This week has owned me.

I had really good intentions to write a really good post (I know… that doesn’t happen often) this afternoon but this week has owned me and I can’t really think straight right now.  Sick baby= I am spent and haven’t slept.  I don’t know how you moms with more than one kid do it all when you have a sick kid.  

So, while Brooke is napping I am cuddled up on the couch with a bag (now it is empty) of Reese’s Pieces and Friends (even though I should probably be washing my hair).

IMG 1149

In other news, Altra is keeping me hopeful that I still have a chance to hug a runner today at some point for National Hug A Runner Day.

IMG 1145

And in case you were wondering how to hug a runner, here you go:


See you in the morning for some Friday Favorites!!!

Have you hugged a runner today? 

I’ve been meaning to ask you… any post topics that you want to request?  Any questions you want me to write about?

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I haven’t hugged a runner yet either! Ill give you a virtual hug! Does that count?

Hope Brooke is feeling better and things get back to normal for you soon!!


Totally counts! Thanks girl and have a beautiful day!


{VIRTUAL HUG} There ya go. You’re welcome. :)

FRIENDS: “Could it BE any funnier?” <- that was in a chandler voice


Someday when I come running with you in San Diego I expect a real hug:)



Not yet but as soon as he gets home from work I am going to !




I’m sorry it’s been a tough week for you! I would totally be relaxing too if I were you :) And this reminds me that I need to find a runner to hug ;) I would love a post on some of your at home strength training workouts. I am a stay at home mom and I do my workouts from home so it would be super helpful :)


YES AND YES!!! I will get working on that asap! Thanks so much Rachel and I hope you are having an amazing day!


I wonder how this day became National Hug a Runner Day… I am failing, so hopefully someone will come along and give me a hug.

Get well, Brooke!! Favorite character on friends?


This is such a stressful question for me. It changes every single episode depending on which character makes me laugh the hardest… Today, it is Joey. What about you!?!?


It would have to be Ross. There are so many epic Ross moments. My favorite moment ever was when he imitated the Velociraptor. I think I re-watched it like 20 times.


BAHAHA YES!! What about the one’s with his leather pants or his spray tan? The best.


There are just too many. I can’t wait until Friends is on Netflix.


“This is one of the most masculine of all hugs” HAHAH! That video is awesome!

Hope you and Brooke are back to normal activities soon!! :)


Thanks girl… seriously hilarious video right?! Hope you are having a great day!


Why didn’t we hug yesterday, technically today when we left. Dang.

That video was hilarious.

Friends and Reese’s seems like a perfect combo. No perfect combo ever includes washing your hair, so I feel like you are making excellent decisions here.

Hope Brooke is feeling better and you guys get some more sleep tonight!


Oh wait… we did hug before you left. AHHHH I did hug a runner. Thank you for that.


Having sick kids is the worst! Two of mine just got over pneumonia. Although honestly I’d choose any bug over the dreaded stomach bug. THAT by far, is the worst! Get some rest!


TWO + PNEUMONIA… I don’t know how you did it.

Thanks Michele!


I love that video. It’s hilarious.

I am impressed with how many posts you are able to produce! I’m only able to do a couple a week and each one takes me forever! I am impressed with your ability and desire to share with all of us the joys of your live in a real way. I hope Brooke feels better soon and that you get the opportunity to get some needed rest!


I will hug my boyfriend tonight. He is a runner! Woot!
I would love a post about knees. Specifically knees that aren’t full blown injuries. Just one kneecap that is feeling unstable lately. :) I kneed knee info. Lol. :)


I ran with “The Breakfast Club” this morning. We had a big cheesy group hug!


Hi Janae,
Love your blog! You’ve inspired me to try running outdoors this winter (in Chicago – brrr). A post about how to dress for runs in winter weather (and how not to slip and slide all over the place!) would be much appreciated. I am a newish runner and in past winters my workouts were more focused on classes at the gym.


YES AND YES!!! Great idea Cathy! I hope you love your winter running outside this year:) PS I want to come do the Chicago marathon someday so we better hang out when I do!


My three have been sick this week. No sleep! In fact, my right is totally blood shot (yes, super attractive!) and my eyes sting when I close them.
I just keep telling myself at least it was this week and not next week!!
Virtual hug!!!!


