I have a problem (I know you already knew that) and post-race blues.

Doesn’t matter where we are.  I am the jungle gym and I don’t ever want that to change (okay, maybe I will be okay with change when she is a teenager or something).  

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Brooke asked to go to the play place and I couldn’t turn her down (I need to start working on that).  

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And afterwards we partied hard the Mormon way with Sparkling Cider Floats.  

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This was my first time ever trying this combo and it was definitely a winner.  

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I then made Sara braid my hair because I have no idea how to do such a thing.

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They know that taking a picture together is just part of the routine.  

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Sara gave one of these to me as we left and oh my goodness.  I loved.

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Our walls have been pretty bare at our new apartment so I have been working on getting a few things up.  We picked up the canvas that I had made for Brooke’s room at Costco and I love how it turned out.

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And I put some prints up in the bathroom. 

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To end the night—>  it was time to go through my running shoes.  I have a problem saying goodbye to my shoes with too many miles on them that are from years ago.  I finally did last night and just have the ones (pretty much the top layer) that I use hanging out in my closet now.  It was an emotional goodbye but I am excited to donate them.  

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I am suffering from a case of the post-marathon blues.   We focus on a race for months, we work extremely hard and then boom… we cross the finish line and it is over.  And then we ask ourselves—>  What’s next!?!

It is nice right now to decide the morning of my workout what I want to do but I miss having a goal race in the near future (so far my next race is in April and that feels way too far away).  I have been thinking about finding a race to try and push myself in this next month but then I read these two things from Marathon by Hal Higdons:  

“Runners need to resist the urge to come back too soon under the theory that more work may mean still better times.  You end up pushing yourself too hard.  You may get away with it for 4 to 6 weeks; then you collapse, get injured, get sick, or feel stale and overtrained.  The period immediately after a good marathon is when you need to be especially cautious about your training.”

“Studies now show you do indeed damage the muscle, creating micro-trauma in muscle fibers, with activities like marathon running.  No one knows what we do to the connective tissue and skeleton, but I suspect there’s trauma there also.  Since Scientists do not yet know precisely how much time is needed for such trauma to be reversed, it’s smart for runners to give themselves plenty of time with minimal running to let that healing process occur.”

So, to deal with the post-marathon blues and desire to start racing again too soon (for me.. some people can handle much more than I can without getting injured):  Keep remembering what Hal talked about above and set goals that are realistic to me training without getting injured.  And since I love having goals so much, set goals that aren’t even running related to fulfill the lack of pushing myself in my workouts for a few more weeks.  


Have you ever suffered from post-race blues?

What are some of your NON-running/fitness goals right now!?!?

Do you have any specific Halloween traditions?  What are they?

If you eat at fast food places—>  what is your favorite/most frequented?

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After my first marathon I got the blues. I didn’t want to run for a while but I also didn’t have anything to strive for. I felt lost. We moved in a year ago and I still don’t have anything on the walls. We are just now working on that since I’m in my nesting stage!


I’m suffering post race blues before my race! NYCM is this weekend and I’m already thinking ahead to what will be next! I’m trying to take a break and just relax thru the holidays then decide what will be next on the racing calendar.

Love the braid! I can basically handle straightening my hair and even that is questionable some days.

I also have a hard time giving up shoes. I donated a huge box to Soles 4 Souls awhile back and I have to say it was a pretty great feeling. Plus, I have all kinds of room for new shoes now!

Non-fitness goal is to get our hardwood flooring put in our house so my house isn’t a construction zone much longer!


I have suffered from post race blues! That’s what got me to sign up for my second half, hahaha!

Non-fitness goals include finishing a big work project and hopefully find a place to live (newly separated.)

Halloween traditions in our house are carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds– plus, we always sorted our candy (and made trades) before we ate it!


Non running goals? Get super good and buff at rock climbing! Hoping to get an indoor pass this winter, you should too:)

Halloween traditions?

