My Running Coach and the pancakes that made us happy.

We are just going to go ahead and soak in this ‘no snow 44 degrees in Utah’ thing until we get hit with a blizzard or something.   

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Brooke was pretty proud that she conquered the wall (that reminds me of that one tv show with contestants in leotards doing obstacles… American Gladiators).

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And on the way back home the mountains were pink.  No filter.  

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Dinner was a simple two ingredients (actually 3 more not pictured—> water, almond butter and bananas).

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For round two we threw some almond butter on top.  Nothing like brinner.

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And last but not least we had a bachelor viewing party while celebrating National Popcorn Day! This Cinnamon Bun Popcorn is bomb.  

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Meet my coach!  

Her name is Lauren Floris and I am loving working with her.  One of my very good and very speedy friends has been using her as a coach and recommended her to me.  I did my research on Lauren, talked to her on the phone and then decided I definitely wanted to work with her!

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I had her write a little resume for the blog:)  

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Why I love having a running coach:

-They do the hard part.  They come up with the workouts and think big picture for you.  I just look at my schedule each week and do the workouts, paces, times and drills that she has put together for me.  I don’t even have to think about what I should be doing which is perfect because I really like the running part of training and that is all I have to do:)  She knows my goals and has the big picture in mind for my training.

-Having feedback.  I love reporting back to her about a workout and getting her feedback.  It is really motivating for me to have a coach to get back to about how my run went!  She comments back on every run and I love that!  We use Google Sheets for my training plan which is extremely easy to use.

-I tend to go overboard with training and paces and end up injured.  It is really nice to have someone (that knows their stuff!!) to tell me when to run easy and when to push it.  I love having such a personalized training plan.  

-She has me doing all of the little things that will help me a ton with my running—>  i.e. post run exercises, dynamic warm-ups, core & strength routines and pre-workout drills!

Lauren is accepting clients and you can contact her HERE!!!! 


Ever had a running coach?  What were the benefits for you?  

Who watched The Bachelor last night?  Thoughts?

Pancakes or waffles?  Best toppings?

Anyone else having abnormal weather for this time of year?! 

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I’ve never had a coach but I was actually considering Lauren as well! I don’t have any immediate goals right now but when I do, I think it might be time to break away from the same training plans I make myself and hand over some of the work and gain a new perspective. A good friend has been working with a coach for years and for her it’s priceless.


I was looking at her too! She looks awesome!


I’d love to have you girls! :D


Can you believe that I still have my Flapjack from Blend last year and haven’t made it yet? I’m obviously not that into pancakes. More of an egg person. I keep wanting to do something fancy with it like use it to make muffins. Waiting for the right baking inspiration!


Those pancakes would have made me happy too – YUM!! :)


I love Lauren’s blog! I’ll be excited to hear about your training!

I love peanut butter and strawberries on my pancakes. But really I’ll take any fruit topping!

We are definitely having weird weather. It was 60 here yesterday and supposed to be in the 50s the next 10 days.

I save my Bachelor watching for while I’m running on the treadmill, so I haven’t’ watched yesterdays episode. Do you have a favorite girl so far? There are a few I’ve wondered why he has kept so long. He got a few strange ones…


Mark Hadley coaches me and I love the structure of his plans! He also pushes me to do more.
Waffles with blueberries!
It’s super warm in TN…60 degrees. Crazy!


Lauren is the best! I’ve been working with her for almost a year now and have seen huge improvements in my 5K and half marathon race times and she also helped me finish my first full marathon. I’m so so so slow compared to you (and her), but she does a great job coaching me, and it’s not easy to find a coach who can work with slower runners and fast ones too!

I just had brinner last Thursday! I love it because I could really be happy eating eggs with every meal :)


I like French toast! There’s something about melted butter and powdered sugar that I love! But if I had to choose then waffles. I’ve never had a running coach but have thought about it- if I ever had time to actually commit to doing it!
This Utah weather has been warm but in still missing Arizona. It’s still too cold for me here!


Having a running coach sounds so awesome! I can’t wait to see how you do in Boston!

I just started watching the Bachelor this season…man, he sure does a lot of kissing and not a lot of talking! I loved the scene of him and Jimmy Kimmel in the shower. LOL.


