A guest post from my sister and of course I have some things to share with you too!

 Sunday = Churchday (and pancakeday and be as lazyaspossibleday).  

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We had our post-nap snuggle fest like usual.

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Quick & Easy Garlic-Parmesan Rolls straight from the heavens.  My family has decided to have an Italian food theme on Thanksgiving (no one really wants to cook a turkey this year and Brooke will be gone so I try to forget that it is a holiday if she isn’t there).  My mom has been testing out a bunch of different garlic bread recipes for something to make on T-Day and these are the winners.  

Brooke and I will be going out for turkey sandwiches to celebrate the day before Thanksgiving:)

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My sister made orange chicken in the crockpot (she is still working on the recipe) and the other usual stars of the show were there too.

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Bday cake for my niece.  Brooke just ate the frosting in between each layer.   Crazy how things like ‘preference for frosting over cake’ passes down from mother to daughter. 

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The views from my parents’ house are my favorite.

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A few people have asked about some tips from my sister about staying healthy and active during pregnancy (this is #4!!! for her).  I wish you could all meet her in real life because she is pretty incredible but since you haven’t come to Utah to visit us yet, a guess post with her pregnancy tips will have to do for now:
Hello fellow food/fitness/running lovers!  HRG sister here and I wanted to share some of the things that I do during my pregnancies to stay healthy!
1.  When going in for my doctors appointments I always get on the scale backwards and tell them not to tell me the number.  I just have them tell me if I am gaining too much, too little, or doing well with my weight gain.    
2.  I eat fresh vegetables with every meal (except I can”t seem to do this with breakfast) and with every snack.  I also eat fresh fruit with every meal.  Even though I take a prenatal, I have always felt that it is better for my body to receive the vitamins and nutrients I need through the foods that I eat.
3.  Exercise!  I love the benefits that exercise gives me especially when I am pregnant.  Not only does my body receive many benefits but the baby does too.  I am very careful to stay within my recommended heart rate.  My body doesn’t seem to like running much right now…my last run was a couple of weeks ago, but I am continuing with low impact cardio like the elliptical machine, the stair climber, and bike.  Listen to your body during this time.  
4.  Strength Training!!!  This deserves three exclamation points because I love strength training.  If you are a long time reader of Janae’s blog, you might know this about me.  Of course as with all things you need to be careful when doing this pregnant.  You need to make sure that you have proper form and that the weight is not too strenuous.  By keeping my muscle mass throughout my pregnancy I find that I am able to bounce back quicker from my pregnancy and I am able to lose the baby weight faster.  When I was pregnant with Curly I had to have full bed rest for about a month and than partial bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy.  I lost a lot of my muscle during those months of inactivity and as a result had to spend a lot longer and work a lot harder to lose the baby weight.  So if your doctor gives you the thumbs up I would definitely recommend strength training along with your cardio workouts.  
5.  Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.  Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different.  Give yourself the gift of not being so critical of yourself and the changes that your body is going through.  

What are your Thanksgiving plans this year?

Do you eat veggies with most meals?  What about at breakfast?

Who loves strength training more than doing cardio?

What was the best part about your weekend?

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That is so cool that your family is doing Italian for Thanksgiving. I wish mine did that! Thanksgiving is always busy for me… Turkey Trot, mom’s dinner, dad’s dinner, then grandma and grandpa’s dinner!

The only way I eat veggies with breakfast is if I have a green smoothie. Otherwise it’s just oatmeal! I do try to eat veggies for all my other meals- it makes me feel so much better!

I definitely want to keep this strength training I’m doing up. Basketball is starting so I want to be as strong as possible!


I’m a cardio girl all the way even though I’ve tried to love strength :) I eat veggies with every meal, usually both starchy and green and I love them, but they have to be accompanied by plenty of fat and protein :)

Great tips from your sis! I think especially for some people not knowing exactly how much weight you’re gaining and just being told you’re healthy is helpful.


I’m not sure our plans yet for Thanksgiving. I know we are going to our future in laws house but past that I’m not sure. We will probably just be relaxing really. I’m glad not to be cooking honestly. LOL.

I’ve heard a lot of woman take prenatals who are not pregnant since it’s got so many great nutrients.


Mmmm those garlic rolls look delicious! I love the idea of an Italian thanksgiving, although I don’t know if I could give up green bean casserole, haha!

