10 Randoms and the Jackpot Ultra 100 Miler

-Brooke and I are representing Utah up in here with our Stately shirts.

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-This is just a portion of my friend’s Beanie Babies collection.  I bet her full collection is worth millions.

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-I caught her.  Our almond butter love runs deep.

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-I’m super stoked to read Anne’s new book—>  Nutrition for Runners!! She is incredible.  You can read about the full program HERE!!

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-Granola is one of those foods that I can’t stop eating once I start.  This stuff is bomb.

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-I swear Brooke grows at least 2 inches every time she leaves.  At least shel still falls asleep in my arms, I don’t want her to ever grow out of that.

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-On Sunday a few of us baked about 120 potatoes for a baked potato bar that we put together.  It was a huge hit.  Who doesn’t love a baked potato topped with cheese, sour cream, broccoli and some green onions?!  FYI it takes a very long time to bake 120 potatoes.

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-Runners really do make the best friends.

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-Josse loves to eat hard-boiled eggs the morning of a race.  I just cannot understand this.  My stomach can’t handle anything but simple carbs the morning of a race.

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-Our Bachelor treats from last night.  Bachelor people—>  Who do you think is going to win?

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One of my favorite friends that I met when I lived in California just finished her first 100 mile race.  She is the kind of person that you wish would just always live next door to you.  Brooke and I miss her dearly.  I asked her to write a little bit about her experience running a 100 mile ultra!


“The Jackpot Ultra 100 miles!!  I endured the extreme temps, fought the heat exhaustion and I accomplished what I set out to do in Vegas.  The most challenging part of this ultra was that it was a loop course and each loop was 2.3 miles.  I did the loop many many many times;)

My faith as well as the love from my family and friends are what guided me and gave me strength.  When things get tough in a race, I put it all in God’s hands.   That is how I am able to always come back whenever things get really tough.

Having an amazing crew and the pacers that took care of me (especially when I found myself sleep running) was so beyond helpful.  I am not sure what is tougher when running 100 miles, the physical aspects of running in 85+ degree temperatures (twice) or the mental aspect of running at night?  Perhaps both.  So blessed to have had the opportunity to run the Jackpot Ultra and FINISH!!!”

Absolutely amazing.



Who has done an ultra?  Which one(s)?  What was your experience?

Ever been out running in the middle of the night!?

 A food that you can’t stop eating once you start?

Who watched Bachelor last night?  Thoughts?

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2.3 mile loops…for 100 miles?! Wow. That has to be mentally exhausting (um, moreso than ‘just’ running 100 miles?). That’s incredible! I admire people who are able to do that!

Hard boiled eggs before a run…just no. I definitely could not stomach that. I’m a simple carbs person as well. I think Whitney is going to win the Bachelor, I really have no idea who will be the next Bachelorette though, there really aren’t any standouts for that this year.


I immediately thought the same thing…

not just the hard boiled egg, I have to say. But one from the grocery store? In that little bag? My stomach turned just looking at it. blergh. That’s unique right there.


I agree. I read it before I saw the photo and was totally expecting to see a photo of an actual egg, not one in a little plastic bag from the store. I’m not a fan of hard boiled eggs anyway, but to each their own!


Jeez guys….you make it sound as though she’s gross! Give the girl a break (Josse). It’s just an egg. I get sick thinking of simple carbs (a bagel by the way also comes in a “little plastic bag from a store). Bagels, granola bars, cereal, oatmeal….all come in plastic wrappings or boxes and most are PROCESSED and full of sugars. An egg – is not.

You guys really might want to start reading up on Tim Noakes (the former marathoner that ate simple carbs all his life, only to turn 50 and find out he was pre-diabetic….yeah. He’s completely changed his tune and advocates a “high-fat, low-carb” diet and, yes, even for – particularly for – endurance athletes. Check out “Thenaturalnutritionist.com.au”.


I don’t think that means she’s ‘gross’ at all. As I said above, to each their own. I have alot of GI issues so I can’t do anything but simple carbs, processed or not, before a race. The texture of an egg would get to me, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it. No judgement in what anyone eats, different things work for different people, there’s no right diet or way to eat that works for everyone. In fairness, I think the pickles in the pouch that you can buy are strange too and I like pickles just fine. I don’t understand how you can open it without ending up with pickle juice all over. Just me?


Sorry, didn’t mean for comment to come off as “angry” if that’s how it sounds! Just saying my take on it as well :)


I’ve run Gnawbone and Stump Jump ultras. I love them!!
I’ve nwver runnin the middle of the night. However, I’ve run at 4am and it felt like the middle of the night!
I have a tough time eating just one cookie.