That’s awesome to have a coach! She sounds awesome! I’ve always wanted one. Maybe if I get in to the NYC lottery!

I like cool whip on my pancakes and raspberries or strawberries and chocolate chips!

We are having a Chinook right now so the snow is melting but it is crazy winter!! I would rather have the snow I think haha!


I cannot choose between pancakes and waffles. They are both my favorite. But pancakes I. Need to put butter on and love when they have berries and nuts.

Waffles I can eat plain.


I’ve never had a running coach, but I just got a personal trainer for the first time. Mostly because I’m motivated to run, but I need someone to tell me to lift!
I did watch The Bachelor (why does that always feel like a guilt thing?). I think they picked the most dramatic girls ever for the most undramatic guy. It is so not about Chris, it’s more about the drama between the girls. Not my favorite season.
Pancakes! Waffles are too hard to put butter on. We put cookie butter on our pancakes. Not that healthiest, but sooooooo good!
Have a great Tuesday!


I have a coach this time around and its making a huge difference. He’s there to pull me back and say, “um, Cat, get off the road and hit the bike.” It’s a nice change.

Also, he’s quite pretty, and quite gay, which makes him awesome to hang with.


Your coach sounds awesome! I’ve never had a coach but want to someday since they can help play to strengths and weaknesses.
Pancakes are the best! Maple syrup and fruit are my favorite toppings, and I always mix in chocolate chips!


Never had a running coach although my dog was a good substitute at one point. I love pancakes! And yes, the weather! My goodness it’s a brisk 55 this morning in Florida. We’ll be lucky to make it to 70!


SO FUNNY…I have been following Lauren for a while and if I ever end up using a coach, she is the one I would go with as well- She knows her stuff!

Yesterdaywas 43, but other than that its been SUPER DUPER cold outside!!!


I’ve never had a running coach, just tried a lot of different running plans on my own to find what works.

Pancakes AND waffles. I love fruit with both. My step mom makes these amazing waffles and tops them with peaches and whipped cream – SO good!

It’s oddly not snowy here in NY. Our weather has been all over the place, warm, freezing rain, snow – I’m enjoying the fact that it isn’t as crazy as last winter!


I think I like waffles the best! And I haven’t actually been keeping up with the Bachelor for the first time in a few years…I think I finally got tired of it ;)


Pancakes for sure!!!!! I love IHOP!
I have gone back and forth on a coach…but so far I have stayed self coached :).
I REALLY would love to become a coach!!!


I have loved following Lauren’s blog and I can tell that she would be an amazing coach! I am thinking about working with a coach before my next full marathon which probably wont be until the fall. After I became certified as a coach I felt more confident with making my own plans but I think there is definitely something to be said for having someone else manage your training!


I’m definitely going to use Lauren for the 2016 Boston Marathon! I qualified back in November at the NYC Marathon (my first!) and I’ve been actively looking for coaches to work with for my next few halves and eventually Boston :) PS if you have any plans to come to NYC soon- you HAVE to check out the Mile High Run Club!


I have never had a running coach, but I am sure it would help immensely! I have to take a lot of walking breaks still and my mile times are still at the beginner stages.

I LOVE waffles! I used coconut milk in the recipe instead of regular milk and they turn out great. I also make a berry syrup for the top. It is just the Trader Joes frozen mixed berries, some maple syrup, & some white balsamic vinegar. I heat that in a pot on the stove and then hit it with the immersion blender. SUUUPER tasty!

Our weather in Ohio is a bit abnormal at the moment. Saturday we were at 50 (My favorite running temperature), yesterday we were in the 40s and today we are supposed to 50. I am loving this weather.


I had a great coach for about 18 months, she helped me to figure out what my body needed to stay healthy and uninjured which was amazing! I have been going it alone for about 8 months and I do miss having somebody to plan my workouts for me (however, it just wasn’t in the budget!)
I love pancakes and waffles equally, mmmmm….
Here in Maine we are not seeing a lot of snow- I like this but it makes me nervous that we are going to get dumped on any second :-(


It’s bee weird here – it’ll be 60 today! Okay, maybe that’s not too far off from the normal (maybe the 40’s?) because I just moved down south but I’m from the far north and it would normally be a high of the single digits so this is extremely odd for me and it’s throwing me off!


