Sharing the Love & I wonder why I’m not remarried’…

It had been way too long since my last date with my niece (aka Brooke’s twin).  

Side note—> I highly recommend getting your car detailed if you can anytime soon.  It feels like my car is hugging me every time I get in now and I no longer have sticky shoes (a gu exploded on the carpet in my car 2 weeks ago and somehow the detailing people got it all out). 

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We first went to visit a friend and the girls played while we chatted.  Every apartment complex should have a playground.  

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After that we made dinner together at home.  She is quite the little chef and we cooked up some chicken and loads of veggies.  It made me really happy that she was wearing my sweatshirt from when I was her age.  I always knew that my clothes hoarding tendencies would pay off someday.  Now my niece can reap the benefits.  

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Please refer to the previous post—> I NEEDED a donut.  They didn’t have apple fritters so I settled for eating the frosting off of a maple bar.  Craving only 25% fulfilled.  

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You know you have really made it in life when you have a pair of slippers specifically for your house and a different pair of slippers for you to wear all around town.  I live in these slippers when I am not in running shoes.  I also have been pretending these sweats are real pants to wear everywhere.  

And I wonder why I haven’t gotten remarried;)  

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When I dropped off my niece I had to share some love with my favorite family of SIX (ps my sister’s new little baby is doing awesome and loves to eat every 20 minutes—>  it runs in our family;)!  

These people are my absolute favorites.  My sister has always been my biggest healthy eating example.  She is also so good at always feeding her kids complete and balanced meals and I pretty much want to be just like her when I grow up.  I knew she would be stoked about this yogurt!

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She also LOVES free things and so I of course had to share the love of our favorite yogurt with her.  Every day I have been drinking and loving their OP Organic Protein Smoothies (15 grams of protein in each one).  Perfect post-run goodness.

And just like that, I am my sister’s favorite sibling again.  

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Time for the long run!  Josse can’t run on Saturday and I can’t possibly do a long run on my own so we are off to tackle the mileage today at  

Only 7 more long runs until the marathon.  One of those a 20 miler and another a 22 miler.  That is a long time to be running.  Marathon training is a very strange thing.

Sponsored by Stonyfield!  #teamstonyfield  #bostonisgettingcloser #ican’twait #i’llstopdoinghashtagsnow

Oh, and one last thing.  Does Will Smith ever age?

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What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Who is running the Phonix full or half marathon this weekend?  Let us know so we can wish you good luck!

Who has a long run this weekend?  How far?

Healthiest thing you have eaten in the last 36 hours?

Bonus—>  Favorite Will Smith movie?

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I’m with you on sweats, jammies, and slippers. How can you wear anything else if no one’s actually telling you to? Healthiest thing I’ve eaten? Eggs and kale with my breakfast just now I guess. Looking forward to my daughter’s 6th bday party this weekend – they’re doing chocolate making!


I have 18 miles on tap this weekend. I have to work tomorrow morning so it’ll have to wait until Sunday.

Healthiest things I’ve eaten recently, steamed squash, zucchini and carrots I suppose.

I live in my sweats or yoga pants and slippers too. If its too warm for slippers, then its a pair of flip flops. You know its gotten bad when my husband asks why I’m dressed up when I wear jeans and a tshirt!


Aww love that you got to hang out with your niece and make dinner– how fun! I just got ice cream with my nieces yesterday and it was so much fun. Kids are hilarious!


It is crazy how Will Smith and John Stamos never seem to age!

Have fun on your long run!!! This is my second week of resetting, so I’ve just got seven miles on the sched. for this weekend. I’m starting to really itch for a double digit run! It’s such a nice way to start off a weekend morning (when you know you can nap later, haha)!


Maple donuts are soooo good!
The healthiest thing I ate recently was oatmeal with almonds and blueberries. I finally got to the store to get sweet potatoes yesterday and now they’re going to constitute 95% of my meals.
12 miles the weekend, and possibly on the treadmill if the streets aren’t plowed by tomorrow!


This weekend: looking forward to watching House of Cards and I’m going to see my grandparents!
Long run: 20 miler
Healthiest food: I had a taco salad for dinner last night.


I keep multiple pairs of slippers around at all times! I’m not running Phoenix this weekend but I am doing a half in Florida!


Healthiest thing.. yikes.! You know it’s bad when you can’t remember. Oh I had a banana.!!. Yess.

Favorite Will Smith movie : pursuit of happiness.


