Why do the tempo run?

I personally love the tempo run because it teaches me how to pace myself.  I am the kind of racer that ‘flies and dies’ aka I go out way too fast and once the adrenaline wears off I get tired and slow down more and more the further I get into the race.   Tempo runs help me to train my body to stay at a consistent pace and to not go out way too fast like I normally do.

Another reason I love the tempo run:

“During tempo runs, lactate and hydrogen ions— by-products of metabolism- are released into the muscles.  The ions make the muscles acidic, eventually leading to fatigue.  The better trained you become, the higher you push your ‘threshold,’ meaning your muscles become better at using these by-products.  The result is less-acidic muscles, so they keep on contracting, letting you run farther and faster.”  (source)

Yesterday morning I dropped Brooke off at my mom’s house (for her phone call with her dad) and I set out for 10 miles.

First 2 miles warm-up

8 tempo miles @ 7:21 average pace (I would love if this was my marathon pace for my October marathon:).   

My cool-down was walking for .3 miles and standing in the sprinklers to cool off because it was hot out.  

Tempo effort as —>  comfortably hard.  I don’t feel like I am sprinting or like I can’t maintain the pace for x amount of miles.  BUT I am pushing myself, breathing harder than my easy runs and continually telling my brain to quit complaining about how tired my muscles are:)  

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I LOVE this way of finding the right tempo pace for you:

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So many people out on the running trail yesterday because of the holiday.

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I saw this and I guess it is time to get my bike out and tuned up.

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Whenever I come back from a run Brooke insists on going through my splits on my garmin.

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Hit up a Labor Day sale for some sweet pillows.

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And refueled properly.

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During nap time I made oatmeal raisin cookies while watching Mad Men—>  doesn’t get any better.  

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We got together with the family later and I also made THIS BREAD for my sister because it has been one of her pregnancy cravings.  When I was pregnant she did a very good job at getting me what I was craving so it is my job to do the same for her.  

She requested 88 cloves of garlic on top.

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And we ended things off with lots of trampolining.

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Do you like the tempo run?  How often do you do them?

What is your favorite type of run lately?  Hills, track, long run, fartleks, tempo, running to the donut store?

What is the hardest type of run for you lately?


-To stay injury free so I can run this marathon.

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I had no idea the science behind tempo runs. I’m also a go out too fast person. I really need to read up on more of the science because it gives you motivation to get out there and do those runs you don’t want to do. Thanks for the info!


I know I need to do them, but I’m really not a fan of tempo runs – they hurt, ha! I prefer intervals and fartleks, but I know tempo runs are soooo good for your running. Sigh :) .


Tempo runs are my FAVOURITE and I try to do at least one a week! …though if there were more donut stores around me I’m sure donut runs would take first place… ;)

I’ve been struggling with keeping a consistent pace for my long runs lately. Hoping to work on that this month. Another goal is to start strength training again. I got really lazy over the summer and my legs are feeling super weak/on the verge of possible injury so I need to get my act together! NO INJURIES ALLOWED, OKAY?!

Have a great Tuesday, Janae!


I think tempo runs have really helped me to improve my speed over the past few months. I used to hate them but now that I have gotten used to them I don’t mind them as much. Right now I am struggling with 800s. I’m also dreading mile repeats which I will start doing next week! I think that my favorite will always be the long run:)


I try to do tempo runs once a week. I don’t love them, but they are good for me and its nice to get out of the habit of doing easy runs too often. Lately I’ve been struggling with the long run. It’s all in my head because my body feels fine.

Going sugar free for September. Been wanting to do it for awhile and I’d rather do it now before the holidays start coming up (omg…holidays are actually coming up soon…how did that happen?!)


HA Brooke is like your own little running coach! she’ll hold you accountable for keeping your tempo splits even ;)

I love my long runs. They’ve been my favorite for a while because I love exploring new trails and soaking in the beauty Colorado has to offer.


I love and hate tempos at the same time. They always intimidate me, but it’s the one part of my training that, once I do it, it makes me feel so much more confident that I can hold my MP and that my training is helping me improve! It’s sometimes hard to motivate for these runs though. I like that you did 2 miles to warm up. I often feel that 1 isn’t enough of a warmup so I might try this.


I love tempo runs and I usually include at least one weekly. Unfortunately, I have to take a bit of time off right now so I’m not doing any type of runs but with some time off, I’m sure I’ll be back at it and 100% soon.


running goal for september: adjust my attitude and thoughts during my run :)

I would run/bike/mountain climb/cave dive for donuts. Let’s sign up.


Awesome tempo run! I love tempo runs…when they are over. :) I can’t wait to see what you do at St. George!


I’m the same way. I’ve always enjoyed tempo runs because I feel so much stronger afterwords. I’ve not done one track workout in my life and while I felt good, I always feel much stronger after a tempo.


