Monday Matters!!!

-These mountains own my heart.  

If you are not looking forward to your long runs lately PLEASE try running somewhere new.  Running in a different area this last Saturday made the 20 miles super fun. 

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-We split an ice cream cone at Disney on ice and she was so into the show that she forgot to even try her ice cream.  I don’t think it would ever be possible for me to forget about an ice cream cone in my hand.    

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-Because she is 2, a real big deal and somehow grew a foot overnight.    

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-She understands the importance of stretching out her calves.  She doesn’t have time to mess around with shin splints.  She’s got places to go.  

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-Flashback Monday to a picture from right after my first marathon back in 2010.  Good times.  Good times.  

During this race I told myself I would never do another marathon again and 5 years later…. I am completely in love with the marathon (it is a weird kind of love, but I call it love).

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-We don’t have a ton of household rules but one that must never be broken is—>  NEVER throw away a jar of almond butter until every single morsel has been eaten.  Brooke is clearly a rule-follower.  The teenage years will be a breeze.

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-We are having a popcorn party tonight for the Bachelor Finale and Megan is bringing this.  Praise the heavens.  

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-10 miles followed by some planking together.  Brooke’s face describes how we all feel really about planking.   

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What are some of your Monday Matters?

In what year did you run your first race?

How often do you run somewhere new?  Or do you usually stick to the same routes?

Mint chocolate chip ice cream—>  yay or nay?

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I live pretty close to the Canadian rocky mountains. This morning as I was driving to the pharmacy they looked so clear and close!

I usually don’t like anything minty – ice cream included.


Brooke’s face in the plank photo is hilarious! That’s how we ALL feel about planking!

My first marathon was in October 2006 and didn’t run another one until December of 2007. I had a serious case of burnout after the first. I’ve figured out my training since then and don’t deal with the burnout anymore!

I don’t have alot of options where I live, so I usually run in the same general areas. I’m jealous of your mountain views!

65 degrees here today! Yay for Spring!


Monday Matters: I just watched “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” on Netflix. So hilarious. So girl power. So not dirty or degrading to women! HOORAY!

Tina Fey is my spirit human.


I am so going to watch this!!! Thanks for sharing Michelle! Have a fabulous day!


Mint chocolate chip ice cream = very yay!

I ran my first 5K in 2010!


First race was a 5k in 2011, first half 2012, and first marathon 2014. I run the same routes all the time, I would love to have somewhere new to go!
YAY for Bachelor finale tonight!!!!!


I cannot even think of an ice cream flavor I would ever turn down (but I have to since I am lactose intolerant–boo).


Brooke’s plank face is hilarious! Oh my goodness. That was funny! My first race was in 2011. It feels like forever ago. Who knows if I’ll ever be able to race again either. I try not to think about it too much. Injury’s got me down these days. Yay for popcorn and the bachelor!


I think that is how most of the world feels about planking… good job Brooke.


I usually stick to the same routes, but I think I’m going to venture out more this spring :)

Mint choclate.. nayish. Not a huge fan, but no way I would forget about it.! I would eat almost every kind of ice cream. haha.

Brooke is so big and adorable. and already has such an awesome fashion sense.! :)


Gah, she is so darn cute, I can’t take it!!


You should look into getting a supoon to be able to get all of the almond butter out of the container. I was sent one as a gift and have never looked back. It’s amazing!!

I ran some smaller races a few years ago but ran my first half last year. It was spectacular.


She’s going to be super tall just like her mama! I’m nay on the mint chocolate chip but if it’s free and in my hands I’m not going to say no. Lol please post all of the recipes for the popcorns. Who do you think he’ll pick?!


I totally will!! I think he is going to pick Whitney… who do you think?


Same! I’m hoping anyway. I just think becca seems to young for him. I can’t see her living in Iowa.


Those mountains are insanely beautiful. I need to more mountains in my life (aka not being in the Midwest).
I ran my first 5K race in 2009, and then I was a raceless runner until 2014 when I ran my first 10K and half marathon. Now I’m a long distance running addict and running a half, full marathon, and Ragnar relay this year!
I generally run in the same areas, since there’s only a few running paths where I currently live.


Monday Matters-our ballet slippers finally arrived (my 15year old daughter and I take ballet together. It kicks my butt, and my bunion)

Mint chocolate chip-huge Yay.

My first race was in 1980, a 10k at the age of 10. My mom raced it and stuck me in the pack.

During the work week I run the same few routes, but on weekends I try to mix it up. Sometimes I go all sorts of crazy and run one of my routes backwards. I know, get back!


My jaw literally dropped at SAMOA POPCORN!

Mint chocolate chip is my all time favorite ice cream flavor! I rarely eat anything else :) Except the occassional cookies and cream or cookie dough.