Wow only seven more runs until the marathon?! Exciting!! :) haha I think your slippers are awesome, I want some :) The healthiest thing I ate today was delicious fruit straight off the tree! Yum!


I am so ‘meh’ about that Will Smith movie. It looks flashy and fun, but like it has zero subsistence.


I can’t wait to watch some House of Cards and hopefully do a little hiking!


You are remarried to running!


Looking forward to my little chica’s third birthday party tomorrow – whoooop! :)


I used to be such clothes hoarder too! I was convinced I would be able to re-purpose my clothes and save lots of money! haha Glad it worked out for someone :)

The healthiest thing I’ve eaten in the last 36 hours was spiralized butternut squash tossed in coconut oil, topped with tuna, TJ’s unexpected cheddar cheese, chives, rosemary, and pepper! So Good!


Thanks for sharing the love! DRESS SHOPPING. Other than that, the froyo shop around the corner re-opens for Spring on Sunday. Glorious, gluttonous Sunday. :P

GOOD LUCK TO SUZ @ THE SUZLYFE running in Phoenix!

I’m hittin’ up 10 miles tomorrow.

I just ate a banana…my favorite fast food.

Fave Will Smith movie = MIB.


I can’t wait to put away my Ugg boots in favor of wearing my Ugg slippers around town! Lol I bought them specifically to wear outside. So comfy and cute too.


I will be running 15 miles this weekend! My farthest run EVER! The rest of marathon training will be fun because each week will be the farthest run ever :)
Healthiest thing I’ve eaten (not much): A Quest bar I got at the gym when I started to get hangry
Fav Will Smith movie=Pursuit of Happyness. Love it!


Healthiest thing I’ve eaten recently kale, sweet potato, turkey breast, black beans, zucchini, bell peppers in the crockpot. Hey I think the right guy will appreciate the sweets and slippers. At least that’s ehat I’m holding out for. ;)


Healthiest thing? The smoothie I’m drinking right now. Iced coffee, strawberries, chocolate whey protein- yum!


I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. The boyfriend and I and our doggies are going on a pack hike. 6.7 miles with 7 other dog owners and their dogs. It’s going to be in the 20s and there will still be lots of snow around. Yippee!!! Plus, being an injured runner I just can’t wait for 3+ hour of straight activity. I’ll pretend it’s a long run.

Last night I made chicken shish kabobs for dinner. It was pretty healthy. Veggies, Chicken, the marinade was just some olive oil, vinegar and seasoning. And I even steamed some spinach for an extra serving of veggies.


slippers are where its at. have the minnetonkas held up pretty well wearing them around town?


I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one who eats the frosting off of things…it’s a habit I’ve never tried to break…

I had local trout with kale, brussels sprouts, and homemade pickled veggies for dinner last night, and a kale salad with poached eggs for lunch yesterday…time to go find something healthy for breakfast.


My cousin is coming up with her parents for a family birthday party (adults only, so us kids get to hang out for a girl’s night), so I’m excited to see her. Plus, it’s the end of my work week/month, so things should slow down again now. :-)
Also, I had a doughnut craving yesterday, and doubly fulfilled it. Not my finest moment, but it was delicious.


I had a green smoothie yesterday, but I also had a huge chocolate chip cookie so it all balances out :) I’m about to head out for a run right now! Not sure how far I’ll go but I’m hoping for at least 7. I slept in today and when I woke up I thought it was 10:30… it was only 8:45!


My breakfast was the most healthy thing I’ve eaten. It was a smoothie with kale, spinach, chard, pineapple, honey, and chia seeds. It was delish!

This weekend I am looking forward to getting together with girlfriends I’ve never met and going out for drinks. I do far too little socializing, and that is about to change!


The healthiest thing I’ve eaten recently…probably roasted sweet potatoes? I haven’t had a salad in days and I’m craving one so much!


Thanks to photoshop and a crackerjack team of doctors, he need never age.


I have those same slipper (and LOVE them!) but hated that I was always stepping on the laces. My dad gave me a tip to tie them up then put a little Elmer’s glue over the knot and they have been perfect ever since. Try it!


Absolutely brilliant. Thank you for sharing the knowledge…I’m totally going to do this!


I wear my slippers all of the time, no shame! Haha! I just want to stay under the covers this weekend, brrrrr.


No, Will Smith never ages! And your family is so cute! Happy Friday!


