The worst form of torture.

The absolute worst form of torture for me is staying in a sweaty sports bra after a workout.  It makes every inch of my body freezing cold and just feels awful.  It was a rainy and cold morning here in Utah so the second I finished my run we practically sprinted to the apartment so I could change… Well, I guess I did pause for a selfie and clearly that was worth it.  

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I quit my workout today.  Well, I quit for about 2 minutes before starting all over again.  

The workout called for a 2 mile warm-up with 6 x 1 mile repeats at a 6:10-6:15 pace (with .25 recovery jogs) and a 2 mile cool-down.  I did the first two repeats and stopped the treadmill.  I felt spent and mentally just blah so I quit.  Two minutes after quitting I realized I really didn’t want to attempt this workout again tomorrow.  I decided to just suck it up and finish it.  I switched treadmills and told myself to just start fresh and pretend the first two didn’t even happen (I still counted the first two as part of the 6 but mentally I just needed to tell myself to start over).  I play a lot of mental games with myself in order to accomplish the tough workouts.  

6 mile repeats at 6:10 pace (9.7 mph on treadmill) and a total of 11 miles.  

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This week I am really front-loading my mileage and workouts because I’m off to California early early early Friday morning.  Brooke has the weekend with her dad and I’ll be celebrating this girl below all weekend.  She is getting hitched on Saturday so it will be a jam packed weekend without much time (if any) to run.  

Flashback from a dorm room at BYU Hawaii.  We met in Hawaii and fulfilled our lofty goal of going to the beach together every single day we were there. 


A rainy morning meant that we went to an indoor playground for the good stuff.  

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And Brooke officially wears my hat much better than I do.  She kept saying, “Look, I mama” and then giggling.  She would be a lot closer to looking like me with the hat on if she also was on day 4 of not washing her hair.  Remind me to do that later today.  

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Lately I have been cooking my sweet potatoes in the microwave because I am lazy.  Today I finally put in the extra 60 seconds of prep to make it my favorite way.  Scrub the sweet potato clean, rub it in coconut oil and bake it in tinfoil.  It makes it so much more flavorful and just heavenly.

I always eat the skins of sweet potatoes too because they are full of—> Fiber (about 5 grams in a medium sized sweet potato), Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Folate, Potassium and Iron!

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Feel free to check out my latest Women’s Running article HERE!!!

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I absolutely for the life of me can’t think of any questions today so I was hoping you would tell me something funny, awesome, strange, a cool story, running stuff etc… I just want to hear about you too because clearly I tell you way too much about me:) 

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I’m not very motivated for my workout today either. I’ll be gone all weekend so I have to front load the week full of runs so I can get them done!

Fun facts – my parents used to be bee keepers when I was young, even though I am allergic to bees (I wasn’t ever stung until long after they quit having them). I had a surgery a few years ago that makes it physically impossible to throw up. I’d have to go to the ER if I needed to. On the plus side, I have never had the flu (which is also apparently weird), so that’s never been an issue!

Have a fun weekend in CA!


It must just be a Monday thing right!?! I guess I usually take Mondays easy so it was tough to start the week off with a tough one. Glad to know I am not alone. Okay, that is so interesting that your parents are bee keepers! WOW, that surgery must have been intense and I hope you never ever get the flu!!!!


I had to change up my workouts and do a 20 miler yesterday instead of Saturday so my legs are a bit tired too. I’m probably not going to do this run very hard. Way to go getting started again when you didn’t want to! Never easy!

Yeah, I also hope I’m not one of those people who gets terrible morning sickness when pregnant too (whenever that happens). So far so good on not getting the flu, I just don’t get sick much at all in general. I don’t even remember the last time I had a cold (knock on wood!)


Getting out of a sweaty sports bra is torture, too!
Fun fact: it’s national puppy day!
Scary fact: we have a 2 mile time trial on the track tomorrow and I’m terrified.


You are so right, the whole process involved with sweaty sports bras is just annoying. Thank you for the fun fact, I love it. I need to find a way to celebrate;) Girl, you are going to rock tomorrow. I am stoked for you. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!


Thank you!!! :)


Great workout and way to mentally work your way through it!!
You are going to have so much fun at your friend’s wedding!

Funny stuff/run stuff…
So my husband has decided to challenge me to a plank off! I think I can take him, but I will be working hard this week on my planks! :)

I need to wash my hair tonight also… :)


Girl, you better take him!!! You’ve got this;) Hmmmm maybe we should both just eat froyo instead of washing our hair tonight!


