My 2015 Running Resolutions and Today’s Tradition!

Let the resolutions begin.  We still have some time before 2015 begins but I have already been working on my Run Happy Resolutions and Goals for this next year of training!  

Here we go:

1.  Get over my fear of the 5k/10k and race them more.  The reasoning behind this resolution= what better way to get in a killer speed workout than a race that has course support and other runners all around you to help to push you.  Going all out for a 5k/10k is sure painful but it works wonders for your training and can make you a lot faster.

Plus, I love races and they make me happy.


2.  Two marathons in the year 2015—>  Goals (at this point) for Boston = around a 3:05 and sub 3 at the St. George Marathon (if I get into the race with the lottery, if not I will find a different fall marathon).

3.  Core work 4 times a week.  The thing about core work is that it really does not take that long to do but I always notice huge improvements in my running when I do get it done.  Could be done at a pump class, youtube workouts like 8 minute abs or my Runner’s Core DVDs.

4.  Trail run as much as possible.  Trail runs are my ultimate Run Happy experiences.  

5.  If I feel like an injury is coming on or something is just not right… I WILL take a few days off from running (and even cross-training if I need to) until I am feeling back to normal again.  THERE IS NO POINT TO RUN THROUGH A POTENTIAL INJURY AND GET INJURED EVEN WORSE! 


6.  Work with Girls On The Run!! I cannot wait to help and share my love of running with these girls!

7.  Run with my running friends and main squeeze as much as possible.  Running with people always equals a happy run for me and it also usually helps me to push myself out of my comfort zone!

8. Invest time and $ to keep me running healthy—>  foam rolling, stretching, yoga, strength training, sports therapy massage if I need one, scraping, chiropractor etc.

9.  Go into my races this next year the same way that I did for my last marathon =  calm, positive, excited and mentally tough!

10.  Stay on top of my running form to keep me running happy and healthy:)


Brooke and I both LOVED today’s tradition.  It was ridiculously easy and she wanted to do it over and over again.

Two steps:

1.  Buy some candy canes and a bag. 

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2.  Hide candy canes all over the house and send her on a Candy Cane Hunt.  

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Feel free to check out my latest Women’s Running Article!!!!

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What are some of your running resolutions and goals for next year?  In what areas are you wanting to improve?

Are you good about taking some time off if you are feeling an injury coming on or do you run through it?

How often have you been doing core work lately?

What has been the best part of your day so far?

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I can’t wait to hear more about your involvement with Girls On The Run!


My running resolution is a new marathon PR. my current one is from 2012. Ick. I’m running Paris in April and need to get started, um, right NOW.




I love Girls on the Run! We do not have a local branch in our area but, fingers crossed, we will be moving in the next 3-6 months, and the area we are planning to move to does! I can not wait to volunteer with GOTR.


Awesome goals! I am still working on mine but I’m hoping for a marathon PR and if I end up moving to NYC this Spring I want to aim for the NYC marathon! I definitely want to improve my speed. But who doesn’t? :)

I definitely take time off if I feel sick or injured.

I rarely do core work, I am so bad at cross training! I know it’s good for running but I just hate the gym. So boring.

Best part of my day: got to run at the park in this amazing weather and pushed my baby boy on the swings afterward – he loved it!


YAY for good weather and park days:) Oh, I hope you get to do the NYC Marathon so bad!


I also fear short races. You just sprint and feel like you’re going to puke. No Bueno.
I want to race a little less next year. I’m wiped out! That said I’m kicking the year off with an ultra!
Thankfully I’m not very injury prone.
Core work: daily
Best part of the day: running and having breakfast with friends:)


You have great resolutions!

I’m wanting to up my weekly mileage and push myself more in that respect. No making excuses just because I’m tired/busy/lazy. I also want to qualify for Boston again! I haven’t run it since 2012 and am itching to get back again!

Best part of my day is my run, which is still to come!


