10 highlights and 1 lowlight.

 Let’s talk about the 10 highlights from yesterday and end things off with the very lowlight.  

– Even though I woke up REALLY craving a good run, I followed my taper and the only running I did was chasing Brooke around my mom’s house.  Usually during the taper I embrace cutting back on my running because something is usually hurting… but this time around, nothing is hurting so I just want to run:)

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-And the reason I am not hurting this training cycle… Working with Dr. Bennett.  Went in for my last appointment yesterday before the marathon.  We worked on strengthening this area.  I’m all good to go now.

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– I love it when two very good things combine into one.  Pumpkin cookies + snickerdoodles.  Everybody loved them. 

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NYC Running Mama posted this trailer and I loved watching it!  DRIVEN: Kara Goucher

-Brooke’s latest obsession—>  doorbells.  You would think the world ended if I forget to let her ring our doorbell before going inside.   

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-We went to find some good throwaway clothes for Saturday morning because it is supposed to be freezing at the start.  I didn’t end up getting the onesie because I found something way warmer and cheaper but I may go back and get it because it is pretty awesome.  

Brooke was thrilled to be there:)  

From my Instagram.

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-Finally finding the answer to a question I have always wanted to know.  

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-I have NO IDEA where she gets her love for purses, samples and Costco from!?!

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-Carb-loading party with the crew of St. George Marathon runners.

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-This highlight doesn’t need an explanation:

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And are you ready for the lowlight.

I had the door cracked open while I was doing dishes because it was raining outside and I love to hear the rain.  A ginormous cockroach comes in and lands on my wall.  This thing was huge.  I had to get up on the coach to try to get it and then it jumped off the wall and tried to attack me (I think that was his motive at least).  I screamed and jumped off of the couch and landed on the very edge of my computer (it was on the floor because I moved it off of the couch… I know, not my best idea but I was frantic).  

Luckily, it is just cracked at the very top and now I can blame all of my spelling/grammar errors on the cracks;)

I just do not do very well with electronics.  

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Tell me a highlight from your week so far!!!

Who is racing this weekend?  What are your goals?!

What are your runs like the week of a big race?  Do you run the day before the race?

Are you feeling whole right now or is there anything hurting/bugging you when you run?

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A bunch of my friends are racing this weekend and the weather is supposed to be beautiful! I’m cheering them on to qualify for Boston and day dreaming about how it will be me next year! ;)


Please tell me you got the cockroach.


There’s a 10k tonight that I may just have to sign up for after work! Evening races are not my thing, but hey I need the extra mileage any way :)

I have a lot on my mind lately when I run, not all positive either. Working on it.

Killing a cockroach > saving a laptop. All cockroaches must die. Thanks for doing your part ;)


That happened to me with my phone screen. I cracked the very edge of it and it spidered out.

I’m glad your training cycle is going do well and I cannot wait to see how the full marathon goes for you. I think you’ve approached it really smartly. Injury free is always the best way to be.


I’m still nursing an injury but my highlight is I GET TO RUN THIS WEEKEND! And I am beyond excited.

I too, do not do well with electronics. Seriously, I destroyed 3 Ipods in 1 DAY! THREE!


One time a bee flew into my car window when I was driving. I jumped out and forgot to put the car in park. I was like parkour throwing my body back into my car to hit the break.


Oh dear, poor laptop….I was writing with sharpies yesterday and a piece of one of the tips fell off and landed on my beautiful mac….its stained :( I feel your pain!!!

As for carb loading, that is one of the best things about taper time, I am resisting the urge to do more. Thankfully I have 8 miles worth of 6 minute pace work to do this morning, that will hopefully give me enough of a tough workout to believe in my ability to do this!

As for the Kara Goucher video, I am very excited to see it, but I have some bad news, it is offered by Flotrack, a company that works with collegiate athletes, but I can guarantee they are only going to show it to their premium members……which is a controversial topic in the collegiate world. My parents had to pay for it for a year once so they could watch my race online. Very annoying! I hope I am wrong!


I’ve only had one cockroach experience and it was in SLC. Gross!

