2 differences. 1 similarity. Those long runs…

Yesterday’s long run had 2 differences and 1 similarity to my previous long runs that I have done so far while training for Boston.


-I felt my fingers and toes for the entire run.  Shorts and a tank (I ditched the long sleeve after the first loop) in January?!?  I’m more than okay with that.

-I slept in and started running much much later than usual.  That felt nice.


-The long run is still a struggle for me.  Speed work has been coming along nicely but I am working for that endurance.   It will come:)

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We did two loops to get in the 16 miles.  I had to document the water fountain because the water was the exact perfect temperature and I just wish there were more water fountains on running trails like this one.  If only… 

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The loop was a hilly one.  PS why do pictures of hills look about 2,300 times easier than what they feel like when you are running up them?!

16 miles @ 7:56 average pace.  

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Bacon, eggs and salad hit the spot after we finished.  

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Next on the agenda was a trip to Berkeley to go explore (and to feel more connected to my favorite show… Parenthood).  It was my first time to that area and so we walked all around town.  I wish I remember where we went to dinner but I do remember that  it was on Telegraph Ave.

The cornbread was the best.  It tasted like it had maple syrup baked into it.  

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If there is a popular ice cream shop within 10 miles of wherever I am, I will make sure that I try it out. 

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Almond ice cream—>  fudge—> vanilla ice cream—>  caramel.  

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And to finish off the night we went and saw Imitation Game and I absolutely loved it.  

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Three things that you are doing today?!

Who else has seen Imitation Game?  Thoughts?

How have your long runs been feeling lately?  

How often do you run hills?

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I am running absolutely no hills this training cycle. The New Jersey marathon is super flat and I am still dealing with runners knee so I want to focus on getting in distance with the least irritation :)
It’s liberating to train for a marathon with less structure. #just.want.to.finish

Today I will run 8 miles and then start preparing my tax docs and cleaning up my home office which is still in disarray since the holidays.

I’m also going to prepare for the storm that’s coming. I hear we might get over a foot of snow. :)


That ice cream!!!
I’m at the gym with my hubs this morning and then heading to church!
Yesterday’s long run was a blast.
It’s impossible to find flat ground in Nashville so hills are daily.


Today I am going to:
1) Clean the house 2) Make a roast chicken and 3) see Paddington!

I haven’t run a long run in awhile – longest distance I’ve done is 6K – off season! I am started long runs again on Feb 1st though – woohoo!


I miss living in Berkeley so much! From what I saw on my friends’ instagrams yesterday, it looked like the weather was PERFECT, I’m so jealous you’re there! There is so much ice cream in Berkeley, it’s crazy. There would be lines down the street out of ALL of them even on weekday evenings! One thing I really miss about CA is the water fountains being on all the time – they’re all turned off here for the winter and it’s so annoying because I have to plan long run routes around coffee shops and other places I can pop in for water.


I am LOVING this warmer weather!

Almost all my runs include hills unless I drive someplace to find a flat route. Hills are speed work in disguise, so doing them on a long run is a double workout!!


I’m the opposite.. I have all the endurance but need the speed! When I head out I feel like I could run forever! Maybe that’s a sign I need to run faster :)

So jealous you got to go to Berkeley! I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go there! All of those restaurants look AMAZING. Three things from today are baking a garlic bread with avocado dip, going to cousin’s birthday party, and yoga!


Haven’t seen Imitation Game but I really want to.

On the schedule for today: Zumba class, make fish chowder, do laundry.


Long run is feeling non-existant. Just a couple more weeks.
Today: grocery shop, hike, target run.


I can’t decide what I’m drooling over more, that ice cream or the picture of where you did your run! :) So glad you got to enjoy a great long run!!!


Do you eat the same amount, more,or less on days you don’t run?


Long runs can be a mental struggle for me. Hills never look so bad when you take a photo of them. Never.

I haven’t seen the Immitation Game but I have heard great things about it! That ice cream looks incredible!