Making amazing pumpkin coooookies!!! Best ever! :)

Love the mermaid braid! It’s always fun trying new braids on each other!


I always get the post-race blues. Then I sign up for another race and get excited again!!
I’m working on strength building. My goal is to NOt be afraid of big weights:)
My fave fast food: Chipotle.


My NON running goal is re-decorating my “getting ready room” where my clothes live! I am in the process of picking a medal rack for my race medals, or even making one myself!! It will be so fun to decorate it with a ton of inspirational sayings, quotes, and past race pictures. That way the rest of my house can just be “normal” stuff and the running will just blowup in this one room!!


I love this!!


I def have the post-race blues. I ran a BQ marathon in September and was on such a high, only to find out that I didn’t make the 1:02 cutoff. So not getting into Boston and not having something to train for has put me in a running slump.

I am starting Halloween traditions this year now that AB will 2 in a few months. I think that making Halloween cookies is a great way to start. :)


After my first marathon I was excited for the extra rest and short runs! However, now I am wondering how I ever did really long runs since some days 4 miles feels long!

You are smart to listen to your body and go with the flow. Do you think you will do any fun runs with the family? Turkey trots or jingle runs? Ahh! Can’t believe the holidays are almost here!


That float looks amazing! I should try it!

No halloween traditions here – Max has never gone out for halloween because Mommy always has someone on Halloween night. This year, poor lil guy has to spend 7 hours in the car because Mommy has to run a marathon :-) I doubt he cares. He does love all the decorations!

I really don’t have any non-running goals right now. I don’t think “cleaning the house top to bottom” is really a goal…..

I cannot braid my hair either :-(


I have the same problem saying goodbye to old shoes! I’ve had to but it’s always a tough experience. I’ve also had post race blues and usually deal with it by signing up for more races, although I’ve chilled on that recently. Love the wall decor :)


I try really really hard to cross train! It is tempting to sign up for another race, but it’ll make Boston that much sweeter!

Halloween tradition is to carve a ridiculous looking pumpkin!


That float looks really good. I think I’ve just been craving ice cream lately LOL…

I always fine it hard to say goodbye to shoes too. Normally they still look pretty good so it’s easy to keep them. I just donated a bunch myself and I felt so releaved. So much less clutter, shoes take up a ton of space.

I used to get post race blues during college cross country season honestly. For road races after a hard training cycle I feel like I need a ton of time off!


I got the post-marathon blues after my first marathon in January. I’m mentally preparing for that to happen after NYC this weekend.


Perfect timing. I ran Marine Corp Marathon last week. My training was great my race time not so much. In spite of this being a hard course the experience was beyond belief and I’m very sad now. I’ll be resting a couple of weeks with some walking and bike riding to recover my over 50 body but yes what a sense of sadness


LOVE the canvas print! I must be living under a rock because I never thought of that!

I too suffer from post marathon blues. It’s so hard to wait for the next training cycle. Your body will thank you at Boston when you get that sub-3, so hang in there! It’s good to feel excited and not stale!


Love those prints! You have the cutest, brightest running shoes, too :)


Didn’t you used to bike a lot? What about finding some sort of bicycling event to do? Or focus on swimming so you can do that triathalon you’ve mentioned wanting to do in the past? (I might just be remembering everything wrong…)

The last few years we’ve watched faux-scary movies on Halloween night as I pass out candy. (Think Shawn of the Dead…)

I don’t eat fast food at all, but if we still had a Quizno’s near me, I would. Their veggie sub is the boss.


Cider floats need to be in my life ASAP! Why have I never thought of this?!


I really really need to get rid of some of my shoes too! I just always think, well, I’ll use them for cross training or running around town. But still, I probably only need ONE extra pair – not ten :)

I don’t hardly ever drink soda, but Fresca is one of my summer favorites. It is SO refreshing!

I love those prints!

Can’t really ever say no to a CFA salad!


