10 things you can do to motivate yourself to make this week a great running week.

Brooke is all about wearing my old race t-shirts these days.  This one would be from NYCM 2011.  

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We did the normal church thing and she all of the sudden looks so old to me.


Long story short, a few of us ended up bringing snacks for our entire church group (185 people!!) yesterday.  Costco popcorn, clementines and Annie’s make the perfect afternoon snack.

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For dinner last night my mom made some Thanksgiving foods so we could celebrate early with my sister’s kids and Brooke (because they all will be gone for T-day).  

Fluffy rolls.  I kind of want to try these for fuel for my next long run.  

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You know you are tired when you are able to nap with a toddler on you.

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While we are talking about napping, let’s rewind to Brooke’s first Thanksgiving.

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This time of year is always a little hard for me to find my work out motivation.  It is starting to get real cold outside and all of the holiday treats/festivities/ late night movie watching (nothing better than ABC Family Christmas movies) do not make it easy to keep up with our normal exercise schedules.  

Here are ten little things we can all do this week to make it an excellent running (strength training/ellipticalling/spinning/whatever you like to do) week and to motivate us to get out the door!

1.  Get it done early!  More and more holiday things are starting to happen at night SOOOO getting your workout done early will make it so that you are much more likely to get your sweat on each day.  

2.  To go along with #1—> set a bedtime for yourself so that you can get enough sleep.  My workouts are lame sauce when I don’t get enough sleep.  We also can’t recover properly when we slack in the sleep department.  Put your phone away, turn off the tv and close your eyelids at a decent hour.  

3.  Write out a goal for this week (like do it right now).  It can be simple (like strength train 2x this week)  or it can be big (like rocking your upcoming Turkey Trot race).   Just make a goal and hold yourself accountable.  

4.  Take the time to stretch this week.  I always notice a huge difference in my runs when I actually take time to stretch and foam roll.  It just makes the rest of the week’s runs go so much smoother.  

5.  Start the week off with getting all of your workout clothes laundry done.  I love doing this because it makes it so much easier to have all of my stuff ready to go and clean at the beginning of the week so I can just throw on my clothes and go run each morning!  OR buy a new top/shorts/capris because that always makes things fun and can help make it a great week…  I am drooling over this tank for spin.   

6.  Phone a friend.  This is my favorite way to motivate myself—>  knowing that someone is counting on you to meet them always gets me.  

7.  Watch the movie that I posted about yesterday.  Ummmm talk about inspiring.  I get sucked into running videos… like here, here (Kara’s driven trailer) or read any of these stories.  I also loved the Bolt documentary on Netflix and it made me super excited to run the next day.

8. Pencil in YOUR favorite workout this week (for me that means a trail run).   Leave it to the trails to make me super excited to work out.  Sometimes we forget to include our absolute favorite workouts and just do what is most convenient and easiest.  I am already looking forward to my 9 mile trail run later on this week.  

9.  Set a purpose for your runs (workouts) this week.  Rather than just going through the motions and running just to run or to check it off the list of things to do, come up with a purpose for your runs this week.  Whether it be to help you with your stress levels, to work on your form/cadence or to let your body recover properly from a race or injury.  Find your focus or purpose for the week and write it down.  

10.  Just get ‘er done. You KNOW you will feel better once you are done.


***** Very important question—>  my mom and I were having a debate about what time is a normal time to eat on Thanksgiving?!?!?!  My sister and I agreed that 1:30-2 pm is the normal time (so that you can eat leftovers later on) but my mom thinks it is 5 pm.  When do you guys eat your Thanksgiving meal?   Please help us to settle this argument.

Finish the sentence——>  I’m running this week because______________!

Are you a napper?  Is it easy for you to get in a quick power nap during the day?  Does it mess up your sleep at night when you nap?

What days do you have off from work or school this week for Thanksgiving (if you are in the US:)?

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Our Thanksgiving meal is usually 4-ish, so maybe more toward your mom’s time. Gives us plenty of time to cook! And I’m actually not running a step this week because I just ran the Philly marathon yesterday! So relived to be done and just rest this week!


We usually eat around 4 on Thanksgiving but the apps start wayyy earlier! I am taking off starting tomorrow to go away but usually I just have Thursday and Friday off. Since I just ran a marathon yesterday I won’t be running much (if at all!) this week but I need to get motivated starting next week to do some cross training. Maybe get back to swimming and strength training. Also hoping to go to yoga more!
I am not a napper…no matter how tired I am its hard for me to fall asleep during the day. If I do, it always messes up my sleep that night!


I normally feel better after I finish running. It’s just a matter of getting to wherever I’m running. Ha. This week is a recovery week for me though. I’ll run a bit but nothing too serious.

We have always eaten around 3:30-4. That’s not normally our dinner time but we always ate major a Holiday meals around that time.


