Sentence per picture day #62

I could hold my new nephew 24/7, he is the sweetest little thing.  

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I am obsessed with his sideburns.  

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The family met for some grub and a fried chicken salad with some fries were just what the doctor ordered…. ps I REALLY love ketchup.  

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I have a future make-up artist on my hands.

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My favorite trail running buddy is 13 weeks pregnant and she needed me and Brooke to accompany her for her biggest craving.  

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I promise, caramel sauce and gummy bears actually do taste good together.  

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A very important quiz if you have nothing to do with your life right now;)


Brooke finished off the day with some speedy strides:

Time to get some fun 2 minute intervals done!

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If you live in a place with a lot of snow right now then I suggest you come visit Utah this week so that you can get in a warm run.

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Anyone reading NOT like ketchup?  Every now and then I meet somebody that doesn’t like ketchup and I always want to know the whys to this condition.

What is your sentence for the day?

Last fast food type restaurant that you went to?  

Who has a bunch of snow right now?  Where do you live?

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Awe his hair is so cute seriously. Congrats to your sister.

I like ketchup a lot so I def don’t fall into that category. Sometimes I do feel like it’s too sweet but other then that I do like it…


Yesterday in Kansas the high was 25, today it is supposed to be 70. It’s been going on like this for weeks. It’s very strange. I feel bad for everyone on the east that has a wall of snow everywhere!

The video of Brooke running is adorable!


Tons of snow! Super cute baby and also congrats to your friend! I like ketchup the best when I make my own :)


We have SO MUCH snow here in Boston, and I just heard on the news another 12-18 inches between Sunday night and Tuesday. There’s about 50 inches out there already. This is seriously a nightmare. I want to come to Utah and trail run in the sunshine!


I absolutely LOVE ketchup. I can eat it on almost anything. One of my favorite snacks is avocado with ketchup and Wheat Thins. So.good.

Sentence for the day: Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. (I took it from A Cinderella Story, but it’s such good advice.)

Thankfully we don’t get much snow in Dallas! We are even supposed to see some highs in the 70s this weekend, which is wonderful!!


Last night after my fartlek I went and got a burger with my guy. Probably not the healthiest way to refuel but man did it taste good and feel well earned ;)

No snow here! It’s 74 degrees with 90% humidity (booo).


Ketchup is gooooood. But I have a deep love for BBQ sauce.

Flying to Florida tomorrow to visit my parents! I’ll be going from below zero wind chill temps to sunny and 75! :)


I only like ketchup on meatloaf and I don’t really like meatloaf…it is just edible if I have to type of food. I would be completely fine with never having ketchup again. My daughter will eat it by the spoonful but both my sons will not touch it. I have tried…I don’t want them to not like stuff just because I don’t.
I live in Northeast Indiana….we have a foot of snow. It sucks.


We have at least two feet of snow but at least it’s finally supposed to stop snowing more. Your sister’s baby is so cute! I like ketchup with fries but that’s about it—I think I’m not a huge fan now because I put way too much ketchup on food for a while in college and burned myself out in it.
Your workout looks fun! Happy running!


We have lots of snow in the suburbs of New York City. And lots of ice too!
I love ketchup but only on french fries or hamburgers. Never eggs! I don’t get that.
My sentence for the day is yay for today because I have the day off.


I live in Boston and we are COVERED in snow! Thankfully my roommate and I manage to laugh it off during our 5 AM, slippery, snowy “runs” (which have become shuffle jogs over black ice).


I read once that per capita Hoosiers eat more ketchup than any other state. Come to Indiana!!!! Oh we also love to dip our bread sticks in cheese…is that normal anywhere else? Happy Wednesday!


I love how Brookers is going to be a running expertise. Even if she doesn’t end up running, she is going to be able to coach by the time she’s 5. Hahah!

I feel like every time I meet someone who doesn’t like ketchup or chocolate, I’m speaking to a unicorn.