Whitney! Although I do love Becca I just wish she had been honest with Chris sooner about her decision to wait (I believe they honored her wishes but I couldn’t tell) I’m a bit too invested in the Bachelor! But it is just so fun to watch.

P.s. I’ve always run jn Brooks Adrenaline and I just got the navy and purple 15’s they are the bomb.com since I run three times a week thanks to the Army. Getting out of bed is the worst but the feeling of satisfaction can’t be beat. Happy Tuesday!


Did she run the entire time with that flag? Because I’m already impressed but that would just be beyond amazing….


She did the last lap with it!


I always eat hard boiled eggs and fruit before a race. I can’t tolerate any carbs my stomach goes crazy! I guess we all have our own thing and they become our routine. Almond butter is my weakness. I’m trying to break up with it because it’s getting out of control.


Love, love, love that photo of Brooke asleep on you! So sweet.

I’ve never ran an ultra and never in a million years have a desire to do so. ;) I do give major props to anyone who completes one though! Amazing!

Foods I can’t stop eating: trail mix, chips & salsa, and brownies.

Chris is tooootally choosing Whitney. I’m convinced he knows he wants her, but just had to figure out who to send home out of Becca and Kaitlyn first.


Ever been out running in the middle of the night!?
-I did a night 5K once for Halloween, but never ran by myself at night. I bought a reflective vest a few months ago, but I’m too afraid to run by myself!

A food that you can’t stop eating once you start?
-Anything gummy. Ugh I love gummy candies- worms, bears (especially chocolate covered thanks to you!), sharks, berries…YUM

Who watched Bachelor last night? Thoughts?
-I watch Bachelor on Tuesdays because I don’t have cable! This season has been insane..is it just more or are the girls crazier than ever? I don’t even care much about Chris because all the drama in the house is taking over! I like Kaitlyn a lot but she might be a little crazy for Chris.


Cereal. Honey Nut Chex specifically right now.

Eggs no. I have a running stomach of steel and eggs have been the only queasy culprit.

I want to do a 100 miler……maybe not a 2.3 loop though.


I can’t eat anything but simple carbs before a race either. Eggs with salt taste so good after races though!
100 miles is so impressive! I can’t even imagine running an ultra, much less on a loop!


I’ve never done an ultra but I have raced a 5k at midnight so I think that counts. I don’t foresee myself doing an ultra marathon for a while. I want to be successful at shorter races as well as the marathon distance.


you witnessed my can’t stop food in action – cereal and PB…deadly combo.

I’m still really interested in doing an ultra…but 50 might be my max miles. then again who knows right?!


I’m desperate to do the Shangri La Ultra.

But NOT with hardboiled eggs as fuel. I would NOT want to run behind her. Her inevitable, let’s say “air release” must smell like Satan’s bathroom.


Ha. That’s bad. I so did not laugh at that. Nope.


Shhhhh! I have to wait until Tuesday nights to watch The Bachelor because I don’t have cable (thank goodness for Hulu!). I heard, though, that Chris’s reaction to Becca when she told him she was a virgin was NOT a good reaction. Pretty certain that means he’s just not good enough for her.

I’m totally a simple carbs before a race kinda gal, too. Usually just some Cheerios and almond milk, maybe a banana. AFTER the race is when things get nuts!


Umm.. yea idk about a 100 miler… that sounds too long and crazy. Haha. Congrats to your friend On that accomplishment.! Are you thinking about running an ultra.!?

And, I want Whitney to win. :) they would be perfect together.


I have a tough time running any later than early afternoon – so late at night is not happening for me! I do really like sweet potato & peanut butter before a race – there are some foods that make my legs feel better but that meal just comes my stomach and brain right down.


Popcorn – oh my. I can’t eat popcorn in front of anyone other than my husband because there are kernels flying everywhere. Imagine a Cookie Monster moment. Haha.


Ah! The Bachelor! I think it’s for sure Whitney…he’s just to nervous about Becca not being ready to say I love you, I want to move to the middle of nowhere and start popping out babies now, and that’s what he wants. Whitney has already said she’d do it. I also think he’s reaction to Becca’s news was not good. He doesn’t deserve her. I also don’t like that she spent the night with him though because people are going to assume they slept together. I really just don’t like Chris period though.


I agree with you on every single point!


Mmm I would love a baked potato bar party!!


I can’t imagine doing a 100-mile run. Every time I finish a marathon, I am done. Trying to imagine running miles and miles beyond that makes me cringe. I admire those who push those limits though.