This weekend I got a 35 MINUTE COURSE PR at the Fort Lauderdale Half, which was my very first half marathon last year!!! I also got a 25 minute overall half marathon PR! It was a really good weekend for me :) :)


Awesome job!!! What a great race for you :)!!!


HUGE CONGRATS KRISTINA!!! That is incredible. Way to go girl:)


Thank you Amy and Janae!!!! :) I’m still smiling about it!


I LOVE strength training! I find that quick crossfit style workouts are easier to fot into my busy days when I dont have time for a run. That being said, running will always be my number 1.

Best part of my weekend was the Chilly 1/2 Marathon in Newton, I missed my PR by 1 minute but was very proud of my race given the conditions and the hills.


I’m going to watch the Macys thanksgiving day parade from my office window. I’m right across the street from the end of the route and since it’s the 8th floor we are literally eye level with the balloons!
I hate strength training but every injury I get makes me do it. So now I am strengthening my glutes hips and quads to help alleviate knee issues.

Best part of my weekend was the celebratory Reuben and hard cider after a struggle to complete a half marathon. I was undertrained and it showed :(


I’m at the end of my pregnancy now and I’m so ready. I was told no cardio since 30 weeks and I’m about to go crazy! But it will be worth it.


I love that you guys are doing Italian for Thanksgiving! My mother-in-law makes lasagna every year and we all look forward to it!

Thanks for the tips for staying healthy during pregnancy, HRG sister! I think the last one is sooo important. I struggled a lot with looking at friends who were pregnant too and feeling like I wasn’t doing enough or was gaining too much. We’re all different and should just strive to be happy and healthy during our pregnancies, not worried about whether we look like Kate Middleton. This is probably a good tip for women in general, not just when we’re pregnant -Dont campare!

Thanks for a great post!


We aLeafy had Canadian Thanksgiving but I am taking Nov 27 off work lol

I prefer cardio over strength training but wish I loved weights more

Highlight was a 90’s dance party with a friend!! :)


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Crazy though with at least 3 days of eating!
Favorite day of the weekend was Saturday. Ran a GREAT time in 5k and then got to meet my new nephew, Gunnar!


Sounds like the perfect weekend Rachel! Congrats!


Fellow Canadian here so Thanksgiving was in October. The entire family spent it in the Rockies (Banff, AB) where everyone needs to visit once in their life. It is my favorite place to run.

Awesome tips HRG sis. I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and doing pretty much what I always do just lighter scale so runs a bit shorter and/or slower. I am trying to do more strength training focusing on my core. Running will always be my fav but I do like strength training.


Fruit = nature’s candy. I’m a little too obsessed with roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes right now.


Those are great tips! I did cardio and strength trained during most of my pregnancy (I was on exercise restriction for a couple months) and I really feel that is why I felt SO great during my pregnancy, and why my delivery was a breeze (well, also epidurals are the bomb-diggity…). I had an easy recovery, too, that I feel I owe to a fairly active pregnancy.


Good advice from your sister who looks amazing by the way…

Thanksgiving = desserts, lots of them!

This weekend highlight, a 12 mile run….the longest in a very long time! :)


So nice to hear from your sissy! Great tips.


I loved the guest post from the sister.

Highlight of the weekend. Celebrated a great friends b-day by going to dinner and seeing a band.


Love when your sister guest posts! I’m so jealous that y’all are having an Italian Thanksgiving. That would be my dream come true!


Working out and eating healthy were so important to me during my pregnancy. Staying active helped me feel good and eating real food gave me energy and the babe good nutrients. It also helped me bounce back post delivery!


The only time I can manage veggies with breakfast is if I sneak them into an omelette, but most mornings I don’t have time to whip up an omelette, so I’m not getting a lot of morning veggies.

An Italian food Thanksgiving sounds AMAZING. This will be my first married Thanksgiving, so we’re trying to figure out how to best juggle two families, which is a little tricky so far!

Your sister looks INCREDIBLE! I’d love to see more workouts from her, she’s seriously in bangin’ shape! I’m the worst at strength training :/


I’ll be heading to Florida for Thanksgiving with my in-laws, so we will be celebrating this weekend with my parents! The only thing better than Thanksgiving dinner is TWO thanksgiving dinners!