For my somewhere new to run, can I pick Utah? Pretty please?? THAT VIEW!


All I have to say is mint chocolate chip ice cream is the BEST!!!!!


Totally swore I wouldn’t do another marathon after my first one… and here I am :)


Here you are…. 560 marathons later;)


I need to get me some fun food for the Bachelor! But first, to the gym to hash out some emotions.
My first race was 2011. I ran a 5k and a half marathon in the same year and then took a couple year break.
I really need to run somewhere new. I’m a creature of habit and I ALWAYS run the same routes. However, the Rock N Roll Half in DC this weekend will be very different I guess :)
Mint chocolate chip ice cream-better with oreo chunks than chocolate chips. But mostly yay!


I’m running my first MARATHON this SATURDAY. Oh my goodness, sweat pits just typing that. I already know I am going to cry and love and hate the sport across the finish line….and I can’t wait:)



Brooke’s face is so stinking cute in that last picture!! I ran my first 10k in the summer of 2013 and then a half marathon that November. Love it! I generally stick to the same routes, but I need to make it a priority to change it up more. Lastly, Mint Chocolate Chip: Yay, for sure. :)


Brooke is going to be tall just like her mama! She is def your twinner.


My first race was in 2006… the RNR San Diego Marathon. And YAY to mint chocolate chip!!


My Monday Matters: I need help picking an east coast marathon! Hamptons, New Hampshire, or Hartford. All totally different and I’ve never done any so I need advice! Anyone?!

My first race was in 2010 (half marathon) and my first full was 2012.

I usually stick with the same routes but I switch up between those few routes every weekend!


I ran my first 5k at 10. Still hooked


Just no to mint chocolate chip ice cream. Never! I know some people like it but I will never understand :)


Thankyou. I don’t want my chocolate ruined by toothpaste! I will never understand why anyone would ever have mint and chocolate together.


I ran my first race is 2009 and my first marathon in 2011.
I’m terrible at spicing up my runs. I have the same paved trail that I swear probably has a worn path down the side I’ve tracked on it so often.

There is a time and a place for mint chocolate chip. Basically St Patrick’s Day and in milkshakes. I do, however, really like the Extra Desserts Gum that is flavored mint chocolate chip.


ah I love her little face staring at disney on ice! And dang she does look big in that ‘2’ picture!!


Just running related things from me…

My first race was in…1994? Ages and ages ago, and I was just a kid. Gotta love Turkey Trots, and I hope you take Brooke to some soon!

My club plans my long runs, and the runners get tiny maps right before the run starts. It is amazing to see a new route every week, and so good for keeping your mind active.


EEK! SO excited for Bachelor finale tonight! I’m watching it with some friends and we’re getting burrito bowls from Chipotle for our viewing party/ :)

Happy Monday!


First race was in 2003. I love running when I travel, even if it is just St George….and even if I get lost 1/2 the time. I never get lost in St George though. Maybe that is why it is so magical.

Yes to mint chocolate chip. But only if it is bryers natural kind. Name a flavor of ice cream and I will tell you the best brand to buy it in. I clearly have my life priorities straight. Speaking of, I made muddy buddy popcorn before the samoa and I am about to make cake batter. Cause it is totally normal to make 3 different types for the party tonight, right? #DecisionsAreForSuckers #ExceptIDIDnarrowItDownFromLike10 #SoThatIsSayingSomething


AHHHH Bachelor finale I forgot! I may have to watch it live rather than DVRing it. But it’s 3 hours…

Ben and Jerry’s mint chocolate cookie is the bomb.

Monday matters = daylight savings is KILLING me and I’m using it as an excuse to do NOTHING tonight.

First race was last year (half mar) #newbie


So I don’t like mint chocolate chip ice cream but today my boss brought us all Shamrock Shakes from McDonalds and I loved it. :)
I ran my first race in 2006 but my first full marathon didn’t happen until 2011.
I love that the sun sets an hour later now. It makes me so happy to get home from work before dark.


You NEED to eat oatmeal out of your almost empty almond butter jars – you will not regret it!


Brooke’s plank face is too cute! That’s how I feel when I’m planking!

My first race was in 1998 when I was 8 years old! It was just a neighborhood race and I fell in love!!

I try to run a new course every time I run. I hate doing the same course so I’m always going down new streets or on new paths. Luckily there’s lots of places to go in my neighborhood so this is easy to do!


First half 2006, first marathon 2007. Don’t see myself doing a marathon for awhile so I stick with halfs instead. :)


LOVE the plank face! I pretty much stick to the same routes…but I wish I didn’t! I just don’t prepare :/


Your mountains are stunning!!
I really like trying new routes – it really makes a difference!
Yep- that’s how we really feel about planks! :)
Nay on the mint chocolate chip…
I remember the first marathon and how hard it was those last miles – I mean it is still hard the last few miles, but its… different. Love the marathon.