You can’t make me choose between pancakes or waffles :) I LOVE BOTH!!!!


I have never used a coach…but I am seeing myself struggle against injury as I push my training harder so maybe I will pursue one in the future!

Waffles all the way. Topped with fruit and a ridiculous amount of maple syrup.


I wish I had a running coach! But I just can’t seem to convince myself to spend the $$ on it right now.

Bachelor = madness. Very very verrrry kissy season, yes?!


I have not watched the bachelor in such a long time. I honestly forgot that show was still on. I guess Bravo has the reality TV scene covered for me with all of the Real Housewives shows… except those are 10x trashier :)


I honestly don’t know which I prefer, pancakes or waffles! Depends on my mood. If anything, I think I would choose challah French toast at the diner if I had my choice of all three. Tough decisions!


I love popcorn with m&ms mixed in!


I live in Utah as well and I couldn’t believe it was raining in January, I am loving it!


Great pics! I love the power cakes. Waffles over pancakes any day!


I had a friend coach me once and it was just a disaster. I ended up over training and not doing well at all at my race. But, I think a large part of that was inexperience on both our parts. So awesome that you feel good about your coach!


By the way, your darker hair looks great!

Our low this morning is 45 degrees :) Of course I am in SoCal. This makes for perfect running weather!


Isn’t Lauren the sweetest?! She offered her services to me, as well, but since I am not training for anything at the moment, I had to decline. I love how she’s making you work AND she clearly knows her stuff!


I am just going to say it: The girls on this season of the Bachelor are some extra kind of crazy! But I thought Jimmy was a great edition!


I really like the flapjack waffle mix because it makes waffles so light and fluffy. It’s definitely one of the better ones.

I think having a coach will really benefit you Janae and you will only grow from it. :-)


I’ve been using a triathlon coach for about a year now and it has made a huge difference. I definitely appreciate getting feedback on every workout. It’s so nice to have someone who’s been through it all and it now where I want to be in a few years to guide me.

DC has been decently mild so far ;) They keep saying this winter will be bad, but haven’t gotten stuck inside on the treadmill yet!


Your brinner looks exactly (well, almost…I used FlapJacked mix and used peanut butter) like my breakfast the last couple days! I love microwaving a bowl of those frozen blueberries to top my pancakes. Perfecto.


Pancakes or french toast for dinner are my favorite. I’m also loving the weather in Utah right now…I keep running longer than planned because it feels so nice out.

A running coach seems like such a good idea. I’ve always wanted to try one, but I don’t feel like I can make running a focus until I finish my phd and find a job :) Thanks for posting some of your post-run exercises! It’s fun to follow along.


Pancakes AND waffles. Okay, I guess waffles first.

We’re having a pretty nice winter in Boston, in my opinion. It’s been cold, but very little snow so far. That said, it’s still be kind of weird: 7 degrees on Saturday, 45 on Sunday.


I hired a running coach about ten years ago to help me “get into” running. At the end of the month, he looked at me and said, “You know, not all people are runners…”! Ouch! lol. :)


Go get those Trials, Lauren!


Ummmmmm… Janae you should train to be in the olympics!!!! If your coach can do it so can you!


Do you like nice big fluffy pancakes or dense chewy ones?


We’re definitely having abnormally warm weather, which is interesting since the first two weeks of January it was abnormally cold. It’s 65 degrees warmer than it was 2 weeks ago here!


I have an equal love for pancakes and waffles, but I HATE syrup. I smother mine with peanut butter and it is always fantastic.

I’ve contemplated a running coach in the past, but I’ve never used one. I look forward to reading about your experiences.


I’m loving this Utah winter!

I follow Lauren’s blog and she is amazing – so fast and talented! I think you picked an awesome coach and I can’t wait to see what you do in Boston (I’ll be there supporting my husband and dreaming about running the race one day!).


Yay for Lauren!! I love her blog and I’m excited that she is coaching you!!

Pancakes w/ homemade cherry jam- YUM!

We are having nice weather right now for MN – 30 degrees today!


I have not worked with a coach but would like too. I feel like all my money has to go to my kids stuff though!

I like waffles way better than pancakes for some reason – I think it’s cuz I like crunchy food and I make them a little well done!


Sadly we’re having fairly normal weather right now…-22F with windchill this morning as I walked the dog (who loves arctic weather).

