10 Race Weekend Things

Race recaps always take me a long time to finish because I want to make sure that I get in every detail…  it will be up Monday morning for shizzle.  For now here are some race weekend things.  

1.  How does a ginormous snarl like this one even happen.  I am so confused.    

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2.  My aunt and I were nervous that we didn’t get enough salt in the night before the race.  So we added salt to our potato chips.  Talk about dedication.

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3.  For dinner we had plates of this magic.  St. George is crazy busy during the marathon (7,800 marathon runners!) and we did not feel like waiting for a place to eat.  Homemade marinara sauce for the win.

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4.  Brooke learned the correct way to roll out her quads at the expo.

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5.  This package from Candice.  The softest socks for after the race, gloves to wear because it was freezing at the start, my favorite fuel for during the race and an amazing way to refuel—> oreos.   

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6.  I was ready before we had to leave for the race.  So, at 4:30 a.m. I got back on my bed, ate a bagel and kicked back.  Runners, the way we choose to spend our weekend mornings is kind of strange.

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7.  This was my first time ever wearing a fuel belt. I bought this one at the expo and LOVED it.  I made sure to get a waterproof one so that I could dump water on my head without getting anything inside of it wet.  It didn’t bounce around at all and it fit in a ton of stuff!

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8.  Candice brought lunch over after the race and it tasted oh so good.  I was craving a salad (umm I hadn’t had one since Wednesday and they are my favorite) and salty french fries.  AND my beloved post-race diet coke.

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9.  Lots of food talk.  My parents brought this over last night to celebrate.  Try it. 

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10.  And my favorite post-race activity.  She’s a real good one and doesn’t mind me when I am sweaty.

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What has been the best part of your weekend so far?

Do you ever get huge snarls in your hair when you run?

Favorite type of bagel?

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Amazing job on your marathon!!

Weekend has been kind if boring as everyone is sick. Oh well :-(

I like plain or poppyseed bagels – a little boring!


I LOVE Panera’s cinnamon crunch bagels. They are the best ever.

Congrats on your race! That’s awesome and you should be proud.

I thought the ice cream brand was “Breyers”……I’m so confused.


In Utah it is called “Dreyer’s”. I was very confused when I moved to Utah from the Midwest where we had “Breyer’s”!


In utah there is a Beyers AND a Dryers. But back east the Dryers brand is called Edys.

I may not know a lot. But i know my ice cream #priorities #themoreyouknow


Good Morning Janae :) I am so proud of you ~ what a major accomplishment! Enjoy your day.


Oh, and my favorite bagel? Everything for the win!!


Congrats!!! Post race snuggles are the best!

My weekend highlight was watch both my boys play in their football games! My little dude is über competitive and hustles his little tail off! And my oldest is a defensive star!!

I just chopped all my hair off because I couldn’t take the dreadlocks after running anymore! Lol

I love all bagels!


Congrats on an amazing race! So far I’ve had a great weekend with lots of rest yesterday and an awesome 16 miler today. Can’t complain! So ready to eat right now and those food pics are killing me!


The last thing I wanted to do before my marathon was wait for dinner at a restaurant so I completely understand that. I’m glad you had such a good race Janae. It sounds like it really worked out well you, I think you are setting yourself up really well to race a sub 3 hour marathon soon. :-)


AWESOME, AMAZING job!!!! Did it actually get hot if it was so cold at the start? If not that is awesome, if yes…that is strange weather!
I LOVE just plain bagels…boring, I know.
I had a 1/2 yesterday that I am SO happy with. The course was crazy hilly from mile 3-8..like straight up, straight down and I finished in 1:35 with a fastest last mile of 6:44. I almost always fade at the end so I was happy with this!


I have that fuel belt. Bought it a few years back at the RnR San Diego race and have had it ever since. You don’t even notice you’re wearing it. I always out my hair in a bun. I have really thick and long hair and actually a whips around too much if I don’t stap it to my head. It always looks crazy when I take it out. Sweaty craziness.


Can’t wait for the recap! I’m about to leave for my marathon in about 20 mins and am reading running blogs because … what better motivation is there?!

I put my hair in a bun for long runs to avoid the snarl! Plus I hate when my pony tail swishes back and forth along my back and sweat goes flying in all directions! haha


Great job!! Looks like you have a good post-race setup going!!