Haha, ketchup? I liked it so much that I used to squirt some over fried rice.

I dare you to try it the next time you order Chinese.


Sentence for the day = I put BBQ sauce on my sweet potato last night and my entire life is now forever changed.


Brooke is quite the little runner. My sentence today -> get to work on time. In always late. Phoenix traffic is horrible!


I hate everything about ketchup. Can’t stand the smell or taste. I don’t know why, I have tried to like it. I put mustard on everything like fries, burgers, anywhere you would use ketchup. I live in Sandusky, Ohio we probably have about 15 inches of the white stuff and school is closed for the day, so I’m home.


Wow. Your nephew is cuuuuuute.

The snow won’t stop coming down here in Westchester, NY. And temps in the single digits! Not my favorite. :)


I don’t understand people who don’t like ketchup either! I just did the Whole30 and you can’t eat store-bought ketchup with added sugar and this was one of the hardest things for me. I tried making a homemade version but it wasn’t the same. Last night I ate burgers and it was so nice to have ketchup again!
I would love to come run in Utah! I am so sick of the winter here in Maryland!


Yup…that’s me…I don’t like ketchup :)
I live in MD and the snow keeps pretty much missing us…which makes me happy!
Your nephew is super cute :)


I love the picture of you and your nephew! Boys are so sweet. I don’t eat ketchup. When I was in elementary school, if you took too much ketchup and didn’t use it all, the teachers made you eat the leftover ketchup with a spoon. I think it wad to teach us not to be wasteful. Kind of ruined ketchup for me. I live in Iowa, we have about a foot of snow right now. I need to get my boys out and go sledding :-)


I LOVE ketchup. Oddly enough not on my fries though.

Sentence for the day: It is almost Friday.

I really have no idea what was the last fast food place I went to. Probably Dunkin Donuts in an airport somewhere.

We have SO much snow in Boston right now. Close to 3 feet and it’s snowing right now and supposed to snow Sunday and Monday too. They are literally using some fancy (and kind of scary) machines to melt it because we’re running out of places to put it. It’s been a rough couple of weeks for running, walking, commuting, etc.

P.S. Your nephew is ADORABLE


It’s so funny that you brought up ketchup because it has been my biggest craving this past month…yesterday I made a baked potato and covered the thing in Heinz ketchup (the best brand)! I get weird looks but its not much different than fries and ketchup.
Last fast food joint was Jimmy John’s. Do they have those in Utah????


I ran in the rain and I am still dripping everywhere.


I’m not a huge fan of ketchup, especially store-bought. It’s just too sweet for me. That being said, I love it in meatloaf or meatballs, just not on top.
My sentence for the day: Stay positive and believe you can handle what life throws at you!
Last fast food I got was Wendy’s. I love their salads and baked potatoes :)
No snow in Nashville (thank you Lord!)


I think your new nephew looks like your brother in law….yea, I must be an expert since I think I have maybe seen 2 pictures of him?! ha!

The last restaurant I ate at was over the weekend after my son’s swim meet….he picked and it was DQ or McDonald’s ……he opted for DQ. My sad little life…I know!


I live in Nebraska, and the winter weather has been crazy here! Yesterday all the schools were cancelled except for the university where I work. :( It was a nightmare even just driving the ten minutes over to the school. So many cars stuck on the side of the road. It felt like we were in the Himalayas in Monsters, Inc. Haha!


Probably Chipotle.

We don’t have too much right now in NYC, but it’s supposed to snow more today. Joy.


Your nephew is just beautiful. Congrats to your family.
We have SO MUCH SNOW right now. My kids are home on a 2 hour delay.
Last fast food place I went to…I really don’t know. We aren’t a fast food family!


I love ketchup! And sprinkle a bit of salt on it before you dip fries in – amazing!

Sentence du jour – I NEED a goal to work towards!

No snow here in GA – weather around 50 although I think we have a cold day coming up soon – I saw 21 in the forecast :(

Went to a Japanese restaurant last night – I got am amazing oriental salad!


oh my gosh your nephew is the cutest!!!