I am SO going to take him!!! He has no idea what he signed up for!!!
Excellent – fro yo it is!! Hair – we can do that anytime, right? ;0


My mom came to visit me this weekend! It was so nice getting to spend time with her since my BF was out of town for a bachelor party. And I ran my second half marathon yesterday (Dallas Rock n Roll) and (barely) PRed! Now my body is dead, so I booked a fancy massage for Saturday ;)


Oh that makes me so happy that your mom came to visit and HUGE congrats on your race and PR!! Enjoy every second of that massage, you deserve it!


I absolutely love sweet potatoes roasted in coconut oil with a little salt. The white Japanese ones are my favorite lately. I don’t usually eat the skin because I feel like it might bother my stomach but maybe I should give it a shot :)


Despite trying my best not to get sick, I finally caught a cold. The trick has been to not pass it along to my 8 week old (fingers crossed, I think she has been spared). I just finally started back at an exercise routine this past week, but I am going to hold off until I am well to pick it back up, again. Looking forward to a run, some day in my future!


that’s an intense workout.!! way to be strong when you just wanted to quit.
Something interesting… I had pancakes for dinner this saturday :) haha not really that interesting. but it was one of the best decisions I made last week ;)


Great job on owning that workout! Sometimes a mental refresh is all we need to keep going :)
I eat sweet potato skins also, they are so good! I once tried to eat squash skin thinking it would be similar, but that’s not true (I didn’t eat more than one bite!).
Funny running story: when I take my puggle Charlie on a run, he grabs mouthfuls of grass mid-run as fuel. It keeps him going for 3-5 miles, which is a lot considering he’s only 22 pounds!


I eat the skins too! So glad I’m not the only one. Validation is so comforting :)

As soon as I finish a workout, I need to get into dry clothes. It’s about 5 seconds before I am out of the sweaty workout gear!


mile repeats are so, so tough. mental games are necessary.


In my half marathon on Sunday I did a PB and even took minutes off my actual goal time. Beyond happy! And the best ever thing about the race is my beautiful husband raced home during the race to get our dog so he had her at the finish line when i came in. Still not sure who was more excited our miniature schnauzer Sachi or me!

Brooke looks SOOO cute in your hat. Actually she always looks cute.


Running related story…1/2 marathon yesterday. I had myself pretty psyched OUT about this one becasue the elevation map just looked intense. Up…or down…seemed like nothing in between. Reality was not quite that intense, although I did feel like it was a steady climb UP for ~10 miles! Then I TRULY could tell I was going downhill at one point. Last .25 mile ended on an up. Evil! Pure evil, I tell ya. BUT, I did manage to finish in the same time as completely 2 other 1/2’s last year. Even with constant feeling of climbing, I managed to maintain a consistent pace. Now…on to the next one! :)


Girl, you are strong! That is an intense course and holding onto the same pace is a huge sign that you are super fit! WAY TO GO!


Thanks, Janae! Interesting, though….my app (Strava) said elevation gain was ~600 ft. A friend who ran, her app (RunKeeper) said ~1000. Uhh….that is quite a difference!


Love the skin of sweet potatoes! I have no patience for potatoes to bake so I soften the potato in the microwave (on the potato setting) and stop it with a few minutes left — then I put it in the oven to bake. Much quicker in terms of baking and tastes delish!


I brought my 5 year old and 2 year old to see Cinderella this weekend. They both LOVED it (so did I) and I was shocked my 2 year old stayed put and watched the whole thing in the theater! You should try it with Brooke if you haven’t already :-) Sooo fun!


Seriously, the best movie!!! I did take Brooke and she loved it too!! She still talks about ella:) So glad you guys could go!


You continued when you wanted to stop – well done!! I had the worse run ever on Sunday, and I gave up half way. Way too much partying. I might have finally learned a lesson. Oh – and my dog ate my running arm band.
Tomorrow, hopefully will be a better day.


Since you are an expert at making sweet potatoes I am not sure if you will find this entertaining or just really sad, but I am SO BAD at making them!

I don’t understand what I am doing wrong! I bake them for 45 minutes to 1 hour but they are usually still raw in the middle (even though I poke holes in them before baking). The other night I wanted one so bad so I waited an hour for it to bake and it wasn’t done, so I popped it in the microwave and then it got overdone and was basically inedible :( I was so frustrated I sort of vowed to never make sweet potatoes again and only eat them at restaurants!