Favorite bagel: scooped out onion w a ton of cream cheese!! Sounds so good right now


It’s been such a great weekend so far! I think the best part was getting all fancy with hair and makeup for a fun photo shoot.
Favorite bagel: salted


Can’t wait for the full recap! My favorite bagel? Hmm. Probably a giant cinnamon raisin bagel but part of me will always love a poppy seed bagel from H & H bagels in the city. Or even a good whole wheat bagel with vegetable cream cheese. I guess depends if I am going sweet or savory…


This list makes me so excited to run Chicago. I am still in awe of your finish time!!!
I am short hair, so no snarls.
And I love blueberry bagels!


Best part of weekend so far – date night with hubby on Friday!
I always get huge snarls so I now loop my pony thru again in a bun – otherwise it’s awful post run.
Favorite bagel – plain toasted with sliced avocado, tomato and onion – deilsh!


I have to put my hair in a bun because I hate all the snarles that happen when I leave it down! It’s crazy.

My pre race meal is always pasta, so that looks so good!

Congrats again, that was an awesome time!


I know you love Diet Coke, but have you ever had Diet Dr. Pepper? Chick fil a makes the BEST Diet DP, it’s my guilty pleasure!


YES YES YES!! It is seriously so so good. I just forget it exists until people remind me because I am so trained to love DC. I guess I will just have to go today to get a ginormous one.


Awesome job Janae! That fuel belt looks sweet! And no complaining here with all of the food pictures! I need to go buy some Chick fil A tomorrow! I like cinnamon raisin and blueberry bagels :)


I love your race recap, and talk bout total dedication with the salt. Why not have made your own pasta extra salty instead? Haha. :)

I think your race recap went so smooth, like you’re not having anxiety over htm in fact it looks like fun, like a party prep!


I also ran a marathon yesterday. In the mountains of West Virginia!!! It was absolutely gorgeous. I am a flat lander from NC, so I definitely had to put the work in and, although my finishing time was certainly much slower than your’s, I had a 12 minute PR!!! My after race meal was also salad and a bucket of fries. Perfect post-race meal!!! CONGRATS on your wonderful run! It was so fun to follow your blog while I was training for a marathon the same day as the one you ran.


Brooks! HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR PR!!! Especially on a hilly course. That is huge. Salad and fries, nothing better! Enjoy the recovery!


The best part of my weekend was bringing home my sweet baby from the hospital. Can’t believe I’m a momma!!


Oh Brynn, CONGRATULATIONS! I am seriously so happy for you! Nothing better!


I always get huge snarls in my hair when I run.

My favorite bagel is a whole wheat bagel loaded with biscoff, it’s sort of my jam!

Best part of the weekend……I RAN! After almost 4 weeks off I got to run and I loved every second of it! :)

Congrats on the marathon and the finish time, you rocked it.


LOL that is so me with the salt! I have thought about carrying salty chips or pretzels, or getting salt tabs, b/c I have a problem with my blood pressure dropping and then passing out. Passing out has been a lifelong problem for me, but I recently found out it’s from stress and pain, and my BP just drops and I pass out. I almost passed out at the end of my very first marathon, 10 years ago, b/c I hadn’t trained and had no IDEA how to run and fuel for a marathon!


So, were the pumpkin Oreos as foul as they look/sound?


Yikes! Hopefully it wasn’t too painful brushing that out, it happens to me during those humid summer months and it’s never fun!

Can’t wait to hear about the raceeee!!!!!! After a really busy summer and start to fall I finally got my first 10 mile run of the season in and am ready to ramp up for the cooler weather!

Cinnamon raisin bagels for life :)


Ohhh man, seeing that Chick fil A lunch is making me drool! Their salty waffle fries are the best fries ever…besides sweet potato fries, but they are their own separate food group. ;)

Highlight of my weekend so far has been some girl time with friends from work, and I think church tonight will be a highlight, too, of course. Keep up the good refueling and recovering!


I love the “power” bagel which has whole wheat flour, craisins, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and a whole bunch of other good stuff. Can’t wait to hear more about the race!! All of this marathon talk makes me want to do one so bad!!


The best part of my weekend…my first BQ!!!! Thank you St. George Marathon! I trained hard for that BQ and I am on cloud nine!!!
My hair does that too, but mostly when I run in humidity. I still never understand how it knots like that!
My favorite bagel is chocolate chip or cinnamon raisin. Pre race I did exactly what you did haha-I sat in my bed eating my bagel before heading to the busses ;)


Cinnamon bagel or pumpkin bagel probably.

That candice is pretty swell.

I cant wait for the recap. I want to hear every detail. In fact, i will probably make you tell me even more about it. Ha!

