Solo runner and Boston Training Week #3!

Yesterday—>  Church with the girl that convinced me to run with people!

I was a SOLO runner for many many years with a few exceptions (my sister).  When I moved back to Utah 1.5 years ago she convinced me to join her and her running friends for some runs and I have been hooked on running with other people ever since.  I take every opportunity I get now to join the girls.

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Brooke was beyond thrilled to show off what she made in nursery:

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It was 54 degrees out yesterday.  Unheard of in Utah in January.  

We made sure to take advantage and hang out on the grass!

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My sis and her husband came over for dinner last night so I made two of her very favorites.  Food is important normally but even more so when you are pregnant and only a few things actually sound good to you…

For our sweet potatoes:

Rub a clean sweet potato in coconut oil, wrap in tinfoil and cook in the oven until soft.  I always eat the skins of my sweet potatoes and the coconut oil just takes it to the next level.

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To go with the other good stuff…  (they requested salads:)

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And Zucchini Cookies!

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Followed by a rousing game of make-believe veterinarian.  

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Boston Week #3 training!

Monday:  Pump class & 1 mile (I thought I had more time to fit in 5-6 miles but it didn’t end up working out).

Tuesday:  7 miles @ 7:25 average pace.  12 x 1 minute @ 5:56 pace with recoveries at 8:05 pace.   Boot camp that evening.  

Wednesday:  8 miles @ 7:58 pace.  OUTSIDE!!!

Thursday:  8 miles with 4 tempo miles in the middle @ 6:50 pace.  Taught spin afterwards.

Friday:  6 miles @ 8:34 pace.  

Saturday:  14 miles @ 7:58 average pace!  OUTSIDE!!!  


44.25 miles and a good amount (for me) of cross training. Trying to make sure to get some core work (i.e. planks, pump or 8 minute abs) in 6 days a week.   Also, I have been trying these Hollow Rocks and they are killer!

My friend’s instagram post sure motivated me the other day…  Get out there and work hard this week:)


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What was your best run last week?

-Tempo on Thursday! 

Do you eat the skins of all your fruits and veggies?  Which ones do you not?

Are you more into—>  solo running or group running?

-I absolutely love running with friends but I still love my solo runs where I just zone out and go…

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I’m taking a week off of running, so my fitness highlight was doing my first chin-up!!!
I love the skin on fruits and veggies.
Group runs for sure!!! My friends are the best:)


I’m definitely more of a solo runner. It’s my therapy time! I love to run with friends on occasion (who are faster then me and help motivate me!) but 99% of the time I’m a happy lone wolf.


I went on my first real trail run Saturday. It It was amazing!


My best run last week was Saturday, 14 miles, 1 minute under goal race pace and a perfect negative split, nailed it!

I’m a solo runner mostly but I do love to run with other people. I think it definitely helps you improve.

Have a fabulous day! (Love Brooke’s curls)


I had a good week of running in general. Long run felt good, I had a really good progression run and my easy runs were good too. Can’t complain! It’s been so nice here in KS also, can’t resist running outside when I have the chance!

I eat the skins on most of my veggies. About the only ones I take off are kiwi skins. Have a great week!


Solo running for me, though a long run with a good friend is a great thing! I feel more comfortable relying on myself though in general.


I’m definitely a solo runner. That’s my time to think, process and plan. Clearin my head and de-stressing I imaagine would be difficult to do waif I were with others. I need that me time if thy makes any sense? I’m constantly surrounded by people at work and the gym. You begin to feel suffocated. If I didn’t work, then yes a running group.


100% agree with you.


My best run has to be the 10 miles I did Saturday. I was forced to do them on the treadmill and just pushed through to make them happen! Watching movies on Netflix helps!

I prefer running solo, for the most part, but have ran with friends and also
Loved it! I need more friends that run!

Yep, I eat the skin!!


I usually eat the skin on my fruit/veges, and I will be trying coconut oil on sweet potatoes for sure! I also really like running in a group, especially if it’s a day where I’m not totally motivated to run…having a bunch of other people around will help change my attitude! Have a great Monday :)


I really like solo runs. I tried to run with a group at the end of last year during a long run and I made it to mile 8 before I needed to break off, haha. All the talking was too much for me since I like to use easy running days for “relaxing” and enjoying the scenery!

I never used to eat the skins on veggies but I have started to eat the skin on sweet potatoes!


I didn’t really have a best run this week… Lot’s of treadmill and icy outdoor runs… Not really proud of any of them :(
I always run solo, but I’m really interested in joining a running group this summer. It would be nice to meet some runners at a similar ability level that I can train with.


i remember when you started running with more people. It inspired me to try and run with more people when I have the time. I like my solo runs but having someone to run with occasionally is always pleasent too.