I have a coach and teammates…I love it…sometimes it’s my teammates who provide the best guidance and support…but our coach is what pulls us together. So glad you feel you have a good connection with yours!!

Nutella and peanut butter…always!! :)))


She sounds like a winner, with quite the impressive resume. I think it’s always good to have a third-party who knows what they are doing monitor and manage your training. Awesome job! :)


We are in what they are calling a “snow drought” here in Boston too. I got XC skis for Christmas so I kind of want it to snow so I can use them, but from a running (and especially trail running) perspective, the lack of snow is pretty nice.

That picture of the mountains is AMAZING.


That’s so fun that you got cross country skiis for Christmas! My husband and I have been thinking about going to this XC skiing place in Weston that apparently makes snow so you can ski whenever. You should check it out!


HOLY COW CINNAMON BUN POPCORN?! This sounds like a game changer!

I’ve never used a coach. And I’ve got to say waffles because they trap the butter and syrup which makes it 10x yummier!

Our past few days have been in the high sixties and I’m sort of hating it :(


Very cool! I’ve always wanted to try a coach but to price often scares me away! ;P


Awesome.! I was always curious who your coach was :) so cool.

I have the Bachelor recorded, and will watch it tonight :) I love both.! Pancakes and waffles


Never had a coach because I am not a great runner. Two miles yesterday, two miles this morning. (Whew almost kicked my bum)

I love peanut butter on my pancakes. I mean who doesn’t love their mouth so gooey you almost can’t breath? ☺️

Have a great day! Thanks for motivating me to run Janae. No matter how small a distance it may be. It’s better than sitting on my rear end on the couch! (At least that’s what I tell myself)


I’ve never had a running coach. I keep reading more and more runners are getting them though. It is definitely something I would consider in the future. Right now I am not able to. I have a few big purchases this year so my money is pretty tight.


We have been downright spoiled with our weather lately!! I live on the central coast in California, and it’s been feeling like summer lately, even let the kids play in the water at the beach this past weekend. Actually, I live right next to San Luis Obispo, where Lauren is doing the half marathon in April. I’m considering signing up for that race, but will be waaaaay behind her ;)


That is so cool that you live right near SLO! It’s one of my favorite areas in California. My sister was looking at Cal Poly SLO but thought it was too far from home… I was so bummed because I totally would have gone and visited her all the time! I’ll keep an eye out for you at the SLO half! :D


Ugh. Pancakes. Hands down. We are actually having brinner tonight too. For me, it is either with strawberries and whipped cream or with pb and maple syrup. Actually, have you ever tried these?

It is pretty much what heaven is made up of.

Also, I think we need to think of American Gladiator names for ourselves.


My Grandma makes the absolute best waffles. Every time we visit her (and when we were kids too) we always beg for waffles for dinner :) She has homemade jam (the greatest), homemade syrup, peanut butter, butter, and fruit to add as toppings. so good!


That’s so funny, I don’t know Lauren personally, but she is from Hopkinton too! It’s funny how many marathon runners Hopkinton breeds becaues it’s at the start line for the marathon. I am sure you are in great hands with her, Janae! Even HHS has an amazing track team (at least it did when I was there) and the coaching there was superb! :)


AH! That’s so fun that you’re from Hopkinton too! When did you graduate? The girls’ HHS track team just lost their first meet in 10 years last week! Such a sad day! haha


Hi Lauren! I graduated in 2004! I did winter track junior and senior year, but other than that I played soccer and lacrosse. VERY sad that track team lost their first meet! I think you are a bit younger than me, but I am sure we knows lots of mutual people. My younger brother graduated in 2006. I will start reading your blog more…I get back to Hopkinton 3-4 times per year. Such a great place to live! :)


We just missed each other! I graduated in ’08, so I probably do know your brother (or at least know his name)! Small world! :D Go Hillers!


I think the Bachelor seems like such a moron. I have seen it other seasons, and this isn’t the first time I have thought such to be true.. but this guy seems even worse. Such an idiot. Not to mention the girls are ridiculously dumb.

No offense, but I wish they had version of the show with smarter, more intellectually engaging people. I think it represents America poorly. (As does most reality television. Maybe a hybrid between Jeopardy and the Bachelor? That would be nice.)

