Better to take an extra day or two off than…. duh-duh-duh.

A few things to report to you about:

-My Stonyfield jersey for the marathon just arrived in the mail.  I threw it on the second I opened it, I like it a lot.  I’m thinking I’ll need some arm-warmers to wear with it?!  Thoughts from Bostonians on weather predictions and what to wear would be amazing! 

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-I’ll also be rocking these bracelets from Thought Blossoms on race day!  

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-We have been hunting for leaves a lot lately.

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-I could eat this salad a million times in a row.  Grilled zucchini, grilled chicken, avocado, feta and TJ’s Thai peanut dressing.  

Also, I have successfully almost eaten all of our hard-boiled eggs as of this afternoon.

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-You can check out my tips for running with people HERE!!!!

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-I’ve been doing my homework and studying Your Guide To Running the Boston Marathon Like A Pro.   I need to recruit somebody to make sure that I don’t go out way too fast during those first few downhill miles so I don’t crash later on.   

-I put myself to bed last night when Brooke went to bed.  AKA I got 9 hours of sleep last night.  I am already mastering the skill of getting loads of sleep in preparation for a marathon.  

-Brooke poured her bubbles from her Easter basket on me.  You can’t really tell but she got a ton of it in my hair.  It forced me to wash my hair 3 full days before I normally would have.  I’ll forgive her.

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My silly right foot.  

During my tempo run on Saturday my feet felt great, there wasn’t even a tiny bit of pain.  It wasn’t until I woke up on Sunday that I noticed my foot was a little swollen and that it didn’t feel super great.  I did the rest, ice, elevate thing and it felt much better when I woke up this morning but I am still playing it safe.  

This actually might be a good thing in the long run because it is forcing me to rest a bit more during the taper.  I am going in to see Dr.  Bennett in just a few hours and I am sure he will fix it all up but still….  right foot, you better behave yourself over the next two weeks.  

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I really wanted to run this morning (I even had a fun scheduled run with somebody that I had to cancel) but I restrained.  There is NO point to risk an injury… Boston is way too close.  An extra day or two off from running > hurting yourself to fit in a few miles.  

So today I did the strength training thing with some time on the stationary bike.  I’ll be honest, it was boring but you gotta do what you gotta do.  I’ll never understand why I don’t get bored while running on a treadmill when every other activity at the gym makes me extremely bored.  

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Hope you are having a great Monday.  I’ll see you in the morning.  

Fill me in on what is going on in your world lately!!!!!

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You’re so smarts play it safe this close to race day!
9 hours of sleep sounds heavenly.
My husband went to the college basketball championship today, so it’s been a pretty low key day at my house. I had a fun run with friends and ran some errands this afternoon. :)


I am kind of exhausted today. Too much time running around yesterday and in bed way too late! Not to mention extra early to work today (not by choice!).

My husband told me the greatest (i.e. cheesiest) joke today. What do you call 10 bunnies marching backwards?

A receding hare-line :)


Ha ha…Thx made me giggle


Ouch! I’m sending you lots of good healing vibes! I’m sure it’ll be better with just a bit of rest.

I’m still recovering from my candy/food coma from yesterday! I slogged through 7 miles at lunchtime and am finally feeling a little more energetic. Holidays really take it out of me!


You are smart lady! I’m terrible about pushing myself when I should really back off. I think it’s funny you’re bored at the gym. I will say it is a completely different mentality to do strength training or spin than it is to be outside running your heart out. You have to adjust your mentality and have different expectations from them. I also try to trick myself by doing strength training first so I can look forward to the cardio afterwards.


Love the jersey and the bracelets! Sending super positive thoughts about your foot!

The past couple of years I’ve worn a zip up hoodie and pants to athlete’s village that I just end up tossing once i get to the starting line. I always got there super early (because i’m a headcase before a race) so I was waiting around for a long time in the chilly morning air. The other good idea I saw last year was a snuggie! Hope this helps!


Smart move!
I spent the whole weekend with the boyfriend and now I don’t see him for 5 days and I am sad. But we are going on a mini vacation next week so that is what I will look forward to for the next 5 days. :)


Oh no, I hope your foot gets better and not worse. It sounds like you’re doing the right thing by taking it easy.


From someone who grew up here and has run Boston 3 times…I would say pay attention to the weather as it gets closer and bring lots of options!!! One year I ran it in long sleeves, capri pants and gloves…and was never warm. The very next year it was 80 degrees at the finish and I was beyond dehydrated and sun burned :-( It has yet to hit 60 here…so hopefully that will mean good running weather on Marathon Monday.


