Tempo Thursday and 6 Random Facts About Me.

Just the same ol’ stuff going on around here except today we had a good friend of ours join us for our indoor play place adventures.

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Tempo Thursday.  I like to take the day before my long run (I always do them on Saturdays) easy so it worked out to do it today and run easy tomorrow).

2 miles warm-up @ 8:36 pace

4 tempo miles @ average of 6:50 pace

2 miles cool-down @ 8:00 pace 

I enjoy tempo runs because they are challenging but I don’t feel like I am sprinting/about to die like I do when I do speed work.

Taught a spin class right after but I took it super easy because I was tired.com.  

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Made myself the same meal that I have had every day for lunch this week but as soon as I push publish on this post I am probably going to eat this entire pineapple.  

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I always enjoy learning about random facts about other humans so here are a few of mine.

-I am extremely good at arcade basketball games (sorry, I am a little bit cocky about it).  The man (he is 6’5” and a b-ball player) took me to an arcade for our 3rd date and before we went inside I warned him that I am really good at arcade games, especially the basketball one.  He thought I was just exaggerating… I wasn’t.  I won’t tell you who always wins when we play for his sake but I’ll let you take a guess.

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-I shave my arms.  All of my friends were doing it in the 8th grade.  I copied them and have stuck to it ever since.

-I actually cannot fall asleep if my kitchen is messy/dirty.   I’m talking sweeping, mopping and sanitizing everything every night.  The rest of my apartment can be a mess but the kitchen must be clean if I want to sleep.  Weird.

-I hate with a passion having long fingernails.  They drive me crazy.  The shorter the better.

-Burned popcorn.  Doesn’t get any better.  I like most things a little undercooked (especially baked goods and my steak:) but popcorn should always have some burned pieces floating around

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-I am a lefty but spent a good portion of my elementary years trying to switch over to be right-handed so that I could be like my sister.  It didn’t work, still a lefty.


I would REALLY love to hear a random fact or two about you!!!

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I can’t sleep with a messy kitchen either. Drives me crazy. And I’m pretty sure I drive my husband crazy because of it!

I can say my alphabet backwards. I learned it in less than 5 minutes from a set of jello jiggler molds when I was really young. I have always wanted to get pulled over and have the cop ask me to say it backwards. Hasn’t happened yet. I also microwave my ice cream. I don’t like it rock hard, it needs to be a little bit soft with some soupy in the bottom.


I’m not alone!! Awesome.

Um… that is pretty incredible about your backwards alphabet learning as a young kiddo.

MICROWAVE ice cream–> genius!


Why have I never microwaved mine?! I always scoop it (and I always eat it out if a mug for some reason) and let it sit out for 10 or so minutes to get soft :)


Microwaving is the way to go! Just don’t accidentally set it for a minute and forget it about it, then you really do have ice cream soup!


I microwave my ice cream too!!!


Alas, the alphabet backwards has been removed from most field sobriety tests;-(

My Dad used to always put his ice cream bowl on our wood stove for a minute to get the same effect. Clearly we are year round ice cream eaters:-)


Dang it! On the plus side, I never get pulled over, let alone for a field sobriety test, so I guess I would never find out anyway!


I taught myself to say my ABCs backwards when I was three – still can do it. I announced it to our preacher and proceeded to do it and my parents had no idea LOL. Cool that you can do it too!


I have never met anyone else besides me who can say the alphabet backward (except the other kids in my kindergarten class! :-)) It is one skill I think is pretty cool and I am glad our teacher taught us. She also taught us to count in different languages.


OMG.–I am SO good at that game, too. I can beat Rick and he’s a pretty mean basketball player (but I dare not challenge him to ping pong….boy can kick my butt). Maybe we can play together sometime!

I also loved burnt popcorn and have to keep my nails WAY short. So funny. OK, this is probably going to be TMI but I don’t sweat under my arms so I don’t have to wear deodorant. Is that gross to people? I think maybe but I love the fact. I am also missing one of my forehead sinuses.


I challenge you Susan. Bring it;)

WHAT… not gross, that is AWESOME!


For sure, Janae. I am just guessing you would be better than me but I would still welcome the challenge (I will warn you: I throw my entire body into each shot but it seems to work for me. LOL)


Hey, that’s pretty cool about how you’re missing a forehead sinus, not because you’re missing it but because it makes me realize that everyone has SOMEthing, you know? Even when we can’t see it. I love how we are all so different. It’s exciting.


I think so, too. We are all so unique and that is what makes us special and to be celebrated. Missing sinus and all :)


I read your sweat comment and thought, “what blessing is this!?” you are SOOO lucky! :)


I am glad you didn’t find it gross. I think it’s awesome, too. I used to still wear deodorant because I thought I had to and then finally a few years back I just thought “this is silly” and ditched it and have not looked back since. LOL.