My highlight of the week–SIL moving to town. I was hoping she’d move a little closer, so we could run together, but they found a nice house and are only 15 minutes away. I’m so happy for them.


Oh no! That’s too bad about your computer. The same thing would have happened to me, though.
My knee has been really bugging me lately, so much that I haven’t been running. I can’t figure out what’s causing the pain, though. It’s really aggrivating!


Highlight from my week – giving blood for a blood drive a friend was doing in memory of her dad.

Usually my last long run before a race is terrible, leaving me to question all my training (why is that?), but then my shorter runs in the week before the race usually go pretty well.

I’ve been having issues with my hip flexors. They feel great when I’m running, but once I stop and they cool down, they tighten up so badly that I can hardly lift my leg. It’s not been fun.


I am running a half this weekend. Supposed to be flat and fast course. My goal was to keep my PR or set a new one but as always am injured. Looks like may be similar to your issues. Tapered today with a 2 mile run and 1 mile walk using different brace. Making myself rest for two days and praying I finish on Sunday. Considering hanging up running shoes but then again how can I possibly do that? So depressing.


Aww.. Good luck. I am the same way…more time off running than actually running. Trying to get ready for Columbus after 5 months off and starting back at 3 miles per week. I’m hoping I can stay together long enough to get through my only long run (which is only 11mi) and not bust something on race day. Maybe you should consider backing off of distance after the half and just establish a base of healthy running. Like running 3 miles 3x a week. Or whatever you can do pain free. And very slowly over a longer than usual period of time add back in. That’s what I’m trying anyway. I don’t think you have to stop. Just reframe your goals for a bit. :)


I am terrified of big bugs so I can see that happening to me – huge bummer :( Good for you for sticking with the taper, I’m excited for you to run your marathon!


Oh no, you’re poor screen! I have a weird spot on my iPhone that is not cracked but it got some sweat inside it when I was holding it during a long run one time and now the little area in the right corner doesn’t work!

I am running a marathon this weekend too! You know, just my first one ever, no big deal…. AHHH! :)


Major bummer about the laptop! I have a half Sat as part of getting ready for my full Nov 15th (I kinda wish it was sooner). My main goal is to neg split and run a smart strong race. It is a hilly course and I am not neccessarily going for a PR…just a well run race.


Can’t wait to hear how your marathon goes! And please go back and buy the cheetah print onesie.


I am actually going to watch my boyfriend run a half marathon this weekend! It will be the first time I get to cheer him on. And the course is two loops so i get to see him multiple times. Woo hoo! He will return the favor for me as I run a half the weekend after.

Highlight of the week so far is sharing in a Halloween candy binge with my boss daily. We are partners in crime :) skittles and reese cups. Yeah!


I usually run the same number of runs during the week before the marathon as I do during a normal training week, just a lot shorter and a lot slower. I run 2-3 miles the day before and don’t even wear/look at my watch, just get things shaken out :)

I can’t wait to hear about the race!!


That onesie is rockin!


Hmmm the highlight of the week is that we are finally going to get a cool front in Florida and it is going to not be 2 million% humidity! The bad part is it’s not going to hit until Sunday and I have 22 miles on Saturday! Aghhhh! :) 9 miles before The Marine Corp half marathon. I’m not going to race the half but will run it faster than the first 9 :)


Taper is really hard for me too! It’s hard to take it easy when you are feeling pumped and ready to go, but you will be thankful that you did it come marathon day.

A cockroach!!! I would have reacted the same way.


I cant believe that you were attacked by a cockroach! That would give me nightmares.

That onsie rocks! You must get it to just lay around the house in.

I am avoiding races right now. Just trying to stay injury free for a bit. Moderate mileage, crosstraining and actually strength training. I feel good.

Have a great race Janae!!!


My highlight this week is an awesome half marathon recovery! I feel great :)
I have started running at least an easy mile the day before. My trainer says it helps shake everything out and helps you get into a groove faster on race day.