I am not usually a napper, but on Thanksgiving I most definitely take a nap after eating all the food :) My family has always had dinner around 4:30 – 5pm on holidays; however, Adam’s family eats at 12:30-1pm to do the leftover thing.

At first I thought it was weird to eat “dinner” that early, but now I like it because you can run>eat>nap>eat>sleep. That is my PERFECT holiday schedule! haha


We eat around 2 or 3. Pie around 5. And leftovers at night.
I can’t nap. It makes me sick to my stomach. Weird huh?
I just have Thursday off work.


My first meal is at 2, then another one at three! Divorced parents :) I get Wednesday – Friday off!

Last night at 8:30 I was craving a run so bad and it was one of those best runs where life is perfect!


I think 2 is about the right time to eat for Thanksgiving. You have time to eat, then you have time to get hungry and do it all over again.

Naps = yes! If I can fit a nap in during the day, you better believe I will! It doesn’t usually happen on weekdays, but I try to as much as possible!

I am running this week to keep my sanity! Being off work Thursday and Friday, but spending part of it out of town throws me off, running will keep me feeling like things are semi-normal.

Great tips! This time of year seems like everything gets away from me. Staying up late means I don’t want to get up early, my food choices are much different than normal, there’s more snacks at work that aren’t usually there. Running helps me keep my sanity!


I’m running this week to (hopefully) kick my fiancé’s butt in the turkey trot ;) The turkey trot is really just an excuse for us to talk trash about who will win…all in good fun of course.


Ha :)….we usually eat between 3 and 4…but closer to 3.
No naps for me! As much as I want to sometimes…I know it will take me forever to fall asleep at night if I do!!!!


We usually have “linner” around 2 or 3 and then have dessert later in the day around 7 or 8, which I love because then you have time to get hungry again!


We usually eat around 4. I wouldn’t say 1:30 is too early though,, haha! Make it a lunch :)

I’m running this week because I get to. I have a half marathon Saturday organized by the local running community and I can’t wait!

I am not a napper but I should be. I couldn’t ever nap when my son was a baby. I try and go to bed early.

I’m in Canada but I coincidentally have Thursday/Friday off work so I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving with you ;)


One of my biggest talents is my ability to take a 30 minute nap. It does wonders!

We eat at 1 for the very reason of having leftovers later.


Thanksgiving: I think most people eat early, but I’m with your mom. I prefer a 5pm dinner!
I’m runnjng this week, because I’m thankful for health and run friends!
I really wish I could nap, but I can’t fall asleep in the daytime.
I’m a housewife, so I’m always off!


Uhm I really want to see a picture of you running with those rolls in your hands. Isn’t that what turkey trots are for?? haha


We eat so early, at like 1. We do a turkey trot in the AM so we are more than ready for a meal by that time so it works out.

I’m running this week because my Boston Marathon training starts very soon!

I rarely nap and prefer a good night’s sleep, though I know this isn’t always possible for you moms out there. :)


We always eat at 1 – 1:30 pm.


I SO agree with #1 and #4. I just knocked out my first run of the week this morning and already feel more energetic! And I definitely need to take the time to stretch and take care of my body during this busy season!

We always do it between 1 and 2. Totally agree – gotta have time to go back and munch on leftovers!



How about this…I’m NOT running this week because I ran the Philadelphia Marathon yesterday! Woohoo! But I will hit up some yoga classes for some gentle yoga.

I think 2 pm is perfect for Turkey Day. That’s when we always eat.

Have a great day, Janae! Xx


We usually eat holiday meals around 3 or 4. I’m good either way, as long as I get to eat and digest before dessert. This week I will be running for mine and my baby I am carrying health. 15 weeks preggo and running is starting to feel better (first trimester was tough).


We always ate at 2 growing up which is what I’m used to. On years where we eat with my inlaws, we eat so late, like 6:30-7 and I feel like there is no time at all to digest.
I can’t nap unless I’m sick or pregnant. My mind just races while I lie there and I stress about everything I could be doing and don’t feel well rested at all. I’d much rather go to bed early.
I’m running this week because my goal is to stay in decent running shape this winter!


I think for the most part I shoot to eat at about 3 pm…I like to have seconds at a dinner appropriate time like 6 :-)

I’m running this week because I’m training for my first marathon!

I find it difficult to fall asleep now, but a quick 30-45 min doze and I do feel better. Typically that doesn’t interfere with my bed time.

I am home ALL week! I am working today and tomorrow on my laptop, but its still a much more relaxed environment and I get to spend 9 days with my little guy :-)

Janae, question for you: have you ever split your long run into 2 different runs in the same day? I am having some scheduling challenges and wanted to know how this would effect training. Thanks!


We eat about 12:30 because my husband usually has to work and has to be at work between 3 and 4pm. But then we do pie and snacks later that night around 6pm. I am usually so full from dinner still that I only eat a few appetizers though. I am very fortunate that my office closes for Thursday and Friday so I automatically have 4 days off each year.