What temp are you baking them at? I usually bake them for an hour and a half at 400. They are also excellent in the crockpot on low for about six hours. Hope that helps!


I had a pretty traumatic experience in the Nordstrom’s dressing room – standing in front of a three way mirror completely starkers. That is some seriously unflattering lighting.

Thought you should know.


I completely forgot what I was going to say because I’m distracted by the comment about Cinderella above me ^^^. Basically my comment for the day is that I’m DYING to see that movie but don’t think my husband will be game for that one so I might have to go it alone :)


I absolutely have to shower after I workout…I am impressed you normally can go a few hours not having showered! Tell me your secrets!


I can go days. Always plan to take a shower and then I get busy and then it gets late and then I think “I’m just going to get up in the morning and get all sweaty again, so why bother.” It works for me….give it a try! Is this gross????


Omg she’s so cute! I wish I could rock a hat like she does!


My hubs ran his first half yesterday and I paced him (which really consisted of me running his pace and talking non-stop the entire time). I’m pretty sure he was delusional at one point because I planned out 5 years worth of beach vacations that he agreed to. A verbal contest is legally binding, right?




I have been struggling the last few Mondays as well. Today I gave in and decided to sit on the phone with my insurance company instead…since they decided to cancel my policy for no reason


Hansons Running tweeted the other day… “4 weeks until @bostonmarathon If you are feeling fresh and ready to go…..YOU ARE TRAINING WRONG.” So quitting today, temporarily, is a good sign you’re training right!!


This is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you so so much!!!! I feel a lot better now because dang, I am exhausted ha!


So my brand new subaru forester’s windshield cracked out of the blue. 18 inches across. I cried. My cars first boo boo. But it’s getting replaced next week (the windshield not the car lol) and my insurance covers it. Whew!
Meanwhile it’s like looking through bifocals when I drive. Hah.


I love, love, LOVE your outlook on training (and life). I sometimes have to “start fresh” with workouts, as well — even if it’s after just a two minute break. I do it for races, too. I ran a 100 mile ultra last summer and had to somehow convince myself that each 25 mile chunk was brand new in order to push through it. So, I listened to my footsteps for the first quarter, non-running podcasts for the second, my favorite running podcasts for the third, and then pumped up the jams and changed my shoes for the last. I definitely didn’t feel “fresh” haha (should’ve changed my sports bra… ;) ), but it worked to psych myself up and get to the finish.


I’m glad you brought up how traveling can interfere with training (especially long runs). Do you simply rearrange the workouts throughout the week and just focusing on maintaining the mileage goal for the week over all? I’m so obsessive that I am slightly panicking about doing my long run on the “wrong” day so to speak. Reassure me that switching up the days isn’t going to harm me! ;)


So impressed with your starting over! I hit my snooze like 5 times this morning before getting up to run. My calves are SOOOO sore….I did not want to run.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better :)


I struggled in my workouts last week too.. so I’m sending you positive vibes! Nice job finishing your workout despite it being difficult. That will help you race well at Boston!


Zero motivation to workout today. It was the first day back after Spring Break and I’m done for the day! Wet sports clothes are the worst. I squeeze my workout in between school finishing and the boys coming home so I usually wait until after dinner to shower.
Do you have any headbands that you would recommend?


1. Brooke is so adorable I can barely stand it.
2. I love coconut oil and can’t believe I have never put it on sweet potatoes like that! I have one jar for cooking and one jar that I use for hair treatment. I just preheated my oven for sweet potatoes but the only jar of coconut oil I have left is the one I dig my fingers into so I can put it in my hair, so I’m going to have to wait to try this…

Everyone gets that “I wanna give up” feeling every once in a while. Whenever I almost give up I just think how good I will feel when I’m done. If I quit then I’m so hard on myself the rest of the day until my next workout. If I push through just a little bit I feel so much better. So glad you found the motivation to finish strong! And you will feel better this weekend when you can relax with your friends and know that you truly deserve the downtime!


Way to rock the workout! Wow–beyond impressive.

Fun fact: I already bought tix to 2016 round 1 and 2 of March Madness when it comes to Denver. Rick and I went a few years back and it was a blast. I am so excited and honestly don’t think I have ever bought tix for something a year in advance! Yay me! LOL.


Brooke is too adorable.
Something awesome that happened to me…I can finally eat again without vomiting…yay! And I’m finally starting to feel baby move. Amazing!