We got almost 4 inches of snow last night, but because it was melting on the road at first, when the temperature dropped it froze and then more snow stuck to that. It was a rough drive home from work last night.


My boyfriend is not a huge fan of ketchup, but he was allergic to tomatoes when he was a kid, so he didn’t grow up with it.

I can’t remember the last fast food I had, probably mcdonalds.

We have a bunch of snow built up in the yard, but the roads are pretty clear. I live about an hour north of NYC.


Sentence for the day: Running in the dark alone is scary, but it is scarier when you are listening to a scary book :-/.


I live one mile from Heartbreak Hill!! :) LOTS of snow and more coming. I hope the snow banks are gone in time for the Marathon in April…


I am in New York and it’s snowing right now! I was able to get a run in outdoors first though for the first time in weeks! Too much snow here lately and I heard snow again Saturday through Tuesday. I don’t even want to know the details of this storm…Who doesn’t like ketchup?!


I love ketchup! BUT I ONLY like Heintz ketchup…… Hunts = Blah.

My sentence for the day is “STAY FOCUSED”. Because I really need to at work! :)

What is snow? JK… Definitely no snow in Houston. I think the high this weekend is in the 70s which means headed to the beach house for some R&R, seafood, booze and time with my other half.


Oh and last fast food was Chic-Fil-A on Saturday. Their wraps are my fav!


I can’t stand ketchup! Not sure why, but I’ve never liked it. I have been known to squirt a little bit in a sauce I make for a meatloaf, but that’s the only time you will see me using it. I also don’t like mustard (unless in potato salad) or mayo. I think of this condition as a calorie saver :)


Your little nephew looks SO much like your BIL!

I’m a total ketchup lover. I just don’t understand people that don’t love the stuff! ;)


That hair!!!


OK…so wasting a few minutes before leaving for work on the Donut Quiz…..I got my all time absolute favorite donut EVER…”Wade” The Boston creme filled donut! This quiz is the bomb!



Can I PLEASE come visit you?! It was -15 when I woke up this morning :( not to mention the tons of snow we have! Good ol’ Upper Peninsula!


I just finished eating some ketchup (on an egg sandwich). I had a friend who hated ketchup because it was made from tomatoes. I told him his reasoning made no sense.


Omg what a cute baby!! <3


I’ve never really liked ketchup, it just doesn’t taste that good to me! (Blasphemy right?) Ranch is my ketchup! The last fast food I had was also Chik-Fil-A yesterday :) love the spicy chicken sandwich!

I am 24 weeks pregnant and now I’m craving froyo so thanks for that :p I love all the videos you post of Brooke, she is the cutest! I have an almost 2 year old girl, they are just so much fun aren’t they?!


Your nephew’s hair is the sweetest! And he already looks so alert! :)

Someone NOT liking ketchup? Say it ain’t so!

Last kind of restaurant I went to was Pie 5, it’s like a Subway for personal sized pizza, but you can get as many toppings as you want and it’s all the same price. Delicious!


About to go on a trail run this nice spring morning in utah! So weird…


SO MUCH SNOW….I want to be where YOU are right now!!! You are living my winter running dream right now! :)


Fast food: chipotle…the soft it’s salad is SO good!!!
No snow in TN, but it was so cold and windy for this mornings run!!!


I LOVE ketchup. I prefer to buy the low sugar kinds b/c it’s not a sweet – duh. I like to put it on mac and cheese! I get embarrassed at restaurants if someone sees how much ketchup I put on my food!

Favorite daily quote – “work hard, and play hard”

Last fast food – chicken and avocado salad from Panera. Loving their new online ordering system. I spend forever picking out the perfect salad toppings, then it’s waiting for me when I go pick it up!

Just a light brushing of snow here in KY


Wow, that is crazy about the Utah weather! In Ohio we are knee deep (and then some) in snow! School delays and cancellations are the norm this week.