Oh that Fenton’s sundae! I’ve been going there since I was little! Next time try the swiss milk chocolate ice cream!


I will so try that next time. Thanks so much Lauren!


Ooh I love Fentons!! Yum!

I try to do hills once or twice a week. They are a necessary evil!

Had an 18 mile long run yesterday and I gotta say I was hurting by the end!


Way to go on finishing even though you were hurting. You should go treat yourself to some Fentons now:)


Three things: yoga (done), grocery shopping (done) and American Sniper.
I have seen the Imitation Game. LOVED it!
I don’t run long or hills :) Gotta love warm weather January running! Bet that felt amazing!


Oh gosh, you hit all my favorite spots! I grew up in the area and Fentons black & tan is the best! Ok, now I’m homesick! Living in Utah is awesome but the Bay Area will always have my heart.


I really want to see Imitation Game! It finally came to where I live so I’ll get to see it soon!
Long runs have been feeling great lately, but I haven’t really gone that long, only 10 miles or so.
Happy Sunday!


I saw The Imitation Game on Friday and loved it as well! I thought Benedict Cumberbatch was great and did not expect the movie to be as funny as it was. It’s so crazy though and so sad that up until recently being gay was punishable by law, and even crazier that chemical castration is still used as a punishment today, in the US, for sex offenders.


My long runs still aren’t that long. I am afraid of upsetting the hamstring and not being able to run so I am taking it verrrry slowly as I increase the distance.

I run hills when other people make me do them. Pretty logical if you ask me ;)

Church, NAP! (please oh please let the stars align so this can happen) bake for dinner with friends,

That ice cream looks and sounds amazing. You gotta atop posting all this delicious stuff that is not accessible immediately to me. It’s kinda rude! ;) I am glad you are having fun!


I haven’t done more than 8 miles in a few weeks, so no real “long run” for me lately. I actually did hills today and I always wonder why they never look as big in pictures!
So jealous that you got to run in shorts!


Today I am drinking ALL the coffee, running 10 miles and eating ALL the food. Lofty goals, I know ;)

The trails I run on the weekend are pretty hilly, depending on which turns I take. I love/hate them.


I wish I could run in shorts!! Jealous!


I love Berkley! I went to school in San Francisco and lived in Oakland for a while, but never got over to Berkley as often as I would have liked.

On the menu today – 5 year old bday party at a children’s museum, trip to the gym to hit the elliptical & treadmill, balance the checkbook & pay some bills… Exciting stuff, I know ;)

Enjoy the California weather!!!


Ice cream is one thing I will never give up! Good luck with the speed work. Today’s a rest day for me, but I’ll be back at it again tomorrow. Looking forward to today->brunch with Mom, Target shopping & getting a pedicure.


We stayed in Berkeley last year for a race and it was incredible. My mom is from San Francisco so we like to go back every few years. What a great experience. I would totally stay there again.

I totally agree on the hills…Kind of ticks me off when I see a picture and I think how much it really hurt to run up the sucker.

Three things I’m doing today…
1. Taking my little Grand-Peanut to Denver’s Shrine of Cabrini to climb the stairs.
2. Visiting a sick friend
3. And yoga yoga yoga.


We’re in Temecula for the Spartan race! And where I live it’s 2 miles uphill to where I like to run- or two miles uphill when I finish my run. I’ve learned to love hills! I did a half in Paso Robles and passed grown men on the hills (it’s was all rolling hills through vineyards). One set of guys finally said something to me and I just expkained that I lived on a hill and ran them all the time! They said they didn’t train on hills at all- and it was killing them lol.


That ice cream sundae looks insane!

3 things: church, grocery shopping, and lunch with my sister!


I am meeting a friend for lunch and then I’m going to attempt to go to Costco. Shopping there on a Sunday is a little scary. Hope you enjoy your day!


