Just a few words per picture.

Kept it lazy first thing Friday morning.  Staying in bed is underrated.

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A nice 6 mile run while watching Minnie Mouse with my sidekick.

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One of my favorite lunch spots (Wild Zucchini) because you can get as many toppings as you want in your salad and Brooke loves their noodles.

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Celebrating the birth of Heather!

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Brooke is very shy.

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My traditional ‘night before a long run meal’.

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A sneak peak into what Brooke carries around in her purse all day long.

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PJs by 7:30 and going for an all grey theme.  

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Rebecca shared this video with me on how to put screws into your running shoes to help you with traction when running on the snow and ice…  SUCH a good idea!  

Off for a 16 miler with rolling hills…  See you on the flip side.


Who else has a long run this weekend?  With people or solo?  How far?

Favorite meal the night before a long run?

What are you up to today?

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I’ll do 10-12 miles this weekend. Still just working in building up my base before training begins. I don’t ever eat anything in particular before a long run but before a race I generally always have pasta. Weekend plans are to deep clean my house. Is it bad that I’m kind of excited?


Switched my long run to Sunday this week so it will be 13 with a friend! With the freezing weather lately running with someone else is necessary to make sure I get all the miles in. Good luck with the 16 :)


My “long run” this weekend is likely to be 5 miles this morning….this hip injury is still messing my life up but I am meeting a friend for a trail run and I don’t even care that it’s 10 degrees out I’m so excited to get back to the trails!


No running this weekend as I’m by myself and here is no way Max would sit nicely like that if I was running on a treadmill, lol. Maybe if there is daycare hours at the gym tomorrow I can get out and run.

I love pasta and chicken with potatoes the night before a long run!


Cleaning out my garage to set up my gym! Super fun! I’ve decided to make running and biking 2015 miles in 2015 a goal so I’ll have a run in there sometime today!
Fav meal before a long run? Baked sweet potato and salmon. I’m super boring like that!


No long run for me. I’m still in the boot. :( Seeing the orthopedic this week and hopefully I can break free of this injury. Question for you. Have you ever had any hormone issues as a runner? I ask because I was told this week that runners often have issues specifically females which can impact our bones. I’d really like to connect with someone who is going through the same or has.


Hi Megan,

I am an orthopedic surgeon and marathon runner who has also had multiple stress fractures. I had an extensive endocrine workup and dexa scans to find out what was wrong with me. You’d think it would be super easy to figure it out, since I had access to a lot of resources, not to mention learned to fix fractures in residency, but not many people know or are interested to know that the female triad (stress fractures/amenorrhea/eating issues) is largely from inadequate caloric intake. I actually had a blood test that showed a similar metabolic profile as an anorexic person, even though I wasn’t even trying to be anorexic! After pretty much doubling my caloric intake, I have been stress fracture-free.

If you have any more questions (or want more gory details) feel free to email me. I have been there, it is very frustrating to keep getting injured!!

– emily


Hi Emily!
Thank you so much for responding! I knew if I put it out there, there had to be someone else who’s gone through what I’ve gone through. Can you email me at [email protected]? I don’t see your email on here & would like to ask a few things if that’s ok.


I’m not really worrying about getting in a long run this weekend since I’m not training for anything and the weather has been so bad. I can’t really handle more than an hour on the treadmill. I used to swear by pasta and meatballs before a long run, but during my last marathon training cycle I started eating baked potatoes instead of pasta and felt even better! I’ve also liked spaghetti squash which kind of makes me feel like I’m eating pasta:)


No long run here–I’m 7 months postpartum and the longest I’ve run since my pregnancy is 3 miles! I’m planning on some yoga before a baby shower today. Happy weekend to you!!


Girlie and I are meeting friends (another mother and daughter) at the gym. The girls will get their workout in the kiddo room, I’m not entirely sure what the moms will do, some form of cardio. I’m just too excited about this!


That pizza looks delicious! Did you make it?! Couldn’t agree more that staying in bed for some snuggle time with our little people is underrated, it’s the best!!!


I have a long run planned today but I don’t know how likely ill do it since its cold outside and theres snow (Brr!) And I’ll probably be really slow. I always put pressure on myself to do well. :(


Hahaha always have to keep the toilet in your purse! I remember being little and putting anything in my bag just to fill it and its so cute to see Brooke doing that too


haha! My friends and I have a name for all grey sweat outfits–groutfits! (i know so creative! haha)

Also saw this and IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OUT YOU!!! You must read about it! (Hint: they call it the Turducken of donuts!)



Pizza will always be the perfect night before a long run meal! Let’s see today I’m off to teach a morning yoga class and then getting in a 5 mile run right after.


