I tried to do a Silent Saturday post but then I just kept typing.

This video made me a little too happy.  I feel like we should all learn this choreography and do it together.  

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It will be a very sad day when she no longer falls asleep in my arms. 

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Apple grilled cheese sandwich.  Sure, why not?

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But really, these are so good.  

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Crazy Friday night at the movies.

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Walking is not an option. 

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I hope your weekend is off to a great start!

Tell me something random please!!!

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That Taylor Swift aerobics thing lade me laugh last night :) So, so bouncy! I’m doing my long run later in the day today and feel completely thrown off. Amazing how hard it is to switch things up.


Apple grilled cheese…. YUM.

I’m about to go run with my dad in his first ever 5k race!


ok random reply to you but i’m doing the LA marathon in march and i convinced my dad to train for the 5k the day before and he’s already lost 20 pounds and i LOVE seeing him love running as well. :)


Hannah that is awesome! My dad has lost 25 pounds since he started running and I am so proud of him!


I saw that aerobics video before it got Swiftified! So funny either way!

I could really go for some waffles right now


Hi Janae! Two things- I went on a great date last night :) and now I’m sitting around in my UGG boots because my house is so cold! Happy Saturday!!


Apple grilled cheeses are so good! Now I want one…I also loved Kara’s post! She is so real – love her!
I’m going on a date tonight and it involves running. I can’t wait.


Random fact – I don’t like cheese. I’ve never eaten a grilled cheese before. In school I always peeled the cheese off and had really buttery toast. I do really appreciate mac and cheese though, unless it has too strong of a cheese flavor (weird, I know).

Loved Kara’s post! So honest about how she feels all the time. Love it!


I didn’t like cheese until college! Except Kraft Mac n Cheese.


My sis had her baby boy yesterday! 9lbs 3 ozs and oh so cute!
I’m running a 5k today after a 4 year break due to injury and very slow comeback!
So excited and nervous


I’m running a race over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tomorrow!

Loved that post by Kara Goucher.


Not only should we learn the dance, but we should wear similar costumes. Just sayin.


Apple and cheese is a thing?!


I made these amazing pumpkin snicker-doodles yesterday…it’s honestly a miracle there are any left…


Apple grilled cheese sounds fantastic!


I feel like that always happens to me too. I’ll say “I’m going to do a photo recap with no words” and then it ends up being 500 words later LOL.

Sounds like an enjoyable time though. Random but the ad in the background today is super jazzy and colorful. HA.


I love the video! So funny! I watched it with my 7 year old and he said, “Is there a video from the year I was born?” He wanted a Taylor Swift aerobic video from 2007!


My ten year high school reunion is tonight and I don’t know what to wear!


umm I may need to make an apple grilled cheese after my run today. yep. looks good.


Those cookies look good! I just had the best salad for lunch after an amazing run- the weekend is off to a good start!


Hmm I don’t know if I could do an apple grilled cheese sandwich. I like my apples to be super cold and I keep them in the fridge! Haha I don’t even eat apple pie or baked apples! I’m a weird one, I know ;)

Not so random: tomorrow I am running my first half marathon since the marathon last month! This one is mostly just for fun though. Have an awesome Sat!!!


I looooove that aerobics video!


which movie did you guys see?

I don’t think I would like apples on my sandwich.

random….. I have a cat who is half on my keyboard because she wants attention, making it very hard to type


Super day planned! Shopping for running clothes! :)


Apple sandwich! Hmm…you just gave me a great idea for a recipe my dear! I’m off to swim. I have no idea why, but I love swimming when it’s cold out. I really want to be outside walking or running, but my tendinitis is not letting me. :(


My phone died during my long run somewhere after 11 miles. I never run without music or my phone or MapMyRun. No clue how much longer I was out there but hearing the birds chirping was rather nice! I am always involved in some song that I never actually hear what goes on around me.


You want a really good grilled cheese? Next time you go to trader joes, get their par-baked ciabatta rolls, and use Granny Smith slices and Brie cheese – and the real secret is to put a heavy pan on top of the sandwich so it flattens out a bit, panini-style. Yum!!! I don’t eat grains or dairy anymore, and this is one winter meal that I really miss :(

No plans this weekend, but we’ve been stuck in the house with a sick toddler this past week, so as long as the rest of the family stays healthy, we need to get out of the house!! Maybe a beach bonfire? Maybe a spin class? Maybe a run?

Have a great run this morning!


Um…that sounds amazing. (The sandwich, not the sick toddler :( )

No grains here either. Sad day.


One of my favorite local restaurants serves a grilled cheese with bacon and apples. So good!
Randomness: I just had a mini-physical for life insurance at my house. It included fasting bloodwork, which I hate ’cause I really need coffee and I generally wake up hangry.


Something random: once my husband was going to hang some giant white boards up in the conference room at work. They were just raw boards and weren’t framed so he decided to make the screws stand out less by painting the tops white. So he stuck them in a lid of a paper box and took them down to the parking garage and painted them.

The next morning when he got to work the entire block was shut down because of a bomb threat in his building. Well, he had accidentally forgotten about his screws and the security guard had found it and called it in. Eventually the bomb squad came and blew up his box.

So guess what he had to spend the day doing, painting more screws.he remembered to retrieve them this time.


That is hilarious.


That IS pretty enjoyable.


Apple grilled cheese sandwich = brilliant.

My friends and I were sitting around a fire last night at a local restaurant when one of them pulled out that aerobic video for our viewing pleasure. Needless to say, we were all laughing hysterically.

Heading out with a group of girls for a morning run – woot!


Make the cheese pepperjack and add bacon to your sandwich. You will thank me later.

I need some of those cookies in my life. Guess I know what I will be making today.

Hope your run was fabulous and your weekend great!


