5 words per picture!

Started the day off right.  

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10 miles with the clan.

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Followed by treats and laughter.

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Tradition #20—>  Build-A-Bear.

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Hugging her early Christmas present.

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Building bears is tiring obviously..  

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Love when party food= amazing.  

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Hot chocolate bars win life.

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White elephant-  what I wanted:

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And what we took home:

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This bag—> best midnight snackage.

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Favorite midnight snacks?

Are you a cats person or dogs person or a both person?

5 words to describe your day/life/run/anything?!?

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Five Words: Happy my sister is home! Picked her up from the airport yesterday and am excited to spend the next five days with her!

Handerpants are hilarious! Just save them so you can regift them again!

Most definitely a dog person. Cats kinda creep me out.

I’m in love with kettlecorn for a midnight snack. A little sweet, a little salty, it covers every possible craving. Not to mention its not terrible for you, so even if you eat the whole bag you won’t feel totally awful in the morning (not that I’ve done that…)


HOW do you do it?

A. Not be exhausted all the time?
B. Not burn out?
C. Actually, be a nice person?

To explain further, I (joking apart) have got really run down by life … and you know when training then gets stressful? I’m starting to separate the two, which makes it more fun. I wanted to ask too whether you plan recovery days/rest weeks, you name it.

5 words: Do. Not. Stress. About. Life.


I’m not Janae but I’m going to answer this. I think it’s important to remember we’re seeing a snippet of her life and it’s in all probability most joy ….like Facebook life. You know? I believe she’s human like everyone else, has her good days, her bad days, her good and bad runs and there are most likely days she’s thoroughly exhausted. Don’t get discouraged by life when you compare it to her blog life. Remember we’re all getting through this one day at a time. Do the best you can…one day at a time. Remember you can’t do it all.
1. Divide and conquer and tell yourself if it doesn’t get done no one is judging you. It will get done another day or you’ll do better next time. Nobody gets it right all the time.
2. Take some time off and cross train. A cliche but it’s true. Mix up your workouts so you don’t get up and think…ugh. I have to run. You GET to run. Running is a gift. If you don’t feel like that you should take a break and regroup. Happens to the best of us.
3. Here’s the tough one. I think being a nice person is part personality and part making a conscious effort to remember someone, a real person, is on the other end of what you’re about to say. Reciprocity/The Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. It takes practice but it’s totally doable and you feel so good!
Have a great holiday and I hope life doesn’t overwhelm you ~


I love your answer. Great advice!!


Thanks Kelly~ I think the holidays and life in general can totally kick our butts. We should celebrate as much as possible but remember to be real.


Hi Tess, Kelly and Janae,

I just want to say thank you to you all!

In the last week, down to stress, I got sick .. anti-biotics, a scan, exhaustion, anxiety. And, I’ve learnt that I can’t go on. I can’t go on worrying about others, to the extent that I do. I’ve got to live my life. (DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE? :))

What the lovely Tess wrote about running is so true; it’s a gift. I don’t push myself; I’m a dancer. Thus, dancing is a bit like ‘running.’ It’s about ‘being in your body’ and connecting the mind, body and spirit. But, when one’s own anxiety takes over …… YUCK! Guess what? You get sick.

I’m making a conscious decision now. I have to ‘get my own life’ back, whatever God wants that to be. I know that it’s not for me to be sick ….. you CAN create your own destiny, to a certain extent, don’t you think?

It would be great, Janae, if we could discuss more about ‘balancing’ commitments, in your wonderful blog. Thank you so much for writing it every day.

And, thank you so much, kind Tess, for writing back to me.

With love and blessings, on this brand new shiny day,
Ps. I found some Speculoos in our cupboards ….. :)


My parents get here today!
Have stress fracture in ankle.
Doctors don’t listen to patients.
Swimming is my fitness love.
I start physical therapy tomorrow.
Baking cookies today for Christmas.
Wrapping presents makes me tired.


Hot chocolate bar, yum!


Lol – those “gloves” – I saw two runners at the track yesterday that had cat leggings!
I like both animals. I just hate the fur everywhere :-(


I’m definitely both a cat and a dog person. Those “handerpants” made me laugh pretty hard :)


Definitely a cat person!

My five words: Can my holiday begin, already?!?!?!


I LOVE cats! I have 2…and I NEED that shirt!

5 words…just found out I’m PREGNANT! (But shhhhh, its our secret :)


Congratulations! We won’t tell…


AHHHHH MACY!!! That is seriously so beyond exciting. Congrats. I won’t tell a soul… besides Brooke.