We had the same debate! One side if my family eats at two and the other side at five. Who knows! Ha!


We always eat around 2. That way we don’t really need to figure out supper!
I’m running this week because I’m not injured and I can!
I usually don’t nap, but every once in a while I will on the weekend.
I have Thursday and Friday off so it’s a 4 day weekend for me! Woohoo!


1:30 Dinner is perfect. That way you have the rest of the day to continue eating turkey/gravy/stuffing sandwiches!

I’m running this week because I finally have time! An 8-5 job means no naps. Enjoy one for me! Just Thursday off and I will be making the most of it.


Sorry Mom, but I have to side with the girls on this issue. Eating earlier is better so we can re-stuff ourselves again later in the day. Gobble ’til you wobble…..


We eat our Thanksgiving dinner around 2:00. Gives you time to get hungry again for dessert later in the day. :)

I’m running this week because I CAN! I’ve been injured for about 2 years and am just getting back into running without pain and it’s glorious! Any run I have now is a blessing.


Thanksgiving meal should be a late lunch so that dinner can be a steady stream of leftovers as desired. My family also believes in making all the pies a day early so they can be enjoyed for breakfast Thanksgiving morning.
I’m running this week because: I had let my training get too one-sided and I’ve just gotten into the running groove again.
I’m a napper but not as much as I was when I had to be at work at 5:30am! As long as I nap no more than an hour and not later than 4pm it won’t interfere with my sleep. I’m planning a huge nap on Thanksgiving! I might even bring my favorite nap blankie (It’s actually a prayer shawl that was given to me when I was pregnant) to my in-laws in preparation of said nap.


I’m running this week because I’m going to eat ALLLLLLL the pie ;) We typically eat Thanksgiving mid-afternoon, around 2-3ish so I think you’re time is the correct version, haha. And I love the suggestion to get all of your workout gear ready for the week on the weekend – no excuses!


I am totally a napper! 20 minutes does the trip for me.
My professor moved tomorrow’s class so I only have school today! However I’ll be doing a lot of work while I’m home to get ready for final exams/presentations.
I’m running this week because I’m thankful that I can run! I’m hoping to rock my Turkey Trot on Thursday!


I can’t nap:( my body just doesn’t know how.
2pm or 3 the latest is the usual turkey day time for our family. 5 is way too late :)
I am off Thursday and Friday but I am off every Thursday and Friday so I won’t feel much difference.

I planned my runs for the week around the holiday since I won’t have time for a run on Thursday. I have purpose for those runs…fast, short and attainable workouts to keep myself honest but not be the priority this week. I’m thinking three 30 minute runs and a cross training day even if it just walking with the dog.


I’ve always been a really good napper! I can easily sleep for 2 hours in the afternoon and still sleep that night, I love it! I try not to nap that often though but sometimes after a tough day of school it’s needed!

I wish I lived in the US so I can have two days off but I get two days off next week so it’s not too bad! But when I used to live in the states, the one time we celebrated Thanksgiving, we ate at 1:30pm ish. Totally agree about the leftovers later on :)


We eat at 5:30 p.m., but I’m Canadian, so maybe we are different :)


We usually eat 3-4ish so it’s in between lunch and dinner. Later than that we’re not even hungry stuffed from all the appetizers and snacks.


We usually have relatives you have to split their time with different families too so we eat our “main meal” about 1:30 with most of the family and then a “leftover” meal about 6pm with others who join us later and after a few have left.

Isn’t that what Thanksgiving is all about? Eating? leftovers? family time? ;-) My kiddos have Wed/Thurs/ and Friday off of T-day week. Perfect amount of time…no more or less needed to have off.


We eat at like 11:30 or 12 because we have to have our meal done by 1pm when the Detroit Lions start their game. Dad’s rule. :)

I’m a teacher and we have Wednesday off too! Best part? I only have to dress up today, tomorrow is jean day!

I’m a good napper, but a terrible power napper.

I’m running this week because it makes me feel less guilty about all that I’m going to eat.Ha!


Ok – soooo, being in Canada-land our Thanksgiving is on a Monday and I don’t think I’m the only one who actually has Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday, not the Monday. We typically have dinner around 5pm. Monday is all about leftovers. On that note: People get more than one day off for Thanksgiving?!?!?! I wish!

No naps! naps make more more tired


I’ve done both of those times before…I think I like the earlier better so I’m not snacking all day and then not even hungry when it’s time to eat dinner.

It is hard to make yourself get out of bed and run in the cold, but I know I feel SO MUCH better afterwards. I’ve been alternating running and going to FIT class lately.


We usually eat around 3pm…maybe even earlier


I think 1-2 PM is the perfect time for Thanksgiving dinner! We’re doing it late this year though, as the little man naps until 4 usually, so that’s when we’ll eat. Yes, our meal revolves around my toddler – he’s not spoiled our anything!