Great Resolutions.!! You’ll definitely successed :)

And sub 3 marathon would be amazing.! :o


I love girls on the run! I have been one little girls buddy for 5 seasons in a row. she is pretty awesome! :) your candy cane hunt looks like so much fun.


I bet Brooke loved looking for the candy canes.

I should be doing more core work too, I know it would help me improve my yoga practice a lot.


Wow a sub three marathon – that would be amazing! I can’t even fathom my legs being able to move that fast.

I am venturing into the ultra world. I have a few 50ks and a couple 50 milers next year (one that literally terrifies me).
I am building my endurance base so that I can go further into the 100 mile realm by the end of 2016. I am interviewing a running coach today that will hopefully help me reach that level.

I’m fairly good about taking time off. It’s sometimes hard to differentiate between soreness and potential injury. I’ll often run through soreness but if I feel anything remotely close to what I would consider pain, I will take a couple days off and then ease back into it with some shorter runs.

I’m terrible at strength training / core work….well in the typical sense. For instance, I ran to work (4 miles) with a loaded down backpack (15 pounds) through the snow this morning….even though it’s not planks or crunches, I’m pretty sure that my core was being engaged.

It’s my husband and I’s anniversary today….I’m just happy to celebrate another year of marriage to my best friend


So excited you’re going to go for the sub-3!! You totally have it in you! Are you going to work with a coach again?

My resolution for 2015 is to build my long-run base and rock my second full marathon next fall! I’m thinking about fundraising to get into Chicago so I can experience a big race :)!


I love core work! I can never understand when people say they don’t like it. I try to do it at least once a week. Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack is amazing.


I just started the 8 minute abs video and my neck hurt the first time but its okay now. The guy, “Come on guys, really feel it, you’re almost there” hahah no better start to the morning.

Running goal for 2015 = RUN MY FIRST MARATHON! Praying I stay injury free until March.


Go into my marathon injury free, and mentally tough!
That is a really cute idea, my nieces come in from California tomorrow I will have to play this game with them!


I have not been so good about taking time off for potential injuries but I think I’ve learned my lesson by now! I have also had sort of a fear of 5 and 10k races for the same reasons, and I need to get over that because they can be really fun, not a ton of pressure and the speed work is great and not something I normally push myself to do.


I love your candy cane hunt idea! Brooke looks adorable in those photos!

I’m with you and wish the same about recovering from an injury. It’s so hard to take time off from exercise when you’re a junkie and weight conscious. I wish there was an easier way to recover from it than rest, but there’s not :(


Girls on the run!!! This makes me so happy! helped bring this program to Utah 6 years ago and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. I was trained by Molly barker-who started the program herself in North Carolina. The curriculum. is simply amazing and the staff overseeing the program in Utah is top notch. I can put you in touch with a program director who can tell you the different ways you can help and volunteer. You won’t be disappointed. It’s truly something else to know you’re making a difference in these young girls’ lives.


I think the last time I did core work we were prepping for Y2K. Sooooo I probably need to put that on my resolution list as well.

My rough goals for 2015 right now are PR in the half marathon and 5k!

Best part of my day (will be) doing a Christmas light run this evening!


I just told the world my running resolution is to stretch strengthen and foam roll like it’s my job. :) and I always want to drink more water.

I am all dressed up and headed to my work holiday party. Should be fun. It’s at a Mexican restaurant so I will definitely enjoy a margarita and some guac :)


Best part of my day: The “good morning beautiful” text from my man. I can be having a great day/morning or craptastic day…and every.single.time “hearing” him call me beautiful makes me smile. :)

I have not really set any specific running goals, yet, for 2015. Need to get on that. Although I am registered for 7 races (5 half-marathon’s, 15k and 12k). I guess that could count as 7 goals…

Love reading about the traditions are creating with your little girl, friends and family. Enjoy the rest of your day!


It’s too had I have to stick to o my treadmills this winter and i can’t go trail running. That wouldve been great ankle work and it would’ve been lovelt running through a forest!


