Time passes and pain turns into memory and 10 pick-ups.

Things were real festive at the gym today.  Pretty much everybody was in green and one guy brought his bagpipe and was playing it right in front of the treadmills for a good 15 minutes straight.   The entertainment of people watching today was on point.  I also forgot to wash off my eye makeup last night so I had some sweet raccoon eyes.  

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I had 10 miles on my schedule with 10 fast pick-ups thrown in there.  Average pace of 6:56 for the ten miles.  The pick-ups felt pretty tough (5:48 pace) but I am happy because the other miles (in the low 7’s) felt comfortable.  That is something that I love about fartleks/intervals—> the really tough paces make the somewhat tough paces feel like a piece of cake in comparison.    

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I saw the new Cinderella movie (I absolutely loved it) the other day and a quote from the movie really stood out to me:

“Time passes and pain turns into memory.”

After my divorce there were certain places around town I just could not go.  It was too painful.  I felt too much when I would go to these places and so I avoided them altogether because of the feelings that they would bring me.  

It has been a year and eight months and most of the pain has turned into a memory.  I am able to go to places (like the Provo Bakery below) that remind me of my ex and just smile.  I can think about the good times that we did have and be happy rather than feel all of the pain associated with my divorce.  It took a heck of a lot of time to get to that point but man, I am glad that the pain is just a memory now and not an every day (every minute) struggle like it used to be!  

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If I have a house at some point in my life, just expect donut floors in the kitchen.  

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Donuts and holidays go hand and hand for us.  

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We then went over to my sister’s house for some trampoline time while my sister and I caught up on life.  I hadn’t seen her since Sunday so clearly we had a lot to talk about;)  

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There was a sweet potato somewhere under all of that shredded chicken.  

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After a shower (it’s about time) I put on one of Sarah’s shirts!  

“It’s about more than just loving the run, its running for something…for someone.  Run Far Gear started as a way to give back to the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock.  Which is why 10% of all profits are donated directly to CHaD.  By wearing this inspirational apparel you’re not only showing that you love to run, but you’re also showing that you care.”  

***ALSO, 20% of sales of all blue and yellow items from now until 4/20 go to Girls on the Run in the name of Team Stonyfield and the Boston Marathon!

Love it.  Check out her stuff HERE!

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Had any green food today?  Done anything special to celebrate today?

Who has seen the new Cinderella movie?  Thoughts?

What would you like your next donut to be?  Frosted/glazed/apple fritter/jelly filled/sprinkles/cake/old-fashioned and the list goes on… 

Do you play any musical instruments?

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I LOVE my RunFarGirl shirts!!
Great treadmill workout and a big woo hoo to closure!!!
I wore green and sadly the only green food I’ve had was a green smoothie.
Fave donut: chocolate covered glazed
I play the violin:)


I love that there was a bagpiper at your gym! There was one standing on the top of a ski lift during one of my high school cross country races once. It was just what I needed as a pick me up when I got to the top of the ski slope! I personally play the flute and saxophone, and have tried many more instruments.
I’ve yet to have any green food today, but I’ll be having a green drink with dinner tonight. My next donut would definitely be jelly filled and sugar coated :)


I hope you get that jelly filled and sugar coated dinner ASAP!! Okay, that is awesome that there was a bagpiper at your cross country race!


Dang!I can’t imagine running splits at your pace! Way to go!

Nothing too specific to celebrate, I did get to have lunch with one of my old friends and her adorable 3 year old twin girls! So much fun! Love them!

I like glazed yeast donuts. Yum…

I used to play the flute in middle/high school. Pretty sure I still could.


I would pick a plain old glazed donut if I ever had to choose. My work had free acai bowls at lunch with tons of granola, banana and berries for St. Patty’s Day. They were so delicious! Someone needs to invent an acai donut soon!


Ummmm that is awesome!!! Free acai bowls?! Those things are incredible. Good call on the acai donut!


