Time for my Friday Favorites!

-Marshmallow creme.  So good that I like to put it in my hair too. 

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-My brother’s shirt that he wore yesterday when they took their brand new baby home from the hospital.  I need to get out to Kentucky ASAP so I can meet that sweet baby.

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-Our Chatbooks.  Brooke asks to look through them every morning.  We get back in my bed and go through each page.  (PS I don’t work with this company… they just make us happy).

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-This is going to sound gross to most people but it is one of my favorite things lately.  A grilled cheese sandwich with strawberry jam on top.  Even better when eaten while watching Friends late at night.   I eat all of the crusts off first.  

It sounded awful to me too until my sister made me try it 8 years ago.

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-Brooke loves purses as much as I do and she insists on taking one everywhere we go.

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-The beautiful green object below.  I have yet to find a meal that doesn’t taste even better when avocado is added to it.  

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It even makes bread taste 1,000,000 times better.

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Megan and I met yesterday to get started on a project that we are working on together.  Can’t wait to tell you all about it!

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-The above jacket… it is reversible (and on sale).  That means I can reverse it back and forth and no one knows that I am just wearing the same jacket every day.  

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-Gummy candies.  I bought these for my sister’s baby shower and nobody ate them.  

A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.  

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-Brooke has mastered the pouty lip lately.  And I fall for it every time. 

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-This January that we are having.  I am confused why we are able to hang out at the park during this time of year and enjoy the snow from afar.

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-My mom.  She just saves the day over and over and over again.

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What are some of your friday favorites?

Favorite things to add avocado to?

Favorite weird food combinations?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

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HAHA! Your brothers shirt is hilarious! Love it!

Um…you can add avocado to everything. Yum! I put salsa on my salads instead of dressing and my husband thinks its weird. I don’t really understand why, I think its delicious!

I’m looking forward to sleeping in! Only on Sunday though, I work tomorrow. Have a great weekend!


Does Brooke have mini heels yet? Those are so adorable for kids! Rainy Friday’s are amazing, getting paid & with my Mom. She saves the day over and over again too.


I did a post of friday Favorotes today. My least favorite is Parenthood ending!!!
I like avocado ol. with just a little sea sat.
Weird food combo: peaches and cottage cheese on salads…is that weird?
Weekend plans: long run pacing my Country Music Marathon group!!

Ps: we had a local fitness blogger meetup last night and everyone loved on your blog:)


Congrats to your brother! Avocado and applegate hot dogs are often an afternoon snack for me, probably odd but also pretty good. Looking forward to pretty much everything about the weekend!


Congrats to your brother! His shirt is so funny and reminds me of my dad. Whenever my dad leaves me a voicemail he starts it with “Kristina, I am your father” in the voice haha

I always eat the crust off of the bread first too!

This weekend I am looking forward to getting in a nice run in the low 70s before the Superbowl! :)


Avocado toast is the best!! My weird food combination is fruit butter or jam on salty egg sandwiches. The salty and sweet combo is so good!

I’m looking forward to sleeping in and reading this weekend! My husband has today off so we have a three day weekend!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Please tell me your nephews name is Luke ;)

Have an awesome day!!


Congrats to your brother – I love his shirt!!

I love bagels, eggs, and jelly together!

I am looking forward to the Super Bowl and my friend’s birthday this weekend!


I love avacado’s but hate guacamole, isn’t that weird? I’m looking forward to a nice weekend in Venice and beach time!


I love guac and think plain avocado is just meh….


How far are you on friends?? I am half way through the last season and so sad about that! What are my baby and I going to watch for our last week of maternity leave??


Friday Night Lights:) That is what I used to watch with Brooke when she was itty bitty! Enjoy your last week and hopefully you are getting some sleep!


I love avocados! I think guacamole is even better and can be used as dip for any foods!

Friday Favorites- REST day and happy hour tonight:) I am nervous about my 18 milers tomorrow….!!!


I love avocado – and you are right that it’s good on everything!

I love jelly on a grilled cheese too – anything sweet and salty go together in my book. Everything I eat is pretty much a weird food combo to most people…

I am looking forward to just hanging out this weekend and going to a super bowl party with friends from church!


I am LOVING this strangely warm January weather! I’m hoping it lasts!! I am most looking forward to Superbowl festivities this weekend… and a high of 35 degrees tomorrow ensures a wonderful outside run!

Adding avocado to black bean soup!! yummmm


Your brother’s shirt!! I love avocado on chili- perfectly cool and creamy.