Post-race blues are so real! I’m there right now girl. Sprained ankle don’t help anything neither. Boo. However, as soon as I’m better, I’m going to appreciate the run so much more :)
I want to continue strength training as my non-running goal. It makes me feel like a more confident runner and that makes me happy.
We have been frequenting Panda Express way more than I care to mention. I also love Panera. Not a huge fast food person, I can usually make it faster at home anyway!


I always want to start training again right after a race is over! Usually when I get to the peak of my training I look forward to a break, but then after the race I want to jump back in but I know thats not a good idea! Um I don’t have any non-running fitness goals right now…its been all about running lately but once my race is over I will need to rethink things!


Next Sunday, I´ll run my third Maraton, and for me is very impontant take a rest after.First week after marathon no running, the second week, something about swiming and bike, and maybe one day running 20 minutes or 30, and finally the third week, I ´ll start running again like usually.


This is the first time in a very long time that 1) I don’t have a big race on the calendar anytime soon and 2) I’m not injured or coming back from an injury :) For the past month, I’ve been running just for ME and running whenever, wherever, whatever I want, and it’s been amazing. I’ve been using this time to find my love of running again, where it’s something that I want to do rather than sometimes feeling like a chore that I have to do. As a bonus, my paces have been better than ever! I think we need to have that kind of time sometimes, to rediscover why it is exactly why we run.


I can SO completely and totally relate to the post marathon blues–especially because I didn’t have my picture perfect first marathon experience and in order to have a “redo” that I am happy with I feel like I have to wait sooooo long. That said, at the moment I’m so sore that I while I can long for some good hard/long runs, I definitely can’t make it happen quite yet. I think it can also be helpful to look back at other “post race periods” when you felt down and now they just don’t seem like that big a deal because you know in retrospect that your gonna be right back at it.

Also I am the worst at hairstylin’ but that braid looks awesome. So does that float.


I haven’t gotten rid of any of the workout or running shoes I’ve bought since I was in college, and it’s gotten to be a problem. It’s just hard to let go of the shoes that have so many memories! :)


I just finished running my first half marathon two weekends ago. Although I had no injuries during training, during my race I hurt my left knee and right foot. I kinda think the taper “unconditioned” me if that’s possible because I ran 12 miles during my training at a pace maybe 20 secs slower than I did the race without issues. So I rested all last week, no activity whatsoever and yesterday went out on a trial/shake off run and by mile 1.5 the knee and foot pain came back with a vengeance. I actually had to stop and walk, so sad. It felt so good to run again, but I guess it’s going to be walking and biking for me for a while. In the winter I usually focus on strength anyways because it gets so dark out and I hate running when there’s snow/ice on the road… Time to find the same peace I get from running in other workouts for the time being


For Halloween, we do a potluck at our house and our neighborhood friends and family meet up here and then we walk the neighborhood together and trick or treat.

We eat at Taco Bell the most. It’s cheap and super close to our house.


This post made me feel SO MUCH BETTER. I have been struggling with motivation that once came so easily. I hardly struggled at all getting up and out of the house for a 5AM (or sometimes 4:15AM) run while training. Now that my race is over, I am having such a hard time! It has been two weeks, and your post made me realize I don’t need to push so hard to keep up the miles in these weeks. As long as my mojo comes back next month!!!


ooooh that fresca is SO GOOD! It brings back memories for me– my mom used to stock up on those when I was in high school!


I keep a couple of pairs of extra/old sneakers and then donate the rest to I think it’s called something like Sole to Souls. They have the bin at my local runner’s shop so whenever I buy a new pair, I bring an old pair (or two) with me….I am a little post-race blue after last week’s Runner’s World Hat Trick. It was so fun!


