Part of being a human and 10 good things.

My personal/non-blogged about life kind of exploded the other day and it has been a ‘put on a happy face until you put Brooke down for bed or a nap and sit on the couch and cry’ kind of a week.  Why do I share things like this… to remind you that you aren’t alone when you are going through tough stuff, life is hard sometimes. Brooke and I should have just stayed at Disneyland because life was pretty perfect there;)  

I guess it is all kind of part of this whole being a human thing and I am starting to feel better now so let’s talk about 10 GOOD things that happened yesterday.

1.  I saw this amazing news.  It better be true.

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2.  These apples that my dad picked for me at the orchard are ridiculous.  I can’t get over how good they are and the pairing with AB is making up the majority of my daily caloric intake.

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3.  Brooke is quite the teaser.  Whenever she wakes up in the morning or after a nap I ask her what she dreamed about… she usually says mama and gives me a big hug.  Yesterday when I asked her about what she dreamed about she got a big grin on her face and said my sister’s name and started giggling because she knew she was teasing me.  

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4.  Alanis Morissette on Pandora.  Always puts me in a good mood.  Taking it back to the 90s. 

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5.  An amazing dinner up north with the girls.  I met them all through the internet.  They are all runners.  They all love large amounts of pizza.  It’s great.

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6.  You just can’t go wrong with a pizza and a salad with blackberries on it.  

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7.  After dinner we went to see the POP SHOP!  My friend just opened up the store and it offers pretty much all of the best foods and drinks out there.

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We got to go on a tour of the inside.  

The beautiful hot chocolate station.  We are coming upon that time of year where I drink hot chocolate every day in attempt to defrost.  

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8.  A hip looking teenager at the restaurant told me she liked my shoes.  It made me feel really cool for a few seconds.

9.  The stairclimber at the gym was open for me to use right when I got to the gym in the morning.  That never happens.

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10.  This one is from Tuesday—>  Brooke sat still brushing her teeth for long enough that I could do some french braids.  It was a miracle.

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Favorite Pandora station!?!

Something really good that happened yesterday?

Favorite non-treadmill equipment/machines that you use at the gym the most?!

Who else is stoked about Friends being on Netflix?

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Favorite Pandora Station is Sugar Ray!!!! Get ready for a 90’s party!!! :)


I’m sorry you’re having a tough time, life can really suck sometimes but stay strong and keep your head up! I have a favourite quote for hard times “Stay strong, after every sunset there is a sunrise”!! So true and reminds me that tomorrow is another day and I will be okay :)

I’m so obsessed with Friends, it just can’t be normal. I watch at least 3 episodes a day, it’s the only show I can watch over and over again, it never gets old!!


Friends!! Yes!!!
Sorry you were having a bad time. I hate being an adult sometimes. I just bought an elliptical for winter lol.


SO cool you got to meet new blog friends! And very cool that your friends opened a restaurant!

I got a haircut yesterday! It’s been probably a year since I had one and my ends feel infinitely better. Now I just need to get Netflix so I can get hooked on tv shows!!

I don’t get to run today (tapering for finals) so I will live it through you!


Sorry to hear about your struggle and appreciate you sharing. You have such a positive approach to life and lots of support, you are such a strong person.

I love doing french braids on my girls, though they rarely want them! Adorable. And I haven’t watched friends in so long but can probably still recite every episode.


I’ve been having ‘one of those days’ for about the last week. While I’m not glad that you’re going thru it, its always nice to feel like you’re not alone in those feelings!

Just reading about hot chocolate made me want some. Dang it. Love the 90s stations on Pandora. Alanis was the best when she had angry girl music!


When I’m feeling emo I listen to Birdy Radio on pandora but recently Dixie Chicks are also speaking to my heart….throwbacks never fail.

I started adding slightly melted chocolate chips to my almond butter + apple combo and I’ll never look back.


