, the works. I envied and avoided everyone I knew who was pregnant- it is such a hard thing to go through, really turns your world inside out. In the end, my second daughter was conceived without intervention. She’ll be 4 in June. It was all worth it. I’m so sorry you’re going through this- I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Best of luck to you, hope your good news comes soon!


I take Claritin (or the generic Target version) for my allergies. Even when I lived in St. Louis and Dayton, OH, which both have awful allergies, it always helped!
Cadbury mini eggs are my favorite Easter candy. They started making them in dark chocolate last year or so…. omg so good.
I usually wake up ready for a snack but it takes a while for my full appetite to kick in. It’s probably because I run before breakfast and only have a banana or some dried fruit before my run, and I’ve conditioned myself to not be hungry right away.


-I used to have terrible allergies! Claritin was a lifesaver!
-Usually I’m starving when I first wake up. Whenever I run in the morning, I always have to have something small to tide me over!
– I’m not a huge fan of candy, but if I had to rank it, Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate would be in the lead!


I want to have a baby soon! But we are realistically probably a year or two out. Unless… ;)
I’ve never had any allergies, but everyone tells me that living in Tennessee will get me some.
I’m hungry first thing. I feel sick if I wait longer than ten minutes to eat after getting up. #marathonprobs
I think that any form of jelly bean is the best. I’m not real picky!


No babies for me, but my fab running buddy is!

I have terrible allergies! I’ve tried nose sprays- but don’t like the steroids in them. I just take benadryl at night and use eye drops with anti-histamines in them during the day. Keeping my air conditioner on & taking showers is really the best relief for me!

I’m not hungry til I get a work out in, but force myself to eat pancakes on long run days.



awwww, I do the same thing when I’m sad. Shopping, especially online shopping makes things feel better for a little while.

Once after a break up I bought an iPad – still have it to this day. haha


My due date is tomorrow! My husband has so been hoping that I’d make it at least until April 1 so that he could use her as April Fools fodder and has played the same joke as Bangs Friend on most of his family today. My mom tried to get me to do the same to my dad but I told her I refuse to joke about labor haha. I feel like it’d jinx me and I’ll go another 2 weeks or something.

I’ve read a ton of info lately on local honey helping with allergies, so I recently bought some and have started adding it to my smoothies and almond butter/banana toast daily. Fingers crossed it works!


AHHHH so so exciting Alexis! I agree, I think a joke about it will jinx it ha! Interesting about the local honey… I will have to look into that! Get some rest Alexis and congrats:)


I used to get bad allergies, but allergy shots worked wonders for me!

Reese’s eggs are my favorite Easter, Christmas, and Halloween candy hands down! There’s something about the ratio of PB and chocolate that’s just amazing! On that note….going to get some now!


I can’t believe Bangs did that to you! LOL.

I am hungry when I wake up in the morning no matter what time. Right after I brush my teeth, I have coffee going and my eggs cooking. Breakfast is by far my biggest meal of the day.

I do have allergies and did immuno-therapy for 6+ years. Made them better but not totally gone. I still take zyrtec every day.

Hard to pick a favorite Easter candy. I actually really love gum drops. Like a lot.


YES to Starburst jelly beans being #1! I have to admit that I’m more of a gummy candy girl than I am a chocolate girl, but I’ll also never turn down a baggie of Mini Eggs — those things are like crack.


Look into essential oils. My son has seasonal allergies that effect his eyes big time. He cannot take allergy meds because of other medications he has to take. We started diffusing essential oils 2 years ago and it has worked amazingly well. I use young living lemon, lavender and peppermint oils (the allergy trio).


Interesting! Thank you so much for sharing Jen. I will totally be looking into that! Thank you!


I take Claritin D and mucinex for allergy sinus stuff.
I love those starburst jelly beans so yes agreed!

Easy miles also are good for the mind. You can enjoy the ride sort of speak.


I’m pregnant, but my due date isn’t until September. I hear time flies, so “soon” might be the right word to use. ☺ We found out at 11 weeks that we are having a BOY. Eeeek so excited. I can’t believe a simple blood test can now reveal the gender so early. Technology!!!

I must eat first thing when I get up… especially now! Cereal and Greek yogurt are my go-to foods.


i meant re: EASY runs



Also – awesome lobster sneaks. Love your posts.