I’m running this week because I love it! It keeps me sane and it’s my time to just think and de-stress! I’m only officially “off” on Thanksgiving; however I am on call in case I need to hop on and help out (I work for a large sporting goods retailer’s website). I’m working from home on Wednesday and Friday though, so I’ll be able to watch holiday movies and eat sweets while I work :)


Getting it done and out of the way I think is key for most people! Luckily I already do that ;)


We eat at 2…just in time for afternoon football and so we can head out to shop. I only work 2 days this week! 2 days-23 hours, but a huge change from my 50 hour weeks I’ve been working lately!
And if I could run today is run because I can! Not all people can physically run- be grateful you can!


I am running this week because it’s what I do – holidays or no holidays! We normally eat Thanksgiving dinner at 4 I think? Maybe 3? Somewhere in between?


My aunts/uncles/cousins on my Dad’s side, plus all of us kids/spouses/children, all meet at his house and we dig in around noon, then graze the rest of the day. It works out very well!

I never was a napper until having Harlow, but now I nap as often as I can on the weekends while she naps.


Thanks for the tips! For the first time in 2.5 years I am really struggling to get myself out the door to run! I’m taking it as a sign that I need the mental and physical rest.

I’ve never really thought of a standard time for thanksgiving. Just whenever the food is done! :-)


We eat somewhere between 2 and 4 so we can have a very light appetizer lunch and then really pig out for the real meal and still have time for pies/deserts at the end of the night.


We eat about 4 PM. I get so hungry smelling the food, though, so I usually nibble throughout the day! I think 1PM would be nice, and then you can walk and come back for seconds! I am not good at pacing myself at all on Thanksgiving!!!

I have a love/hate relationship with exercising before work- I love getting it done, but I get anxiety the night before making sure I get to bed on time. I also work early (7-3) so I can’t run long and often have time in the afternoons to get in a better workout. I end up doing morning workouts probably 2x a work week.


I’m going to have to side with your mom on this one. We eat between 5 and 6 pm for both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.


Our family always says Thanksgiving dinner is at noon but by the time everyone gets there and gets the food set up we don’t ever get to eat until 1. 5pm seems sooooo late!


We typically start our dinner around 3:30-4 and have tonsssss of yummy appetizers beforehand. The appetizers are the only reason I’m OK with it being a little later. If we didn’t have appetizers, I would vote an earlier “late lunch” time.

I never used to be a napper up until I had Hunter and started teaching early morning BodyPump classes. It’s become almost a regular thing on Friday afternoons for me to take a nap while Hunter naps because I teach an early morning class and I want to be able to stay up later than 8 PM on Friday nights. ;) I try not to sleep longer than an hour because then I do realize it messes up my nighttime sleep.

Hope you enjoy my novel of a comment… ;) Have a great start to your week, Janae! xo


We always eat our Thanksgiving meal around 1-2pm, primarily because it is a tradition to go to the movies later in the day/evening (although this year we will be watching football). Our mornings are usually filled with exercise and games, followed by food, movies, more games, and maybe more food?

I am running this week because I have less than two weeks until the California International Marathon – taper time!!!

I love taking naps, but only when I know my body really needs it. If I nap just because I will never fall asleep when it is actually time for bed.

This week I get Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off!! Yipppeeee!!!


We usually eat between 12:30-1 and we all hang out for the day and have leftovers together around 5-6.

I’m running this week because it’s my first training week for my race on 3/1/15 and so I can eat lots of yummy stuff on turkey day!

I am a total napper but I have to be careful on Sundays not to mess up my sleep since I have work on Mondays.

My kiddos are out of school on Wed-Fri and the hubs and I have Thurs-Fri off!


Our Thanksgiving is pretty hectic! We do both my mom’s side and my dad’s side in the same day. We start out at my mom’s side at about 1:30-2:00, and then end up at my dad’s side at about 4:30-5:00. So I’d say you are both right!


I had to chuckle when I read #5. Don’t underestimate the power of having clean workout clothes ready to go!! That is so true :)

We typically eat around 3-4ish.

I am running this week cuz….it’s Turkey Trot time! A brisk 5-miles on the shores of Lake Erie for me. This was my FIRST race many years ago so it’s one of my faves.


I love eating Thanksgiving around 1-2 so that, like you said, I can have leftovers later on. With it being dark, I love getting to my family’s house earlier, when it’s still sunny and being able to head home when it’s just started to get dark out.

Finish the sentence——> I’m running this week because I have a 5K on December 7th! Got to get in some training miles in the cold before then!

I live off of naps. I am such a bad night time sleeper, so when I can fit in a nap, I do it. I can sleep in any time, anywhere and through anything and it never messes up my sleep at night.