SO stoked about friends on netflix! Aaand ive been kinda obsessed with my meghan trainer pandora station- its full of taylor swift, lana del ray, fergie (circa 2006) and adele– aka everything awesome in music ever :D


Im so sorry to hear you’ve been having one of those days. Ive sort of been in the same situation for the past couple months. I cant seem to get out of this funk!

Ive been loving the Jack Johnson station on Pandora. Ahhh, just makes me happy when nothing else does :)


My life has been pretty much a constant explosion for the past couple of weeks. I like the good things vibe! It’s always needed no matter what day it is. And Alanis – all the time! She puts me in a good mood just thinking about the memories from her songs.


I am so excite to hear about Friends! I used to watch it all the time when the repeats were on cable and I really miss it! I love Brooke’s hair in those braids- it looks so long!!
I’m sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time, but hang in there, You have already persevered through so much and it shows just how strong of a person you are!


I looooove listening to Alanis too! Jagged Little Pill is such a good album! I’m leaving for work in a few mins and now I am going to listen to it on my drive in!

Fave things at the gym other than the treadmill are the dumbbells! I always feel really cool if I pick up one that is over 25lbs!! haha


I’m sorry you are having a tough time friend. :( Love ya.

Hmm, I ate 2 homemade cookies yesterday and they were really good. :)

Getting a 2 year old to sit still long enough for french braids…wow!!!


Not going to lie…I kind of screamed when I heard the news about Friends on Netflix. Brooke’s hair is getting so long! She is seriously too cute.


Hang in there! I definitely have those days, too but I’m sure better will come!
You were in my neck of the woods…looks like you had a great night!
Wow, if my kids hugged me every time they woke up I’d be constantly putting them down for naps! :) Isn’t it fun to see their little sense of humor?!


I’m so sorry you’re having a bad week, I hope it gets better. Thanks for sharing the news about Friends, I REALLY hope its true!


I’m so sorry you are having a rough week! We all go through ups and downs, glad you’re focusing on some good stuff to keep yourself from getting too down.

The best thing that happened to me yesterday, hands down, was when a coworker actually requested me to do the anesthesia for her husband’s surgery. That is such a huge trust to place in someone, and I was so honored that she trusted me with someone she loves.

The second best thing that happened yesterday was when I experimented with making some healthier pumpkin muffins and they turned out really delicious! I’m a big fan of no-recipe cooking, which can be hit or miss. I usually end up throwing chocolate chips in everything, because everybody likes chocolate chips even if the vehicle tastes weird. This weekend, I plan on eating ALL the muffins!

I only really go to the gym for classes, and the occasional treadmill run when it’s snowing or awful and cold outside. Otherwise, I’m an outdoor runner!


I FLIPPED when I saw the news about Friends! Which is really hilarious, because I own all ten seasons on DVD. But this just means I’ll be able to watch them anywhere without having to get up and change DVDs ;) Ultimate lazy!

Surrounding yourself with awesome friends (who have awesome tastes) is the best way to get through those bad days! Keep your chin up!


I tend to listen to darker music (I grew up in the midst of the grunge/alt/metal movement) but sometimes it gets too depressing, so I’ve recently put a few new stations on my Pandora… Katy Perry station and Lorde station. Both are much more bubbly and upbeat and make my workday mood better!

And, if all else fails, there is the Disney Channel Stars station. :)

Now I want to see the shoes you were complemented on…


I actually asked my Facebook/blog readers their thoughts and we all agree that the old adage of if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all still holds true.

I’m sorry that you and other bloggers have to deal with the negative feedback.
As a blogger myself I try and remind people that as open as I am about my life there is plenty they don’t know and really can’t know through a computer screen.

Yesterday was a good day because you featured me in my Easter bunny getup on your costume post. :)

Brooke’s hair is so gorgeous. And getting so long. Speaking of, I’m getting a haircut today. It’s been 18 months since my last one. Pathetic lol. Lucky for me it’s curly and just curls tighter so no one really notices.