CONGRADULATIONS, oops, no shouting, it’s a secret.


I want that hot chocolate AND that midnight snack, STAT!!


Definitely a dog person, they are so sweet and loving!

Five words: two days until seeing family!
Christmas is the best holiday!


I used to be a dog person, never a cat person….Love a good hot chocolate.


I want that cat shirt!!

I love both cats and dogs equally. I have both, but I also volunteer at an animal shelter with the cats. I’m actually looking for a long-sleeved shirt with cats on it that I could wear under my volunteer t-shirt because it’s always cold in the shelter and I think it would be obnoxious but awesome.


Did you guys split up into groups running 10 miles?


Yep! Everyone just kind of goes their own pace but also socialize with everyone else too!


I am home for Christmas!!
But have essays to write, lame. I never comment so hello!! Must start commenting more :)
Most definitely a dog person…


Midnight snack: yogurt covered pretzels
Dog person
Overcame my fear of box-jumps!!!!!!


how did you do that? I just can’t get my mind around it. My trainer says I think to much, to just do it! Ugh, still haven’t concurred it. Box jumps=FEAR


My brother has that same cat shirt. He loves cats. I love all animals. I have 3 catsand 5 dogs. They are all aamazing and have their own personalities. Since I don’t have kids, they are my babies.

Sounds like you’re having an awesome weekend. I love all of the Christmas traditions you are doing.
Have a great Sunday.


I. Want. Your. SWEET. Handerpants.


Brooke’s bear looks sooo soft.

I love dogs and cats equally but have just one cat.

Favorite midnight snack would be popcorn or leftover pizza.

5 words…Excited to begin marathon training!


Hahahah those are the best white elephant gifts I’ve ever seen! Your new gloves are just … so lovely! I’m trying to figure out where you would even buy those! :D

5 Words: I JUST RAN A PR!

Yay for a new 5K pr to close out the year!


I am so impressed with your plate assembling skills! I love your strategy for using crackers to seperate your dip from the rest of the food. Brilliant!

I am very allergic to cats. Good thing I dont like them. Love dogs.


Thank you for appreciating one of my biggest talents.


Dog person definitely. Always. Those handerpants are hilarious!

5 words: I’m finally on Christmas vacation!


1. I don’t have a favorite midnight snack but I love sweet. Maybe cookies?
2. I am a cat person, though I have both and wouldn’t trade my Malachi for anything. Skosh is the most hilarious cat and will contort to ridiculous positions in the middle of the floor in a random second. That is entertainment.
3. Five words…hmm.
This season has been crazy.
We must remember the joy.
Nobody’s life is without troubles.


LOVE your 5 words Tess!!!!! Brooke and I want to meet Skosh!


Big group pictures of runners always make me laugh because there’s SO much neon! We love our neon, haha!

Favorite midnight snack is definitely ice cream. I’m definitely a dog person, especially really fluffy dogs like my Pomeranian/Pug mix :)


Where did u get your salted caramel midnight snack? It sounds amazing!


Costco! And they are SO good! And calorie free


YES hahaha Costco and calorie free but also super healthy for you:)


Definitely a dog person! I think my favorite midnight snack is toast with peanut butter and honey. Delicious and filling so I don’t keep wanting to eat other things.


Janae, I know you love gong to the movies – just wanted to recommend you see Wild, if you haven’t yet!


Is it out?? I SO WANT TO SEE IT.
That book was great.


THANK YOU Brenda! I will have to go see it. THANKS!


I’m definitely a cat person but I do love dogs too!


Those tighty whitey hand warmers are fantastic. Haha!!

Favorite midnight snack would definitely have to be homemade popcorn. It doesn’t make me feel full, which I like.

Five words: Rain, Lounging, Vacation Planning, Football


I just enjoyed a group run yesterday with work. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad you did too. Have a great Sunday Janae!


I am a total dog person…love my two labs. They are my world. For a midnight snack I would have to say poporn. I always crave something salty and popcorn seems to hit the spot.


Aw, seeing Brooke with her bear melts my heart. I used to work at Build A Bear and it was so much fun seeing little kids getting so into it. Unfortunately, there is literally a scientific limit after talking to stuffed animals for so long where your brain melts, so the worst part was actually the other employees. So much drama.

I’m a cat person for the time being. I want a dog so much, but our situation doesn’t really allow for it right now. Cats are great because a giant bowl of food and water can last them a weekend if we are away.

5 words: Lengthy commenting to delay running


Build-A-Bear is the best! I loved making them as a kid!!!!
(Haha, hand underwear!? So awesome!)