What are some of your friday favorites?
Hum… :) Today some of my Friday favorites are the yummy breakfast I ate, the scripture I read, and the people I get to talk with at the conference I’m attending. :)

Favorite things to add avocado to?
Guacamole? Yeah, probably guacamole.

Favorite weird food combinations?
I love sweet things with cottage cheese. PB+icecream is good. A lot of people think that’s weird. I also like carrots+pb.

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?
This may sound weird, but we’re in Kentucky right now, and I’m looking forward to our road trip back home after church. Since I was gone for 6+ months last year, it feels good to be home and working on school, etceteras. :)


I love anything cheese + ketchup. Grilled cheese dipped in ketchup, mac and cheese dipped in ketchup…


I love topping my fried eggs with avocado and hot sauce. It’s the best!

I add jelly to a lot of things! If I order a sausage, egg, and cheese bagel sandwich, I’ll usually add strawberry jam to that. Sometimes I dip white cheddar cheese and crackers in jam too. So good!!


Oh man I like mustard on everything!

All my life I’ve been made fun of for eating weird combos…iI say that if two foods are good, why wouldn’t they be good together? Hah:)


I don’t think I have put together food combos that are too weird, although I did use purple potatoes in a meal the other day which made everything look kind of gross….but it tasted delicious! I am so jealous of your winter. Its been cold here and snowing like every other day (but just a little bit…enough to make the sidewalks slippery but not enough to get us a snow day)


That grilled cheese actually looks really good!


Strawberry jam is totally normal with grilled cheese. A local cafe near my condo sells grilled cheese sandwiches made with bacon jam. You read that correctly and NEED TO TRY IT!


Avocados are in season right now and they’re going on sale sale sale! And im checking out chatbooks right now…


I’m looking forward to SO many things this weekend….the Super Bowl, a 4m race on Sunday and my Whole30 challenge ending!


I like bacon, egg, tomato, lettuce and avocado sandwiches.
Also have been putting avocado on burgers lately.

I do your weird food combo without the melted part to the cheese. I just do toast with jelly topped with a slice of cheese. I agree the combo is amazing.


Grey’s Anatomy & Scandal are back!!!

I am moving to London this weekend,,
Love her Christmas pajama’s, totally agree with the spirit haha


Good luck with your move. That is so so so exciting!


I love mashing avocado with chick peas and eating it on top of cinnamon raisin toast (Ezekiel cinnamon raisin is the best!)…Some people find it weird to combine the sweet bread with savory but I love it!


I wish we were getting the January you are! We got hit with 30 inches of snow on Tuesday, more today (plus freezing rain), and another storm predicted for Monday or Tuesday:-(
Tomorrow is my Girlie’s gymnastics performance. She’s been working so hard and I can’t wait to cheer her on!
Weird food combos… I’m sure I eat a bunch of weird stuff but I’m totally blanking right now.


I LOVE jelly on top of my grilled cheese. Strawberry or raspberry, both delicious. I thought my dad and I were the only ones.

I’m looking forward to going to the dorkiest event of all time tonight- WWE wrestling! Haha. Tickets were cheap and it’s a silly fun time.


I agree with you on avocados. They are awesome. I love putting them on salads, use instead of mayo, and on chilli. Your brother’s shirt is awesome!


Love your brother’s shirt! I am attempting my first double digit run tomorrow since my marathon in December. A little anxious, but overall looking forward to it!


My fam loves grilled cheese and jam!

Friday favs: powdered hazelnut creamer and vegetable lasagna

I’m pretty sure avocado tastes awesome on anything! I love avocado and egg test.


My Friday favorite: Rewatching last nights series finale of Parenthood on Hulu. I was too busy ugly crying and blowing my nose to catch all of the flash forward montage. All the feels!!


Enjoy watching Parenthood Alisha, I seriously cannot wait to see the finale!


Hahah. Love your brothers shirt. Reminds me of something my husband would do. He insisted we give our son (if we had one, but we didnt) a star wars name like Anikin. :/ or Luke.

Awee. I love those picture books of you two.

What I’m looking forward to this weekend. . It being over :/ I work all 7 days th is week


I agree with you about the avocados. They’re so amazingly delicious.

I’m looking forward to learning code tomorrow. I’m going to a workshop and hopefully going to learn lots.


I have the pants that match that jacket and I love them so much!