I read Kara’s post and proceeded to cry. I love that she is who she is and she’s real and she refuses to apologize for it. Rock on.


aw i love it when kids fall asleep on you like that :) totally worth the aching arms in my opinion. running on my treadmill while watching gossip girl later this morning because it’s just too cold for me right now and gossip girl is getting super juicy. enjoy your day/weekend love :)


‘I am raw, I cry ugly, it is what it is.’ Great Kara quote. Random – my husband gave the kids chocolate brownie pudding with ice cream at 4 pm today and now no one wants to eat dinner!

My weekend so far- a 23 km run (about 14 miles) with my running group this morning and a bowling birthday party with my twins just after- we were late bc it’s really hard to come back from a run and get everyone ready for a party!


My brother and sister in law just had their first baby after being in the hospital in labor for 3 days! 8 lbs. she is gorgeous!


I put that aerobics video in my blog this week. Those aerobics outfits are stellar!
I loved Kara’s post, too!!
I just finished a 20 miler with some awesome friends. Best way to start the weekend!!


I ran 6 miles this morning. Now I’m going to see my son perform in Collidescope: Adventures in Pre- and Post-Racial America | The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center


Happy Saturday from San Francisco! I’m about to go teach a BODYATTACK class and I’m already so sore, I just don’t know if I’ll be able to tuck jump like I need to. Wish me luck!


random – I love those red tennies! what kind are they?


Thanks Colleen!! They are the Brooks Heritage!



Random. I’m obsessed with chocolate peppermint this week. I made chocolate peppermint cupcakes on Thursday and today I’m making chocolate peppermint shortbread cookies. Good thing I ran a hilly 10 miles this morning! ;) Happy Saturday to you!


Random: Today is National Stroller Running Day! Thanks to Mom’s Little Running Buddy blog, she teamed up with BOB and some other companies to create the day. So get out there and run with Brooke in the stroller to celebrate!

Also, that post by Kara was such a good read. I tried not to cry while reading it. Have a great weekend! I will eat some CREAM and Fenton’s for you while I’m in the Bay Area :)


My random is that I haven’t gone running in a few days because my poor little guy is teething and keeps waking up earlier and earlier each morning. :( sad days.


Oh no!! Poor guy! I hope he starts feeling better asap!! Good luck Laura.


What a great distinction that Kara makes between disappointment and regret. In racing as in life, we make the best decisions we can given the information we have at the time. It doesn’t always work out – and we are entitled to feel disappointed with the outcome, while still not regretting the choices.




Good luck on your run!!! We are taking family pictures today and I am so excited :)


I love love love the pic of Brooke asleep in your arms! So sweet.

I’m working today and then going to pick up my 1/2 marathon packet. Tomorrow’s race is calling for wind and snow…UG!


We’re getting ready to go to a barn party! It’s supposed to be a bit chilly, but it should be a lot of fun! :)


Hmm something random…I’m a bit frustrated because my shin splints are back! Grrr it’s my fault though because I upped my mileage too quickly after the marathon :(


Omg. Please tell me where you got that shirt in the pix where u are holding a sleeping beauty?!


Thank you Kris! It is from Soel Boutique from last year:(


In response to your daughter falling asleep in your arms…
When my daughter was young, I expressed my sadness about her growing to my mother. Mom said, “You will delight in your daughter at all stages of her life.” My mother has passed, but I’ve found comfort in those words as my daughter will complete her high school career this year. It has also helped me focus on what matters in that I won’t let trial things negatively impact our relationship as she goes through these stages. Daughters are such a special gift!


This is just what I needed! Thank you for sharing your mom’s wise words. Love it!


I finished my run this morning by chanting “Waffles. waffles. waffles.” to myself for the whole last mile :) delicious and effective!


Now I want/need/have to have waffles:)


hmm..I spilled diet pepsi all over my room and my roommate is baking pinecones. lol also, I’m researching herniated discs. What are you getting your masters in?!


I don’t know if you like bacon or not but you should add bacon to your apple grilled cheese! And better yet, add some tomato bisque to dip it in – you will not be disappointed!


That sounds beyond incredible!!!!


Thanks for posting the link to Kara’s Blog- I had no idea that existed, so I’m definitely going to read it from now on :)


I love when my toddler fall asleep in my arms! It’s becoming too rare these days :(

Something random today… I tried to watch a “grown-up” movie while I was running on the treadmill this morning so I turned on “Run for Your Life” about Frank Lebow, the founder of the NYC Marathon. I got really excited and pumped to maybe run in NYC one day. Then my son woke up and I had to change the show to Veggie Tales so I could fit in a few more miles with a happy toddler. At least I got to watch 10 minutes of running!


Everyone’s been talking about that video, but whenever I try to see it, its blocked :(


I found it on YouTube a little bit ago. :)


What is that bread? It’s the brownest bread I’ve ever seen…


I haven’t laughed like that in awhile! So funny, thanks for sharing!

Brooke falling asleep in your arms is the sweetest thing ever.

Random: my 2.5 year old threw the biggest tantrum tonight. Because we gave her 4 m&ms when she wanted 3. We ignored it for an entire hour! Then, all of a sudden, she was the sweetest thing ever. Drinks, anyone? (Kidding. I think.)


somebody gave me Jolly Rancher Crunch n Chews and they aren’t gluten free. But now I’m staring at the package wistfully.


Random: ran my first marathon today!!!
Was amazing experience and I am in awe of elites like you who can run that distance fast! It is no joke. Surfing the runner high!!


Ahhhhhh huge huge huge congrats!!!!!




Those cookies look great! And if they have zucchini in them….they’re healthy, right? :)


I loves those red shoes you have! Where did you get them?


Apple grilled cheese, yum!

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