I love the feeling when you wake up from a good night’s sleep! Hopefully everything works out okay with your foot :/

I had a killer race on Saturday and I took yesterday off. My first few miles were tough today but I’m really glad I kept going because once all of the kinks worked themselves out, the rest of the run was great. I’m only 3 weeks away from my half marathon and every tweak I feel freaks me out!


I hope your foot gets better soon! You’re so smart for resting it. Like you said, no use getting injured this close to race day.

My fiance is running his first 5k with me this weekend! I’ve been trying to get him to run with ever since we started dating and he finally gave in this year. He’s already planning his next race :) I think I created a monster!


I love your jersey! Ahh Boston is so close!!


oooh. nice nice jersey. and I love that brand.! so that’s a good one to represent. lol
and yess, defenitly way better to play it safe right before a Marathon. Not just any marathon either. Boston.! Need you healthy and a 100% there. :)

I did slow 5 recovery miles today. and I ate seaweed for lunch.!! soo good. besides that, I’m really tired and wish I would have had 9 hours of sleep also.! I got like 5 to 6 only :/


Ooh, sorry to hear about the issue with your foot. Isn’t it amazing how our bodies start showing signs of weakness and our mind can make us second guess ourselves during the taper. You were smart to take it easy and not overdue when injured. I hope Dr. Bennett can work his magic.

Today was a rest day for me – lots of work, Parenthood, and catching up on life. :)


I had the same thing happen to me on my foot a few weeks ago! I felt great running then the next day my foot hurt and was swollen in the same place yours is. I wear PureFlows, and the doctor I saw thinks it is from tying them too tight or different (maybe the tongue was kinda of twisted or something). I could feel it a bit walking around, but didn’t hurt worse running. They did a bunch of tests and nothing hurt to make him think it was a stress fracture. I took a couple days off just in case and then got back into it and it went away. Now I make sure to not tie them tight and double knot just in case :)


My world….. paperwork! At work right now working on documentation for all my clients (case manager/resident services coordinator with a non profit on skid row), as well as MY paperwork! I need to update my passport, cancel one health insurance, get a doctor/dentist/visions appt set, get my cat all set up with a vet appt….. basically keeping very very busy. my training plan starts TODAY!! for my 50 miler in August… and it’s a rest day heheh. Taking today to get mentally prepared and pumped. I am very excited, and I’m hoping this enthusiasm lasts!! And I love that singlet, that’s super cute.


I’m resting my angry and swollen achilles today after a 20 miler on Saturday. It had better straighten up and behave. I have a marathon in 5 weeks! Any suggestions?


Ugh, this is the worst! I’m so sorry. My achilles was acting up when I started training for Boston in December.
I used ice and ibuprofen to calm the swelling. Until I could run without pain, I had to cycle to keep myself in shape (and sane).
Stretching helped a lot, as well.

Hope you feel better soon! And good luck with your marathon! Which one are you running?


Thanks! I’m running the Eugene Marathon. :)


Hi Christina,

Rest & don’t push it with your training right now. Ice and elevate your leg. Of course, physical therapy helps but in between visits you can also use essential oils like peppermint, lemongrass, and rosemary! It’s frustrating right now but don’t worry you’ll be ready for your marathon!


Thanks Roxana! I’ve never heard of using essential oils for achilles pain. I might have to try it. At least I’ll smell good. ;)


Boston weather has been unseasonably cold, but you never know on race day! I definitely recommend starting with more layers and shedding as it warms up. My plan for race day is a tank and shorts with arm warmers. Good luck!


I had the same thing with my left foot. My extensor tendon was inflamed because my shoes were too tied too tight, and I was running on a lot of snow which required my foot to move more. I wear Brooks Pure Cadence and have noticed the Nav band was tight and rubbing against that top foot nodule.
I took it easy, changed the way I lace my shoes, stretched out that Nav band, massaged the tendon and it is fine now. I did use some KT tape on the top of my foot and that helped. Hopefully your foot will heal quickly!


I am sure your foot will be great and resting an extra day will get you right back to where you need to be! That salad does look A-MAZING. And gotta love 9 hours of sleep. I am so disciplined w/ my sleep. I just need 8 hours per night but about once per week I make sure to stay in bed for 9-10. It’s blissful.


I was just in Boston this weekend and there was still plenty of snow but it is definitely warming up. Tough to say what the weather will be like on marathon day, but I know I will be checking obsessively once the 10-day forecast is up.