I had a great 8 mile solo run on Saturday. Just started training for my next half & trying to up my mileage.

When I first started running a few years ago I was def a solo runner. Then about 2 years ago I started running with a friend & now I LOVE running with others! I have 3 friends that I consistently run with but usually only 1 of them at a time. We love to talk nonstop. :)

I usually eat the skins on stuff. Except the sweet potatoes that I buy already wrapped in plastic. I guess since I didn’t wash it myself I feel kind of weird eating the skin??


best run was definitely my long run with a friend…beautiful weather here in CO too!!!

I love the skins on my potatoes. Especially all buttered and salty. So healthy, I know.


I went 5 miles yesterday on the treadmill, while watching Harry Potter, so it was pretty great. I eat the skins on all of my fruits and veggies except for cucumbers. I’ve never liked cucumbers with the skin on for some unknown reason.

I used to be a group runner and I definitely prefer it. I’ve been a solo runner for the last two years (I had a difficult time finding a running group when I moved). I’m getting ready to move again and I’m already searching for running groups to join in the new location.


This past fall is when I started running with people (my husband and my friend from Alaska who runs up mountains!). My running improved so much and I pushed myself a lot harder than I would have on my own.


My mom used to eat orange peels! I only eat the ones that are… normal to eat. Although if there were an easy way to peel grapes, I’d totally peel them. Not a fan of those skins.


I always eat the skins off potatoes, regular ones and sweet. It’s the best part! I’ll have to try the coconut oil trick the next time I bake sweet potatoes.

I enjoy being part of a group a couple of times a week, but I really enjoy some alone time on the weekends. It gives me a chance to sort out the week ahead.


I had a great 9 miler on Sunday with a group of friends. I was so glad to be out with company because the weather was super gross: rain, sleet, and finally turning to snow. I might have called it quits when the rain turned to sleet, but together we were able to keep it going.

I’m usually more of a solo runner, but I like the option to run with friends every once and a while.


Saturdays long run!!! Felt great!!!

I love to run with other people, I just don’t have anyone I know that is my pace so it is hard for me to do so without slowing down a ton.


I am obsessed with Derek Jeter and his inspirational words of wisdom!

I am a solo runner, but this Saturday I will be adventuring on my first group run. I am a little scared because I am slow.


Definitely a solo runner. I ran cross country in high school and loved it, but now since running is my thinking/relaxing/de-stressing time, I’d much rather run alone.


I love running alone but if I had a friend who actually liked to run I would probably enjoy doing that together sometimes! I love the skins of the sweet potatoes and especially love apple skins when I slice them off of the apple and roast them (or microwave them) and then top them with peanut butter. It’s so good!


For just regular runs during the week, I usually prefer to run solo, especially when I am working full time and just need to get them in before the day starts. Weekend trail runs though I LOVE having a friend (or more!)


I’m a 50/50 runner. Weekday runs solo but if I can run with my friends on the weekends I jump at the chance.

I sometimes don’t like pear skin so ill peel it off.

My best run last week wasn’t even that good. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill on my lunch break. But I was proud to have made the effort to lug in my gym bag and sneak away from the office. I then had a sucky run and a missed run so overall not such a good week. Good thing I have about 13 weeks until my marathon. :)

Brooke’s hair is so beautiful!!


My best run last week was my tempo run on Tuesday! I also finally got outside for 7 miles on Friday after way too long on the treadmill. I prefer solo running for the time to think and de-stress. Sometimes I wish there were more runners at my speed/mileage around where I live though!


I never run with people but you do make it sound like a lot of fun:) I love eating the sweet potato skin and I usually leave the skin on most of my fruits and veggies.


I think Brooke looks so precious in those pictures!!

My favorite run of last week was my tempo run. I did really great hitting the paces and i ft really strong doing it! Even though it was on the treadmill, I still am really proud of it! :) I felt like even if I had been outside-I still would’ve been able to hit those paces!


Solo runner over here! I just never know when I’m going to have an ‘off’ day and my legs won’t move and I’d hate to slow people down. Pluuuuus my friends sort of kind of think I’m crazy for running like I do…but they’d probably offer to bike next to me?!?! ;)


Aw, so nice to see Rachelle’s face! I miss reading her blog. Looks like a great day!


I am a solo runner.right now it is my me time! I work 40-50 hours a week talking to people all day and have 7 kids so when I run its my quiet time! I need to start running with people more.
I’m a skins person. I love steamed yams. Eat then everyday.