Food I can’t stop eating…hot tamales and yogurt raisins.

I definitely think Chris is going to pick Whitney. She is ready for the commitment and will make a wonderful wife/mom in a small town. You can tell she is genuine! The women tell all will be really interesting to watch – there was a lot of drama this season.


Wow–that is amazing! What an inspiration. I never have run an ultra but am very impressed w/ those that put in the time and dedication (mentally & physically). I kind of run in the middle of the night (sometimes 4 am) — it is always dark out and I actually love that. If I start eating nuts or trail mix, I cannot stop. I try and I just can’t. No control….


I can’t stop eating popcorn once I start. As you have witnessed. Especially with Megan’s popcorn….and skinny pop, and the caramel and cheddar mix from Costco (ate a whole bag this weekend while in St Geezy) okay so any popcorn. So sad I missed Bachelor last night. I plan on watching it today while I foam roll. And I look forward to finale party…probably a little too much. I also can’t stop eating nuts/almond butter/pb once a I start. Actually, I think there are A LOT of foods I have a hard time stopping once I start. It’s kind of a problem….

The pic of Brooke sleeping is precious and I think the growing thing is true. I swear every time I see her she is bigger. Also, I really dig your Utah shirts.

My mom could give that beanie baby collection a competition #SoMuchWastedMoney

And your friend? Running a 2.3 mile loop for a 100 mile? That is IN.SANE. My brain can seriously not compute.


I’ve done Ragnar Relays so yes….I’ve run in the middle of the night….and that was my only Ultra experience. I completed a total of 31 miles thru the race. (ran 6 legs instead of 3)

Cereal and potato chips are two things I can’t stop eating. Oh and kettle corn!!!!


I would probably continue to eat oatmeal if the bowl didn’t run out on me! Just love it…Other than that, I used to be obsessed with m&ms, I couldn’t stop at just a handful!


So happy for your friend! That’s so amazing!

I’m thinking about an ultra in the next year or maybe 2. I’d start with a 50k and see how that goes first though. Is it something you’d ever do?

During a Ragnar relay race I ran 2 legs that were in the middle of the night. One at 10pm or so and the other at 4:30, which was awesome because I got to watch the sun rise!

A food I can’t stop eating once a I start: Oreos, anything gummy, or crackers dipped in lemon hummus (IT’S SO DELICIOUS!)


I’ve done two ultras. My first one was in Victoria, BC around a lake and the second one was up in Whistler (the Whistler 50 mile and Relay). Both were loops, both were trails, and I love love loved doing them. My body is built for the distance. I didn’t run through the middle of the night, but we ran when it was still dark out and we had to wear headlamps and carry flashlights and this is when we saw the bear that was sitting in the middle of the golf course we had been running around. AHHHH! Scary. Had it been toward the end of the race, I would have welcomed the mauling.


I’m not caught up on all the Bachelor episodes, so no guesses here! And I love the stately t-shirts, I’m going to look for some Missouri and Kansas ones!


Can’t imagine 100 miles, although in the past I considered an ultra I think it would top off at 50! I’ve never run through the middle of the night, I’m sure that’s quite the experience. I agree that granola is just one of those foods. I’ve yet to try the renola but I keep eyeing it at the store.


That is so inspirational! The amount of passion and dedication it takes to run 100 miles is just amazing to me and very motivating! I have actually run a marathon that was a 2.7 mile loop so ran it about 9 times…..can’t imagine doing that for 100 miles!!!


I have never run an ultra but it’s on the list!!
You friend is amazing!!

I have run at night before – VERY COOL.

I can’t stop eating popcorn! :)


We had Jalapeno Kettle Chips and Thin Mints at our Bach viewing party last night….let’s just say you could tell who was in marathon training ;)

I think he should pick Becca. She’s the most realistic person EVER on that show and they could make each other really happy. But, I like them both. Whitney kind of annoys me, but she seems like a really sweet girl!


I ate eggs once before a long run and needless to say, the trees became my best friends…multiple times during the run. And this was in Central Park, mind you. Haha oh the torture!

I can’t even fathom running the same 2.3 mile loop 40+ times…wow!!


That photo of Brooke asleep in your arms??! Too much for this pregnant lady! ;) SO sweeeeeeeet <3

Mmmm snacks while watching stuff on the TV-sounds amazing today b/c I'm tired.

p.s. hard boiled egg before a run does sound a bit yikes to me too. haha


Incredible! I’m not sure how I feel about the looped course though. I like knowing exactly how far I have to go and where I am at on the course, but 2 miles might be a litttttle too short.
I’ve done a 50k and this summer I attempted 50 miles on a looped 10 mile course. I ended up dropping at 30, but I plan on going back this summer to nail all 50. It started at midnight which really tripped me up because I didn’t sleep before it. And night really psyched me out too. Way too many rustling bushes for my paranoid mind.