THREE…. how in the world do you do it? Virtual hug right back at you!


I am always curious how early you get up now for runs?! Seems to me you must never sleep!

I would live tips on how to train for a first marathon! I have my first in March!


Virtual hug to my favorite running blogger! :)


Thank you so much April! I really appreciate your comment:) Hope you are having a great day!


my 6 month old has her first cold (and fever) and is teething. My husband is away on a trip. I am so tired. I feel for you, janae. You are not alone.


Oh I am so so sorry Nadya! I hope he gets home soon and that your little one gets feeling better asap!


Can you do a post compiling all of the glute and hip exercises your doctor recommended??


YES YES YES!! Great idea! Thank you Jessica! I will get this up soon!


Aside from my patient who attempted to run away today, I haven’t come across any runners to hug! :( I’ll just hug the treadmill.

You always include really good, legit articles… have you ever found any on carbohydrate intake in runners vs strength training vs nothing? I’m on a quest to tackle my nutrition and I would like to know more about those beloved carbs.


You’re not alone! I haven’t hugged a runner today. Sending you a virtual one!


I know you recently wrote a post on tips for running in the cold, but do you have any tips for running on the snow? Or…. Nutrition tips for afternoon runs? Sometimes I’m only able to squeeze in a run after work (after 5 pm) or a late night run (after 8 pm) run and struggle with what I should focus on eating for lunch or pre-run snacks that time of day. Hope Brooke feels better soon!


Hugged my son! I, too, would like more specifics on strength training things I can do at home. I love your blog and optimism! Hope Brooke is on the mend soon. Sick kids = sad moms….


HA posts/ updates!


I would love to read a post with all your PT exercises – I’m trying to find the glute ones but they are a bit difficult to find in the archives :) Or maybe your favorite hill/speed workouts (for outside?)


I haven’t hugged a runner yet. But tonight I work with another runner and she’s gettin one!!! I should really go hang out at Liberty Park and hug all the hot man runners. Appropriately of course.
Sick kids are awful. The nurse in me wants to drug them. A lot. Is that bad? Don’t worry, my kids are fine and lived to be adults. They hate having a mom as a nurse. My answer to anything could be: Drink more water, ibuprofen, poop or sedafed.


This week has owned me too! Is it bedtime yet??


I would like to see a post on rest. I realize people can sleep different hours but what is a good night’s sleep to you? You seem very active, do you take naps? Do you need a routine to your sleep habits? Just curious?
I hope Brooke gets to feeling great soon!


Love this Becky!! Totally going to post about this. I hope you are having a marvelous week.

PS I am writing this at 2:04 a.m. so maybe my sleeping habits aren’t the best:)


I know the feeling when little ones are sick–“this too, shall pass!” (That is what my mom always told me). Some days as a mom you just have to be there and hold them, despite all we want to do…


I’m sorry you’re having such a hard week!

I went to the Museum of Natural Curiosity today with my son and lots of other baby friends and thought of you and Brooke. That place is AMAZING! I am asking for a membership for Christmas – we should have a meet up there sometime!

I know this has nothing to do with running but I think you should do some posts about things to do in Utah with kids! Especially in the winter time. Also where to eat in Utah. I just tried Cubby’s for the first time and it was soooooo daaaang gooood.


No hugging a runner for me today (actually, no hugs at all for me today!)- that video is funny though!


I didn’t realize it was hug a runner day until tonight! I guess I’ll have to hug my husband and count that!
Sorry that Brooke still isn’t feeling well! I hope that things get back to normal for you guys soon!


Hi Janae! This is my first time commenting…my sister and I both love your blog! It’s such a bright spot in our day! I would love it if you did a “day in the life” and/or “what I ate in a day” post. I find it really interesting just seeing what others’ normal routines/eating are like…hope that doesn’t sound strange :) I hope Brooke feels better ASAP!


HEY ERICA!!! Thank you so much for commenting. I will totally do this.. thanks for the great ideas. I hope you are having a wonderful week.


Tell us your dry shampoo ways!!! I know you’ve mentioned you wash your hair a few times a week, but what do you to your hair after your run to make it look presentable again??

The girl who hates washing her hair everyday


The week has swallowed me up too!


You should outfit posts! You always look so cute!