Hmm… I think in the waffles vs. pancakes.. I would probably say pancakes.. and I want chocolate-chips everywhere! Maybe some caramel sauce too? The Trader Joe’s salted caramel sauce would be great.

I don’t have a running coach. I only workout; I cannot claim to be a runner, but I enjoy reading about your victories because it motivates me. Not to mention Brooke is adorable.


So cool that she’s running the San Luis Obispo half in April! I’ve ran that twice and love it! Hoping to do it again I’m an average runner and am just hoping for another sub 2 hour. It’s hilly and nice and quiet. I’m gonna look for her!


I’ll keep an eye out for you Christina! Best of luck in your training and racing! :)


I’m pretty sure hubby would not approve a running coach in the budget, so nope, never used one. I do have lots of running buddies online in the running groups on Facebook, and when I trained for my first big race last summer, I had a lady make me a training schedule for free. She just offered to do it, so that was a big help. Training now for a half marathon and I just found a free training plan at

I love blueberries on pancakes! Yours look so yummy! Now I want pancakes lol

We are having unseasonably warm weather in Iowa as well. It’s been in the upper 30’s and lower 40’s recently. I am enjoying being able to run outside!


I just signed on with a new coach and I LOVE HIM. There is nothing better than having someone do all the work for you. :)


What happened to the other coach you were using for awhile there where you made great progress with? Do you know if he is taking new clients?


way to go hiring a coach to help hold you accountable! that’s awesome and there is obviously huge proof that it works!

i now need buckets of popcorn and pancakes. i blame you :)


Waffles > anything else. With fresh strawberries and whipped cream. My parents just regifted me their waffle maker and I’m excited to use it! Is that protein waffle mix from Trader Joe’s?

Have not watched last night’s Bachelor yet (BF is out of town for the rest of the week so it will be happening most likely tonight) but Ashley is CRAZY. I don’t know how she’s still here.

High 60’s in Dallas this week :) still gets too dark too fast to run outside after work though.


And I will probably consider a running coach when I train for my first marathon!


I love that Lauren is coaching you. I follow her blog and LOVE it! I am loving this “heat wave” we have been getting in ATL. It was 45F for my 6am run this morning! I have considered a coach but may look into it further in 2016 :)


I have loved reading Lauren’s blog and will love to follow your progress while using her (because I think she is totally awesome). I am halfway through the Bachelor and will finish it tonight. Jimmy Kimmel had me cracking up!


I’ve never had a paid coach, but my husband does take pride in coaching me AND pacing me for my races that have led me to qualify for Boston. It’s great having a coach because I love to feel like I’m not in it alone. I’ve enjoyed hearing all about your Boston training. I can’t wait for April!


LOVE that Lauren is coaching you! I absolutely love her blog and she is such a talented athlete. I’m sure with her on your side you will knock your goals right out of the water!!


Pancakes > Waffles
LOVE The Bachelor, but haven’t watched last night’s episode yet.
Cinnamon Bun Popcorn?! WHAAATTT??? Need.


pancakes, I like waffles but they never seem as filling. No idea why.
I run with a coach and it’s so much easier to have someone tell you when to push, when to relax and what your mileage should be.
I can’t bring myself to watch the Bachelor but I do love popcorn.


Someone has probably informed you already, but…..NEW oreo flavor!!


Thanks for sharing! I have been toying with the idea of a running coach. I was at my physio’s a couple weeks of ago, and he suggested I might want to consider working with a running coach. Will have to definitely give this some more thought.


I have not yet committed to a run coach. I want to I just haven’t found ‘the one’ yet. I used to hate pancakes but now I am a fan! Maybe my fam will have brinner tonight!!


YUM pancakes for dinner (or any meal) is always a good idea. I like waffles too but not when I have to make them… cleaning the waffle maker is no fun. We just moved to VA from upstate NY and the weather is really glorious down here… way warmer than NY! YAY!


It’s been in the high 30s here in Chicago and it’s actually starting to annoy me bc I keep overheating whenever I go inside a building. I cant control the heat in my condo either and I’ve been waking up sweating at night. I won’t be complaining once the snow comes though.