I thought Cinderella was really well done! The woman who played Ella was great, and I love that the story focused so much on her and her dad. The actor who played the price was quite charming ;) He had great eyes!

Way to go on your run today!!! I can’t wait to get out of work for mine. And I’m going to go for a new plank PR tonight… 3 minutes! Eek!


So happy for you…I feel like once you can put the pain behind you, forgive and be true to yourself good things start to happen. 2015 is your year.:)


Thank you so much Amy! I think you are absolutely right. I hope you are having an amazing Tuesday:)


That shirt is so cute. And I SO need to get my hands on that mango salsa you are loving lately!

I’m planning on seeing Cinderella this weekend, looks SO SO GOOD!


You heal stronger where life created a wound! You are so strong.
I passed a car today that was completely decorated for St Patty’s Day and then I pulled up alongside and the lady was dressed as a leprechaun. Seriously, made me day. I love how passionate people can get about holidays. Makes life fun!!


That doughnut looks delicious!

I’m jealous that it’s warm enough there to be outside without jackets. We’ve had a few colder days with snow.


I’m so happy to hear how you’ve healed and moved on! That’s such a great quote and so true. Also, what an awesome workout! You are going to run so fast at Boston!
Celebrating for St Patty’s is laidback this year—corned beef hash and beer at home :)
The next donut I want to have is an apple fritter or this amazing campfire s’more donut I had last time I was in St. louis.


I actually stopped at the donut place by my house on my way home from my run on Sunday. I had been craving one of their lemon pistachio old fashioned donuts and figured why not just undo everything I have just done? It was delicious.

I definitely agree about pain fading into memory. When I was in active addiction and then sent to jail it was a horrible time for me. Being some years removed from that now I am able to be grateful for everything that has happened in my life bc I am where I am and the person I am because of it!


My all-time favorite do-nut is a jelly filled glazed. I could eat them every day.

I play the clarinet, piano and guitar and I’ve tried many other instruments.


I wouldn’t go to my favorite place, the cheesecake factory, for just about 2 YEARS after my marriage fell apart. One day my friend forced me and took me… and I am very glad she did. Since then I do not allow any place to become off limits, as hard as it can be, I force myself to keep going to them if I like them, especially if they serve dessert!


Yaaaaas! Realizing that things associated with your ex no longer hurt anymore is the best feeling.
I want my next donut to be filled with raspberry jelly and bavarian cream. Does that exist?


I had a green smoothie at breakfast! I am making a ‘rainbow pizza’ for dinner with green fruit kabobs and fruity pebble RKT for dessert. I am going for easy and kids friendly here, obviously.

Your workout makes me tired. You are doing so awesome with all your running and workouts. Good things are going to come your way with racing this year!

I am so happy that things continue to get better for you emotionally. You aren’t just a strong runner. You are a strong person and it shows by all that you have overcome, the peace you have made with it and how you just deal with everything.

I would say maybe and apple fritter or an old fashioned glazed donut. But I don’t discriminate against donuts…or pretty much any form of sugar for that matter.


I love the “run” shirt! And I’ve never tried an apple fritter, so I really want to! I have no idea where to find them around here, though.


I am actually headed to my parents for dinner. They are making corned beef and cabbage. :) I play the piano.
I can totally relate to the pain becoming just a memory. After my husband died I didn’t think I could ever go skiing in Vermont again. It was our thing. But after about 6 years I had the opportunity to go and I did and I was fine. :) and this year my boyfriend and I had the best weekend up there skiing. Same mountain and all. It made me smile.


Pain does turn into memory! What a great quote! I want to see that movie!

And what a yummy looking donut! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


I haven’t celebrated yet but Ive been wearing my greens!


I want to see Cinderella so bad. I think i’ll need to go to the movies this weekend! The only green food I’ve had are grapes!

I play the flute/piccolo!

For the longest time after my godfather died I wasn’t able to go out to his lake house, because it just brought up too many emotions. Now I can go there and it’s not painful at all, I’m able to relish in memories that brought me so much joy.

