They just make the world a better place.

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Mother Nature did really well this year.   We woke up to a bunch of snow and it continued to snow most of the day!

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The family came over (I am forcing this to be a new tradition) for my homemade cinnamon rolls, yogurt parfaits, banana bread, an egg casserole and hot chocolate. 

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Don’t cinnamon rolls just make the world a better place!?!

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Brooke’s 3 favorite gifts:

1.  M&M’s

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2.  A purse full of things like keys, lipstick, cell phone and a debit card.

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3.  This chalkboard from Ikea.  

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We then went over to my sister’s house to hang out for a bit.  Thank goodness Brooke has these amazing cousins of hers so close.

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When we got back home I hit up my spin bike for a quick 30 minutes of climbs, sprints and scrolling through instagram:)  

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The Brookers and I were in charge of cookies for the family party… we made THESE ONES!  I am really going to miss holiday baking.

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Let’s be honest with ourselves… a big reason we love the holidays is for all of the amazing food.

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Gift exchange with the peeps.

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And it was still snowing when we left back home.

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The two of us are off to take a road trip to California!  But first, a longish run because sitting in a car for a long time feels a lot better after running a bunch of miles in the morning.  

How was your Christmas?  Get anything running related?  Give anything running related?

Best thing you ate yesterday?

Did you have snow yesterday?

What is your workout today?

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We’re at the beach!!
I am a little jealous of your whit christmas, though.
Best food: smoked Gouda grits!
13 mile run:)


Best thing I ate yesterday was a gooey brownie pie I made. Love those cinnamon rolls!


We had short sleeve weather in KS, so Mother Nature fail here!

Best thing I ate was hade potato soup. My husbands family does different kinds of soup for Christmas.

We are opening gifts today. So far nothing running related but Christmas isn’t quite over yet for us!

Have fun in California!


Love that you had a White Christmas! We had a typical Florida Christmas here with a high of 81 degrees! It was toasty!

For Christmas Adam got me a suite at the hotel we’re staying at for the Miami Half next month! He says I better PR because the room cost an arm and a leg LOL #Pressure!


Merry day after Christmas! Best thing I ate was homemade crescent rolls….they were SO good! I might have had 3 :). I am usually nervous to do homemade breads with yeast and all…but they came out awesome! I am hoping to get in 6 miles, but I have this cold making running hard…
then we are off to Sight and Sound Theater!!! I am super excited…it is our first time there!


Best thing I ate yesterday was Apple pie!


I didn’t give or receive anything running related this year. I had to sit and think about it for a few minutes…
I plan on going for a 5 mile run at an easy pace.
We had NO snow in Chicago, and I’m good with that!!!
The best thing I ate yesterday was prime rib… sooooo good.


Beats thing I ate yesterday was a sweet potato casserole. First time making it and it was incredible! Low sugar and low calorie too! What did you get for Christmas???


There was no snow to be had in SW Iowa. I was a little bummed. I don’t particularly like snow, but it’s just so charming at Christmas.
I didn’t actually leave the house yesterday, but there was a lot of good food (including French Macarons, which I’ve never had before, but now I need to learn to make them!), and a new tablet for me, so I’m looking forward to using that at the gym.


Christmas looks so fun! I agree with getting the miles in before a long drive- definitely makes the road trip feel better and easier (which sounds so weird but is so true)..Best thing I ate yesterday is more like best thing I ate all week which is all the food and yummy desserts in Disney World!


Best thing I are: lemon Oreos! I never eat them because I try and eat healthy so it was amazing. We had snow all day and it was magical.
Workout: chest and triceps and a run!


Best thing I ate yesterday was chocolate trifle that my cousin made!

Janae, what spin bike do you have at home? I’m in the market for one and I’d love to know which one you have and whether or not you’d recommend it!



HEY GIRL!! Here is my post with the link to the bike and my review:

I really do love mine and it is so convenient to have at home. I hope you are having a wonderful day!


My mom got me a new pair of running gloves. I so needed some. I have been using $5 stretch gloves from Target.

Happy road trip!


It was definitely more of a “stuff for the home” Christmas than running Christmas this year, but my two running goodies were some awesome arm warmers and the Runner’s World Cookbook! So excited for both!

I think it actually got up to 65 degrees here yesterday, INSANITY.

I’m still taking it easy, no workout for me today, but I’m stuck at the office so it might feel good to go for a little walk afterwards! So glad you had a wonderful Christmas!