A cockroach is a very justified reason for breaking electronics. In fact, that should be included in the warranty. Heck, I would have smashed the bug with the laptop :)


The week before a race I usually do 3 easy runs, and for some marathons I did 2 miles the day before. I will probably take the day before off this time around.
Right now everything is feeling good besides some typical soreness from running so much. Hoping to continue feeling good! I think that seeing my chiropractor and getting ART on anything that starts to feel tight has helped alot!


364 licks?! Wow – now we know and there is no more mystery in my life! Lol

And those cookies + pizza look delish. Are cookies and pizza for breakfast an option??


So sorry to hear about the computer, that’s terrible! And my daughter is obsessed with pushing the elevator button. I get yelled at if I forget to let her do it! LOL! Hope you’re tapering week goes well! Enjoy the time off.


I had a Praying Mantis earlier this year that just wouldn’t go away. And it’s bad luck to kill them so I had to hide and scream and deal with it hanging out by my front door, both inside the house and then outside the house when I got someone get it out of my house lol. It just stayed around for what felt like forever…I do run a few miles the day before a race. I aim for three but end up with four because I never want to stop at three lol. But I go slow and take the rest of the week prior really easy by alternating running every other day at an easy pace.


Wait, did the marathon forecast change?? I was thinking it was supposed to be hot. Yay!

Keep on tapering well!


Coming back from injury I have a lot of weird sensations and feelings in my foot. The doctor has me doing elliptical running now but I notice my feet fall asleep about 30 minutes in. I’ve never had issues with my feet falling asleep so it makes me wonder what that is. This weekend he said I can start walking outside a few miles. Guess I will see if it happens then or it’s just an elliptical thing. Otherwise I feel good. You ever have ghost pain? I’ve had some of that going on.


I am also SO bad with electronics. It’s unfortunate. Sorry to hear about the computer?! If it makes you feel any better, I was at a concert on like the second level/balcony and I dropped my phone all the way to the first floor. No one was hurt but my iPhone was not happy.

The week before the race is very very easy. Majority are complete rest days or runs under 4 miles Towards the beginning of the week I’ll do 4×400’s to wake up the legs a little and I always feel best doing a little 2 mile shakeout the day before.


I think I would have had the same reaction to the cockroach too! Hopefully your computer still works.


Oh no!!

My work finally got my units figured out correctly and they owe me $600!!

The hubs and I are running a 1/2 marathon this weekend. My goal is under 2 and not to die on the two ginourmous hills!

We’ll probably do a shakeout run tomorrow, nothing crazy and rest on Sat, run on Sunday.

This is definitely the end of this running season for me. I am ready to do something different :)


I’m done with major races for the year, which is probably a good thing, I’ve been dealing with some nagging Achille’s tendon pain/tendonitis recently. I’m trying to take a running cut back right now to heal it up, but that’s easier said than done :(


I’m racing my first marathon this weekend! Eeeek!! My number one goal is just to finish.


Good luck Alisha, you will do awesome!!!


My knees have been hurting when I’ve been running due to tendinitis so I’ve just been sticking to spin lately.


My highlight will be tonight when I watch my oldest daughters volleyball game:) No races this weekend, but hoping to get a long run in Sunday…maybe 7-8 miles??

I’ve been having pain in my knee pit (backside of knee), I’m thinking I need new shoes…


I am also SO bad with electronics. It’s unfortunate. Sorry to hear about the computer?! If it makes you feel any better, I was at a concert on like the second level/balcony and I dropped my phone all the way to the first floor. No one was hurt but my iPhone was not happy.

The week before the race is very very easy. Majority are complete rest days or runs under 4 miles Towards the beginning of the week I’ll do 4×400′s to wake up the legs a little and I always feel best doing a little 2 mile shakeout the day before.


oh no!! Luckily you can get screens pretty cheap on eBay and I bet you could find someone to replace it for you- it’s pretty easy.

Good luck with the race!!!


My family has nicknamed me BEK (Bad Electronics Karma). Fortunately they are MOE (Master of Electronics) and SMOE (Small MOE). It’s really bad – anything with electricity or battery.