At nine months pregnant, my runs are falling by the wayside. I cannot wait to get back out there!


Your apartment is SO cute! Love your pillows!!!

Hardest type of run for me lately = running on the beach. I did 6 miles of beach running this weekend and definitely forgot how hard that is. Jumping in the ocean afterward almost makes up for how hard it is though.


I don’t mind the tempo run but should do it more! I love the long run… More time to think :)

My goal is to stay injury free and… (I’m cheating and saying two goals) to rock my two half marathons I have on the calendar the next two weeks!


THANK YOU for the tempo run advice!

I have done 1 tempo run ever and I distinctly remember wanted to curl up on the floor, I had to trick my self into running for a bit longer.

I love the track speed sessions with my running club… well afterwards I do, not so much during.

September goal is to get out and run and stop doubting myself! I haven’t really run for a few months and now I’m convinced I can’t run at all :/


Normally I LOVE tempo runs, this weekend however, not so much! Too hot, too humid and just downright nasty out. My body just couldn’t hang, had to shorten my run by a mile and a half!!! hopefully the next one is better!


Tempo runs are my favorite kind of speedwork as long as I run them at the right effort and am not too concerned about hitting an exact pace. (I sometimes get too stressed and upset about hitting my splits just right.) I think it would be hard to do a tempo run on that trail–I’d want to run as slowly as possible to spend more time enjoying the beautiful view! One goal for September: to run a marathon. I signed up for one in February, decided that I was going to skip it, but now I think I want to run it again, even if I have to take a few walk breaks at the end.


My goal for September is to move more of my runs outside once it starts getting cold. That’s usually when I hit the treadmill, but I’d really like to change that.


I am a big tempo-run lover. For me, they add confidence and faith in myself that I can hit a fast pace for my upcoming race. I am going to have to second your September goal and make mine to also stay injury free before my marathon in 39 days!


I’m still new to running and haven’t tried all the different types of runs yet. I just started doing speed intervals and I really like that because I know I can go faster and I really want to cut time of my average mile time. One goal for September is to run 4 days a week every week! That bread looks amazing, I’m going to have to make that one day :)


I love a good fartlek! It keeps me entertained, plus I love the winded feeling and the burning sensation that comes with it! It lets me know that I have been working hard and doing things right!
My goal for this month is to finish my very first half marathon (hopefully in under 2 hours!).


Diddo on staying injury free. I have an MRI this morning for my my previous injury and hoping nothing shows. I did have a good 5 mile run this weekend but I’m crazy sore from it. I wish my legs would just heal.


I am like you and usually start out too fast and end up slowing down after a few miles…Tempo runs are definitely great for helping me with this but I don’t run them often enough. I would like to start doing so over the next few weeks in order to hold a good pace for the Runner’s World Hat Trick even though I certainly can’t race all three races.


I’m doing a tempo run once a week now that I’m doing the Hanson marathon plan. Can’t say I love them – but I appreciate the challenge!


Tempo runs might be my fav, I usually try and do them 1-2x’s per week.

Hills have probably been the hardest type of run lately. We don’t have many hills where I live, so I don’t get to train on them too often.

One goal for Sept. is to improve my 1/2 time. I’ve been training with someone who is naturally slower than me and it’s hurt my pace a little. My goal is to take about 30 seconds off each mile, which is totally doable for my October race.


looks like an amazing refuel meal!


We have a Tour de Donut ride in Illinios, its a lot of fun. I think I ate like 10 donuts the year I did it and I am not exaggerating. The winner ate like 40 and they were not small donuts.


We have a Tour of Alberta happening the next couple days here. I bet it would be a beautiful few days.

Does it get any better than Mad Men and cookies?


My favorite type of run is one that ends before most people wake up!

I’m trying a whole “Self-improvement September” thing going over here. Each day I’m going to try to improve on one new thing!


I am doing the Reach the Beach Relay in NH in two weeks! It is like the Ragnar. My goal or more like hope is to have my IT bands remain pain free for all 3 of my runs. I had been feeling so good and yesterday my IT band started acting up. Nooo!!!

My other goal is to have a BLAST at the relay with my friends. I’ve done it twice before and it was so fun.


I love a good track workout and long run – it just depends on my mood. Mentally, I have to prepare myself for whatever style of run I am planning to do (especially the long runs). My goals for September are very similar to yours… train smart, stay injury free, and ready myself for the Portland Marathon! I think no matter what, switching up my runs each day is important (some trail, some road, some fast, some slow)!


Tempo runs are my toughest runs. I try to do one every week or two depending on what I’m training for. I naturally start easy and build speed to negative split. So, tempos feel so fast to start!
I love long runs and I’m learning to love the track;)
My September goal is to prepare for Chicago!