I have Thursday and Friday off (and the weekend – I work in an office)


We try to eat around noon. But everything usually isn’t done until 1:00-2:00. And yes, leftovers is why you eat Thanksgiving earlier!

I’m a SAHM. I get to work all week at my favorite job.

I’m walking this week because It’ll make me happier and it’ll help me get back up to running (injury with last baby because I went from bed rest to baby to running too soon, taking it slower this time).

Brooke’s gold shoes are soooo cute!


I want to start getting my workouts done early! I have no motivation when I get home from work at the end of the day.


We eat Thanksgiving dinner at about 4:00pm so we don’t feel rushed and can enjoy each other’s company. Also, then we have some time to digest before bed and don’t feel super full!

I’m running this week because I CAN :)

I am definitely not a napper but if I get 4-5 hours of restless sleep and can barely keep my eyes open the next day, I can fall asleep for a couple of hours in the afternoon and be fine to sleep that night!

Canada (the real Thanksgiving;) happened in October!


I have never heard of eating a holiday meal in the middle of the afternoon! I know that Thanksgiving lunch is a bigger thing in America than it is in Canada, but I seriously had no idea that 3-4pm was also a thing. We eat our holiday meals around 7-8pm because that is just normal dinner time.

Also, thank you SO MUCH for the stretching reminder! I woke up this morning in actual pain because my hamstrings are so tight, but I just ignored it and started working. Bad!


We usually eat thanksgiving dinner around 3:30 – 4:00… I’m working 10 days straight right now so I won’t have a day off till thursday:) And so that means Yes to naps!


2! It’s the perfect time for a turkey trot in the morning, then enough time to shower snd get ready for the thanksgiving meal. Then after time for digestion and games and then dessert. That’s how it HAS to go. :)


My family NEVER eats earlier than 5 p.m. My boyfriend’s family, however, eats insanely early (to me) – like 2 p.m.! And I am a BIG proponent of naps. In fact, it’s killing me that I am going to go three straight Sundays without a nap. I’m already tired.


This is a great list. Also, “nothing better than ABC Family Christmas movies” YES. People in my life make fun of me so much for my affinity for movies where like, Melissa Joan Hart kidnaps a dude and forces him to pretend he’s her fiance for Christmas, but I can’t get enough.


We’ve always eaten around 1, but this year we are having it at 4. That seems so late to me. :) I love naps, but I have to keep them less than about a half hour or I feel super lazy and I don’t want to go to sleep at a normal time. Yesterday we took a 3 hour nap and then at 1 am I was still wide awake. Yikes!


We always plan to eat at 1, but usually it’s closer to 1:30 by the time we sit down. The boys always want to play football after (not sure how they do that with full bellies), then no matter how stuffed we are we somehow end up eating leftovers around dinnertime.

I’m running this week because I ate too much birthday cake this weekend and I know I will eat too much everything on Thanksgiving.


we usually eat around 3. We spend the morning cooking and eating snacks and then sit down for late lunch/early dinner. You can still have leftovers! Or pie.

I’m running this week because I can! (And kinda have to since I’m in training and all).

I only get Thursday off this week. I have to work Friday and Saturday after. Boo!


We almost always eat around 1:30 or 2pm! Hoping to rock the Turkey Trot Thursday am, that’s my goal!


I think 2 is a perfect time for dinner!

I’m running this week because I turned 53 today and have my very first half marathon on Thanksgiving day. I’m a bit nervous that I haven’t trained properly. But I’m going to take it nice and slow and enjoy it!

Definitely a napper. 20 minutes is perfect for me to get some energy back.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


I agree with you!!! 2pm is perfect because you have time for a nap and ANOTHER meal around 7pm :)


I don’t take naps. It has to be dark outside for me to sleep, so it’s really hard for me to sleep during the day.

We usually have our thanksgiving dinner around 4-5pm…..so I gotta side with your mom! It would be hard for me to do it much earlier just with all the cooking involved! Although, this year my family is eating at 3pm because the Niners are on at 5 and we want to be done eating when the game starts. Lol. It’s all about priorities!!


I host thanksgiving, and for me it’s not about the meal and leftovers, it’s about the appetizers and the meal!! So we do apps at 1:00 and dinner at 3/3:30… Then leftovers for three days ;)

Although I love naps it’s been YEARS since I’ve had one :( Just too busy – even if I miraculously have a quiet, kid-free house, my mental to-do list wont quiet down enough in my head to nap :(

Off Thursday and Friday this week – hallelujah!!! Won’t be able to run until Thursday morning because of my work schedule, and then working out Fri, Sat & Sun to work off Thanksgiving dinner ;)

Have a GREAT week, Brooke will be back home in your arms soon! :)


Our Thanksgiving meal is planned around the loved ones in our lives that have to work retail on Thanksgiving. LAME!!!! This year it will be noon.