You are brave and I’m so glad you’re moving forward. <3


I celebrated St. P’s by running with a friend and eating a bowl of lucky charms. ☺

Lately, I have been obsessed with donuts. They are by far one of my biggest pregnancy cravings. More than anything right now, I crave a maple bar that is more maple than bar. Mmmmm.

I haven’t seen the new Cinderella movie but I’m hoping to go this week. I’m contemplating dragging my husband but I don’t want to torture him if it’s a really girly movie – do you think he would like it?


I ate broccoli for lunch!! YAY! I didn’t even think about it but go me! Also, I hate donuts (I KNOW) but if one were thrust upon me to eat or I would be slayed like a dragon… chocolate with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. I think.


I haven’t had anything green yet today, but I’m having a salad at dinner.

My next doughnut should be a jelly doughnut, or a cinnamon twist…or an apple fritter…now I want a doughnut!

I used to play piano when I was little, and I tried to learn guitar for a little while, but I’m currently without instrument skills.


I always stick to my usual donut favorite… choclate with sprinkles. so so good and a classic.!! but the one that you have in that pic, looks very good also.

You are so strong Janae. that’s awesome that you have come to that point after your divorce that you can be happy and remember the memores. Obviously it was a big part of your life, so it should be remembered :) and you have your beautiful daughter to have donuts and smiles with. haha.


“Have courage and be kind.” Those words spoke my soul big time! I could watch that movie 50 more times!! And it looks like my life is nowhere near complete because I have never been to Provo Bakery before! My all time fave’s: blueberry cake donuts and cream filled…not Boston or Bavarian cremeb but like the frosting cream! Mmmm!

I play the piano and I search weekly on Craigslist for a good deal on one no miss having a piano soooooo much. It is so therapeutic for me!


One more thing…can I just tell you how happy this post made me?! You are so amazing and strong and I loved reading that you can smile thinking about the good moments. That is a really big deal! I’m sure most people rarely even get to that place. What an incredible, and well deserved, blessing!! Love you!


Awww Janae that’s so awesome. I know we don’t each other but I’m so proud of you and your attitude! I know it was a lot of hard work.
I had some steamed broccoli and zucchini for lunch today, but I didn’t even think about eating green food-ha! I was a rebel though and wore a green shirt under my scrubs (we can only wear white undershirts).
I haven’t see Cinderella, but I want to.
Always–chocolate glazed donuts.


I wore green on my long run. Didn’t see lots of others wearing green on the parkway. Guess I should have brought my pinchers.
Green apple, cucumber…yum


Your random selection of questions at the end of each post are just the best! You certainly get me thinking! And I’m wearing my green socks to teach BODYPUMP tonight! :)


I have been craving a (raspberry jelly filled) donut for awhile now. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten my pregnant butt to a bakery already! Lol.

I’m a music teacher and play the violin, viola, cello, and bass on a daily (weekday) basis!
Enjoy the rest of your day :)


I’m glad to hear you’re healing. I love that quote. I’m actually taking my mom to see that movie this weekend, so I’m glad to hear it’s good!
I love apple fritters, but I call them “bear claws”… it’s a New England thing. My dad is from NH :) I didn’t really do anything festive today, but I did wear green. I used to play the flute, and I also play the bass guitar. I wish I was more talented at it, but it’s fun. I was actually in a metal band in college! SO FUN!


No green food or anything special. I did keep the boys out of daycare today and took them to get new Lego and Duplo sets. We also made Rice Krispie squares that didn’t turn out quite right. We didn’t even wear green. St. Patrick’s Day fail!


Do you have a pot talking more about your divorce? I’m so sorry you went through that…was it that things didn’t work out, or he was not a good father or…? I don’t mean to pry– if you are not comfortable answering, please don’t!