I’m having a baby in May, so my primary goal next year is to get back into running by the end of the summer! I’m still running/spinning/BODYPUMPing but know I’ll have to probably slow my running streak as my stomach gets bigger. I’m looking forward to running again and not feeling like I have to pee every 2.3 seconds ;)


Those are some great goals, I may have to copy a few! My only goal is to get healthy again and be able to start running properly again! I’ve been injured for the past two months! My main thing is to stay focused and positive!! Best part about my day is that my choir concert went really well and I still have my voice at the end of it :)


This year for me has been all about injuries (at least in my running world) and so I want next year to be the year of NO INJURIES! I have learnt to pay closer attention to my body and what it is telling me. A couple of times I have eased off my training when I felt something that was NQR, and that has been a great decision.

I love today’s Christmas tradition! :)


My 2015 goals are to strength train twice a week (consistently), stretch, stretch, stretch, and eat a bit better.

Girls on the Run is awesome! I was supposed to Coach, but our school is under renovation and we have no after school activities until 2016.


Some of your resolutions are similar to mine. I am hoping to run more 5ks next year to help me get faster in my half marathons. Core exercises are also top on my list. I hate doing it but I need to. I also want to do just one push up. I have no upper body strength so that is something I have to work on. I keep this resolution every year and I am determined to make it happen this year! :)


I am planning to run the 2015 Chicago Half Marathon Race Series which is a total of 3 halves in Chicago. One of them is the RnR Half which I am really excited about doing!

When I feel an injury coming on, I have learned to stop and slow down. There have been too many times when I push through and then am sidelined for even longer than if I had just rested.


I volunteered with Girls on the Run and I absolutely LOVED it! So much fun and such a great experience!

My main resolution for 2015 is to get more sleep every night and to keep doing a little bit of strength training every day :)


My new year’s running resolution is to take my time coming back to running after having this baby! With baby #1, I was in such a hurry to get back running again that I was out by 2 weeks postpartum. My body could handle it by then, but this time around I just want to take it easy. Not running for a month may be painful, but it won’t kill me :)

Then, when I am ready to return to running, sign up to run my 7th marathon!


Awesome goals! I’m excited to read about your marathon training.

My 2015 goals are a sub-1:40 half marathon and to race a couple 5Ks and 10Ks. I’m like you, I don’t like the burning speed feeling of those distances, but they are so good for speed development and the recover is faster than from a half or a full.


One of my resolutions has to be taking time off when pain comes on. Two stress fractures in one year = not good. It’s hard for me to recognize pain. I’m so used to pushing myself I think I’ve learned to ignore it and need to get better and feeling what’s going on in my body. Either that or I’m some kind of bionic woman.


Love that candy cane idea- so clever! Brooke looks like she loved it! :)


Janae, you’re the best mom with these daily traditions. It’s so sweet!

FYI – you know we’re all DYING to see a pic of your main squeeze. I’m sure it’ll be awhile, but we’re ready when you are!! HAHA! :)


I have two goals for 2015, both are half marathons and I want 2 PRS! April with a 2:20 or less and then October with a 2:15 or less. That is what I’m focusing on and training really hard for. Doing it with the Hansons Marathon Method!


I’ really like to focus on getting back to running 6 days per week. Lately I have been cutting myself a lot of slack and throwing in an extra rest day. That is totally great and fine, but I love the idea of returning to 6 days.

Oh…. an core…. I ALWAYS have been wonderful about core work, literally since the 5th grade in the Presidential Fitness test, but the last few months I have let it slide. No more!

I love the 5k goal. I have only run one, my first race ever! They are terrifying because they hurt! The 10k though, I o have a soft spot in my heart for. :)

I also want to re-dedicate myself to fining running buddies. I have had the hardest time since moving to Raleigh- Shout out to Raleigh runners :)


I got into pilates this year, and I honestly cannot recommend it highly enough. My core feels SO strong now. I’d recommend going to a few to find a good fit. Something can be like a walk in the park (which feels like a waste of time), while others can be absolutely killer. I love feeling like I can do abs or planks for days.


