Bangs Friend, tradition #21 and what I am currently reading.

Two more pictures from my day with Bangs Friend.

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She makes me laugh so hard that I have to grab onto my neck and hunch over.

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My sister’s bff (I have known her since I was 5 and she even lived with us for a while——> it feels like we are sisters:) invited us over for a pizza party.

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She has a racquetball court in her house and the kids were in heaven playing in there!

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We also took some incredible selfies on the couch.

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Tradition #21—>  Brooke chose out a Christmas movie for us to watch.  

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And three randoms for your Tuesday:

1.  I love how much Brooke loves my mom.

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2.  Ummmm… this is brilliant.  They cook brownies, biscuits, rolls, omelets, hash browns, cinnamon rolls and quesadillas on a waffle iron.  I guess I will be going out and getting a waffle iron today.

3.  One of the books that I am currently reading. 14,000 things to be happy about.  Reading a bit from this each day helps me to focus on all of the amazing little things that happen each day.

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“Putting extra raisins in Raisin Bran cereal.”—>  YES x 1,000.


What’s something you are happy about right now?

Are you pretty good about staying awake during movies or do you fall asleep pretty easily while watching them?

What are you currently reading?

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I don’t actually fall asleep during movies but my focus and attention is pretty limited. I hate “committing” to watching one! Very happy that I won’t have to rush off to school in the mornings and make lunches for a while!


I am very happy to have a short week of work and then be able to catch up on sleep and enjoy the holiday with my family!

I stay awake if I am at the theater, but if I’m at home and I’m already a little sleepy, I’ll probably fall asleep. Then when my husband asks if I’m awake, I say yes!

I just started Beach Music by Pat Conroy. So far, so good!

Love all your Christmas traditions!


Awe bangs friend! I need that book. My goal for 2015 is to always look at the positive.


Thanks for sharing that book – it sounds like a good one for me to read in 2015!

I hope that one of the 14,000 things to be happy about includes reviewing your running year and seeing that you PR’d in every distance you ran this year because that is the thing I am most happy about today! <– humble brag that is not very humble! HAHA!


I am currently reading Divergent but that book you’re reading looks great!!!


I will never fall asleep during a movie.. I can’t! I just finished reading The Grapes of Wrath now I’m going to start Mile Markers!! Yayyyy Bangs Friend!!!


I am happy that it is Christmas break week, and I am happy that the weather is still fairly warm here, I am happy to be spending Christmas with my family and I am happy to be blessed with so much!
I always fall asleep when we watch movies :)…but we really don’t watch them very often at all. If we do though, it is always at night.
I am reading The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts…it is VERY good


I’m reading Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I’m in a spy mood right now.


I’m about to start reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed.

I am happy that today is my last day of work until January 5th. So looking forward to napping and running whenever I feel like it!


Have you seen “Wild”, yet? I saw the movie a couple weeks ago…the book is on my list to read.


Not yet! I’m saving that for after I finish the book.


It’s my labradoodle’s 6th birthday!!! Happy Birthday Duncan Doodle. I’m so happy to be off today so we can pal around and celebrate all day.

I ALWAYS fall asleep during movies if watching from home. But I’m ok if i go to a movie theater.

I have no books at the moment. I’m thinking about adding audiobooks to my iPod so i can incorporate them into my marathon training during January-April. First I have to get my injuries under control… #runnerproblems


I’m happy that today is my last day of work until Jan 5th! I’m headed to Arizona on Christmas day after we open presents.

I always fall asleep in movies…home or movie theater. Like the other reader…when my husband asks me if I’m awake I say “yes!” I don’t know why I do this!

I’m not reading anything because in a couple of days I have to start my homework for my Legal Research & Writing class for law school.


I’m happy I have the next two weeks off work so I can rest up this ankle stress fracture.


By the way, weathers gorgeous here in Phoenix. You’re gonna love it for running!


That book look awesome, might have to try get my hands on it! I’m currently reading the last Game of Thrones book, it’s taken FOREVER to read them all so I’m just excited to be done…


I’m super happy about all the treats in my house right now :) And I’m not reading anything at the moment but that is a rarity.


