Hip flexor stretches, fartleks on the tready and motion sickness.

Today was one of those days that I really wished the treadmill didn’t make me stop at 60 minutes.  All I needed was one more minute to finish my run.  

The workout called for 10 x 2 minute hard intervals.  For the intervals I averaged a 5:56 pace (10.1 on the treadmill).  For the non-hard time I was at around a 7:20 pace which felt comfortable only because I was comparing that pace to the 5:56 pace:)  Finished the 9 miles with a 6:48 average pace, 1% incline.  The rest of the week will involve two more runs at an easy pace.  

Reason #452 I love having a coach, I don’t have to think about my workout until I start it.  I love not stressing about it and just doing what she tells me to do.  I’ve stopped overanalyzing and getting nervous about my workouts and just get them done.  

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Followed by some stretching and weighted bridges to strengthen my glutes!

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Before the run I hit up Dr. Bennett’s office for my ‘every three weeks I go in and he fixes me all up so I can go train hard again’ appointment.  Luckily, nothing has been bothering me too bad this training cycle but my hip flexors do get tight and sore.  The hip flexors are used with every stride that we take when we run so I really want to stay on top of them.  

Some great stretches to help them out:

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Right after my run we came home and had some lunch.  

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Who doesn’t love wearing sunglasses indoors while eating their broccoli? 

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The park was next on the list because it feels like Fall out. 

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Swinging= motion sickness so I lasted on the swing for about 2 minutes.

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Do you get motion sickness?  Car?  Swings?  Roller coasters?

Anything tight for you right now?  Any little ‘hot spots’ from training that are bugging you?

What has been the best part about your Wednesday so far?

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I’ve never tried that first hip stretch but I am tempted to get down on the floor at my office right now and try it. My right hip the last three days has been so tight!

I don’t get motion sickness unless I am looking at my phone screen in the car for too long!


Once upon a time I used to do intervals at that speed on the treadmill. Granted, they were usually 30-45seconds and not 2minutes. Buy dang it, one day I will do it again!!

My hip flexors are always tight. I do some of these stretches already, but will definitely add the others. As much as they are always tight, it is still the hamstring and adductor that are giving me my problems.

I am happy to know I am not the only one who can’t tolerate the swings. I can read in a car, ride roller coasters and the like, but swings make me want to vomit.

Great job on your run! I hope the rest of your day is just as fabulous!


I get motion sickness alot. Roads with lots of curves = bad for me. Roller coasters, just forget about it!

My hips get really tight, I do alot of the same stretches that you do to try to keep them loosened up. Lately my calves have been tighter than usual, so I’ve been doing alot of time on the foam roller!

Good run today!!


Hip flexors….you need nothing more than the myrtl routine. Ever. myrtl4life haha!


I get pretty awful motion sickness, when I travel in any way Dramamine is my friend! Swinging as an adult is totally different than as a kid.


When I was younger, we used to visit my friend’s grandmother all the time. The roads to her house were very windey and I got sick EVERY TIME. I still can’t read in the car or I will get sick.

My Wednesday will get better soon…leaving work, picking up Chipotle, and going home to my family. :)


Thanks for hip stretch suggestions! Those are a constant bother, so I forget about them from time to time cause I just think it’s normal.

I don’t get motion sickness (yet). I would hate to not be able to read in a car or on a plane!

Best part of my Wednesday was lunch at Pei Wei and reading my new book club selection- Night Film!


Awesome run! It is so annoying when the treadmill shuts off right you’re done. I sometimes sprint at the end to avoid it, which doesn’t really make it a cool-down!

My hip flexors are tight a lot. One of the yoga routines on Runner’s World (I can’t remember which one) is so good for loosening up my hips. Pilates always feels good on tight hips as well.

I only get motion sickness on those spiral ramps in parking garages. Every single time they make me feel sick, especially going down them.


Hahaha, Brooke’s heart shaped shades are TOO funny. It’s quite possible that photo is the best part of my Wednesday!


I love Stonyfield OP! It’s so yummy!


I did bodypump for the first time in forever on Saturday and my inner thigh is FINALLY not sore in time for me to go back today.
I really only get motion sick from 3D movies or rides. I’m okay if the ride is moving forward, but if just sitting in one spot and shaking around dooms me (like Star Tours at DisneyLand).

Best part of my Wednesday: that fact that it’s almost Thursday which means it’s almost FRIDAY!


My calves are SO DANG TIGHT so I just caved and got my first sports massage today. It hurt so good but he worked wonders. Forefront strike = calves on fire.