One of my resolutions is also to take time off right away when something pops up rather than being forced into a layoff. And to do more balancing exercises. I have had way too many injuries as a result of me twisting my foot opens way or another. I need to work on strengthening those little stabilizing muscles:)


What are you doing with Girls On The Run?? I have been following them this last year and wondered hoe I could get involved!?!


I wish the answer to a running injury was to just run through it! That’d be amazing! :)


I am seriously thinking about signing up for a full marathon next year. Fall, I’m thinking.

I am mostly good about taking time off when I’m injured, unless I’m in the middle of a streak or if I have a mileage goal I’m trying to reach.

Core work…hmm…I should probably do that.

The best part of my day today was lounging around this morning. Blog reading and coffee – excellent.


So…my goal/hope for 2015 is to run my first marathon. I’m entering lottery for NYC. Terrified just typing that. Already signed up for 2 halfs. Sadly I can’t remember my last ab workout but there is some core in my weekly hot yoga class. I usually am good about resting if I feel bad pain.


Have you ever heard of the Wineglass marathon? It’s in upstate NY and it’s one of the flattest marathons in the US which is awesome for a sub 3!! It’s in October so it’s cool out and you’re running by all of the trees during the color change – it’s really beautiful.


After a year of half marathons and a full , i’m ready to conquer the 5k! The scary scary hurts but is such a great way to build speed 5k. I really want to try doing a sub 20:00! Cross your fingers!


I’m chasing a BQ pretty hard this year… I’m close! I also am scared of 5ks and 10ks… it’s such a different kind of pain! BUT – I’m hoping to finally get a sub 22:00 5k!

I’m a Girls on the Run coach and LOVE IT. It’s so amazing to see what the girls can accomplish in a season!


It’s so great that you want to get involved in Girls on the Run. The whole reason I started running and found something that has now become such a huge part of my life is the Girls on the Run club that was at my school. In fifth grade I was so reluctant to join because I thought I was unathletic, I hated gym, and 3.1 miles seemed so daunting. My parents, however, encouraged me to sign up anyway. I surprised myself on the first meeting by running a whole half mile (I know it’s not much, but it was a lot to me at the time). Then, I just kept on building up to the 5k and I ended up running 26 minutes for my first 5k. Because of the encouragement of my coaches and just the program itself, I learned that maybe I was a little bit athletic when it came to running. I still hate gym, but I love running and I enjoy competing on my school’s cross country team.

TRUST ME. Becoming a Girls on the Run coach will be awesome for all of the girls that you coach, and I’m sure you’ll help so many girls discover how much fun running really can be.


That is so awesome, congrats!


This post definitely helped my run tonight, thanks!
And to respond to this morning’a post….my fiancé proposed at the end of a DC city running tour outside of FDR Memorial on the Tidal Basin.


My goal is to strength train and get stronger in order to get faster. I have some major bio-mechanical issues to get through and if I want to safely go faster than 25:00 for a 5K, I have to work those things out. I also want to PB in the 5K/10K and half for 2015! Maybe another marathon!

haha – I am usually good with taking time off if I feel off – I didn’t do that today! I am currently nursing a sore hip because I thought it was a brilliant idea to go to track practice today. It was not!


Today…was pretty lousy. Nothing huge and terrible, just frustrating. Then at bedtime my kiddo gave me a little back rub and we snuggled and I had her tell me all the good things about her day. Ahhh


what a great tradition! In the next years it can be a learning opp to …like to learn numbers or letters (26) or have each one represent something of your faith (don’t know much about Mormonism but I’m sure you get it) and then turn into scavengers….
Gaaaahhh so cute.


I have been dealing with a knee injury so in 2015 I would just love to be able to run again :)


Hi! I think these are great goals. Cross-training, like core, weightlifting and yoga as so important, so it’s good you’re setting your self up for success there. Why are you scared of 5K and 10Ks? Seems like those would be a breeze for you!