Totally with you on the avocado! And, umm, how have I NOT tried jelly on top of my grilled cheese?! That is genius!!! Happy Friday, friend :) xo


It takes a lot for me to think food combos are weird! I think the grilled cheese looks amazing. I love avocado on eggs. I also have been known to throw peanut butter on scrambled eggs! It’s YUMMY. Friday favorite = I leave Sunday for a week long yoga retreat in Tulum. I cannot wait!!


I love your brothers shirt, that’s awesome!

I’m looking forward to my 20 miler tomorrow with friends. Mostly looking forward to being done and then being able to scarf some food on Super Bowl Sunday.


That shot of the mountains is stunning. I may need to move to Utah just for the views and trails!

Your brother’s shirt is amazing hahaha.

Last night I added avocado to my rice+hummus+salsa mixture. It was a weird but delicious dinner.

Looking forward to seeing American Sniper this weekend!


Love the shirt!! I ought to get that for my husband. And your little one is so sweet. :)


Congratulations to your brother and his family!

I will eat avocado on pretty much anything and even by itself. My favorite thing to do is eat 1/2 of one on a sandwich with really, really toasted bread. Something about the crunchiness of the bread mixed with the creaminess of the avocado is amazing to me.



Reversible jackets are perfect…no one has to know how many times you wear something LOL. I always love you fashion Janae.


I love avocado in a big lunch bowl – I mix brown rice, grilled chicken and grilled veggies, then top it off with avocado mashed with lemon juice and black pepper. So good!
The weirdest thing I eat is probably nut butter with everything (cereal? carrots? just by itself? yup!) or beets in my smoothies!


I’m totally with you – avocado makes everything better! I’ve been loving smashed avocado on toast with an over easy egg on top. A tried and true favorite is smashed avocado on toast with a little garlic salt and pepper. So simple and so good!

So glad to see that Brooke seems to be feeling better! Sick kids are no fun!


100% agree with cheese + jam. I make waffle sandwiches – 2 frozen waffles, toasted. topped with jam, turkey and cheese and then pressed in the Panini press. Ah- mazing!


love your blog, though i hardly leave comments :) you should try apple slices with cheddar cheese and blackberry jam in between two pieces of whole grain bread, all toasted like a panini of course! you will love it!


THANK YOU MICHELLE!!! I am seriously going to try that asap! Sounds amazing!


LOVE the Party Bomb jacket!! I bought it a few weeks ago and wore it several days in a row, reversing it at every turn!

It’s nice that a Canadian company is popular even in Utah!


Love whole wheat toast with avocado and a runny egg.. so good!


Hahaha the “I am your father” shirt is hilarious!

I love topping omelets with slices of avocado- so delicious! And of course, guac on all my Mexican food.

Weird food combinations…I love steamed broccoli and cottage cheese together.


I’m excited for my long run, hiking, and eating lots of guacamole at a superbowl party! I love to put avocado on toast, eggs, or salad.

Hope you have a great weekend.


I love using mustard as salad dressing (it’s kind of like a veggie sandwich without the bread).


That shirt is HILARIOUS!

One of my favorite weird food combos is semi-sweet chocolate chips and tortilla chips! I eat them ALL.THE.TIME. And my husband thinks I’m insane.


Happy Friday! I may have to try that grilled cheese concoction! haha


That sandwich combo is my favorite!! My favorite breakfast sandwich is raspberry jam + swiss cheese + egg on a ny bagel!


When you think about it…grilled cheese with strawberry jam is actually pretty normal (sorta!). I always see cheese and jam paired together so this is just a unique combination – a cheese plate without the plate haha.

I am really excited to try that combo. I think I’m going to love it!


Avocado is better with nearly everything.


I love adding avocado to scrambled eggs, greek yogurt, tuna, and sweet potatoes…. ALSO IF YOU HAVENT TRIED AVOCADO PUDDING, you must <3


I love warm lightly toasted bread, buttered, and stuffed with Doritos and lots of mustard. I don’t ever eat that in front of the kids, though. I’m pretty sure if I did that, then family services would be after me.


Beautiful weather in January in MN too!!! Oh, its the best gift ever!!!

I read your brother’s shirt in pure Darth mode….LOVE IT!!


Looking forward to my first winter half this Sunday – Hypothermic Half in St John’s , Newfoundland, Canada. Yes you have readers here too!


I love grilled ham and smoked provolone with a tiny bit of cream cheese to help it get melty, topped with raspberry jam. Sounds a little weird but it is soooo delicious!
This weekend I’m looking forward to breakfast and mani-pedis with some friends! It has been embarrassingly too long.