I do everything with my left hand, but I am right handed. My Mom did not want me to be left handed. Back then they believed you wouldn’t be smart if you were. Se used to hit my left hand to get me to use my right hand. I’ve felt weird my whole life. I can’t write with my left hand, but I do eat and do everything with it. Crazy, right?


Wow.. that is crazy! Little did they know back then that left handers are pretty darn smart too;)


Yes we are!


I am left handed but do most everything with my right! Even scissors. When I was little my teachers didn’t understand and used to force me to cut with my left hand. I never could. So the only thing I do lefty is write. And I am very excited that BOTH my kids are leftys!!!


Your timing is too funny! My blog post today was Non-Fitness Facts about me:)
I’ve played violin my whole life and I hate mint desserts.
The burnt popcorn pieces are my least favorite.


Ahhhh off to go read your post!

Not okay about the mint desserts.. mint + chocolate = heavenly!

I’ll take your burnt pieces.


I’m the same way with my nails. They MUST be short!
I am obsessed with jigsaw puzzles and have one going at all times.


Why do I always forget about how fun puzzles are? Thanks for the reminder!


I just started buying puzzles again about a week ago. My husband is obsessed. It’s like working out your mind but also relaxes you at the same time!


Exactly! That’s great :)
And kids (even little ones) really like them too. Some of my friends started getting into puzzles and they’ll put a few pieces off to the side of all the same color and the kids can work on a small area while the adults work on the rest. Of course there are kid-sized puzzles but they can totally do the larger “adult” ones if the adult kind of sets up a certain subset of the puzzle for them.
Glad I’m not the only one obsessed :)


Ok, those are some pretty weird, random facts people.

Not as impressive, but here goes…I have Raynaud’s disease. When the temp gets below 60 degrees, I’m stressed, cold or any combo thereof, I lose blood circulation in my fingers and toes. They turn white. I have had since I was a kid growing up in Chicago. Moved to SoCal as an adult, smart move, right? It is temporary, but painful.


VERY smart move. Wow, I have never heard of Raynaud’s disease. I hope that you aren’t cold or stressed anytime soon!


I live in Portland, Or, where it’s pretty mild. But I do snow sports, and before I started my meds, I would hurt so bad that I cried – truly excruciating. I also had my fingers go numb while cooking (cleaning veggies, etc) – and with stress. It’s such a strange condition. I still keep a box of Little Hotties in my closet for outdoor activities (I run with them in my gloves on cold days, too)
(My fingers also get blister-like sores with mine. Anyone else??)

But the blood pressure-lowing medication acts as a vaso dilator to open up the blood vessels and keep the blood flowing to the fingers and toes. It is TRULY amazing. I’ve been on it for years. The doc said he’d keep me on it for the rest of my life if it worked. WOOHOO!!!! Talk to your doctor.



I have Raynaud’s too!! And what a pain in the rear it is!


I also have Raynaud’s. Several years ago my doc put me on blood pressure medicine and I’m a new woman. Seriously. Talk to your doc about it. It changed my life. No more excruciating pain while skiing, etc. :)


Wow, I have never met anyone else with Raynauds. Liz, I am amazed that you can ski. When I lived in Chicago I used socks that were warmed with a battery if I went sledding. Anna, Liz, do you live in cold or warm climates? I just can’t imagine dealing with that on a daily basis anymore.


I have it too! I am always wearing socks and shoes and I buy hand-warmers in bulk.


Oh my gosh! I wonder if that is my problem? All my life if it is even chilly, my fingers and toes turn white and get numb. My step-mom to this day still asks me if my fingers and toes still “do that thing”. Um, yup… I haven’t seemed to grow out of it. lol… I think California sounds like a great cure!


My grandma, mom, sisters and I all have Raynaud’s too! I just moved back to New England after being in California for 6 years and I forgot how painful it can be when the Raynaud’s flares up!


Yes to the burned popcorn! I actually had to stop bringing microwave popcorn to work because I would overcook it – just a smidge – and it caused SO MUCH DRAMA.

This week, I’m obsessed with wasabi. And French fries. Both are likely pregnancy related.


I’m a lefty too!!!! :) but I’m so left handed that I want to drive on the wrong side of the road because it seems correct in my head! I tried shaving my arms too, but I couldn’t stick with it because I was too lazy to keep it up ha! Random fact: I’ve lived in more than 20 houses in my 24 years of life. My parents liked to move!


I have shaved my arms since I was 16 and I can’t believe it took me that long! I seriously will never go back. 10 years hairlessly strong.


2 random facts about me, I read magazines starting from back to front and if I know I don’t have time to wash, dry and fold the laundry, I will skip it altogether. Can’t stand for the clothes to lay in the dryer and wrinkle!