I love all candy and miss chocolate desperately at Easter. My favorite were the Cadbury eggs. But yes, those jelly beans. I may have OD’d. Quite sad really.

I don’t like breakfast so I
A: have to make myself eat it and
B: can’t eat it for at least 20 minutes after I take my morning meds and preferably an hour. Thank you to my thyroid.

In answer to the allergy question, I just sneezed down my own shirt. That was awesome. Sigh. I have tried the Advil stuff and I really liked it, it worked great. I also use Allegra. If I use claritin I have to take at least two.


I know about the struggle with thyroid issues. I usually wake up at 6am and don’t eat until 8:30 or 9am. Yes, most people would think I’m crazy, but it works for me!

My favorite easter candy is also the Cadbury eggs.


OH man, yes. And really it’s a balancing act because if I’m doing a good run that morning before work I prefer something in my stomach. A banana with almond butter, etc. But I seriously would have to get up at 4am to get the timing done perfectly and get to work! Choices have to be made somewhere. It bites. But I do choose wisely for breakfast to make sure it doesn’t interfere…


Janae, I am sure you’ve mentioned this before, BUT, what sauce is it that you put on your sweet potatoes? It looks delicious!


Hey Anna! I use bbq sauce. I am addicted!


Im not a huge fan of jellybeans, so I would vote regular Starbursts.

I love Brooke in that lobster costume! Her face is like wtf is going on right now??


Dark Chocolate Peanut M & M’s!
Love breakfast first thing
I have a bit of allergy issues in the past, but nothing this year so far. I have taken Claritin and that helps me.
Brooke is so cute in her lobster Halloween costume!! :)


This is so funny because my daughters birthday is April 3rd and I kept saying through the pregnancy that she could be born whenever just not April Fools Day…until I got close and then I did not care when she came I just wanted her to come!!!! She came April 3rd though :)
Not a starburst jelly fan…BEST jelly beans are Jelly Belly Sours!!!!


Always hungry when I first wake up! I always took zyrtec for allergies which helped me the most, although, I will admit, since becoming a vegetarian, my seasonal allergies are so not as bad at all like they used to be!


My sister in law is due on Friday!! I keep texting her to see what’s happening but still nothing. It would have been quite the April Fool’s joke if she told us she was in labor!
Some days I am starving when I wake up, and other days I can do my workout without eating anything. I think it depends on how much I ate the night before.


In hayfever season, I start taking daily anti-histamines to get through. I basically take them for 6 months of the year, and it’s the only way I can survive. Different medications work better in different years – must be related to the types of pollens in the air that year.

I actually don’t usually wake up hungry! I usually workout, shower, and commute to work before I’ll have breakfast. Maybe my body is just used to the routine.

I’m currently in love with Ferrero Roche eggs. I can’t get enough!


While I love jelly beans, I think the #1 Easter candy has to be cadbury eggs! I bought one that is waiting on my table for an Easter morning treat!

I have had lots of pregnancy dreams lately, last night I was even pregnant with twins! I am not actually pregnant and not planning on trying for a while, but I really want twins and my friend just had twin girls so I am super jealous!


I can never eat in the morning! It makes me really nauseous for some reason. I have to wait an hour or so before I eat. I do drink a glass of water right after I get up though.

I would definitely agree that Starburst jellybeans are great, but I prefer Jolly Rancher lately! I also love mini Cadbury eggs (and the big ones too, only in caramel and chocolate flavor though :))


I’m pregnant with our first! Due August 7th, and we are not finding out the sex! We want it to be a surprise to look forward to during the whole pregnancy and labor :) It’s so helpful to see how much fun you’re having with Brooke and how easy you make it all look :)


That is seriously so exciting… what an amazing surprise. Being a mom has been the best thing in the entire world for me!


Peeps? I vote Peeps.


Thanks for posting that meme about easier runs. Makes me feel better about doing them/less guilty that I’m not running farther instead!

You said in some post a while back to point out if you were a Canadian reading this blog. Hello from British Columbia!


HELLO!!! You sure live in an incredibly beautiful area Carrie. Thanks for saying hello and yes, remember those easy runs are important too!