I need ketchup in my life, especially considering I love a good burger and fries.

Sentence for the day: Packing for Hawaii!!!

No snow right now, but an abnormal amount of rain. I’m wondering if winter is ever going to arrive?

I am a pink-frosted donut. I prefer maple or apple fritter, but I do love the color pink. ☺


The last fast food restaurant I went to…if Chipotle doesn’t count, then Panera :) Those are my two favorites!


(So unique, I know)


Yup, snow where I am. The forecast yesterday said 2-4cm of snow. Well, it snowed all day and we got 15+ cm instead!


I love ketchup. My dad used to say if I needed a blood transfusion they could hook me up to a bottle of Heinz!

I ate at Chick Fil A the other day……….best chicken tenders and I love their bbq sauce (it has pineapple juice in it!) and on my salad they had FAT FREE honey mustard dressing! Score!

It is not snowing in TN but it is so windy and cold today!


The last food place I went to was the taco truck – delicious.

Your little nephew is adorable! It’s going to be fun for all of us stalkers to watch him grow up!


such a cute little boy


Oh those sideburns!! My son had serious sideburns when he was little, we called him Big Burns for a few years (sometimes we still do!) what a cutie! I live in cedar hills and I actually really want it to snow so we can go sleding at least once this winter!! (We were in hot California over Christmas so we missed the big snow storm!)


I despise ketchup. The smell. The sight of it. Oh my Lord the things people do with ketchup. ::shudder::

No ketchup. No.

that baby though…yes.


That frozen yogurt looks SO good, even though I am one of those people drowning in snow. I live in Southwestern Ontario and everyday we seem to get more and more snow so I have been doing a lot of treadmill running!

Sentence of the day “Treat Yourself” – I already did with a donut! I would definitely date an apple fritter, I don’t need a quiz for that ;)

Oh, and I never used to like Ketchup, even as a kid growing up. I preferred mustard because it is saltier!!


I have a salad fun fact for you today, did you know that here in Pittsburgh….chicken and steak salads come with fries ON THE SALAD? Its the norm here……


Your nephew is adorable!! I live in England and it has been snowing on and off for the last week! It snows all night and then by the time I finish school it’s all melted, leaving all the icky slushy stuff :(

I had Dominos pizza over the weekend, so good! I love ketchup, can’t have fries without it! Brooke is definitely a runner in the making, she’s so darn cute :)


My family mocks me when I eat fries. They always ask if I would like some fries with my ketchup because I think the perfect ratio is to have just as much ketchup as fries. That is also how I roll with my salsa to chip ratio.

Ross and I went to Curry Felafel n’ Kebob and Oh Mei on Saturday. Yes. Two restaurants. Because Ross eats 2 dinners sometimes.

I don’t believe you about the caramel and gummy bears

And because I, in fact, don’t have a life: I took the quiz and these were my results: You got: Victor the Pink-Frosted Donut. All I know is, now I want a donut.

Good luck on your run today!!


Congratulations on your adorable new nephew! He is so cute!

P.s Do I spy a Rifle Paper Co. phone case? I love it!


I live in Canada and it is a chore to even get to my car in the morning. Chalk it up to strength training…


He looks like Curly! I was due a year ago today and my boy was born on February 9th. Time has just flown by. Enjoy the snuggles.

I lurve ketchup too- now mustard is a whole other story, but gotta have my ketchup.


I don’t not like ketchup, but I don’t love it. I’ll put it on a burger,but that’s about it. I prefer my fries just salted.

I’m in California, so definitely no snow, but we sure could use the rain!!

Does a taqueria count as fast food?? I go to one of those almost once a week!! A burger type fast food joint I haven’t been to in awhile, just prefer tacos. lol

Your nephew is so cute!


No snow for me down in sunny Tucson! We have some of the best winters in the world, my family in the Midwest is very jealous right now.

