Mile repeats, a stretch for you to do today and habits!

I seem to be finding candy all over town on my runs lately.  Don’t worry, I didn’t actually eat the truffle that I found in the grass but I’m not going to lie, I did think about it.

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My sister is a champ and told me she would watch Brooke so I could get outside for my mile repeats with my buddies.  It was also warm outside.  It was good for my soul.

The weird thing about speed work to me is how tired it makes my ENTIRE body.  Not just my legs.  Muscle groups that were especially tired during my 4th mile repeat—>  my entire abdomen, shoulders, back, my elbows and pretty much everything else.  Goes to show how important it is to get strong everywhere if we want to be fast runners.

For the schedule today—>  2.5 mile warm-up, 4 x 1 mile repeats with .25 mile recovery jogs in between each one, 2.5 mile cool-down…  10 miles total

6:21 average pace for each of the 4 repeats with the last one the fastest.  

My body craved longer recovery jogs in between each repeat but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (or makes you hang out in the grass finding truffles after your 4th repeat).  

Toast before the run (brooke wanted her leg in the picture), eggs w/cheese after the run and

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heaps of vegetables and a turkey burger for lunch.  

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These are the turkey burgers that I use and I just cook them in a pan on the stove top… takes approximately 7 minutes and I think they taste amazing.

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PS loved this tip from HERE today.  I will be doing this, you should do it with me too.

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Hope you are having a great Tuesday… Brooke sure is:)

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2 articles about habits that I loved today:

12 Habits of Highly Motivated Runners

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7 Habits of Chronically Unhappy People

Good reminder that there is enough good for everybody:)

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Read any good articles lately?!  PLEASE SHARE!

How much on average would you say that you have to sit a day?!

Favorite protein to add to your salad?

You sore anywhere today?  From what?

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Good timing on the hip stretch! My hips are crazy stiff today! I felt like an old lady My trainer stretched me good this morning and I really needed it. Feeling so much better now. Too bad I have to work and sit in meetings all day. I wish I convert my office to wear yoga pants and run in place all day. Haha!
Favorite salad is kale with roasted butternut squash, a light dressing with spiced pecans. Recipe coming next week.


I loved the 12 habits of motivated runners, too! Thanks for sharing the hip stretch.
I am terrible at sitting!
I love the new tofu sofritas at chipotle!! I add it to my taco salads and it’s so good.
My bum is sore from hours on the spin bike!


I sit FAR too much at work. That said, I am also the least efficient person in the office – if I can make 10 trips to do something instead of 1, I will do it just so I can be up and moving more often. My back and neck are sore today, probably from sitting too much at the computer.

I throw anything and everything on my salad. Beans, fish, steak, chicken, it all goes on there. Not usually at the same time.


I think you should have eaten that truffle. Vegetables are grown in the ground so it probably would have been as healthy for you as vegetables.


Can you find a way to make it sound like donuts are just as healthy for you as vegetables too? k thanks;)



Because the sugar comes along with fat, they have a lower glycemic index and don’t spike your blood sugar or have adverse insulin consequences.


I really like you.


You can email me with all your justification questions.


Get ready for about 30 emails a day.


I have a desk job so I’m sitting for 8-10 hours per day – blah. I try to go on a 10 minute walk in the morning and afternoon, but that only happens one or two days a week. I need to get better at moving during the day!

I like chicken in my salad or occasionally seasoned ground beef in a taco salad. I need to branch out on my salad toppings.


It is upsetting thinking about how much I SIT. Just part of having an office job I guess. I do try to make laps around the building and go out for walks (even if they are at my local Target) on my lunch break. Every little bit helps! Then I also try to be on my feet cooking doing laundry cleaning, WHATEVER when I get home. But of course I am a sucker for a couch potato Criminal Mind watching binge-fest!


I love adding chicken to my salad, but I have been looking for something new so I will definitely be trying the turkey burger! I feel like I sit too much during the day because my baby isn’t yet crawling so I spend a lot of time holding her. I am sure I won’t be saying that as soon as she is mobile though ha!


I would have considered eating the truffle too…and may have eaten it. :-)

I sit way too much!!! About 2-3 hours in the car and 9 hours at work. I make sure to take walk breaks and run/body pump/spin at lunch time though. :-)

PS you are amazing my friend. :-)


I like to add sauteed chicken to my salads. I usually cook some up at the beginning of the week so I have it ready to go.