I’ve run Boston the past two years and both times ran in a tank top and shorts and was almost a little bit hot. I would much rather be cold when I run, so I was very happy with the clothes I wore. Even if the temperature is in the 50s, the sun is STRONG (I got sunburned both years). So I would definitely recommend dressing on the lighter side, even though Boston’s winter has been horrendous. That being said, if we get snow on marathon monday we are all in trouble…


Cute tank top! And that salad looks amazing. I think I need one ASAP.



Good thing you listened to your body! I have learned the hard way too many times that that is the best course of action. Whenever I feel and injury coming on I take time to rest even if I don’t like it. Not listening to my body took me out of commission for a lot longer than if I had just rested up. You’ll do great in Boston!!


First and most important…sending you healing thoughts! And yes, definetly better to play it safe. Good luck at the MD today.

As far as what to wear for Boston, my best advice is to be prepared for the possiblilty of a cold, damp start at athletes village. The village is on a high school field, so it is usually a field of wet grass! I bring heat sheets…either from old races (if you saved them) or you can buy them at REI or a camping supply store. You can use them as a ground cover and to wrap yourself to stay warm while walking to the corrals and until your wave starts. I find this easier than trying to find “throw away” clothes. I’ve seen people use yoga mats, too…but kinda bulky to carry on the buses.

I wore arm warmers last year. Couldnt keep them on the entire race because it got so warm! But perfect because they are easy to remove and carry. I hate having extra clothes tied around my waist!


Hope your foot feels better soon! It’s smart of you to rest a bit from running.
The Stonyfield tank has the prettiest colors! I bet you could find some really cute arm warmers to match.


Did any of your toes feel weird at all when your foot was hurting? I had pain and swelling in the same area on my foot for the longest time, one doctor said it was a sprain and I rested for what felt like FOREVER, with no help. Next doctor sent me for an MRI that didn’t show anything either. I finally got referred to a podiatrist who said cartilage between two of the bones on my foot is pressing up on the nerve, and my shoe on top is compressing it. I got a nice cortisone shot (ouch and yikes) and he recommended I tie my shoes differently so that the laces don’t cross over that part. That was a couple years ago and my foot bothers me occasionally, but usually it’s when I’ve been wearing the “wrong” shoes – any that press down on the top of my foot.


I am resting today due to tendinitis outside my ankle. It came all the sudden so I am with you on taking an extra rest day just to be safe…it is hard though! I have a half in two weeks and really wanted to PR:( Hopefully we’ll be good!


I am right there with you on taking days off. Last week, I tweaked my right knee during a speed workout and forced myself to take 2 dyays off to rest, ice, pop some Advil, etc. After my 20 mile run this weekend, my knee feels fine, but I am definitely taking it easy these next 2 weeks leading up to Boston. You are right that taking a couple days off running >> further injuring yourself (no matterhow hard taking those days off may be!). Good luck with the taper!


Eek. Hope your foot heals soon. Did you wear new shoes? …hopefully just a bit of inflammation that the doc, ice and maybe an anti-inflammatory can help alleviate.

I completely agree about the gym – ugh. But I hate running on the treadmill there too! I can’t stand it longer than half an hour. There’s something so strange to me about grinding away on a machine indoors where it’s stuffy and loud. I’d rather be outdoors any day. I was actually supposed to x-train yesterday but only managed 30 minutes indoors before I bailed and just went for a long walk instead. Yeah, it doesn’t get my heart rate up – but I’ll take fresh cold air and sunshine any day!


rest rest rest!!! You are going to heal up fast and will do great at Boston. Following your blog everyday and reading about your training journey really inspires me!

Jealous of your 9 hours of sleep.. I might have to make that my goal for the day :)


Boston will be here soon! I am so excited for you! Your new tank is super cute! I was beyond excited today…I located a pair of the Brooks Launch 2 Lobster shoes. One of the running shoes in Boston is shipping them to me. They are out of stock just about everywhere. I don’t think I will run in them…I like to run in my Mizuno wave rider 18’s….but they are soooo cute. I will cross train in them and use them for everyday use. I hope your foot feels better soon :)!


I’m the same way when it comes to the gym. I love the treadmill but everything else is so boring :( Way to be smart about your foot! I hope it isn’t anything serious :(


Oh no! I hope your foot is better. Do you think it was caused by tying your shoes too tightly? I killed the top of my foot doing that!!


I seriously needed to read this right now! I have discovered this super strange pain in my foot (it feels like I am stepping on a pushpin 24/7) not to mention my legs have been sore for a week…and yet I STILL feel like I should go to the gym this afternoon! Nope. > injuries. You are so right. I hope everything is good with you!