My daughter is just starting to wear some of my old clothes. Weird. I should not be old enough to have an 11 year old!!

I will be driving the hubs and friends to a race this weekend that I can’t run in. I’m beyond bummed, and I kind of want to just stay home and sulk. But, I’ll go and maybe hold signs and stuff.

Healthiest thing I’ve had in the last 2 days: A veggie wrap with hummus for lunch yesterday or roasted veggies last night = yum!


I know, it’s like he’s actually getting YOUNGER! He and JLo are the Hollywood fountain of youth!

Have an awesome Friday! I’m in a friends wedding this weekend so I won’t be running, but there is a marathon in town that I plan on cheering at, which should be a blast!


20 miler for me tomorrow!!! AHHHH! Then it’s taper time! I am nervous- longest run ever and it will be COLD.

Going to a UVA basketball game as my running reward tomorrow late afternoon! Go Wahoos! It’s cool they are #2 in the country!

Healthiest thing: lots of sweet potatoes!


just returned from an interval run and ate oat bran with a scoop of strawberry protein powder a tbls of chia seeds and some dried tart cherries…yummy.
It has been a really rough week and I am looking forward to a weekend of spin/run/weight training. I think this will be a no “real” clothes weekend. spandex and sweats all the way!!
BTW when I used to eat donuts, ( she remembers fondly) Maple bars were my all time favorite. Just looking at the picture I was 25% satisfied. LOL


I will post more maple bar pics for you:) Great job on your interval run. I am truly so sorry hat you have had a rough week and I hope this weekend is amazing for you!


Happy Friday Janae! By the way, I love those sweats and I mayyyyy have just bought them…bad influence!

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?
-warmer temperatures! It’s going to be a high of 40, which will be amazing! I’m going to try to get out and ice skate at a rink by my apartment. I wasn’t going to go when it was below 0 windchill, so this could be a perfect opportunity!

Who has a long run this weekend? How far?
-Not really a “long run” since I’m not in my training cycle, but my longest run of the week will be 1 hour on Saturday.

Healthiest thing you have eaten in the last 36 hours?
-Not a food, but I’ve been drinking a ton of water lately! I got a Brita pitcher and it tastes SO delicious, so I’ve been drinking like crazy.

Hope you have a great weekend :)


I’m running my first race of the year on Sunday! The Hot Chocolate 15k. I’ve never done a Hot Chocolate run, so I’m psyched… but the before-7 start time is just cruel.


I’m most looking forward to spending the weekend with my hubs as we both don’t have to work :) I should do a long run of 16+ but somehow doubt that will happen. Will Smith was like a part of my childhood — Fresh Prince was awesome and “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” was played at least 5 times during my prom. You’re right, he truly never ages!! (PS: I think you and I have the same slippers).


I’ll be doing a 5 miler this weekend, which I realize isn’t too long, but it’s been so cold/windy/snowy here that I’m ready to start building it back up. Hmm healthiest thing…I got spinach on my pizza, does that count?! I think Men in Black must be my favorite Will Smith movie because it seems like an integral part of my childhood. :)


If Nutella counts as healthy because it has nuts in it than you can consider that the last healthy thing I’ve eaten. If you don’t consuder it healthy please don’t ruin my illusion. :)

Long run this weekend will be whatever I feel like running – I love a good free run now and then!


I work from home so a lot of my days are spent in sweats, cozies, slippers, etc. No shame. There would be no point to me getting glammed up for myself. :)

Today I have my first doctor appoint and ultrasound. Thank goodness!!! I can’t believe they make you wait so long to meet with the doctor and ask questions (I have about a million). Hopefully we will be able to find out what the sex of the baby is!! Eeeek! This weekend I will be celebrating with family.

No super long run this weekend. Will likely get in 8-10 miles on Sunday because tomorrow is supposed to be snowy/rainy/gross.

Healthiest thing I have eaten today → Fiber One Cereal.


I love apple fritters too and it is dangerous that there is a Glazed and Infused right on the next block from me…

I am looking forward to marathoning House of Cards this weekend. It comes out today and that is my plan all weekend. I do have some fitness penciled in so maybe that will help me not sink into the couch.


I’m looking forward to finishing Parenthood Season 5 so that I can bingewatch Season 6 AND Parks and Rec in one week under a free Hulu Plus trial subscription. I’m an endurance athlete in all facets of my life.