That is the coolest feeling ever. SO glad that you are feeling better Macy!


Girl you are one really fast runner!
I was in a workout funk today today. Cardio just didn’t want to happen. After I pushed through the stairclimber this morning, I stopped and did 30 minutes strength training. Then finished on the elliptical. The second time around I was more into it, but I was still having to push myself. Must be a case of the Mundays! I’m also dead tired from trail running this weekend.


Thanks for leaving an open-ended question because I need to spread the word about my daughter’s tender heart. My 17-year-old daughter brought home two stray dogs last night. They are precious, but we can’t keep them. I already have my Jena (sheltie mix) who lives life with us during any and all dog-friendly moments, including cuddling on the couch every evening and trail running every weekend. She runs off-leash and always comes when I call her. She knows the trails better than me! There’s just no room for more dogs in our lives. I’d like to find the two new dogs homes, but I’m also trying to accept that they may have to go to the shelter. To anyone who would love and care for them, they are young adult dogs both weighing about 20 lbs. I live in KY. I’ll check the comments on this blog post to see if anyone might be interested in the pair or want more info. I know it’s a long shot, but thanks Janae for the invitation to talk about the random events of my life.


Random: I’ve been listening to Kasey Musgrave’s new song Biscuits on repeat all. day. long.


I leave for Cuba tomorrow morning for an all-inclusive beach vacation!!! Going with my 5year old son and my ex (my son’s dad). We are gone for a week, then home for 2 days and then going to Minot, North Dakota for a 4 day Easter weekend (we are Canadian so it’s the closest cross-the-border shopping and water-sliding). Soooo excited!!!


Fun fact: I entered the lottery for the New York City Marathon and I got in this year. I’m SO excited!!


Congrats! That’s awesome.


I should try roasting sweet potatoes like that! My bf swears he doesn’t like baked potatoes in any form… WHAT?! That’s just crazy talk. I think he would like roasted sweet potatoes if he tried :)


I ALWAYS microwave my sweets and ALWAYS eat the skin!


Haha I actually could (and mayyybeeeee do) stay in sweaty workout clothes all day.

There is only one time in recent memory that I can recall quitting a workout only re-pick it up, suck it up and finish. Finishing any hard workout when I don’t feel like it makes me feel amazing, but that morning felt even more amazing!

I feel like the only girl on the planet these days that absolutely adores potatoes, but white not sweet!


Ugh, I went to BYU Hawaii for a year too before transferring to Nevada! (That sounds so stupid when I type it out like why would I leave Hawaii for a flat dusty boring state?) So much fun. I miss being tan.


sweaty sports bras are DEATH!


How long do you cook the sweet potato in the microwave? That sounds really convenient.


I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me! I make them ALL the time in the microwave. I wash one, prick it with a fork a few times so it won’t explode, stick it on a microwaveable dish and put it in the microwave for about 5 minutes. If it’s a smaller one, less time. Bigger one, more time. Voila!


Sweaty running clothes in general make me really cold and I have the chills for the rest of the day!

Something random: I would love a sourdough waffle right now, but it’s 8:07 pm and I’m too lazy to make some.


I love sweet potatoes cooked in the crock pot! They get super soft and they taste so sweet! I’ll sometimes blend one with chocolate protein powder and almond milk-amazing!


I absolutely hate wearing a wet sports bra after a good run/workout. Ithink feels gross and I get super cold too. Today I starting orientation at my job. It was great! Loving it do far. :)


Holy cow! 9.7 mph on the treadmill?! I’m nowhere near as fast as I can be/want to be, but…dang! That’s fast! (This is embarrassing, but…) I ran like 0.15 miles at a 9.00mph treadmill speed today and I. Thought. I. Was. Going. To. Die.

Keep up the hard work cuz it’s definitely helping me to kick my booty into gear! ;)


I was thinking about your 9.7 while I was on the treadmill and OH MY you are speedy! I think you are gonna ROCK at Boston!! Girls at that age are too darn cute and the way they talk just melts me!!


I would poo my pants if I ran 9.7 on the treadmill. Poo. My. Pants.


That sweet potato sounds amazing, I have got to try that. Today for lunch I ate broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potato with bbq sauce. I got the bbq sauce idea from you – thanks!