I am one of the people that dislikes ketchup- the taste is fine but looking at it grosses me out. When my baby brother was a toddler he’d eat ketchup with a spoon and a lot of it then leave piles of it on his plate that I’d have to wash off. So even to this day it makes me sick to think about even though he is now 21; something about ketchup on a spoon and all over a cute little toddler face just ruined it for me for life.


I used to eat “ketchup sandwiches” when I was younger…. just bread and ketchup, not sure why my mom allowed this but I loved it.
Needless to say I only rarely eat ketchup anymore


Ahhhh your nephew is so cute! also that salad looks so insanely good… I want that. right now.


Oh my gosh this weather is awesome! I just got to Salt Lake City yesterday from chilly Alaska and am loving the warm temps!


We have barely any snow, but it is just too slick to be outside anyway, so we aren’t that lucky.
I love Buzzfeed quizzes. I got Ronald the Chocolate-Dipped Cruller. I am ADAMANT that my boss needs to let me incorporate “Which Pizza Slice Are You?” into our interviewing for external hires, but he thinks HR would be against it. How else are supposed to really get to know a person in 30 minutes!?


Umm, I absolutely LOVE ketchup. I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t or anyone who loves mayo. SICK.

I went to Chick-fil-a last night as well! Ordered the #2. :)

My sentence for the day is: Thank God in Heaven above that it is almost Friday.


I like ketchup. I had a salad at a burrito place this weekend, as my last “fastish” food meal. It’s pretty nice in Northern California right now. And I love your phone case. :)


Living in Boston, we have a crap-ton of snow right now. Confession: I LOVE it :)

One thing I do not love: ketchup! Eh, grosses me out, haha. I’m not into the whole dipping something “solid” into something wet and cold. The only thing my husband has kind of gotten me into is BBQ sauce! Just not a condiments lover. I know, you just don’t understand :)


You’re nephew is absolutely adorable!
I have to tell you I’m not a ketchup fan. Give me any type of spicy mustard any day!
I live in Pittsburgh and we have about 4 inches of snow. I ran on our trails over the weekend using my brand new pair of yaktrax. So exhausting, but loved it!


I love your phone case. I’m looking for one. Where did you find yours?


I don’t like eating gummy bears; I just enjoy stretching them out so that their front paws look like boobies!


On Saturday (first day I have any free time) I am going to do that exact fartlek run and go for froyo after. Looks like absolute perfection.

Also, I died watching that video of Brooke. She wins all the kid awards ever.


So cute! What is your nephew’s name?


I live in Texas so we never have “a bunch” of snow lol! It is really cold right now though, well for us it’s cold, and I hate it! It’s supposed to be warm again tomorrow so I am waiting for that. :)


I live on the New Hampshire/ Maine border and we just have way too much snow right now!
I love ketchup. I think it’s my favorite condiment. There’s a restaurant here in town that makes their own ketchup and it’s amazing. They sell bottles of it and I keep meaning to buy some.


Love ketchup! I live in northern MN and we have a decent amount of snow but not much compared to the average this time of year. Snow is fine with me, but we could sure use some warmer temps and less ice :) Utah looks beautiful!!!

I think I’m adopting your friend’s craving right now – looks wayyy too good. Gummy bears and caramel sauce deserve a chance!


Your nephew is adorable! Both of my boys have/had sideburns! Love it! Brooke is also adorable :)


Honestly, I don’t really like ketchup either. My son is OBSESSED and could eat buckets of ketchup but not me. I don’t hate it like I hate mushrooms, but it’s definitely not my favorite. Congrats to your sister and her family, that is one cute baby!


My sentence is that I was published again in The Huffington Post. BAM!

I live in Chicago and we got about a foot on Sunday. Then it has periodically snowed the past couple days as well, but nothing as crazy as that.


Your nephew is so cute! It’s amazing anyone starts out that small.

The last fast food place I went to was Five Guys.


We have a lot of snow in Ohio and even more ice. Looking forward to heading to sunny California next week. Your nephew is adorable with all that hair!