I’m super happy about life in general. I love this time of year! I get to see my whole family tonight! Yay!

I almost always fall asleep during movies.


My happiness/gratitude focus for the week has been my family’s health. During this time of year I always start to feel a bit frazzled trying to fit all the parents and grandparents into the holiday break. This year I’m choosing to be overwhelmed by the amount of healthy, loving family members I have and grateful I have the opportunity to spend time with them.


I am getting ready to start the Outlander series. Hopefully it will be good because the stack of books together looks kind of intimidating :)


I’m very happy that today is my daughter’s pj day at school- so much easier! Plus I’m working a short day.

I usually stay awake, unless I’m sleep deprived then I barely make it through the movie.

I’m reading The Christmas Train by David Baldacci. So different from his other books!


I just ran track and had breakfast with friends…super happy:)
I stay away during movies
Reading Sharp Objects


It is so cute how close Brooke is with her grandma. I had a single mom too and my Grammy is my best friend!
I’m reading the Hansons Half Marathon Method guide right now and I’m really liking it!


I fall asleep during every movie. I don’t think my body is used to sitting still that long! And that pizza looks amazing!


Those pictures of you and bangs friend are adorable, I’m glad you got to spend some time with her! I’m not currently reading anything really which is so weird for me…I’m thinking about starting Run or Die or Running on E….looking for some serious ultramarathoning inspiration as I start training for American River!


Christmas break from school.
Lunch with girlfriends where hours escaped us.
Trusting God.


Something I am really happy AND excited about right now is the trip to Isla Holbox my husband and I just booked (early Christmas gift). We are going to swim with whale sharks, which is on my bucket list! Can’t wait!!!

Unless it is after 11pm or I am sick, I am really good about staying awake during movies. If it’s a movie I have seen a dozen times, I fall asleep easier.


I just finished reading Big Little Lies for my book club, and it was soooo good!


I haven’t read anything (besides Women’s Running and Runners World) in a LONG time! I was just thinking over the weekend that I need a good book/series to get involved in for winter…any suggestions???
And G-ma’s are seriously THE BEST. That pic is a framer!


I’m pretty happy about the Bath & Body Works Spiced Apple Toddy candle I have burning next to me while listening to Christmas tunes by Pentatonix. :) It certainly is the little things in life!

I’m really good about falling asleep in movies (except if we’re in a movie theater). Haha. I think it’s because it’s one of the few times I actually sit still, so my body just relaxes and wants to sleep! If it’s a really good, suspenseful movie, I can usually stay awake though. ;)

Current book: Where We Belong by Emily Giffin. Loving it so far!

So glad you’re having a fun time with Bangs Friend! Friends that make you laugh are the best. And I love that photo of Brooke and your mom! Too cute!


Read that book! Loved it, as well!!


I am very happy to have so much time off for the holidays, and that my family is close by so I can see them.

No matter how tired I am, I stay awake during movies.


Not reading anything currently. Wondering if u could do a post on books you have read, what you recommend, and what is not worth the time?!
Love your blog!


I’m so happy that it’s almost Christmas and that I’m getting lots of relaxing time home from school (although I’ll be excited to get back, too!)

Currently reading: Blindsided by Jay Giles. It’s a mystery/suspense kind of book with a little romance thrown in. It’s pretty good!


I am reading Eat and run by Scott Jurek, I haven’t been able to make it too far in the book because of school but now that we are on break I can catch up on all my reading. I fall asleep as soon as I lay down on the couch, if I stay sitting the whole time I can make it though.


I love seeing you and Bangs friend back together!!
I always fall asleep immediately when I start watching a movie. In fact, if I feel like I’m not gonna be able to fall asleep I put a movie on in bed and I’m out in a few minutes.


I fall asleep within seconds if I am watching a movie from home! And I really need a new book to read.


Something I’m happy about right now- clean clothes from the dryer and sparkle nail polish!


