Boston prep and food calms my nerves.

Well, we checked off one more thing for our Boston preparation.  We went shopping and picked out our throwaway clothes to wear while we wait for the race to start.  

PS it is always strange for me to see my runner friends in normal clothes without a ponytail.  I am just so used to seeing each other at 6 in the morning with running clothes on and our hair slicked back.  Turns out we do shower and wear jeans too.

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And then we attempted to do our Boston game faces:

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We also found some other gems while shopping around.

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With each day that we get closer to Boston my excitement and nerves both build equally.  I go from one minute being so beyond stoked to run 26.2 Boston miles and then the next minute I get really nervous about the whole running 26.2 miles especially while attempting to run them at a fast for me speed.  

Food always calms my nerves;)  

We just happened to be next door to Cafe Rio at lunch time so we did the right thing and went for steak salads.  

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PS I have had people ask me about how I have increased my iron levels over the last few months.  I am not huge on supplements so I would rather get the iron through my food.  Spinach and red meat have been my main sources lately.  

I just buy a big thing of steaks at Costco and then individually wrap and freeze them.  This method makes cooking steak for 1 pretty easy.  Oh and the frozen golf balls are for rolling out my feet.  

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Back to this morning.  I taught spin and then did 4 miles on the treadmill at an 8:34 pace while chatting with this girl.  I love the taper but it is also hard to stop yourself from going farther when you feel good and more fresh than you have in a long time.  

Sometimes the black and white filter is the only option for my post workout selfies.  

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We also had a target run to get in and I think the verdict is in, we really do need a dog.   

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Josse sent me this video, Boston Marathon from the Newton Hills, and it pumped me up big time.   April 20th is going to be a really good day.  


Do you enjoy the taper or is it hard for you to cut down your mileage?

How do you get your iron in?

What are your Thursday night plans?  

What shows are you into lately?  I need a new show.  

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I love the taper period! For the 3 marathons I did I was pretty burned out at the end so taking 2 weeks ‘off’ felt great.

Shows we are loving: Blackish and Fresh off the Boat on Hulu.


Yes! I second, triple, and quadruple the Fresh Off the Boat recommendation :)


It’s going to be an AWESOME day. I’m not running it but it is going to be so awesome I’m thinking about hoping in my car at 2AM, driving from DC to Boston, watching the race, and driving home. I AM SO EXCITED! Christmas, birthday, Halloween, thanksgiving all rolled into one.


You totally should:)


I usually die slowly at Mile 22 so I’m hoping to be there and awkwardly loud and cheering for y’all shouting YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!!!!!!


I don’t always love taper, but it’s pretry noce right now!
Thursday night: Orange theory with friends!


I enjoy thr taper at the start, but by the emd I want to run more!
Red meat, spinach, raisins, and beans are my top choices for getting iron.
I’ve been binge-watching Grimm during my taper. It’s so good!


I don’t race or taper but yes, it always seems hard for me not to do more running or cycling or swimming. I have to remind myself that not every workout has to be hard! I am like you, I try to get all my nutrients through food. Big fan of steak (I had it 3 days in a row last week). Tonight we take my nephew to baseball practice to give my sister a night off (she just lost her husband 9 months ago). A show we love is Justified but next week is the series finale (sadness).


I am so sorry to hear about what your sister has and is going through right now. That breaks my heart. You are an amazing aunt Susan.

Booo to series finales… when Parenthood ended I was crazy sad about it.


Thanks, Janae! It has been so very sad to watch my sister and 10 year old Kyle navigate their new lives but I feel so blessed that Rick and I have always been a huge part of their lives and now we can do even more. Family Forever!!!


Susan, I saw your comment and just wanted to say I am praying for your sister and nephew. I hope peace comes soon for your family.


Thank you Randi. That is very sweet of you to take the time to comment and also very much appreciate the prayers. Have a great day!


I’ve really been enjoying The Good Wife and Madam Secretary lately. So good, it’s hard to wait the whole 7 days between episodes.


You’re going to do so great!!!!