Brooke looks so confused in her lobster costume, so cute!! I have a picture identical to that with my little sister when my stepmum dressed her in a pea pod costume, she did not look impressed!

That’s a good April Fool’s joke but also cruel I bet you got so excited! I didn’t get pranked but I really wanted to prank someone- it’s 11pm where I live, so I guess I still have an hour to fool someone ;)


No, sorry, Reese’s peanut butter eggs are the #1 Easter candy!!


Interesting findings Laura;)


My taste buds did all the research on this one! :-)


Well, I definitely love Starburst jellybeans! I would say the #1 easter candy has to be Peeps. I personally love Cadbury eggs!


I love Cadberry Cream Eggs!!!

I am never ever hungry first thing in the morning. I always run first, then eat :)


My allergies get really bad so I went to an allergist last year and now I take singulair every day which is perscription. I used to take Zyrtec before which worked pretty good. I also buy local raw honey and I take a tablespoon everyday. I think the most popular Easter candy has to be either Cadbury mini eggs or regular Cadbury eggs which are my favorite! I have to eat pretty much when I wake up, stomach is always rumbling in the morning!! ;)


So I actually work in the candy industry :-) and I’m a nerd so I pulled a report to tell you what the #1 Easter candy actually is.

Last Easter the #1 was…Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs!
#2 is my absolute favorite, the Cadbury Mini Eggs!


Okay, I guess I will trust your findings over mine then;) Thanks for sharing and maybe try to find a job for me in the candy industry with you!


I do enjoy your method of consumer research though! Easter candy is the best.

And I think you would be a great saleswoman for candy!!


I’m never hungry right away in the morning, but I usually workout first thing in the morning and I never like to eat beforehand because it’s too early in the morning and my stomach is too sensitive. Odd enough I’m never very hungry after working out. I have to force myself to eat something. Then suddenly I’m starving once I do start eating.


Hands down best candy is Cadbury eggs. Nothing can top them!

As for a baby, I’m due with my first this month!! April 16 to be exact. I bet he will come sooner, my husband is betting I’ll go over. Time will tell!! I’ve thought about pranking my family with the same thing!


im preggers with my first (girl) and due on Tuesday. I don’t feel like she is coming anytime soon but I’m ready whenever!! I walk and walk but it hasn’t worked so far. Love Brooke as a lobster!!!


AHHHHH LIA!!! I am seriously so excited for you! Good luck with everything and get lots of rest this week:)


Not finding out the sex, but due August 7th! And Starburst jellybeans are my biggest craving… Specifically the Fave Reds edition.


Huge congrats Sam! That will be such an amazing surprise:) I agree with your thoughts about the Fave Reds edition!


I sometimes wake up hungry, but not usually. However, when I was pregnant I woke up starving every single day! Your jacket is super cute! My favorite Easter candy would be chocolate related, so I guess I don’t agree with the #1 candy ha


I wake up at 4:45 every school day, so for me, it takes about an hour and a half to feel hungry (unless I eat a light dinner the night before – then I am super hungry as soon as I get up).


My dad would agree with you – he loves jelly beans. I think my favorite Easter candy are the mini eggs. So addictive!


I have eaten 3 bags of Starburst jelly beans in the last 3 weeks. So…yes they are pretty tasty. I had to try the original, tropical and sour versions ya know. Unrelated, but thought you might be looking for some new music for Boston and I have just been loving Modest Mouse “Lampshades on Fire” It pumps me up for some reason and has a great driving beat….idk. Maybe it’s just me. Love this blog so much!


Allergies: YES. A saline sinus rinse or neti pot is the first thing a good doctor will recommend. I use NeilMed, which you can find in pretty much any drugstore. I also recommend getting a prescription steroid nasal spray. I use a combo of Flonase and Astelin. I also take Allegra! If you don’t mind getting poked with a hundred needles that will make you itch like crazy (but you can’t scratch) to see specifically what you’re allergic to, you can then get periodic allergy shots instead of having to take any meds!


so smart to snack on almond butter before breakfast. i’m ravenous when i wake up during marathon training.