Teach me how to apply the ‘not letting your clothes sit in the dryer for days’ to my life please:)


I’m a lefty too. Except I use a mouse, can opener, etc., righty.


Haha. Love the random facts.!!

Umm.. I neverrr cuss. I can’t even cuss text. Lol

I don’t know how to swim or whistle.

And, I have never broken a bone :)


Me either.
Okay…full disclosure I say the very mild words only because I have raised sixteen year old boys. ;)

The really bad ones…nope. Never in my life. Can’t do it.


A couple randoms about me. I do NOT shave my arms, the thought of having another something to shave just makes my heart die a little inside. And people may hate on me but I don’t have to shave my legs more than once every couple weeks. I just am not especially hairy and it’s usually pretty fair when it grows. When I eat my salads for lunch I try and eat all the lettuce first and basically save the yummy toppings for last. I always eat my meals this way, saving the best for last!


I also cannot stand to have long nails, I keep mine short! Another random fact: spreadsheets make me oddly happy so I always type a training plan, meal plan, or the like into Google Sheets before starting it. It’s weird, but my parents and husband are all engineers so I think I got it from them.


COMPLETELY agree with you about long fingernails and a messy kitchen. Waking up to chaos in the kitchen can literally bring me to tears. I always clean it up, even if it means I’m a half-awake zombie while doing it.

Fact about me? I’ve never broken a bone or had any injury of any kind. Knock on wood.


Tears. Yep!

WOW.. no injuries or broken bones?! I AM SO JEALOUS:) That is awesome! Have a great day Natalie!



I hate cilantro with a passion and like pretty much all veggies except cucumbers.

I started running bc it was one sport that I didn’t pick up naturally and I said “I will show you who’s boss.” Then I learned to love it!

I have a brachydactyly type D thumb which basically means that one of my thumbs is short and stumpy. Hey, Megan Fox has one too so I guess that makes it cool?


Lefty here! I’m the only one of 4 kids who is, but I loved it because my mom and HER mom were both lefties!

I can’t leave my kitchen a mess either. (Maybe it’s a lefty thing!) I’ve been known to take my husband’s plate before he was actually done eating ;)

Hawaiian tip for your pineapple: IF you can wait a few hours, pull the top off, turn the whole thing upside down for a few hours before cutting. This lets the juice spread through the entire pineapple and the whole thing will be sweeter.


I cannot thank you enough for your pineapple tip. I will be using it for the rest of my life.

YAY for lefties (and OCD kitchen cleaners:)


Another pineapple tip! When you bring them home, let them ripen UPSIDE DOWN (leaves down) u til they are ready to be cut…this lets the juices flow down during the entire ripening process.


Fascinating pineapple tips! Thank you


Oh no seems like a lot of us have the kitchen ocd disease. I hate taking off my mascara completely. My lashes are blonde and hard to see without mascara. I still have clothes from college, I will absolutely never wear but am afraid to throw out (we’re talking 10 plus years old). Clowns make me nervous and I could live off a diet consisting of gummy bears and hot tamales. :)


That diet sounds absolutely perfect to me too… and clowns, they are the worst.


It’s possible we’re related. Yes on the kitchen OCD disease (It’s 10:42 and I just finished cleaning my kitchen after being out late). But I live for gummy bears and hot tamales. Life is so much better with those little friends.


I’m the worst at all those arcade games. I definitely wouldn’t want to go up against you ;)
I can’t sleep without a glass or bottle of water on my bedside table! I started coughing really badly one night and I’m always paranoid I’ll choke ;)

I’m fluent in French and Norwegian. Thanks to my French dad and Norwegian mum, I’ve grown up in a house with so many different cultures and I love it!!


Haha cute post.

I also got on the arm-shaving bandwagon. I tried to “quit” a few years ago. My arm hair grew out much in the fashion of a chia pet. So that didn’t really pan out but I have to admit it was pretty funny!

Tonight I’m going on a quick run with our brand new running club here in Sonoma! So stoked!


Love your fun facts! (I shave my arms & hate long nails ((on anybody!)) too!)

Random fact about me: I’m excellent at ping-pong. I beat an Asian on my last cruise and felt like I won at life.


I can’t really do anything in my life if I know my kitchen is messy. Not to the point of mopping it, but everything needs to be away and all the counters need to be clean and no visible crumbs or anything on the floor. This is a problem since we have a really old kitchen in our apartment and it ALWAYS looks dirty even if its clean.
I also can’t function if my bed isn’t made. It is the first thing I do in the morning and if my husband sleeps in later than me I am a little crazy about running back in there to make it.
Another random fact is that I can move my left ear up and down. Not sure if other people have control over their ear movements but I have always thought it was strange that I could move my left but not my right one at all!


