6.5 (round up or down) words per picture and a question about supplements.

Brooke was extremely cautious of the snow.  

IMG 0911

They wanted to have their own table.

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I spend too much time here roaming.

IMG 0922

Have you ever tried this Utah classic?

IMG 0923

My signature resembles a 4th graders.  

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Still raiding my mom’s fridge for fruit.  

IMG 0927

Well, that looks a little too familiar.

IMG 0829

Who blinks when they’re taking a selfie?

IMG 0137

SOOOOOO I was giving Brooke (okay, okay and myself) her gummy vitamins and…

IMG 0833

I wanted to ask you guys about any supplements that you take?  Multivitamin?  Iron?  Glucosamine?  Calcium?  Prenatals? Or do you get everything you need from your diet?

Any exciting Friday night plans?

Anyone else have snow yet?

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I supplement with iron and magnesium (I had my levels tested), because I’m tired all. the. time. I also take something to up my immune system – don’t want to get sick and miss any running! :)


If by exciting you mean relax on my couch and watch some TV with some hot chocolate, then yes, I have very exciting plans!

I take a multivitamin, fish oil, iron (mine is always low) and a probiotic. I’ve phased in and out other supplements over the years but have stayed consistent on those.

We have a chance for snow this weekend! I’m excited for it!

I also raid my parents fridge/pantry for food when I’m over there. They realize that if they’re likely to find one of their kids in the pantry, it will probably be me.

Have a great Friday!!


No supplements for me, but I try to eat fermented foods and drink kombucha for probiotics. No snow here yet, but I’m loving the colder weather!


Gahhh! I’m not ready to come back to snow!!
I just rely on what I eat…from a whole foods plant based diet :)

I do want to take prenatal vitamins though and see how long my hair will grow! Gosh my friends hair grew sooo long!! That would be fun :)


We got snow for the second time already yesterday! Just a bit, like what it looked like you have, but still! Too early! Plus, high temps for next week are only in the 20’s. For the HIGH! Ugh. I need to move to Hawaii or something…


I take a food based organic prenatal.

No exciting plans here. It’s cold!


You make me miss which wich so much.

Aren’t we all a little but cautious of the snow? HA


Hi, Janae! I am a LONG time reader but I don’t think I’ve ever commented before. Just thought I’d finally pop in and say hi and tell you how much I love your blog :) I look forward to reading it everyday!


Her face in that first pic is adorable!!! I don’t take any supplements currently. I’ve taken some in the past but didn’t feel a difference in how I felt, so I figured I’d stick with getting everything I need through whole foods. I’m sure that might change at some point but for now it’s working!


It’s snowing there and you’re eating froyo?! I’d be all about that hot chocolate! :)

My exciting Friday night plans include going to bed early so I can get in a long run tomorrow. You know, the typical Friday night of every runner! haha


I take a women’s multivitamin! I don’t always eat the best so I want to make sure I get all my nutrients!
My crazy plans for tonight include cross training at the gym and doing homework.


I try to get all my vitamins and minerals naturally, through food, because I think my body absorbs it better when it comes naturally. But I know a lot of people who swear by their vitamins!

A warm fire, hot coco, and a movie are in my future. Wild and crazy Friday night over here.


I am not a fan of vitamins or supplements, I like to get my nutrition from food. I do sometimes supplement with Vitamin D during the winter for my girls. My girls eat a variety if fruits and veggies and protein so we do not go for vitamins for them. My husband on the other hand pops everything but he avoids veggies and fruit! He lives his gummy vitamins.


Lots of fruits and veggies and I take Chlorella and Spirulina in capsule form. 2 superfoods!


I take a prenatal, but otherwise I would be fine knowing I get it all from my diet.

Exciting Friday night: date to target, and sports authority, and grabbing dinner.

Me and the refridge picture, all too common, and at midnight.


I take Iron, fish oil, and coq10! I feel a huuuge difference in the quality of my runs when I don’t take them!! :)
No exciting friday night plans here, but i have fun Saturday ones! :) happy weekend! :)


No plans for this girl. I’m planning on staying in and watching a movie. It’s been a crazy week and I just want to be home cuddled in a blanket in the couch. Thankfully Phoenix doesn’t get snow. I would die!