We usually eat around 3-4pm, but my fam is Canadian so we are all different like. My husband, however, is American. He eats around the same time, but this is our first American Thanksgiving together so we will just be eating when I can get off work, cross the border, and arrive at his house. It’s Parent Teacher Interviews that day so I can’t take the day off. :(


I had terrible sleepp last night despite trying to go to sleep early(I tossed and turned for hours and couldn’t fall asleep until the whee hours of the night)

I thought thanksgiving was just for dinner, like around 4pm. We don’t celebrate thanksgiving :(


I have to say though, I’ve never thought about an early eating time as an opportunity to have leftovers THAT SAME DAY before and I think that is the best thing ever! Especially if there are seconds on pumpkin pie!


Am doing a Turkey Trot TG morning. It’s only a 5K.

We eat between 1 and 2 and have dessert and leftovers later in the day.

I am off Thursday and Friday.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


We eat a small lunch around 11 and then we do the full-out Thanksgiving meal around 4. We usually repeat with leftovers the next day. Its amazing. I can’t wait!

I’m running this week because I need to work off everything I ate last week when I was taking a week off, but also having a really hard week and allowing myself extra slices of pie… My pants were a little more snug this morning when I was getting ready for work. ;)


We eat between 1:30 and 2pm for the same reasons!! There’s nothing like making a turkey sandwich in the evening!


We always have my side of the family come to our house for Thanksgiving and we plan to eat around 3 p.m. Seems to be late enough that no one is hungry the rest of the day…except for my 12 year-old son who eats more than any of us combined.

I get a run in early before the cooking starts and husband smokes the most amazing turkey and duck!

And 3 p.m. works for watching the Cowboys game too!


We eat at 2:00…and we go out to eat for Thanksgiving! We started this several years ago and it’s a lot of fun and stress free…different people join us each year depending on schedules.
I’m running this week because I’m training for a half.
I’m definitely a napper and would nap everyday if I could (my boss might not think too highly of me having my head down at my desk or curled up on the floor under my desk)…it definitely does not disrupt my sleep at night when I do nap on the weekends.
I’m off this Thursday & Friday.

Happy Thanksgiving to you & Brooke! A sweet reminder that Thanksgiving is whatever day you choose it to be :-)


i’m going to go with an in between time of around 3:30pm because most likely you are snacking earlier in the day and to me this seems like a strange enough time to eat so it really feels like thanksgiving!

my husband and i own our own business now so we plan to take off thursday for sure and go easier on friday :)

happy thanksgiving!


We usually eat Thanksgiving dinner around 3 – that way you can eat pie later and hopefully not feel like you’re going to die.

I’m running this week because I’m trying to hit 1,000 miles for the year! :)

I very rarely nap, I just lay there and think about how tired I am. I can’t fall asleep!


Mmm those rolls look great! I’m going to my best friend’s house for Thanksgiving with her family, so I have no idea what time we are eating, hahaha.


Love those videos!
We eat 2pm but appetizers at noon otherwise I would pass out from hunger and yes leftovers later on.


I have to agree with Momma HRG – 5pm for dinner. My in-laws do it in the afternoon though, but growing up it was always dinner time. Since we have a really small family we would hang out and watch football then go to a movie and then come home and eat dinner.

I work from home so I am always working, BUT this week my boss told me not to open my computer from 3PM Wednesday to Monday morning! Bring on the mini vacation!


We always eat around 2. We like to be able to snack all evening long but still have a big meal. I hate too eat too late for thanksgiving because it means I pick all day long and not have room for the real good stuff :)


I love these tips! Writing things down always helps me focus better. 2pm is the perfect time. We always do a Thanksgiving lunch and I am so thankful for that. Then I don’t feel so bad about eating an extra roll or slice of pie because I am not going to bed immediately after a big meal.

I am running this week because I have been training for the Atlanta Half Marathon for about 12 weeks! Hoping to torch that time! I can nap anywhere at anytime usually. Its a gift ;)

Happy Thanksgiving!


Our normal dinner time for Thanksgiving is around 5pm. This year, I think we will be eating around 4:30ish. We MUST be finished to watch the 5:30 (PST) kickoff of the Seahawks (who must beat) and 49ers! Go Hawks!!!!

This week I will run for my sanity! This is typically my reason…but due to being in a kind of forced off season, this holds true even more.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


At my house, I think it always used to be around 3, and we started appetizers at 2. But now it revolves around various child custody exchanges so it varies each year. Heading to my bf’s this year and they’re eating around 2.


I am going to side with you and your sister on this one! We eat right around 1 pm. By the time we take a neighborhood walk, watch football, play games, we get to eat the leftovers by 6 pm! To me, that is the IDEAL Thanksgiving schedule. But I suppose it’s all how you were brought up.


Naps usually make me more tired, but that doesn’t stop me from taking them!