I hope the weather for marathon monday is a lot warmer than it is here lately. It was only 30 degrees in MA today. We need some heat in New England!!! I was really looking forward to going to the race this year, but now it looks like I may not be able to. I really wanted to cheer you on and the many others I know running Boston this year. I haven’t been back to the marathon since the bombings. I ran for the survivors last year in the One Run For Boston. Seeing the survivors cross the finish line was so incredible and touching. Even tho you’re from Utah, for a day you get to run Boston and remind Tsarnaev & anyone else who wants to mess with us that we are all BOSTON STRONG! Oh and I hope while you’re out here you enjoy all the times we say wicked, and our crazy city names :)


Have a great weekend at the wedding! Yesterday my twins went surfing at Manly with It was the first time they have come to Australia! It was #oneperfectday for many Aussie kids with autism :)


..and I just put 9.7 miles into a km/hr converter! All I can say is you….wouldn’t want to trip!


um you and your friend are freaking GORGEOUS!


Sweet potatoes roasted in the oven are sooo much better than microwave ones!! I can’t believe it took me so long to see the light:)


I have some fun things to tell you- I’m moving to San Francisco in two weeks! So, next time you and Brooke are in Cali, please stop by!


this isn’t a happy thing, but interesting since you are a mom…my Mr. 7 broke out in hives on Saturday after a cub scouts sleepover. I figured he came into contact with something…he had no fever and felt fine. Again on Sunday he broke out in hives…when I picked him up from school yesterday I found he had hives, I took him to urgent care and he has strep. Zero symptoms except for hives. :(


I am rolling with dirty hair today :) I have got to try the sweet potato with coconut oil. I usually roast a mixed bag of veggies with a sweet potato, yam, and sprinkle it with EVOO and seasoning.


I’m so impressed that you sucked it up, Buttercup. Those workouts feel extra good when you’re done.

Today is all about sports. Our son is pitching on the HS baseball team and they have a double-header today (it’s spring break). THEN, I’m coming back for a tennis lesson that my husband brokered for me last night while he was playing darts with some friends. I haven’t played tennis in years (probably since I’m not very good at it). My racquet is from the early 90’s. I’m excited though!


you can also wrap the sweet potatoes in foil and cook for three ours in a slow cooker! put them in pre run..theyll be ready post run!


How long does it take to bake it in the oven? So I’m finally getting to run a Disney race!! I’m registered for the Wine & Dine Half in November!!!


I’ll have to try my sweet potatoes like that soon!!! I sometimes put a spoonful of peanut butter on my sweet potato and sprinkle of cinnamon.


Way to get back on that treadmill!!! You CAN do hard things :)

I’ve been known to bring a dry jog bra to change into after a run, and then just put the same running clothes back on over it. Keeps me 100 times warmer and I still get to hang out in comfy clothes all day. Maybe a little stinky, but comfy.


Have fun in California! So smart to front load your workouts. I’ve been trying to get better about getting in my work even if I’m super busy! If there’s a will there’s a way :)

Today I got to do something really great- I got to deliver iPads to a nonprofit early education center on behalf of where I work. We have a program that delivers technology wishes to nonprofits in the area, and I just got involved this January. This was my first delivery and it was amazing! The kids made a sign for me and it made my entire month :)


I had the same issue on my run today. It was a tempo day and I just wasn’t feeling miserable. I stopped twice in the first 2 miles…but then I just “cleaned the slate” of my negativity and finished the workout. Still hurt though. lol

This weekend I was running and passed a teammate running in the opposite direction. I waved and said hi all excited but she ignored me…turned out it was my teammate’s identical twin sister who I hadn’t yet met! lol


I’ve been reading your blog everyday…it’s my ritual during the week while I’m eating my lunch at work :)

Can you please tell me how you normally do your sweet potato in the microwave? I have always done mine in the oven.

Have a fun weekend in CA!


I would like to take my daughter to Cinderella but she isn’t much of a movie goer. I think about how when I was a kid I would have LOVED my parents to ask me to go to the movies. LOL oh well :)
Plus i’d like to stop having ITBS pain. Like yesterday. Im feeling frustrated and sad and annoyed by it all. I really would like to start training for my 50K!


How long do you cook your sweet potatoes and what temp in the oven?


Brooke looks so cute in your hat, haha!


The look and your hand placement on your first photo today looks like you are gonna throw a punch at somebody! :) Just made me smile!


How long do you cook your sweet potatoes in the microwave? What temp and how long do you cook them in the oven? I bought two sweet potatoes today and realized I don’t know how to make them except baked with brown sugar and marshmallows for thanksgiving. :)

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