I agree with you on the clean kitchen before bed. I also HATE long finger nails on myself and other people. The sound of someone tapping long fingernails on a table is so gross it makes me want to cry.


While I can sleep with dishes in the sink, I can’t go on vacation unless I THOROUGHLY clean our house. My toes are so long I can pick things up with them and people refer to them as monkey toes. I am also left handed, but I do everything except write and eat right handed.


Wow, I can’t believe you clean your kitchen every night before going to bed. I wish I had that kind of motivation (I usually wait until the morning). And burnt popcorn… YES! Finally, someone understands. I am the same with with chips and crackers.

Hmm weird facts about me – I’m obsessed with mail, tell myself out loud “you got this” before every workout, and fall asleep every night holding hands with my husband.


Pineapple is SO GREAT, I hope you enjoyed it.

I live in the UK and my random fact is.. today I found out that a London-based charity have chosen me to run the NY marathon for them in November! I am so excited I might pop! If you decide you want to run NY too then that would be ace.

Have a great day!


So I ran Disney this weekend. And you NEED to put it on your list. It was my first and I think it’s like labor. I swore never agin on Sunday and now all over my Facebook feed is everyone registering for the NYC lotto and I am so tempted.

Random fact…. I love General Hospital. I’ve been watching it forever and I know it’s so bad but can’t stopped. I actually used the words “he is presumed dead, and under mind control”


I want to so so so bad. It is definitely on my bucket list.

HUGE CONGRATS and let me know if you get in to NYC!

Bahahah about General Hospital!


Mary are you talking about Jason? I tried to explain that storyline to my hub and he just shook his head at me.


My husband pretends not to like it but then will come in while I’m watching it and ask a zillion questions.
He is into the Robin storyline so is following Jason’s too.
I think Stavros is going to implant Robin with the Lulu embryo. And when Robin comes back she will have another kid-Lulus


Great post! I am left-handed, too, and also suffer from kitchen OCDness.

I hate sleeping in sheets because I have a tendency to roll around in my sleep and will wake up gasping for air because I managed to roll myself into the sheet…aka the taquito roll.

I like slightly burned popcorn, too, but the kernels make it a bit of a Russian roulette game sometimes.


BAHAHAH taquito roll… best name ever for that situation.

PS You are hilarious. I feel like I need to be friends with you in real life.


New friends are the best ;)


I will throw the whole bag away if I eat a burnt piece or can smell it. It taints the whole bag. Now i will just save, and give you my garbage.

I can’t have my clothes touch the floor. Ever. They are in the laundry or hanging in my closet. Even if I am late or in a hurry, my clothes are never in the floor. Ross, on the other hand…..and it drives me batty.

This may not be surprising, but I could speak complete sentences before I could walk. I started talking really young and basically haven’t stopped since ;)


I may have just laughed for about five minutes straight thinking about you as a little kiddo just jabbering all day long on the ground.

Next time I am at your house I am going to take all of your clothes off of the hangers and hide them all around your house;) Ross will think it is funny.


Ross will FOR SURE think that is funny. Another thing I can’t stand is any open cupboards or doors. Once in college he asked me over and when I got there he and his roommates had left open every cupboard in the kitchen on purpose. Pretty sure I collapsed to the ground and started convulsing.


Haha, I love the little burned pieces!


BURNT POPCORN? Hmmmm I’m just gonna have to send you my burnt pieces because I don’t like them at all. We’re opposites on this one because I actually like most of my food overcooked except popcorn! I like crunchy cookies, overcooked pasta, burnt toast but nice and fluffy popcorn :)


Random fact about me: I count random things all the time. Everyday up to my office I count the stairs. I found myself counting my daughters magiclip dolls the other day while helping her pick them up. I always need a countdown to vacation or something I’m looking forward to.

Oh and I’m a lefty too. :)


I had a friend from the West Indies in university. Every once in awhile she’d bring a pineapple (a whole one) to school for lunch. She’d have it chopped up and ready to eat in what seemed like seconds. She was so fast at it. Whereas it takes me forever.


Yup, I shave my arms too!

Tonight I am making a bacon and pineapple pizza. :)


I’m a lefty too! I used my right hand but made the switch when I was a teenager. I still do some things with my right though.

Short nails here too! I got “fake, long” nails put on once but had to go back the very next day to get them removed. I can’t stand how they feel.

I’m obsessed with children’s books. I have over 600 packed away since I moved and stopped teaching.

I love burnt cheese, not popcorn though.

I have to have strawberry cake on my birthday. Its been a must since I was a little girl.


I am recently obsessed with shrimp stirfry.. I have only had that every night for dinner.