I haven’t had any running buddies since I moved out of Maryland and I would love to have people to run with again! I sometimes lead the group runs at work, but we go slower than my normal pace, so it’s not always as challenging as I’d like.
Those zucchini cookies look SO GOOD! I have to make them this week before I start classes again!


I don’t have a lot of running friends so I usually run solo. I do have a weekly group run that I love, but I’m also pretty happy to run on my own.

I didn’t get a best run last week – I had to take most of the week off because I somehow hurt my ankle. Looking forward to getting back to it this week.

I pretty much eat all the skins on fruits and veggies.


I always solo run. I don’t have running buddies :/ awee Brooke is wearing a pretty dress. And grest running week.!! Wish i could say the same.


I keep forgetting to try coconut oil on my sweet potatoes. Thanks for reminding me! ;)

And…I enjoy solo runs best; I just find it so peaceful.


Nice work on the mileage, I capped out at 23 last week and I am feeling drained. Hopefully within the next couple weeks that improves:). I am the same I love group runs, but I really enjoy my solo trail runs as well!


I had a stellar 18 miler yesterday. 18 always seems to be the hardest for me mentally and I nailed it yesterday. Did some fast miles and that helped to break it up! Awesome job this week! You’re mileage is stellar.


I love roasting my sweet potatoes like that but I’ve never thought to also rub the skins with coconut oil — that sounds to-die-for! I love coconut oil for everything — food, skin, lips…it’s incredible.


Your training schedule is CRAZY impressive! Next time I want to complain about how much I’m training I will just remember all the stuff you do haha. I hope to be more like you some day :) I had an awesome 6 mile run outside at my parents’ house this weekend – the weather was gorgeous in Houston this weekend – it felt great to run outside again after so many treadmill runs!


Well, the reason I’m a runner and don’t play on a team sport is because I need the alone time DESPERATELY. Six kids. So, yeah. I like to run alone. But I *do* have a friend I like to run with from time to time, especially the long runs. We’re the same pace, and it gives us a chance to catch up on each other’s lives.


Definitely a solo runner! I’m way too competitive when I have someone with me. :) My Brooke commented on how cute your Brook was today!


Best run last week was my easy run because I got to run with 2 of the best people!

I leave the skins on most fruits and veggies because that’s where the nutrients are :)

I am much more into group running; however, very few people can run at the time I need to… Early.


Alright, I’ll be cooking a sweet potato that way ASAP! How long do you usually cook yours for, and at what temp? When I was a kid I used to love to put a dab of brown sugar cinnamon butter on there, like dessert!

I had a great hill run last week that KICKED MY TRASH. Hard. I didn’t enjoy it during, but I loved the feeling after, and I loved how much I pushed myself!


My Saturday 10 miler last week was great- it was so warm and sunny. I used to be a group runner, but now I do most of my runs alone- its hard to find running buddies!

How do you fit in so much cross training? I’ve never tried a pump class, but they soundgreat.


That sweet potato… mmmmm!


Best run: 10 miles on Saturday
Skins: Yes, always. Sometimes it’s out of pure laziness though haha.
Solo runs, but I LOVE long walks with friends where we can just chat the whole time


Although I would say that I like the idea of a group run – 90% of my runs are solo runs. I have a really wonky schedule and typically run in the mid afternoon. During marathon training, I had a really wonky schedule and would run my long runs on Friday afternoon starting at 11am. I did find it nice to see the same people on the path – BUT not many people can join me during that hour or don’t want to run when the sun was really beaming down. I remember my 26 and 29 K runs were done in hot, sunny weather.

There is a little run club at my PM work location – hopefully I make it out with them!


I love running with ppl however some of my fav runs are done solo. That’s my me time. I ran 13 outside yesterday and it was cold!!!! But by day my fav run of the wk!

Ps I’m going to try coconut oil on my sweet potatoes! Thanks for the tip!


I always eat the skin of potatoes, apples, peaches, zucchini, etc. sometimes sweet potatoes. I’ve seen a lot of people eat the skin of kiwis but I just can’t do that – it’s too fuzzy!


Nice job on your training this week! Running with people is always so much fun, but solo runs are good too. Currently all of my running friends live far away, so I’ve been trying to find women to run with– but it’s hard to find people at the perfect pace– not too slow or too fast! It’s always good to run with slower/faster people every once in a while, but for most runs I want someone who is pretty comparable with my fitness level at the time.


I eat the skins of regular potatoes, but don’t often eat the skins of sweet potatoes- I guess I’m not sure why though!!


Best run was Wednesday! 7 miles with 2 X 1 mile repeats in the middle. Felt great!
I run alone all but one day when my pal of 20 years joins me. She’s not willing to run at 5:30 a.m. daily.. go figure???!!
Stay healthy and good luck with the training. My son is doing Boston and I’ll be doing Pittsburgh, potentially! :)


I eat the skin on my kabocha squash but I think that’s about it.