Birthday weekend…which just means I have an excuse to get more gear!!! I am running 17 this weekend with a Half in there somewhere!
Can you have a favorite W S movie, I mean does anything compare to Fresh Prince? lol!


What are you most looking forward to this weekend? I am working all weekend so not looking forward to much of anything, except maybe a huge breakfast tomorrow. Running and eating are the highlights of my life!

Who has a long run this weekend? How far? This weekend will be 9 miles!

Healthiest thing you have eaten in the last 36 hours? Sweet potato for lunch yesterday!

Bonus—> Favorite Will Smith movie? Still love Independence Day! :)


#stophashtagging?? #why?? #idemandMOREhashtags #hashtagsalldamnday


Is it weird that I don’t like donuts? :( I know…I’m not sure what happened in my life to cause such a tragedy but they’re never been my thing!

To answer your question – no, Will Smith doesn’t age and it’s freaky!


I have a 28 KM on tap for this weekend. Boston training too!
AND bike shopping. I am beyond excited to buy a new road bike!


I have 16 on tap this weekend and 22 next week.

Favorite Will Smith movie–I am Legend

Have a great run!!


Phoenix runner here! 26.2 miles here I come!


AHHHH NONA!!! Good luck! You’ve got this! You can do hard things!


My favorite Will Smith movie is Hitch. Love love love that movie!! I like your slippers.. Would go great with my daily uniform of sweatpants and a long sleeve tshirt (after work uniform, of course. I don’t know why I’m not married yet either?!? Haha) Have a great weekend!!


First of all, I am so glad we share a love for Will Smith. I will only be seeing Focus because he’s in it. I loved Men in Black 3 (I cried at the end because OMG). And I loved The Pursuit of Happyness and 7 Pounds even though they were more serious. And I have seen Bad Boys a million times. Hitch was decent too. He’s so good at playing the sexy, smooth dude.

This weekend I am looking forward to seeing my study abroad friend who will be in town (she used to live in Wisconsin but recently moved to Waco so now she’s only a few hours away from me), and I’m looking forward to my boyfriend coming back from Albuquerque on Saturday night (he’s been gone since Sunday night AND is going back Monday morning thru Saturday AGAIN).

My long run this weekend is supposed to be 10-11 miles, but it’s currently SNOWING again in Dallas and it’s supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow aaaaand since my name is not Janae I don’t think I am capable of running in those conditions haha.


At first, I definitely thought that your donut was a huge monstrosity of one the size of Brooke. ;) I was a little jealous! It’s okay though, because I am about to go for an 8-10 mile run so I will just make sure to end it right outside of a donut shop. :)


Long run: Napa Valley Marathon on Sunday. It might kill me since I haven’t run in 5wks but I figure I could just finish by run/walking it it in. I did get a 22 miler in before I had to stop so let’s hope for some muscle memory and thank the flat elevation.

I can’t get over how much Brooke looks like y our niece!

PS this girl is 5wks pregnant. I might need that donut stat.


WAHOOO congrats on your pregnancy! I hope Sunday goes amazing for you! Seriously, they are twins!


I am looking forward to getting out on the rail trail tomorrow. We are expecting a heat wave of 20 * F which is WAY up from the -4*F it is right now! :) And my daughter (Peyton) is going to her first birthday party with friends from preschool :) yeah!!


Let me start out that you look beautiful in the “car selfie”!!!
I just started marathon training, but since this weekend is full of papers and finals, I did my long run earlier in the week, it was about 7 miles. Last night I ran out of cooked food so I ate the rest of the rotisserie chicken I had in the fridge and then an avocado sprinkled with sea salt and pepper, soooo good!!!
Fav movie by Will Smith: 7 pounds, I swear I cried real tears in that movie theater.


I have a new favorite lunch/dinner now thanks to reading your blog. I tried a sweet potato with turkey burger and BBQ sauce for lunch. Dang, it was good!! Thanks for the new meal idea! I’m not doing Phoenix half, but one in San Antonio tomorrow in the freezing rain. Hoping I can be tough!


That makes me so happy… it really is the best meal:) GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! Stay warm. You can do hard things!


My sister is an excellent healthy eating example for me too! I’m excited to take a pump class with my sister this weekend! I don’t have a membership but VASA has been doing a free family and friends weekend promo so I am joining her :)


OH I love the pump classes at Vasa! Have a blast Rachel!!!


What does it mean to have your car detailed? I always thought it was some kind of fancy paint job or wax job or something. Apparently not. Is it some kind of deep cleaning? Because I need that.