I need to bring you some of my mom’s avocados!!! They’re organic and free…


I love to make chicken salad or egg salad using mashed avocado in place of mayonnaise


That sounds AMAZING!


I used to occasionally eat grilled cheese sandwiches with raspberry jelly right in them. I’ll have to try strawberry jam on top.

LOVE avocados on pretty much anything…and arugula (which I think I saw in your salad)!


Those photobooks are such a great idea. It seems like story time would be a lot more personal. Congratulations to your brother – love the sweatshirt.

Avocado on pizza = amazing.

I put a scoop of peanut butter in my cereal. Does anyone else do this?

This weekend I am looking forward to my Seahawks battling it out in the Super Bowl.


Oh yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Go Hawks!!!


Highlights for the upcoming weekend — my kiddo’s basektball game Saturday afternoon…followed by a cut & color for this mama’s hair…followed by a DATE with my man. This will be our first actual date even though we have seen each other quite a few times. Then Sunday morning will be a long-ish run. OH yah…then watching the SUPER BOWL!!! Seahawks #RePETE!!!! : )


your mom is always smiling, what a wonderful gift!


No that sandwich sounds amazing!!! That’s how we make paninis! We add a little crushed garlic and apricot preserves to a cheese panini- soooo good! Sounds horrible though ;)


I will have to try jam on grilled cheese – I’m just so afraid to ruin a perfectly good grilled cheese!! ;)


I love your brother’s shirt!! And Brooke’s pout kills me!! LOL!!

I also think avocado makes everything better!!

Not sure if the combo is weird, but usually people think it’s weird – and you have to like french fries with vinegar…with a huge dollop of mashed potatoes on your plate, make a hole in the middle (not down to the plate), and put some vinegar and salt in it…then fold the mashed potatoes around it and mix it in…tastes like you’re eating french fries!! Soooooo good!


My husband just bought us a Wii u bc there are 2 zelda games coming out for it this year and I may have a bit of an obsession with Zelda. It should be here today and I will probably disappear into the TV for a good part of the weekend…


Grilled swiss with grape jelly is one of my favorite sandwiches. Salty and sweet-yum.


Is it weird to dip your French fries in a chocolate shake? I’m craving that lately, might have to make it happen after my 20 miler on Sunday! I’m most looking forward to relaxing on Monday! This week has wiped me out!


I love your brothers shirt and glad your mom and Brooke are feeling better!

I dip my popcorn in everything…mustard, ranch dressing, melted cheddar, you name it.


haha my mom and i always laugh about how we randomly get food in our hair! it’s so random and weird and hilarious.

i am most looking forward to going over to a friend’s house where we get to learn all about proper etiquette at a table! it’s going to be fancy and then i’ll stop looking like a fool when there are 4 forks in front of me at fancy places.


grilled cheese and jam!!!! Oh yeah I can get into that. YUMMY


I am so intrigued! This strawberry grilled cheese sandwich has to be tried!


When I was in high school a friend got me hooked on grilled cheese sandwiches with slices pickles on top. I know it seems totally crazy but the gooey cheese plus salty pickle is amazing!


Friday Favorite–watching cooking shows with my middle daughter who has early release days on Friday!

Love avocado! My favorite is spread on toasted Ezekial Bread with salt, pepper, & sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Yum!!

Looking forward to sleeping in this weekend & relaxing!

Weird food combos-I used to love to put peanut butter on slices of cheddar cheese. And sometimes with Apple slices!

Must know….what is the brown bread that I’ve seen you with in several pictures? Looks yummy!!


Hey Jen!!! Okay, I am going to have to try your pb and cheddar cheese! It is squaw bread from Costco. It is heavenly!


I add decaf coffee to my cereal :)

I have totally done the cheese and jelly AND peanut butter! Cream cheese and jelly is delicious too.


I am completely intrigued by the coffee + cereal combo. Do you just add some coffee with the milk or does the coffee replace the milk? It actually sounds good (especially if the coffee had a bit of hazelnut creamer in it…)


Hi – I use almond milk and add coffee – so half and half of milk and coffee probably. Enjoy if you try it!


I love that jacket!Right now I am loving Downton Abbey!! It is just so good!! I love avocado on my sandwiches, salads, and mixed up to create guacamole :) YUM! I sometimes like to dip my popcorn in hot sauce. I guess that is pretty weird ha! I really like the heat! This weekend I am looking forward to getting my hair highlighted because it has been forever and my dirty blonde roots aren’t looking too great. I am also excited for my sister’s Super Bowl party :P


I’m wearing the shirt version of that flower lululemon jacket today, haha! It’s the coolest material ever :D


You MUST try marshmallows on your grilled cheese. My mom loved that as her favorite comfort food. It’s not for me, but my kids eat it now, too.