When I was going through a hard time I just tried to think that the day something rough happens is the worst day… and every day afterwards will be better! So today will be better and even more awesome stuff will happen.

Jealous of the apples… I bought a pack of Gala apples from Target the other day that are nowhere near fresh crisp apples. On the hunt for some good ones today!


I’m a fan of the elliptical… I just really think it feels good (I guess all that impact from running makes my joints want a break!).


My favorite Pandora station of all time is the Hip Hop Workout. I usually don’t like hip hop music, but it really gets me going for working out.
Favorite non-treadmill equipment/machines that you use at the gym the most?!
I use the spin bike the most besides the treadmill. I also have started to enjoy the kettlebells. (who am i?)
My life will soon be Friends on Netflix. My life is better.


My fave Pandora station is from the seed “Wolf Like Me” by TV on the Radio. Such a great song.


Yes yes yes to Alanis! That CD never gets old! Takes me back to when life was “so hard” in high school (a paper to write, not knowing if my crush liked me, etc) :)


Something really good that happened yesterday >> we went to supper with friends last night and I had the best slice of homemade pumpkin pie I have ever tasted!

On Pandora, I listen to Kari Jobe or Veggie Tales if my son is awake :)


Brooke’s smile is the best!

Favorite Pandora station is either All About That Bass or Fergie.

Something really good that happened yesterday was that I got to go on my kiddo’s field trip to the zoo. I think he thanked me at least 5 times yesterday, it was super sweet.

Favorite non-treadmill equipment that I use is probably the elliptical.


Sorry to hear you wee feeling sad. You’re not alone. We all go through ups and downs. Just remember what goes down always comes up.


So excited for Friends on Netflix. Until then I’m living off of Gilmore Girls that was just added!!


Currently my favorite Pandora station is “Disney (children)”. It is glorious. Somewhat makes me feel like a 5 year old, but that’s ok. :) I got a 9 mile run in yesterday which made me feel more prepared for my half, woo.


My favorite pandora station is 90’s Alternative – it is amazing!

I am ECSTATIC about Friends coming to Netflix. I mean, I have all the dvd’s but this will be even better!


I cannot WAIT for Friends to be on Netlfix. At the rate I am going with Gilmore Girls, Friends will arrive just in time!


Wow. Brooke is such a sweetie pie!! It’s so cute when kids learn how to tease.

Something good about yesterday?? My hubby finished the computer he has been working on, and I got to finally work out my arms!


Aaaghhhh I am so jealous about Friends, I’m gonna have to ask my more techy friends how to get US Netflix over here (apparently there’s a way… who knows). Yesterday was my rest day so I had a perfect morning in bed reading blogs before getting up for class :) I spend my life on the elliptical if I’m not on the treadmill – probably because it reminds me most of running! Haha :P


Love those braids of Brook’s so cute and her hair is getting so long! Sorry to read that you are going through something bad but in your usual classy form you handle it with class ~ thank you for being such a good example to all out here.

Here is a saying I found, on Pinterest ofcourse ~ I dont have time hating those who hate me I am too busy loving those who love me.


Hope everything is ok :-)

Like most things – Canadian Netflix is different from American Netflix, I doubt very much that we are getting Friends :-(


FRIENDS ON NETFLIX?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
my life is about to get SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better : SERIOUSLY.
Thank you for sharing this–> you are a great friend.

I hope your week picks up because life is too short to be sad and you are too amazing to be down for too long.


Janae, I’m so sorry life is rough right now. I am giving you a giant cyber hug and if I lived on the west coast I would offer to go on run with you or watch your precious Brooke so you could run solo and filter through the thoughts, emotions, etc. Praying that life eases up on you soon :-)


Something good….I can only focus on this one thing because it is beyond good…

A Cold Front blew into Florida and lowered our temps! We stayed in the mid 80’s yesterday! And today it will only get to 81! I love Fall and Cold Fronts. It not only made my day but my entire week.