Hey Emily! Yes, it is a deep cleaning… they scrub everything! Go get one!


20 done and done! Got up at 3 am so i could squeeze it in before hubby’s business trip. Yes, marathon training is a strange thing.


Way to go Amber! You are incredible! I hope you get a nap in:)


Healthiest thing??? Ginormous salad with tons of veggies and salmon on top. Long run this weekend….yes, 9 miles. First time ever running that far. Big deal for me!! So jealous of the car detailing. Wow. Good gift idea Mom.


You are going to rock your 9 miles Nancy! You’ve got this. Also, come make that salad for me please!


So you are saying I need more than one pair of slippers? I only have the ones for the house. Darn. And the healthiest thing I had was a meal of eggs and kale burgers yesterday. This weekend I’m looking forward to hosting a big housewarming at my new place! Lots of cooking going on! :)


I have those same “house slipper” love em, and also have a pair of thicker soled “going out slippers” and love that I am not alone !


I made homemade chicken noodle soup with a side of kale – YUM.
Love my slippers!! I put them on as soon as I walk in the door.
Lots of relaxing, working out and brunch for a girlfriend’s birthday this weekend!
Fav Will Smith movie – Independence Day! :)


I feel like everyone is running Phoenix this weekend. Not me – silly teacher’s schedule that doesn’t allow me to take vacation days when I feel like it :-)

Probably no running this weekend (parenthood) – but maybe on Sunday.


We are moving this weekend! We really want to buy a home, so the decision to downsize and save for a year is the plan. I’m excited!


No long run for me this weekend, last weekends 19 took a lot out of me and I feel stale and sore. I’ll get back at it next weekend when I’m properly recovered (injury prone as I am).

Will Smith movie? I am Legend. But I love them all…


janae I have a question for you….I am going to be doing an indoor triathlon and using spin bikes. I only use my bike on a bike trainer at home to workout. Can you give me some tips on how to get the most miles on a spin bike. For the tri we have 15mins to bike as far as we can. So do I want more tension and pedal hard or less tension and pedal fast?? Thanks!!


I’ve been making this sandwich lately that I have really loved and is pretty healthy: whole wheat bread, hummus, feta cheese, cucumbers and avocado. I randomly added the avocado because I had it on hand, but I think it would be even better subbed with roasted red pepper or a tomato.


I LOVE PJs…and I wonder why I am not married ;)


Running the 15k Hot Choc race with my absolute best friend this weekend! It’s been years since we ran together and we picked it as a training race for the Eugene marathon in May.

I’m new to your blog and absolutely love it! Thank you for sharing and inspiring everyday!


Running a 15k by myself! I won it on Facebook!

The healthiest thing I had was a green smoothie for breakfast this morning! :) yum!


I think the reason you’re not married yet is because you were hurt last time, you are still learning how to be you without a partner (the most important thing you’ll ever learn — I promise — and it’ll ensure you’ll be happier in your next marriage!), and because you have a beautiful daughter and your own life to focus on before settling down again and finding a life with someone else. Enjoy this time and don’t rush it.


Just what I needed to hear tonight. Thank you Lala, this means the world to me!


Mostly looking forward to my girls’ basketball game and a quick trip to my collegiate alma mater for a meeting! Was hoping to run on campus but looks like the weather isn’t going to cooperate :( Our long training run will be 7 miles in the sleet/snow/freezing rain… oh my!


I hope you get an apple fritter–worse comes to worse, I just saw a recipe for apple-fritter bread recently! You could make that.

I went to my best-friend’s birthday party last night. There was a lot of celebration and red wine…

On the marriage thing… I find that the longer I am single, then the better, stronger, and more reflective that I am. I think you learn a lot about yourself (and possibly what you want/need) while single–so that if/when you marry then you are more apt to deal with partnering a life with someone else.


Catching up reading your blog and just had to say you are gorgeous! Supermodel selfie!


Your daughter is seriously the cutest!!


Bad Boys = Best Will Smith movie ever.


Mmm, I love Stonyfield products! I eat yogurt every morning!


Glad to hear someone else counts down the long runs- longer than I’ve ever done previously. I’m doing my first marathon next month and I have two more long runs! I wish I could wear slippers all the time but I have terrible feet and my podiatrist told me to wear my orthotics at all times. Booooo!


I hope your long run went well! I love all your #’s!!! So funny!

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