I suffer from horrible allergies and I can’t find the exact trigger because my body refuses to work with that back prick test. I know trees are really bad. They started here in the Bay Area in Mid-January and my first 10k of the year I nearly collapsed because my lungs were clogged. I’m now on 3 daily medications and 2 inhalers. I refuse to run inside. Thankfully my allergist is super understanding of this. Although I should slow my pace down on extremely high days. I ran a 1/2 in SF on Sunday and my lungs are still trying to clear out all the pollen in them, but I PRed on a hilly course. So YAY!

I rarely want to eat in the morning. I force myself to eat a bagel with pb before I run in the morning.


I am having a baby girl! The due date is June 21 and it is my first. I am sooo excited!!


I’m in denial about having allergies…but I might. I take a Zyrtec now and then.

I’m usually not hungry first thing in the morning unless it’s the day after a long run.

Those Starburst jellybeans are really good, though I could do without the grape ones. I make my boyfriend eat them. Cadbury caramel eggs are really good too :)


Baby boy is due August 30th! So not too far off from your Brooke! We had a sonogram today and it was amazing. Seriously, I’m so in love.
I didn’t used to be hungry when I first woke up but now I always am! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with my tummy rumbling too? Weird.
Stardust jellybeans are hands down the best Easter candy. It must be star burst though. Have you tried the just reds/pinks bag? Delicious.


Baby girl due May 24th (8 weeks to go) We are so excited to meet her. As soon as I wake up I am hungry especially being 32 weeks preggo.
Starburst jellybeans are amazing, but really any sweet candy I love lately.


I haven’t read all the comments but I am a long-time reader first-time commenter. My husband is an allergist and I get my allergies all in my eyes. I have used Zaditor eye drops and it is the only thing that has helped at all. Good luck in Boston! Boston strong!


I’m a hungry waker. Love Brooke’s PJ’s!

So, sometimes I read things really wrong. I thought the Advil picture was an April Fool’s joke because I read it as “allergy and constipation.”. Thought that was a weird medical combo.

Crossing all my digits for you that you get into St George!


Funny random comment…. today, I was in target and a woman passed me repeating, “Oh, where are those cadbury eggs, cadbury eggs, where are they.?” Made me laugh… so, I sues to her, the cadbury egg is the #1 Easter candy! Cracked me up! :()


I try to hold off eating breakfast until 8 am but sometimes if I run at 5:30 before work I need something earlier! I try to not eat after 8 pm though


dark chocolate cadbury eggs are my jam! But i do love starburst jellies!


I’d have to go with the mini Cadbury chocolate eggs as #1 Easter candy! I’m due on April 25th with a girl!


No allergies for me, thank goodness! I am never hungry first thing in the morning but always force myself to eat breakfast so I don’t get hungry while I’m at work.

Easter candy of choice: Reeses peanut butter eggs :)


I am almost always hungry as soon as I wake up. I always need a little something before I start going.

Best Easter candy? DEFINITELY cadbury mini eggs. love.


Same as you- if I wake up super early I am not hungry right away but after like 7 I am ready to eat ASAP.

My fav Easter candy is Cadbury eggs!! But those are a close second.

Also I’m watching house hunters right now and it’s in Provo, UT! :)


Here in the great white north, we won’t have to worry about allergies for a little while yet, as there is still ice and snow, although it is going up to +17 degrees tomorrow (for one day) then back to normal temps. I probably have 4-5 weeks before any real pollen starts flying. I use an over the counter version of Chlor-Tripolon – same drug, different bottle, 1/3 the price of the brand name.

Always hungry in the morning, unless I stuffed myself or drank too much the night before.
Give me dark chocolate, no candy – can’t handle candy anymore – it’s what happens when you’re an old geezer. Take care.


It all depends on how much I eat the night before actually. Sometimes I’m hungry at 7, and sometimes not till 8 or 8:30ish :)))

I love easy runs too. They really are a great way to just give the body a break and get some cardio vascular in.


I’m not a big candy person but I love those dark chocolate sticks I get at trader joes by the check out thing…oh and jr mints…I heart chocolate.

I’m not hungry when I wake but hello coffee latte. Then after I drink that I’m starving.


Starburst Jellybeans are THE best, but Reese’s eggs are a close second. I haven’t had candy in a long time, this made me want to make a Target run!


Very superb and such a nice article thanks for sharing this post.