I’m so sorry for whatever you’re going through right now. I’m going through a really rough time too so I understand. It was nice to realize that I’m not alone in it, even though I don’t wish bad times in anyone. You should also know that you’re not alone and you have a lot of people in your life that are there for you and want the best for you. Keep plugging along! It will get better :)


I love how you always focus on the positive, we could all learn from you! That dinner looks delicious too!


Noooo to Friends coming on Netflix. Only because I know where all my free time will go now. I am a HUGE Friends fan. It’s one of the reasons I moved to NYC. I was so convinced I would have a life like that. Haha.
I love pizza, but I try to limit my indulgence.
I listen to Alanis all the time. She’s on my playlist. My fav station right now is John Legend. I’m still crushing on “All of Me”. I play it at least once a day, usually at night when I’m dreaming of that perfect love I’m sure I’ll have someday :-)
Hope you’re situation gets resolved soon. Remember, things work out in the end so if they haven’t worked out yet, it’s cause it’s not yet the end. Keep the faith! You are loved!


Keep your chin up! And i can totally relate!

I love to listen to Today’s Hits on Pandora while I’m running!


LOVE The Counting Crows station on Pandora. Alanis is awesome too!


why am I always the last to hear about what comes on Netflix? Is there some secret club I’m not aware of…that or I just don’t read the news…probably the latter. Random fact: I tagged along with my husband on a work trip to Switzerland, his workmates had tickets to go see Alanis…more random was that no one spoke English, I mean NO ONE, everyone spoke French where we were, and EVERY SINGLE person at the concert knew every single word to all of her songs.


I just told my brother the other day that I was having a mid life crisis. He asked, “how do you know? You have no idea when you’re going to die…”
A valid point. I could die tomorrow. Then I had an “end of life crisis”.

Nevertheless…we all feel lost, frustrated, sad, or helpless/hopeless sometimes. The power of God is that he gives us strength to keep pushin’ through to the next day. #powerofprayer/positivity

Have a great day and nice job on the french braid…


I’m sorry you had a rough day. Sometimes it feels like our world is exploding, but usually as we put the pieces back together it creates something better then it was before! Keep the faith and all things will be for your good (originally I accidentally typed food instead of good and I considered leaving it because it’s also true).


Pandora is the best! I have so many favorites — Hip Hop BBQ is a good one, as well as Summer Oldies and the Olive Garden station. True story!


Hi Janae, I would like to say I have been enjoying your blog for a few years now and for the past year I know you have been struggling with the divorce and I feel for you. However, all this vague blogging just needs to stop because it is getting tiresome and is mostly annoying.


I hope this week turns around for you, Janae! It’s no fun feeling sad but at least you are surrounded by your friends and family who love you so much! And Brook;)

SUCH GOOD NEWS about Friends on Netflix!!! I am a huge friends fan and can’t wait.

My favorite Pandora station to work out to is the Pop Fitness station. I also love the Head and the Heart station for quieter times.

I hope you have a great day!!!


I don’t really listen to Pandora anymore ever since I’ve found Itunes radio. I like that a lot more! And my favorite cardio machcines aside from the treadmill, are the Cybex machine and Stairmaster.


Yesterday I was able to squeeze in a great workout AND get to my daughter’s school in time to get an actual parking space in the lot for pickup!
I really hope that whatever you’re going through gets easier and there are more sunny times ahead.


Sometimes it rains, and sometimes it pours! Soon the clouds will clear!

Keep on keepin on !


I’m sorry things suck right now, hopefully they start sucking less soon. I’ve been listening to a lot of frank Sinatra on Pandora lately…. you can’t not be happy when listening to the old classics. Good luck to you Janae


I’m so sorry you’re feeling down Janae! Keep your chin up, it will get better :)


The stairclimber is my favorite non treadmill machine. And thank you for being honest about life! It shows that life is not perfect or easy for anyone :)


If we didn’t have low points in life we wouldn’t appreciate the high points as much. I still hate the low points.