We have Friendsgiving. My family is in WI and its too much to travel for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. So I hang with my friends and the next day when everyone is shopping. I cook my own turkey, decorate the tree and shop online.


I love how you and Brooke almost always match somehow – too cute!! Also I want those rolls now…I went a little crazy this weekend and baked up a carb fest: cookies, cinnamon rolls, bread…


Thanks HRG sister for the tips! I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and running is just so much harder these days. It’s nice to have a reminder not to compare. I try to remember that it doesn’t matter how fast or how far I am going these days, but that everything I can do is good for both me and baby.


I love strength training so much more than cardio! I think because you lift weights in shorter bursts of time, compared to 30 minutes on a treadmill (I get bored!).

The best part about my weekend was my Mom coming in town to visit and taking her to this awesome mexican restaurant (Cantina 1511) in Charlotte for her bday! :)


I totally eat the frosting between the cake layers, it’s the only way to do it! I leave such a mess on my plate too lol… I also went on the scale backwards back when I was pregnant with my son!


Friendsgiving thr week before and then thanksgiving with family.
I eat a LOT of veggies and I add them to my breakfast smoothie.
I’m learning to love weights, but I’m a runner at heart:)
Weekend: I got so spend some quality time with my husband!


O man….I am totally a cake over frosting girl! Yuck! :P
Veggies at every meal totally! Sometimes not for breakfast, but zucchini tends to make an appearance very often in pancakes ;)


HRG Sister looks amazing and healthy, so if I were preggers I’d certainly take her advice!


I try to add spinach or other veggies to my eggs in the morning. Spinach on weekdays because it cooks up quickly :)


I agree about weight training being important, but I wish someone would tell me what is the best type of weight training…I do various arms exercises with free weights but I never know if that is enough! What about body weight exercises, too?


We always do T-Day at my sis’s house. My fav is playing cards with everyone afterwards!

I eat veggies with all of my meals, and I actually do a vegan meal replacement shake for breakfast :) So yes, I eat veggies with breakfast.

I’m doing a pretty good mix of strength training and cardio.

Best part of my weekend was watching one of my BFF’s set a course record in Catalina. It was one of the craziest courses I’ve ever seen! We hiked after the race and saw people just finishing up after nearly 9 hours on the course!


Strength training…two words that make me cringe in embarrassment due to neglect! But Thanksgiving, now that’s a word that always makes me smile because it’s my favorite holiday! We always say we’ll skip the turkey but somehow it’s always on our menu! We tend to stick with a traditional menu :)


those rolls sound amazing. I love the idea of an italian food feast for thanksgiving! Honestly I’d be fine just having the sides for thanksgiving and skipping the turkey, ha!


Confession- I don’t really love the traditional thanksgiving meal. Doing an Italian theme sounds amazing to me!


Those rolls look DELICIOUS!!! For Thanksgiving, it’ll be a few different visits to see various family members, and of course a 5K in the morning :)

I eat veggies like it’s my job, but none with breakfast. It works out okay though since I get plenty in during the day!

I do love strength training, but cardio is still my favorite :)


Great tips! I love hearing from Hungry Runner Sis!! You guys are both awesome and I hope to hear more from her, in the future!!! HRG, your positivity and the way you squeeze every ounce of fun out of each day really inspires me!! Please don’t ever stop blogging doin’ what you’re doin’!!


I have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, and I’m not sure where we are going for dinner yet, either our friend’s house or my boyfriend’s parent’s house. I’m usually in charge of pumpkin pie.

I eat veggies at most meals, breakfast is definitely the most difficult to work them into.

I just haven’t been able to find strength training that I like and will stick to – cardio all the time! ;)

The best part of my weekend was going to our friend’s barn party, good food and huge bonfires!


Thanksgiving plans: 5k Turkey Trot in the morning, then off to my husband’s aunt’s, followed by my mom’s house. Lots of travelling to see lots of family–somewhat stressful, but also nice to see everyone. I love veggies with my eggs, but I generally don’t have enough time in the morning to make anything that complicated. I do love veggies though! :)


Great tips from your sister! I’m a huge believer and lover of strength training as well. BodyPump for the win!! ;) I much prefer it over cardio. Of course a good run or spin class is awesome, but strength training ultimately is my favorite.