I’m still at school so I sit for like 6 hours a day, which is probably really unhealthy!! That stretch actually looks really good, I should try that! I have the tightest hamstrings and have to always stretch them even if I don’t exercise! I’ve pulled both of them like 6 times in the past 4 years :(


The best thing I have ever done is to start working on the computer while standing. I had major back issues before doing that but since that time, it’s all good.


I read that article too and I completely agree. It’s always important to make solid choices for yourself and show yourself you can truly be happy…not that I’m standing on a soap box now LOL.

That’s so nice of your sister to watch Brook so you could get your workout in. It’s so nice to be close your family like we are!


My lovely desk job sure racks up the sitting hours :) I complain about it because I would rather be up and moving, but sometimes it’s ok but it’s good recovery time when my legs are sore and tired ;) I am sore today from Body Pump last night. I end up taking a couple weeks off and the first class back always ends in total body soreness, which is ok!

Articles… well, I just read online that Red Velvet Oreos are being released in February :)


I love adding salmon or shrimp to my salads, but chicken works, too.

My abs and arms are sore today from a long upper body workout yesterday, so I’ve been loading up on protein. I try not to sit TOO much, but I’m writing my dissertation, so its hard to avoid. I’m on my feet a lot more when I work from home compared to worked in my office.

I liked the runner’s world article. Did you read this one about saturated fat?


Mile repeats are both awesome and brutal, I hate and love to do them!
I sit probably way too much, although I try to take walk breaks during the day since I work from home. I did that stretch this morning after seeing it on Runner’s Connect, it felt so good!
Beans are my favorite salad topping! I like to make salads with avocado, black beans, green, bell peppers, and a bit of cheese.


We are having an awesome string of warm sunshiny days in North Texas 70 and sunshine today! It’s been awesome for good moods and running. I saw those Turkey Burgers on your blog and my entire family is now obsessed with them, so good! We are a big family so Costco is our go too. Happy Tuesday :-)


SOOOO happy that you guys are loving the turkey burgers:) Enjoy the sunshine!!!


I have to sit all day at work. I hate it, and hope to be able to have a standing desk at some point in the future.


I worked at the gym this morning and then took a class, but have been parked at the computer for an unreasonable number of hours today. I really need to get up and move around!

My favorite protein salad topper is chicken.

I would have totally eaten that truffle.


I have a desk job, so I sit A LOT. Probably at least 11 hours a day. On the up side, I drink a lot of coffee, which makes me get up to use the bathroom a lot too. I count these as walking breaks :P

I’ll always add either tuna or hard boiled egg to my salads if I don’t have another protein planned. Usually tuna because it’s quicker :P

Actually, today I’m not particularly sore anywhere! But I did do a weights workout this morning, and I pushed up the weights, so I’m sure I’ll be feeling something tomorrow morning.


I sit sooo much. Probably all day besides my running, and small breaks in netween. I JUST read an article about it. And of course now I can’t find it… lol
Haha good job on finding candy.!


Turkey burgers, chicken and black beans are my favorite toppers!


I love steak on a salad. With portabello mushroom too! Mmmmmmmmm now I am hungry.
My hamstring is sore. It’s always tight. I read an article today that said how important it is to be hydrated because the fascia needs fluid or it will get sticky causing tight muscles and tendons. So now I am going to be much more diligent about getting my water each day.

I’m still dealing with some runners knee too. Since October. Trying the pt exercise route but no real improvement yet. Sigh!


Thanks for sharing that stretch tip! My hip flexor are hurting me and I really do think a lot of it has to do with my desk job. Heard we might be getting desks that can convert to standing position soon.


I’m pretty good about moving around throughout the day, but I’m sure I still spend too much time sitting. I like that version of a hip flexor stretch! If I don’t stretch my hips enough after sitting I tend to get tailbone pain – no bueno.


I love a good salad with chick peas or my favorite, black beans on the bbq ranch salad at The Cheesecake Factory (I order it without chicken and ask for extra of everything else – black beans, corn, tomato, cucumber, avocado and onion strings!)


Who in their right mind would leave behind a truffle??? I think you should right this wrong by treating yourself to something equally delicious. LOVE the hip flexor tip.


I like to think the best of people but you are right, who could do such a thing?!? Ice cream here I come:) Have an awesome day!