Your nephew is absolutely adorable :) No snow in Vancouver yay! I definitely got my fix in Saskatchewan with -30degrees! And I LOVE ketchup, I could drink it. Last time I was out to dinner the waiter noticed me pretty much eating it with a spoon and brought me a whole new bottle. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or relieved.


I also live in Chicago, and we have 20 inches of snow where I am at. Monday was a Snow Day for my students.

I haven’t had Fast Food in the longest time–I cannot even remember what it was.

I love ketchup and go through 2 small bottles a week because I always have it on my eggs with breakfast and with my dinner.

All of my friends are pregnant it is kind of scary…. I have 150 high school students, and it definitely keeps me from ever wanting children of my own–but then I would have less energy for my students.

Latest food obsession–caramel rice cakes and cheese rice cakes mixed together… like the Chicago mix popcorn at Garrett’s popcorn


Your nephew is adorable! He looks so alert.

Ketchup-but only Heinz Simply Ketchup.

Snow here in Germany so I’ve been XC skiing almost daily, but today was a run! It was cold and windy. 10km but it was fantastic.

Fast food isn’t plentiful here and takes an effort. We went to McCafe the other weekend while on a swim meet road trip-their coffee passes the snobby test and you can’t beat a one euro ice cream sundae!


You little nephew is adorable!

No snow here – it keeps skirting just barely north of DC.


I think your nephew looks like Brooke!
PA -Freezing but not too much snow
Red Robin – I love a great burger!


Congratulations on the new nephew. And to your sister, obviously :) He’s sooo cute!


I love ketchup on certain foods. I am just a big dipping sauce type of person ha! Your nephew is so cute!! I can’t believe the weather in Provo right now! It is so wonderful :)


Your nephew is absolutely adorable! He’s so tiny and sweet looking!

I’m not a huge fan of ketchup and will very rarely ever eat it. I’ll eat things dry usually before I’ll use it.


I’m one of the people who don’t like ketchup! As a little kid I ate it, but at some point it just started tasting gross to me. I wish I liked it!


Your nephew is so cute.

I’m not a ketchup fan. I love tomatoes and marinara but not ketchup. I think it’s the sweetness of it.

We were on vacation so the last restaurant I was in was Margaritaville. I had a margarita and a blue cheese mushroom burger with a side salad. I stole a few fries from my husband.


I would NEVER doubt that gummy bears and caramel sauce taste good together!


I actually don’t use ketchup very often (not eating fries will do that) but I do like it whenever I do have some!


I love ketchup while I’m eating it, but as soon as I’m done eating the smell makes me nauseous. I have no idea why!


I LOVE ketchup. I always joke that I have some fries with my ketchup!

We have a lot of snow…but it’s the cold that is killing me…my long run last week was done in a windchill below -20F. That’s just wrong.


There are only 3 foods I won’t eat, and ketchup is one of them! I just don’t love the taste, so I feel like it ruins whatever I’d eat it with.


Oh my gosh. That video of stinkin’ cute. She’s adorable! Way to teach running at a young age mom! She’s going to be a killer runner when she gets bigger!
I don’t dislike ketchup, but I am usually going to use ranch dressing or BBQ sauce instead if I have the choice.
We have about 14 or so inches of snow on the ground here in Iowa. It is 20° as I type this. I wanted to run this morning, but I think I’m going to wait till it warms up a little. I don’t mind the snow as much as I do the cold temps. I wish I could just jump on a jetplane and fly to UT and run. Glorious.


I’m one of those people who don’t like ketchup. It’s a long story, but I used to love it and now I can’t even eat anything with ketchup in it – except ketchup chips!

Lots of snow here in Atlantic Canada! About 130cm in one week on top of whatever we had before. Prepping for a very cold and snowy long run in the am!


I hate ketchup so much that if a restaurant puts it on my burger, I send it back. I love mayo and dip my fries in that.

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