First of all fry sauce is the greatest. But I’m a Utah girl :)
I take prenatals as my multivitamin. I’ve also been taking zinc when I start to get sick and it helps so much!
No plans yet tonight and I love it!


That fry sauce looks really good! My exciting Friday night plans include getting a much-needed haircut! I haven’t gotten my hair cut since May, and I’m in desperate need of a trim!


Raiding my mom’s fridge is something I am way to familiar with!

Children’s gummy vitamins are definitely the way to go! I have tried out many other types vitamins and supplements, but have found a lot just don’t sit right with my stomach.


Fish oil, Vitamin D, & L-Glutamine, on top of my diet…gotta fight that darn inflammation!


I admit, I use the gummy vitamins too. Regular vitamins are so big and they make me feel sick. I love the gummies


Hahaha, I love how many onions you get on your sandwich. I LOOOOOOVE onions and I always get made fun of for it!

I don’t take any supplements at all, but I probably should.

Plans for tonight are to pick up a pizza, carb load, and get ready for an 18 miler tomorrow!


Supplements: prenatal and glucosamine
Big Friday night plans: pasta and an early bedtime…21 miler in the am
No real snow… Just flurries.


I do take a multivitamin and an omega 3 supplement, along with calcium. I really try to get everything from my diet but I don’t always do the best job with that. Apparently a few flurries were spotted around here last night, but I didn’t see them and nothing stuck. I need the snow to hold off until after my marathon next weekend!!


Oh my gooses, at least you’re looking for fruit.



We have snow!!! I trying to get my nutrients through my diet but I still take supplements. I have found that I really do feel better if I take a multi and glucosamine.
Tonight I get to take my three kiddo’s to their very first concert! They are stoked!


What is this fry sauce? I’m really intrigued!

We have snow here in West Virginia, and I was crossing my fingers for a two-hour delay (I teach), but no such luck!


I’ve never commented before, but have been reading for a little while now — love your blog! This spring I finally got back into running after a very long break and you help keep me motivated on days I feel like slacking. I take a B-complex and D in the winter. My big Friday night plans? Watching a movie on the DVR after putting my daughter to bed. Pretty wild, I know.


I take glucosamine because I have knee issues if I don’t. I also take a multivitamin and Vit D in the winter. I take zinc while living in china because I worry abut my immune system


I have a multi-vitamin sitting in the cabinet, but I am really terrible at remembering to take it every day.

We had some snow yesterday! It was the first cold weather run of the year for me (29 degrees..brrr) so I had to creak out the gloves and ear gear.

Big Friday Plans: Watch TV and do some homework. Enjoy your weekend :)


I take fish oil every day. I have found since I started Crossfit, it helps me a lot.


No vitamins for me or my girls, but they probably are a good idea. We do eat lots of veggies, so we get them from our diet right now.

We’re driving down to San Diego today!! Doing Legoland tomorrow and balboa park on Sunday while my husband is at a chargers game with his friends. So excited!!!

Have a great weekend!


We’ve got snow here! We had our first snow on Monday… though I’m actually liking it :) My son didn’t know what to think of the snow! He didn’t like it sticking to his boots.

I take Rainbow Lite prenatal vitamins. They’ve been good, but the pills are huge so I have to chop them into fourths before I can get them down! (I’m also a baby about swallowing pills)


I take either a multivitamin or a prenatal…

No Friday night plans — just vegging out on the couch and catching up on TiVo.

SNOW in Boston this morning. Unbelievable.


Just multivitamin when I can remember to take it!
For tonight I’m taking it super easy, probably a movie night and lounging on the couch.
First half marathon tomorrow morning!! Crazy is that it’s been averaging low 40s and race time they are predicting high 20s!!! That’s super cold for me!


Good luck, Rachel! Your first 1/2 – that’s exciting. My first 1/2 was in freezing temps too; I think it inspired me to run faster just to keep warm.


Good luck Rachel!! I’m running a half tomorrow as well :)


First snow last night! It looks pretty but I think it will melt by the end of the day. I take a mega iron supplement every day since I found out I was iron deficient over the summer. I also take vitamin c with the iron to help it absorb. For post workout / run recovery I’ve been using Vega all in one nutritional shake which does have some vitamin / mineral supplements.