First things first: Those red Brooks vintage style shoes are AMAZING. Must. Get. Some. I have post race (Chicago Marathon) blues too. And it’s extra bad right now because I am on day 3 of a 14 day running break —> SO HARD. But, I keep thinking long term that this rest is necessary for my body and brain so that I can have a super strong training cycle for Boston 2015. Why do we as runners always doubt ourselves, when we pretty much can do ANYTHING we set our minds to?


oh and also I found that Runner’s World (of course, as always) has some great insight into life after marathon



I ran two marathons within three weeks recently, and I’ve got to tell you … it feels great to go back to working out “like a normal person,” as my husband calls it. My next big race is a half at the end of April, and although I’m looking forward to it, I’m grateful for a break!

BTW, I wanted to ask you if you’ve had a chance to pre-review the Brooks PureFlow 4s. I hear they’re coming out at the beginning of 2015. I loved the PureFlow 1s and 2s, but I totally hated the narrower toebox in the 3s. I’m hoping the 4s are better. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about the newest edition.


I really need to do this with my running shoes too. I only have one pretty small closet in my room and it’s getting to the point where the shoes are pushing out other important things (like my laundry basket) as the mountain grows. I have been trying to find a way to donate/recycle them.


That looks like my closet! I have so many shoes, I really need to go through them.

I have definitely felt the post-race blues. It’s hard not to, there’s so much work and build up before a race that I almost always feel a little lost afterwards.

In my non-running life, I am working on…work! I am in the process of making some exciting changes that will end with me working for myself! It’s absolutely terrifying.


I have the post race blues after every race. Earlier in the year I would immediately sign up for another race after one was over. Shocker that by now I’ve ended up with Achilles tendonitis ;) I know I should have taken breaks, and it always is clear as day once you are injured! I’m on a full running break right now for a least 2 weeks, maybe longer. My new fitness goals are to get back into spinning regularly and try something new, so I ordered PiYo, hopefully that will make me stronger and prevent future injuries!


We love Chick Fil A! And some non-running goals are more ab and back work. And to do more yoga!!


I hate fast food. I can never really find anything worth it. I like the step up restuarants like Zupas and cafe rio. I am trying to get really good/into yoga!



My non-race goals right now are to actually go to my favorite fitness classes at my gym! I’ve upped my running but have been skipping the yoga and pilates classes that I love.


I love, love, love that this post hit close to home for me. It’s been two and a half weeks since the Chicago marathon, and I’m finding it harder and harder to get out of bed to go train. I gave myself a week of very light mileage (totaling 10 miles), and then moved back up into the 20-mile range the following week. Low mileage or not, I might have rushed it.

Thank you so much for posting this, darling!


What type of fresca is that? I love fresca but didn’t know there were other flavors. Non running goals? To improve my swimming endurance now that I’ve gotten my form and breathing down.


Fresca is my JAM! Love love love. Goals right now just consist of growing a healthy baby boy and staying healthy myself until his arrival (Jan 26 can’t come soon enough, though)…and staying active through the next 3 months! And to not eat all the Halloween candy! :)


I just did my 11th race on Sunday, and I think this is the first time I haven’t had post-race blues. I’ve been dealing with an injury, so I’m just really ready to take a break from running completely, do some swimming instead, and just let it heal. I’m just tired of the pain! My non-running goals therefore are to swim 2-3 times midweek, and to go for walks a couple of times each weekend with my husband. :)


That’s a great canvas of Brooke! I am horrible at getting pictures of my kids printed (but we have them so that’s the first step!)

Non running goals – I’ve been working on running/life balances the last year. I’m kind of an all or nothing kind of gal. It’s hard to run enough that it satisfies but not so much it overruns. (No pun intended.). Some of my goals include blog meaningful posts, read non fiction books, improve my piano proficiency so I can play in more concerts/gigs, and my newest one (albiet semi reluctantly) a little family history.

I sound 80.


This looks like a good place to confess that I counted my shoes the other day, and – POST closet purge – I owned 89 pairs.


I wouldn’t know what other goals to set other than a running goal and increase my strength training for running! I will read through the comments to get some ideas.