YOU’RE SO FAST I CANNOT EVEN HANDLE IT. I get tired just reading your times. No, but really.


Hahaha I think the same thing!! Go Janae :)


I have so many tight spots. But since I have been barely working out let alone running for 5 weeks most of them disappeared. I do have a tight hamstring that never gets better. And my peroneal muscles tend to get overloaded a lot.
Love Brooke in the background of your stretch pics :)
I tried party cake Peeps today. They were good but now I have the evil post sugar bad taste in my mouth :(


I hate when the treadmill shuts off on me! Lately I try to finish up the last mile before it happens! So annoying.


My hip flexors and hamstrings are usually tight. I teach classes in the morning and work out, but then I come home and sit at the computer doing blog things and other unnecessary internet perusing. That leads my hip flexors to need some serious stretching!

I don’t get motion sick but I have developed a dizziness whenever I am high in the air. It never used to be a problem, but now if I look over a high balcony or something I feel like Im going to fall off. I also have a problem watching action scenes while running on the treadmill. One time someone jumped out of a helicopter and I almost lost my balance!


My hamstring has been bugging, so doing some stretches for that.
Sometimes I get motion sickness on a boat, but I love being on a sailboat so I take something if necessary :)


Unexpected phone call from a friend was the best part.


My knees have been a little tight but I’m working on stretching them out!


We have had a weird week in North Texas, the kids and I have been off due to ice the last two days (I work at the school too) , but this morning we had school even though it was this massive snowfall (at least for North Texas) right during morning drop off. Well part way through the day I opened the door at work to a brilliant sunshine and 50 degrees, and the snow was all gone. My daughter said it was like it never happened…LOL We came right home and took the dog on a long walk to enjoy the sunshine. I have spent the last three days on the treadmill so it felt great to be outside. And in regards to swings I jumped on one recently when I was at the park with my daughter and I couldn’t take the motion at all. I used to love to swing when I was a kid.


Okay that is crazy!!! Your weather is all over the place! I hope it stays nice and good to hear from someone else that can no longer handle the swings!


I just posed some yoga poses for hip flexors, great minds think alike ;) Mine are always crazy tight from running and I really notice it when I do planks for some reason?
I get the worst car sickness in the back seat! Not fun.
best part of my Wednesday: Skype date with my bf :)


Posted* :)


It really annoys me that a treadmill stops after 60 minutes … but sometimes I am thankful so that I have a reason to stop and get a drink from the water fountain :)

I only get motion sickness when I sit in the back of cars and try to read. Otherwise, I’m pretty fine.

The best part of my Wednesday was finally registering my change of name to my husband’s surname at the local government offices. It’s official! Well, it will be in 6-8 weeks when I get the paperwork back.


Why do the treadmills stop at sixty minutes? It’s so infuriating. Also, my speed workout today was your easy pace. You’re so fast!


I only get motion sickness when riding in the car with a bad driver (you know who you are…cough boyfriend cough).

MY SHINS KILL help me. Jk. Kinda.


Oh Monika… I am so sorry about your shins! Not fun at all. I hope they get better asap! bahaahah about your boyfriend!


Intense workout.! Good job girl :)
and you know, I never have hip flexor problems, I better not say never though. You never know about running. Best part of today will be signing up for a race and going to targeT. Ok not best, but I look forward to it


I do get car sick!! I don’t throw up or anything but I do feel awful. I can’t read or watch movies or anything – otherwise disaster :-(


I sometimes get motion sickness when I am riding in the front seat of a car and I’m trying to read something. Maybe it’s seeing the scenery moving in my peripheral vision?

The best part of my Wednesday so far is that they are calling for a ton of snow tonight. I’m so excited… I feel like a little kid!


I get motion sickness all the time, it’s the worst! I love road trips because they’re fun but always dread getting nauseous the whole time! When I younger and went on school trips I use to wear these little bracelets that apparently helped motion sickness, never worked for me though!

Best part about my Wednesday was my driving lesson, it went so well and I drove the most I’ve ever driven since I started learning about a month ago :)


I get car sick if I ride in the back seat.

My hamstrings are tight right now. I think it’s from the unusually large amount of treadmill miles I logged during the ice storm!

Wednesday highlight: I had a great morning run with friends and we went to buy the new Adidas Ultra Boosts after!!