First outside run since Monday (due to icy conditions in Colorado). Felt great to get in 4 easy miles. Today is shopping for my husband who needs new jeans (I will try not to get sidetracked with buying for myself!!).

Good luck on your long run.


I love pasta with either cookies or cake for dessert before a long run. The carbs definitely help me haha. No long run for me today, but Andrew and I are going to see Wicked with my friend and her husband, so I’m really excited about that!


I did back-to-back sort of long runs (11 yesterday, 10 today)…I didn’t think it was so cold this morning but apparently I am nuts because even my iPhone stopped working, telling me a temperature alert lol. It didn’t work again until I was back in the house. Good luck with your long run today!


K, that’s crazy cold when your phone does that. HOLY.


That pizza looks amazing even at 9 am. I love carbs the night before a long run but normally stick to rice based dishes or pasta since I can make them less greasy which means there is less of a chance it will bother my stomach.

It’s gorgeous in South Florida today, so I will be spending as much time outdoors as possible.


I have a 9-mile run on my schedule tomorrow and it will be my longest run since CIM. I’m looking forward to it. I love pasta with smoked salmon or a burger the night before a long run. There is something about the mixture of protein and carbs that fires me up! Today I am heading to the pool first thing this morning and then will jump on my trainer for a couple hours, before watching the NFL playoffs. Very excited for this day. :)


Good luck on you run today!!!Today I will be staying home and taking care of my poor sick husband :( I need to try Wild Zucchini!!


Brooke carries a toilet in her purse, how convenient.

Rigattoni is my pre-long run dinner.


Short run and hot yoga today!
I don’t really eat according to my runs… I probably should.


very important treasures in brooke’s purse! have a great run.


Toilet in the purse…genius! :)

One of these days I hope to plan a pre-long run meal! Having just started this week, I don’t think I’m there yet. Haha!

We have a busy weekend — OT for one son, basketball game, Pinewood Derby race, and a birthday party. And that’s just today. Whew!

Good luck on your run!


Hope you have a good run! I like to have whole grain pasta with chicken/salmong, mushrooms, and spinach the night before a long run.

I’m out for a run this morning, then shopping for the rest of the furniture I need in my new apartment. Tomorrow I’m catching up with friends I haven’t seen forever!

Have a good weekend.


me and my friends call wearing all gray sweats a “groutfit” the oh so fashionable gray outfit!


Technically I have a long run but it’s my first in the training cycle so it’s “only” 7 miles :). I’ll be running solo along the flat path by the beach tomorrow. It’s going to warm up to 33 degrees I hear.

Today I am doing some freelance graphic design work and house cleaning. Might even stay in the Jammie’s all day.

Oh your daughters purse just made me smile. I think I want to start carrying around a plastic toilet bowl. You never know…


Just did my first 14 mile run ever this morning (13.1 had been my longest prior run) and it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Um, brrr. My water froze and I learned the hard way that wearing lace-trimmed underwear during a long, cold run is NOT a good idea. But…I feel AWESOME! OH, and I always eat pizza the night before a long run. LOVE your blog – I am a new reader!


Because of my weird work schedule I do my long runs on Tuesdays. Long Run Tuesday! Last week I had to do my LRT on Wednesday. Need to be flexible! I’m doing a little hill training today. Core work.
I’m training for an Ultra Ragnar Relay and last week I ran 8 miles in the morning and 8 miles at night. AND I rocked it. Woot Woot. I might not die. Good luck with your run!


I stayed in bed this morning until 10:30! So underrated.


Just finished my 17-mile long run for the week! Treadmilled the whole darn thing. It was 7 degrees this morning!


Ran 15 this morning – my longest ever! It was cold! Now warm on the couch in sweats for the near future:)


I’ve tried all the traction devices and I always go back to the screws in the shoes. It feels more badass, anyway. Ha!


You guys are too cute! No run for me today, but I’ll be getting in a sweat session for sure. :)


I haven’t been able to run since last Spring. I’m almost 39 weeks pregnant and looking forward to my first postpartum run, whenever that may be! :)


I’m pacing the country y music Marathon and we had our first Group training run this morning!!
Last night I had a veggie burger but I’ll switch to pasta the night before once my runs are in the 20 miles.


A 12 mile solo run, done. Now I’m off to play with my pups.


No long run for me this week…my feet were acting up so I am resting. I have a race next weekend so I need to be pain free for that one.


My long run tomorrow looks just like that! 16 miles with hills. It’s supposed to rain all day, so I’ll have to head out early to try to avoid it!


My long run was today. About 3 hours ago. I did 4 miles in 50:03. Today I got to run with a friend. She runs much faster than I do, but on the treadmills that’s ok! She had 7.5 miles to do, and I had 4, so it worked out quite well.
I’d have to say my favorite before long run meal (or pre-race meal) is pasta!! Load up the pasta please!
Today I have a cooking/Bible study at church this afternoon, had my run this morning so now I feel energized! I also have some cleaning to do and stuff like that. It’s a pretty quiet day today.