I’m a Becca fan, but I like Whitney too. I think this is the first time in Bachelor history that all 3 of the final women seemed like nice, normal people! I really liked Kaitlyn but I didn’t see her moving to Iowa so I think Chris made the right choice.

We had apple dump cake with vanilla ice cream during our viewing party :)


100 miles? Two questions. How? Why?


I truly cannot imagine running such a far distance and am totally impressed and amazed by those that do it. So good for her! Also, I can’t stop with trail mix. The combo of salty and sweet gets me every time!


Wow, so amazed by your friend. The mental toughness of a 100 miler is some serious business. YOU GO GIRL! PS. Janae – would you ever considering doing more than 26.2??

I accccccidently read Reality Steve so I know who wins. So I won’t spoil it. But it is kind of fun watching it from the perspective of knowing who it is!

Give this girl some roasted almonds and she’ll eat the entire bag. Can’t help muh-self.


Does early, early, eaaaaarly morning count as “the middle of the night”? I sort of want to say yes, and if so I have!


I’m totally going to check out your friend’s book! I have always had trouble with maintaining my weight when I train for a marathon. Thanks!


Wow!! Super impressive !! Janae..did you ever write about your coach? I saw a link on one of your posts but I wasn’t sure if you ever did an entire post on it


Hey Alicia! I wrote more about her here:

Have an awesome day!


For real, if you haven’t tried the Kirkland’s Trek Mix from Costco yet, you are missing out! It has granola in it too:) Most addictive and delicious snack ever. Good thing it comes in a huge bag!!


I have run several ultras, my first 100 miler will be in June that is if my broken ankle ever heals! 6 weeks today of not running which feels like a lifetime!

Running in the middle of the night is alot of fun but I always have someone with me!

Can’t stop eating Starburst jelly beans, so addictive!!!


WOW SHELLY!! You are incredible. I hope that your heal gets better asap! Keep me updated!


I had to stop reading comments because I want to have conversations. I’m out of control. Good topics!

Hard boiled eggs…just no.

Running an ultra sounds very cool and I’ve always wanted to.
Running 100 miles in 2.3 mile loops? I don’t know…I’d have to be pretty motivated.
Running in the middle of the night? Yep. Love running in the dark. I am the girl you want running your Ragnar midnight leg. Except you probably won’t win with me on your team. I’m a tad slower. But I’m havin’ fun. ;)

Um…gummies. And Skittles.


WHOA I cannot imagine 2.3 mile loop that many times! AHHH how did she stay sane!? hmmm a food that I can’t stop eating? pretzel m&ms. so good. so addictive.


Holy cow! Congrats to your friend on such an crazy awesome accomplishment!


I used to run in the middle of the night all the time on my days off when I worked nights and sometimes after work now that I work evening shift. Its always a little eerie, but also really cool because its so quiet.

I’m thinking Whitney is going to win, he doesn’t deserve Becca!


A loop course of 100 miles sounds insane :). Good for her!

I have done a couple of ultras (50km) on trails. My experience – ultra’s aren’t twice as hard, they are three times as hard as a marathon but I loved the feeling of accomplishment at the finish line – nothing quite like it. And the scenery was spectacular – I did Orcas 50km in Washington and the Squamish 50km in BC.

Remembering to eat on a regular basis is a biggie…you an be out there for 7 -8 hours or more depending on the terrain!

My food that I can’t stop eating – chocolate.


I really want to be able to run an ultra some day #lifegoals

I have never run in the middle of the night but I think it would be super fun to do a race when it’s dark!

Take me to a Mexican restaurant and I can’t stop eating the chips and salsa (and queso).

CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT THE BACHELOR? Was I the only one super upset/shocked about Kaitlyn? She was by far my favorite. And the most genuine. I think Whitney is more in love with the idea of marriage/babies, and Becca is too boring and not mature enough for Chris. One of my good friends is Team Becca and it KILLS me.


Thank you for the Nutrition for Runners program love!! :)


Thank you for being my favoring runch partner.


My little lady still lays down with me to cuddle sometimes and I know very soon that will stop. I just don’t ever want it too!! (she is 6)…I love hard boiled eggs but I have never been brave enough to get them pre cooked in a bag from the store. hmmm….kinda strange!