I used to get on the scale backwards when I was pregnant too! It’s s great tip. I always just told the nurses to tell me if there was a problem.

I actually would love to have an alternate meal for thanksgiving! I’m not a big fan of turkey or any of the thanksgiving foods. They’re all so starchy and heavy. Oh well, I don’t have to cook it because we are surrounded by family and beggars can’t be choosers! I’m grateful to have it provided for me!


I think it’s best not to advise people to not see their weight. That seems like a highly disordered mind set to bring into a pregnancy. I understand that for this suffering with an ed (me) that my doctors won’t let me know, as they fear knowing will bring on restriction, but for a normal person it should be just a number. I don’t mean that offensively. I also really appreciate how close you are with your sister, and I think that’s great. I just wish women were not so concerned with their weight, particularly during pregnancy.


actually, I disagree. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant, and I get on the scale backwards, not because I am disordered, but because the number really doesn’t matter. Pregnancy is tough-you are gaining weight without any control, and to see the number go up, even without being disordered, can lead you to want to stop it. I much prefer to just know that I am doing ok, and not the actual number!


Amy – I totally appreciate your first hand experience, which I absolutely don’t have. Thank you for sharing and I hope you’re feeling well. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’m sure it’s hard for you to think of it from an anorexics perspective as well. I am speaking from my personal experience is all, that and a good friend just had her first baby and she said she was very keen to know she was gaining and that to her it meant a healthy baby and she wasn’t worried about getting it off either, which she did very easily without trying really. She knew her body would take care of it. I admired her perspective and hope if I have a baby I have that healthy of an attitude. That’s where I was coming from, hoping that returned health and mental health for me would provide that much clarity and perspective. I just hope that we as women learn to trust our bodies which can do amazing things and will always find the balance they need.


T’day Plans: Early morning run, lunch at the MIL’S and hopefully lay around on the couch and watch Christmas movies when we get home.

Veggies: I’m a vegetarian so I get veggies with pretty much all of my meals except breakfast. I usually eat cereal or fruit for b’fast.

Strength Training: Ugh…sadly I don’t do much but I really should :(

Best Part of Weekend: Had a GREAT 20 miler on Saturday!! Felt strong, great weather…just an ideal run.


I’m a cardio person all the way! I’m going to the Gulf Shores for Thanksgiving with my entire family – my daughter is having a beach birthday party!! So excited.


Thanks for talking a bit about the impact bedrest has on losing baby weight! I was on strict bedrest for pretty much the entire last trimester. It wasn’t until years later that I understood the impact loss of muscle mass had on my ability to lose weight.

I used to be all about cardio but for the past year or so I’m much more into strength training. This weekend I went for my first run in about a month!

Best part of the weekend: snuggling with my kiddo.


Thanksgiving plans are to eat alot and sleep and spend time with family. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?!

I sometimes mix up stir fry veggies with eggs for breakfast, but most days I don’t get veggies with breakfast, but I generally do with lunch and dinner. It’s weird not having veggies with those meals. I eat alot of fruit, so getting that in is never an issue!

I struggle with strength training. I never feel like I get as good of a workout in as when I’m doing cardio, so I don’t do it as often as I should. I’m working on it!

Best part of my weekend was getting 10 hours of sleep Saturday night. It was awesome.

Love that pic of Brooke and your mom! So cute!


I eat most of my veggies at breakfast! I am so bad about eating them, I figure if I at least start the day with healthy then it’s a good beginning. I saute spinach in a little avocado oil, pour 2 scrambled eggs over the top and make an omelet. Then I add sliced avocados and fresh pic de gallo otherwise chop tomatoes and onions and top with sriacha.


I am 100% a cardio girl, I always have good intentions when I am at the gym to do a lot of strength training and then revert back to my comfort zone and do all cardio.

For thanksgiving I also asked if we could do something a little less traditional, my family loves Mexican food so we will most likely do a Mexican food themed thanksgiving! I am super excited, turkey is not my favorite thing to eat to be honest.


At home I eat veggies with EVERY SINGLE MEAL – carrots are a breakfast, breakfast dessert, snack, lunch, you get the idea kinda thing for me. But at university they are pretty hard to come by so unless I am constantly making a concerted effort I don’t get nearly enough.


Thanksgiving plans: Going to a beach house with the in-laws in CA!