Ice cream is my go-to late night snack. Or candy :)

I like cats and dogs, though I always seem to live with someone who is allergic to cats. I have to admit, dogs are more fun.

5 words – researching races for next year!


Pass me a boozy drink.


Slumber party with daughter. Win.


OMG those “handerpants”! Too funny!
Don’t hate me but I’m not a dog person or a cat person. I know, I’m weird.
5 words to describe my days so far: Run, airport, Detroit, coffee, blogging.


One week post Honolulu Marathon.
Haven’t run a single time
Five days of Maui bliss!
Whale watching from our lanai
Going home to California tonight :(


Brooke hugging the bear is one of the sweetest pictures I ve ever seen :)


Five words: marathon training getting real now.


Awe. I love the idea of a build a bear tradition :)

My day in 5 words : Hilly half marathon training run.


I have two cats and my nickname is Meownika…Pretty self explanatory ;)


I love that salted caramel popcorn! I wish our Costco had it. I have only seen it at TJ Maxx and I know Sam’s Club has it but our membership is with Costco so yeah. Hooray for build-a-bear and more holiday traditions!

5 words: Ready for Half Marathon Taper.


Hmmm I can’t remember the last time I had a midnight snack! Last weekend my Dad had leftover pizza, which looked pretty good! I’m pretty sure icecream would be a winner too.

Definitely dog person! I’m allergic to cats. And also, dogs are more fun.

Five words: two days of work left!


I am a dog person but we just rescued a kitten from a shelter adoption and she is winning me over. She is litter box trained and playful and sweet. I have never been a cat person but I like her!
5 words:
I really hate being sick!
I need to get better so I can get back to normal and get my house together before Christmas comes!


My husband has that same cat shirt. He wears it at least once a week. It’s his favorite. haha


I am a dog person all the way. I need more love and attention from my pets than cats are able to give me haha. I don’t mind if someone else has one, but I dont want to own one.


No midnight snacks for me!

I have 6 kids so “No!” to both dogs and cats for now.

5 words to describe my life: blessed, crazy, full, funny, rich.


5 words? napping while bf watches football :)


Hi there! I don’t comment often, but I read all the time!! Thought of you when I made this video, as Rudolph laces up his sneakers to train…it’s a parody on the song Free Bird. There are reindeer, and elves, and I’m one of the dancers (as well as making the video for my friend’s comedy channel. I hope it brings some humor to your day :-)

So my 5 words are: Merry Christmas! Sit back – enjoy.



WAIT! That is not to say the aging Rudolph reminds me of you. LOL! I mean I think you’d enjoy the humor in it all, as the parody centers around training at the start. :-)


5 words: Ran Ten Miles…Didn’t Die ;)
I’ve been having some foot pain the past few weeks but I don’t have stress fractures so I’m still running but trying to rest them more between runs and ice them (ALOT). Today was my first double digit run since the pain started after my last 1/2 on Dec 7th so I’m glad I was able to get the mileage in without collapsing :)
My daughter (13) still has all her build-a-bears in every nook and cranny of her room :)


Snack–I’m in bed and asleep at midnight, so no midnight snacks.


I went to a Christmas party and one of the white elephant gifts was a cat shirt… another gift was those exact handerpants! Crazy. I ended up taking home toilet paper and was excited about it hahaha!


Favorite late night snack = YONANAS(ice cream made with frozen bananas) and warm almond milk.


I love animals to bits, but I am definitely a dog person, I love the way they love you. Hope you and Brooke have an incredible Christmas xxxxxx


That shirt is so cute, I would totally rock that ;) I love cats and dogs equally, but I prefer cats as pets. A hot chocolate bar sounds amazing! Brooke looks like she’s so happy at Build a Bear, too cute :)


Handerpants!!! I LOVE THEM!


Favorite midnight snack is NACHOS!!!!! Made under the broiler so the edges of the chips get all brown and crispy!

Jealous of your big group of running buddies!


Favorite midnight snack…Muddie Buddies. Its so good. I eat one piece at a time really slowly.

Dog person. We have a beagle named Sydney who is a character.

Five words…Love, Family, Friends, Home, Health


I love cats and dogs. Midnight snack? Usually 1/2 a banana with peanut or sunflower seed butter.

I think I’m going to have to steal the hot cocoa bar idea. I love it. You have so many traditions, it’s pretty fantastic.

My 5 words: Remember: breathe deeply and slowly


Aww congrats to Brooke on her first Build-a-Bear!

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