Thank you Katie! I really appreciate your comment!


You should watch UnbreakableKimmy Schmidt on Netflix!!! It’s funny.


Totally second this comment. It’s an awesome show!


I’ve seen this show mentioned by a few people, but have no idea what it is about… details? :)


I have “big”plans for tonight, just purchased a condo with a closing date of April 30th!! Ekk! So a lot of packing and eating Easter candy of course- did you see the Swedish Fish Easter candy? Take your time finding a home, you will know when the place is right for you!


Oh Kelly that is beyond exciting!!! I’m so stoked for your new condo:) You are so right, I am all about taking as much time as it takes to find the perfect place!


I eat oatmeal and raisins to get my iron. Just those two foods have really made a difference in my hemoglobin count.


This is extremely random, but you look like Anna Kendrick in your second photo (in a really great way :) ) You are going to rock Boston – I’m so excited to hear about it!


Wow-that video gave me goosebumps. You are going to knock this marathon out the park!
I have so many favorite tv shows right now it’s embarrassing: The Americans, Grimm, Justified (though it’s almost over-sniff). Mad Men just started back up. Game of Thrones and Orphan Black are coming soon-just to name a few ;) I really like Call the Midwife on BBC too, since Downton is done for the season. Better Call Saul is good too. I watch way too much tv lol.


Nashville!!! I binged watched all of episodes on Hulu Plus and now I wait around for Wednesday nights like a crazy person! I’m beyond addicted! I don’t watch much TV at all, but that’s my show!

I can’t even imagine the emotions anyone would have leading up to running Boston!!! You will do absolutely amazing, no doubt. Enjoy the experience!!!!


I second that! Nashville is my favorite show, I wait around all week for Wednesdays now!


you guys are buying a house.! than you can get a doggy.! :D
I have been taking an iron suppplement… I hate any kind of pill.. but augh I had to do it. I’ve been eating so crappy lately. That I thought it would be better than nothing. oh and I’m also trying to fix my diet.
Thursday night plans are just to have a chill night at home. and sleep earlyy.!! I am soo tired today.


I was just thinking how great it will be to read your Boston recap as I will be able to know firsthand every mile! You are going to do so great – you look strong, Weather is looking good too!


Thank you so much Allison! I really appreciate that:) Have a fabulous day and let’s hope the weather stays looking great!


You are going to do amazing . You inspire me in many ways. I am so excited for you!! That video gave me goosebumps!!


Thank you so much Lynn. Your comment means a lot to me! Hope you are having a fabulous day!


Housewives of NYC are back and I can never get enough of those ladies. I’m also addicted to Teen Mom for some bizarre reason. Does anyone else think it’s odd they’re all pregnant again?


I’ve never trained for a full marathon, only halves, but I definitely did a taper week. Physically it seemed great, but mentally I struggled with it – even though I knew it was best to do that, I worried about not running more miles! Taper week always paid off though.


I love spinach! Spinach salads are the best!! Tonight we are having breakfast for dinner. The girls wanted breakfast burritos so I just got some whole grain tortillas at the store. “I” don’t watch a lot of tv but my kids are watching Leave it to Beaver like crazy on Netflix and loving it! The husband loves The Voice and documentaries.


the taper is amazing… I finally feel like I can keep up lol… I work two jobs and have two kids so trying to train has been a struggle… But I’m happy to see its finally here!

Tonight I am doing is light 400s work out….and swim lessons with the kiddos!

Iron-steak and burgers…. The restaurant I work at makes the BEST burgers!!! I’m drooling thinking about them now;)


When I was pregnant I ate red meat and spinach for the iron too…oh and lots and lots of iron fortified cereal too.


You are totally prepared and you’re going to look so stylish in your throw-away warm up clothes, you can’t help but rock Boston!

Today’s my mom’s birthday so I took her to her favorite Chinese restaurant. Then we stopped in at the local 7-11 to put our fortune cookie lucky numbers into the SuperLottery. Saturday, I become a multi-millionaire. I’ll wave to you when I’m accepting the giant check on TV. :)

Iron for me: spinach and beans. I’ll occasionally take a chewable kids’ iron pill.