I love Erica’s suggestion of doing a “day in your life” post. It would be great to hear about your work/life balance as a single mom. I would especially love to hear about how you’re able to put two blog posts out almost every single day while still getting so much running done and raising a toddler! Wow! I’m tired just thinking about how you do it.


LOVE THIS!!! Done and done!!! Thanks so much Annie, I will definitely post about this! I hope you are having a fabulous week!

PS… I am writing this at 2:03 a.m. so maybe I just need to sleep more hahaha!


Where did you get your tv stand from? I’m on the market for one and I like yours.


Hey! I got mine from Costco!


aw man, sick babies make me so sad! i hope she feels better soon. big hugs, mama.

i would love a post that details how to start running. i have an 18 month old and am really tired of how i feel about my body but i’m not sure where or how to start.


Get better soon, sweet Brooke! Janae, take care of yourself too, girl!


I got so excited when I heard it was Hug A Runner Day and made sure to hug one!


I love watching Friends…right now I am finishing up Gilmore Girls. Hope Brooke feels better soon. I received a hug from my husband but I am sick so haven’t ventured out of the house in two days.


I love reading your blog! It is inspiring to me to get back into distance running. I ran a marathon two years ago and haven’t ran much sense. Can you blog about baby steps to getting back into running shape?


Having sick littles is the worst!!!! Try your best to relax. My husband broke his right foot last week and my 2 year old has the special talent of not coughing ALL day and as soon as my head hits the pillow, COUGH!!!! I only mention the broken foot because he can’t put any weight on it and has to be driven around. Lovely!!! I’m toast after this week too.

I would love a post focused on hip strengthing exercises. I think you’ve talked about it in the past, but I know you’re seeing that new doctor and he has been giving you some exercises focusing on glutes and hips.

Sending you a virtual hug.


I got my Hug A Runner 5K run completed today after work with a friend of mine. I was trying to organize a group run but it was kind of last minute and everyone else bailed. We did a little over a 5K (and I got sick) but apart from that it’s been a great “Hug A Runner” day! Hopefully you were able to get yours done :)


I hope Brooke feels better soon!


I’ve hugged my dog, he runs all over the place – that counts, right? :)


I haven’t hugged a runner yet either. Darn! I need to do this!! I did just eat three cookies to go with your chocolate. Sorry to hear your little one is sick. So hard when our kids get sick!


Sorry you are having such an exhausting week! Having sick kids is so stressful! My ‘baby girl’ is a 6 hour flight away, attending University…she has the flu and I feel so bad that I’m not there to take care of her.

I would love a post about your Boston training schedule.


I hug a runner every day. The whole family runs in some capacity or another. Hubs and I run to keep in shape; my son runs track, my daughter cross country. YEAH!!!


I’m sending you a hug, ready? (((HUG)))

How about a post on speed? I know you’ve always been fast, but what do you do to get even faster? I’ve been working on my training plan for my marathon in February & April (Hyannis and Boston) and I have gotten faster through the years, but now I want to get even faster! I’m looking to take my 3:28 to a 3:08 and I need all the tips I can get!


Janae, many hugs to you; having a sick kid is SO hard. I really hope Brooke starts feeling better soon and you get some rest.

I’d love to see a Day in the Life of Janae especially around your long run days AND I am struggling with hip flexor/IT band/TFL/ and general stiffness; I’d love to know how you keep your muscles loose and in tip top shape :-)

Have a wonderful day!


I’d love to hear, from a speedy person’s perspective, ideas on how to have a supportive/non-competitive group of running friends when maybe some people are much slower. I think that is hard for female runners. Sometimes the specific workout dictates your pace and that automatically separates you from your friends of other paces. But what about when it doesn’t and you all want to just get together and run?


Here’s how parents do it. They don’t think about it. They just handle each issue as it comes up and crash when they can.

It’s how mom’s were trained to multi task. Good times.


I hope you and Brooke are back to 100% soon!


i’ll send you a virtual hug! i hope brooke is feeling better soon! :)


Hope Brookers is feeling better and you can SLEEP!!

I would love to hear anything and everything about nutrition and training for a marathon. Also, how the hell did my calves become freaken giants? These things are massive….ugh.


That video is funny, with the exception of the homophobic undertones


I hugged my 7yr old runner…he is the best hugger

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