I’m filling in for our track coach tomorrow, so I had to do my workout today. Alone. It’s so much harder solo!
First race: 2008
I get in a rut of running the same routes, but love to find new ones.
Mint anything is a NAY because it tastes like toothpaste to me!


What are some of your Monday Matters?
My son has done #2 in the potty twice! And that was re back to back days! I think he has got potty training under control.

In what year did you run your first race? 2000. A 5K in Richmond, VA.

How often do you run somewhere new? Or do you usually stick to the same routes? Very rarely….I need to venture outside the box s bit.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream—> yay or nay? A huge YAY! As long as the ice cream is white. Green food coloring is unnecessary and weird.


Brooke’s face is the class planking face! It is exactly how we all feel!!!

I always, always do my long run on the same route, but it’s one I love and never get tired of because it’s a loop around the beach!


You guys are the cutest! And I can’t believe you weren’t sold on long runs after your first marathon. My oh my, how you’ve changed your tune! Keep up the good work. :)


I did my first half marathon when I was 16! And I like mint chocolate chip but I recently tried mint moose tracks and it was INSANE!


I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, but I became lactose intolerant in 2007 and I don’t think I’ve had it since then. I miss it- it’s absolutely delicious!!


Haha my face looks exactly like Brooke’s when I plan but more purple ;)
I am jealous of your popcorn party! Popcorn is one of my fave things ever! Is it weird that I sometimes eat it with ketchup?


Okay, so let’s see here…

Mondays are for suckers! Yuck! :P

I ran my first 5k in 2012, and my first marathon in 2015.

I tend to stick to the same route, but I will often change up how I run (i.e direction, or add in extra loops in some parts).

Mint chocolate chip ice cream? Double yay! :)


My first race was a marathon in 2006- so much fun! In theory, I like the idea of mixing up routes, but I’m not very diligent. I used to run with a club for my long runs, and it was great to do a different route every weekend.

Mint chocolate chip is one of my favorites…I need more ice cream in my life.


First race was last Memorial Day, a 5k…that turned into a 10k when we got lost and ended up taking the 10k route haha. This year we’re doing the 10k, but it’ll be intentional!

Mint chip was my first dessert love, and will always have a piece of my heart.

Running tomorrow for the first time in about 4 weeks (knee problems – ughhhh), and I have been reading your blog all week to get psyched up for it because your running love is contagious! Wish me luck!


I feel the same way about my mountains in Flag. They’re the best. And I ran my first marathon in 2012 and said never again! Just finished number 4…


I’m kind of addicted to thin mints right now, so YES to the chocolate chip mint ice cream. :)


I can’t remember exactly when my first race was (it was a Komen 5K around 2002 or 2003) but first half marathon was 2010 and first full marathon was 2012!

I need to find new routes – I do a lot of out and back and it’s always the same route – just different distances. We are relatively recent transplants to our city so I need to explore more :)


I want to go to the Disney on ice, is that wrong for an adult?


That planking picture is just adorable! She’s such a sweet little gal!


This might be the cutest thing ever. That is all.


I think that run looks amazing! And I live the picture of brooke with her ice cream! What a doll!! And That popcorn was amazing Megan!! My belly still hurts from all of it!! So wirth it though!!


The ad that keeps playing at the top of your site is driving me nuts!


I wasn’t gonna mention it but I have to agree- new ads have made your site kinda NSFW since commercials definitely don’t sound like work.


Hey Matt and Kristen, I am seriously so sorry about the new ad. I am working with the ad company that I work with to have them go back to how I normally have ads… I don’t know why it switched! Have a great day and I’ll keep working on it!


My Monday started rough but ended up being great! A cold migraine morning totally cleared up and I was able to go to work, get a good workout in and have some great family time


I didn’t run my first race until I was in my 30’s! (And even then, only a 5k, but man, I was proud! Still am!)

Mint + chocolate = delicious. Every time.


My first 1/2 marathon was in 2012, and my first (maybe only marathon) was the following year.

The only time I really change up my routes is for long runs because we run so darn early in the morning, I feel more comfortable sticking to what I know.

We just had homemade mint oreo ice cream, awesomesauce!!


Mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of the only flavours I genuinely LOVE. I mean it’s ice cream so really I will eat anything but MCC & double chocolate cookie dough will forever have my heart.


popcorn party for the bachelor sounds pretty ideal.


Brooke is too cute!


I LOVE Brooke’s game face!!!

I ran my first (non school related) race in 2002…and (13 marathons and 15 halfs later) have been in love with long distance racing ever since!

OMG, I am ALL about the mint + chocolate!!!


Mint chocolate chip ice cream is a big fat huge… YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love Brooke’s face in your planking picture, and I agree with her 100%!!!

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