Also, Trader Joe’s sea-salt caramel gelato is too good to ever buy again. I bought it once, and it was so good that I don’t even go in that section of store anymore.. as if making eye-contact with it would make it jump into my cart.

After being away from the gym for months due to a GI illness, I finally made it last night…. and realized I forgot my running shoes because I naturally put on snow-boots and am totally out of the habit of packing my gym-bag. It was so embarrassing.. I had to drive home, grab the shoes, and drive back. But I think it was a good test: it would have been so easy to just stay at home, but I think I need to get back to every-day exercise.

I have so much to grade!!! I am sure you don’t miss grading!


You’re not weird, I am the exact same way about my kitchen. It must be clean before I go to sleep.

Random fact: I eat my food, one thing at a time, in alphabetical order. Now who’s weird? ;)


Oh my god this could be my favorite randomness post EVER!!! Happy almost weekend!
Killin it on the tempo! We will have to meet up in Boston!:)


Haha your cool down pace is my sprint! I wish I could be that fast or atleast three feet taller. My short legs get me knowhere! Lol I am also a lefty. Have you gone to the left handed store in SF?


yes! i love random facts!!!

i’ve never been skiing or snowboarding even though i’m from colorado and i detest beans. HATE them. all of them.


I can’t get in bed unless it’s made! I often make it right before getting in it but it HAS to be made!

I’m obsessed with Popsicles! It’s freezing cold here but I still insist on having a box in my fridge at all times!


lol I LOVE this! I’m a bed-making freak and insist on doing it at ::sigh:: hotels. Yes, even though room service comes in and does it for you, I go ahead and make it myself because who leaves the bed unmade?!


Gosh I love waking up to a clean kitchen!! I also love having short nails too. Long ones are too hard to keep clean!


One of my teeth is backwards (the part that should face in actually faces out). Since they know i work in forensics, the dentist office actually told me one time, “so if you got in a plane crash, this is how we would identify you.”

Also… The only “celebrity” I have been told I look like is Natalee Holloway. Yikes…


I LOVE burnt popcorn! And similarly I love underdone, doughy baked goods. LOL!
I hate stinky garbage and will throw my food garbage into a ziplock bag before tossing. I’m killing the environment for sure…


I’m a lefty too! Umm, random facts about me – I don’t have underarm hair. I’ve never had to shave or anything. I kind of like having a bit less maintenance than others! I also have a fused vertebrae ie. two vertebrae are fused together on one side of my spine. Caused me massive issues when I played a lot of tennis as a junior. I don’t really think about it any more. There’s another fun fact – I used to be a national level junior tennis player here in Aus. But I haven’t picked up a tennis racquet for 10 years!


I’m also a lefty but more for hand things, writing, opening things, tennis. But i surf right and kick a ball right.

Random… due to the above i’m very unco when I try to throw a ball hard. I step with left foot and throw left hand. People laugh every time!

I have to make my bed as soon as i get up. I can’t leave the room without the bed made.


I actually get my arms waxed and I love it. As far as shaving goes, I have to shave my legs everyday, even when I’m sick. I also cannot stand long nails.


I consider myself a lefty as well. (Though I only write and eat left-handed. All sports, etc. I’m right-handed and some things like darts — I don’t know if I’m left or right handed because I’m equally bad with both).

3 out of 4 of my kids are lefties as well! I guess that could be considered a random fact.


I’m right there with you on the kitchen – not a big deal except when we have a party (like every New Year’s Eve) that doesn’t end till super late. Even at 1 or 2 am I will stay up and clean everything in the kitchen so it is nice when I walk in the next day!


Random facts are my favorite facts, yesss!

1) I CANNOT go to bed without chap stick on. I actually carry it with me on long runs because having dry lips is actually the worst.

2) Anything I REALLY care about, I don’t talk about or keep to myself….this makes no sense, I know.

3) I have secret competitions with myself to see how long I can go without washing my hair.


I have multiple chap sticks/lip balms. I can’t go without one. Sometimes I can’t even wait the 50 minutes til the end of a counseling session to reapply. My clients must think I’m the one who needs help!


I do the same thing with my hair! haha! what’s your longest streak??


Random facts are so much fun! Random fact about me… I have one green eye and one blue eye AND my little brother has the same differing eye colors (but in a mirror image). I’m left green / right blue and he’s left blue / right green. It’s pretty awesome!


I’m in love with this post because I feel like I do so may random/awkward things and I’m glad I’m not alone haha
1. I need to hold my remote control when I sleep. Even if my tv is off…(clearly I have some control issues haha)
2. Bananas need to be in my house at all times. I will drive to the grocery store at midnight if I have to.
3. I have fear of frogs. If I see one, I will need to be transported to the nearest hospital.
4. I have been binge watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix for the past few nights and would love to know why I’m just now deciding to watch this show. SO GOOD.