Ugh…I get motion sickness if I sit in the backseat of a car or if I try to read on anything moving like a plane, train or car. Good thing I don’t read on the treadmill, I’d probably fall off. Ha! My hips are terrible right now. Being in a boot from injury, they’re really stiff and almost not wanting to work. My PT has me doing many of the exercises you mention regularly on here. Kind of good to know I’m not the only one. I feel embarrassed having hip problems so young.


I am a crazy person and can literally go on a rollercoaster 10 x in a row and not get nauseous – I was just thinking this morning how I am my happiest and lest inhibited when riding rollercoasters haha!

I need to work on my hip flexors. For some weird reason, the treadmill at my apartment gym (which I have ha to spend too much time on thanks to the weather the past two weeks) makes them ache when my gym treadmill doesn’t.


Aren’t sunglasses always required for eating broccoli?

I don’t have any problems with motion sickness, which is kind of nice cause I love going on all the rides at amusement parks.


I love Brooke’s sunglasses! She is a cutie! I don’t get motion sickness unless I am on a boat, and then I definitely feel it sometimes :( Lately my knee has been bugging me while running, but more so when walking (weird!). I have had knee issues before though so I am hoping it isn’t anything too serious. The best part of my day was finally getting my cell phone battery replaced. It has been dying every 10 minutes, and now it is as good as new :)


I like Brooke in the background of your stretch pictures just hanging out! I always have tight hamstrings and hips, so I have to work on those. And the best part of my day is about to take place as I go to teach BODYATTACK to a full house! :)


I get motion sickness on the swings too. It happens when you get older ツ


I get motion sick SO quickly on swings and I feel pathetic about it. I used to be able to swing for endless amounts of time with no problem :(


I want sunglasses just like Brooke’s. :D

Best part about my Wednesday: PIZZA IS ON ITS WAY!


For some reason, my glutes and hamstrings are always really tight for me. In high school I pulled my hamstring, and it’s never felt fully healed ever since then, especially in the cold!!

My favorite part of my Wednesday so far is writing! I just started my own blog after following others (including yours!) for years. I love to read them and always wanted to start one but have been so nervous about putting something out there, but I finally did it. I’m loving the creative outlet!!


Does your treadmill go automatically into a cool-down period after 60 minutes? Mine does that and I just increase the speed back to where I was running if I am close to finishing. The only bad part with that (at least with my treadmill) is that it will only keep that modified pace for 1 minute, then it goes back down to the cool down pace. I’ve been known to change it at each minute.


You are brilliant. I am totally going to copy you on this. Thank you!


Hip Flexors are a beast! Stretch them out every day.
I can’t do speed work on a treadmill. I have a huge fear of falling off, or tripping and falling off. Weird huh?
I get car sick in the back of a car. That’s it. I’m also afraid of heights. But my job puts me in helicopters and airplanes and I never get sick (or very very rarely) in them. I can’t stand a 3 level escalator because when I look up at the top I think I’m going to fall but I can do a steep turn in a helicopter at 5000 feet and not think twice. I’m weird. Maybe it’s the seatbelt. I need to get one for the treadmill.


Yep. Hips. They need the help always.

And you area crazy fast.


The best part of my Wednesday was my daughter (4.5 yrs old) finally being healthy and getting back to school after having strep throat! :( poor muffin head !


I am so glad that she is feeling better and back to school!


I’ve been slacking so bad on stretching lately. I need to make time for it! I love how Brooke is is the background of your stretching pics :) Best part of my Wednesday was going out for dinner with the team!


The only time I’ve really gotten motion sickness was on a 9+ hour ferry ride – it was kind of terrible.

My outer hip has been bugging me a bit, and it’s an annoying spot that’s hard to stretch/roll.

The best part of my Wednesday was ice cream – is that wrong?


Swings? Check. Cars? If I’m reading or doing something I shouldn’t be. Roller coasters? Sometimes. Anything spinny? Absolutely!

Feeling pretty good right now – but my hips and glutes definitely get tight.

Great job on the fast treadmill repeats!


I started my long on on the trail Sunday so everything in my lower calves is sort of sore and burny. I didn’t stretch particularly well after either, just sort of hopped in my car and went home, so it’s really my own fault…


I never got motion sickness until I had a child, now I get it all the time, weird right?

Did you notice in the pictures of you stretching, Brooke looks like she is doing her own stretching in the background. So cute.

My hips always give me problems. What helps me a lot is doing bridges with leg lifts on the stability ball.


BAHAHA she totally is! I love it! Oh thanks for reminding me about bridges/leg lifts on the ball! SOOO tough. Have an awesome day tomorrow!