Sending you some healing prayers for that foot! I know it won’t slow you down for long!


Hi Chica! Regarding your foot, ice it! I had a both my feet get strained almost in the same spot as yours one month before a race. My phyical therapist nursed be back through electric stem, ultrasound massage, adjustments, foot exercises, ice, and keep foot elevated. I also use Deep Blue, a Doterra essential oil blend for stuff like. Or you can use peppermint, lemongrass or rosemary oils. You’ll be ready for Boston!


Nooooooo!!!! Your foot!!! Dr B better work his magic on you.

That salad looks amazing. Like I just wiped drool from my mouth, amazing. And for me to think anything looks good is saying something because I have been in a food coma after this weekend. I am stupid and weighed myself this morning. Lets just say it wasn’t pretty…not surprised I saw what I put in my mouth this last week. But only briefly cause I had to get another spoonful quick. Duh.


Ouch! Good call on taking it easy! Boston is so close and you are gonna kill it, lady!

Spring Break is in full swing!! Yahoo! We have had the best first day! My two year old little buddy asked me, as we were getting into the car this morning, “School now?” (I call the child-care place he goes to “school” so he feels like he does what his sister and I do) and when I told him that I didn’t have school today, he goes, “Ever? All day? AWESOME!!” Gotta love that! :)

Workouts for this week will all be at a reasonable hour, and that right there is enough to make Spring Break amazing!

PS – I seriously love that you eat on your place mats! Inspiring me to pull mine out tonight. :)


Hope your foot turns out to be just a simple issue and feels better with a couple days off!!
I’m right there with you – never bored on the treadmill but doing my own workout sometimes I find my mind wandering!


Love the jersey! My boyfriend is running Boston this year and I’m so excited to cheer for him and everyone else along the way! I’ll be cheering loud if I see you!

I’m not running Boston but I am running the Fargo Half Marathon next month! Not quite as exciting :)

Hope you’re having a great Monday!


Hey Janae!!!
So excited that you will be running Boston this year. I live about a block away from mile 23 and I will be out cheering you and all the runners on!! This is the BEST day to be in this city and the energy is like no other race!
New England weather is unpredictable but definitely chilly on April mornings. I would definitely wear a hoodie in the morning, but it will (hopefully) get a lot warmer during the day, especially if the sun is shining.
Best of luck with the rest if your taper, hopefully I’ll catch you zooming by at the end of the race :-)! You’re gonna rock it!!!



Have you ever ran and gotten a black toe or black patch at the side of your foot? What does it mean and what should I do?


Sending healing thoughts for your foot!!!!! Fingers crossed it heals up nice and fast!


WOOHOO for Boston getting so close! I’ll be it running for the first time too, and am definitely feeling the nervousness/excitement/anxiety. I live in Boston and am keeping my fingers crossed that it’s around 50-60 for the race… I’m thinking it’ll be cold in the AM and a good temperature during the race, but knowing our track record this winter they’ll be snow (just kidding… sort of).

Hope to see you there!


I LOVE running with people, but in some places, like where I currently live, sometimes get into a rut not being able to meet a group. Realistically, I’ve never actually met anyone at a race and become running buddies with them.
I’ love to read a post with tips for meeting running buddies!


Lately I’ve just been chugging along with school and exercise! For school, I just took my SATs and got a 1940, super excited about that! I hope that I can be competitive when applying to SDSU in the fall:)

As for exercise, I recently signed up for BodyPump instructor training! I’m addicted to the Les Mills classes and can’t wait to teach my own. I’ve also been preparing for the Rock n Roll Half in San Diego. Super pumped for that! On top of all that I’ve been getting my own blog up and running! Overall, it’s been an amazing few weeks!

I hope your foot gets back to 100% ASAP! You know what you’re doing, though, so I have no doubts:) As always, good luck with your final couple of weeks of training!


Fingers crossed for your foot! And that jersey… I love it. The color is gorgeous and goes very well with your bubble hair ;) I say start a trend, no use in washing your hair a few days early LOL.


Yes, definitely better to be safe with Boston this close! Hoping your foot is back to normal in no time!


Dear foot,
You behave yourself, ya hear?

There – that should do it! :)

I went to bed at 8:30 PM the other night and it felt heavenly. Why don’t I do that more often?
Today? Busy, busy and tired, tired from the weekend. Blessed and happy!
Have a wonderful day!!!