I am blown away by the flavor party everyone is having with grilled cheese. My curiosity is currently peaking. Hmmm….Sounds gross but I won’t judge until I try it and try it I will!

I am most looking forward to a fun 10 miler with my doggy this weekend! I have been excited about it all week like a total weirdo would be ;)


I’ve been loving avocado with sweet potato lately. I don’t think that is too crazy.

And while it is certainly never something I’d do often.. I once had a dare to eat vanilla ice cream on top of warm garlic bread.. and it was actually pretty good! If I’m ever on a cooking reality show (not a chance), I’d try to wow the judges with something crazy like that. And then lose and become an embarrassing meme.


Clothes that are reversible are the best! I am constantly re-wearing my clothes ALL the time!

I like adding avocado to toasted ezekiel bread for a breakfast dish. I don’t think I currently have any weird food combos but as a child I loved mixing vanilla ice cream and cheerios together. It was so good!

Have a great weekend!


Friday favourite = spending one last weekend with my man before going back to New Zealand and long distance love! :)

I like adding cheese to popcorn and then ketchup on top, it sounds weird but when is ketchup ever not good?!?!


Friday Favorite: Eating out…I never cook on Friday.
Crazy Combo: Bananas on top of peanut butter on toast. It’s my favorite breakfast but it totally grosses my husband out.
Weekend: I am looking forward to the Superbowl. More for the commercials and all the extra snacks we plan on having.


Friday favorite: a glass of wine and bowl of popcorn!

Weird food combo: maple syrup on cereal. So much sugar.


wine + popcorn = best combo ever :)


Not so much weird food combo but my late night snack is to freeze a loaf of bread (monkey bread is best) and then smother one side with peanut butter and the other with nutella. It’s like a reverse ice cream sandwich and every bit as good as it sounds.


I will eat avocado on anything! So good! Where did you get the sweater that you were wearing for your sisters shower?


Avocado goes with everything!

I can’t think of any weird food combinations that I like, but I know there are some.

I’m looking forward to my long run this weekend because I’m determined that it will be awesome. :)


Oh my gosh! I read your post this morning and looked into groove book, now tonight I’m watching sharktank with my hubs and they did a snip on that company, apparently they made a sharktank deal in season 5 and then got huge!


Things I’m looking forward today – a ski trip this weekend!
Just wondering, do you ski? Park City is so awesome for skiing. Our family was there last year and we loved it.


“Weird” combos that you must try:
-“Pickle Sandwich”: Ham, cream cheese, with a pickle rolled up inside
-Peanut butter and maple syrup sandwich (maple syrup>honey)
-Chicken or Pork chop dipped in apple sauce
-Graham cracker and peanut butter on top of your cereal, pour on milk, crush it up
Enjoy :)


Because you like grilled cheese with jam on top you need to tried Hammontrees in Fayetteville AR. They specialize in grilled cheese and they are delicious!!! We stop there every time we drive through or visit.


I don’t have any weird food combos but my father-in-law used to eat peanut butter and summer sausage sandwiches!!! He also did a strawberry jam/deli ham combo that makes me nauseous just to think about. I cannot do sweet & savory together!!!


Ever had a grilled cheese donut? Pretty good! :D This isn’t super weird, but I used to love putting ‘Easy Cheese’ on Nacho Cheesier Doritos. So. Much. Cheese.


cheese and strawberry jam is awesome… never tried it with grilled cheese before, but will give it a try today :)


I love grilled cheese with jam on top! I’ve been eating mine like that since I’ve been a little girl:). I also started eating avocado more over the last several months and I really enjoy it. I’m looking forward to a yoga class and then hanging out with family and friends. Happy Weekend.


We had some leftover alfredo and no pasta so I dipped some bread in the alfredo. Then I dipped a shortbread strawberry cookie in the alfredo. Totally awesome.

I eat avocado or peanut butter on everything! Gotta get those healthy fats in:)


That does sound like an odd food pairing, but I’ll take your word on it being delicious! My favorite way to eat avocados is mushed on toast and sprinkled with a little bit of sea salt and red pepper flakes. YUM!!!


I LOVE grilled cheese and jam!! I eat it all the time. craving now!


Your brother’s shirt is awesome!

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