Where do you donate your old running shoes? You definitely could provide shoes for a small army! I can’t image how many other pairs you have that you are not donating. Haha! Gotta love running shoes. :)

I have definitely fallen victim to post-race blues. It’s tough to go from one extreme to the other in a matter of days. I love having goals in place, even when I am not training for a race. After I run CIM in December, my goal will to stay in shape for our trip to Hawaii in February.

Are you going to dress up for Halloween?


I have totally suffered from post race blues. The worst was right after my huge PR at the NJ Marathon this past April. I took a week off and then when I tried running just 4 miles I ended up limping. Apparently I had peroneal tendonitis and it kept me practically sidelined for 4 months. So I literally went from 26.2 to ZERO :(

I have a conversation in my head every day about how I need to work on strength, balance and flexibility because only having endurance fitness isn’t enough. But I can’t seem to get into a routine. I’m working hard at finding a way to incorporate these things and enjoy them somehow.

No Halloween traditions. I’m usually still too wrapped up in my birthday festivities (10/25 is my bday) although since getting my labradoodle in 2009 I’ve been dressing him up every year. =)

I’m a huge Panera Bread frequenter. I could care less for McDonalds or Burger King. Oh and Nathan’s french fries make me very happy.


I am definitely suffering from post-marathon blues. I ran the Hartford Marathon almost 3 weeks ago and managed to convince myself to take 9 days off before getting back to running. I’m keeping my distances short but dare I say I miss my weekend long runs?? Must resist!


I have post-race blues right now! Especially because the day after St. George as we were driving home my husband signed up for the Ogden Marathon and I didn’t because I’m trying to conceive so I don’t really know what my running situation will be like next year. I’m happy for him and totally supportive but sad for me because having another race to work towards sounds fun! I’m trying to keep things interesting for me in non-running related fitness and recently took my first spin class (well, I lasted four songs, my goal is to make it through five next week haha). And I tried a tabata workout which killed me dead, I have no fast-twitch muscles! I’ve also started to try some circuit weight training which has been more fun than just a traditional weight lifting.

And, as far as fast food is concerned I love Chick-fil-a (especially the fries and oreo milkshake) but I think it’s kind of expensive for fast food.


I think I can definitely suffer from the post-race blues. Granted, I am not a marathoner (just a 1/2 for me, thanks). I had a 1/2 this past Sunday…my next race HAD been scheduled for December (only a 12k). I found out last week that I will be unable to run in December (scheduling conflict came up). This leaves me with my next race in MARCH. Ugh! That seems so far away!!! I am debating on trying to find another race for December or January, but maybe it would be good to take the time off after reading Hal’s comments….

Non-running/fitness goals are to continue working on strength training/yoga into my near daily life. Yesterday I started a 30-day squat challenge…sometimes those are a fun way to change things up!


I am trying to figure out my game plan as well. I might do another race before my spring marathon but I am going to cut back running quite a bit. I am going to try to balance my time at the gym and time running into equal parts so I maintain fitness but also get stronger.


Right now I am trying to focus on strength training because I always slack in this area. I just don’t enjoy it, so I have a hard time finding the motivation. I know you struggle with this too, so I would love to hear some tips!


My last marathon was Napa this past March and prior the NYC marathon the previous November. Both marathons were done 18wk and 36wk post-baby so it nice to take a break and spend more time with my daughter. I only feel the blues when I hear racing stories. Now that my hubs and I are talking about baby #2, it’s hard to commit to any race esp if we do IVF again. If this baby thing doesn’t work out I’ve been thinking about changing things up and perhaps training for a bikini competition instead. I go back and forth about it b/c I don’t know if I can actually commit to the lifestyle change. This girl needs her candy and carbs. See my dilemma?? haha!

Apple cider floats? Why haven’t I thought of that?