Ugh, I definitely sit too much! It has been on my mind a lot lately, especially rehabbing a hip flexor injury.


I love adding grilled chicken to salads but not just plain grilled chicken… teriyaki, barbecue, lemon rosemary, or even rotisserie chicken are all delicious on salads!


Unless I watch a (rare) movie I sit less than two hours a day on average. Fave protein is grilled halloumi right now. Crispy fried and only slightly melted cheese=win!
My quads are tight. Did 32k since sunday, and decided to include intervals in that total today with my husband and neighbor. Felt super hard with leaden legs but looking at the splits on the Garmin afterward averaged about 5:30/mile for 10x200m! So that should feel awful with all those miles in the legs in that short of a time. Totally believe what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Couple rest days and back at it by friday.
Bonus: today I discovered my flat street is almost exactly 200m (about 215) with a cul-de-sac at the end which will be a perfect 1/4mile track for repeats! The neighbors will think we are nuts haha.


When I flex my feet down, the muscle in my ankles are sore. My legs are feeling better though after my marathon.

Not really an article, but got an email saying the lead car of the marathon I ran, took the wrong road adding an “unofficial” 0.2 miles to the course!!! What?! The race committee is measuring the distance this week and will give update times/distance to runners. Crazy!


I normally sit a lot at work (I am a school counselor), but I have been presenting at local high schools the last three weeks, and I tell ya, it gets TIRING standing all day, especially while marathon training. I am actually looking forward to going back to the office to rest more at work for my poor quads! I don’t know how teachers do it all the time! I normally have to walk around the hallways in spirts, but normally I am sitting. I do like standing desks, though!


I once found a Cheerio cereal bar in the snow. I had been outside playing all morning, and finding that bar was like seeing the door open to Narnia. I ate it..with zero shame and the cold snow it had sat in made it taste like I was eating a bowl of cold milk. I was like…8 and it was totally wrapped. Oops.


Lol, must be been chocolate from halloween!!


I think this is making me want to grab a box of truffles from Whole Foods – but that’s the last thing I need right now! I just did some speedwork today, and I already and feeling tight – hoping for a little soreness tomorrow!


I definitely sit too much in a day! Part of the reason why my hip flexors are tight!


That stretch looks so fantastic!! Thanks for sharing.


I love that hip stretch! I read about it in a book and have been trying to do it every day for the past few weeks. I do sit quite a bit during the day but I am up and down a lot. My arms are sore today and Im not totally sure why…could be from yoga or from holding myself up on my foam roller.


How much I sit during the day?
Too much! I stand for the first twoish hours at work, but even with that it is WAY too much!

I legit eat those turkey burgers like 4 times a week haha! I love them with an overeasy egg at breakfast!


I sit way too much. We homeschool…so there’s 2 hours in a chair right there, sometimes more.

I also freelance design work from home, so there’s 3-5 hours right there.

If I can avoid the freelance work, I mostly don’t sit. It’s hard for me to sit and relax and do nothing. I have to be moving.

I am still sore from a leg workout on Friday! FRIDAY, people!


I don’t even want to try to add up the time I spend sitting in a day. I’m sure it would be bad.

Chicken is my go-to protein for salads. Sometimes fake crab.

My ankle is a little sore from who knows what I did to it last week, but I had a pain-free run today, so I don’t care :)


I sit all day at work, but I try to get up once every hour to move around. I’ll definitely have to try the Runner’s Connect tip. My knee is still a bit sore from the marathon- it’s the only part that gave me problems- I have an appt. on the 29th to take my stubborn self to get it looked at. ;)


I am still sore from my race on Sunday. I was still able to do a 4 mile run though to shake my legs out. I actually don’t sit at work that often. I am on my feet a lot which is why I have plantar fasciitis.


My knee is sore today. I think it is from wearing the wrong shoes when I run. I went and bought some new sauconys today to solve that problem. I should definitely do that stretch though!


I typically only eat veggies in my salad!

SO sore from yesterday’s deadlifts and squats. Hot yoga felt especially nice tonight stretching all that madness out :)

I would’ve eaten the truffle.


Are you sure it was a truffle? Looks like a dog walk area ;) lol


BAHAHAHA yes… it was in a Lindt wrapper:) You are hilarious though!


If it was a Lindt, I DEFINETLY would have eaten it then!!!