My good thing yesterday was that I was able to connect my suunto watch to a computer and set up all kinds of amazing apps to get the setting just how I want them. I got caught up at work and cleaned my house. Took the kids for ice cream and watched Harry Potter. Having a day that good is rare for me.


Yesterday’s Highlight: 1st run since Chicago and it was with my girlfriends!!
Fave Gym Equipment: The TRX straps
I NEVER get tired of Friends reruns!


This month I love the Halloween Party station on Pandora. But I love Halloween so I’d probably listen to it year round.
I read a comment where someone criticized your “vague blogging” and I have to say I disagree. I think it’s great that you keep some parts of your life private, but it’s also nice to know you are human and go through rough patches and I absolutely love that you write about the things you’re grateful for as a way to turn it around. You are such a good role model, not just as a runner but as a person. Good luck and remember the sun will come out tomorrow.


Ah man yes we have all been there in one way or another. Whatever it is, someone has gone through it before and came through.
Virtual ((hugs))…Brooke is funny and smart…her sense of humor shows her intelligence.
Something funny: my daughter hid my sons lunch bag somewhere and we are all trying to figure out where… Joke will be on me when the food rots!


Brooke’s hair is so long! I cannot think of anything good that happened yesterday. I fell and badly cut my knee! Actually I had ice cream to cheer myself up, that was perhaps the only positive thing.


Thanks for sharing with us :) I hope the end of the week turns out better than the beginning!! I love the saying that says that hard times help us appreciate the good times. Sending hugs!

Umm I am SO EXCITED about Friends coming to Netflix. Still my all time favorite show!!

The stairclimber and bike are my favorite non treadmill machines…not a huge elliptical fan!


I’m sorry you’re going through a tough time. I love how you’re focusing on the positive though! Sending love and happy thoughts your way! <3


Friends had better not be only on American Netflix! Although mostly everything else is…but a girl can dream!

Oh well. I think I will just get some hot chocolate and watch the Mindy Project to drown my sorrows. ;)


So sorry that you’re having a tough go of it. “(Somedays we’re the pigeons…other days the statue”). Hope you surround yourself with lots of love and laughter to help ya’ through.

I am ever-so impressed with Brooke’s hair. How fast do you braid?!?! I can’t even get my girl to sit still long enough to brush her hair in one sitting!


So many amazing food pics! I just had breakfast but now I’m hungry…what else is new. I really need to take a lesson from Brooke and learn how to braid! My hair is so long now that running with a ponytail is getting dangerous, i.e. hair whipping me in the face haha.

Thanks for sharing even a slight window into your struggles – I know it’s so easy to blog happy thoughts just so that you appear quirky and all put-together, but we all know that’s not how real life works. We all appreciate seeing the ups and downs. As a longtime reader, I know I really do! Sending you lots of love today :)


I’ve discovered a machine at the gym called Jacobs Ladder – have you done it? It’s gnarly!!!


Thank you for sharing with us that not everything is perfect. It takes a lot of courage. You’re so inspiring to all your readers and it helps to know that we’re not alone when we are going through some rough times. xoxo


You’re a total champ when it comes to weathering storms, Janae. I’m sure sometimes you feel like “I HAVE ENOUGH CHARACTER NOW! Can we please stop with all this character-building jazz? PLEASE?” Ride the waves. Let those who love you and care about you buoy you. And watch funny movies.


I am also having a time that is kind of similar! I even wrote a post related to the tough times and running. I’m sorry you’re going through tough stuff but you’re so right–it truly is part of being human unfortunately and it makes the sweet times even sweeter.

And in the meantime you always have…running and donuts and friends!