Enjoy disneyland. I hope the drive isnt bad. Miss you girl and congrats again. You are a rockstar.


Congratulations on your incredible race!


Just finished a trail run with my four legged running buddy. I had to wear a long sleeve shirt because it was chilly! I love cool weather so that made me happy. I always braid or bun my hair to avoid the snarls while running. Great job at st George!


I stared at that picture for a while because I couldn’t figure out what a snarl was!! Haha, now thanks to your question, I know what to look for. I get nasty ones when it’s humid out!!

Everything bagel with veggie cream cheese.

Looking forward to the recap!


I saw your ponytail in one of my pictures and zoomed in to try and figure out exactly what was going on there. Bet that was fun to comb through!

Yesterday was a pretty great day, if I do say so myself.

I do love you and the little girl of yours. Like a lot.


I’ve followed your blog for awhile but haven’t been a big commenter but I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with you for how well you’ve gotten through these recent difficult times. I’m sure it’s still hard some days but you really handled it so well and seem to have come out of it a much stronger person and more content with yourself. I wish you the best and I’m sure that lovely “everything happens for a reason” saying is true and everything worked out how it should have for you, maybe not quite yet, but definitely in the end. (Congrats too on the marathon!)


Ashley! Your comment means a lot to me! I really appreciate it! You are so right, everything happens for a reason and it is the hard times that make us stronger!


I ran with my dad this morning! That was the best part of my weekend (in terms of running stuff) so far. Having my parents here to visit has been great! Looks like you had a great marathon experience pre and post run! congrats again!


My hair is always a mess when I get back after a run and I can never figure out why aha! I’m a plain bagel with cream cheese gal, tried other “flavours” and I always go back to plain! Can’t wait to hear all about the race :)


congrats on your marathon! you’re such a rockstar! hope your legs are feeling okay today! if not, just eat lots of fro yo… i’ve heard that helps ;) can’t wait to read the full race recap!


One upside to really thin hair! No snarls! Booyah.
I try not to eat bagels. Weird huh? I love them but the carb level is so high that at this age I would be one fat mama quickly.


Wooo amazing race! I love that you put salt on your potato chips haha that’s brilliant.

I love panera’s french toast bagel or Einstein’s blueberry bagel with blueberry cream cheese :)


It looks like you had a good time and after the last race I bet it feels fantastic to have a good, fun, race experience! Highlight of my weekend was getting through 10 miles this morning despite a head cold. (I have a half in 2 weeks otherwise I would have stayed in bed). Now that it’s over I can just relax.
Favorite bagel has to be cinnamon raisin. Have a great Sunday.


My hair is super curly and kinky and gets so snarled when I run. Especially when it’s windy. I end up using deep conditioning treatments as a daily conditioner and I also use leave in conditioner too.

I just came from cheering on my boyfriend at the jersey shore half marathon. He pr’ed and said I was motivation. I like being motivation :)


My Mr. 7 and I ran a 5k this morning, my Mr. 7 (aka V) hit a HUGE PR, and finished 5th in his age group (1-10) at 28:29! He was disappointed he didn’t place 1-3, but he is getting closer!


Congrats on your race! Amazing time!

My favorite post race meal is a burger with salad, or anything else salty!


The best part of my weekend so far is that I was able to spend it with one of my daughters and granddaughters.


Janae, you are awesome!! You did so great in the race!! Keep up your hard work and dedication!


Congratulations on such a fabulous race, you rocked it!! I can’t even fathom running that pace, you are amazing! Nicely done!!


Congrats on your race, I’m glad it went so well!

The best part of my weekend so far has been sleeping in! I’m finally catching up!

I have gotten some really impressive knots in my hair from running. Wind/sweat/running is a dangerous combination, apparently.

Everything egg bagels are the best. With veggie cream cheese. Yes.


I love the “everything” bagel. It is so delicious! Best part of my weekend is watching The Gilmore Girls marathon on netflix. And as for the knots in the hair…I have curly hair. Every run I get knots that look like dreads.


I always put my phone in a ziplock or plastic baggie when I run! Just incase it’s not totally waterproof.


Best part of my weekend was my first time being a pacer today for a half marathon. It was so fun! My slowest half ever, but I didn’t care cause it was great talking to other runners and encouraging them. Usually when I’m racing I’ve got my headphones on and I’m in my own zone. So this was such a nice change of pace and people came up and thanked us too. It was awesome.


Congratulations on such a fabulous race! All your hard work paid off. I can’t wait to read your recap tomorrow.