I start to feel lazy pretty instantly when I start tapering, I’m not a fan.

I generally eat pretty healthy, though I do take a multivitamin (with iron) just because I figure it can’t hurt.

Tonight I have really exciting plans to hang with my guy and our dog, eat some pasta and do some foam rolling/stretching.

I just got addicted to Blacklist – the first season is on netflix.


I just started taking iron supplements, remember that I wanted to donate blood one time and they said I was anemic.
My friends used magnets to see which ones were the good quality iron pills, haha.


I am going to steal that pink shirt you are wearing. I want it. Bad.

I hope you got that other awsome thrift store find. I have no words for how amazing it is.

You are going to crush Boston. I can’t wait to hear every little detail about it. Would it be too creepy if I am waiting for you when you get off your plane??


Now I am going to expect you at the SLC airport waiting for me. You can wear this shirt whenever you want. I miss you already. Come back to the true county.


A great tip I learned to maximize your iron absorption is to pair foods together. For instance, put oranges in your spinach salad. The vitamin C will help your body retain more iron.

I love the taper because I am lazy like that. I am getting my hair did tonight (long, long past due). And I have been digging Empire (it certainly is not for everyone though).


Love the taper. The fresh legs remind me that the taper is doing what it should to make my upcoming race what I trained it to be.
Show: last man on earth


I’ve never tapered, I’m still a newb doing my first 5K next month

Iron: Spinach and steak are not enough for me to get my iron levels up I have been taking a supplement to see if it helps won’t know for another month.

What are your Thursday night plans? train for my 5K (I know sounds ridiculous) and a steak salad for dinner much like the one you had

What shows are you into lately? Just started watching Bloodline and we’re hooked.


My favorite part about Newton was seeing the EKG chalk designs on Heartbreak. You’re going to love it!


I am the worst at television. I hardly watch shows on the regular except things like Kardashian and lately, my 600 lb life on TLC. I can’t get over some of those weight loss stories.


I’m feeling the same way about Boston (which is only 11 days away!!!) I’m excited one minute, nervous the next. Even though this is my fourth Boston and will be my ninth marathon, I still get just as nervous.

I absolutely HATE the taper. It is the worst. I find it nearly impossible to stop myself and hold back. But I must say, it is nice to be able to have a life again. My family and friends actually get to see me, and I feel like I am not constantly getting ready to run or sweaty from finishing a run. And yeah, I start to wear ‘normal’ clothes…like jeans!

I am vegan, so I get my iron mostly from tofu, soy, beans, leafy greens, spinach, mushrooms and cereal. I also drink Juice Press juices and take supplements.
Did you know you should take iron with vit c to enhance absorption?

I heard about Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, too…but haven’t started watching it yet.


The Real Housewives of New York is back and Bethenny is on it again! YES!


You will do amazing! I’m so excited for you!! :)


Yep. That video made me emotional.


Good luck, it’s been fun to watch (re: read) your training and preparation! Gotta love the throw away fit and finds at the thrift store! xoxo, ganeeban


I’ve only done one taper, so I don’t know if I’m really qualified enough to answer, but… it felt weird to me. I mean it was nice to be able to relax in a way but I just constantly had this feeling that I wasn’t doing enough, you know…?

My Thursday night plans are wild! I’m over at my parents house and I’m gonna take my pup out for a quick run/walk, and then I’m going to get in my run.

We just finished watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. If you haven’t seen it, you need to. But, you have to stick with it because the first season kind of dragged.


Wait wait wait! go back. You went to the thrift store to buy throwaway clothes? What a great idea!!! I’m a big fan of goodwill. You can get amazing deals especially for clothes that you are just going to toss. Can you talk more about that? Do you look for specific athletic jackets or just anything that you can wear before the race and then take off quickly. Any good thrift shop tips for finding race clothes?? You are such an inspiration and you are going to rock boston!! Stay beautiful pretty lady!!


whole grain cereals and spinach!! <3

"Damages" is an awesome show on netflix and omg you look like one of the characters "ellen parsons" ! Mad Men is awesome too!