As for tonight – going to the Ballet to see Swan Lake. Looking forward to getting dressed up and having a night on the town!


I’ve been taking glucosamine every day for the past couple of years and I absolutely recommend it to anyone with knee pain! Before I started taking it, my knee pain was bad enough to convince me my running days were over, but after about three weeks of taking it, my knees were fine and have been relatively pain-free ever since! For reference, I’m running about 35 miles per week right now.

How’s that for a testimonial? I sound like an infomercial…


I have a stranger testimonial. My puppy had surgery on one new but the other one seemed okay. When it started “clicking” as he walked the vet prescribed glucosamine. It works so well and we know he hasn’t been getting it when we can hear his knee clicking. Crazy.


That’s incredible! I guess it speaks well to glucosamine’s effectiveness…I would definitely feature your pup in the infomercial!


Ugh. I meant one “leg”. Clearly I can’t type this morning. My fingers are too cold.

And yes…isn’t that crazy?? I was a skeptic before then. Now I’m a believer.


Not to hog the thread but I should also say he’s very pretty. He would do well on your infomercial. :)


I hope the glucosamine marketers are reading this…I think we’re on to something good here!


Agreed. :)


We got lots of snow already and tons of cold.
Everytime I visit my nieces I eat their gummy vitamins. They are so yummy :)


I don’t take a vitamin. I own them, just don’t take them. No snow yet and I hope it stays that way!


I have to take an iron supplement every day or I run like a slug and can’t sleep. It’s a vicious cycle. I don’t just have low iron but low ferritin too.

Friday night – I have zero exciting plans, but I get to hang out with my family so it will still be super fun!


I take iron supplements and I still take prenatals even though my son is a toddler now :) I think they help my hair and skin and I don’t think they’re hurting me, so why not?

Yes, it snowed here on Halloween! It also flurried yesterday during my run and it was absolutely beautiful. I’ll take cold, snowy runs over hot, humid ones any day. Bring it on Polar Vortex!


Right now I am taking my gummy adult women’s vitamin. I’m not a huge fan of pills…so as soon as I stopped breastfeeding I stopped my prenatal vitamins. I have taken them here or there for the added iron and folic acid though. I’m interested in taking glucosamine and I’ve heard great things about Coq10, but for me I want quality supplements, and I don’t really know which brands of these 2 are the best.

No snow here in SC, and I am thrilled. I would just DIE if I had to live in snow. I don’t like being cold. Currently my space heater is on in my office, with my sweater and scarf still on from when I arrived at 7:45 this morning :-)

My big Friday night plans, are a good nutritious dinner, stretch, foam roll, and go to bed early because I’m running my half marathon TOMORROW!


I was recently turned onto SmartyPants brand vitamins. I love a multivitamin to ensure that my body is taking in the proper nutrients. I prefer the gummy ones (for obvious reasons), but so many of them have weird ingredients. SmartyPants is literally the only brand out there (I think?) that uses all natural ingredients. They’re kinda pricey, but I still highly recommend them! Have a great weekend <3


Of course I TRY to get my essential vitamins from food, but I rarely eat “perfect” so I take a women’s multivitamin to cover my bases.

I love your lip gloss you’re wearing in that first photo with Brooke. Is it the VS one you bought a bunch of the other day? Or another one?


I take a prenatal even though I’m done having kids. I’ve been taking them since I was pregnant with my first 18 years ago! I also take glucosamine/chondrointin, but I’m not sure it really does anything. I’ve read mixed messages about these….,but old habits die hard!


We have SO MUCH snow here in Central Oregon and it’s still snowing. They officially closed all of the schools and I have a feeling that a lot of businesses will be closed today too! We got seven inches yesterday, and then we had freezing rain during the night (which created a layer of ice – I can’t get into my car – the door is frozen shut), and now it is snowing huge chunky flakes. I’m thinking we will be hunkering down this evening and will rent a movie and eat some popcorn. ☺


Magnesium!!! I take it in the evening – it’s great to mellow you out before bed (it’s no where near as “potent” as melatonin, but it has a calming effect. It’s also one of the nutrients people tend to be deficient in, because it’s harder to get out of foods, even if you’re diligent!