Run with friends more than run solo. When I’m with friends I just let go and have fun and have a better attitude.

Another running goal would be to get my hubby to run with me… bought him some running shoes for Christmas and fingers crossed he doesn’t chuck them at me when he opens it up ;)

Non-running-but-still-healthy-goal: eat better. It took me 27 years but I’m ready to master good nutrition in my life :)

Core work, YAY! Planks are my favorite, and I find them to be the most effective.


So awesome you’re helping out with GOTR! Just found out I’m going to be a head coach in the spring! So exciting. Can’t wait to hear about your experience!!


I worked with Girls on the Run last year and loved it! Can’t wait to do it again this year! I also love a good 5k. I hadn’t done many but a few months ago I did one and killed my previous time and was addicted. There is something awesome about a fast 3 miles!


Those girls are going to love you :)

The best part of my day was probably a tie between watching/listening to my son read his own poetry to his class and my workout. Well, the thing with my son was the best, but my workout was kind of awesome.


I want to get more in to trail running and I’ve even joined a trail running meet up in my city.
I stink at core work but need to do more!


One of my running goals for 2015 is to get faster, of course! Another resolution is to tackle a marathon.
I am so so bad at core work but know it needs to be done! It’s just getting into the routine that gets me every time. After being injured so much I’m pretty good at taking it easy when I feel one coming on – as hard as it is to do!


I think you have a lot of great goals and I cannot wait to see you accomplish them. I agree that the little things are what adds up and makes or breaks your training (IE: cross training or doing a bit of core work.)


My oldest daughter joined Girls on the Run this year and it was FABULOUS! They teach these girls amazing lessons every week! My youngest can’t wait until next year when she can start :)


I was a GOTR coach the first year in my little community…I still run the 5k every year. You will LOVE it!!!! I am running my first marathon this year, a trail marathon. SCARED!! This was a rough running year for me, 4 half marathons, a torn calf, giardia parasite (didn’t you have that)??? divorce…I am all about taking time off if needed! I am the WORST about core work!! Best part of my day so far, text messages from a special person :).


I did some pilates core workouts while coming back from (last) surgery and they were GREAT for running! I came back with such a strong core – I felt like it kept my form and stride very even and upright.


I love Girls on the Run! I volunteer with them in NYC. It’s such a rewarding experience.


I JUST signed up with GOTR here in Columbus, OH! I have the training session in January – I can’t wait!


Janae, you will be so awesome with Girls on the Run with your teaching background, your enthusiasm and your general amazingness!!! The girls make it soooooo worthwhile!


I love the candy cane hunt idea! I will have to try that with my daughter.


OMG. I am so happy to hear that you fear the 5k/10k too. I have run an ultra, 13 fulls and 15 half marathons…and ZERO 5 or 10ks. I am too scared. And still not ready to even make it as a resolution…even though I know I should get over it!! LOL!


I really want to work on improving my form.

I am running through a bit of pain right now with my heel. I see the doc on Monday.

I work on core about 3 days/week.

Best part of my day is getting off at noon!


What a great tradition idea! However did you come up with that?


Did I tell you about the decorated Christmas trees we made last year? Take pointed icecream cones, green frosting, and candy of your choice. Flip them upside down, cover with the green frosting and decorate…you then have Christmas trees. Real easy to do with Brooke.


2015: #5 and #6= same!! take rest days, and I was accepted to be an assistant coach for girls on the run! Cant wait to hear about your adventures!


A sub 4hr marathon (My current PB is 4.06) and I’d love to do an ultra.


Trying to keep to one major resolution in Family, Fitness, Food, and Faith. So my resolution for Fitness is to try one new type of race this year. Kicking around doing an ultra but that may be 2016, so if not an ultra, then a cross country ski race I’ve been wanting to do for a few years.

Can’t wait to see what 2015 brings for the whole fitness blogging community! So many inspiring goals out there!


My running resolution is to finally run 10K under one hours and eun my first half marathon :)! Cant wait to run through 2015 :)!

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