I try to eat veggies for every meal, even breakfast!

Cardio is where it’s at. Strength training is so boring.

Best part about my weekend was going home to CA to see the family. Yes we just went and we are going back for Thanksgiving. We go there a lot!


Thanks to your sister for the guess post.
Re: Active pregnancy tip #5

Don’t compare yourself to your previous pregnancies either. I ran 14 half marathons when I was pregnant with my first. I did the last one when I was 36 weeks pregnant and only dropped out of one at 38 weeks because it was hypothermic New England rain.

This pregnancy, I had to stop doing halves at 25 weeks. I had contractions for 3 days after a 22 week half marathon, the doctor cleared me to keep run-walking half marathons, but it just didn’t feel right to put risks on him. So I personally decided to back off to shorter distances.

Every pregnancy is different. The first time around I could hang out on the couch and recover all weekend from my long run. This time, I have a 2 year old who relies on me for everything, I can’t kick back and relax as much. So I’m now the girl who ran 14 half marathons in her first pregnancy, and who had to take the second pregnancy a little easier… I have no regrets.


Those garlic buns… yum. For Thanksgiving, we are staying on my parent’s farm, going to the holiday craft show and the town’s Christmas tree lighting!

Thank you to your sister for sharing those healthy pregnancy tips! This is my #2 pregnancy right now and I’m struggling with eating vegetables… again. I do my best to sneak spinach into everything I eat. Pickles are great (do they count?) and avocado is my favorite.

I’m usually all about the cardio, but I have been enjoying strength training in this pregnancy! Running is great but I’m feeling so much more tired than with my first pregnancy :s


Love your guest post! Your sister is just as beautiful as you are.

The only we have planned for Thanksgiving day is a run. Those rolls might have to make a guest appearance.


Thank you so much Christy! You have to make the rolls! I hope you are having an amazing day!


Thanks for the post about pregnancy, it is really cool to see your sister still weight training!

Also I wanted to ask you, I am coming to Salt Lake City in February, what is a must do for your neck of the woods?


HEY!! Yay for coming to Utah:) Cafe Rio!!! Temple Square is amazing and you have to go to Park City! Email me!


Mmm, looks like you’ll be having a delicious Italian feast! My family and I stopped doing turkey a while ago when we all realized we didn’t like it that much, haha.


Love the tips! I followed a lot of these during my pregnancy, but definitely could have done better in the fruit and veggie department. They just sounded so gross to me :( Thanksgiving this year will be spent at my parents house with the whole fam :) Should be fun and yummy! Sorry you don’t get your sweet Brooke, but the Italian theme sounds pretty cool and fun :)


Hi there! Great tips from your sis! Believe it or not, the “recommended heart-rate” is not something that is required for pregnant women anymore, even though a lot of doctors still mention it. In fact, what is a better way to gauge activity level is the talk-test, as in, a pregnant woman should be able to easily talk without losing her breath during all activity. (I learned this by becoming a certified pre- and post-natal trainer.) Here is the number one resource for pregnant women: http://www.acog.org/


Slowdown sundays, is what I call it to basicslly sum up all that you said! And getting on backwards on the scale is a good tactic. It matters not what the scale says when you’re pregnant–you just need to know if you”re eating the right amount for eat trimester.


Best part of my weekend was getting back on the race course for an adventure race after being down and out for 10 weeks due to stress fractures.

Your sister is so amazing.


Wow those rolls look SO good! Bread is my weakness. We once did a Thai themed Thanksgiving. My in-laws are vegans so pleasing everyone is REALLY difficult. I usually end up having to make two entirely different meals….talk about stress!

Not sure what we’ll do this year but I’m thinking a potluck.

I try to eat veggies with every meal. For breakfast, I always put veggies in eggs (spinach, peppers, mushrooms, butternut squash).

Best part of my weekend was scoring a new living room set + a new dining room set for under 300 bucks TOTAL. Got to love social media yard sale sites!


I don’t love the traditional Thanksgiving menu either.
Growing up in an Italian household, we also had traditional Italian homemade ravioli and lasagna at Christmas, so much fun gathering family in the days prior to make the ravioli. Those days are long gone as Nona and my mama have both passed. :( We always did the Turkey for Thanksgiving. I usually cook for what family and friends are around usually averages 15-20 and I have the meal DOWN! LOL
In the past I have preferred cardio over weights and sometimes weights over cardio. I finally seem to be at a place where I enjoy and do them equally. Hurrah for balance.