I am 36 years old and I have to go to matinees…any later and I fall asleep for sure!! LOL!!

I’m reading the second book in Ken Follett’s The Century Trilogy…AH-MAAAAZING.

I’m super excited because today is my last day of work until January 5th!!!!


That’s so cool about your friend bangs. I have a friend like that, we lived together for like 10 months.

Brooke and your mom look so much alike.!! Definitely looks like your family.

I always fall asleep while watching movies. Lol


I am so happy that my foot was almost pain free today while running! And I’m getting my hair done today, and we have friends coming over for gingerbread houses and baking cookies!

I fall asleep during almost all the movies we watch at home!

I am currently reading the Jack Reacher series and I’m going to start on the Husband’s Secret pretty soon :0)


I read The Husband’s Secret a few months ago for book club. I really enjoyed it.


I’m happy that I get to spend Christmas with my mum! My parents divorced a few years ago and this is the first Christmas I’m spending with her since, we’re both pretty excited!! That pizza looks so yummy! I can usually stay awake for every movie unless I’m beyond tired or bored :)


Brooke looks to funny/cute in the selfie! :)


I am happy about the deal I just scored on some ProCompression tights! $100 tights marked down to $50(!) plus the HRG code for another 40% off(!!) AND free shipping(!!!)


Oh and I’m also happy about finding out that Kathrine Switzer (first woman to run the Boston Marathon) is going to be at the Des Moines marathon this year!


I live in Des Moines. Do you live here too or are you just planning on running the Des Moines marathon?


I live in Iowa City! DSM was my first half :)


Congrats on your first half. I’m planning on running dam to dam as my first half this spring :-)


I’ve done Dam to Dam many times, best post race party ever!


That is a screamin’ deal. Nice job!

I’ve been shopping for myself as much as for everyone else. I’m so broken.


ooh I want to check out that book!! One thing that’s making me happy right now is that I got my favorite desk spot in the library :)


Awww, I love how much Brooke loves your mom too! SO SWEET! I want to meet Bangs friend. She seems so fun! :)


Thanks for sharing the book. Sounds like something I need to check out!

I’m the worst about falling asleep during movies. It’s pretty much a guarantee that no matter what or where we’re watching I will fall asleep. The third Pirates of the Caribbean movie? I have tried so many times to watch it and still have not stayed awake for the entire thing.


I would recommend a book called “the 5 love languages.” My boyfriend and I swear by this book. It’s an easy read and applies to all aspects of your life, not just romantic relationships. If you read it, I would love to hear what you think about it and if it has helped you or not.


Today is actually a very sad day for me. Today marks two years since my niece passed away from Lymphoma. Cancer sucks!


I can only watch movies with people or I fall asleep! What movies do you recommend in the theater?! I need some ideas for Christmas!

I am reading “My Sister’s Grave”- it’s good!


I can usually stay awake for one movie, but if I try to watch 2 in a row…I’m out! I’m currently reading Brain on Fire…I just started it, but it is really interesting. 14000 Things to be Happy About sounds adorable!


I am trying to finish Gone Girl, I’ve heard it is great, but I cannot get into it. I just finished Hansons Marathon Method which I love and will be trying their training plan for 2015.

I always fall asleep in movies if we watch them late. Otherwise I’m ok.


It’s okay. I didn’t love Gone Girl as much as the rest of the world did. Although if you are just starting it, remember it picks up.


Yes, Please, by Amy Poehler. Just finished Older, Faster, Stronger by Margaret Webb.


Kristin, are you listening to it or reading it? I’m listening to it on audio and it’s SO GOOD. She reads it herself with a ton of guests she got to add to it. At the end she actually goes to a club and does a live reading for the final chapter. It has to be one of the best audio books I’ve ever heard. Highly recommend.

But I also want the hardcopy because I want to highlight half the book. I might be obsessed


I’m happy that it’s ALMOST Christmas! :)

I am usually pretty good at staying awake for movies, but I do fall asleep during them from time to time.