I WISH I liked tempo runs, but I hate them. I would rather to intervals, or hill repeats anytime!


LOL, that picture of pillow shopping! I didn’t realize it was the store at first, and I was thinking, maybe she went a little overboard with all the pillows, there… Loved that blue one, though!

I moved into my own place in January, and I am STILL slowly making it home. I don’t want to regret any purchases, so I’m taking my sweet time with it.


Ohhh I LOVE all those throw pillows! Where is that?! I’m always looking for new pillows despite the fact that my husband thinks we already have plenty. ;)

That garlic bread looks AMAZING. The more garlic the better!

One goal I have for September: Adding more variety into my workouts and along with that, keeping up with yoga at least once a week.

Have an amazing day pretty lady! xo


That donut de donut looks LEGIT! I would so do that. I made oatmeal raisin cookies the other night, too! Great minds ;) My goal for September is to be GOOD to my body!



put a donut at the end and suddenly I just became a lot more competitive.


I love a good tempo run from time to time but I’m usually more in the mood for a workout that gives me breaks like mile repeats or something like that! :D


I absolutely adore tempo runs! My half marathon training plan includes them once a week, alternating them on their own (plus warm-up and cool-down) and at the end of long runs. I see so much improvement in my speed and endurance when I do tempo runs.

The picture of Brooke reading your Garmin is so precious! I’ve been a reader for a couple years now and she just gets cuter and cuter each week!


I LOVE tempo run science! So interesting! #runnerd

Running to the donut store will ALWAYS be my fave. Lately all my runs are hard, with the heat and me just being generally out of shape. My September goal is to get some of my speed back to prep for an October half marathon!


I love tempo runs! I hate going slow for longer runs, but tempo and speed days are so fun! The salad looks so good. :)


WOW you’ve decorated your bedroom super chic! I love it! The pillows are such a great touch!

I like tempo runs because I like easing into a faster pace :)


My coach always told me tempo is a minute slower than race pace! I hate them, but I love how improved I feel after doing them. I don’t really like any kind of fast run – I am more of a leisurely runner!


I have no idea what a tempo run is. I may need to look that up!

My hardest run was yesterday evening. I am starting at square one so went out for 1.5 miles at 7:00 PM. Unfortunately, this is Dallas and it was 92 degrees and humid! Ugh! But I did it!


I’m not sure if I’ve ever done a tempo run. I need to do some speed work this week and find a race that fits my sons soccer schedules I can do. I canceled a 10k but was happy to so I could see my sons game.
My long term goal is to stay healthy for my first full in Nov.


I LOVE tempo runs! They give me a sense of purpose and deliberate running and give me confidence that maybe my goal pace isn’t crazy! I do them once a week.

Interval/speed work is my def hardest run. I’m a slow and steady and get stronger as miles go on kind of runner.


Did my first ever real (aka tracked/timed/not-just-by-feel) tempo run with my dad yesterday. Only 3 miles, but I just started running again this week after 2+ months off from an injury, so it was kind of painful haha. But reading this makes me want to do it all over again! Any resources on how to work tempo runs into your training schedule if you’re NOT a distance runner AND you cross train a lot? (My primary workouts are gymnastics type stuff and strength training, but I want to be a stronger runner too.)


Man I really need to start doing tempo runs and track workouts. Usually I just run to run, and don’t really set any speed goals for myself. But I know this is the only way I’m ever going to get faster!


Just running right now is my favorite run. Still feels fantastic.

September goal: Gave up diet soda.


Love tempo runs. Hate mile repeats. Everything is hard right now ;) My goal is ENJOY getting back into shape/running after this pregnancy and not get down on myself at how far I have to go. I am running!! I have been looking forward to this for MONTHS now so just freakin enjoy it!

Ross has done the Tour de Donut a few time (I am sure this does not surprise you) but what might surprise you, is that he was only able to get 1 donut in the first time he did it. He was like, it is way harder to eat donuts when you are exercising than you may think. lol.


Tempo runs are my absolute most favorite!! Great tips thanks!


I have been avoiding the tempo even though I said I wanted to add them into my schedule this summer… for some reason, I’m fearing them? why?

my favorite run lately has been the long run… just me and the open road and sunshine at my back…

track work outs have been my nemesis… I even like hills.. what’s wrong with this pic

one of my goals is for September is to get serious for my marathon training…. I have decided to hard core train for a month bc putting too many miles in kills my little legs… wish me luck on being successful and injury free….


Tempo runs are the toughest runs, in my opinion. They’re not like sprints, where you can rest after, but they’re not like long runs where you can go slow. In tempo, there is no rest and you’re constantly uncomfortable. It really tests your mental strength!