Your four facts made me so happy! Thank you for sharing Kiara and I hope you had a great night of watching Orange is the New Black and that your bananas are all stocked up!


Haha I definitely started shaving my arms at 16 as well! Now that I’ve broken my arm.. I cant shave either one! I shudder to think of what the arm under the cast will look like in six weeks!


I have HYDROCHEPALUS and I have had 31 surguries. I am terrified of the dentist .


31! Oh my goodness! I hope you are doing better!


I don’t like messy kitchens left over night either!

I also don’t like long fingernails – that is 15+ years of playing the cello for ya….

Random Fact – I have a mini statue of myself on my desk……


I love those random facts!

Here are a few of mine:

My closet is right next to the side of the bed that I sleep on and I CANNOT fall asleep if the doors are open.

I love the show Chrisley Knows Best – it is by every standard a terrible show but I think the family is hilarious and I love how Todd Chrisley pretty much only speaks in little sayings like, “I am hotter than a hog on Christmas!”

I have an “intolerance” to oranges. Not a full blown allergy, but an intolerance. If I drink or eat something with oranges in it, my neck gets itchy and I get a weird taste stuck in my mouth for a week or two. It’s also something that I may have grown out of but I am too afraid to try it out!


Hahaha I shave my arms too. It’s one of those once you start you can’t really stop kinds of things. Fun fact about me: I can make a noise identical to Chewbacca with my throat. This is how I’ve earned all my friends.


I usually don’t comment, but I can’t believe more people don’t shave their arms. I, too, did it with friends in middle school and just never stopped. It’s better that way.

I can read upside down as quickly as right side up. I just realized somewhat recently everyone can’t do that, and I freak people out sometimes.


Okay, that is seriously so so cool! I am jealous!


Cooking is me time. So much so I have made dinner every night since we came home with the baby.


Random facts: I love ketchup. I think it goes with everything. And when I am served something that I think I am not going to like, I ask for ketchup…then I dip said unliked food in it and all is well with the world. ;) I also recently moved from Pittsburgh to DC and most of my new friends think I pronounce the word syrup incorrectly…they say “sir-up”, I say “seer-up”.


Random facts about me are: I have Arithmomania, which is a counting OCD. I like to count objects in sets of 5’s or 10’s. I’ve done for as long as I can remember and I do with without realizing. Another is that I had a tumor growing on my right thumb knuckle and had it removed a few years ago. It was benign. Now it’s growing again, but on the other side. Weird.
Two really weird facts, I’m actually (I think, lol) pretty normal.


Rachelle, I have arithmomania too, and I had benign tumors in my left arm! I had the first one removed, then it grew back and had that one removed too.


That’s so fascinating! What do you count? I know there are other’s with arithmomania but I’ve never chatted or met one. Sorry about the tumor. :/


I HAVE to have my nails short too. 1. I LIKE them short b/c of being active. And i’m just hard on things – including nails. :) and 2. They are super thin, they split, peel, break, when they grow out. My Hus wants me to have super long nails, so it’s a good thing he didn’t marry me for nails. LOL


How do you shave your arms?!?! I was JUST looking at mine yesterday and thought “man they are a little hairy…wonder if I could shave them” but didn’t know if it’d “work”….like if it would feel or look weird. Do you just do it like you do your legs?!


Try it:) Just the same was as the legs!!


Tiffany – I use my hubby’s beard trimmer to shave my arms. leaves a little stubble, but seems a little easier than full-on shaving.


Oh my I’m going to give it a go this weekend!! :) I don’t know why I’m so intrigued…ha! I was always scared that my arms would be stubbly (is that a word?) if I didn’t do it every day (like legs) but I’m going to trust you ladies ;)


I still have a baby tooth, the adult one never came in…

And I still cannot learn to blow a bubble or whistle.


After your encouraging comment on my tempo run this morning, I have to give you props on YOUR tempo run and your arcade game skills, obviously


I have a horse named Ed- he is retired so he is like a really big pet! I am also left handed and my Dad gave me a subscription to Lefthanders magazine when I was younger- yes it was a magazine all about being lefthanded!


Super fun post. I love those random facts! I cannot stop looking for a picture of your shaven arms. :)
Here’s random fact about me — I’ve had my toenails painted since 7th grade…about 25 years. And another one, I have tiny ears. They’re the same size as my 8 year old son’s.
Can’t wait to meet your man, virtually of course. He’s a lucky guy.


I am right there with you on the fingernails. I absolutely hate it when mine start to get long! I keep them short all the time.


Some random things about me:

1. When I was little I used to think all girls were right handed and all boys were left handed (because my mom and I are righties and my dad’s a leftie.) I met my best friend in elementary school (who is a girl…and left handed) and was REALLY confused for a little while. :)

2. I name everything. My violin is Byron. My Kitchen-Aid mixer is Lou-Lou. My refrigerator is Fifi (hey, she has French doors.)