Our Thanksgiving could not be more untraditional. But we love it because the point isn’t the food, right? This year I have my WHOLE family here. First time since my son joined the Marines and I’m so glad to have them all I’ll make anything.

Sister HRG is freaking adorable. I love reading about her life success.

Also, the view from your parents house IS amazing. Nice.


I agree, Sunday’s are totally pancakeday and lazyaspossibleday.
I love the idea of an Italian Thanksgiving! The Italian’s sure know how to eat and Thanksgiving is all about eating ;)


I try to eat veggies with most meals but I don’t always (I often forget with breakfast)…LOVE her tip #1!!!

Best part of my weekend was running half marathon #5!! No PR, but I also ran it 1 week after my first full marathon (I know it’s best not to do this but I couldn’t waste the money ;) )


What I like about Thanksgiving is getting together with family and friends, so I don’t mind changing food traditions.
I would like to be more into strength training–working on it!
Love the pictures!


I wanted to do more during my pregnancies but was high risk and couldn’t!! It really took a lot to get back to where I had been but eating right really helped in the long run with not being too bad off to begin with!! I also had c sections so my core suffered forever!!


We are going to some close friends’ house for Thanksgiving. It’s the first time in a long time that I won’t be doing most of the cooking (which feels weird, but insanely good at the same time). I’ll even have time to do a turkey trot (which might be me and a few friends).

I tend to binge eat veggies. I may not eat them with a meal, but then I’ll have a huge salad or a bowl of veggies for the next meal. I always feel so healthy when I do, but I notice that I like eating vegetables other people cook much more than my own.

I prefer cardio over strength training. Though I have gotten better about incorporating the strength training into my life through weights and yoga.

Best part of my weekend was spending time with my cousins who I haven’t seen for years!


I am a vegetarian.. so all veggies, all of the time.. plus desserts.

Best part of weekend.. Birthday dinner for my brother.

However, today is parent-teacher conferences. YIKES! All day until 9 pm.


I am working this Thanksgiving but that is okay. I actually like working that day. There are always great potlucks in different units. I love veggies and also try to incorporate them with every meal. Breakfast is hard though. For some reason I can’t seems to eat them at that time.


Nice tips! The strength training tip especially! Women get so afraid. To answer the third question, I love lifting way more than cardio.
I think we are actually going to do a Friendsgiving this year.
The best part of my weekend was surprising my friend Katie for her birthday! We say Steel Magnolias the play. :)
Nice post!


Brooke is so cute! She’s always in the most fashionable outfits!


I hope this means you will get her for Christmas!!!

We are going to my SILS and I cannot wait! We rotate which side of the famy we will have thanksgiving with and it always feels fresh and exciting!


My friendsgiving is next weekend! I can’t wait. Those rolls look heavvvvenly. Garlic + butter + cheese is pure bliss. I love cardio AND weights. Cardio gives me a serious life high the rest of the day (nothing beats it) but weights make me feel better in the long run. It’s all about balancing it out!


That orange chicken looks so good, can’t wait for this recipe!

Totally on the same page as Brooke re cake vs frosting ratio, it’s all about that fudgy frosting goodness :)


My goal is to have veggies at every meal. During the week I might not have them for every breakfast, but if I have eggs I will have some spinach or tomato as part of my meal.

I’m really getting into strength training at the moment! I like the feeling of my muscles being strong :)


Thanksgiving used to be my favorite holiday ever. Now that I’ve developed/discovered a food intolerance (free glutamate/MSG/yeast extract) there is practically nothing that I can eat that day without going blind and getting very sick for the next week. Last year I was really sad, so instead, this year I’m going to focus on the start of ski season!


I am so so sorry about your food intolerances! YES YES YES you go ski and enjoy every second!


HRG Sister, you are my kind of girl ;) I love strength training!!! I would much rather lift weights than do cardio. That being said, I know I need the cardio so I do that too! I hope your pregnancy continues to go smoothly. Congrats on baby #4!


Yay! Love the guest posts! Whatever happened to the blog you were thinking about HRG sis? I think you could talk about your workouts and hair alone and it would be very popular! Congrats on another blessing :)

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