I love long runs, it’s the speed work that is a struggle for me. 3 things: church, grocery shopping, finishing the movie we rented from RedBox last night that I fell asleep watching last night :)


Church, family dinner, and some lesson planning is on the agenda today :)

Long runs have been a bit brutal with the super cold weather and stupid plantar fasciitis. Ugh. I am definitely looking forward to my next rest period after our 3/1 race. There are literally no hills near my neighborhood, so about once a month we’ll drive out to another side of town and run hills then but I like to stay close to home so it doesn’t happen too often.


Good cornbread is the best! And that ice cream sundae is epic!


I love Berkeley! I visited last January and I thought of Parenthood, too!

I did 16 miles yesterday as well but much slower than you! It felt good until mile 14!

Three things today: recover run, friend’s chili cook off party, hanging with my parents

Have a great day!


The cornbread is from Smart Alec’s! I loved eating there in undergrad (bonus that they gave out free food for good grades :P). Love your blog!


YES! You are right!! That is seriously so cool that they gave free food for good grades. That would have been some serious motivation for me. Hope you are having a wonderful day Dorothy!


I love when I approach a hill and I’m thinking, “This doesn’t look so bad”. Then, midway I’m dying and cursing and wondering where the heck the sudden incline came up and why there is a mountain in the middle of the road. The crest at the top, though, is the BEST feeling. Ugh, so euphoric!


Hills are tough, but I find flat routes much harder on the body; we’re using the same muscle fibres over and over again on a flat route. Funny about the pic of the hill–so true!


Those darn hills are tricky and mess with your mind. Three things I’m going to do today, hang out with my little girl, go visit with my parents and recover. :) sundayy


There are some great pastries at coffee shops in Berkeley. Too bad you missed out on those! That ice cream looks yummy!


1. picking up chipotle for my hubby and his coworkers (and obvs me too) 2. grocery shopping and meal prepping 3. i might’ve convinced hubs to RUN this evening. stay posted.

I don’t run long distance much these days. I top off at 6 miles.

There is a bridge 3 miles from my place, so I try to run to it and back. And if I’m feeling crazy I’ll actually run over it and back :)


I only see one spoon next to that ice cream mountain. ;)


I ran my longest ever distance yesterday in training for my first full marathon – it was so good! My best friend was visiting this weekend so we lay in bed and watched movies today! I try to get at least a short hill in most runs because I don’t get on with speedwork anymore.


I just started watching Parenthood on Netflix and I am obsessed!


It’s hard to avoid hills at 7,000 ft. I just take it for granted that I have hill training built into all of my runs. My long runs always have some serious elevation. My long runs have been stellar lately! I had the best 18 miler ever last week. Keeping it easy this week with only 12 miles and then I hit 20 and 22 the next two weeks!


Plans for the day: Run (hills which are getting harder 24 weeks preg), visiting with friends and playing/painting with my favorite little man


Long run today was 12.5 miles; it felt ok. I’m also trying ro build my endurance back up, so these long runs are a STRUGGLE. I made sure the course was hilly and will start to incorporate more hills into my workouts while I train for Boston (I’m a little terrifed by the long descent in the beginning and then encountering the Newton Hills!). Best of luck on your journey!


That ice cream looks awesome! I don’t run hills that often but I think about it and think that sometimes I should but then I still don’t lol.


I ran a 9 mile workout this am with my running group at race pace… it was tough just saying. I am taking a nap with my ellie than hanging out with my friend/play date later…


Laundry, yoga and preparing custom cupcake toppers for my Super Bowl party next weekend! :)


Church, gym, and cooking. Those are the items on my list for today. Don’t you just love California winters?!? :) Love my state!


I’ve seen Imitation Game and loved it. It was really heart breaking though.
3 Things I’m doing today – working out, meal prepping, and vegging out on the sofa. ;)


Making cauliflower and bacon chowder, cleaning, and playing in the snow (if it actually ever decides to snow here). My last 4 short runs have been painful. Hoping a change of shoes fixes the problem. We are headed out to California next month. Cannot wait for the warmer temperatures!