I love holidays for the pure fact that it actually makes dressing my three kids easier because I tell everyone to pick out a certain color (today, green of course) and the outfit options are much more limited – therefore cutting “get ready” time in half :). Oh the joys of independent children!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that shirt you have on – will definitely be checking out their site. Thank you for sharing; I love to shop knowing some portion is actually going towards a worthy cause.

I’m not a huge donut fan (gasp!) but when I do get a craving… and they come more often than I would like!… it’s gotta be Boston Crème! Happy St. Patty’s Day!


I CANNOT believe some guy was playing bag pipes at the gym! Hahahaha that is the most amazing thing I have hear in a long time!
During my race this weekend I couldn’t figure out what was up with my eyes, and then I remembered that I wore mascara for my race (which I don’t normally when I run) and threw water on my head because it was 1,000,000 degrees out.

That is so wonderful to hear about the passing of time and moving on. No one will ever experience your exact challenge, but as I learned as I’ve gotten older, we all have our struggles, so thank you for sharing :)


Happy for you to be at that place.

Nothing special today except dressing Hope and I in green.


Tried mint oreos for the first time today! They were crushed on top of ice cream making it a perfect treat :)

I’ll take a frosted with sprinkles donut, please and thank you!

I played the trumpet in middle school, that’s so funny for me to think back on!

bagpipes man! so funny! Was the gym aware he’d be doing that?


The girls ’round here had donuts this morning….chocolate covered, glazed, powdered, nuts. I had a well checkup first thing so I couldnt eat because I had to fast for tests. By the time I got home they were gone. So I had eggs and cheese wrapped in a tortilla shell. I play the flute. I love the sound. I also love the piano, but dont play. That sweet potato and chicken looks sooooo good!


I had a green smoothie today, no green beer for me. Oh and it took every bit of power in me to not have a delicious donut that was calling my name in orientation.


I saw the new Cinderella movie with my nieces and LOVED IT! so cute! although I came close to crying like 5 times, gah why did it have to be so sad?!


i just found out about those shirts! does anyone know how the fit is?


i love that expression! This May will be 2 years that my older sister passed from a brain tumor. I used to not be able to even talk, type etc about her without boo-hooing but now I think of how much we used to laugh together. Yay for treadmill runs…never thought I’d say that but with darker mornings, I’ve been running a little more at the gym these last couple of weeks….great for speed work! I made green pancakes today for the kids… But my little guy was upset they didn’t taste any different.


Glad that the painful memories are starting to fade and that you can build new memories around special places :). Can’t wait to see Cinderella – its Rose from Downton! No running for me I’m injured. I can play lots of musical intruments as I used to be a music teacher (the piano well and others not so well :))


That shirt is adorable! I need to go check them out!

I play the piano, not as well as I wish, I haven’t been practicing much recently. Ever since I quit my symphony because it didn’t mesh well with my early morning seminary teacher calling I’ve been slacking on my practicing.

I am always so glad when I look back on difficult times in my life and the rawness has subsided and I can see clearly the lessons I learned through those difficult times. I don’t like them, but once I have an understanding of what I learned and why I needed to learn it I am always grateful that I had those experiences so I could conquer something later in life.


I started my day at the dentist, so it only got better from there!

I haven’t seen Cinderella yet, but I plan to soon. I’ve heard it’s pretty darn good.

I played the flute for 4 years and my husband played the cello. My 12yo plays the clarinet, so we occasionally bust ’em all out and play together. We’ve dubbed ourselves the Von Crapp Family to reflect how good we sound.


Oh my gosh, a bagpiper at the gym?! That’s hilarious!

If I had to have a donut right now, I’d get a red velvet cake donuts from Glazed & Infused. Have you ever had theirs before? They’re incredibleeeee


No green food for me! But I would love a red velvet donut with cream cheese icing right now. Please and thank you :)


I love that you share stories with Us :) & turn them into positives! I would like an apple fritter please!


I saw Cinderella TWICE today! I know it sounds like a bit much but I had time to kill and went to see it, loved it so much that I bought another ticket and saw it again. They did an amazing job. I love the message throughout the movie of having courage and being kind.