Best part of weekend: 5.3 miles walk/run (my longest since 5/28 when I got injured). feels so great to be back. Also taking my 10 year old nephew to IMAX show on Normandy: D Day. Such an amazing kid and so cool to see how into WWII history he is.

My hair stays pretty tame running but when I swim at the high school the showers have the strongest pressure and the stream of water can create the WORST knot in my hair. CRAZY.


If your hair is getting tangled and knotted from running then put it in a bun. This works especially well combined with a hat but the hat is optional. Since I started doing this, no more tangles or ripped out hair. Don’t forget a little extra sunblock on the back of your neck.
Great job on your marathon Janae!!!!


I am soooooooo proud of you—> you did amazing!!! I can’t wait to read the recap! Best part of my weekend was hitting my new half marathon pr today and taking second place woman overall!!!


Congrats on the race Janae!! I can’t wait to read the recap!

I went to see cirque du soleil this weekend and it was mind blowing! I absolutely love those shows. On Thursday (which technically isn’t the weekend) but I went zip lining for the first time and got to do a 40 ft repel! Which was also amazing. This weekend was pretty packed with fun activities.

I don’t know if my hair snarls. I don’t think so but I always have it in a messy bun so the messy bun is probably a big snarl of a mess.

Bagels- I love everything. But, I always choose the healthy 12 or multigrain.


ran 8 miles yesterday morning so i treated myself to a mani/pedi.

only way to keep my hair from looking like a rats nest post run is to braid it. i cut 6 inched off the other weekend and i told my stylist just make sure i can still braid it for running! I think he rolled his eyes.

Everything bagel!


Hi, yeah this post is in fact fastidious and I have learned lot of things from it regarding blogging.



GREAT job on your race!!
I’m a hair-braided kind of runner, but if I ever DO choose ponytails, snarls happen and they’re the worrrrst. #runnergirlproblems ;-) Everythingbagels=my jam. I hope you had fun during your race! Looking forward to a recap!


i had the S’Mores ice cream too tonight after my marathon!! congrats on an awesome finish!


Oh ma gosh- the hair snarl! I get those so badly when I have straightened my hair and then I run in the heat and get sweaty or if I run in the rain. For some reason, it doesn’t seem to happen when my hair is curled. Any physics majors or engineers out there that can explain this?

Best thing from this weekend was watching one of my best running friends get married!

Congrats on the marathon! Can’t wait for the full recap!


Best part of my weekend was sitting around a fire put in cool weather this evening!

I have chin length hair so no snarls here!

I’m not really much of a bagel person. I’d much rather eat oatmeal!


Ran the San Jose RnR half today! I knew I wouldn’t PR, and I was ready to “quit” from the beginning and just “run easy”… but I gave it my best effort anyways, and I’m so proud of that (even though I did not PR).
What a fun race weekend. Love the little before-during-after gifts you got!


Congrats!!! Goodness, Girl, you go in with an uber short training cycle, no speedwork and go and run a 3:12!! Can you say amazeballs!! Awesome job and hope your legs are feeling on the less than creaky side as possible and you and Brookers and TONS of chocolate chip pancakes this morning and you had a fabulous Sunday! :)


Best part of my weekend was seeing the Book of Mormon in London. It was SO good :)


Awesome! Can’t believe you managed that time after all your injuries….congrats and hope you’ve managed to run around with Brooke!


Great job! Amazing time! Where are those Orange shorts from? I need them!


I had a great weekend with my mom and my 5-month-old twins (their dad was away on a “boys weekend”). We went shopping and hung out. The babies were so well behaved, and going back to work today was hard–I wanted to play some more!

Congrats on your race! Sounds like it was awesome!

My favorite bagel is everything wheat from Manhattan bagel. I usually hate everything bagels (and go for plain wheat) because of the dried onion and it usually has too much salt, but this one is so good for some reason…perfect combo of toppings.


Right now it appears like BlogEngine iis the top blogging platform available right now.

(from what I’ve read) Is that what you are using on your blog?


My hair always gets like that when its hot and/or humid! It takes me forever to get the knots out. One of the reasons why fall/winter running is good it because my hair usually calms down during those months:)
Looking forward to reading more about your race!!


I am always amazed by how early races start in the US!


Ugh running + my hair = a bird’s nest!

And my favorite bagel (which I cannot find anywhere anymore) was a cinnamon sugar bagel from a little bagel shop in Jersey. It was swirled on the inside with cinnamon and topped with turbinado sugar! I could eat it whole, no need for toasting it or putting any kind of topping!


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