Smart Alec’s! I practically lived there when I was a student


YES!! Thank you:) Seriously, that place was amazing! Do you still live in Berkeley?


I love that ice cream mentality!


That ice cream looks amazing!

Today’s long run was 11 miles at 7:50 pace. Speedy for me! The rest of my plans are a quick trip to the grocery store- in anticipation of some snow tomorrow, and relaxing with the family and letting my legs recover.

I run hills whenever I run outside (I am mostly a treadmill runner), because I am surrounded by them! I always start my run with the biggest hill and try to do the first mile as close to 8 mins as possible, 7:58 is my record, for motivation. I am very competitive- with myself!

Berkeley sounds awesome! I hope you are having a great time.


I have been out of the running game recently because it’s -30ish where I’m staying in Canada and I am just not brave enough for that, in New Zealand it’s usually only around plus 10 in winter! Huge respect for your long run, that endurance will come slowly but surely! Do you feel different when you run later in the day? sometimes I feel sluggish when I do that. Ps that ice cream looks so delicious and now I want it for breakfast :)


Okay, I LOVE Parenthood and you just totally made me crave Fenton’s. Can’t get enough of that cold caramel and toasted almond! Good thing I’ll be home in the Bay next month.

Three things: Church, going for a walk, dinner with cousins and sisters!


Looks like Smart Alec’s! I worked there in college! LOVE.


YES! That is what it is called. That place was so so good!


Ahh I’m so jealous of everything in this post! The weather looks amazing and the sundae looks to die for. I’m SUPPOSED to be running an 18 miler today for Shamrock marathon but got sidelined a week ago from a tibial stress injury (almost a stress fracture). Sooo no running for 4-6 weeks and I’m so upset. I went to church and brunch today and will probably hit up the gym in a bit for some cycling. I just started reading your blog by the way and love it!!


OH NO!!! I am seriously so sorry about your injury but I am glad it got stopped before a stress fracture. Thanks so much for saying hi and I hope that brunch was amazing:)


I love your plaid running shorts!!! Mine are all pretty boring, plain colors but the next pair I’m hoping to buy some wild ones. Then it would be easier for my family to find me in races, too :)

Nice day for a long run – especially with a not-so-early wake-up! And that breakfast looks amazing.

3 Things I’m Doing Today: 1) Church with my toddler, parents, and youngest brother. 2) Devoured Oreo Birthday Cake mini-blizzard at DQ. 3) Played piano for my great grandma at the nursing home (while the rest of the family tried to supervise the energetic toddler).


Way to go on your long run girl!!! Today I went to church, did my visiting teaching, and ate some yummy homemade Cafe Rio :) It was a good day :) Enjoy Cali!! That’s awesome that you went to Berkley!!!


I am doing absolutely nothing today. I have worked halfway through a book I started reading, gotten a donut and coffee, and am planning on eating deep dish later tonight. I do have to do laundry at some point, but that’s about the extent of my physical exertion today. I worked out 5 times this week which Im pretty pumped about, so today I am taking “rest day” to the extreme.


I had a great long run today, 13 miles at my house at a good clip, so I went to 13.1 and made it a half! Was pleased to be under 2:00 for just a training run. SO SO hilly. Bracing for a major storm here in central NJ. Food shopping was INSANE. I am a teacher, so hoping for a few snow days! Reading now!


gah you’re up the road…..i was on Piedmont yesterday and stopped by fenton’s too. can’t believe you had never been to Berkeley when you were living in SJ. Love me some berkeley.

enjoy this wonderful weather


AHHH I wish we would have met. Seriously, this weather is amazing and I LOVED Berkeley! Hope you are having a great day!


How sad are you that Parenthood is almost over!? I am officially all caught up and I am not sure that my heart is going to be able to handle the series finale!