Love the bagpipes and treadmill imagery!


Janae, the speed of your 10 pickups would make me do 10 throwups.


I enjoyed the Cinderella movie! I wasn’t expecting a whole lot, but I thought it was sweet!

I’m glad things are getting easier for you! I found with my last breakup music was the hardest. So many of my favorites bands reminded me of him, but now I can listen to them without any association! Stay strong lady!


I’m glad you can smile and remember the good times you had with your ex, you are strong and it will keep getting easier.

I bought a chocolate cupcake with green frosting today and I really love Bavarian cream filled donuts.


Bagpipes at the gym? That sounds too cool!

I had a mini St. Patty’s cupcake for breakfast.

We just saw Cinderella the other night and yeah, I LOVED it! Such a pretty movie, and I though Lily did a great job. I remember that quote from the movie- it’s definitely some words to live by. In addition to “have courage and be kind”, of course.

Ya know…you talk about apple fritter often, and I can’t say that I’ve ever had one. So, I think I might want to try that for my net donut.

And, I used to play the clarinet. But now…I just play some mean air drums. ;)


So awesome that the pain is just a memory!!

Lots of green stuff for us today – I made Irish soda bread and a traditional Irish dinner ….the kiddos also did a shamrock craft yesterday. Its was so fun!!

Apple fritter all the way!

So excited to see Cinderella!!

Played the flute (I was first chair!) in high school and then after college totally started playing again. I would love to play for my kids – I should get on that…


That quote stuck out to me too, I’ve been thinking about it ever since!


I had festive music on my iPod for my run today. I love creating playlists for holidays and will keep them year round and listen to them all the time.


I like that quote a lot. Maybe I will see that movie on date night instead of Insurgent… or both :)

So glad to see your attitude and how strong you’ve become the past year and a half, janae!


i didnt do anything to celebrate st patricks day and i even forgot to wear green!


I wore and ate green stuff yesterday, but didn’t get to eat corned beef and cabbage like I wanted to. Oh well!

I ran in a Shamrock 8k on Saturday and there were bagpipe players at every mile marker- it was so cool. There was also a beer stop at every mile for those participating in the Guinness Challenge, but I digress…

While I was out running that race, my husband took our two girls to go see Cinderella, so now I suppose I’ll have to wait for it to come out on DVD. Bummer!

Donuts- don’t eat them often… but I do love a plain cake donut quite a lot.

Instruments- none, but would love to learn to play violin. It speaks to my soul. :)


I can completely relate to avoiding certain places because they bring back too many memories — it’s so good to hear you can visit some of your old favorite places again. Time is a wonderful thing when it comes to healing. :)


I saw Cinderella last night too – it was great!


You are amazing. That’s all.


I know what you mean about spots around town being painful. The worst ones for me were the ones I knew he went with the woman he cheated with me on. Ruined a big part of the city for me. But… I am finally not having anxiety attacks around the areas. I even forgot about it once until someone reminded me a few weeks ago at a certain place. I look forward to more of those days. :-)


love that you have healed so much


So glad you love the tee! Thanks for helping spread the word!


Donuts are so not a big deal up here in AK, maybe I should start up an awesome donut store, you are making me hungry… :)


You continue to be my role model. That’s all. :)


I absolutely LOVED the new Cinderella movie! I went with my mom (because we’re adorable) and they did a beautiful job creating something new, but still classic. I’m pretty sure I’m going to rock a Cinderella costume at school, next Halloween (because it’s the duty of the teacher to have an awesome costume, right?)!


I just love reading your blog! Look forward to reading daily! I started a running blog for fun a couple weeks ago and had a big whopping 8 email subscribers! LoL! I really just like writing the blog, but hope one day to have a follow online you where people will be interactive in comment section. thanks for what you do! Love your site! Not long until Boston!!! Rooting for you to sub 3 hours!!!

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