My Halloween tradition is running around 13 miles so that I can eat lots of candy without feeling guilty :)

Where do you donate your shoes? That seems like a really good idea…


I trained for a marathon from February to June, raced, and then dove right back into training for one at the end of August. Once I had finished the race in August with a shiny new PR, I felt so lost. I felt guilty for not running 45+ mile weeks but I also knew I had to take a bit of time and ease back into hard stuff. I have done a few fun races/runs this fall but I haven’t signed up for anything in 2015 yet and I kind of can’t wait for another training cycle! :)


I just started running again this week after taking 4 weeks off after my first marathon. Rest is SO important! I successfully resisted the urge to take one day off for each kilometer of the race (I read that’s a thing for some people!), since that seemed a little excessive.

As for fast food favorites, Chipotle wins hands-down :)


Stull going through running blues but mostly now because I can’t…hopefully I can start again in a few days. Right now one of my goals is to finish the year with sharing great memories with my friends. We may be moving soon so I am trying to cherish every moment I have with them.


I want to get good at barre!! Last night’s class was killer. Hope you can join us next time!! :)
And yes that peach Fresca is the best thing.ever!


Chick fil a for the win!

Yes, I always have goals. One is to re-read all the conference talks. Another is to visit a friend who keeps ignoring me (I think she’s going through a tough time). I also want to have better quality time with my kids when they’re home from school.

That float looks amazing! Once I’m back on dairy (colicky baby) that’ll be on my To Eat list.


Okay, I’m totally trying that sparkling cider float. Two things that I love, together at last! ;)



I usually keep a few pair of old shoes for walking the dogs, elliptical, errands, etc and then donate the rest. My local running store has a donation program and they give a discount toward your next pair of shoes.

If my husband chooses fast food it’s usually In ‘n Out Burger. If i choose, Whole Foods. Little bit healthier and good variety.


I am trying to spend the winter (will start after my Half Marathon this weekend) getting in triathlon shape. I have done a few before and I think that training for them is more fun than doing them, but I’m hoping if I train really well and am really prepared, I’ll enjoy race day a little more.

My absolute favorite fast food place is Chipotle. I think I could eat there everyday and not get sick of it!


I’m on day 11(!!!) of no running since the end of cross country season. The first week I enjoyed being lazy but now I’m getting anxious and need to start doing something! Basketball starts in 2 weeks so I’ll have that soon enough. Instead of just running I want to get more into strength!

You are awesome for getting rid of all those shoes!! I think I have 6 pairs in my doorway right now.. but they all have different uses now, you know? ;)


Yes, I definitely get the post-race blues, especially after the full marathons because training takes up so much time! For the half it hasn’t bothered me too much.

Ha! Way to get rid of your shoes! I have a hard time getting rid of old ones too… it’s like they have sentimental value after logging so many miles together…

Non-running goal for me: Carry this baby to 38 weeks at least! My son came early and I am praying that I can make it full-term this time :) And I hope to keep active with this pregnancy, too. The morning sickness is stealing my motivation lately!


I’m actually going through post race blues right now… post 50k blues.

I’m secretly envious of everyone running NYC Marathon this weekend. I wish I could be there to feel the positive energy of the runners and see Kara Goucher race by.

I’m trying to stay positive and think of all the great exercises I neglected while training and I even made myself a recovery plan. I really love having a schedule and I think that’s almost of hardest part about not actively training.


Mmmm, I am going to have to try that cider float! And that salad looks amazing, I may need to stop by Chick Fil A.

I definitely suffered from post-race blues after St. George. Which is why I signed up for a 5K shortly after. Whoops! Hopefully I don’t overtrain or injure myself.

Non-running/fitness goals? Is there even such a thing? :) I am hoping to read a lot more books this winter. The majority will be running books of course.

I don’t really eat fast food that much. The only fast food places we go to (once a month or less) are Chipotle, Cafe Rio, and In N Out. I have been missing Cafe Rio salad! I think it’s time to go back.