I think y’all are all right. Sometime betweeen 2-4p for Thanksgiving dinner is perfect!


I think the “normal” time to eat is 2pm, but my family doesn’t do normal, so we eat at dinner time every year – 6pm.

I’m running this week because IT MAKES ME HAPPY!

I only nap when I’m really tired.

Thursday and Friday with an early dismissal Wednesday!


Thanks for the tips. I am struggling some this time of year as well.

I have a question for you. I ran an half marathon yesterday and the weather was rainy and the wind blowing directly at me. For the first 9.5 miles I was on my pace of 8.06 however from 10 – 13.1 my outer hips just ached and felt like that wanted to stop. It was a struggle to continue. Of course I finished but was 5 minutes off from my normal finish time.

Have you ever experienced this and how do you overcome it and then prevent it in the future.

Thanks for any input you have! Jenny


Wow everyone eats so early! We usually aim for 6-7, but it always ends up being around 8-9 that we eat.


I LOVE naps and I napped for about 4 hours yesterday.

The earlier the better for T-Day feasting! I just can’t wait that long! It’s too exciting and plus I like to have a round 1 and round 2, fo sho.


My family usually eats closer to dinner time, though it depends on when us/our guests can get there.


I think “normal” is relative (obviously) but….I prefer the early afternoon. This never ends up happening though because my in-laws tend to move slooooowwwww. It usually ends up being around 4ish.

I’m running this week because I’m deep into building mileage for my first 50 miler. I actually have my first attempt at a solo “ultra” distance on Black Friday. Hoping for 28 miles.

I used to be a napper but now I find that it makes me more exhausted upon waking, leaving me grumpy and feeling horrible the rest of the day.

We get Thursday + Friday off….so excited for those extra days with my husband + kids


Yay for the ultra Angela!!!


Definitely a lunch time Thanksgiving! You need plenty of time to have another round and let it settle before shopping :) My bio professor took mercy on us and cancelled class for tomorrow, so after work tonight I’m officially on break!


Re: your list. No. 1 and No. 5 are right on. Live by those this time of year!

I grew up with Thanksgiving Dinner at 5 pm (normal). Then I moved from Canada to the States and for the next 11 years Thanksgiving began at 2 pm (awesome). I was shocked and amazed! Since returning to Canada, I have had ZERO success at getting Thanksgiving dinners to occur at 2 pm. I kinda liked it… :)

Finish the sentence——> I’m running this week because I LOVE RUNNING IN SNOW!
-do I sound believable?

Wish I could nap and have bottomless envy for those who can. There is a border collie in my head who won’t let me lie still.

Happy Americano Thanksgiving!


We have thanksgiving between 12-1 at my granny’s house. We leave to head up there around 10 and come home around 4 with leftovers – by the time we get home I am ready to eat again.

A nap always messes up my sleep cycle so I try not to nap at all.

I am running this week because I want to kick c25k app’s butt – and also lose some weight (if I am being completely honest).

And, I am off Thursday and Friday. And no, I will not be black Friday shopping. Never have, never will.


I think two is the perfect time, then you don’t have to wait around for some turkey!


My family has always done Thanksgiving early, like 2-3ish. But my husband’s family does it around 5:30-6. I personally prefer early, cus it’s healthier to eat a heavier meal earlier, and plus, like you said, MORE leftovers! :)



We have our main meal at noon on Thanksgiving & Christmas Day. Then we have leftovers for dinner!


Great tips! I definitely plan to be active this holiday, starting with a Turkey Trot on the big day. I like to eat around 2 p.m., so there’s time for leftovers, so I agree with you. Happy Monday:)


I have a half day on Weds (only one in the office!) and will be off Thurs and Fri. This is about to be my highest mileage week I have EVER run so I am running to be fully trained for Dopey (5k-1ok-half-full back to back). I have 3 miles on Tues, 4 on Weds, 9.3 on Thursday (racing a 5k+10k at a Turkey Trot) and 23 miles at the beach on Friday

and thanksgiving for me would be perfect around 1 or 2. nice lunch before football! and more leftovers!


I think earlier than normal dinner but not quite so close to lunch. Maybe like 3ish?

I cant nap during the day or when I wake up I never want to get up and sleep way too much so that it messes up my bedtime. Boo.


I’m running this week becauuuuuse….I really like running. And I really like Thanksgiving & eating. And when I give too much love to the eating, I have to give some more love to the running to help make up for it ;).


We actually have to eat Thanksgiving at 11 am this year… yikes.

I teach high school and for the first time we have Wednesday off! Thank goodness.


I am runnng this week because it’s my passion. I was sick all last week and missed, so I cannot wait to get back out there. Even if it is going to be freezing. As for meals times, we usually say we are going to eat at 2- which means in Houston time, 3 pm. ;) happy thanksgiving and thanks for the running tips! Love them:)


3 is the holy Thanksgiving hour!