I was so sad the day I got motion sick from a swing. I love swinging! In general I don’t get motion sick though.

I love glute bridges. There’s something about them that’s so empowering. They make you SORE!


I just told my husband last week that swings give me motion sickness! As do carnival rides… :(


I get so motion sick traveling. Having something in my stomach always makes it better, if I get too hungry, there’s almost no reversing it.


I ran my long run on the TM last week and almost ran out of time, but I have a tip that worked on my TM…I ran through the cool down! Right when the TM tried to decrease my pace, I just put it right back up to my previous pace, and ran another 5 minutes. I’m not sure if it will work on all of them, but I was able to go for 104 minutes without stopping! (for me that was 9 miles)

The best part of my Wednesday was it being over. And having avocado toast for breakfast. Can’t get enough of that stuff.


That is funny that you said that about fall, because my husband said the exact same thing today.


Oh man I get motion sickness! Mainly in the car. My husband can read and do whatever and is fine, but I have to look out the window.

The best part of my Wednesday so far is eating ice cream for breakfast: banana ice cream!


I get the worst motion sickness! Obviously in the car/boat/rollercoasters, but even when I’m doing repetitive tasks like hanging up laundry or putting away dishes. I basically take a whole bottle of Dramamine when we go to Cedar Point, and even then, I can only go on a very few rides.
My dad is the same. He tells the story about when he was a grocery stock boy in the 50’s, he’d be stocking groceries and he’d have to carry around a pail with him in case the motion sickness of the repetitive motion made him… erm… sick. Even now, he gets nauseous when he plows his driveway!


Looks like a fun day at the park! Especially since I’m staring at falling snow yet again in Maryland, haha.


My shins are my trouble areas, always! I have semi-flat feet and they’re at the root cause of this endless shin pain. Insoles don’t help and make my IT band + knees flare up :( //end complaints now

Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here!


I love brooke in the background of those pictures :) I get motion sickness if I read/look at my phone for too long in the car!


My left peroneal tendon has been bugging me but I did get to run outside!!!


OMG. That bit about the TM stopping at 60 minutes and you needed 1 more minute? Ahhhhh – that would drive me crazy!! LOL

My sore spot right now is at the origin of my hamstrings (ischical tuberosity)..not sure why it suddenly got angry, but it is…went for massage the other night and trying to take care of it so it doesn’t get worse/chronic!

I CANNOT read in a car – I can’t even text that much on my phone (while a passenger of course!) without getting sick!


I am the all-time queen of motion sickness. Boats, car rides, swings, roller coasters, YOU NAME IT. I wish it wasn’t so, but it probably means I have a larger than normal brain or something, right?


2 great yoga poses for hips: Pigeon & Frog pose, google them. they are not comfortable and are not fun, but they work.


my IT bands are perpetually tight. like always.


My IT band is tight and my hamstrings are usually tight after I run. Yoga Journal has some amazing hip opener videos on their website. I feel those poses keep me healthy.

I get motion sickness on slow motion rides and if I sit facing backwards in a car. (like the old station wagons with the seat in the back).


I have always struggled with motion sickness -when I’m swinging, riding in a car, airplanes, trains, etc… I have found that the best hope I have of preventing it is to be plenty hydrated, slowly munch on saltine crackers and drink coke -real coke, not DIET


I don’t really get motion sick. But I do randomly get dizzy sometimes.

My hips have been really tight lately. So I have to spend a few more extra minutes stretching those babies out! Got a really good stretch from my Chiropractor the other day so hopefully that will help! :)


Hi – Been reading your blog for a while now, and commented on it in my own today. We are very different people, but I feel a kinship based on the fact that we are both runners. If only everyone could look for the common tie rather than the differences the world might be a better place. I get motion sick easily, so avoid crazy rides, don’t like swings etc. I had a knee issue but it’s feeling pretty good now. Take care. Geezer recently posted …http://oldguyrunning.net/wp/?p=51


My knee has been feeling funny. No pain, just funny.

I get motion sickness big time in planes, and occasionally on long car rides. I usually have to be the driver, or at the very least front passenger to avoid it.

I’ve never experienced motion sickness from swings. Is that how it’s always been for you?


I’ve been so jealous of the amazing weather you’ve been having. I’m in Michigan & SO OVER the negative degree days & snow. (It was -8 degrees, not counting wind chill, this morning on my drive in to work) I just want to do a trial run on dirt… it’s so depressing… :(


I definitely get motion sickness in the car, on the swings and whatever else I happen to be in that’s moving at the time. It’s horrible!

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