I’m currently between books. I need a new one to get sucked into!


I usually am on the computer while I’m watching movies. But we are ALWAYS watching movies. I love them. LOVE them.

And books…I am reading “My Life With the Saints” by James Martin.
It’s so so good.


I am currently reading Love You More by Lisa Gardner. It sould like the book you mentioned would be a good one….I may need to purchase that. We always need a reminder to remember all the wonderful, little blessing that we have.

I am thankful for my family and it is clear you are as well. Merry Christmas to you all!


Looks like a good book. I just finished The Book Thief. It was wonderful and incredibly sad. I am terrible at staying awake during movies. It takes me months to finish one movie. I am so happy today is a new day! Yea, for fresh starts each and every day.

Merry, merry Christmas!


I’m bouncing back and forth between three books right now, but I’m loving “The Last Letter From Your Lover” by Jojo Moyes.

Just had a killer hill workout and I feel fantastic about it! Definitely put a smile on my face!


I am happy that I only have 3 more hours until my Christmas holidays! :)


I’m happy because I just put the boys down for a nap. Now I’m going to workout while they sleep :-)
I usually fall asleep during movies, especially if I’m cuddled up with a pillow and blanket.
I’m reading The Keeper of Lost Causes.


I am happy that we are saved by the grace of God and that he was born for US. On a simpler note, I am happy I have all my presents wrapped, under the tree, stockings are stuffed, dinner is done and I am waiting on my family to arrive. I am reading The Aviator’s Wife about the Lindenbergh family. And, we went to the movie last night and I fell asleep. So, I would say most of the time I sleep during at least a portion of a movie.

Merry Christmas.


I’m happy today is my Friday and I get to spend the next 5 days with my 18mo and family.

I’m currently readying Edge of Eternity by Ken Follet. Love his books!


You are getting pretty in tune with yourself nowadays… for some positive vibes.


I started putting Toll House cookie dough in my waffle maker a few months ago and never looked back. It was super easy to just have one cookie waffle than to make a whole bunch of cookies. Although I could always eat a million cookies, sometimes that’s not the best choice.

I am trying to finish up the last book in the Game of Thrones series. Moving messed me up and it has taken me forever. Also I would like it if the next one was published so I could keep going!


I am happy today is my last full day of work before I have 5 days off! I need to start a new book, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything. I usually stay awake during movies unless I am really really tired then it’s game over. What are your top 3 favorite books that you’ve read this year?


I am happy that Christmas is almost here and I am (almost) prepared :)
Happy about seeing my 3 kiddos eyes light up when they talk about Santa coming or where Elf is every morning.

I am pretty good about staying awake for movies – if I start early enough.

I just bought Pretty Little Lies for my book club and can’t wait to start reading it!


I’m pretty happy that I’ve finished work for the year, and I could spend an extra half hour at the gym because I had time!

I stay awake during movies, but my husband has an uncanny ability to fall asleep with 10 minutes to go, so he always misses the ends.

I’m just starting to read ‘Wild’ – which is the basis for the Reese Witherspoon movie that is just about the come out (or is it out already??). I’m excited about holiday reading!


I’m happy that I have 3 work days off this week! :) Yay! I’m also happy that I’m going to see “into the woods” on Christmas day! :) – and I’ll stay awake for that!

There have only been a few times that I have fallen asleep to watching movies.

I’m reading “Uglies” and then I just finished listening (yes, I get to listen to books while I’m at work all day! Love it!) to “I am Half Sick of Shadows,” by Alan Bradley. Its about a young chemist who solves mysteries! :) Who is hilarious!


Reading As Close As Sisters by Colleen Faulkner I love it and was in need of soething similar to emily griffin but this book is more intense.
Reading helps me not think about recovery every waking hour…I had proximal hamstring reattachment.


I just finished reading “Mile Markers” and am now reading “Someday, Someday, Maybe.” I really liked “Mile Markers” but the other book is meah. I wouldn’t recommend it.


Thanks for sharing the book – I’ll be putting it on my Amazon wish list soon!

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