I’m so excited for you to run Boston! I can’t wait to see /read it through your eyes!! :)
*Thursday plans are Little Mermaid for the 2nd time today before peanut goes to bed :)
*I love survivor! & Secrets and Lies, that’s a good one!


you guys DEFINITELY need a dog! I’ve been watchig Nashville on Hulu.. It’s so addicting and makes the treadmill miles fly by :)


You must must MUST watch the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix! It’s so funny–I watch it while I sit in my ice bath to distract me from the fact that I’m freezing my booty off!

You are one tough chicky–I’m running the Vancouver Marathon on May 3, and it’s been a really challenging training cycle this time around. You’re keeping me motivated and inspired to keep going when I want to quit! I can’t wait to see how you do in Boston–you’re going to #beamazing. XO


It’s probably different for half marathons since the taper is a lot shorter, but I really enjoy it. I feel like I worked hard and can kind of relax and look forward to the race. And I also like take a week off post race to recover. Maybe I’m just lazy, but I enjoy just having a reset from focusing so much on running.
Right now I’m binge watching Parks and Rec and I have to say I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this show! It’s so well written I can’t even decide which character is my favorite. I also really love Castle. I just like his wit. And I think I may have a crush on Nathan Fillion.


I definitely get antsy and anxious during the taper period! One of my fave new shows is The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It’s a little wacky, which is perfect


Tapers are great, but I get antsy too!!
It’s getting so close…. so exciting!!
I eat a ton of spinach for iron + red meat once a week.
I miss TV! I don’t watch because I fall asleep! :)

Love the throw away clothes from thrift store idea!!!


April 20 is my daughters first birthday and I’m kind of ridiculously excited that we will be celebrating 1 year of life on the same day as Boston. It’s going to be a very good day. ;)
I have not yet experienced the taper as I am in the process of training for my first marathon now (marathon date=June 20!). But I think I’ll enjoy it. It’s all part of this wonderful training process. :)
Iron=spinach. Lots and lots of spinach.
Thursday plans= usually I would be watching Scandal (my show recommendation) but no new episode tonight :(. I should probably catch up on homework (life of a college student woo hoo!)


I worked out and then came home and ate all the food. My husband and I have been catching up on Brooklyn 99…it’s so funny!


You have worked so hard and the marathon will just be your victory lap! I always get phantom pains during taper. Just my mind overthinking everything :)


I’m watching the Voice on my DVR. I need to go up stairs and pack. I’m going on a little weekend getaway tomorrow. :)
I love the taper but always panic when my long run becomes single digits. Lol.


What are your goals for Boston?
I always thought that if I ran Boston or even the New York Marathon I would run to enjoy the experience instead of killing myself for speed.

I’m excited for you!


Kathee… I used to say that too but now that I am actually going to Boston this year I feel like you are never guaranteed to go back so do the best you can do! Either way I will have an amazing time…but it’s always more fun for me if I run well too! :)


I am tapering for Boston right now too :) I feel like you in that I enjoy having a nice break from intense training but it is hard sometimes to stop when you feel so good. And then other times during the taper I feel sluggish and weird and am happy I only have x miles to run and wonder how in the heck I am going to run 26.2 in…10 days!?! Ah so nervous and excited too!! It is going to be so great :)


Thanks for the exciting Boston video! I’m running Boston for the first time this year and am trying to get myself mentally psyched up and ready. The nerves/excitement are slowly setting in, but I’m having trouble realizing it’s actually only days away…. and watching videos really help to pump me up. T-minus 11 days until we’re toeing the starting line!


haha food calms my nerves too!


I have my throwaway clothes planned too!! Can’t wait!

I try to eat my iron but I also take iron pills too so that I get enough:)


The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is AMAZING.