Where did you get those prints for your bathroom? I love the mantras. I am looking for art for my bathroom and these would go perfectly!


I’m wanting to take it easy through the holidays after my very first Half Marathon!!! But I am already finding myself thinking about what I could do through the winter.
Yoga! I’m falling in love and hoping to be more consistent in taking classes to learn more!
Definitely Chick-fil-A! Have to eat there whenever traveling by one! Must enjoy their lemonade!


I am so glad you wrote about this!! Yes, I have post marathon let down too. Without a goal, I’m not as disciplined. Also, something happens to me when the weather cools down like it has. . . I love running outside so when it gets cold, I lose some motivation.

Great post!


That’s a lot of running shoes. I’m not a runner, so I never have race blues. But I do like the anticipation and completion of a good accomplishment, which I get after preparing for and passing new group fitness trainings, challenges, etc. so I can totally relate to the feeling.


Yep! Same here. Every single time I train for and run a half marathon I immediately get the blues and think ‘now what’?! But I know I can’t train year round like that so I try to find other types of workouts and goals to keep me occupied and strong til my next race. Sometimes just throwing some fun 5ks in there helps keep the spirit alive! I’m betting pretty much all runners share this feeling after a big race.


My favorite Halloween tradition is going to the pumpkin patch with some friends. I love doing the corn mazes at least once a season!

I love the prints you have in your bathroom. Where did you get them? They are very positive and I love that! Nothing like a little inspiration!

I do suffer from post race blues when I don’t have another one coming up for awhile. I usually find a 5k or something to throw in the mix or start throwing myself into cross training.


I’m suffering from the post-race blues right now. Really, most of my races have been training rather than goal events but my 2014 racing season is over and that bums me out. Racing for me provides a break from the monotony of running the same routes / trails. I don’t drive to run so that limits the routes that I can run (well…unless I’m willing to put in long runs every day).

I’d like to start incorporating different activities into my routine – maybe taking a spinning class or rejoining the gym. Because summer is over, I cannot bike or hike as often so…guess I better become friends with the Elliptical and the rowing machine.

We don’t eat fast food very often – we live in a rural town with four options and none are really that awesome (McDonalds, Taco Bell, Arbys, Burger King). When we travel, I do like hitting up Wendy’s or Carl’s Jr.


Chick-fil-a is our favorite fast food joint! It’s DELICIOUS! :)


Right now I just want to get started on my Christmas shopping! (I know that might sound crazy, but there’s just too much to do and I really enjoy having more leisure time closer to Christmas to just enjoy the season :)

No Halloween traditions, but I do love handing out candy and seeing all the cute kiddos dressed up. Plus they say the FUNNIEST stuff and really believe that we can’t tell who they are haha.

If I eat fast food, it’s In-n-Out. All the way. So good.


That is a gorgeous picture of Brooke – what a great idea to get it printed on canvas! I might have to steal it (the idea, not the picture – that would be weird).

I had to skip a race because of my knee injury, so I don’t have post race blues, but I am getting itchy feet! I’m thinking about signing up to a smaller race over the summer.

My favourite fast food restaurant is probably Mexican – Mad Mex is currently at the top of the list.


I am 36 years old and I still toilet paper houses. Nobody knows my little secret except my boyfirend. I usually hit freinds and family so I can hear them complain about today’s youth. I know…shameful but its one tradition I am not giving up.


So, where I get confused is that any run could be a building run for another. What if my half marathon is a training run for my marathon? Or my marathon run is a training run for a 50k or 50 miler, etc? I’ve never taken much, if any, time off after an event because I always have another behind it. (and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself). Might not be the healthiest approach, but it’s worked for me so far.

Beyond trick or treating and pumpkin carving, we always warm up some apple cider with cinnamon sticks. The smell is so amazing.


I love Chick-fil-a I want it NOW…. ;)


I love all of the wall art!

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