Christmas was amazing! With an eight year old I’m savoring each moment of magical thinking and belief.
I ate so many wonderful treats- I couldn’t pick just one!
It was raining and so warm we had the windows open for a bit. I feel like we’re living in the movie White Christmas in New England this year. Keepin’ my eyes peeled for Bing;-)
My workout today will be braving the mall. I always swore I wouldn’t go but I got identical gifts and with a one day sale I can get the boots I’ve been drooling over.


No snow here in Phoenix! ;) It was overcast and chilly for a good part of the day, so it helped make it a little more festive. How great that you got a white Christmas though! That’s the best.

Glad to hear you had such a wonderful Christmas. Safe travels!!!


Lovely Christmas.! :) looks yummy and Brooke looks happy as always

My Christmas was good, very chill.


I got a Jawbone Up!!!! I love it!! Please be so careful on your road trip! The roads are kinda scary right now! And PS- I still wish I could magically jump in your suitcase for your trip to AZ…eat lots of oranges down there for me!!


Best thing I ate was this pineapple, cheese, ritz cracker thing. So good!

Today is my off day but I am using the elliptical to get my juices flowing after a day of laziness! Jealous of your snow!


I’m so happy you guys had such a wonderful Christmas!! Mine couldn’t have been better. I think the best thing I ate would be pecan pie… my first time having it! SO good!


I’m a Lululemon newbie, but I got some of their runnings leggings for Christmas and I already love them! Let’s be honest though, I probably won’t just be using them for running ;)

Safe travels for you and Brooke!


My husband got me with the latest edition of my running shoe. I was honestly surprised and very excited!

The best thing I ate yesterday was sesame chicken from our favorite Chinese restaurant. We held our family Christmas lunch at the restaurant and it was a blast!


The only thing running related I got was some Nuun and Honey Stinger products – but that is alright! I got some other things I asked for. I did get to go for a great run on Christmas, which was super sunny and warm for this part of the year!
The best thing I ate on Christmas is my grandma’s strawberry shortcake! It is my favorite!!


It was just my husband and I yesterday, so we splurged and cooked some crab legs at home for the first time. And watched about 500 hours of Netflix.
We actually have weather in the 50s today (in Kansas City), so I’m skipping my run in lieu of going for a bike ride. Dips back down to the 30s after today so have to take advantage!


Is that an iPad attached to your spin bike? If so, is there a special attachment you use for your iPad to be connected to your spin bike? Or did it come that way? I would love to know where to purchase one! Thanks!


So jealous of your white Christmas – it rained here for days, we had a soggy Christmas!


Christmas was so much fun! I got socks, arm warmers and a new GPS watch! :)

The best thing I ate yesterday was my boyfriend’s mom’s apple pie.

We didn’t have snow, it wasn’t even cold out! Silly NY.

I’m taking my new watch for a run today, distance to be determined.


My husband gave me the CUTEST Brooks Run Happy long sleeved shirt! Couldn’t stop eating Queso dip yesterday… 5 miles done this morning and core/weights later. Have a safe trip! :)


Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas. Safe travel to California.

My husband and I had a wonderful Christmas!! It snowed on Christmas Eve, so we woke up to a white Christmas. I loved it. My family always has a turkey, stuffing, brussels sprouts, and potatoes. It was delish!

I got a new pair of running shoes and a bunch of triathlon gear for my bike – Zipp disc wheel and power meter! Woot! Now I’m extra excited for the next season!!!

Today my workout is a FTP test on my bike – this is like a VO2 Max test, but on the bike. Yikes!


What camera do you use to take your pictures? :)


It sounds like you and Brooke had a wonderful Christmas! Safe travels to California!

I got some more stuff for my GoPro, so I can be a complete runner nerd now and record all of my runs! :-)


We had snow yesterday too! It snowed for the whole day and it was lovely.

I got oiselle gift cards and some other new running clothes as well. My family knows me so well ;)

Have a safe trip!


How was your Christmas? Get anything running related? Give anything running related? **Christmas was awesome. My son only asked for 3 things, he got them all, and he was thrilled. We left cookies for Santa for the first time, too, and that thrilled him. Christmas as a parent is much more amazing that Christmas as a kid, I think.

Best thing you ate yesterday? **My mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls from scratch. She cooked them all day Cmas eve and they were delicious!