I am super excited for you. Race day is right around the corner!! I’ll be running vicariously through you :)


Janae!!! This video just got me so pumped up as I’m getting ready for work! The Newton Hills are beastly, but with your solid training you got this in the bag. They are not as daunting as I had psyched myself up for. ;) Take in every inch of your Boston experience because I assure you that you will hit replay a zillion times over!

I am also getting my gear ready and am getting throwaways on Saturday. Some of my prep also involves getting Canada Flag tattoos. Each year I stick one to my cheek and I get crazy cheers from spectators for it. :D

Tapering really used to make me go bonkers, but after learning that I race better rested as opposed to being over trained I now embrace it and have more time to get things done, like clean! LOL.

I seriously hope I run into you somewhere in Boston!


That looks like the BEST dog for you right now. ha! (Maintenance free!)

I actually can’t wait to see what kind of puppy you end up getting ~ some day ~ some year…yea, it will be worth the wait. ;-)


-I find it difficult to cut back on my mileage. I just feel like I should be running farther! Gotta keep reminding myself that it’s important to taper!
-I get my iron by eating lots of spinach and cheerios! I don’t eat too much red meat, so I try to get enough by those two foods!
-I’m always into Modern Family…I never get sick of that show :)


The taper is so hard for me!!! And my “easy” runs always feel like my legs are lead which makes me so nervous! TEN DAYS!!!!!

If you have never watched 24 (I know I am way behind in the times), it is on Amazon prime and there are two million episodes so great for binge watching and intense!


hahah brooke sitting there with the target dog- that’s cute! It looks like she’s talking to him :)


so exciting! I live in Boston and ran it in 2012 it’s is such a good race and such a great time to be in the city. I will be there watching and will look for you to cheer on! Also can’t wait to go shopping at the expo its on of the best!


Oh man – that video made me so emotional. Knowing the exhaustive joy on those runners faces, watching the little kids supporting the marathoners, and just thinking about the trial that is going on. It is so moving.

I cannot wait to track you! Rest up :) I love the taper period probably a little too much…


You should get a cat!! Less time commitment and just as cute and lovable!


This is the perfect Boston prep video….”Run Run Run”! So motivating although us Bostonites trained in much more snow than they show here!


Ah that is where I watch the marathon from! I have to work this year, boo, but I hope to sneak out for an early lunch and watch the runners, I would love to see you and cheer you on!!


I live along the marathon course (in Framingham) and have watched the marathon for as long as I can remember. Some of my best memories growing up are from Marathon Monday. It’s so exciting to just watch and shout cheers of support and encouragement. As someone who is also obsessed with ice cream, candy (Starburst jelly beans- fave reds have been my long run fuel for probably too long!), and Brooks running sneakers, I check your blog daily and will definitely be looking for your speedy self from where I watch along the course! I can’t wait to hear how great you do! Good luck!!


Why does San Diego NOT have a Cafe Rio!? Your salad pictures make my mouth water – not fair!

EEK! Boston is only a week and 3 days away! Excited for you!


I am really bad about tapering, I get lazy with training sometimes and lose a good amount of time to taper (bad, I know). I get my iron by spinach and I take a daily vitamin. I don’t like swallowing all of those big pills so I just take a gummy multivitamin with my breakfast each morning! My Thursday night plans are to go to a yummy sushi restaurant then seeing The Longest Ride!! I am so excited for this movie, I feel like I am 16 lol. Some of my usual shows are Real Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, and The Middle.. A nice balance of comedy and drama!


Mmm, I was considering Cafe Rio for lunch today and now I wish I had!


My friend made me start watching Pretty Little Liars and I’m addicted – it’s all on Netflix minus the newest season! Breaking Bad is also awesome if you’ve never seen it.


Janae! You have to try Last Man on Earth with Will Forte, on Fox on sunday nights. You should try to watch the first few episodes online to get caught up and be in the loop- it gets hilarious quickly :)
Anyways, You are almost there girl, and Boston is going to be amazing for you!


I live on the race route – about 1.5 miles from the end on Beacon Street – and will be keeping by eye out for you! Once you see the infamous Citgo sign, you’ll know you’re getting very close to the end (1.5-2 miles away). =)

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