3. I have completely unfounded, irrational, nearly paralyzing fears of boats, centipedes, and throwing up (ugh, it was even hard to type the words! haha)


Leftys are the best, I always wanted to be one! I love tempo runs, way to go today!!! I have drinker water while going to the bathroom (always trying to multitask ;). I love reading text books, usually about the human body. I never have matching socks. When I get mad, I cry.


Some of my brothers are lefties. I tried really hard to make my brother Abe right-handed, and now he’s ambidextrous! While he prefers one hand over the other for certain tasks (eats with his right, writes with his left) , he’s equally capable with either, and – this amazes me – I can’t distinguish his handwriting using one hand versus the other.


The most entertaining part of this post was reading everyone else’s weirdness.

Accept it. Ya’ll are weird. ;)

And Janae…burnt popcorn? Really? ::shudder:: That’s like licorice… yish. And it does smell the whole house up.


This post and the comments are hilarious! I’m left-handed too, and it seems like we are very well-represented on here! I’m also training for my first marathon, and this is my first post on HRG, which I have been reading for months now! Last random fact: I’ve lived in five different countries.


FIVE COUNTRIES… that is awesome. Yay for lefties and thanks for commenting!


I am a lefty too! I can write fairly well with my right hand and play some sports as a righty but my mother knew I was a lefty for sure because I always took the cookies with my left hand : )


I wish I had your kitchen cleanliness problem! I can’t have dirty dishes lying around but I can deff. go without mopping! I also hate long fingernails!


Kitchen and House: While I won’t ever win an award for having the cleanest house..I do have to have it to a certain acceptability level before I “retire” for the evening. Dishes in dishwasher or put away, laundry put away, items picked up off floor, etc.

Arms: just started shaving my arms this past year. It is certainly more aesthetically pleasing that way (to me).

Order: I have to do things in routine ways (i.e. waking up, time of shower, the way I put on makeup, the way I get dressed) which is totally OCD. I am looking at a new way to eat and it is going to mess with my normal sense of how I do things and it is creating issues for me to get started. Ex: having to eat within 30 minutes of getting up – yikes. that worries me!

Gag: The sight of someone else’s cut fingernails grosses me out to no end. I can clean up puke from my kids – but the thought of having to clean up someone else’s fingernails, blech.


I could have written this except for the arcade games and burnt popcorn, but I do like an almost burnt tortilla.

Random Fact: I married my high school sweetheart straight out of high school, and almost 15 years later we are still married and while I wouldn’t recommend it, it has worked out pretty darn well for us :)


Random fact – thought of one more: I can do the alphabet in sign language with both hands at the same time.


random factoid: i cannot walk over sewer grates in the sidewalk. i have a super abnormal fear of falling in the sewer. literally, have been walking down a very crowded and busy street only to realize i had nowhere to go so i just stopped and had people running into me. just couldn’t do it. ugh….gives me the creeps just thinking about it!!


Random fact #1: I read magazines from back to front.
Random fact #2: I grew up spending time in my mom’s wig store. I can spot a wig…it’s a blessing and a curse. :P
Random fact #3: I met Naomi Judd in my mom’s wig store when I was about 13 years old. I told her she was a great celebrity impersonator of Naomi Judd. LOL She was very gracious and thought it was funny.

I also can’t stand long nails! :)


I am loving these comments!!
Random fact about me: Certain food textures are almost impossible for me to swallow. I couldn’t eat broccoli until I started roasting it. The little flowery things would make me choke and gag and generally be gross and embarassing. Roasting it changes the texture to something I can actually swallow. The membrane things on oranges can sometimes get me, sometimes not so I tend to eat oranges alone. Or I spend a half hour making a mess peeling all the segments.


Radom facts: I am ambidextrous. I write primarily with my right hand, but it has the left hand slant. I can do most tasks with either hand. I have double jointed elbows and I forget about, but tend to freak people out if I lean on a surface and they pop out the other way. Finally, I have a strange knowledge of dog breeds. Example driving down the street and see a person walking their dog, my husband will ask what is that I will name it off without even thinking. I love dogs and animals, so maybe this is where this comes from, but haven’t spent anytime study these at all.
Have a wonderful weekend!



I am 27 and realized I got this from my Mom. Growing up we ALWAYS cleaned the kitchen after dinner… I despise clutter and dirty countertops.

Our Condo has black granite countertops and you can see EVERYTHING. Never again!


I am also a lefty.