Did you have snow yesterday? No snow for us. (We’re in Georgia.)

What is your workout today? Rest and see how I feel later. I’m drowsy right now, been cleaning all day.

Thanks for sharing your Christmas photos! I love to see how others celebrate, the kids are precious and the food looks GOOD.


I got a tote bag that said “This princess wears running shoes”, absolutely love it!! I’m so jealous that you got snow, it’s so magical when it is actually snowing on Christmas day! Yum, those cinnamon rolls look heavenly!! Have a safe and fun trip to California :)


Sounds like such a great Christmas! I was at work yesterday but luckily I had a great time with my work family. I am excited that today I ran 11 miles at an 8:43 pace! That’s the fastest I’ve ever done that. I am so happy all of my training is paying off.


My Christmas was different this year – we always travel after opening up gifts at home to my dad’s mom’s house and this year (due to sister working and granny being stubborn) we did not go up there. So we stayed at home and ate chicken & dumplings. I went to a friends’ house later that afternoon and had deviled eggs and dressing – all is well here.

Nothing running related & no snow.

I plan on working out tonight at the gym – Sister bought me a Sony DVD player + Netflix added in for my Christmas present. It has taken an act of congress for it to hook up and it still won’t play my shows due to the internet not being strong (modem is on the other side of the house) – so I will be going to the gym for the third day in a row to watch said Netflix.

Have a safe trip to Cali, Janae!


I have some speed work to do for today them I am going to find a new home for all of our stuff! I got all running gear and a pet vacuum it was a pretty great day! Have a safe trip to California.


completely agree about getting a run in before a long drive. We drove up from Florida (17 hours) to Illinois for Christmas and even with a short run before dawn I still felt like my muscles were going to jump out of my skin by the end of the trip. Safe travels!


Our Christmas was wonderful! The kiddos got great toys and we had a fun day just being together. :)
I got a cool running jacket – was happy about that!
Best thing I ate… would have to say was our Christmas goose with wild rice stuffing – YUM.
Unfortunately no snow for us (So. Cal). I love, love white Christmases!
I am going to jump on the stationary bike for 60 min today (stress fracture in my knee and can’t run for a few more weeks) :(
Hope you have a great trip to California! Weather is good here!


So jealous of your snow!! I love your blog so much. It is such an encouragement and fun read at the end of my day :) you inspired me
To start my own!!

Workout tomorrow is 22 miles…. Yikessss!!!


Best food I ate: my momma’s cinnamon rolls!! I don’t restrict myself on Holidays, so I pretty much went all out and ate 4. :)

Obvs no snow, but it is my dream to wake up to a white Christmas one day! I’ll need to travel for that, and one day I will.

Have fun in CA!


Those cinnamon rolls look so delightful. Yes! Snow in Cache Valley. Kids are sledding in it right now. No workout yesterday or today. I’m getting over a cold. Boo. Festivities continue next week with a trip to a cabin in the Unitas!


It DID snow! I couldn’t believe how warm it was yesterday.

You are so blessed to have so much amazing family near you on Christmas!

I got a new journal to record my fitness/running goals :)


It wasn’t snowing for Christmas where I am (Jamaica) but I had an amazing day with family and friends :)
Running related gifts received: water bottle & money for new running shoes
Today’s workout: 3.12 mile hilly run (without intervals) with a local running group

Hope you had a safe road trip!


Your Christmas looked fun! Best food was my cranberry salsa! No snow, thank goodness! We did some trail running on Christmas Eve. That was nice.


Awwwww! I LOVE snow! We never get it. In fact, my kids saw snow for the first time a year and a half ago and haven’t seen it since. No running-related gifting here…mostly Legos :) Best thing I ate was probably the roast beef. I’ve been a slug the past couple of days and it’s actually been kind of nice. I’ll be working out early in the morning tomorrow though. Safe travels!


I got running clothes and awesome new headphones!


I love that picture of you and Brooke in the snow- what an awesome white christmas pic!!


Yay for a snowy Christmas!


That pic of you and Brooke in the snow is priceless!

I didn’t get any running specific presents, but I did get a ton of fitness gift! I got a new yoga mat, a yoga mat bag, quick drying gym towels and a new gym bag. I can’t wait to use them!


I spent the week of Christmas in two places that normally have snow, but neither did this year. I’m glad you had the white Christmas you wanted!

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