Also, fish oil. But I can never remember to take it because it’s in the fridge.


where did you get your sweater? its so cute!


Hey Audrey! I got it at gap about 3 years ago:( I wish they still had them because I would get it in every color because they are so comfy! Have a great day!


I am nursing so right now I take a prenatal vitamin. This Friday my hubby and I are going to the dollar theater to see a movie :) My sis is watching our baby girl and I am super excited because we very rarely get a date night. I am in Provo too, so yes I got snow :) SO pretty!


Vitamin D for my kids (gummy ones) and me. Doctor told me if I increased my kids’ vit D dosage they wouldn’t get as sick. She was right! Supposedly we here in Utah are always vit D deficient.

Sick kid = Friday night at home taking it easy.

Oh my gosh, that fry sauce made me laugh. Stephens has branched out from gourmet hot chocolate to…..fry sauce!? Hilarious, but now I also must buy it!


Mmm, what’s in the Fry Sauce? It sounds delicious haha


i take a prenatal gummy, gummy calcium/vit d, fish oil and a probiotic (the kind that has to be refrigerated). I’m pregnant so trying to cover all of
My bases here. I don’t take iron but my midwife said my
Levels were great and she’d re check them again later in pregnancy. Love your blog!!!


Denver is cold. Just…cold. Like negative temps cold. Today we’re having a heat wave. High of 37*? We hit a record -14* yesterday.

I take a bit of a list. I’m Hypothyroid/Celiac so I take Women’s Daily, Vitamin D (I test really low on this), B12, Magnesium (helps with migraines), and fish oil. All of them are plant based to make sure my body digests them…or to increase the odds I guess. And yes, I do feel better on them.


Good morning!!
Could you give me the name of the company or website of that give-a-way you did not that long ago with the engraved jewelry (bracelets/necklaces). i was looking at your past entries but couldn’t find it. Looking to buy necklaces for christmas gifts. i appreciate it!



Hey Cecilia! Here is the link:


Great idea for Christmas gifts!


My exciting Friday night will be comprised of me surrounded by the work of 7-9 yr olds. It’s report card season!

No snow here yet! We don’t get much snow in my part of Canada. It’s in the forecast for next Wednesday, but I’m guessing that will probably change to rain by then as usual. We are kind of like Seattle, just a touch colder.


I take a multivitamin, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin d. (And sometimes zinc ’cause it’s cheaper to get the combo of cal/mag/zinc than just the other 2). I struggle with migraines and my doc suggested I take these. They do seem to help.
Tonight I’m going out with my husband and an old friend of ours!


No snow yet but its finally starting to feel like winter/thanksgiving! I kinda like it :) Happy Friday everyone


She looks so scared of the snow! But so cute. Fry sauce is so amazing. And my signature literally looks like a 1st grader’s. Basically just a K and then some scribbles.

Supplements I take: Prenatals (still breastfeeding), Iron, Glucosamine, Calcium, D-3 and Fenugreek. I actually did a post about it here for any breastfeeding runners out there: http://notyourmamasmarathon.blogspot.com/2014/08/6-supplements-for-breastfeeding-runners.html

Friday night plans: My son has his 9 month appointment today and then my husband and I will probably cuddle up, watch a movie, have popcorn and hot chocolate and call it a night. SO crazy :)


Which Wich!?! My boyfriend is practically begging for us to go this weekend (it’s about 25 minutes from where we live) so he can have the new holiday turkey sandwich.


Brooke is too cute! I’ve definitely blinked while taking a selfie before. haha


I take gnc active womens multivitamin, fish oil, glucosamine and vitamin c
My diet is good but want to make sure I have all my bases covered!
My plans tonight are work, boring!
No snow here I live in so Cal!
Have a great weekend!


I used to take multivitamins but stopped because I wasn’t sure it was worth it? Now reading through all these comments makes me think maybe I should start up again, haha


I take DoTerra’s lifelong Wellness Supplements. It consists of a poly-phenol blend, omega’s and your basic essential vitamins. It’s a ton of pills and is pretty expensive but for those days that I’m not eating a balanced meal I feel like these cover me.

No snow here yet!


Speaking of food…I had my first acorn squash last night with butter and cinnamon and it was SO good! How have I never known about it before? Do you eat those frequently?