My highlight is definitely getting to run yesterday for the first time in two weeks! Being sick is no fun. My left big toe is hurting me when I run but only because my son dropped our iPad on it and it’s all black and blue. Just a few more days of taper crazies and then you get to RUN!!


My highlight this week was a surprise visit from my mom and aunt who I only typically get to see 2 or 3 times a year……was so nice to have them here!

Racing Wineglass Half Marathon this weekend – trained like never before – goal is 1:55 (my best half has been 2:04 and I did a training run a few weeks ago at 2:03….and that run was awful – hot, tired, too much gravel, wind…..you name it).

I ran 6 miles on Tuesday and haven’t run since then with the intention of resting until Sunday but I can feel myself starting to get antsy….maybe I’ll fit a sort, slow, easy 3 miler in today or tomorrow….travelling all day Saturday to get to Corning.

My left hamstring has been bothering me for a couple of months….but it’s better than it has been and I’m hoping these last days of rest will take care of that. If not, run through it and deal with it at the finish line is my mantra for this race….I’ve trained too hard to let it impede my race and my goal this time!!


Highlight of the week: Finishing up a strong month of September miles!
I’m tapering for Chicago, but I will continue to run up until race day as long as I’m feeling good. I’ll just lower my miles and won’t do any tough speed runs. I consider it sanity running.


I cracked my Mac like that once – wasn’t careful enough with it on a plane. Whoops. But it still worked for almost two years until I had to send it in for repairs when my puppy jumped up on the table and knocked water all over the laptop. The Genius Bar fixed the screen as they were fixing everything else :)

Good luck on your marathon this weekend! I am excited to read about it and wish you the best of luck!


Omg I would freakkk if a cockroach got in my house.

I once dropped my laptop off the top of my lofted dorm bed in college. Nothing shattered but the fall broke the harddrive. :(

You need to get that onesie! So cute!


GAH oh no- that is so sad about your computer! I think we shouldn’t be blamed for anything that happens in pursuit (or escape) from bugs. I’ve had a few close calls, too!

(ummmm and that pizza looks so, so, so good!)


I’m running a 5k this weekend…it will be the first 5k in a year and I’m as healthy as I’ve been in 2 years and I’m excited to see what I can do!


You totally have to get that oneside!

That sucks about your Macbook is cracked! Do you have apple care and can get it fixed? I would cry!


That’s funny – I broke my computer yesterday too :( But it was our new cute puppy’s fault, not a cockroach so it’s not as much of a lowlight. He was chewing on our piano (!) so understandably I jumped up to stop him. Unfortunately I bumped my desk in the process and spilled coffee all over the keyboard. Now I need a new Mac, unless the Apple people can fix it. Oh well!


That onesie is hillarious! Good luck this weekend. I take it super easy the week before the race. I try to rest my feet and legs as much as possible. Right now my feet…actually just my left foot has been giving me problems. Trying to see if I can home remedy it before I go to the doctor. The thought of them telling me I can’t run on it gives me anxiety.


Omg, I would be so terrified if a cockroach came in my house, I can’t even handle a small spider let alone something that big ;)
My back has been hurting me a lot lately and it’s affecting my running, which sucks, I’m just stretching a lot and doing exercises that will hopefully strength my back! Highlight is that it’s Thursday which means it’s almost the weekend! This week has dragged so much. After September is over, school seems to go SO much slower!


Woot woot, Purdue shout out! No races for me until my half at the beginning of November.


Good luck in St. George!

The highlight of my week was a bunch of friends returning to town after a few months away! And a really good 10 mile tempo run yesterday!


BEST OF LUCK THIS WEEKEND!!! Sounds like you will do great and it is great that nothing is hurting!!


I’m still dealing with stupid tennis elbow. It gets better and worse. I still need to tape it whenever I lift, otherwise the next day it’s definitely worse.

The highlight of my week was taking my daughter to her first pre-competition class at gymnastics!


Another good article on the St George marathon and what to expect with the weather. (you might have to scroll down). Good luck this weekend!




Highlight of the week – my son started pulling up on things! Lowlight of the week: my son started pulling up on things! He kept himself up all night practicing. Not like I need my sleep for St. George on Saturday or anything. Ah well, he’s cute so he will get away with it.