I have never had a running coach and actually just ran my first half last Sept. I followed an online training plan that I modified a bit to fit with me and it seemed to work out pretty well. I think if I was actually training for certain times or qualifying then I may look into it. Right now I just like doing it for fun.


I love Lauren’s blog! Good pick for a coach :). I haven’t had a coach since college, but I really want to tackle my first marathon in 2016, so even though I’m a running coach myself, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to take on that all by myself, so I’ll probably end up getting one towards the end of this year! And I can’t believe it, but this is the first year I haven’t been watching The Bachelor!


I’ve never had a coach but always wanted one, The Bachelor: Lots and lots of kissing and why is that crazy blonde girl still there?, Pancakes, it’s been warmer than usual this winter in Orlando!


It is CRAZY WARM in Chicago this year! By crazy warm I mean upper 20s, lower 30s, but still, it’s pretty nice to not go outside and be in pain. And I caught up on the first two weeks of the Bachelor this weekend and I’ll watch the newest episode probably tonight on Hulu!


I have never had a running coach, but I can definitely see the benefits. I like waffles because the syrup stays on them so well ha! And I normally just like syrup. My hubby loves peanut butter on his but it is no bueno for me. And I am loving the warmer weather in Utah County too!! :)


I actually don’t eat pancakes or waffles very often. I had the best banana walnut waffles in Hawaii a few years ago, so I have to say waffles – and with that combination – are my favourite.

We are having more rain this summer than normal. But Melbourne weather is all over the place anyway, so there really isn’t too much that is normal about it ever.

I love flavoured popcorn! I have an air popper, and am always trying new flavours. My favourite is coconut oil with a salted caramel blend you toss it in. Yum!


I’ve never had a running coach but I read a lot of running books. Same thing, right? :)

I watched the Bachelor while I got ready this morning, only because Jimmy Kimmel was on it! He was hilarious… he should be on it every time. Kept it light. Otherwise the show is full of too much drama and horrible things.

I love pancakes but I think I love waffles more! My favorite is a crispy waffle topped with whipped cream and strawberries in the summer..

I’m loving the warm weather in Utah! Especially lately with the blue skies – so niiiice.


I currently have a running coach & have had her since April 2014, I hired her to train me for my first marathon which I ran in Nov, now I am training for my second Marathon, (LA). I love the ease of not having to think about my workouts. She provides me feedback every day also which helps tremendously and is always more than happy to help or answer any questions I have. The best thing about her is she cares, she ran the half marathon the same day I ran my first marathon & she stuck around and met me @ mile 20 to encourage me and make sure I was ok. It blew me away!
I like pancakes & waffles but don’t eat them often, where did u get the kodak mix?


Popcorn is the best! Unfortunately I don’t end up having it very often, even though we have an air popper at home. I should make it more often – I don’t know why I don’t!


What black shoes are you wearing?


I was surprised at how much I thought Jimmy Kimmel added to the show’s entertainment. Very funny scenes. I don’t know who they get to do the casting, but it’s “AMAZING” how many girls they get that they can make look downright crazy. I also am certain that the producers/directors reserve the right to keep a girl on just for the drama factor. In other words, I can’t believe how thoroughly hooked I get on this train wreck of a show.


I’m watching the Bachelor right now while I get ready to head out on my run, I can tell this one is gonna be funny!

Kodiak Cakes are my favorite!


Oye I totally watched The Bachelor last night. Please tell me I’m not the only one who just isn’t into Chris? And I have no predictions as to who the winner will be!


I love Lauren! You are in great hands (:


Mark Hadley is my coach and I am so happy with him!
Humm- I love waffles and pancakes!
I’ll go with a lemon ricotta pancake with raspberry topping from my favorite place – YUM.
So cool that you have a coach – she sounds great! :)


I follow Lauren’s blog pretty religiously, and I also follow her on Strava to see what she’s doing with her training. She’s pretty awe-inspiring, I’m glad you’re enjoying working with her.


Good luck with your new coach, looks like a good match!


Your coach sounds awesome! I’ve never worked with one but it’s a dream down the road sometime :) So cool that she’s working towards the Olympics!

I want those blueberry pancakes!!! Pancakes OR waffles for me. Breakfast all the time!


Hi there, at the risk of looking stalkerish, I googled who your coach was and this post was what popped up. Are you still using her? Good luck today!!!!!!

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