LOVE acorn squash!!


Hi Janae!
I, too, have been following your blog for a long time but never commented, how silly of me! You have created such a wonderful community and let’s face it, Brooke is the cutest!

Anyway, from a supplement standpoint I just started taking prenatals for the past month or so ;-) (@Kirtley I’ll let you know how fast my hair grows, though my nails already seem stronger). I think my problem with other organic multivitamins is that you always have to do 3 huge horse sized


Sorry on my phone!

I was saying 3 horse sized pills a day which I will definitely not be consistent with! I found a prenatal that is one a day and that has been working perfectly for me!

Have a great Friday everyone!


I take a multivitamin, fish oil, and glucosamine-chondroitin. Found out I’m vitamin D deficient at my last check up, so I’ve added that as well.

Exciting plans tonight – I’m hoping to be asleep by 9:30 – long run tomorrow is 20! I haven’t done that distance in over 2 years.

No snow, but we got RAIN last night. A miracle in California!


I still take a prenatal because I’m still nursing my little guy but I’m sure I’ll just continue even after we are done because it has got a lot in it!


I am really bad about taking vitamins. I usually try to take a multivitamin, and I really should take iron, because I’m generally borderline anemic. I’ll add that to my list of things I need to work on, right after cross training…

We spent our Friday night watching Rehab Addict – We might be buying a house that needs some work, so we’re completely addicted to remodeling shows.

We had some flurries mixed in with the rain last night, snow is not far off.


I’ve been really slacking on the supplements. Vitamin D is the one that my doctor always pushes on me….that and Fish Oil (gross)

Our Friday night will probably consist of happy hour and pizza. I’ll probably be passed out like a baby by 10 PM.

No snow yet. I can’t believe that I’m saying this but I can’t wait for it to snow so that it will warm up a bit. I’d take snow over less than 20 degrees with the wind blowing hard.


I take iron for my anemia and when I am REALLY diligent about taking it daily I feel 100x better. My running drastically improves when I am on top of it — but it takes a good MONTH of consistency to notice any differences.


Very little snow here! Thank goodness, stay away!

I take a woman’s multivitamin, nothing else!


I can’t believe I am saying this but I *might* actually miss snow right now. I’m just so used to having snow by late September that the fact it is mid-November with nothing is freaking me out! (I moved for university). So while it will probably wear off approximately 0.000002 seconds after arriving home, I’m looking forward to the snow!


I’m vegan so I take B12 and very occasionally take an iron supplement (like around “that time”) but that’s it.

It’s cold but no snow – and I hope we don’t get any! I just moved from Atlanta from Iowa so hoping for a snow free winter. It was 27 and windy on this morning’s run tough :/ Cold spell I guess!

No major plans tonight but the hubs and I might go get some veggie sushi rolls:)


I try to get everything from my diet, but on occasion I take a normal multi-vitamin. I KNOW I don’t get enough calcium, so I usually try to take a supplement of that, too.


I take a multivitamin. Have forever. And I give my kids (4 and 6) a multivitamin too. Even though we are pretty good eaters. Be careful of the gummy ones for kids though, they are SO bad for their teeth. Costco sells a great chewable one if you are interested in ever making the change. So jealous of your snow…in San Diego we don’t get much of a winter and I miss it. A lot.


I don’t take supplements.. I figure I can get all the nutrients I need from my diet! We already have a good foot of snow. I’m over it already! Friday night plans include basketball practice. Fun fun!


Brooke in the snow…sooo cute! She almost looks a little bit afraid.

Tons of snow here…it’s gonna be a long winter.

I eat really healthy and also take a multi called “Womens Ultra Mega Active”, (just reading that gives me energy), every few days just to make sure I’m getting everything I need. I have
been diagnosed as anemic in the past and now realize how important all vits and minerals, especially iron is to a female runner.

Boring Friday night for me…working late


I take vitamin D in the winter but other than that I try to get all my vitamins, minerals, nutrients from my food!

We keep getting flurries in Iowa but nothing is sticking for long (yet)

Tonight I am hopefully running a relay race (if I can find 2 others to run with me!) that a local running store and Nike are doing. We get to try out new trail gear and free hot cocoa after!