My goal for St. George is to finish under 4 hours! Dream goal is BQ with 3:35.

I usually only run 5 miles tops the week of the race. Today I am doing 3 miles and tomorrow I’ll probably run for just a few minutes to stay warmed up!


Well… my highlight is that I just found out I’m pregnant with baby #2! It hasn’t sunk in yet and I’m a little scared to get super SUPER excited yet. But, hey, I guess I won’t be able to deny it when my belly is ginormous. I knew I felt funny in last weekend’s half marathon!

I normally don’t run on the day before a race, but I did last week because I am helping with the local cross country team and they had early morning practice. We ran 4.5 miles and that was a little more than I like! It worked out fine anyways – I just rolled my legs like crazy after.

YAY for carb loading!!! Enjoy your pizza :) And the rest of your taper!



They did wonders on fixing my computer in 5 days doe like 200.00


I am SO SO SORRY about your computer. I too spilled nail polish remover all over my keyboard. Terrible luck. Love Brooke’s dog purse – too cute.


Oooooooooohhhh… cracked computer/iPhone/iPad screens are the worst!


Overall exhaustion and a lack of motivation once I put on my running clothes. I blame stress.


Great job on the tapering girl! I’m sure it’s so hard, but it’ll be soooo worth it! :) Also, those cookies. I am making them ASAP. And soooo sad to hear about your computer/cockroach incident! I’m always nervous I’ll break something too. I’m a bit of a klutz ;) Unite! haha


p.s. I’m giving away a $100 Lorna Jane gift card on my blog! LOVE their clothes!


My highlight this week was my run yesterday!!! Fastest 5-mile ever with my fastest mile ever sandwiched in mile 2-3 of the run! I am relatively new to running and have my first 1/2 marathon in just a little over 2 weeks, so a good run was much-needed! So..that’s what a runner’s high feels like! :)

Sorry about your computer! I did the same thing a few months back, but it broke the power button off of the side of the computer. :/


I try to run a very short distance the day before a race. If I don’t get it in no worries!! I don’t get to race this weekend we have conference for the cross country team I help coach!!!! Super excited to see the kids race though!!!!!


Dang. So sorry about your computer.

I did some squats with weights yesterday and I’m actually sore for the first time in a long time. I’m psyched that I’m doing something that’s building up my body, but it would be embarrassing to tell you how few I did to end up sore. I clearly need to do them more regularly.

Can’t wait to hear about your race! It sounds incredibly beautiful and challenging. I might have to put it on my marathon bucket list!


Oh NOoOOOOOO!! So sorry about the computer, that sucks!

Thank you THANK YOU for posting that Kara video. I loved it so hard I teared up. She just makes me so happy because she trains like a beast, races like an animal, and yet has this adorable human side that she’s not afraid to show people. I love that she took time off to have her son, and has come back even stronger. Kara rocks!

Highlight of my week: Getting out of work super early yesterday when it was absolutely perfect weather and spending the entire day writing and playing outside!

My lowlight would be this nagging injury I have. I so badly want to have that feeling again where I don’t hurt and just want to run all the time, hopefully soon! Trying to rest it now (but I can’t rest it too much because let’s be honest, I can’t live without running) and hoping to be able to get back to serious training soon.

I always take the day before a big race off. I just find that taking the day off helps me get to the starting line with that antsy, gotta run now feeling which helps me get a good start. When I run the day before, it just takes me a little longer to get into race mode. I like to be full of energy!

GOOD LUCK this weekend!! Can’t wait to see the results!


Your poor computer! That is totally something I would do.

The best part of my week so far was my Birthday yesterday! I had the best, most relaxing day and an awesome run.

I’m not racing this weekend, but it’s getting close. I have a half on the 12th – my goal is to break 2 hours. :)

I don’t run the day before a race, I want seriously well rested legs for race day!