I love a good tempo run! I really like it because it seems to be less pressure (mentally) than intervals, since the timing doesn’t have to be so exact. For example, if there are few uphills during one mile I will give myself a break if that mile is a few seconds slower. During intervals, the distance is the same every time, the surface is the same every time, so I tend to compare each split so harshly against the others. My favorite way to gauge tempo run pace is the “talk test”- my coaches have always told us that we should be able to say one or two words to each other but if we could string a sentence together it was time to take it up a notch!

Right now I am still coming back from injury so any run is a good run. I’m working on building up my minutes (I am trying to focus on minutes, not miles, so I don’t push myself too hard). I have gotten up to 55 so far which makes me very happy! I can’t wait for this silly injury to heal so I can go a bit longer in the Fall. Ultimately I would love to get my mileage up again enough for a Spring marathon but that all depends on recovery.

By the way, nice tempo effort!


The tempo run is actually my very favorite run too!! Soul sisters! I’m doing it today when I get home!!


Totally need to start doing more tempo runs. I always have this fear that I wouldn’t be able to keep the pace up for more than 1-2 miles, but that’s just my head talking…I know it! Need to get out there and prove it wrong!!


Tempo runs are growing on me! I have one scheduled for tomorrow and now, thanks to your info, I know what pace to run it at :) Usually I just run at whatever pace is comfortably hard but I’m shooting for 7:40’s tomorrow… which will probably be comfortably (or uncomfortably) hard.

Those cookies look amazing! The hardest run for me lately is the long run because I have a weird mental block with it. I get a little stressed out the night before the long run… so silly because running is supposed to be FUN!

September is the last month of half marathon training for me but my biggest goal is to be pregnant that month (random, slightly TMI goal perhaps)! We have been trying for a while and I’m praying that this is “the month” for baby #2. And if we’re not expecting, I’m hoping to set a new half PR.


After I get past this weekends race, Ventura, I’m rebooting. I need a better training plan. If the goal was to just finish, then, I wouldn’t care about ‘junk miles’. I know I need to incorporate temp, speed, hills…all of it. Thanks for sharing this post! *BOOKMARKED*


I love tempo runs! It is fun to push the pace when getting out and running. My least fave are hot and humid runs. I can’t deal well and end up walking. My goal for September is to get in some longer runs with great weather!


I usually just turn my runs with the dog into tempo runs. She’s always pushing the pace trying to get some squirrels!!


I soooooo wish I lived close to do the donut bike ride with you:)


Definitely need to add tempo runs into my running schedule!


In my opinion tempo runs are the most important run an athlete can do.

I just did one last week that I refer to as a Specific Endurance workout. The run was 21km at 90% goal half marathon pace and I nailed it! A sub 1:20 half is looking good for next month :)

Kyle @ SKORA


Good tips on finding the right pace for tempo runs-thanks for sharing


I love tempo runs a lot more than speed work! It challenges me but doesn’t make me want to completely die ;)


Hey Janae!
I am super hoping you stay injury free as well. Seems like you’ve had your fair share ya know?
Keep it up, it would be way fun to see you kick trash on this next marathon. You’re so incredibly talented, I just love it.

Take care!


Is that your house or the store in the picture of Brooke and the pillows? Because hello beautiful!


Tempo runs are my favorite and it’s actually so ironic that you post this because tempo has been the talk of the month on my team. For a lot of the girls, tempo is mentally challenging because we use it as a race simulation and practice our pack running (the way to win in XC is with a tight pack, of course). We try to stay as tightly grouped as possible which is difficult because many of our girls run at slightly different paces. Every once in a while, when we’re all having a great day and can stay together for mile after mile, the workout is almost magical. We have a unique pack talk on our team where we actually speak to each other throughout workouts and races. It’s definitely true about the amount of talking we can do during a tempo, like you said: just a few words here and there, no full conversations like on a distance day, but at the same time, definitely the ability to talk. We’re excitedly running toward November and NCAA Nationals with tempo as a great stepping stone along the way!


I do enjoy tempo runs! Lately I’m loving hilly runs! They make me feel accomplished :)
September goal: I’m an official pacer for a local half marathon so I’m working on holding steady pace- I’m hoping to still be able to chat and inspire folks along the way!


love how fast you are


That bread looks yummy. I want to try and make that but add some sort of cheese on top. yummmmy


I did my tempo run today, although it’s hard to maintain pace when on hills..hmm


I love/hate tempo runs! I had a coach figure out my pace times and when he said 6:40 5 k pace and 7:40 marathon pace, I just about died! So I would be so nervous before those tempo runs, but they were always my best runs and where I saw my biggest fitness gains. I am using past tense bc I sprained my soleus, but as soon as I am healed and build back up my base, I will tackle the tempo run again! Also, what a beautiful little girl you have! I have a 2 year old boy and, man, is this a fun age!

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