I can’t say how a long run feels as I’ve never done one yet. Maybe this spring? After seeing that ice cream I’d need to do many long runs :) We have had plus temperatures here this week which is not normal at all! Did an outside run yesterday and may get in a couple more before the temps drop to -20 degrees Celsius again on Thursday.


I’ve lost track of where I’m up to with Parenthood. You’ve inspired me to get back into it. I saw the Imitation Game on Saturday and was slightly disappointed with the way Alan Turing was portrayed (classic and obvious Aspergers when I don’t think this was necessarily so). Three things – worked this morning, a run this arvo, and being lazy (its Australia Day after all!). Enjoy the warm weather (I’m enjoying a cool change).


I have to run hills every time I run near my house because it is so hilly!!! It is kicking my butt, but when I did a 5k NYday I ran it faster than I have ever run before, so I guess those hills do the trick!


Omg that ice cream looks so delicious! You look so happy lately, too :) three things I did today: went to yoga and then taught yoga after that, spent wayyy too long inside whole foods and at the parking lot because we are supposed to get big snow tomorrow in Philly, took both of my pups for long walks because I’m sure we will be going stir crazy over the next few days!!


Oh wow, that pic of the hill looks GIGANTIC… I can’t imagine what it was like if you think that pic makes it look small! hah


You are super speedy!!
I love the shorts you are wearing – Lululemon?


Today was for drinking coffee, lesson planning, and relaxing with my husband! My long runs are plenty short compared to yours- I’m just training for a half marathon in April. And I usually end up with hills along my running routes! Yay, Missouri!


Reading this makes me feel better. I’m training for Boston too and my long runs feel like a struggle right now too. Guess it just takes time to get that endurance back!!


That ice cream looks delish! I would definitely splurge on something like that. ☺ I loved the Imitation Game and thought it had a good message. There have been so many great movies lately!!

I can’t escape hills where I live, so it is inevitable that if I go out on a run, it will be hilly. I have to go to a track if I want something flat. ☺

Today I ran with a friend, went house shopping with my hubby, and took a much needed nap!


Maybe you run your long runs too fast. I need to go have ice-cream right now.


Love Fentons! My husband is from Berkeley – born and raised.
I love that city so much! Have you ever run in Tilden Park? Beautiful and a must if you haven’t :)
Three things I did today: Errands, book club, workout!

I miss the long runs so much – can’t wait to be back out there!


I’m still trying to work up my long run distance. I was struggling, but the last couple of weeks have felt much better. I hope the feeling sticks around!


I’m just starting back with the speed work and I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it! And that ice cream. OMG. Dying. And it’s only 7am. Ha!


My nutrition hasn’t been great lately and my long runs are starting to suffer from it. I will be starting the Whole 30 Challenge again.


I could be wrong but totally looks like Smart Alec’s in Berkeley where you stopped for dinner…they have the most AMAZING cornbread!!!


Every time I run a killer hill I take a pic so I can post it on Instagram and then don’t because it never looks impressive :/


YUM – that ice cream sundae looks delicious!


That looks like Smart Alec’s in Berkeley! I could recognize that cornbread anywhere.


I think you went to Smart Alec’s for dinner in Berkeley! I could be wrong, but they have the BEST cornbread like that in the world!


Ahhh I wish I’d known you were in Berkeley! I live here now! Isn’t the weather amazing? Coming from MN I can’t help but go out and soak up some sun every single day here.


I absolutely loved Imitation Game – so incredible sad though!

Am so jealous of the weather you go to enjoy AND run in!! You got to feel your fingers and toes?? On my long run this past weekend I kept saying to my running partner, “My teeth are cold!!”. There was a windchill of -18F. Gross.


That looks like Smart Alec’s in Berkeley! I just adore their cornbread, isn’t it good? And the food there is not a bad price, either. I went there with my friend two years ago when we were touring colleges.


So, I wento to high school with a girl who is friends with the girl who’s twins play the little girl on Parenthood. Lila, or Lilly, or something like that?

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