I’m tired from my strides today. But isn’t “running tired” just the best? Such a feeling of achievement. That stretch looks like a good thing to try. So glad you passed on that truffle, or whatever the heck it was!!


I am sore all over from a TRX class last night! For protein on my salads, I like adding garbanzo beans and black beans.
I work 2 desk jobs, so I sit at LEAST 12 hours a day. I HATE IT!!!!!! :( Sitting all day just makes me SUPER tired.


We were just discussing stretches for those that airbag a desk today! I will pass this on! Thanks!!!


WHO WOULD THROW A TRUFFLE AWAY?!?!?! I can’t even handle it.


I am dying to sit more – I never sit during the day, I am always chasing after a kiddo! :)
I am still tight in so many areas though – thank you for the hip flexor stretch!

I love adding grilled chicken breast or grilled wild salmon to my salad.

Happy Tuesday!!


I need to do that hip stretch! Perfect timing… thanks!


So I should do that hip stretch for 16 minutes since I sit 8 hours a day? Woah! I will definitely try it though!


Brooke is the happiest little girl! Does she ever throw a tantrum?

What pace do you run your mile repeats? 5k pace? I’m afraid of any speedwork besides tempo runs because I race them and end up with tired, dead legs on race day.

My quads and arms are sore from running my girl in the stroller for 8 hilly miles yesterday. That thing is a beast to push uphill with a 3 year old and all of her stuff! At one point I was so slow uphill that my garmin thought I stopped and auto paused. ;)


On a salad I love everything…but turkey bacon and eggs would be my choice protein.
I have to sit all day at work, the guys make fun of me when I get up and do my walks around the office for no apparent reason. :) They don’t get the running this at all!!
I have been very confused by my muscles recently. Even though I am working out and really feeling the burn “knowing” I will be sore the next day. I’m not. It is very weird!


I’m a teacher, so I have the opportunity to get up and walk around as often as I like. The only time I really sit is to take roll and enter grades. I even walk around and grade stuff using my clipboard, just so I’m not sitting to long.

Favorite protein to add to my salad: pulled pork or a black bean burger.

My quads are a little sore from wall sits at boot camp this morning.


I work 10 hour days at a desk. Plus a 30 min lunch. Plus almost 2 hours of commuting. Then at night I usually spend 30 minutes catching up on a tv show.. So I guess I spend nearly 13-14 hours sitting every day…. I don’t think there’s enough time in my day to spend 2 minutes in that stretch for every hour!!! I do know my hip flexors are super tight most of the time :(


How much on average would you say that you have to sit a day?!
–I work in an ER sooo not much sitting for 8/12 hours straight

Favorite protein to add to your salad?
–Cheese! Maybe chicken

You sore anywhere today? From what?
–My calves are sore out of nowhere

question – when you use the elliptical, do you set it at a certain resistance/incline?


I sit wayyyy too much every day. The wrost part is that I work from home so I should really come up with some ways to NOT spend all my time sitting…


Yes! I sit all day, every day. Worst part about an office job. All of my work is on the computer.

My favorite salad protein is either hard boiled eggs or Lifelight “Turkey” slices. Yum.


I would say I sit for at least 10 hours a day. Goodness. 8 of the hours are spent from my job: I sit at a desk all day. Then I sit to drive back and forth, sit to eat dinner, sit to watch tv, sit to take a bath – dang, I guess you could say I sit a whole lot more than 10 hours then. I do get up and walk around once every hour while I am at work. I drink a ton of water and have to go to the restroom all day long!

I like adding chicken to my salads.

And I AM SO SORE. I haven’t been this sore in a very long time. I attempted Crossfit yesterday morning at 5 am – and I immediately regretting it every time I try to pick up something off the floor or even…walk. EVERYTHING IS SORE. I will also not be doing crossfit again – not my thing.


Ooh, I’ll try that hip stretch when I get home from work!


Love that hip stretch!

I sit maybe a total of 45 minutes during an 8 hour work day. What really takes a toll on my body is standing and walking around on concrete floors! ICK! All I want to do when I get home is sit!


I keep referring back to it, as it’s awesome. Pictures AND words. Win win.

I’ve been eating clean for January so I’ve been trying new fun proteins like kaniwa. Like quinoa, but smaller, crunchier, with a nuttier taste. It’s a staple for my salads this month, I just need someone to do a teeth check after every serving :)

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