Kids table at Froyo….this is getting legit!


I take a fiber supplement, a multi-vitamin, vitamin B complex, L-carnitine, cranberry supplement, and hair-skin-and-nails supplement. It is a lot, but I don’t always take everything. Some days I just don’t feel like some of them.

We are supposed to get snow in Illinois tomorrow.

For my Friday night, I think I need a lot of popcorn and working-out.


I used to take a multivitamin, but these days I take fermented cod liver oil, powdered magnesium (in a glass of water), and I make my own fermented vegetables.


Oh my goodness, no snow in San Francisco. I take a few daily vitamins – a women’s multivitamin, B12, biotin and calcium chews. While I think my diet is pretty complete, I actually like the taste of most of my chewy vitamins. Chewables are the way to go:) Happy Friday! I’m heading out on the town for dinner and drinks tonight.


I take all my supplements in gummy form too!!!! Vit E, Vit D, a Multi and Vit C’s. They are like a dessert for my lunch! Dinner with the Hubs tonight. I don’t cook on Fridays.


We got snow this week and I have done 2 runs in it, I believe winter running and I will get along this year! I take Nutrilite Double X (it’s a multivitamin/multimineral), glucosamine, and vitamin D. I take supplements because although I eat plenty of fruits and veggies, I know that produce loses the vitamins and minerals that they have the further out from being picked they are. I really notice a difference when I am not taking them


It snowed yesterday in Columbus, Ohio. I love it until January 2nd. Then it needs to be spring haha.

I take a women’s one-a-day multivitamin and one fish oil supplement per day.

My crazy Friday consists of my aunt’s famous meatloaf (family dinners are the best!) and packing because I’m moving back to my home state of NJ in a little over two weeks!


I really want to try to remember to take a supplement because I know I’m not getting it all in my diet!! I have vitamins in the cupboard but they don’t do much just sitting there. I should probably put one or two of them in my mouth and swallow. what a concept.


This comment is for your post about running gloves.
I have the same problem with my fingers. My fingers actually turn white. I found the. Best pair for running gloves that keep my fingers warm in sub zero temps. I got
Them at runners corner. They are saucony, and our gloves ( no fingers except for the thumb) seriously I couldn’t run with out them in the winter!


I take Target brand adult multivitamin and calcium supplements (both gummy)


I take Emergen-C every single day. Depending on the time of year and my diet (and if I was glutened – I have Celiac), I may also take a multi and Vit B. I don’t like taking supplements or pills or anything extra, so if I don’t have to, I won’t. But, I know I feel better when I at least take something.


I sneak my kids gummy vitamins every morning — I’ve tried regular old vitamins but they always make me nauseous, so I end up putting off taking them and never do. I also have an Emergen-C every once in awhile. Trace of snow this morning, it made my 5 miles that much more enjoyable! I love running in the snow & don’t mind the cold, just hate the ice and slop and comes after!


I’m a bad (bad, bad, bad!) supplementer. I always forget! Although I DID take a multi tonight. Can I get a gold star? haha


Janae! Thought of you when I read this. See #6…battery powered heated gloves.


I am with Brooke–winter is scary! As a west coast expat to DC (serial Washingtonian here) the prospect of a real winter terrifies me! Someone tell me I’ll survive please. Ideally with very few treadmill miles…

I take multi vitamins and B vitamins for energy/mood. This is probably psychosomatic but as a 20 something who drinks alcohol somewhat regularly I feel like B vitamins are pretty necessary. Just take them at night because vitamins on an empty stomach are a recipe for vitasick, as I call it. Just serious nausea. Ew.


I take Vitamin D and iron supplements and try to get everything else in my diet. I am anemic otherwise would just get that through diet as well. Vitamin D was recommended by my gyno.

I live in Arkansas and we have snow in the forecast for tonight/tomorrow! Ready or not, here it comes!!!


I STILL eat those gummy vitamins, no shame! They’re delicious and so much better than the adult version. I mean…gummy bears vs. fruits? Not even a question!


No snow yet for us in this part of Virginia, but other parts of the commonwealth have had some.

Yes, I had fun Friday night plans! We celebrated my birthday last night with friends, and will again tonight with family!

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