We usually eat around 1-2 and then have left overs around 7-8 :) Might vary a bit this year b/c we live out of state from any family and have no guests this holiday so the 4 of us (hubby and two daughters) are running a Turkey Trot. I guess we will eat whenever the food is ready!

I’m running this week because I’m doing Pile on the Miles with runeatrepeat and my November goal is 100 miles. Im at 83 so far!

Not really napper – maybe a couple times per year!

I’m not totally off but work from I do work from home and my girls are off school so I’m working reduced hours this week and doing crafts, etc with them (they re 15 and 17 but I’m making them hang out with me!)


We used to eat Thanksgiving at dinner time, but over the years we’ve been pushing it earlier and earlier so now we eat around 2! It’s perfect because then we have time for a second pass at all the food later that day! I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes to do this!


Dinner for us is around 3:30-4. I am running a Turkey Trot again this year, but now with my 13 year old son….so dinner will be whenever it’s ready, but that’s usually the time range. I’d have to be up before the roosters to get dinner done that early and there would certainly be no running. Can’t have that!!


My family eats Thanksgiving around 1ish, my husband’s eats around 5. We rotate who we spend it with each year, but I’ve always preferred the earlier time slot for the same reason as you – leftovers!

I am running this week because the Honolulu Marathon is in 20 days!! No time for slacking. My longest runs are behind me – whew!

LOVE naps as long as I take them before 3. Any later and my sleep is messed up.


my family is full of football fanatics so we ALWAYS eat during half time of the Lions game.. so around 1:30! I’m siding with you on this ;)


Sorry to your Mom but 5 is way too late! I think 1 or 2 so you can digest before going to bed :)


T-day dinner for me should always be 6…
I’m running this week because I spend my days teaching a class full of first graders and need some “me” time with sweat and endorphins to stay sane:)


Love your tips and the WR article.

Brooke is so gorgeous in that dress and coat.

Thanksgiving dinner should be around 1 or 2. Maximum time to eat and keep in eating.

I like to nap (when I can, which isn’t often) for about 30min. More and I get super groggy and nauseous.

I run this week because why the hell not?


We’re right in the middle. Usually around 2 or 3p dinner time. Appetizers at 1, dinner at 3, dessert and/or leftovers around 6 or 7p.

I am running this week because I need to burn some calories and the mental clarity.


I’m running this week because its tradition! We always do the Thanksgiving Day 5k


I can’t even remember the last time I had Thanksgiving off, but I would agree with your reasoning for eating earlier in the day. I am not one to take naps. If I do though and it happens to be longer than 30 minutes I get all groggy for the rest of the day. I am running for my sanity! Life has a bit stressful these days so running is my outlet.


noonish is proper to me!


I am running this week because I am getting married on Saturday and running is ME time and is my release from all of the junk that takes up space in my brain!


i say T day meal at 1 , then leftovers for dinner when we are conscious again! Happy Thanksgiving.


Luckily my family eats holiday dinners at 1 PM and DH’s family eats at 5PM. This way we can enjoy the day with both families!

I’m running this week because I love to run and want to keep in shape for my 10 miler in March!


My family always eats at 1:30-2:00 and I love it because I can digest my food, then eat some pies and other desserts, and then eat more food for dinner if I want to :)

I am running this week because I NEED and love the endorphins that exercise gives me. It just feels so good!!!! I so wish that I was a napper, but whenever I nap, I end up feeling more groggy :( Even when I had a newborn and didn’t sleep hardly at all at night I still couldn’t nap during the day. I know, I’m crazy ha! I’m not in school or working a “real” job, but my hubby is at BYU and has tues-fri off :) Oh and side note: Brooke’s church outfit is seriously sooo cute! I love her coat and shoes!


My family is Filipino, so we think it’s weird to eat “dinner” s early haha! But my husband says 3pm is about right for Thanksgiving dinner. It actually works out well for us since our families live in the same area…We get to have 3pm dinner with his mom, then 6pm dinner at my mom’s :) The key is eating a tiny bit at both so I don’t pass out.

I’m running this week because I’ve worked so hard to get to this point!!

Only Thanksgiving Day itself off this year :( Had to take a day of PTO for Friday. Booooooooo.


I’m in agreement with your mom…5ish.


We normally eat around 1:30. 3 if my SIL has to work.


Thanksgiving should be eaten at 4-5 so you can go to sleep after! I’m running this week because I need things to make me feel good. I’m the best napper ever! One benefit to only have one child is the naps never stop! They don’t affect my nighttime sleeping because my body needs way too much sleep. Thursday- Sunday off yay!!


We usually eat Thanksgiving dinner around 3 or 4pm so its early enough that guests can great home at a decent time but we don’t have to rush to have dessert right away either.


We eat at 11:30..that way there is time for left overs and late night left overs!!

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