Love the pics!! Little Brook is so stinkin’ cute!♥


Simple plans – catching up on blogs, writing my own posts, easy meals, grocery shopping, and a movie night! After an ‘off’ week + a busy last weekend, I’m ready to just kick back and relax today!


I did 7 miles with my running group this morning – next weekend I will have an “official” long run since I’m starting to train for my next half!

I am so not organized enough to plan my meals before long runs. There’s usually rice involved if I do bother to think about it.

Today I’m blogging, lounging, doing a little cleaning around the house, and going out to dinner with my guy :)


That toilet in her purse will make me laugh all day long!

Your pizza looks sooo good! Perfect pre-long run food… that or any pasta dish for me! My long run is tomorrow and just 7 miles solo.

Before work today I am going to an animal shelter to visit a dog that I am hoping to adopt! So excited!


Awe I wish I could run with my side kick (daughter) next to me. Can’t though with apartment living.

Yumm pizza. I think I’ll have some pizza after work and watch football. Tomorrow I plan on doing a 15 miler. But it might get bumped down to a 10 miler.


I wish I could be like Brooke and carry a little toilet with me that would magically grow to full size when I need it. I would bring it with me on every run! :)

No long run for me this weekend since I’m resting a calf injury that feels almost 100% now!


I opted for a Zumba class instead of a run today since I didn’t feel like running on the treadmill and it’s too cold (for me) to run outside ;)


Hot Chocolate 15k tomorrow in SF! How are you not going this?


Going to do a yoga practice today and hopefully 5 miles tomorrow with the Hubs. It’s suppose to warm up to the 29 tomorrow which will feel warm for us. I love pizza too before a run. :)


I’m glad I’m not the only parent that runs while their toddler is watching a show! When my son is up earlier than normal, I usually turn on some Veggie Tales and run a few miles while he watches :)

Favorite night-before-long-run meal… probably pizza or anything carb-y! Though I feel like I’m pretty carby every day.

I ran 3 miles this morning, went out for a coffee date with my toddler and a good friend, and then skating with my youngest brother. Now it’s naptime for the little guy and reading time for me! Have a great 16-miler!


I am taking my sweet little grandson on a movie date! Then we’re having a sleepover. Because 4 years olds have the most fun. Gonna be a party at Babe’s house. :)


So I’m currently training for Phoenix Marathon so I have just returned from an 18 miler. Ran with my husband (who I run all my long runs with). He’s a total weekend warrior. This training cycle my pre-long run meal has been Panda Express. (don’t judge .. haha) Now my goal is to stay on my feel (once I’m finished with my daily dose of blogs). Lot’s of laundry calling my name.


Hahahaha is that a toilet in Brooke’s purse? How cute!

It gives me the biggest smile when I am out and about and see little girls with their purses, or wearing their dress-up clothes!

Before along run I like something simple an delicious like nachos, or fish sticks an hard squash… ok I guess that sounds kind of weird haha.


My PJs are all grey too and so are my sheets so my husband will often pretend that he cant see me at all. Looks like a good weekend so far!


I live in San Diego so I planned on doing a 8 mile run in Mission Trails but thetrails were packed and it seemed like I was dodging crowds the entire time. I did 5.5 and called it quits lol and finished up with some strength workouts at home. There is something about running wild and free on a deserted trail that I absolutely love. I’m kinda bummed about the quality of trails in SD. I wish I could run those Utah trails but I guess I will live through your pics in the mean time :)


9 miles for me tomorrow! I’m training for Boston too!


I did an 18km run yesterday by myself on the treadmill, which is a bit over 11 miles I think. I’m working my way up again :) It felt great!

This weekend has been all about movies. We saw Taken 3 at the cinema, which was ok. Then we watched Under the Skin at home, which was weird. It has received really good reviews, but maybe I’m just a movie simpleton.

Today is all about chores, cooking and blogging! Just how I like my Sunday.


Pizza is my favorite pre-long run meal too! 18miles tomorrow at 6a. Crawling into bed to binge watch an episode or 2 of Parenthood. Have a great Sunday!


60 minute interval pool running for me today!

Pasta before a long run

Would like to see Wild this weekend!


I hate running on snow and ice!! I might have to try your trick!


10 miles solo yesterday morning! 10 degrees woohoo!! Hope you guys had a great weekend!


I participated in my 4th half on Saturday. Actually picked up a PR !


This is the second time I’ve seen you in those plaid running shorts, and I think I love them! Details? Thx!


Pancakes and scrambled eggs!


Good luck with the run outside!

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