I really could use 9 hours of sleep. Lately I’ve been running on around 7 and I’m used to 8… aka I’m super tired all day! I hope the foot is feeling better!!! Just remember everything happens for a reason :)


Booo right foot!!! I hope it starts feeling better!


Healing thoughts your way for your foot :(


Boston is still struggling with this whole spring concept, partly cloudy and 45 today but possibility of snow (!) on wednesday. Would recommend investing in arm warmers because marathon monday weather is notoriously unpredictable, be prepared for anything!

Hope that foot feels better so that you can arrive in boston rested and ready to take on one of the greatest marathons!


Janae, I really hope it isn’t because I want you to crush your goals at Boston, but I’m very worried that you have a stress fracture in your foot. I am recovering from a stress fracture in my foot and mine blew up like that too. Please see your GP and get a referral for a bone scan or MRI. I really don’t want to see you run another marathon on a stress fracture, and the metatarsals are such tiny bones it could progress to a full-on fracture if you run on it. :(


Boston weather in April is so tempermental. Maybe bring disposable layers?
My ACE Health Coach certificate came in the mail today!!! (I’m a little excited)
I just finished prepping forms for my health coach biz and I’m working with my web guy to get everything set up.


Hope your foot turns out to be nothing, sending good vibes! Love the singlet! Boston weather is so unpredictable and with it being a later marathon younger wind up warm.


I’m sure someone else mentioned this above, but – that has happened to my foot, and it was from lacing too tightly over my arch. I loosened the laces and it went away right away!


Good luck with your foot! Hope it gets itself in line soon! I just
Got home from camping on the Mogollon Rim this weekend! It was a blast!


Hi – reading your post inspired me to write a bit about tapering. You have lots of time to recover – get better and keep your head on straight. Boston weather can be crazy this time of year – when I ran it was + 22 degrees and I was completely not ready for that kind of heat in April. Other years of course, rain and just above freezing. Take lots of clothes and be ready no matter what. Keep in mind that any rest you give your foot is just helping you get stronger for race day.


The extended forecast is calling for a high of upper 60s and partly sunny. I hope all the snow is gone from the runner’s village!


Hope your foot is feeling better soon! Your jersey is really cute!

At the end of the month I get to go on a trip to DC with my husband- I was excited to learn on our flight home we have a layover in SLC(returning to Portland), and I just checked the airport website- yes, there is a Cafe Rio! I so hope we have time to find it! Your pics always look so yummy!


What a gorgeous picture of Brooke! We are getting a new banister installed so we are playing fun games of how to keep the toddler contained in various parts of the house while the construction is going on :)
Great color on the singlet! That will look outstanding with black warmers!


I will be running my second half marathon and finishing my freshman year of college in 4 WEEKS! I cant believe how fast time flies!


Love the thought blossom bracelets!!!

Hoping your foot is feeling much better today!!! Glad you are playing it smart this close to Boston to prevent further injury!!

Crazy off the wall question…… what kind of rubber bands or clips to you put your hair up with? I have long hair and have yet to find that perfect way to put it up! Drives me crazy… have actually thought about cutting my hair! I always end up braiding it because otherwise it falls down or gets all tangle up!!! Thanks in advance!


Love the Stonyfield top :) The color is so cute! Good luck resting and getting ready for the big race!!! :)


Oh wow, that foot isn’t what you want to see two weeks out…..
I’m sending you best wishes, I hope it’s a case of shoelaces too tight or something really arbitrary and short lived.
Ice, elevate and stay off it!


I had multiple foot issues including stress fracture and extensor tendonitis. Hoka sneakers saved me. I love the new hoka odyssey. Light weight and like running on cloud . However I’m guessing you have partnership with brooks. Good luck!


Rest up! I hope whatever it is settles down soon!

I’m currently in Louisville, KY for work and there is a torrential downpour outside. I’m rockin a boot on one foot and heels on the other and am dreading going outside :)


I live in Boston and the weather has been unseasonably cold. I think tomorrow the high is in the 30’s. But, it looks like in the next week or so it is going to warm up. We have had a crazy few months so I would prepare for anything!


Oiselle arm warmers are a must!! They even have them in orange :) Glad everything turned out great with your foot!!


I’m from Boston and sadly, I have seen every weather condition imaginable on race day :(
Like Kelly said, I would prepare for anything!


Sorry you got bubbles poured on you but I LOVE those sunglasses in your pic! What are THEY? I’m in the market for a new pair just like those!


That salad looks great! I’m glad you were able to get your foot looked at.

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