If Chris doesn’t pick Whitney I will cry all the tears. It’s been many seasons since I’ve felt this attached to a Bachelor, and I think Whitney seems like the best match for Chris. She seems to have a little more developed sense of self…but that’s just my opinion.


I can’t imagine running 2-3 mile loops for 100 miles! That is such an accomplishment. I’ve never done ultra anything, but one of the group fitness instructors at my gym is a “Leadman” which is a series of events that culminate with a 100 mile run – might be in Leadville Colorado, I think. For some reason I find it impossible to slack off in his classes :)
I can’t stop eating popcorn or chips/salsa once I start. I have to really limit what comes into my house!
When I work out a lot, I start craving hard boiled eggs.


I have run 1 ultra…and I still can’t believe I actually did it. The course was a 1km loop…and the idea was you run around that loop continuously for 6 hours. I ran 64km (40 miles). Never again. LOL.

Chocolate…I eat it until I get sick. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Haha.


100 miles? That’s intense. I remember our cross country coach in high school ran one and we thought he was a crazy person. Props to her!

I have a hard time stopping when I dig into some homemade almond butter and dates. Idk what it is but I just want more and more. That and chocolate, but I think that’s a given.


Mushrooms dipped in Sabra’s Olive Tapenade Hummus, once I start I can’t stop. And cereal… both bad news.


2.3 mile loop?! Wow, big respect to your friend there!

I’m with you on the granola #cantstopwontstop


Oh my gosh a 2.3 mile loop course sounds miserable! She must have some seriously determination to finish that, way to go!


Un-frickin’ believable to your 100 miler friend! I’ve done 15 50 K’s, 3 50 milers and one 100 K. The feeling when I crossed the finish line of that 100 K was the proudest moment of my life! I still can’t even describe it! And loop courses are good….they make you feel safe in an odd kind of way if you are a person that tends to get lost on trails!

I can’t stop eating popcorn.

Many times in the summer I have done training runs that begins at 9 or 10 pm at night and finish early in the morning. You have to try it, it’s incredible.


I call Whitney winning and Becca as the next Bachelorette! I think she would be so sweet :) and I can see Whitney living in Iowa more than Becca!


Wow she is amazing! I don’t think I would ever want to do one, but that is amazing!!! I have never ran in the middle of the night ha! My sleep is too important ;) Once I start eating most chips, I just can’t stop, especially if I have the bag right next to me :( I actually don’t watch the Bachelor, but he was on Ellen yesterday and seemed like a decent guy. The clips from the show were so dramatic! I was laughing so hard haha!


Your friend is just amazing. End. Of . Story. And popcorn- once you get going on that there’s not stopping!


I attempted a 50 mile race that started at 6:00 pm and went through the night! It was an out and back and I was running alone on rocky roads – I hated it!! (DNF) I’m doing a trail 50 in 3 weeks and think it will be much better.
I don’t know if I like either of the final 2 girls better than the other on The Bachelor.


Popcorn, candy, chips – once I start, I can’t stop.

That picture of Brooke sleeping is the sweetest!


Won’t lie- I sat here and looked at that Beanie Baby picture for wayyy too long trying to spot my old favs!


I used to have a lot of beanie babies, but now I only have my favorites. Not NEARLY as many as your friend. :)

Salt and vinegar chips. I seriously can’t stop eating them until the whole bag is gone!! :)


I’m surprised that Chris let Caitlyn go! I have no clue who will win now!


I have had eggs before for pre race fuel and have had no issues. Keep doing what works for YOU Josse!!!!


Did a 5k at midnight on the 4th of July…very fun!

I can’t stop eating Cheez-Its..nomnomnomnomnom…or Swedish Fish.


That Beanie Baby pile cracked me up! Pretty sure my collection is like that as well. God bless my mom for not making me get rid of them! Haha!


Hey I do scrambled eggs (no milk) before races! It’s my normal breakfast and my body likes a little bit of protein in additional to my simple carbs. I’m with you Josse!
I ran in the middle of the night with my cross country team once. We each would run a mile and whoever wasn’t running would hang out on the football field. It was very fun! A cross country non-sleep over!
Foods I can’t stop eating once I start= pizza, ice cream, and cheetos.
Bachelor-I sincerely hope Whitney wins. But this season has been crazy! I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t propose at all.


That is one gnarly loop! Craziness. Also, you should really try eating hot tamales in your popcorn, especially when the popcorn is hot. It awesomesauce.


Yeah, I could not run in circles like that more than twice, let alone, over 40 times!


Mmm, a baked potato bar!!


Approx. 50 loops?! Running 100 miles is hard enough as it is!


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