I was always a solo runner too until my friend ruined it and now I dread doing long runs by myself. I moved halfway across the country too, so it’s not like we can just meet up and go. Maybe I should make some friends here haha


I’ve only ever run with my husband, which I LOVE, but once we complete our C25K program and I feel more comfortable running for an extended period of time (I’m a newbie!) I’m definitely going to be running with my girls, too!! :)



LOVE sweet potato skins. I like eating the filling and then mixing vanilla greek yogurt, cinnamon, and almond butter together to stuff it, roll it, and eat it like a hot dog. haha


Mmm looks good! I do love steaming potatoes and eating the skins.
I also really like solo running because sometimes I sing and dance (yup, sure do!) on my runs and sometimes I like to take it really slow and enjoy my surroundings. But once in a while I like to run with my running gals or my trail running group. :)


I started running with friends about two years ago and I love it now! I do enjoy my solo runs when I am knee deep in training but my friend runs have turned into the runs I look forward to the most.


Best run last week was my 10 miler on Saturday. It was nice to just run outside, since I had been traveling for work and running on the treadmill all week. PLUS we are having some unseasonably warm weather here as well….56 degrees…yes please!

I definitely eat my potato skins! I have to try the coconut oil. Brilliant!

I am currently a solo runner but mainly because I don’t have any close runner friends who are into running long distances with me! I think I would like running in a group, but at the same time I like being on my own schedule and I have plenty to think about for hours to keep me busy!


Best run was 5 on Saturday with my husband.

I will run solo or with others although since I’ve moved it’s a lot of solo time on the treadmill or with my husband. No running friends in the new state yet!

I eat all the skins that are normal to eat (no orange or banana ones – LOL!) and I always eat the potato with the peel on it. Fiber!


I do half my runs with company and half alone. On long runs I definitely appreciate the company. On shorter runs I like to plan my blog and work through the things on my mind. I can’t do that if I’m chatting.

If the skin is edible I eat it, that’s where a lot of the fiber and vitamins are.


I was trying to figure out what would make me happy for dinner tonight and I saw sweet potatoes. You are a genius, Janae. Boston training = a hungry girl.


That quote is awesome!!! Glad your training is going so well!

I’m a solo runner but not by choice. I used to run with a group but then we moved :( Even when running with others was an option, I still preferred to do hard workouts solo and then easy runs with others! That way I could just pop in the headphones and push myself rather than going to fast or to slow to stick with the group.


You girls (Brooke included) seriously have THE best hair. Yay genetics!


I eat all the skins on my veggies. I heard somewhere that’s where a lot of the fiber is. I have no idea how true that is though.


My best run last week was my hill run actually. I just felt strong!

I think I eat the skins on most fruits and vegies. I mean, where it’s normal to do so. I don’t eat orange peel or watermelon skin though. But does anyone??

I much prefer solo runs. I think I’m just not confident yet to run with someone else, but I also think of running as ME time, and I don’t like to share :P


Where do you get that giant tub of coconut oil!??!?


I really need some motivation, I haven’t followed through any of my plans for the new year, and January is almost over. Blarg.


I try to eat the skins on all of my vegetables for added nutrients. For fruits, I will eat most of them.


Where did you get that gold designed throw pillow in the background in your daughters room?? Gotta have one


Your Zucchini cookies are to die for:
I have made them countless times. I have made some healthy modifications for them and thought I would share.
I use 2 cups zucchini vs. 1
1 used 1/4 cup honey vs. 1 cup sugar (previously I was using 1/4 cup brown sugar instead of the white sugar)
2 egg whites vs 1 whole egg

Now with that being said I have never made them with the full cup sugar, I always cut the sugar called for in half with any recipe and can never tell.


My track workout was the best – I ran times I have never run before!! And what made it even more awesome was how excited my teammates were for me! While I can run solo, I prefer to run with others!!


Wow! I can’t believe it’s been 1.5 years since you’ve been back. Time sure flies when you’re reading the best blog :)


This answers none of your questions, but you should look into the potato pocket, it makes really good baked potatoes… in your microwave!! 8 minutes vs 30 or more!


Looks like a great meal with your sister!


My favorite run this week has been hill intervals. We have a butte in the middle of town and cars can typically drive to the top during the summer, but they close it to vehicles in the winter. It is a BEAST to run up, but so rewarding when you get to the top.

I like to mix group with solo. When I run solo I get my music. When I run with friends, I get great conversation. So, I really can’t go wrong.

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