Fortunately, I am feeling pretty awesome right now, no random pain when running :)


I just need to know if you killed the cockroach or not haha


Omg that cockroach did a number on your computer! Sorry to hear! My computer is the same one I had in graduate school, and I’m trying to save up to buy a new Mac middle of next year. Cross your fingers that things thing holds out for the sake of my blog!


Oh no I am so sorry about your computer! I am so glad that you are feeling good for the race, and I hope you kick butt! Thanks for being such an inspiration girl!!!


A highlight from my week is just the enormous amount of comfort food that I have been allowing myself to have because the week has just been so emotionally draining otherwise, my way to make good from a bad thing. Today’s blog post features some of those “comforting foods”. Check it out at http://runwright,net
Rough news on your computer. Are you going to get it fixed?


Sorry. The website should be http://runwright.net dunno why there’s a comma there :-(


Those pumpkin snickerdoodles look amazing! Did you kill that roach?! =)


Visualizing that whole cockroach scene… Hilarious!!!


Please, please say you at least got the cockroach!


OMG please tell me it still isn’t in your house!!!! Ahhhh!!!!

I am sooooo excited for my upcoming marathon, it’s not even FUNNY. 16 days away!!!
I can’t wait to read all about how you did at yours!!!!


Good luck this weekend!! I’m running my first ultra on Saturday and feeling pretty ready for it, but am a little (okay, very) nervous about what’s going to happen to the trails if it rains like the forecast is calling for! Oh well, this is why we run, right? We can’t control everything, and racing sure does prove that!

I take the final week very easy, with cross-training (swimming and biking), an easy run of about 6-7 miles, and a final shakeout run the day before. Lots of foam rolling and stretching too!


I’m running my first ever marathon on Sunday. So excited/nervous. I’m taking today and tomorrow as complete rest days and planning a 2 mile shakeout on Saturday.

Good luck in St George!


Ay. I don’t know what to do if u ever move out for post secondary because of bugs! I need to hire a bug killer just for me and my room.


My highlight of the week was my day off yesterday. My kids still had school, so I was able to go and spend a day of quiet! I shopped, got a mani/pedi, and went to the dentist. LOL


Highlight from my week so far was running with a friend and enjoying some great conversation. I don’t run with others very often, so it was rather refreshing.

This weekend I am doing the Portland Marathon. My goal is to finish around 3:30, which would also be a PR and get me a ticket to Boston!! I will probably run a couple miles on Saturday, just to get my blood flowing and to engage muscle memory.

Good luck on Saturday!!!


wait…I have only ever seen one cockroach my entire life, they have never flown into my place


I’m tapering too (first marathon ever…Oct. 11th!) and had to run “only” 4 miles today. It was definitely one of those torturous runs that made me question how in the world I would be able to run 26.2 miles if I could barely run 4!! Taper madness…


OMG i feel your pain, that sounds terrifying. I found a cockroach in my car this summer and I had to get 3 guy friends to basically take my car apart till they assured me it had flown out. I am still scared to drive in there!


Oh no –you’re computer! I’m so sorry janae! That totally stinks. For a brave and worthy cause though. Gotta protect baby girl and momma from naughty cockroaches!


I once fought a cockroach with an old fencing sword. It was the only thing I could easily grab when this giant roach flew at me in my apartment when I was changing into my nightdress. Ewww!!! I ended up beating it to death with the empty can of bug spray. #stillfreakedout


I started the whole 30 on Monday and so far i am doing really well. i am so pleased that i don’t have a migraine like i did the last time i cut out sugar.
I am not racing this weekend but have signed up to the last run of the season in November. i did it last year and really enjoyed it so pleased to be doing again this year.


Ahh I would’ve totally been jumping around the apartment too! Sorry to hear about your computer!


What does your dr have you do for your post tib? I constantly have issues with either my left or right (they take turns).. Have custom orthotics and it still flares up. So frustrating.


Spending time with my dogs at my parents’ beautiful house!

Before a race I usually don’t run the day before, but still keep with my regular runs during the week!

I was a klutz and hurt my foot a number of months ago and STILL have bad days with it… Wish I could say it was a crazy injury with a fun story, but just me stepping on something in my apartment… LAME, lol!

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