I hate the term junk miles. What does that even mean? Most of my midweek miles would probably be considered junk, I’m tired from working and there’s crazy 4 O’Clock winds around here. They are usually a minute a mile slower than weekend runs. But theres nothing I can do except run what i guess are junk miles


I’m having a baby boy in July and my allergies are also terrible right now! I hope yours get better soon!


Cadbury eggs are my Easter weakness. I’m pretty lucky they only come around one season a year or I’d have a true problem on my hands.

I know about a dozen girls who are pregnant and due within the next month or two. It is crazy!


This is my favorite season – and my weakness – Cadbury Cream eggs – I’ll be putting in some extra miles this month. :)


I have really bad allergies about 8 months out of the year (ie: anytime there is anything green growing!). Last year I discovered Hammer Nutrition’s Clear Day supplements, and they work great! The huge bonus is that it’s all natural–no more putting chemical antihistamines in my body day after day!


Ahhh lobstah baby!

And Starburst jelly beans are the bomb dot com! LOVE!


Aw I loved Brooke’s lobster costume!
I’m due with our first in August and we found out recently we’re having a BOY! :)


Love the Lobster shoes! Allergies are the worst. I get asthma with mine so right now my cocktail is Nasonex, Singulair, and Allegra. Usually starving when I wake but I work out first thing and can only handle a little coffee or I get side stitches. I just love Easter Candy in general, it’s all just so cute!


I love Zyrtec-D or its generic cetirizine-D. The D is important because then it has sudafed in it also. In MN you have to go behind the pharmacy counter to get it though.


OMG STARBURST JELLY BEANS ARE THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. Omg and I can’t buy them or I will literally eat the whole bag in one day and then be very, very sick.


Starburst jellybeans are amazingly amazing. I love the bag that is all reds, and this year Target had a sweet and sour mix too!


im a nurse and I come from a very medical family, so I’m usually quick to grab a pharmaceutical when allergies strike. However, I’m pregnant and don’t like taking unnecessary medications. I now swear by using the neti pot (btw it’s miserable and disgusting), a shot of apple cider vinegar and local honey. I feel almost normal thanks to this conglomeration. I recommend trying them. Good luck and feel better!


I take 2 allergy meds year round ’cause I’d rather do that than give up my pets. Plus my allergies are so bad I’d probably need them anyway. In the spring sometimes I have to add allergy eyedrops into the mix.

I usually start noticing that I’m hungry about halfway through my first cup of coffee. I don’t know if it’s that I’m not hungry til then or if I’m just so slow pre-coffee that I don’t even notice.

Starburst jellybeans! I have this glass bunny candy dish and every year the Easter Bunny fills it with Starburst jellybeans. They’re wonderful but they aren’t chocolate so they can’t be my #1.


CHIRO for life!!!!! It helps that I work for one so as soon as I feel a cold coming on I am the 1st to be laying on that table!! I do not take any meds:-)
And those jelly beans are the BEST! We keep our jar filled with them at Easter! Have you tried just the pink and red mixture?!!!!!?
Have a Hippity Hoppity Easter!!!


I am having a baby boy this September! We are BEYOND excited!! Ohh and ps we miss seeing you at the 6:00 am pump classes at the 8th north gym!


Janae! House hunters last night was in Provo and featured Lehi and Orem! I thought of you :)


Allergies…try YoungLiving essential oils! Allergy trio is lemon, lavender and peppermint. Amazing! You can diffuse it or use it in a roller bottle.


I have terrible year-round allergies to everything… dust mites, cats (and I have 2 cats), dogs (and I am around them constantly), maple tree pollen (I live in Vermont)… I take a Zyrtec and a Sudafed 12 hour every day. Sometimes in the spring I also need to use Flonase on top of that. More medicine than I would like to consistently ingest, but it keeps me from being miserable!


Awh baby crab Brooke!!!!! She’s so precious. <3


I’m debating signing up for St. George… someone told me I should. But I keep psyching myself out…


Starburst Jellybeans are my absolute FAVORITE guilty pleasure! I have to portion them out so I don’t eat the whole bag after a long run!


Starburst Jellybeans are the best! I was able to avoid them for the past few weeks cause of a half marathon, but yesterday on Easter I didn’t care. Granted, I think they were one reason why I bonked during my 9 miler today.

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