You’re an amazingly positive person and it’s inspiring. Take it as it comes–I always cling to Robert Frost–

“the best way out is always through”


when did brooke’s hair get so long? she is just SO cute! love the french braids!

sorry to hear that you’re having a difficult week. i’ve been having an ‘off’ week, too… i enjoyed this post because it was so real – it reminded me that we’re all humans and have bad weeks, but we should focus on the good things in life :) hope your week continues to get better, janae! xoxo


The Lake Street Dive station on Pandora rocks! I saw them live, and their station does not disappoint!


I really appreciate you blogging about your bad week. You’re right – it’s all part of being a human and no one is immune. I’ve always appreciated how well you’ve balanced being real and honest while also being so positive and forward-thinking.

Hahaha, I feel so cool when hipster teens compliment my clothes and accessories too.


I’m sorry it’s a bad week for you :( I hope things start looking up soon!!

I don’t care about Friends on NetFlix because 1) I own the series on DVD and 2) I don’t use NetFlix. I know. I pay for cable. I’m a sucker.

I like too many different kinds of music to choose a Pandora station! If I REALLY did, I would say that the Third Eye Blind channel is a really good one. Lots of good 90’s music, lots of being like, “OMG I love this song and totally forgot about it!!”


Thanks for your honesty! I am not sure if your hard time is referring to your divorce but I am still going through my divorce and just found out some pretty difficult news about my ex yesterday. I don’t have any friends going through anything similar so it is good to hear that I am not alone. You seem to be very high spirited and positive! Good on you and keep it up :). Life isn’t easy but the difficult times help us grow! They show us how strong we are and help us to learn more about ourselves. The best times are yet to come!


LOL I gasped so loud last night when I read that about Friends on Netflix. My boyfriend came running in and wasn’t too pleased that I freaked him out about a TV show…
If it makes you feel better, I had one of those weeks last week where I felt like I was just crumbling and I just wanted to sleep and cry (wayyyy too much stress last week). This week is completely different and I am back to being happy :) Just remember those low points are there to make the high points so much better!


Back in the day, I never missed an episode of Friends!

My favorite non-treadmill machines are the AMT and the rower. Actually, I like them better than the treadmill, too.


I’m a big fan of the stairclimber too. It always makes me feel the burn. When I found out that Friends was coming to Netflix, I pretty much decided that winter is no longer going to be “that bad.” They timed the release perfectly.


Favorite pandora station is imagine dragons!!! Hang in there girl!!!!


Just tried Pizzeria Limone for the first time when I was in Utah last month…Delicious!! Had the same salad too :) Can’t wait for our next Utah trip!


I hope your tough week ends with a happier weekend. I CANNOT WAIT until Friend’s is on Netflix. I have all 10 seasons on DVD but I’ve watched them so many times, a few of the disks actually skip!

Happy thing yesterday: I went for a long walk by myself to clear my hear. I stomped on crunchy leaves and allowed myself to sit under a tree and enjoy the fall air for a few minutes of peace :)


AHHHH Friends on Netflix!!! Yessss! First Gilmore Girls, now Friends! Netflix is doing it RIGHT.



Love the rowing machine and love reading your blog!


My fave Pandora station is probably PussyCat Dolls lol. I used to love them and the mix it gives is so good when I run!


Hope things are looking up again. I was just listening to Jagged Little Pill on my Ipod during my beach walk/jog yesterday. Love it. Classic Alanis is the best!


Kings of Leon on Pandora!
I am SO excited to see that Friends will be on Netflix!! :)

Keep your chin up, things will get better :) You gotta go through hard times to realize the good in life.


I got divorced and went through a very tough year afterwards. I out on a smile/happy face but inside I felt so depressed about it. Every day gets a little better. You are such a positive person – full of faith – we all love you and we’re rooting for you! Tomorrow will be better. Hang in there – I promise things will get better. Sending you a HUGE internet hug all the way from Connecticut. xoxoxoxo


I can’t get over how long brooke’s hair is!!! She is growing up way too fast!


well this is certainly late, but hope things get better this week. Hang in there girl :) virtual hugs!

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