When I was in 2nd grade I wanted to change my name. Because I HATED being teased as Theodore Roosevelt. But now I like my name. Theodora, thanks grandma!! :)


I married a man with kitchen OCD. At first I was a little freaked out, but then I realized how AMAZING it is to always have a super clean kitchen. It works out great, I love to cook and he loves (er well has) to clean.

Random fact – I’ve been watching Parenthood during my elliptical workouts and I think I’ve cried during every episode so far.


Love the random facts! I had no idea you were a lefty (I supposed because I read your blog but haven’t met you in person) – my son is a lefty too :)

Random Fact #1: I despise burnt popcorn pieces but always end up eating a few on accident.
Random Fact #2: I ate a bowl of spaghettios with meatballs last week and it tasted amazing (and very unhealthy … it was a craving I couldn’t resist!).


I have seven brothers and grew up believing that I would be the first female NFL player…..and alternatively, I would settle on being a professional soccer player.

I’m insanely clumsy. I’m almost 100 percent sure that this will be my demise.


My favorite food is popcorn. I can make balloons animals (dog, heart, sword, hat). I used to represent actors (in tv, film, theater). I must sleep with an eye mask and ear plugs on every night and with the fan on for the white noise.


AH so glad to hear the kitchen + fingernail thing. both drive me nuts. my roommate is not the same about the kitchen, so i fight an internal battle between cleaning up her dishes or letting it be messy. also, im crazy and always think you can tell what type of person someone is by how long their fingernails are (wtf). shorter, the better.


I’m oddly flexible in my back, right arm and shoulder and can pull up the zipper on my dresses by myself. (It freaks people out when I scratch the middle of my back).

I hate having my belly button touched, I will literally start gagging.

I also sleep with a fan on for white noise. I lived with noisy people and it became a habit.


I hate raisins but only by themselves and only in certain foods. Raisin bagels and cinnamon raisin bread are okay but I hate them in rice pudding and they can NEVER be in cookies!

The man plays basketball?! Like college/professional? Or he’s just really good at pick up games with his friends. Haha! I’m glad you showed him your skills!


I fell into the ‘arm-shaving’ trap in 10th grade and haven’t been able to quit yet – someone should have warned us!

My random fact – I hate the sound of someone sucking on a lollipop – it makes me absolutely crazy!

Oh and – I have been following you for years and finally got up the nerve to start a blog – wish me luck :-)


3 random facts for you! 1) I cannot go to bed if there are dirty dishes in the sink. I cannot stand dirty dishes in the sink period (although I have gotten much better about it) 2) I have an irrational fear of deep water. If I can’t see the bottom, it terrifies me. Like being in a river or lake with legs dangling = NO 3) I randomly get ridges on the nails of my thumbs

I also cannot imagine shaving my arms, but I DO like short nails!


Those facts are so cool! (I was right handed and switched to be a lefty- to be cool like my sister! ;))


(1) I, too, believe in burning popcorn just a smidge. I love it!

(2) I am right handed but can only snap with my left hand.

(2) I cannot — for the life of me — get my right eyelashes to curl, and it’s only been that way for the last few years.


My friend is the a a me about her kitchen. Mine is a disaster.

Random fact about me: I have never changed a light bulb, and I refuse to ever do it.

Another fact: I have a very large tattoo that very few people know about.


My mom is a lefty and when my sister and I were little she would put crayons in our left hand to try to force us to be leftys. Didn’t work ;)


I’m finishing up my last semester of university and I drive my roommates crazy with my popcorn burning! I understand it makes the house smell but it’s just so much better. Now I know I’m not alone with that preference.
A random fact about me is that I’m very tall (6ft!) but only wear a size 8.5 to 9 shoe. I can share pretty shoes with all my girl friends but definitely not any clothes!


Haha I had no idea the saving arms was an actual thing! My little sister started doing it in high school Bc she said all her friends were doing it! I didn’t believe her but I guess it’s true! I do have hairy arms but I can barely keep up with shaving my legs so I don’t thing I could handle adding 2 more appendages to the mix! Hahaha way too much upkeep.
Hmm random fact about me. Well ever since I was little I would get nosebleeds, like a lot. It was embarrassing. A Dr told me to put Vaseline inside my nose to prevent them and I still do this every morning 20 yrs later. It’s weird but if I don’t do it I get a nosebleed! Kind of like how people are addicted to Chapstick I guess?!?


my son is a lefty too, his parents and grandparents are all right handed..he does have an uncle and a great grandpa that were lefties.


Your good friend looks like Mandi from Vintage Revivals!


Lefties for life yo. Ha sorry it’s early and I’m loopy.

I played trombone (no idea why they picked this little 4 foot tall girl to play that) in the 4-7th grades and then switched to the baritone (even bigger) in the 8th grade when the band teacher told me I could make honor band that way. I didn’t ever get to honor band. :( Needless to say my musical instrument days ended there.

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